`Sent: 8/1/2019 1:34:00 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 87645025 - PURE LAW - N/A - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 2 of 3
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 8
`Files: web2-4.jpg, web2-5.jpg, web3-1.jpg, web3-2.jpg, web3-3.jpg, web3-4.jpg, web4-1.jpg, web4-2.jpg
`rims ilwww nixonoeapod COWSfl/Wflrklii[iGfltiDNInteileLtLiBirDI'DDEn *Iithfitifll’i
`[IS/DUZUiE 01 25 24 PM
`inn, eta}. (ND. III.)
`7 Defender] VeriFone, which provides technology for electronic
`payment transactions and value-added services at the pointof-
`sale, in an action alleging misappropriation of trade secrets
`involving pay-at—tabie software solutions for real-time
`communication via W-Fi networks for credit card terminals and
`point-ot-sale systems The case settied, Communication
`Transaction Sofutions, Inc. v. Ven'Fone Holdings, inc, VenFone,
`inc, et at. [Superior Court of Cant, County of Santa Clara)
`Representative Copyright Litigation Experience
`— Represented ASE Technologies, a sofiware development
`company. in a copyright infringement matter involving allegations of
`trade secret misappropriation, breach of contract, tortious
`interference, and cIVil conspiracy reiated to a document
`management system. The case settled Nearstar. Inc. v.
`Waggoner, eta}. (ED. Tex.)
`— Represented Club House Creations. 3 retail clothing store. in a
`copyright infringement and unfair competition case brought by
`Uman Testile. The case was dismissed. Urban Textife, inc. v. Rue
`21 inc, e! at. (CD. Calit.)
`- Represent Gameloft. a mobile game developer. in a suit alleging
`copyright infringement. trade secret misappropriation, and other
`claims reiating to the development of digital cars used in mobile
`video games, Gl'ass Egg Drgrtal Media v, Gamelofl, Inc at at, (ND,
`— Represented Remrylie Licensing. a retailer ofclothing, footwear.
`etc.. in a copyright infringement case invoiVing photographs of
`Tupac Shakur. The case settled. Dena Ruth Lixeriburg v. Browortd
`Merchandising Inc, et at. (CD. Calif.)
`It rch'r A r‘r Inc
`ummnu‘xnpmmm :omu':imarklhhr:armmumlmhm miner-4 Imnelmn
`013 0125 24 :N
`ML-DLA cups -
`Nixon Peabody team
`representing the
`University of
`California in
`patent enforcement
`campaign in LED
`Food Bcverage
`“‘02" 7 ‘ Chm“ ”-
`Procure and Protect:
`agnununts and data
`:E)E':\110}IS \ SJTFMW
`DEBS ilwww duanemnrris cnmlpracticésliitreiiecmeipmpen llllfilahflfl mini Daffl‘iQmEi Di 23'35 EM
`mum-t I Lung
`Representative Matters
`Duane Mom is one of the most-active law firms in the United States in ail aspects of inteliectual property
`litigation. National publications. Including U. 5. News & World Report. have recognized Duane Morris W
`DS/D‘ll’ZU‘lQ 01'28235 PM
`films #va duansmcrris onmfpracticeslinteilectuelpropert lilidanori ntrnl
`"Ham‘s... ”cum in. Powwow..." ...t......i..:, u... "m... u "out. . turn“, ”a..- “mogul“. emu..- ........_.
`among the leading law firms handling IP litigation, patents, trademarks arid copyrights.
`Our inteliectual property Iitigatots have been involved in many at the cases that have defined the scope of
`inteilectual property rights. These cases resulted in decisions oi the Supreme Court of the United States
`or olthe Court of Appeals for the Federai Circuit, the special appeals court for patent cases.
`Representative lawsuits include College Savings Bank v, Florida Prepaid Postsecond'ary Educ Expense
`Bet, a case that resulted in two Supreme Court decisions defining the limits of applicability oi federal
`patent and trademark laws to state entities; Nobefpharma AB v, implant innovations. me. a Federal
`Circuit decision affirming a major award otdamages to our client for the plaintiffs antitrust violation in
`attempting to enforce a patent procured through fraud, and Markrrian vt Westview Instruments, inc, which
`resulmd in decisions ofthe Federal Circuit and the Supreme Court establishing that interpretation of
`patent claims is a question of laiw to be decided by a iudge rather than by a jury, in what have become
`known as "Marirman" hearings,
`In today's legal environment, however, only a small percenmge ofcases go to trial. Thus, it is cruclal that
`you have counsel who is focused on your business obyectives arid the most cost-effective means of
`achieving those objectives. it a creative business resolution is in order, we will litigate the case in a
`manner that will drive the case toward such a resolution. We also have extensive experience in the use of
`altematrve dispute resolution mechanisms. From the outset oi each case, we explore with our clients the
`potential risks. opportunities and costs associated with various strategies for dispute resolution, including
`litigation. mediation. arbitration, and negotiated settlements.
`With Duane Morris, your legal representation is being provided by attorneys who have handled intellectual
`property cases ofall kinds, including patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights. Our clients
`include businesses large and small, universities and individuals. We can litigate cases in a cost-efiect‘we
`manner in any venue. whether it be state court, federal district court. the Court of Appeals for the Federal
`Circuit or the international Trade Commission.
`Patent Litigation
`Duane Morris patent litigators have handled disputes in fields such as biotechnology. pharmaceuticals
`(including ANDA-reiated litigation), medical devices, semiconductor manufacturing, television set-top
`boxes, internet and email related technologies. optical disc technology, holographic imaging systems,
`data encryption, factory automation, violation and tilt sensors, oilfield tools and drilling fluids, marine
`seismic exploration. flare ignition systems, waiertrestment and purification. electrical components and
`fiberglass boat manulacturing, Our patent litigators combine mastery in trial advocacy, an in-depth
`knowledge of patent law, an aptitude tor science and technology and a focus on our clients' business
`- Duane Morris has
`the highest IPR
`percentage at any of
`the nation’s Top 15
`most active
`petitioner lair firms.
`[According to
`Patiexia's analysis of
`cases over five
`- Ranked the top tirrn
`petitioners before the
`Patent Trial and
`Appan Board (PTAB).
`(According to Unified
`Patonts‘ institutional
`success index in May
`- Top 5 Delense Firm
`in Patent Cases by
`Lex Machina
`Bat Liners
`films ilwww duanemoi’ris comfpractiosslinleilacmaipropenyillloahon html 08/0112019 0118155 PM
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`objectives. We represent clients in enforcing their patents. defending against claims of patent
`infringement, and disputes concerning invenlnrship and ownership of patents, and patent licenses Duane
`Morris iawyers provide counsel regarding government contract disputes and procurement claims. The
`tirm's litigatore have played a leading role in some of the most important cases in the field of patent law,
`as well as some of the most complex (including one of the largest patent cases ever tried before the
`International Trade Commission).
`Top-Thar National
`IP Litigation and Patent
`Patent Litigation 3‘ a 6'3"“
`In every patent case, our litigators either have the necessary technical knowledge or work closely with
`patent specialists who have such technical knowledge. Dozens of our attorneys practice before the United
`States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Our attorneys hold technical or scientific degrees in fields
`such as computer science, electrical engineering, petroleum engineering. geology, mechanical
`engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, nuclear engineering, microbiology. molecular
`biophysics and biochemistry, We have experience in all aspects of patent law, including patent
`preparation and prosecution, clearance opinions and interference proceedings, and portfolio
`management. Our approach to patent litigation makes it easier for our clients to transfer complex technical information to our attorneys and
`enables us to present that information to judges and iuries in a simple and persuasive way.
`Duane Morris attorneys‘ combination of extensive trial experience as lead counsel in litigation before state and federal courts, as well as
`unique trial experience within the US. Patent and Trademark Office, can help clients take advantage of, and respond to. inter partes review
`(IPR). Duane Morris attorneys adVise clients on the merits and desirability of Instituting parallel proceedings before the USPTO as well as
`With regard to defending their patents during these proceedings. Duane Moms has represented clients in a wide range of technology and life
`sciences areas, including Hatch—Waxman matters, as IPR remains a viable option for generic drug companies to challenge asserted patent
`at a Glance [Frintabie FDFl
`Trademark. Trade Dress and Unfair Competition Litigation
`in trademark litigation, we focus on protecting the goodwill and brand value that our clients have worked to develop through their trademarks
`and trade dress Our attorneys handle an array of trademark. trade dress and unfair competition disputes, including those concerning
`Internet domain names, consumer product trademarks, business names, trademark dilution, trademark counterfeiting, false advertising, and
`clothing and accessory designs and other tom of trade dress.
`Our litigators counsel clients on the most effective strategies for protecting their trademarks. whether registered or protected under common
`law. We prosecute and defend trademark and unfair competition lawsuits in state and federal courts throughout the country as well as
`internationally. and we have extensive experience in seeking and defending against preliminary injunctions. We handle pmceedings before
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office. inciuding oppositions to pending trademark applications and petitions to cancel existing
`registmtions. Our attorneys also represent clients in disputes concerning Internet domain names under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute
`Resolution Policy of lCANN (the Internet Corporation forAssigned Names and Numbers) We also have designed and implemented
`hflDS‘IMWW duanemoms comlorecucssflntsllscmelpmpertvhuoation MTII Elli/0112019 01125135 PM
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`international brand protection programs. Including on be allot major automobile manufacturers.
`Trade Secret Litigation
`Our amameys have handled trade secret litigation concerning a range of diverse technologies. Diane Morris litigators prosecute and defend
`claims of trade secret misappropriation in both state and federal courts across the country. As in patent litigation. we assemble teams of
`attorneys with both trial experience and technical knowledge to present complex issues in a comprehensible, persuasive manner.
`Copyright thlgatlon
`We assist clients in enforcing copyright claims and defending claims of inlringement in a wide variety at areas, including computer software,
`as well as literary, architectural, musical, pictorial1 audiovisual, sound moording and other works, Our lawyers have obtained ex park orders
`to seize counterfeit goods under both the copyright and trademark laws.
`Duane Moots lP Portal
`Understanding the constant cost pressures clients face. Duane Morris leverages its significant knowledge of how to cost-effectively manage
`global IP portfolios by offering its patent and trademark clients Wet: access to our tinnwide case management system, the Duane Morris IP
`M- Duane Morris hasimplemented the PatriciaB systemto eukirnate and streamline the "anythousands of United Statesand foreign
`pa’ent and trademark portfolics owned by our cllellts Through the Duane Morris IP Portal. clients can access—at no cost—«a wealth of
`information about their patent and trademark portfolios, useful in litigation preparation as well as renewals and other management activity.
`Addltlonat Information
`For additional Information, please contact Wm .lamescg Thomas K, Sanm,W. Matthew C Gaudel or any at the
`practice members referenced in theMm.
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