`Sent: 11/7/2019 3:35:48 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 87882281 - ASK JIM FIRST - 1075512 - REMAND REQUEST
`TO TTAB - Message 1 of 2
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 22
`Files: collins - business def.jpg, collins - information def.jpg, wiki business information.jpg,
`apricotlawblog.jpg, attorneyatwork1.jpg, attorneyatwork2.jpg, attorneyatwork3.jpg, paperstreet1.jpg,
`paperstreet2.jpg, paperstreet3.jpg, YourDictionary - referral def.jpg, alamedacountybarassociation1.jpg,
`alamedacountybarassociation2.jpg, alaskabarassociation.jpg, alleghenycountybarassociation.jpg,
`masslegalservices.jpg, eriebar1.jpg, eriebar2.jpg, eriebar3.jpg, indylawyerfinder.jpg,
`indylawyerfinder2.jpg, 87882281.doc
`United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`U.S. Application Serial No. 87882281
`Correspondence Address:
` ATLANTA, GA 30309-4530
`Applicant: James Kelleher
`Reference/Docket No. 1075512
`Correspondence Email Address:
` tmadmin@kilpatricktownsend.com
`Before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Appeal
`The trademark examining attorney requests that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board suspend the
`appeal proceeding and remand the application to the trademark examining attorney under 37 C.F.R.
`§2.142(d) in order to submit additional evidence into the record relevant to the issue on appeal.
`The trademark examining attorney is making this request at this time because a new trademark
`examining attorney has taken over the case and wishes to supplement the evidence of record to support
`the current refusal under Trademark Act Section 2(d) that the services of applicant and registrant are
`related. The evidence consists of the following:
`1. Definition evidence for the wording “business information” and evidence by third parties showing
`that the name and contact information of a particular business, including businesses that provide
`legal services, is business information. Please see attachments from Collins Dictionary, Wikipedia,
`ApricotLaw Blog, AttorneyatWork, and PaperStreet.
`2. Definition evidence for the wording “referral” and evidence by third parties showing the purpose
`of lawyer referral services is to provide business information about lawyers and law firms to
`consumers. Please see attachments from Your Dictionary, Alameda County Bar Association,
`Alaska Bar Association, Allegheny County Bar Association, and MassLegal Services.
`3. Evidence by third parties showing that the same entity commonly provides (i) legal referral
`services, including lawyer referral services, and (ii) business advice, inquiries or information.
`Please see attachments from Erie County Bar Association, Indy Lawyer Finder, Legal Shield, Legal
`Zoom, Oregon State Bar, Palm Beach County Bar Association, and Rocket Lawyer.
`Accordingly, the undersigned trademark examining attorney requests suspension of the appeal in this
`case and remand of jurisdiction to the examining attorney based on the aforementioned rationale.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Pauline Ha/
`Examining Attorney
`Law Office 115
`(571) 272-5005
`9:32:03 AM 11192019
`https'l'Iiiiiiiiriiii collinsddiuriayankirJioria'ylerigishl'hisiness
`English Diciionary | Quiz l Thesaurus | School | Translatnrl Grammar lscmonie l 5ng
`lsign Up l Log In
`O 1113
`Engllsh v
`The safest
`Subaru Legacy” ever.
`Definition of busmess
`M Video
`English: business American: business
`Example sentenca
`CGBUILD Idioms Trends Translations
`Word Frequency 0.. O
`Weird lurrris: plural businesses-1i
`a. We...“
`Business ls work relating to the production
`,,youngpeopi‘e seeking a career in business,
`Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background
`...Harvaiuaosiiiess sensor.
`rage, seilin}; rradin
`2. uncountable noun
`5,92 More Synonym of nusiiuss
`' g, and selilng of goods or services.
`Swammy ND 12
`Only an Mm
`Preorder Now
`Questlon: 1
`SCWE‘ 0" 5
`wail or whale?
`0 Drag the correctanswer into die
`0 E
`bagpipes (mild be heard in the
`A business is an organization which produces and sells goods orwhich provides a service.
`eni More synonyms urhusines mid olrhe day
`the shape or a circle which spins round and round.
`Business ls used when talking about how many products or services a company is able to sell. If
`business is good. a lot of products or services are being sold and if business isbad, few ofthem
`are being sold.
`iney warned that German companies would lose business
`Business is booming,
`3. countable noun
`ine company was a family business
`The majoriiy afsmaii businessesgo broke within the first Meaty-four months
`He was short afresh after the collapse affil's business,
`Synonyms mm. mmPE")! fitm-
`4. uncountable noun [on MNOUM
`Business ls work or some other actiwty that you do as part ofyourjgb and not for pleasure.
`i‘iii here on business.
`You can‘r mix business With pleasure.
`...business trips
`5. singular noun
`You can use businessto refer to a partlcular area ofwork or activity in which thea
`, 7
`...ri-ie music business.
`Mayiasiryou what busmESsyDi-l re in.
`is to make a
`Synonyms: p
`on More Synonyms nfhusiiessf
`6- singular noun
`You can use businessto refer to something thatyou are doing or concerning yourselfwith.
`orecarding E’en as fiegijes about his business
`rnere was nothing i‘efr for ihe reams to do butget on mm the business ofracingl— oil!
`7. uncountable noun
`You can use businessto refer to important matters that you have to deal with.
`The most important business was iefr IO rhe fast.
`i‘vegot some unfinished business to attend to.
`Catherine wheel
`A Catherine wheel is a fireworkin
`’ See full definition
`e prev us war s
`‘ Se
`05' 2019
`updafing our Usage
`There are many diverse influences
`on me waythat English is used
`across the world today. We look at
`some oi the ways in which the
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`best-selling language expert Paul Nooie, try a FREE audio sample or
`3_ uncountable "Dun [Mm W55;
`lfyou say that something is your business, you mean that it concerns you personally and that
`other people have no right to ask questions about it or disagree with it.
`hls brand new Mandarin Chinese
`a more
`English DictionaryI I Quiz I Thesaurus I School I Translator I Grammar I Scrabble I Blog
`ISign Up I Log in
`9:33:06 AM 11!§l2019
`0 “15
`En lish v
`better Me
`We help advance cardiovascular hoallh
`for stronger hearts and longer lives.
` ll'
`ation Video
`English: information American information
`Example sennenoes
`CGBUILD Collocations
`(infalmflfan 1%)
`1. uncountable noun
`Information about someone or something (onSISts of facts about them.
`Pat refused togive her any information about Sarah. I— about]
`fad] centre wouldprovide information on technology and training. [7 on]
`For further JnFDITFiflHDIJ Contact the number below.
`..an importantpiece ofinformation.
`The infnnnarion was passed on m anothergovernment department
`Synonyms: facts, details, material, news More Synonyms of infomiatinn
`2. uncountable noun
`Ward Frequency "000
`Collins COBUILD
`Information consists of the facts and figures that are stored and used by a computer program.
`Pictures are scanned into a Form ofdigital information mm computers can recognize.
`3. uncountable noun
`Information is a service which you can _c_a_l|_to _f_ind_ out someone's Rhone number.
`in BRIT. use directory enqurries
`Question: 1
`5C°re= 0 I 5
`stake or steak?
`Which version is correct?
`The only thing on the menu was
`Stakeand kidney pie.
`The only thing on the menu was
`Wand kidney pie.
`8:21:36AM tti5l'2t319
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`3118111685 lI'lfOI'mathI'l
`From Wkipedia, tire tree arcyclcperia
`Business information is one ofthe three main Segnents otthe information indusiry. The other two segments are resenting; tedmital and medical (STM) and edutar‘ional' and
`framing mnt'enliflam“ Md]
`While mos! of the content industry revenues are advertisingdn'ven, the bushefii htorrnation segment remaiiEi largely driven by paid content, either via srdncription or transadion
`The primary farms ofbushm information include:
`' News
`. Market research
`- Credit and friends! information
`. Con'pany and executive profiles
`- Indusu'y, countryI and economic analysis
`IT reeeazch
`The primary busims intomlaiion torrnah‘. can be divided 'nto the tolimnfi'rg categories: [1]
`- Basic reference sources such as guides, bibliographies, dictionaries, almanac‘s, encyclopedias, handbooks, yearbooks and Nemet resowces
`. Directories
`- Periodicals and newspapers
`- Loose-leafservices
`I Govemment irrlorrnation and services
`- Statistics
`. Electronic businees information
`Wlile Walt Street's thirst for information tradtionafly drove the business informatitm minket, its use is much more widespread today. In edition to the flianciet markets, business
`i'rtonna'tion is used heavily. for sales and marketing, competitive intelligence, strategic planning. human resources and marry other strategic business functions.
`I Edit m3
`There are more than 219E] rxoviders of business information. While the Internet has made iteasierfor busineis i'rtorrnation wblistrers to deliver content diectty to their users,
`there remains a stmng market for aggegators of such mrrtent which padrage and maternize waitress information.
`References [edit]
`1. " Moss, R. W. (EBB-t) Strauss! handbook ofbus'nese information: a guide tor ihrarians, students. and researchers. Wesport. CT: Greenwood Punishing Group, Inc.
`2 ‘ “Premium Eusine§ Information Databases 7 AtacraWiki'E. Archived from the originalfl on 204377.112. Retrieved QM'LILIB.
`Categories: Bisiness terms
`This pagans issa seed on IS SepoembHZMD.atD7:5tt (UTE).
`Tad is avs'isbrs unda'ithrealive emmunsAmimiisnsnsrsNiks Lirznse; addiional isms ms.- apply. By isiig iris site you agreet-nlheTerrns s1 Lisa and Privacy Policy. Wivpediae is a missed Iradanakutlhe
`Wkimedia Foundation, Inc, a linrr-plofitnrganizadion.
`anacypoiicy Aboutw'ilripedia Dlsdalmeas Contacttflfllopedla Developers Cocklestatemem Mobileview
`“mi“... [‘lm-v
`9:40:13AM 11512615
`Recent Posts
`Smal' Law Pm SEO: Wdat
`Attorneys \leed to Know
`O'gan'c Ran<'ngs vs. PFC Ior
`Law Firms
`Does Page Load Time Al‘lect
`F nding toe R'ght Ca. to
`Action for Your Law Fic'n
`We os‘te
`Are D‘cectory Listings
`important for aw Firms?
`Bacr i'HS Are Your aw Firrn
`‘ul-l-leos‘te Nut'itional Bu' dog
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`5 Expert Marketing T‘ps Ior
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`to ignore
`W'iat Does l- ummngoi'd
`elaye to Do with Law F r'ns?
`June 20, 2019
`Are Directory Listings important for
`Law Firms?
`Wheth er you are With a law firm thatsyust starting out. or you are a seasoned lawyer lookingto boost your
`marketing efforts. you might be wondering whether legal directories Will help to grow your business.
`Finding the Right Listings to Help You Build Your
`Website and Firm
`Why would you even want to advertise or list your business on another website? Can't you Just create your
`own lamI firm website and people can find you that way? Unfortunately. people can'tjust stroll by your online
`law firm like they can in the real world: they have to he led there.
`One of the ways a potential client can stroll into your law firm's website is if you're listed on the correct
`directories. There are some directories that have authority. which means that people trust them and will be
`more likelyto hire a lawyer who is listed on that directory.
`For instance. Awo. Lawyer.com. and Find Law are a few popular and well-known directories Ityou’re listed With
`these directories, your chances are better at obtaining and retaining clients.
`What Else Can a Legal Directory Listing Do for
`Recently. directories do more foryou thanyust listing your busmess‘ profile. You can even get clients to review
`your law firm, which can help to bring in more and better business for you.
`Additionally. you can sometimes answer questions on directories and engage With potential clients in many
`otherways. Links back to your site from legitimate high-authority sites are gmng to improve your attorney
`brand. your authority. and your webSite SEO.
`Get in Touch With a Law Firm SEO Company You
`Can Count On
`As you can see. legal directory listings can be very impor‘lantto your SEO efforts and to your legal practice's
`buSiness in general. Figuring out which directories Will help you rather than hurtyou isn't an easy thing to do.
`Many law firms are too focused on theirclients to spend the time researching legal directories.
`9:46:32 AM 113519019
`https:ihwm.attorneyatwnrk.con1l'gmb411-fiw—setting—u p—your—lawfirmsgmgenw—hisiness-listingl'
`WHAT BIJIJLIJ All EXTRA $350K Ill attorll'érémark, @
`A must for law firms
`accepting credit cards
`you can trust
`GMB 411 FTW: Setting Up Your Law
`Firm's Google My Business Listing
`Create. claim and verify to make it into the pack.
`ifyou use Google, you've seen the “local packs" at the top of the page. Local packs display local businesses
`that match your search requests. And using these packs, potential clients can find. learn about and select a
`lawyer. sometimes without even clicking through to an actual website. That's pretty powerful.
`These ‘3 pack" local listings are controlled in Google's local business dashboard. called Google My Business
`{OMB}. Without properly setting up your listing. there's little chance you'll make it into the pack.
`Every lawyer should create. claim and verify their Google My Business listing. Not sure how? This post is here
`to help.
`9:45:59AM 11l5l'2019
`Creating, Claiming and Verifying GMB Listings
`lawyer in Toledo
`3, Q
`41 f a
`‘a' "o.
`5‘ (53 f we?
`‘ 4?
`Rating - ch's -
`The Lawofficu
`9Michael E. Bryn
`9 Broth a. Associates
`Toledo sum-ma
`ea ToledO. mum.
`:é‘GCENTER chv 931me
`Gram & Associates
`416 N Erie St #100 - (419)937-6314
`. 'Mr. Groth is a very well respected crrrninal attorney practicing In .
`Toledo Bar Association Lawyer Referral
`4,: iii“ (a) - Attorney
`311 N SuperiorSI , (419) 242-200U
`Open - Closes 4:30PM
`The Law Ofiice Of Michael E. Bryant
`setter (rJ-Anomey
`Second Floor. 1119 Adams St {419) 329-6133
`Open - Closes 5PM
`W Mic-"M
`Google is pretty good about knowing. through information on the internet. that some businesses already
`exist. 50 ifyour law firm has been around for a while, cha nces are good it has an existing listing.
`That said, go to Google My Business and create an account. Once you've done so, you'll be asked to type in the
`name ofyour business. If a llsting already exists, you can simply select your business and then proceed to
`verify. if not, you'll be asked to finish inpuning your business information.
`The verification process generally means Google will snail-mail you an authorization pin to confirm that you
`do, in fact, have access to that address. Get more information on adding and claimlng (3MB ilstings here
`Providing on me business address is 'nlnor‘lnnt so your business allows up in the riul'lt place on Boonie
`Cum“ lap-n
`Jnrled Sla‘ss
`mu m:
`917 Center Sued Northeast
`Drag Illl'l to women
`ZlF our!
`9:4?256Alil 11l'5l'2019
`Categories describe what your business is, not
`Wl'l at it does or sells.
`Primary category
`Personal Injury Attorney
`Additional categories
`Law Firn-l
`Pro 6MB Tips
`Looking to take your local marketing campaigns to the next level? Google gives you some insights into calls,
`Visits to your website and requests for directions to your office. However, as helpful as it might be, this data
`only provides a small glimpse into your performance in local. Here are a few best practices that can give you
`more data and in5ight5 into your marketing campaigns
`Tracking Numbers
`You want to use a unique tracking number as your primary number on your GMB listing. Your GMB
`dashboard offers insights into how many clicksetooall on a mobile device your listing receives 7 but that
`doesn't tell you how many unique callers you're receiving. It may be that all 20 calls reported in your
`dashboard insights are from the same caller. Using a tracking number can give you better insights into who is
`calling how many times they are calling, what days people are calling and what times calls are happening.
`This data can help you understand where to put your marketing dollars. This data can also help you
`understand how important your listing is
`- v
`Additional m
`(206} 430-6096
`I '
`mom MEI
`For some law firms, more calls are happening through the business listings than the website. So, if you are
`basing the success of your online marketing efforts solely on how many calls are coming from your webs'ne‘
`you aren‘t looking at the full pictu re.
`Related: For more how-tos, read “Time to Use Call Tracking with OMB"
`UTM Parameters
`UTM parameters are basically code that gets added onto your website URL These parameters let you track
`your website traffic in more detail. This provides more specifi
`information in GoogleAnalytics so you can
`understand where those website visitors are actually coming from, giving you additional insight into various
`marketing efforts.
`Related: For more on how to implement UTM parameters, read “UTM Parameters Keep Tabs on Local Leads "
`GMB the DifferenceaMaker
`Having your law firm's OMB listing properly set up and optimized is crucial. It can be the difference-maker in
`showing up when local searchers are looking for representation.
`Categories: Digital Marketing. Lead Generation. Local Marketing. Marketing
`9:42:58 AM 1152019
`' Paperstreet
`web. marketing content
`HowCanWe Help? L954-523-2181
`Portfolio Website Design
`Internet Marketing
`Best 49 Directory
`Directory Listings are the Key to Traffic
`Great. You have a website. But it is merely sitting there and getting no traffic.
`One way to get traffic to your website is by getting signed up for the top legal
`and non—legal directories.
`for Law Firms
`There are thousands of directories onlineto iistyour business. Some are free,
`others are paid and both types can be found in all kinds of categories. Your
`business should get listed in the directories that are high quality and relevant
`11) yo ur website.
`Excellent directories include local directories like Yellow Pages, industry-
`specific directories like Awo and paid general directories like BBB.org. The
`more listings your business has, the more information you are sharing with
`Google and proving your legitimacy as a businefi.
`9:43:34 AM 111552019
`web. marketing. content.
`HowCanWeHelp? \954-523-2181W
`Portfolio Website Design
`Internet Marketing
`Local Presence is Needed and
`Consistency is Key
`Consistency means that i‘fyou are using “Street” for your office address on your website, all of the listings should also have “Street”
`fully spelled out and not listed as “St.' Some directories will automatically abbreviate certain parts of the address which cannot be
`controlled, and Geogle is smart enough to understand this, but itis best that everything starts as consistent as possible.
`We recommend referring to this list of acceptable abbreviations. The same theory goes for your business name. Some businesses will
`do business under alias names, but itis imperative thatthe business name you use on your website is transferred to all listings, and
`multiple names are not being used. Phone numbers are also an element that a business may vary which numberthey provide to
`clients. but it is vital to use a specific local number to each office and make sure this is reflected in each directory:
`9:64:43“! 111'51‘2019
`Other Directories
`Better Business
`Ahrefs Rank: 110
`Domain Rank: 93
`Backlinks:1.41 Billion
`Referring Domains:
`Organic Traffic: 18.5
`Yel p
`This platform is most
`popular for restaurants
`and those in the travel
`industry. However,
`businesses of all kinds
`can create a free
`company page and
`obtain reviews. Yelp has a
`specific filtering system
`for reviews and only
`shows those that are the
`most credible based on
`their own algorithm.
`Ahrefs Rank: 53
`Domain Rank: 94
`Backlinks: 276 Million
`Referring Domains:
`Organic Traffic: 212
`Neustar Locale-1e
`Ahrefs Ranlc 68,693
`Domain Rank: 72
`Bacldinks: 1.79 Million
`Referring Domains: 3,890
`Organic Traffic: 13,400
`2" factual.
`@ merchantcircle .
`.- w
`Ahrefs Rank: 54,348
`Domain Ranlc 73
`Backlinks: 211,000
`Referring Domains: 4,040
`Organic Traffic: 7,900
`This local listing includes
`an in-depth profile and
`has a section to upload
`articles as well.
`Ahrefs Rank: 3,9
`Domain Rank: 85
`Bacldinks: 14 Million
`Referring Domains:
`Organic Traffic: 23,900
`This network began by
`allowing users to check
`into locations on their
`phone. Businesses can
`create a free profile and
`upload images as well as
`a website and social
`Ahrefs Rank: 372
`Domain Rank: 92
`Backlinlfi: 125 Million
`Referring Domains:
`Organic Traflic: 25.6
`Ahrefs Rank: 179,694
`Domain Rank: 64
`Backlinks: 2.75 Million
`Referring Domains: 1,900
`Organic Traffic: 4,400
`Ahrefs Rank: 1,187
`Domain Rank: 90
`Backlinks: 24.1 Million
`Referring Domains:
`Organic Traffic: 20.2
`8:08:59 AM 11i'5i'2019
`https :iiwvmymlrdcliona'yconfrefernd
`Y,: UR
`referral ® re-fer-ral
`Use referral in a sentence
`The definition of a referral is the act oftelling someone about the positive features of a person or a business. or the
`person who is being referred.
`a. An exompie ofo referral is feiiing someone why a certain person or business wouid be ogood i'eiatronsnipfor them to
`b. An exompie ofa referral is a patient who has come to see a doctor based on the recommendation of nnotiier medicai‘
`YourDicoonary aenniaun and usegeeample. cm: 3 101 a by LaueTeWCerp
`’5 L‘nk‘iclte
`1. a referring or being referred, as for professional service. etc.
`2. a person who is referred or directed to another person. an agency. etc.
`Websnefs wama (allege Dictionary. firm swam cnpyngm a 2mm byHuughmon Mlfilin HampurtFublishingCompany. M rights reserved.
`5! LinkiCite
` 8 Great Reasons You Need UPMG for You
`Heainimisunuex UPMEh-errndcesil silipieminm Heallhcale
`onnaege team, a 2417 Nurse Lilo. and fine.
`(piuroi referrals)
`1. The act or process oftransferring someone or something to another. of sending by reference, or referring.
`The insurance company insrsts i get a referraifrom my reguior doctor, i can 'tjustgo to the speciaiist a GP has got to refer me.
`2. {slang} A document used by schools detailing some form ofa student‘s misbehavior and listing the actions taken before and
`after the student's receipt of the referral.
`After misbehaving in cioss, George was given a referroifor disrupting ciass and sent to the office.
`refer +"2 Vol
`55 LinkiCIte
`- The National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies [NACCRRAJ reported average daycare costs ranging
`from around $4500 to over $14,000 in a 2008 survey. so this is a very important question to ask.
`¢ Today's casting calls are just as likely to stow up as email alerts or text messages: it‘sjusta matter off‘lguring out who‘s
`in the cyber loop. what kind of referral services they provide. and howto sign on.
`- When a depressed mood is severe and accompanied by other symptoms that persist every day'for two or more weeks.
`the parent should ask for a referral to a mental health professional who can help the chiid cope and recover.
`In many cases. recipients with an approved referral can visit a civilian provider with no out-of-pocket expense or
`deductible. and co—payments on prescription drugs filled at civilian pharmacies are relatively low.
`If your mild or loved one displays any ofthe following characteristic warning signs associated with autism spectrum
`disorder. speak with your physician about getting a referral to a developmental specialist.
`in MORE,
`3:34:30 PM “Milli?
`Alameda County Bar Association
`Public Home
`Pro Bono Legal Services
` v How do I know I'm getting the right lawyer for my case?
`We take the
`guess work
`out of
`finding a
`\. CALL US AT (510) 302-2222, OPTION 4
`Need a Lawyer in Alameda County?
`Call: 51073027ACEA(2222J, option 4
`Loo king for an Alameda County Lawyer Referral Service
`(LRSJ? Our LRS has been the trusted source for lawyer
`referrals in Alameda County for 5:) years. The State Bar of
`California regulates and certifies our program. For a $40
`fee [or $15 fee for our modest means panels). we match
`you with an attorney qualified to help you with your legal
`issue for up to a 30 minute consultation.
`LRS phones are open from 8:30 am. 42:00 pm. Monday
`through Friday.
`The quickest way to reach us is online at wwacbanetorg/requestaaalawyeri. Due to
`security issues, we are not able to accept walk-in requests for help. Sorry, no
`The Alameda County lawyer referral service has attorneys practicing in more than 70
`different areas of law. We screen all LRS attorneys fortheir experience. knowledge
`and professmnalism.
`v Why notjust find a lawyer in the phone book or ask a friend?
`People have thsted our LRS for lawyer referrals in Alameda
`County for 50 years. It is regulated and certified by the State
`Bar of California. All LRS attorneys are pre—screened for their
`experience, knowledge, and professionalism. Additionally, all
`LRS attorneys are required to carry malpractice insurance. This
`allows you and your attorney to focus on what’s impoi‘tanti
`resolwng your legal problem.
`Areas of Law Include:
`[E Bankruptcy
`intliwtlual and commercial
`bankruptcy. collections. debt
`collection defense
`Deportation defense, visas.
`political asylum
`% Wills and Trusts
`Estate plans, probate litigation.
`tonseryatorships. antl
`Contracts. partnerships. busmess
`an Employment
`Wrongful te rmi nation. review of
`employment contracts. and
`severance agreements
`w Family
`Di-ro rce. spousal support. child
`custody. Visitation. and support.
`lfll Personal Injury
`Vehicle actidents. slip and fall,
`propertydamages. malpractice
`claims against doctors and
`g Worker's Compensation
`Real Estate
`Landlord anti tenant. border
`disputes. real estate litigation
`in Social Security
`3:35:01 PM "Mon?
`These are just examples of the legal areas we can help with. Even if you don't see your legal issue
`listed here, we may be able help you—contact us today!
`DISCLAIMER: Your use ofthe [RS does not Create an atromey-(Hent reiatr'onshrp between you and the ACBA. the LRS, or the attorneys to whom you are referred unl'ess you
`retain tha tattorneys services. Ho wet/er, your Communications, whether byphone or email are (onfidenttai‘.
`v How does it work?
`During the consultation, you and the attorney will decide if the attorney will take your case. You will also agree upon terms of payment. Please note that the average rate for
`attorneys in California ranges from $200 to $400 per hour,
`If it turns out you do not need any attorney, we will try to direct you to a governmental. legal. or sooal serwces agency for help
`> I don‘t have money for an attorney, what can I do?
`A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau
`Read Why
`Find us on
`8:57:25!!!“ tiff-£919
`Alaska LawyerDirectcry Memberchin
`iii Casemaker'
`For Lawyers v
`ForThe F'ublix: v
`Admissro ‘
`Sections 3‘ Committee; v
`ing v
`CLEi'tl-ICLE v
`Ethics & Disopli e v
`Lawyer RCferral Service
`Home 3» For Lawyers :9 Lawyer Referral
`Contact Info
`K. Phone: 907—2?2—0352
`\. Toll Free in Alaska: 1-800-
`Lawyer Referral Service is
`open from 8:30 am. —12:0Cl
`pm. and 1:00 pm. —4:00
`p.m., Monday 7 Friday.
`Helpful Links
`- ForAttorneys. Enrollment
`Agreement and Brochure
`- Charter for the Statewide
`Lawyer Referral Service
`- Categories for the Lawyer
`Referral Service
`What is the Alaska Lawyer Referral Service?
`The Alaska Lawyer Referral Service '5 made up ofAlaska lawyers who have signed up to be listed on the
`Lawyer Referral Service.
`All the Alaska lawyers signed up to be on the Lawyer Referral Sennce are active members in good
`standing of the Alaska BarAssociation.
`The Lawyer Referral Service does not rate the lawyers listed on the Refen'al Service.
`Not all Alaska cities have a lawyenjs) signed up on the Lawyer Referral Service.
`— W
`hat does the Alaska Lawyer Referral Service do and how does it work?
`- The Alaska Lawyer Referral Service is organized by types of law, such as real fitate, adoption, etc. View
`a list of the types of law.
`- Lawyers who signed up I]: be on the Lawyer Referral Service will charge no more than $125 forthe first
`half-hour ofconsultation.
`— W
`hen you call the Lawyer Referral Service:
`- You will talk to a Lawyer Referral ServrceAssistant This person is not an atlomey and cannot give you
`legal advice.
`- We will ask you for your name so we can let the tawyer(s} know you were referred by us.
` — W
`hen you call the lawyer's office:
`- Tell the lawyers omce you were referred by the Lawyer Referral Service, so you wiii be charged no mote
`than $125 for the first half—hour of consuitation with the lawyer.
`- You need to talk to the lawyer about what tees helshe will charge after the first halfrhourof consultation
`fDl $125.
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