Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011)
`OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`The table below presents the data as entered.
`Input Field
`       (5 pages)
`       (85 pages)
`The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style,
`size or color.


`\\TICRS\EXPORT17\IMAGEOL‘T17\873\548\87354855\Xm18\RFR0021 .JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT17\IMAGEOL‘T17\873\548\87354855\Xm18\RFR0041 .JPG
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`\\TICRS\EXPORT 17\IMAGEOL‘T 1 7\873\548\87354855\Xm18\RFR0034.JPG
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`\\TICRS\EXPORT17\IMAGEOL‘T17\873\548\87354855\Xml8\RFR0061 .JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT17\IMAGEOL‘T17\873\548\87354855\Xml8\RFR0071 .JPG
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`\\TICRS\EXPORT 17\IMAGEOL‘T 1 7\873\548\87354855\Xm18\RFR0088 .JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT 17\IMAGEOL‘T 1 7\873\548\87354855\Xm18\RFR0089 .JPG


`Arguments and exhibits
`/Adam D. Matherly/
`/Adam D. Matherly/
`Attorney of Record, Washington Bar Member
`Thu Dec 13 19:16:00 EST 2018
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011)
`OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
`Application serial no. 87354855 DEVIL DUST(Standard Characters, see has been
`amended as follows:
`Evidence in the nature of Arguments and exhibits has been attached.
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) ( 5 pages)
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) ( 85 pages)


`Evidence— 10
`Evidence— 1 1
`Evidence— 12
`Evidence— 13
`Evidence— 14
`Evidence— 15
`Evidence— 16
`Evidence— 17
`Evidence— 18
`Evidence— 19
`Evidence—3 1
`Evidence— 34
`Evidence—5 1


`Request for Reconsideration Signature
`Signature: /Adam D. Matherly/     Date: 12/13/2018
`Signatory's Name: /Adam D. Matherly/
`Signatory's Position: Attorney of Record, Washington Bar Member
`Signatory's Phone Number: 206-224-8042
`The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which
`includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney
`or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent
`not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is
`concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior
`representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's
`appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.
`The applicant is filing a Notice of Appeal in conjunction with this Request for Reconsideration.
`Serial Number: 87354855
`Internet Transmission Date: Thu Dec 13 19:16:00 EST 2018
`TEAS Stamp: USPTO/RFR-XX.XX.XX.XXX-20181213191600637


`March 1, 2017
`Kathleen M. Vanston
`The following responds to the office action dated June 13, 2018:
`Response to Office Action
`The Examining Attorney has refused to register Applicant’s mark, DEVIL DUST, in light ofprior
`registration U.S. Reg. No. 3280453, citing likelihood of confusion under the Trademark Act
`Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C. §1052(d).
`In any likelihood of confusion determination. two key considerations are the similarity of the
`marks and similarity or relatedness of the goods and/or services. Syndicar Des Proprieraires
`Viticu/teurs De (i'liateauneuf-Da-Pape v. Pasqaier Des Vignes, 107 USPQ2d 1930, 1938 (TTAB
`2013) (citing Federated Foods, Inc. v. Fort Howard Paper (’70., 544 F.2d 1098, 1103, 192 USPQ
`24, 29 (C.C.P.A. 1976)); In re Io/a Tee/1.9.,LLC", 95 USPQ2d 1498, 1499 (TTAB 2010); see TMEP
`§1207.01. That is, the marks are compared in their entireties for similarities in appearance, sound,
`connotation, and commercial impression. In re Viferra Inc, 671 F.3d 1358, 1362, 101 USPQ2d
`1905, 1908 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (quoting In re E. I. do Ponrde NeJ-noars & ("on 476 F.2d 1357, 1361,
`177 USPQ 563, 567 (C.C.P.A. 1973)); TMEP §1207.01(b)-(b)(v). Additionally, the goods and/or
`seivices are compared to determine whether they are similar or commercially related or travel in
`the same trade channels. See Coach Servs., Inc. v. Triumph Learning LLC, 668 F.3d 1356, 1369-
`71, 101USPQ2d 1713, 1722-23 (Fed. Cir. 2012); Herbico Inf], Inc. v. Kappa Books, Inc, 308 F.3d
`1156, 1165, 64 USPQ2d 1375, 1381 (Fed. Cir. 2002); TMEP §1207.01, (a)(vi).
`In the instant case, Applicant’s mark (DEVIL DUST) is audibly and visually identical to the prior-
`registrant‘s mark (DEVIL DUST). However, even marks that are identical in sound and/or
`appearance may create sufficiently different commercial
`impressions when applied to the
`respective parties’ goods or services so that there is no likelihood of confusion." Id; See, e. g., In
`re Sears, Roebuck & (70., 2 USPQ2d 1312, 1314 (TTAB 1987) (holding CROSS-OVER for bras
`and CROSSOVER for ladies” sportswear not likely to cause confusion, noting that the term
`suggestive of
`construction of
`bras, whereas
`"CROSSOVER," as applied to registrant’s goods, was "likely to be perceived by purchasers either
`as an entirely arbitrary designation, or as being suggestive of sportswear which "crosses over" the
`line between informal and more formal wear .
`. or the line between two seasons"). Such is the
`#1216235 v172265-001


`case here. The prior-registrant uses the mark for spices; in connection with those goods. DEVIL
`DUST conveys an image of hot. red powder (e. g. the devil being associated with the color red and
`hell, which popular culture tells us is hot). See Exhibits A and B. Applicant’s goods are candy,
`generally; with respect to those goods, DEVIL DUST conjures up an image of something decadent
`and indulgent (e. g. the devil being associated with sins such as lust and gluttony), generating a
`distinctly different association than the heat ofRegistrant’s use. Like CROSSOVER in In re Sears,
`the use of DEVIL DUST in association to candy is more likely to be perceived by consumers as
`an entirely arbitrary designation or as being of suggestive of candy that is decadent, indulgent or
`The respective goods are also substantially different. Applicant submits that candy and spices are
`distinct specialty goods, and are commonly encountered in separate stores or in separate locations
`of uniquely diversified stores. For examples of stores where candy is sold separately from tea,
`http : //www. candy. com/;
`http ://shop . tootsie . com/.
`; Moreover, the prior-registrant offers
`only spices on its online store: htt
`://www.devil-dustconfl. Applicant does not offer spices on its
`online store:
`leit. Examples from the aforementioned websites are attached herein as Exhibit C.
`In the
`examining attorney’s examples of online stores, it is significant that spices and candy are identified
`as separate categories and the products do not appear side by side for purposes of order placement
`or browsing of product information. The dissimilarity of the goods ensures that even if the
`Applicant’s and Registrant’s respective goods were to be found in the same store, for example, it
`is unlikely that consumers would be confused as to the source, akin to the CROSS-OVER and
`CROSSOVER marks. See, cg, In re Sears, Roebuck & (10., 2 USPQZd at 1313 (noting that the
`items in question “are different types of clothing, having different uses, and are normally sold in
`different sections of department stores”).
`The goods are also uniquely different in how they are consumed and ordered. Spices are not
`consumed as a stand-alone product; they are added to other foods (e. g. meats, soups, vegetables,
`etc.) for the purposes of providing flavor. A consumer purchasing spices does so with their
`cooking needs in mind, whether it is for a specific meal or for ongoing cooking needs. Professional
`chefs frequently order spices in bulk to keep their kitchens stocked. On the other hand, candy is
`most frequently consumed by itself as an on-the-go snack. The typical candy consumer is not
`adding candy to other foods and is not purchasing candy in bulk. Therefore, like the goods in
`the present goods are different types of food items, have drastically different uses as
`illustrated above, and are normally sold in different sections of both online and brick-and-mortar
`stores if they are sold by the same store.
`In addition, the DEVIL DUST mark cited by the examining attorney is a weak mark in its class of
`goods, and thus should only be entitled to a narrow scope ofprotection. See, E. g., Palm Bay Imps,
`Inc. v. Veuve Clicqrior Ponsardin Il/[afson Fondee en 1772, 396 F.3d 1369, 1373-74 (Fed. Cir.
`2005). Included in this response are examples of numerous other third parties using DEVIL DUST
`to describe spices and spice mixtures. See Exhibits C-K. Where third parties have adopted marks
`that are the same or similar to Registrant’s mark for use in connection with similar or identical
`in this case, food products,
`it may show that the term carries a highly suggestive
`#1216235 v172265-001


`commutation in the industry and is therefore weak. See. Eg, iMim‘ iMe/‘Is. Inc. v. Reckitr Benchser
`LLC. 1 18 USPQ2d 1464. 1470 (TTAB 2016). As it is clear from the evidence that DEVIL DUST
`is a weak mark as applied to spices. it is thus even weaker when examined outside ofits goods and
`services. Furthermore. the examining attorney asserts that the goods are “complementary in terms
`of purpose or function because spices may be used in producing candy.” However, there is no
`evidence on record that the goods are necessarily or with any level of frequency bought and used
`together by consumers. Nor has the examining attorney shown that the relevant consumers are
`likely to expect that spices were utilized in the production of candy when the majority of candy
`flavors derive from chocolate or fruit. As demonstrated prior. the Applicant’s goods are a finished
`product purchased as an on-the- go snack. while the Registrant’s goods are a component meant to
`be used in the preparation of food. See, eg, In re W711" re Rock DisfiNerz'es [116..92 USPQ2d 1282,
`1285 (TTAB 2009) (finding that the Office had failed to establish that wine and vodka infused
`with caffeine are related goods because there was no evidence that vodka and wine emanate from
`a single source under a single mark or that such goods are complementary products that would be
`bought and used together). Thus.
`it is inaccurate to conclude that the respective goods are
`Finally. the USPTO has repeatedly allowed registrations of identical or similar marks for “candy"
`on the one hand. and “spices” on the other. to coexist. A short. non-exhaustive list of third-party
`registrations that support Applicant’s position are set forth below (copies of the registration
`certificates are provided herewith as Exhibit M):
`Ref. Mark 1 7 registeredfor candy
`Mark 2 7 registeredfor spices
`US. Reg. No. 4878019 7 GO WITH
`US. Reg. No. 4481064 7 GO WITH
`YOUR GUT; registered for “organic
`YOUR GUT; registered for “chocolate-
`kombucha tea fermented with fruit juices.
`based snack foods” in Class 30;
`Registrant: Jacksons Food Stores. Inc.
`herbs and spices” in Class 30; Registrant:
`Hex Ferments LLC
`U.S. Reg. No. 5190566 — MR. BONES;
`US. Reg. No. 5297953 — MR. BONES;
`registered for “candy” in Class 30;
`registered for “spice rubs” in Class 30;
`Registrant: Liebig. Jason E.
`Registrant: Mr. Bones Bottling. LLC
`U.S. Reg. No. 4728497 — BRAZEN;
`U.S. Reg. No. 4067814 — BRAZEN;
`registered for “chocolate” in Class 30;
`registered for “spice rubs” in Class 30;
`Registrant: Newfangled Labs LLC
`Registrant: Brazen BBQ, LLC
`US. Reg. No. 1329912 7 PANACHE;
`U.S. Reg. No. 1860488 7 PANACHE;
`registered for “Candy” in Class 30;
`registered for “coffee. tea. and spices” in
`Registrant: Panache Chocolatier. Inc.
`Class 30; Registrant: COFFEE BEAN
`US. Reg. No. 2785609 7 GOLDEN;
`registered for “candy” in Class 30;
`Registrant: Guangxi Golden Throat Co..
`U.S. Reg. No. 2122597 7 GOLDEN;
`registered for “spices” in Class 30;
`Registrant: International Golden Foods.
`U.S. Reg. No. 0207643 — FIESTA;
`US. Reg. No. 2092806 — FIESTA;
`registered for “candy and chocolates” in
`registered for “spices” in Class 30
`#1216235 v172265-001


`Class 30; Registrant: Fiesta Colombina,
`(previously U.S. Class 46); Registrant:
`Joannes Coiporation
`U.S. Reg. No. 3325615 4 ICE; registered
`U.S. Reg. No. 4773893 4 ICE; registered
`for “candy” in Class 30; Registrant:
`for “edible spices” in Class 30; Registrant:
`Hershey Chocolate & Confectionery
`BrandStorm, Inc.
`U.S. Reg. No. 1848669 4 GOLD MEDAL;
`U.S. Reg. No. 5323963 4 GOLD
`registered for “spices and processed herbs”
`MEDAL; registered for “candy” in Class
`30; Registrant: Gold Medal Products
`in Class 30; Registrant: American
`Laboratories, Inc.
`U.S. Reg. No. 2895772 — CRUSH;
`U.S. Reg. No. 5075986 — CRUSH;
`registered for “candy” in Class 30;
`registered for “edible spices” in Class 30;
`Registrant: Cadbury Beverages B.V.
`Registrant: Foodsei'vice, INC
`U.S. Reg. No. 5330794 4 BEON;
`U.S. Reg. No. 3369074 4 BEON;
`registered for “chocolates and chocolate
`registered. for “spices” in Class 30;
`based ready to eat candies and snacks” in
`Registrant: Beon Holdings, Inc.
`Class 30; Registrant: NRG Innovations,
`U.S. Reg. No. 207643 4 FIESTA;
`U.S. Reg. No. 2092806 4 FIESTA;
`registered for “[ COFFEE; TEA,] SPICES
`registered for “candy and chocolates” in
`Class 30; Registrant: Fiesta Colombina
`EXTRACTS ]” in Class 30; Registrant:
`McCormick & Company, Incorporated
`U.S. Reg. No. 4675710 4 GOL; registered U.S. Reg. No. 4975211 4 GOL; registered
`for “chocolates and chocolate based ready
`for “spices” in Class 30; Registrant: Sanset
`to eat candies and snacks” in Class 30;
`Gida Turizm Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim
`Registrant: Compafiia Nacional De
`Chocolates S.A.S.
`U.S. Reg. No. 43307324 TOP HAT;
`U.S. Reg. No. 5424649 4 TOP HAT;
`registered for “spice blends” in Class 30;
`registered for “cotton candy” in Class 30;
`Registrant: Pendery's. Inc.
`Registrant: The House Of Nosh LLC
`U.S. Reg. No. 5505706 4 BLACK RIVER;
`U.S. Reg. No. 4910924 4 BLACK
`registered for “spices" in Class 30;
`RIVER; registered for “chocolate candies”
`Registrant: Guixens Food Group, Inc
`in Class 30; Registrant: Bon‘ell, Man‘ia
`Nora: original regisfranfs listed
`In light of the registrations cited-above. Applicant can identify no compelling reason why DEVIL
`DUST should not be allowed to register for its specified goods and sen‘ices when it is clear that
`the same mark used for candy and spices by two respective users can coexist without consumer
`Based on the arguments above. Applicant respectfully requests the Examining Attomey withdraw
`its above-referenced refusals and allow Applicant’s mark to proceed to publication.
`#1216235 v172265-001


`Exhibit A , “Devil” Wikipedia Entry
`Exhibit B , “Dust” Dictionaryeom Entry
`Exhibits C 7 Examples 0f Stores Independently Selling Candy or Spices
`Exhibits D-L , Examples cf Third Parties Adopting “DEVIL DUST" fer Spices
`Exhibit M , Registratinn Certificates of Cited Third-Party Registrations.
`#1216235 Vl 72265-00l




`Devil - Wikipedia
`A devil is the personification of evil as it is conceived in many and various cultures and
`religious traditionsm It is seen as the objectification of a hostile and destructive
`It is difficult to specify a particular definition of any complexity that will cover all of the
`traditions, beyond that it is a manifestation of evil. It is meaningful to consider the devil
`through the lens of each of the cultures and religions that have the devil as part of their
`The history of this concept intertwines with theology, mythology, psychiatry, art and
`literature, maintaining a validity, and developing independently within each of the
`traditionsl‘” It occurs historically in many contexts and cultures, and is given many
`different names — Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles — and attributes: It is
`portrayed as blue, black, or red; It is portrayed as having horns on its head, and without
`horns, and so on.[5][6] The idea of the devil has been taken seriously often, but not
`for example when devil
`figures are used in advertising and on candy
`Statue o the devil in the
`Zmuidzinaviéius Museum or
`Devil's Museum in Kaunas,
`Ancient Egypt
`) gives to the
`Beast of the sea (on the right) power
`Gnostic religions
`In Sufism and Mysticsm
`In Salafism
`Baha'i Faith
`German paganism
`represented by a sceptrelin a detail
`of panel |||.40 of the medieval
`French Apocalypse Tapestry,
`produced between 1377 and i382.


`Devil - Wikipedia
`See also
`External links
`filflfifthhfilv diabéllein, "to slander" from 6161 did, ”across, throug " and fidhheiv béllein,
`The Modern English word devil derives from the Middle English devel, from Old
`English déofol, that in turn represents an early Germanic borrowing of Latin diabolus.
`This in turn was borrowed from Greek: oiéifiohog didbolos, "slanderer",[9]
`"to hurl", probably akin to the Sanskrit guratc, "he lifts up".[10]
`In his book The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity
`that are
`and difficulties
`Jeffrey Burton Russell discusses various meanings,
`encountered when using the term Devil. He doesn’t claim to define the word in a
`A fresco detail from the Rila
`Monastery, in which
`demons are depicted as
`having grotesque faces and
`general sense, but he describes the limited use that he intends for the word in his book — limited in order to “minimize
`this difficulty” and “for the sake of clarity”. In this book Russel uses the word Devil as "the personification of evil found in
`a v

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