`Sent: 8/26/2021 5:03:55 PM
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`One ofthe biggest trends in exercise wear in recent years ts the growing popularity ofcompression clothing. Compression
`clothing is exercise attire made from a blend ofnylon and spandex that stretches snugly across your body. No doubt some people
`put on this type ofclothing before a workout because theylike the way it looks — the bright colors and sporty designs are eye-
`catching and fun.
`‘Wearing sporty, comfortable exercise clothing can give you an extrapsychological lift that makes a workoutmore fun. Some
`people even wear it to showoffthe bodythey've worked so long totightenand tone. Ifyou work out at home, you don't have to
`"dress to impress” orwearthe latest styles. You canputon what's comfortable. Does wearing compression clothing offer benefits
`from a fitncss standpoint that go beyond comfort?
`The Humble Origins of Compression Clothing
`A far cry from the brightly-colored compression clothingyou see today, compression garments from the past were mostly plain-
`colored stockings wornby people with varicose veins and other veins problems. By tightly hugging the calves, these stockings
`“push” blood in the lower extremities back to the heart so it doesn't accumulate and cause swelling. The compressive action of
`compression stockings reduces leg puffiness and gives the lower legs added support. Compression garments are still used
`clinically today for people with vein problems and those with other medical conditions like athuitis fur addedjoint support
`Compression Clothing Expands Beyond the Medical Field
`Thesc days, it's athictcs who arc flocking to storcs to buy compression clothing. No wonder. Manufacturcrs ofcompression
`clothing claim these garments increase muscle power and speed up muscle recoveryafter a workout. More thanjust a fashion
`statement, compression garment makers claim compression sportswear is not only stylish but has fitness benefits
`A fewstudies looked at whether compression garments improve exercise performanceIs there science behind thece claim: If20,
`how are theyofbenefit? One theoryis wearing compression clothing increases flow ofblood back to the heart from veins in the
`lower part ofthe body. Bypressing on veins inthe lower legs, these garments create an additional push that boosts blood flow
`back to the heart during exercise. In theory, this could aid in lactic acidremoval, increase oxygenation and reduce fatigue
`Does thishold true inpractice?Most studies have yielded disappointing results. In one study ofprofessional runners, there was no
`difference in 10K tumes or blood lactate levels when they wore compression stockings. Another small studyin male and female
`runners found no difference inrunningtimes orblood lactate levels with orwithout compression stockings. Another small study
`carried out on well-trained cyclists showed wearing compression stockings or compression suits didn't improve maximal or sub-
`maximal endurance performance.
`When Compression Clothing May Offer Benefits
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` Wearing a compression garmentprobablywon't improve yourendurance performance but itcould helpyourecover faster after a
`workout. Several small studies showwearing compression stockings modestly reduces delayed-onset muscle soreness. One study
`even showed compression stockings reduced mnecle fatigne after doing calfraises
`Another study found compression garments aided recovery and reducedmarkers for inflammation aftereccentric exercise, the
`kind mostlikely to cause muscle soreness. Even more compelling is a 2010 studyshowing wearing full body compression
`clothing for 24 hoursafter a resistance workout improved muscle recoveryinboth men andwomen. Some small studies also
`showthe compression these garments offer mayaid the removal oflactic acid from fatigued muscles after a sweat session.
`Ifyouthink compression clothing is a wayto improve your performance youmay be disappointed There's little evidence that
`compression stockings or garments enhance endurance, although research «limited When compression garments mayhe nsefitl
`is after aworkout, by helping you recover more quickly and, possibly, experience less soreness. The verdict is still out onhow
`effective they are but there is some support forthis idea. Plus, anumber offitness trainers advocate the use ofthese garments.
`Other Benefits ofWearing Compression Clothing
`‘You might think compression clothing would be hot to wear when you're exercising in a warm environment. Not so. Most sports
`compression garments are made ofa material that “wicks” away moisture so it doesn't accumulate underneath the garment. This
`makes these garmente breathable. Some are also constructed with fabric that hac an SPF factor that protects against cun damage,
`making them ideal for outdoor activities.
`‘Compression garments also give your muscles and tendons added support. Muscles oscillate or move less when youperform an
`exercise wearing acompression garment. The added support can helpyoumaintainbetter form when performing some exercises
`I's alsopossiblethismay reduce the riskofinjuryalthoughthis hasn't been looked at as ofyet.
`Compression garments also hug yourbodyina waythat's flattering and makes you look more toned. When you wear a
`compression top, the compression ofthe fabric against your core and tummy is a subtlereminder to stand tall and use good
`The Bottom Line
`‘Compression garments with their bright colors and the way they shape your body make them fun to wear. Unfortunately, there's
`no real evidence they improve exercise performance, although wearing these garments may reduce muscle soreness andhelp you
`recover more quickly. Ifyou like the way they look and feel, wear them. There are lots ofstyles and bright colors to choose from
`Most importantly, wear what's comfortable foryou and what makes you feelthe most motivated during a workout Ifit feels
`good, wear it!
`quick q
`httes:U/cathe com/wearing-compression-clothing-improve-athletic-perfammancel
` PM
`Jourmalof Sports Science and Me:
`Eur J App! Physio! 109(6):1017-25
`Physiol 93(3):347-
`Eur J Appl
`J Phys Med 66(3):121-32
`J Sports Sci 28(6):609-14., Sports Sc
`J. Strength Cod. Res 23(6): 1786-94
`J. Electromyogr Kinsiol. 21(2): 249-54
`J. Strength Cond Res 243
`5, 106-114.
`Related Articles By Cathe:
`Workout Clothing: What Do You Wear Whe: It Matter k Out and Does
`he importance of workout
` Tight Clothing Can Put Your Healthat Risk
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`Home > Topics > ThoughtLeadership
`JULY 17, 2019 1:05PM ET
`Advancements in Compression
`Technology Shift
`Shapewear Garments
`ByFloranGrmond i fl
`‘How to Keep Organic Cotton Prices Stable
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`Compression garmentsare all around us, from bandages and socks to shapewear
`and leggings. Without a lot of thought, the function of compression textiles seems
`self-explanatory: they compress
`the many versatile, powerful assistants in our everydaylives?
`But what really goes into making a compression garmentone of
`How do researcherstake “one” function and evolve it alongside
`ends, apply it to nuMeroUS requirements and sizes, and still
`ensure the mosteffective yet wearable results?
`A brief history
`In the late 1970s, the European medical hosiery industry was
`trying to find a reproducible wayto measure medical compression
`hosiery in one piecewithout destroying it. Since then,the
`compressiontextiles sector of the medicalindustry has grown rapidly and continued
`‘expanding far beyondit
`— es
`— <
`+ Material Innovation Report 2021
`» DTC Report 2021
`» Inventory Management Report 2021
`Nolongersolely medical applications, demandfor compression in sports, wellness
`and shapewearis booming and expected to perform better than ever, while also
`tending to more needs. Cachapplication poses new challenges for measuring
`technology and methods,
`including the necessity for significantly larger sizes and
`circumferences. To continuously advance and improve, each feature must be
`thoroughly investigated while accounting for the unique requirements and wearability
`of each garment
`Anobject in motion
`Ofall the attributes a compression garment musthave, one might come in close
`second to compression itself. its wearer must be able to move.
`fiox, breathe whatovorthe motion, the compression garment mustadapt
`withoutinterfering with the comfort or compression effects. To ensure accurate
`results, realistic compression values require precise body measurements, properfit,
`life-like motion simulation and measurementin various positions.
`Totest compression values and behavior during use, researchers simulate
`movementwith complex motion sequences using 4-D scanning (or 3-D scanning
`while performing the desired movementseveraltimesin succession). These results
`can be used to achieve the desired ranges of motion for the garmentin the specific
`Researchers then comnare the materials’ abilitv to return to onainal state following
` Kesearcners then compare tne materials’ ability to return to onginal state tollowing
`the movement and stretching. After all, what good is a garmentif you can only wear it
`through one session?
`Feeling stiff?
`Much like a stiff neck, a stiff garmentis hardly comfortable.
`The stiffness value for sport, shapewearand wellness textiles (which can be
`interpreted as a comparative value for the wear comfort ofclothing) is determined by
`the pressure difference between two adjoining circumferences. The terms low and
`highstiftnessrelate to the force required to stretch textiles. Thehigherthe force
`required, the greater the pressure exerted on the body when the circumference
`increases. A low stiffness value standsfor a lower level of “resistance” during
`movement and therefore higher comfort, and vice versa.
`Stiffness testing simulates movement byalternating strains on the textile both before
`and during testing. Researchers then take anysigns of fatigue or changes in pressure
`behavior into account to ansure maximum functionality and comfort in garments
`Things are shaping up
`Love it or hate it, shapewearis here to stay. It's not only expected to doits job
`~shaping and smoothing—but also allow wearers to move (and breathe) comfortably.
`To ensure proper shaping effects for wearers of all body shapes and types, 3-D
`‘scanning is used to visualizerealsilhouettes and develop reliable size tables.
`To analyze each garment's influence on the body, subjects are scanned wearing both
`regular undergarments and shapewear. The two scansare then merged and
`compared, with special attention given to differences in circumference of key areas
`like the waist and hips,silhouette smoothing effects and body geometry alteration.
`What's ahead
`With continuously advancing test systems, the realm of compression continues to
`grow. Research is continually adapting, taking “one” function and applying it to many
`different needs and sizes while evolving alongside the latest trends and demands.
`08/26/2021 04:49:33
`it has come to play a role in our daily lives,
`Nowfar from just a medical accessory,
`providing wearers benefits and options beyond what waspreviously thought possible.
`Whether keeping lymphoedema atbayor ensuring stellar yet comfortable racesto
`the finish line, the future of compression is shaping upto be bigger and betterthan
`Florianis originally from Heilbronnin South Germany. After studying textile
`engineering, specializing in weaving technologies, at the University ofApplied
`Sciences of Reutlingen, hejoined Hohenstein Institute as a project managerin 1994
`In 2001, he was named head of Consumer Tests Department. Thenin 2015, he
`became one of the CEOs of the Hohenstein Group.
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`04:50:11 PM
`Home MindHugz- The Blog
`Feb 21, 2021
`Compression clothing is everywhere right now. Having been popular with professional athletes, sportsmen and sportswomen for
`some time,
`it's nowregularly stocked in stores for us mere mortals to wear.
`there is
`Some people swear compression clothing gives thema competitive edge andwhilst the science onthis is a little sketchy,
`someevidencethatit aids in recovery, Others enjoywearing compression clothing as fashion gymwear. So,
`is it OK to wear
`commesevinn nants all dawar chrntd wa tebe them affmhan we're dana avernieie?
` compression pants alldayor should we take them offwhen we're done exercising?
`Compression pants are tight-fitting garments worn to support the lower body. Compression clothing is used in the medical field to
`relieve the symptoms ofcirculatory health issues and to reduce swelling. It’s also apopular piece ofsportswear wornto improve
`performance during exercise to reduce muscle ache following an intense workoutof as fashion gym wear.
`Compression shorts are popular with runners and bodybuilders in particular.
`‘Compression clothing is form-fitting and can be tight in places so should you beworried about wearing themthroughout the day?
`Maybe. According to Men's Health, compression shorts worn during exercise can lead to skin fungus developing in the groin area
`— yikes — and heartburn from ‘highriding shorts that push abs up and force up stomach contents,” Men should also be aware that if
`your compression wear is raising the temperature ofyourjunkthenthis can temporarily affect fertility. That being said, there's no
`major cause for concernwith wearing compression pants throughout the day but whilst most compression wear is moisture-
`wicking, the tightness combined with sweating maynot makeit the most comfortable thing to wear all thetime.
`Some runners sleep incompression leggings to aidrecovery but we'd agree with Runners Worldthat it seems
`{an expensive form ofsleepwear.
`‘There's a widespread beliefthat the powerofcompression clothing isn't in anything the garments do forperformance or recovery,
`but rather how they trick the mind into believing they're helping. Compression clothing could very well be a placebo effect. This
`would explainwhythere's somuch anecdotal evidencethat it works but only limited scientific evidence.
`‘One studydid find that compression garments targeting a specific area ofthe body didhelp with recovery by around 10%. There
`have been other studies, too,that seem to support some recovery potential in compression clothing. After a vigorous leg day, you
`could certainly trysleeping in compression shorts to see ifit offers any benefit. Although, at's worthremembering that
`compression thorts may only benefitthe immediate area they're pressing against; they won't help ifyou've been lifting, for
`Rememberthat a good night's sleep is vital in aquick recovery. Sleeping in compression wear may be uncomfortable and too
`warm, and this maylead to disturbed sleep. Even people withcirculation issues who areprescribed support stocking and tights will
` Wat, aiiG UBS thay Frau WY UISLULUCU SCEp. Sven peUpie WilhCCUM ISsucs WhU aieplesctives suppurt siucmuny anu MyIS Walt
`take them offatnight.
`‘There's some debate astowhether compression shorts are goodorbad for men’s balls. One argument in favour is that they
`provide support during exercise which can make compression shorts amore comfortable option especially ifyou're running or
`doing something at high intensity, But compression shorts can also raise the temperature ofthe balls which can temporarily reduce
`fertility levels. Usually, ifyou stop wearing compression shorts for a fewmonths (or less ifyou don’t wear them regularly) you
`should be fine, but this isn’t ideal for everyone.
`Ifyou're worried about compression shorts being uncomfortable or unhealthy to wear, you can also try performance shorts which
`are suitable to be wornthroughout the day and during exercise.
`‘Some compression shorts are designed to be worn undemeath clothing andothere alone. You'll also find a mixedresponse a to
`whether you should wear underwear with compression shorts; it's worthtrying with both to make sure you're comfortable. Most
`people believe it's a modesty issue more than anything else. [fit feels good without, go without.
`Ifyou're not planning on wearing anything undemeath, it's worth opting fora better-quality pair. Cheaper material maygo sheer
`when you bend overor whenyou're running and, without anything over the top, this could be embarrassing. Sometimes this can
`happen ifyou sweatheavily, too.
`It boils down to personal choice
`You do you, though. Ifyou feel happy going out in compression shorts, then go for it.
`GymHugz now sells fashion gymwear including compression clothing. Followthe link belowto check out the new range. Sign up
`to our email for an exclusive discount, too.