From: Beggs, Monica
`Sent: 10/19/2018 10:02:09 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`01002-1-8220 - Request for Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 21
`Files: crampy ev-1.jpg, crampy ev-2.jpg, crampy ev-3.jpg, crampy ev-4.jpg, crampy ev-5.jpg, crampy ev-
`6.jpg, crampy ev-7.jpg, crampy ev-8.jpg, ev-1.jpg, ev-2.jpg, ev-3.jpg, ev-4.jpg, ev-5.jpg, ev-6.jpg, ev-7.jpg,
`ev-8.jpg, ev-9.jpg, ev-10.jpg, ev-11.jpg, ev-12.jpg, 87445940.doc


` CORAL GABLES, FL 33114-1098
` 01002-1-8220
`The trademark examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request for reconsideration and is
`denying the request for the reasons stated below. See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3); TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B),
`715.04(a). The disclaimer requirement made final in the Office action dated March 13, 2018 is
`maintained and continues to be final. See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`In the present case, applicant’s request has not resolved all the outstanding issues, nor does it raise a
`new issue or provide any new or compelling evidence with regard to the outstanding issue in the final


`Office action. In addition, applicant’s analysis and arguments are not persuasive nor do they shed new
`light on the issues.
`Specifically, applicant argues that the wording “CRAMPY BELLY” is not merely descriptive of several of
`the goods identified in the application, such as lip balms and hair conditioners, that would never be used
`on a person’s stomach. However, a mark does not need to be merely descriptive of all the goods or
`services specified in an application. In re The Chamber of Commerce of the U.S., 675 F.3d 1297, 1300,
`102 USPQ2d 1217, 1219 (Fed. Cir. 2012); In re Franklin Cnty. Historical Soc'y, 104 USPQ2d 1085, 1089
`(TTAB 2012). “A descriptiveness refusal is proper ‘if the mark is descriptive of any of the [goods] for
`which registration is sought.’” In re The Chamber of Commerce of the U.S., 675 F.3d at 1300, 102
`USPQ2d at 1219 (quoting In re Stereotaxis Inc., 429 F.3d 1039, 1040, 77 USPQ2d 1087, 1089 (Fed. Cir.
`2005))(emphasis added).
`Applicant also argues that the combination of terms “ESSENTIALS CRAMPY BELLY RUB” creates a non-
`descriptive composite mark. However, if the individual components of a mark retain their descriptive
`meaning in relation to the goods, the combination results in a composite mark that is itself descriptive
`and not registrable. In re Fat Boys Water Sports LLC, 118 USPQ2d 1511, 1516 (TTAB 2016) (citing In re
`Tower Tech, Inc., 64 USPQ2d 1314, 1317-18 (TTAB (2002)); TMEP §1209.03(d); see, e.g., Apollo Med.
`Extrusion Techs., Inc. v. Med. Extrusion Techs., Inc., 123 USPQ2d 1844, 1851 (TTAB 2017) (holding
`MEDICAL EXTRUSION TECHNOLOGIES merely descriptive of medical extrusion goods produced by
`employing medical extrusion technologies); In re Cannon Safe, Inc., 116 USPQ2d 1348, 1351 (TTAB 2015)
`(holding SMART SERIES merely descriptive of metal gun safes); In re King Koil Licensing Co., 79 USPQ2d
`1048, 1052 (TTAB 2006) (holding THE BREATHABLE MATTRESS merely descriptive of beds, mattresses,
`box springs, and pillows). Only where the combination of descriptive terms creates a unitary mark with
`a unique, incongruous, or otherwise nondescriptive meaning in relation to the goods is the combined
`mark registrable. See In re Colonial Stores, Inc., 394 F.2d 549, 551, 157 USPQ 382, 384 (C.C.P.A. 1968); In
`re Positec Grp. Ltd., 108 USPQ2d 1161, 1162-63 (TTAB 2013).
`In this case, both the individual components and the composite result are descriptive of applicant’s
`goods and do not create a unique, incongruous, or nondescriptive meaning in relation to the goods.
`Specifically, the attached evidence from,,
`,, and shows that the phrase “crampy
`belly” is commonly used to refer to the state of having abdominal pain in the front part of the human
`trunk below the ribs, which may be eased using soothing products. Additionally, the combination of
`“crampy belly” and “rub” does not create a double entendre, incongruity, idiomatic expression, or
`otherwise well-known phrase that has a unique meaning, other than that of an ointment designed to be
`rubbed on the skin to ease abdominal pain in the front part of the human trunk below the ribs. Thus,
`combination of the terms does not create a non-descriptive meaning.


`Further, although the evidence above does not specifically reference cosmetics, the attached evidence
`,, and
` shows that products, like applicant’s rubs, containing camphor or
`wintergreen are commonly used to treat abdominal pain in the front part of the human trunk below the
`ribs, which could also be referred to as a crampy belly pain. Thus, consumers encountering the phrase
`“crampy belly rub” in the marketplace for such goods would immediately understand that the product is
`an ointment designed to be rubbed on the skin to ease abdominal pain in the front part of the human
`trunk below the ribs.
`Accordingly, the request is denied.
`If applicant has already filed a timely notice of appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the
`Board will be notified to resume the appeal. See TMEP §715.04(a).
`If no appeal has been filed and time remains in the six-month response period to the final Office action,
`applicant has the remainder of the response period to (1) comply with any outstanding final
`requirement and/or (2) file a notice of appeal to the Board. TMEP §715.03(a)(ii)(B); see 37 C.F.R.
`§2.63(b)(1)-(3). The filing of a request for reconsideration does not stay or extend the time for filing an
`appeal. 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3); see TMEP §§715.03, 715.03(a)(ii)(B), (c).
`/Monica L. Beggs/
`Examining Attorney
`Law Office 105
`(571) 272-6614


`Mimmkm mflmfimlaMrmmmefler-mmwmfor—a-belmerwnud
`grommuawmmmmlmv vooongr m mm mm Mam PM m1cnocolura may mean
`Info 5. Advice
`Faded calculator
`Donme foWomenln Need
`mun GUWMVWW‘QWW \ uMmscrvwocmscnuMevsWVmrmvoomhwflvuermmwhlewnwwwml
`mm mmelee‘mnlme mammswnrnna Mustang mum mm pamvany 'uaemefeel mmam
`lama/9i: Em m'rm rmnmiaoermin momma um: ummmmmmsmafldnsmra u'ma mm»; was ac
`10mm enimvouleetalwwmkwreonme «:9.
`Dutch!" fleficwcnn Emcemmfi symmmsafFMS lie lave-amend WWW DEWmm WWDan'nl'vmbcwun‘
`hur .Mammmummmmgmm lawman hJcmudfly’uch ”Human“ maul-mt
`munch Ina mwmmmnmsmr [wnlckmmlmsmmrmu M'erMgme sum l0! mm and :m-emgraannm
`comm anyway:
`My new mlngmm-enmmumcma mkur—m 1mm»; fywrmau Diewuismuulnuwwhdn
`Food: Hum! mgmun Ike Deansn‘u m4 mvsavenwugmm reducebimu n mammnu mm summrmweuy
`mm Emma" mmmlmmnemumnmnh rs mmagaonmm‘mmsmoe awmmnnwocwa m
`can Mummmwermz‘slu anew mac'mwn‘ \ wwnwmma yum
`Thsnnwédmseufcwum nu: n :re mummm uvransmfl mmmw‘s “humming" lhmm ml“
`wmmammm Pumasnnabamm; as W! mmmflhli wnmn 5mm nmmumnuvsmgal war
`umnuun mum m
`Iran mtmysmmwm mmvnefitmnm mg mum MalEsuvm‘agewm mnugh m, mumng has a
`dmfiwmmmm'smrflmqm Eagsmsomn m.m “an!!!“ NT Im'mmmrgmuswrmw‘:
`mm earn in:
`was ru-nums mm mm ummm wrlcflsasaiaalycmmmna you! was mmmesnw. mmmumrm
`Fbemtnfc :sucwcoousnnwm annrommes Punum maursugmrwurwam wamamcumnee rumor
`sums Imamae'mum wm WW seem nummmm umal hanm'uml'us nmumwwmmmru
`nmcmnmlmv mummmmmmanmm-
`mm- Warwmer
`m: iammrfl
`5n, me nmmiundiurs gm tun ndlmdymslumndmmei my: wmmkwym'mma‘mnoai
`Mm woman“ mu hero: so awmanauamr m mu “minim we was! swims: aa'u um gamer 5m
`cmmevohcrmore mvmm am New»: mmsomem wax wrswrr mrmm
`mfmumcmmmmntnnflefllimnm mu m run mm mm MWuasa


`10M 72018 5.11 PM
`"ms waw rehneryZQ wm'hDW-(U-gehnd-U1-clamusfishde-1
`Hut Ballls. Heating Pad; 3: Self.
`“1121: _\'Du're m pm“ and (mug FELT.
`Jest and reL'uahDu at? uupunam. A
`Clamp} pet iud is Ll)? perfeuL um [um
`“We rvw" lum- m m-akl- be“ ['mv :4
`phmfi‘ly Hm m. \-
`“Em a_
`(and omsea damn 5mm. rspnriml} m
`chm-weather: so try heating pads. hot
`water butdes m warm baths m relax 2
`mm: 1.1 malt
`The Everything Guide To


`10/17120155212 PM
` n
`,u... ...,.u.........e.‘.,_..\. y... pm. .mu, n.
`n a What Are the Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis?
`t - snack
`absorbwhat it needsforenergy.
`- Bleedlng m yourtolon leaves yuuwlth loo few red blood cells-,or
`You WIH never guess whrcn
`common foods could be
`the cause of your I88
`I You don‘t get enough sleep because you get up often at night to go to
`the bathroom
`I Vou're dehydrated because of diarrhea
`Weight Loss
`Diarrhea, lass uf appElllE, and not being able [1) absorb caiuries from your
`food can make you lose weight.
`Ulcelalfue colitis can cause canker sores in your mouth and sores on your
`skin. Vuu might also get lishEE.
`Symptoms A” Tricky
`What you have mlghl not be [literature EOIIUS‘ Many tondlhnns make you
`tired .
`.Olher gut problems can give you diarrhea and-pain,
`(mllll’s disease, which causes pain and swelling ill other places in your
`SM. "0* iIJSI Your £0an
`Irritable bowel syndrome
`I An iniectiun
`"UD :lg
`thtUlDzlallve cm: Feels uue
`mm WM“. "mm Km”
`Dal Need Eul'ltlsSurgelv?
`MM” 5”"th cams
`lrlfiamed lmmune 99mm and Dry Eyu
`The unly way to 1mm why you have symplums islu see yuurdudur and get
`tested. If you already know you haveulcerative colitis, call your docloril
`your problems get worse or don't go away. even il you 're already getting
`WmMflMadlcal ill-lam ”hymn; Mlnuhfllum MDmAuwnii.1fli7
`I. qu W
`Ll Women’s Health
`U Men's Health


`10/172015 5:12 PM
`l’lllDS lenalurabirlhandbabiicare cornfdiscmlmsl
`mi u
`warrEAeiRrH puw
`T H AT w o R KS
`Braxlbn-Hicks Conli'aclions
`These are called “practice contractions." They are small contractions usually
`felt in the front of the belly (named for the doctor who ‘first identified” them.)
`Braxton-ha‘cks contractions are good for your body. They help to prepare your
`uterus and cervix for labor. even if there is no VlSiblE change in dilation or
`if you are finding thern uncomfortable, they provide an excellent time to
`practice relaxation techniques for labor, Relax and breathe, allowing the
`contraction to peak and ebb away.
`You might also find comfort from placmg warm [not hot!). moist heat over
`your—. A warm rice sock can be used to soothe cramps (you may
`like these in labor. too.) Braxtonehi‘eks contractions go away when you change
`positional They don't continue for a very long time. if your contractions are
`persistent and do not go away when you change position or activity. call your
`care provider.
`Return to the top
`As your uterus grows to accommodate your baby, you may feel backaches.
`Try to have good posture. Sit and stand straight. don‘t slouch. And pull your
`' Give Birth
`i V\ thout
`Return toTop


` VK©©L
`1. Hal Bums Or Heltlng Fads
`mos mumrlalwalllnhaHababycare comm55mm:
`When I1 names {was an mm 19 net Hd (”cramps not baths or using hsaung Dads Is always a good mlant Idea when
`Van are an new and sufienng from vuckv {eekng re‘axniwofl and real are vEIv imoonanl A C(amuv neriud as the Deflect
`Inna W vnu‘ sa you shculd wake mall-cars a WWW Ry usmg Mal. vnu mum suolnu ynm_ AHamatquy
`vnu cou‘d W neaung Dads. warm Dams. m not water Domes.
`2. Exerclse
`111 one Munm
` 25 Natural ways on How 10 Remove
`warm“ m.
`45 Tlps How To Get ma owaginal
`om F351 mm NamraHV
`*054 ms Haw Ta Grow Thick Haw Fast
`- HM“
`ravines A! Home Fau
`Naturalw You may not lmnk about drum; exercme wme naung Cramps Even lor many U! us the mean of marking mm mm Eramny
`Hnwln ErmITfllIl
` 47 Tips an Haw m Grow Talia: Fasler
`1! dues wall: in my prob‘em H van mum some 1ow|men51w smpxe exemsns A
`saunas m; a onerway [up In heH Yet
`m danclnu Armhmu mu Wes mat um: um vuuruwn mm mnvmu works wen Also wmie exemsmu vcur hadv
`We ml at physical atllwty comm really help [aim your rmlmg flamers, DH 11 runmng, walking yoga‘ swwmmmg 5:151an


`my Hglfledrrlom ulolblugl'Q-ways-onmow-IU-gel-rld-Ul-clamps-nalurally-la5V
`9 ways on how to get rid of cramps naturally & fast
`.-.. .
`Gmedmaml‘l l1:
` W”. n,,, ,,
`:3 mm“,
`., lump
`DECENTPDSTS Best management tips to painful
`these cramps
`ll you have horrible menstrual cramps during your periods,fl1an you are among manvwolmn
`worldeewhc complaint about this problem. So here are lips on hawk: naturallycmlrol
`breast during pregnancy
`1) Taking of hot baths and showers
`lrl preventing and gating rid of ammo: hot baths are aiwavsvery reliable. Bvuslng
`cauld soothe your palnrul—. Aliemativaly. you could m, heating pads. warm baths
`or hot water mules.
`you migmml
`-‘ -
`9 ways on mm m gal m a Lamps1 H
`”3 "'3 ’


`101712916 5:13 PM
`m... “P
`Imam-v WIMlhmn-gv
`In; "11va Dam-fl q
`W “
`“h." "
`Intestinal Obstruction
`What 15 an Intestinal obstrucnon?
`An imunal mam-aim m a mustang: m an: amen ar largejnwsfim [5150 mlladlhe smell a! name
`bow). The bbdeagemam h hard farm: camofwwwel la plus Ihrounh and am of!!! bad!
`in”! ousvumon isonly aw; blocking me magma. we may lee! Earn: "fie! w—pain
`m [mass as you pass mum snow a! gas scmemnes me ulna-«399cm: nfihmad uuw no pm at me
`bowet when this human m: home: I: said tube avangulalud :m Lsmemin), m. (ask a! than M
`mnmifledafim ulsumeullhefissue BMthh'lsmlEaténinq,
`memcmmeofin mmmlnbmucximlsswflssuemmnmm mviou:
`surgmifi «Nev-awe: Ma montage mymuuut
`- met
`- innumuunnfmhawalmnmdnbussmnnsmulsmsmudwmnulm
`. mam-z awel
`- Ahardlump ninnml mwmminmmim)
`. Innssxzvlimmmmutwmmmmmm.mnfimmmunwdmmedmnm
`Wynmirgafl mammm
`. "mammmmnnmmgmm
`What can I expect in the hospital?
`W' "W
`min Mum:W 5w?”Hugs "my ha dune Madam are m an mm to women test. and um yuurtnnd m


`I(”174291B 5:14 PM
`- cumin-mmhmsemmnummmmummn
`morn-emmmmu-mmmmam-wu Whluwymm
`lywn-ymhlllflidx-mhmwnnfimywnfiulhmcnmpi chalbuy
`. mhm min-munmfimbnnhm-mam:
`mummmammim Snm'uswenyul'wmh-Ifly
`Hus-Mirimflwwmsm‘ mum
`sun-a "mm
`Wh-Iyawmmzmmulanymflmun-himum m’IFcraImr-Ill-zm
`”panama-awn I-w—mmmmwmm mm
`mm—Mfimimmmhummmn Imam
`nymwcmn-wuwwm yummmqm-mw
`m mmwwwmmumwmmxmhm—u
`HWthfl-(MWW Minn-diaww-amuhanmw
`-mbmmwwflmm laugh:
`‘m mnymunmmmuammmummmmwmwn
`nl[mmpmumm:mmmmmummmum much-um
`mm.mmmmdm.uymdum mad-what Var——
`1'2:de um: win/2m)
`M H


`10/1721”! 5:48 PM
`saga-r slz:
`Maw 14: ADHL1
`minlmmwmvfim cmmlmflm “mum-"mun


`10/1 712018 5:49 PM
`mos itkel'vslhuughlsumhms cqulevm-deeD-bhle-swlhes-cocls/
`number u :m 1:
`I r.“ :1 ml
`Luukmg fur .3 gm idea In nalurally Ielleva same pam ml; huhday saasun?‘ Ifsn, lhen
`ynu need m thank out map alum by chum. Read an m learn more.
`I swear by essenual mls. {have been uimg mam wnh my family fur Jm eve! mu
`yEars mm, 50 when mw Lin flair,
`'LA' frnmNanhShurE Ampummra (Enter reached
`mu m us has at Kally‘s Thuughls Em filings album (heir Deep Eluem prudurls. l was
`usml: lo lry them! Danp 331qu names in An all bland as :- rnll an or in a hwlc Tl coma;
`m 3 ml). and 3150 as a supplement ll will talk ahmll them all DeanJ The Essenllal mls
`lhal are in IhE blends are as (allows:
`tannin mu un-
`”um mm
`Hl 7 I‘m Kelly!
`Welcome {0 Kelly's
`Thuughls On Tnmgs.
`Find Me an mun:
`rlnrl KTOT ml hump-Am!
`Read More
`- winmgrnun


` ne‘é’fic'
`10/17120195249 PM
`mos likelrvslhuugmsummHES cquolelra-deeD-bbe-SWIIHS-Wclsl
`- Camphor
`. Peppnmim
`. Ylang Ylnlg
`. Hellihrysum
`- BluETallsy
`- BlueChamnmlle
`'[his blend is man! 1n maths and m Enul Um it fillET a lung day 31 war]! at aftzr a
`lung wnrk0u1.Ynu can use i! as a massage nil‘ [malusure il‘u‘s Ml pr: dlluled. Iharynu
`dame mm a [Ew drugs of framnnaled mum-u um Ur ya!) can use the ruU on or mu m
`plate 01a muscle rub Has: pan. is all natural, in ND themicak‘
`11144.4] . r14
`' J44


`10/1 712018 5:49 PM
`ND: ltkel'yslhuughlsumhmgs cquerlra-deeD-uln-swmes-coclsl
`Deep alum Ls perfeel for EU many mines: llpu eon apply inn Eeer and knees before
`and oner o wurkunlr Yuu eon Ilse 1r on your kids mos nmilegs ro lrelp sunlhe owoy llluse
`grnwing poms, Menumal crampi? neep Bluem on he rubbed lnro ynurlnwer ahdnmen,
`nrlnlverlmc'k ro help calm than as well The does are endless, and it would he an
`amazing gin fur everyone on will holiday gifl list.
`DEEP aluefi nua
`nus mripn of Deep glued; ls Ioplral more. more funnel-led wllh the same CerLiIlrd
`Theropeode grade ode, lr will pron'de o eornfom‘np sensation of cabling and warmlh ro
`affected areas,
`11115 is the gel-"Jel- versinn nf the DEEP Blue“ blend. flu; nne is perferl fur ChlldrEIL As
`Isaid. itwmlld hr amazing fur dreir gmw'ing pains!
`Ih‘ls blend mcludes a palenl pendmg fast acting blend of frankmcense email “him
`has been 5hfl““fl LU help mnstle andluml ddsunniul'l. I: also lnrlulins slandal’dlzel‘l
`exuatts of ginger rurrunuo, green reo. prnger. pomegranare. and grapeseed. Capsules
`are taken orally and Lhe loorrle eonrolns su vegetable ropmles.
`Ilolldny Glfi Guide0000.


`mums 5:49 PM
`- mmnmdmmmm
`I Wm”
`- mwmummmmmwmum
`~= ugh-mmMGIWW
`. mwlmmmimman-
`I mammrmmm
`-- mmmm‘mmm‘mbeau-lg
`MWfifiMl—MWmmfl-flfidm lid-ninth: armada»!
` t'kbxmdfmwmaflmm burl-filninmfihmh-


`10/17120155250 PM
`"1105 WWW neamnrlewnvrleallmvhal-is-oamuml
`% Data nuirialllisllialirr:minimally
`What is camphor used for?
`camphor has a Wlde variety of logical USES dds {0 “5 antibactellal, antifungal, and ami-
`lnrlarnrnalpry prdperlies. il can he used ld lreal skln condilldnsr irnprdve resplratoryluncllwrl.
`and IEIIEVE pain. COI’IHI’IUE leading 10 learn more Ghoul the miterenl USES FD! camphor and HS
`suppuillng scienlinc evidence.
`Camphur for skin
`Lmlorls and creams cdnlainlng campnor can be used to lelleve skin lrrilaildn and llchiness and
`may lieip lp improve lne overall appearance or skin ll nas anlipacleriai and anrilunpal
`prupemes inal make it useful in nealing inleclidns A 2015 animal studylound camphor in be
`errecliue in Lleallrig wppnds and pllravldlel llghlrlnduced wllnkles, maklng ll a pdleniial
`ingredlenl in anllraging cusmelics inis may be clue to ils at:
`y to increase elastin and
`collagen umductlun. Use a campnor cream on me area you'd like to lrear al ieasr once per day.
`Relieves pain
`Applylrig camphor lo iris skin helps 10 rellevrr pain and inflammallun, A small 70“: study fuurid
`that a spray conlalnlng natural lnglsdienrs such as camDhor‘ menthol. and essenrial o'ils ol
`Liane and epcnlyplps was Elleclive lri rellevlng rnlld m moderale pain, The spray was appll‘ed in
`the [aims shoulders,and lower back For a period of‘lrl days. You may feel a tlriullng, warming.
`or coullng sensauan when you use campndr products Apply a camphor spray or dinrrnenl [0
`lhe allscled area several times Der day,
`Heals burns
`camphor balms and creams can be used [0 neai bum wounds A 2013 anlmal study found mar
`an oiriln'ierit :nnmlni‘rig camphor, sesame all and honey decreased the naailrig urns lm
`second-degree burn wounds and was round ID as more oeneflcial than using Vaseline. To use.
`apply an olnlmenl Lo [he afieclsd arse once a clay
`related stories
`Illa 7 Best Natural Muscle
`8 Ways ru Gil R‘id of Mucus
`ln vaulcnesi
`can You use Essenllal oils
`for Bug Bites?
`A Guidwiu Illa Best Fain
`Reilelcreams rm Annmls
`Iry oils dl These ‘lD Home
`Remeales roi- Tamar


`2 Fur a Lnnw Lif- and Happlet
`Gun Em More Fmer
`Haw Coll-gun Can BanstVour
`Bady's Skim Muficle. 6m! Gui
`For a LongerLIfeancl Happiei
`GutJ-‘aIMnm Fiber -)
`10/1 712018 5:50 PM
`l‘lflvs ”WWW heemmewrwheakmmaI-xs-oamumv
`5 mm
`Camuhov producls may a‘sa DE used as a musc‘e rub. Il may ham to leHwee 'thI'l'r LHoY'I'Jrn
`spasms. and suflness. A 2004 swaymund me! camphor has emispasmodlc and rewaxant
`Drooenies. To use massage a muscle rub such as Beflgav omo your sore muscles a few (We:
`a day‘
`Other uses
`Scientific research IS HmllEd far 507719 0' me purporled USES for camphor and the ev‘dence ‘5
`largmy dnridula‘ Carnphnr on may am: hp mm to [real
`. 'th mm
`. am?
`> warts
` n -,
`- :c-‘a acres
`7 'er "ul'rmu‘
`- war m-amm symptoms
`- mar DIGOC :Hm-azmn
`:Hu. Ilv nu
`. an. ; 3‘
`. len‘EE-alcn
`. v. m .plE-m}
`- cw mm
`055kmmm m,
`Maximize you:
`deductions in a snap
`Risks and precautions


`lillvsflartldes merwla commerbai-UiisMMite-Oamuhot-UIIaSDx
`tsa wwlal ingieuieiu iLI
`IndA'tKwerstDburHealinqueilmni - 1139MB f ’ ® H0
`iepeua Ehpzuatty Iul um I) auu Int), v
`which is used In domes and linens.
`Composition of White Campltor Oil
`The maior components cl while campiior oil are alcohol. bomwi. pthene, campltene. camphur,
`terpene and small traces of salruie.‘
`Benefits of White Camphor Oil
`Whtle campltoroil can be an essential part (if yourfirsl—aid Itit as it oilers a Wide range of neailn
`benefits. It Is kndwn usually added to massage ails to relieve muscle stillness anti cramps. This all Is
`also excellent In helping calm the nerve: clear the lungs and dispel apathy White campnot nil aisn
`oftets other benefits:
`- Deconleitam 7 A popular ingredient In decongestant balms and cold runs. it provides
`respiratory rellet by reduclng the blockage In the bronchi. larynx, pharynx, nasal tracts and
`- Antlspasmudic 7 This essential Oil may help relieve muscle spasms.
`- Anesthetic 7 White mmphor oil can alsn be used as a mild Ideal anesthesia. It produces a moi
`Sansallun,whic1’l blanks IhE sensnry level an “IE Skin and reduces the hralrl's abllily tn leel pain}
`- Anti-Inflammatory aid sedative 7 While camphnr oil is a halancmg oil that can help sedate
`me nerves and reduce Inflammation)
`How in Make White Campl'tor Oil
`A Eamphut tree has It) be matured emugh, al ieasl so years. did, in withstand necessary mulilaliun fur
`sleam dislillaltonf‘ihe essentiaioil is enacted through steam [torn chipped wood. root slumps and
`branches. ii is men tectll'led under vacuum and l'Iilet pressed.
`Dutirtgll'te ptooess oldlsllllaflon. lhe littee fracltons are separated. Theseare known as while, brown
`and yelluw camphot. While is the first fraction wim lite lowest bailing paint. lolluwed by brown in the
`middle rartue. and lheh velimv with lite hiunesl. Wantittu: Veer awav from velicw and bmwtt camuhor.
`A TN:


`10/17/2018 5:51 PM
`um. — E
`o‘mee MAME[S]13uxht-vly,€arlddd Tea,cumemeuy. Dem Deny ExserluileGaulliiéiIe,Gaulltnm
`Gauiiheria DILEvauitheiia plucumbefls“ VSIIaw Hare
`and Reviews {5)
`4:14 '
`012MB“ “ SideEllen:
`Uses 8. Effectiveness ®
`Insufficient Evidence for
`- Headache.
`- Minorachesand palns.
`u Smrnlthxhe.
`- Gas [flatulence].
`. M“
`- Kidney problems.
`u Asthma.
`‘ Nerve pain.
`. Gaut.
`I Arthritis.
`. Menstrual camps.
`- khylolnbmeumww-
`. otherconditions,
`Mwe evidence is needed tu me the effectiveness of Wintergreen lur these usea.
`\’ Previous: Overview
`Next: Side Effem ‘2
`Find 3 Vitamin m
`Find a Vimmill by
`Assess Vuui Vitamin
`PM ideniiiiar
`iniaandun Checkal
`Latesv mug News
`Find .1 Vilamm
`Filsi All: A-Z
`Tilsmm KM Wound
`Hts! mu Mamie
`en identifier
`now-mm yum-ii 2min mp
`u Supplnrnlnkslur
`Ease but Hashes ann mm
`Vlhmiu 312
`m yuu gain; 9 mm
`Vlhmin D
`1 Neumpathy Pam Relief
`2 Spinal Nerve Pam Reiief
`3 Mediciliur‘ For Pain Relie!
`4 wmmgmn Oil Uscs
`Puuelhouse ans and Veqmes
`a ”1mm”. mum,“ u.


`:l-zc-l VLF ENF'VDMS
`10/1 712015 5:52 PM
`was some
`owes i
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`wammsii Supnlemem >
`OTHER limits]: Buxberry. Lanada lea. Lheckerherry. Dewberry Essence debaulthérie. haulien'd
`naulmeria all, Eauttheria pinmmbms, vsiiaw More
`Read Reviews {5)
`m use
`Overview Information
`Wintergreen is an herb. Wmtergyeen aii is made by steam processing Di warmed,
`waletssoaked winieween leaves. The Leaves and oil are used to make medicine.
`Wintergreenleaiis used fur painlulconditionsincludinglleadame.liewe pain
`[particularly ssiatical, amiritis, ovarian pain, and menstrual cramps. It is also used
`to: digeslmn pmhlems including stumamaehe and gas trial-dense}; lung conditions
`including asthma and pleui isy: pain and sweliing [‘ii’liidllillifliiflli): lever: and kidney
`Some people use smail disses Di Wintergreen nil to increase siomach iuines and
`improve digestion.
`Wintergreen leaf is sometimes applied directly to the skin as a wash Ear aciiyjoinis
`(meumaeism), sore muscles, and lmuerlmek pain.
`Wintergreen oil is applied to the skin as a “counterirlilerlt” to relieve muscle pain.
`Ccunterirritanls wark bycauslng irrisatidn :hat redum pain and swelling in the
`underlying tissue. Wintergreen nil is Elsa used in kill germsun theskm.
`Inmanufafluring,wlntergreen lsused asaflaunrlngagentinfood,(andies=teas, and
`in pharmaceulleal pmuuds.
`How doesltwnlk.’
`Wintergreen leaimrltains an aspirineiikechemkai that might reduce pain, swelling
`and levers
`Him 3 Vitamin DI
`FlndaVltnmln by
`Assess Vwrvmmln
`Pill mentlner
`lulmctlm cheeky
`Lstestflmq News
`Flisl Aid a?
`FllslAli! Kllfi Wound
`Flasl Aid Mahliu
`new. lnnwyuul vlidmin risen
`in suwummulnr
`use hati'iashes and mm
`Vihmin an
`Vitamin n
`Vmfldl'l plil or mmlr:
` minuteclinic
`”m We m _


`”WWW“ mum-tawny!
`Essential Oils for Muscle Cramps:
`Essmtial oils for Illusclrcramp> includc: pcppcrmintmucalrprus, Ilchram.
`(hymn 13mm”, rmncl. wuucrgmn, gingfl. mnuseric
`How to use
`, Deep Tissue Manage Oil
`‘Wraq'nu .md;
`0 10 drops pcppmnuu uil (vain—x: wgfl il)
`0 10 drops nmrjorum oil mm m gr! a.)
`o 10 amps lavender on (where m get h)
`o s dropiwintargreen nil (“M Inga u)
`o 3 drops rhyme on (whcr: m gm n)
`0 2 Dz olivc nil(u1:cr( m put 1:)
`c m “mug“; dmppcl bouldwhcrz m g“. at)
`a anl mnmn‘um mmsagcmal Mm: mgzl n)
`L Add an m nil: m the gum dePerbatrle and shakemcnmbine,
`1 To Ilse, 5m apply 5 m mum drops to the painful am: thm git the foam rollur
`and amply mung: for :baut Svi mimiles.
`3 Pain Gleam
`Mumm mi
`rm Luann-Ive >
`_ .J


` 3
`a slam You're About Tn Dle
`"‘4" Ol' a Hurt Annals
`10/17120185252 PM
`WS'rIwwwtheiesaneoiunhal wiru‘esseniiai-ulls-iur-paiiI-leiiei/
`. Now 'SuDai’
`m Aluxandri
`Anknnl Picks Un Over 50
`HD chlnnels
`Even though the above ails can work in a pinch, the best pain relief can tie achieved
`using (love essential oil as it has the highest eugenni cantent.
`W Hill “' A ‘iui nil IS another popular choice for pain relief. it contains methyl
`salicyiate. a compound that reduces pain and inflammation. The cooling eifect of
`Wintergreen essential oil makes it a welcome addition to muscle rubs. balms. and
`ointment; fur southir‘ig muscle pain. spasms, and tension.
`As a word of caution. Wintergreen should not be used at more than 5% dilution or by
`these whotake hEuudrthinning medication as itwiil enhante their effect
`ityou are
`taking medications that remain methyl saiicyiate. then yau should not use
`Wintergreen essential oil Also, keep in mind thatyou MUST usea nigh qualitytrusted
`snurte Fur Wintergreen as synthetit Wintergreen essential oil is toxic.
`The only ether piantl know of that naturally contains methyl salicyiate is birth.
`Wintergreen isa keyingredierit in myin :i- -- Liii‘
`.3“ li :ni
`.1; asitcunlsand
`soothes inflammation in the muscles.
`.v have an excellent reputation for stimulating hair
`NDI only does i We in m
`gmwth, a sharp memory and treating acne, it‘s also an aniazmg oil for pain relief.
`Rosemary essential oil (the tamphnr dnminant variety - Rosniarinus nflitinalis (t.
`tamphoricontains 15% :amphur and has a sharp camphoraceoussniei! rather than a
`strong rusemary smell like the Ether :hemurypes uf rosemary.
`This camphcr mnstiluent is what gives it a cooling sensation that reduces
`inflammation, pain. and muscle spasms when applied topically It's especially nice to
`wmu HEM r0 ills

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