`Sent: 2/19/2019 1:44:13 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 87661190 - SEQUENCING BY BINDING - 720167.210 -
`Request for Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 2 of 6
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 7
`Files: patents-6.jpg, patents-7.jpg, patents-8.jpg, patents-9.jpg, ncbi-01.jpg, ncbi-02.jpg, ncbi-03.jpg
`naps #wehcache oooqieusercnntert cumsearcnmmacne thMqichLiu nnps'lrpaterts iustia conunssmriee/omriiorne
`02/19/2015 ID 36 35 AM
`Date of Patent: April 3, 201B
`Assignee: OMNIOME, INC,
`Inventors: Corey M. Dambacher. Michael Van Nguyen
`Publication number: 20180044727
`binding procedure n examination
`erripiate nucleic acid using a polymerase-Ahmed, sequencing}
`step involves monitoring the interaction between a polymerase and template nucleic acid in the
`presence of one or more nucleottdes. Identity of the next correct nucleotide in the sequence is
`determined Without incorporation at any nucleotide into the structure of the primer by formation of a
`phosphodiester bond. An optional incorporation step can be used after the examination step to extend
`the primer by one or more nucleotides, thereby incrementing the template nucleotides that can be
`examined in a subsequent examination step. The sequencing—by—Dlnding procedure does not require
`the use of labeled nucleotides or polymerases. but optionally can employ these reagents.
`Type: Application
`Filed: August 15, 2017
`Publication date: February 15, 2018
`Applicant: OMNiOME. INC
`Inventors: Kandaswamy VIJAYAN. Corey M. DAMBACHER, Eugene TU, Mark A. BERNARD.
`Publication number: 20180044715
`Abstract: F‘rciVided are methods and systems tor reducing the time needed for sequencing nucleic
`acids. The approach relies on detecting formation of nucleotide-specific ternary complexes comprising
`a polymerase (2.9.. a DNA polymerizing enzyme). a primed template nucleic acid molecule, and a
`nucleotide complementary to the templatect base of the primed template nucleic acid. The methods
`and systems facilitate determination of the next correct nucleotide, as well as the subsequent next
`correct nucleotide from a cycle of examining four different nucleotides Without requiring chemical
`incorporation of any nucleotide into the primer.
`Type: Application
`Filed: July 1Q, 2017
`I’lEIQS ilwebcache GDDQIQUSBFGDOIEM CDWEeflfCHTfl:CBCI'Ie kPIMQISVDLIJ nttpsu‘lpaterts lLJSIlB cowessmnee/omniome
`UZ/‘lEIZD'lE it) as 35 AM
`Publi ation date: February 15, 2018
`Applicant: Ornnlome, Inc.
`Inventors: Pinar lyidogan, Kandaswarny \filayan
`Publication number: 20170314072
`Abstract: Provided are sequencing-by—binding methods ot detecting cognate nucleotides using a
`crippled DNA polymerizing enzyme that possesses the ability to bind the next correct nucleotide
`downstream of a primer in a template-dependent lashicn. but does not possess the actiVIty needed to
`promote phosphodiester bond formation. Use of the crippled DNA polymerase permits interrogation of
`one nucteotide at a time, without incorporation of any nucleotide. Labeled nucleotides, such as
`fluorescently labeled nucleotides. can be used in conjunction with the crippled DNA polymerase to
`establish cognate nucleotide identity in a rapid manner.
`Type: Application
`Filed: April 23, 2017
`Publication date: Novemberz. 2M7
`Applicant: Omnlome, Inc.
`Inventors: Kandaswamy \fliayan. Pinar lyidogan
`Publication number: 20170314064
`Abstract: Provided are methods and systems tor deiecting formation at nucleotide‘specific ternary
`complexes composing a DNA polymerase, a nucleic acid. and a nucleotide complementary to the
`templated base of the primed template nucleic acid. The methods and systems facilitate determination
`of the next correct nucleotide without requiring chemical incorporation of the nucleotide into the primer.
`These results can even be achieved in procedures employing unlabeled. native nucleotides,
`Type: Application
`Filed: April 23. 2017
`Publication date: November 2. 2077
`Applicant: Dmn‘rome. Inc.
`Inventors: Pinar lyidogan, Kandaswamy Vilayan
`I‘lElQS rlwebcsche oocqieusercmtem ccn’usesrcntd:cacne leMqichLiu ntips'flpatents rustle eomlassranee/pmninme
`UZ/‘iEleD'iE ID 36 35 AM
`uhuul—b‘uil‘u mun...
`Publication number: 20170191125
`Abstract: Systems and methods for performing DNA sequencing An exampie system includes a flow
`cell, a mechanism to generate fluid flow, a number cit reservoirs tor containing respective fluids, and a
`number valves configured such that fluid from any particular one of the plurality of reservoirs can be
`individually supplied to the flow cell under the impetus ofthe mechanism to generate fluid flow by
`opening of the respective valve of the particular reservoir and closing the other valves Fluids
`containing lest nucleotides may be sequentially flowed through the flow cell and the flow cell imaged at
`each step to detect binding of the test nucleotides to a sample The nucleotide sequence of the
`sample is derived from the images The sample may be arrayed on a sensing surface ofa prism, and
`the images may be obtained, for exampie‘ by surface plasmon rescnance imaging [SPRi] cfthe
`sensing surtace or other techniques,
`Type: Application
`Filed: December 28‘ 2016
`Publication date: July E, 2017
`Applicant: Omninme, Inc,
`Inventors: Kandaswamy Vijayan. Maxim Abashin. Yi Zhang, Espir Kahatt‘ Kerry Wilson
`Publication numben 20170137873
`Abstract: Provrded herein are methods for analyzing a signature sequence in a nucleic acid sample
`by rapid sequencing ofa target nucleic acid region. The method examines the target nucleic acid
`directly and minimizes the number of examination steps needed to determine a signature that is
`Characteristic ofa genetic feature of the nucleic acid sample,
`Type: Application
`Filed: November ‘in 2016
`Publication date: May 18, 2017
`Applicant: Dmniome. Inc.
`invenmrs: Michael Nguyen, Eugene Tu
`Publication number: 20170022553
`Abstract: The present disclosure provides compositions. methods and systems for sequencing a
`tempiate nucleic acid using a polymerase based. nucleic acid binding reaction involving examination of
`the interaction between a polymerase and template nucleic acid in the presence of one or more
`rittps ilwehcache aooqieusercnnter‘t com/searcn7c:cacne leMcichLiu nms'flpatents iustia carrilasmqnee/omnionic
`02/19/2015 10 36 35 AM
`unlabeled nucleotides The methods rely: in part, on identifying a base ofa template nucleic acid
`during nucleic acid synthesis by controlling the sequencing reaction conditions, Template nucleic acid
`bases may be identified during an examination step followed by an optional incorporation step.
`Type: Applicatlon
`Filed: July 21, 2015
`Publication date: January 26, 2017
`Applican120MNl0ME. INC.
`Inventors: Kandaswamy Vijayan. Eugene Tu: Mark A. Bernard
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`hflDS‘IMWW ncmnlmnm nflwpmclammBS/PMQETBSQQI 021190019 WD‘MI‘H AM
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`Bound to a Transcription Factor in Win) Reveals ll: (Kain-9‘—
`Next-Generation Sequencing of Genomic DNA Fragments
`0211912319 W442“ AM
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`[manna -—-u-aJ-u-.J
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`bhn—flglnmnfiudarknem Mmmvm 51))”.ng
`Keywolil: plum, Iran-criminal final, HYS, mun-blinding, next-gm
`1. Introduction
`dwelapmmhlphaushifiumemunfledhaugfiupenifin multiplemachanimat
`poxifivelymnegafivelycmofledbyuvaalmmu'ufinnfimsffls) [LalTFA
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`usurmmammmmmpm mmeflgwhhhmthne-
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`mixgdmvmajmmin-gDNAsmimmumpmcipmdmm gDNAtlmwas
`bmmdmlheplmiusishybddizedmafil'mganyw. Thismalmdmulsi'n
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`B Nan-Gm Sequlncing oi Genomic DNA
`”HMS BombeTmr-scriww Fac“,
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`-symlumsmnim am lhe normal :1
`gene expression.
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`Gems direclna Mar development n
`Mantceil. 1989]
`APEI'M during Amhapsi [Well 2'11"
`AREEI is a II-Imrq‘un Iufivmufmlml ABRE.
`dspmdnm ABA signding mat on! [Plant Cell-9105]
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`Each, DREBzA, im in drlePiantpeM, 2006]
`Dul mntnnn ufan Arabians: hnsm'nfiun hclor
`nRFnDA nmh [PM Nallked Sc; U S A ZUWI
`AREBI‘ ARWZ. and ABFJ ave lam!
`Unnsaphon lachrsmal comm [Plflljl Jr 2‘1““
`Icmporal Iranscrwoml rlsponsew magnum
`drives gm humane truss-loam EEME 2'1”]
`Am “Immune A Dmlv Tami
`Nunemus Plummets for lndrvidu [Plant 0912011]
`Analysis nfhanscripfnn ram m5 ammo
`nnmg sues M!!! II: Memmn [91am Cell. _20lJTl
`Genus-wide finding s'le minis ol FAR-RED
`DIP-cm; rapid ml ammo minim n!
`UNMJInang specificity
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`WMWTFB. flisinpmbmfliahammemeniemmhd
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`2. Expen'menlnl Section Gum:-
`Theoodhgseqwnc: ofHYS (AT5G11260)WI5 ampfificdfi'omacDNAchmby
`PCR using PrimeSTAR max palms: (leII) and have primes, 5'-
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`HAWiIhanImdelwm imam! inhequivnlznl simnflthEUVeflzu-(Cell
`Free Science) creating pEU-Hii-HYS-HA. Fur min synlhesis from pEU-Hii—
`(WEPRO’IMOH Expression Id!) wing me mint-D1 II, In mum: nudline
`(CellFlee Swim), was petfimndmudi'nghmmlfimhm‘: mflruc‘fim.
`Am mp 9mm m5 (teem Imam:
`mm [meanwhile gunmen ir [Flam Cell. 1993]
`urge-an dumlmmm’ mm ducinq fight
`regulma anvelopmml mmniflnps lNalum. 2000]
`Thu Ariidoosis HTS gene eludes a IxZIP Beulah
`that mum sfilmlmiuduced [Gafieg‘ WV 19931
`— Lnlmegulelea Innstnuional moms in
`highsr phms
`[Man Ray Semi 211m]
`(:eLeree 2mm“ systems“
`mm M" W [Curr Opin savanna. 2006]
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