`Sent: 2/25/2019 10:36:51 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 87439226 - SALTFACIAL - N/A - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 2 of 7
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 43
`Files: Linked In Dr. Emer.jpg, Samra.jpg, The Newsette.jpg, Thrifty Fun.jpg, Westchester Aesthetic
`Center 1.jpg, Westchester Aesthetic Center 2.jpg, Westchester Aesthetic Center 3.jpg, Westchester
`Aesthetic Center 4.jpg, 76629203P001OF003.JPG, 76629203P002OF003.JPG, 76629203P003OF003.JPG,
`86296062P001OF002.JPG, 86296062P002OF002.JPG, 86381949P001OF002.JPG,
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`88108594P002OF003.JPG, 88108594P003OF003.JPG
`Taking Facials toa
`The Salt Facial i
`Whole New Leve
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`Salma & Jeunasse First to Introduce Natural Sal! FacialTM to NJ & NY
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`Been There Tried That'
`v Salt FaCIal
`3) Alex Amer
`Phulogvnphl' Ellie aenusiu
`alt. Something we all sprinkle on ourfoodia seasoning available in cabinets
`across the world A substance you might even scrub your body with when it
`needs a good exfoliation. Eut yourtace’? That might seem like a bit eta
`stretch. Enter Skinney Medspa’s Himalayan Salt Facial. l booked an appolntment
`early in the summer. knowrng that my dry skin needed rejuvenation. The idea of
`smncii Q
`every morning
`with our daily
`da-mail newslettenl;
`Sign up lur our tree daily newsletter
`for a moming read that will inspire.
`"militate. and inform you before your
`first cup at coffee.
`Your Email Here
`shedding rny llaky spring complexion was alluringwa whole new me tor the summer.
`Still. I was skeptical. Would the salt burn? Would it be too harsh for my sensitive skin?
`These thoughts and many more ran through my head as I stepped into Sklnney’s luxe
`Flatiron location,
`As always, their kind and modelesqlie stafi (inninrting operations manager Jindsav Matanhnw *i
`and sklnmi‘p expert Christina Inmhnr'rli) lmmetliatelynut me at prise. assuring me that the salt
`would not mail) offall nftlte skin on m\' fare I’hew. In tact, even though I was picturing the
`WELL n“ s
`the facial is actually cxtltmcly fine. 5a tint. in tact, that it doesn’t even {col like salt on your skin.
`large-grained sea salt you can buy :it sptcialt'y illfll'kflsi the Himalayan vai‘lcty llSt‘d thoughout
`urtnrr you start to pictnm an rlogant rstlmtician simply nibblng a layer DfSaJt on m3‘fflC4T11hCU
`calling it a day, the. Salt l‘acial at SkinnM-‘Mertsiia goes far hevond that, It’s a 31mm tieatment
`that begins with the deto
`rig snlt exfoliation, than a noliiishing ultrasonic massage, anti
`finishes with a LED light therapy session that repairs damage. while also synthesizing collagen
`production. Talk about an allsiuclusivc experience. Admittedly. I've had many a facial that is
`simply intliilgenlisume h?tl\'t‘fll}"§fll€'lllflg niuisturiu-‘i‘ sltllht‘l‘t'd on my skin. followed by it
`slieei mask] could pmlmblyliuy tit Sephoni—litii this was for from that. While it was incredibly
`relaxing (I may or may not have almost fallen asleep mid-way through). its also .1 iesulI-bziserl
`treatment that tmgets fine lines, age spots, sun damage, arm, and name—making it, in my
`tiplirm. the lieifm'l summer r.
`H u U mu
`Sell—Care Diary: Jamie Mendel!
`mu M! s s
`Self-Care Diary: Anushka
`Salinas 9' Rent the Runway
`Il’s July, you’ve pmliulili l-iml your fair share- of sun exposure. Why not start fresh, m’lh in [:lt'ltll
`designed to iestuie skirt to its llt‘sl [oi-m? Allen: sunny Fourth of Jul" week, I’ll lie booking my
`next session at Skilutey as soon as possible.
`HowA Health Expert Gets
`Energy Without Drinking
`Self-Care Diary: Jamie
`Self-Care Diary: Anushka
`Siilinas at Rent the
`1 "iii
`I E é
`Our emails brighten up your
`A M
`Your Email Here
`let usinw merrinnoxes a
`Everything ynu want us read ln Ih! A M All ln
`one plane
`Ibsn‘tlleimeehe (VM'ZCtBWi't’MEfl salt renai-
`‘l Mus an 1.7mm
`thrlfh 1:; .'m
`Making a Sea Salt Facial Scrub
`Category Face
`0 Facebook @ Pinterest
`In This Guide
`Homemade Facial Scrubs
`0 0 9 O
`Save Fallow Email
`The combination of salt and oil create
`Bun-Iv Run-pr»
`a wonderful exfoliating and m
`moisturizing scrub. This is a guide
`about making a sea salt facial scrub.
`Remedies for Pain from
`lb X
`wearing Dentures
`Start Download A View PDF
`Conven From Doc to PDF PDF in Do: SimplyWIth
`The Free OnllnE Appl
`Ant“ \
`mpemwwmmtynn mmowzmnp,ml
`127 05PM 22112019
`Getting Hair Dye Off
`Using Baking Soda as a
`Facial Scrub
`Wan‘r a FREE $25 Glfi. Card? Cluck the button to gel staned'
`yESTCHESTngfls‘tfitiC cmnn
`. 1055 Saw Mill River Road, Suite 210. Ardsley, NY 10502
`.2r._TJ—r gift—L
`Homepage > Services > The Salt Facial
`Salt Facial
`Sim: Peli‘r'mfl THE-”up;-
`Sea Sail for Skin Benefits
`ls Salt Facial Right For You?
`All natural sea salt relieves Elly and itchy skin as well as helpsin lhe lrealrnenl of serious conditions
`117 20 PM ZZEFZOW
` flvwanr rum mpsjmwwweslcnesieraesmenncemer cum/sew!mimesailIauav
`Sea Sail for Skin Benefits
`All natural see sail relieves dry and itchy skin as well as helps in the treatment of serious conditions
`like eczema‘ psoriasis. and dermatitis Other healing properties & benefits of organic sea seitfor
`your skin are:
`Deepiy cleanses and opens up the pores
`Faciiitates quick healing
`improves circulation and hydrates tissue
`Reduces facial oiiiness
`Balances oil production for better skin tone
`Anti-inflammatory properties
`- Kills bacteria thlt can instigate breakouts and acne
`Soft Supple More Beautiful Skin...Naturaiiy
`Call91¢712~5001i or contact us to get in touch with
`Dr. Larry Miller.
`"The salt In the dead sea is renowned for its healing puwers...nuw discover the same healing
`powers with the SaltFacial Skin Renewal Therapy“
`Watch this video to learn more
`redness or irritation immediately after,
`'i ““ “ “m“
`The Sai‘IFaciai i‘_'airantsg'e"NI is the unly system to exfoliate with all naturai sea salt which has an
`antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. and aids in releasing toxins and impurities The
`patented handepiece on The SalfFaciai L'avantage pushes salt crystals across the skin at a precise
`angle allowing for more skin to be removed as weli as helping to detoxify skin; the SaliFaciai
`L'sventage uses no vacuum, so its safe for all skin types less irritating to the skin. and results in less
`mpsjmwwwestcnesreraesiheticcenter min/semiceslmersaitiauaii
`11751 PM 2210.019
` more recep Ive o \n amins an- oi er en i-aging opica pruuc s 'equ a y p as a
`“I like to equate the results of one SaltFacial treatment to the results of roughly 3 microdermabrasion
`treatments. Our patients get more Bang For their Buck”. Steven Jepson M.D:Utah Cosmetic
`Surgical Group
`Skin Rejuvenation Rough
`24 year old patient
`- Salt Macro-Exfoliation
`- 2 Treatment:
`- 7 Day Interval
`Skin Rejuvenation Sun
`24 year old patient
`Acne with Scarring with
`- The SaltFacia!
`- Pmduct-DermMasque
`- The SaltFacial
`- 3Trealments
`- Product-DermMasque
`7’ Day Interval
`- 5 Treatments
`- 7 Day interval
`"IDSIWWWfilflfiflfilfleiflhfltlacerIer CMI'VSEMCMEVSEHVEEIEV
`Skin Reiuvenation Wrinkle
`by Eye
`44 year old patient
`- Macro-Salt Exfoliation
`~ 1Treatrnent
`Dwain , Tum
`in mm
`Skin Lightening
`42 year old patient
`- The SaltFaciai
`- Product—Skin Whflening
`- 3 Treatments
`- 7 Day Interval
`Acne Active
`24 year Dld patient
`- Salt ExfoliationILED
`- 3 Treatments
`- 5 Day Interval
`Stretch Marks—Mild Class
`I 2
`4 year old patient
`The SaitFacial
`3 Treatments
`7 Day interval
`Stretch Marks—Medium to
`Severe Class II to II]
`24 year old patient
`The SaltFacial
`4 Trealmenls
`14 Day Interval
`mpsjmwwwmfleraesmenmerIer cmmemcmrsatiaaav
`1 13.25 PM THEM?