Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011)
`OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`Input Field
`The table below presents the data as entered.
`The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style,
`size or color.
`Please see the actual argument text attached within the Evidence section.
`       (6 pages)
`       (55 pages)


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`third party news articles using the word "FLORIDIAN" to suggest style and luxury
`/Sam E. Iverson/
`Sam E. Iverson
`Attorney of record, California bar member
`Tue May 29 17:47:26 EDT 2018
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011)
`OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
`Application serial no. 87330497 FLORIDIAN ROD AND GUN CLUB ON LAKE OKEECHOBEE(Standard Characters, see https://tmng-
` has been amended as follows:
`In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:
`Please see the actual argument text attached within the Evidence section.
`Evidence in the nature of third party news articles using the word "FLORIDIAN" to suggest style and luxury has been attached.


`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) ( 6 pages)
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) ( 55 pages)


`Request for Reconsideration Signature
`Signature: /Sam E. Iverson/     Date: 05/29/2018
`Signatory's Name: Sam E. Iverson
`Signatory's Position: Attorney of record, California bar member
`Signatory's Phone Number: 415-983-1234
`The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which
`includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney
`or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent
`not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is
`concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior
`representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's
`appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.
`The applicant is not filing a Notice of Appeal in conjunction with this Request for Reconsideration.
`Serial Number: 87330497
`Internet Transmission Date: Tue May 29 17:47:26 EDT 2018
`TEAS Stamp: USPTO/RFR-XXX.XXX.XXX.XX-201805291747260


`Applicant: BIG CEDAR, L.L.C.
`Ty Murray
`Law Office:
`1 13
`Serial No.: 87/330497
`This Request for Reconsideration is being filed simultaneously with an Appeal of the Final
`With additional evidence and argumenL Applicant contends that applicant’s mark
`primarily geographically descriptive of the origin of Applicant’s services” as the Examining
`Attorney has failed to prove that the wording in Applicant‘s Mark denotes a generally known
`geographic location, and to the contrary, the primary significance of Applicant’s Mark suggests a
`stylish or luxurious resort or club.
`To establish a prirna facie case for refusal to register a mark as primarily geographically
`descriptive, the Examining Attorney must show that:
`( l) the primary significance of the mark is a generally known geographic location;
`(2) the goods or services originate in the place identified in the mark; and
`(3) purchasers would be likely to believe that the goods or services originate in the
`geographic place identified. in the mark.


`TMEP 1210.01(a); see In re Newbridge Cutlery (70., 776 F.3d 854, 113 USPQ2d 1445
`(Fed. Cir. 2015) (finding evidence insufficient to establish that Newbridge, Ireland is a place
`known generally to the relevant Amelican public); In re Sociez‘e Genera/e des Earn” rl/[inera/es de
`Ville] SA, 824 F.2d 957, 3 USPQ2d 1450 (Fed. Cir. 1987) (evidence insufficient to establish
`that public in United States would perceive VITTEL as the name of a place where cosmetic
`products originate; Vittel, France found to be obscure).
`A. The Examining Attorney’s Evidence Does Not Prove that Lake Okeechobee is a
`Generally Known Geo graphic Location
`As evidence to support the claim that Lake Okeechobee is a well-known tourist
`destination, the Examining Attomey submitted screenshots from listing hotels
`located in Lake Okeechobee and from TiipAdvisorcom regarding “Things to Do in
`Okeechobee.” While these screenshots show that there are hotels and activities around the area
`of Okeechobee, hotels and activities can be found virtually anywhere around the world and the
`screenshots do not provide any other proof that Okeechobee is a popular destination and
`generally known among the relevant public. As such. these screenshots are inadequate to prove
`that Lake Okeechobee is a generally known geographic location.
`The Examining Attomey also submitted screenshots from several third party websites
`describing Lake Okeechobee as “world renowned” or “world famous” for bass fishing. These
`websites. however. are run by local tour operators, so their statements are self-serving. based on
`their own subjective views in order to attract business, and they do not provide objective proof
`that Lake Okeechobee is a generally known geographic location.
`Previously. the Examining Attorney submitted as evidence a Wikipedia article describing
`the size and geographic location of Lake Okeechobee, yet such infonnation fails to demonstrate
`that Lake Okeechobee is widely populated or a popular travel destination.


`When it is not clear on its face that the primary significance of the mark is that of a
`geographic location, the record must include substantial evidence to support a conclusion that the
`mark identifies a place "known generally to the relevant American public.” See In re Newbridge
`Cutlery, 776 F.3d at 862, 1 13 USPQ2d at 1450. A description of the place on the internet does
`not necessarily evidence that a place is generally known to the relevant American consuming
`public. Id. at 863, 113 USPQZd at 1450.
`Here. because the Examining Attorney’s evidence lacks any credible, objective proof that
`Lake Okeechobee is a well-populated area, a popular tourist destination, or otherwise generally
`known to the relevant American public, the Examining Attorney has failed to prove with
`sufficient evidence that the primary significance of Applicant’s Mark is a generally known
`geographic location under §2(e)(2).
`B. The Examiner Wrongly Claims that Applicant Conceded the Wording is
`Geographically Descriptive
`Furthemiore. the Examining Attomey wrongly argues that “the applicant has already
`conceded that the wording LAKE OKEECHOBEE is geographically descriptive when used with
`resort hotel seivices” given that “the applicant disclaimed the teini LAKE OKEECHOBEE
`because it was geographically descriptive [in Application Number 8733047 6].” The Examining
`Attorney’s argument, however, is erroneous and should be disregarded for two key reasons.
`First, there is no legal support for claiming that a disclaimer of wording in one
`application constitutes a concession that the same wording lacks distinctiveness in a separate
`application. To the contrary, the Trademark Act provides that “[n]o disclaimer .
`. shall
`prejudice or affect the applicant’s or registrant’s rights then existing or thereafter arising in the
`disclaimed matter, or his right of registration on another application if the disclaimed matter be
`or shall have become distinctive of his goods or services." 15 U.S.C. §1056(b). As such, it is


`clear that. aside from generic matter. disclaimed matter is not forever baired from registration.
`and it can subsequently be considered for registration on either the Principal Register or the
`Supplemental Register. TMEP 1213.11; see Quaker Oil Corp v. Quaker State 017 Ref. Corp,
`161 USPQ 547, 549 (TTAB 1969) , ajf’d,453 F.2d 1296, 172 USPQ 361 (C.C.P.A. 1972).
`Second, even assuming Applicant disclaimed the wording “LAKE OKEECHOBEE ROD
`AND GUN CLUB" in a separate application, there is nothing in the record proving that
`Applicant disclaimed the wording specifically because it was geographically descriptive.
`Applicant did not give a reason for entering the disclaimer and could have disclaimed the
`wording for any number of reasons, including for instance to simply avoid the costs of arguing
`against the disclaimer. Therefore. the Examining Attomey has no basis for claiming that
`Applicant disclaimed the wording because it was geographically descriptive. and the argument
`that Applicant has conceded the wording is geographically descriptive based on a disclaimer in a
`separate application should not be considered.
`C. The Primaiy Significance of Applicant’s Mark is Not a Generally Known Geographic
`If the most prominent meaning or significance of the mark is not geographic, or if the
`mark creates a separate readily understood meaning that is not geographic, registration must not
`be refused under §2(e)(2). See See In re Newbridge Cutlery, 776 F.3d. at 862. 113 USPQ2d at
`1450 (finding it less likely that Newbridge (a town in Ireland) is generally known as the name of
`a place given its other meanings); Hyde Park Clothes, Inc. v. Hyde Park Fashions, Inc, 93
`USPQ 250 (S.D.N.Y. 1951) (holding that the primary significance of HYDE PARK for men’s
`suits is to suggest that the product is stylish or of high quality rather than to provide information
`about geographic origin), aff’d, 204 F.2d 223, 97 USPQ 246 (2d Cir. 1953).


`For example, in In re M’orfnaga Nyugyo Kabushikf Kai‘s/1m, the Board reversed a §2(e)(3)
`refusal of a mark containing the wording MT. RAINIER THE MOUNTAIN OF SEATTLE
`ESPRESSO & MILK, noting that "[w]hile there is no doubt that the temi SEATTLE identifies a
`generally known geographic location, as it is used in the context of Applicant’s mark, we do not
`find that the relevant public would consider it to indicate of the origin of the goods. " 120
`USPQ2d 1738 (TTAB 2016). The Board observed that. “[u]nder the first prong of the test —
`whether the marks primary significance is a generally known geographic location i a composite
`mark such as the applicant’s proposed mark must be evaluated as a whole.” Id. (quoting In re
`Save Venice New York Inc. 259 F.3d 1346. 59 USPQ2d 1778, 1782 (Fed. Cir. 2001)). The same
`principle applies here.
`The first and dominant portion of Applicant’s Mark is FLORIDIAN ROD AND GUN
`CLUB. The word “FLORIDIAN”. in particular, is a nebulous word, which can suggest style,
`luxury and high society living. For example, attached is a representative selection of news
`articles using the word “FLORIDIAN” to refer to stylish or luxurious living. When viewed as a
`whole. taking into consideration that the first portion of the mark is usually given greater weight
`in the overall impression, Applicant’s Mark will be understood as suggesting a stylish or
`luxurious resort or club. As a result. the piimary significance of Applicant’s Mark is not
`geo graphic.
`As Applicant has established, the primary significance of Applicant’s Mark, when
`viewed as a whole but placing emphasis on the first portion FLORIDIAN ROD AND GUN
`CLUB, suggests a stylish or luxurious resort or club. Furthemiore, the Examining Attomey has
`failed to prove with credible. objective evidence that the wording LAKE OKEECHOBEE in the


`mark is a generally known geographic location. Therefore, Applicant‘s Mark is not primarily
`geographically descriptive, the §2(e)(2) refusal should be withdrawn, and Applicant’s Mark
`should be allowed for registration on the Principal Register.


`Could This be New York's New 'It' Burger?
`Page 1 of 3
`Forbes / LlfQStYIB
`NOV 19, 2014 @ 05:08 PM
`2,271 ®
`The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets
`Could This be New York's New 'It' Burger?
`W Jenny Nguyen, CONTRIBUTOR
`Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own
`If taste and merit alone were enough to bring the burger at The Happiest Hour, a
`new West Village cocktail hotspot into ‘it’ burger stardom then I’ll happily go down
`on record as the person who said it first — this burger is definitely ‘it’ in NYC.
`Co-owned by Acme, NoMad and Pegu Club veterans Jon Neidich and Jim Kearns,
`their aim was to bring us back to a bygone era where the mood in America was
`optimistic and when leisure-time kicked off at 5 o’clock. The theme carries
`throughout the bar in the mid-century Floridian style interiors, the drinks and the
`menu, which houses that memorable burger, so aptly dubbed as “The Happiest
`Make no mistake - this burger was no accident. Speaking to Neidich, I discover that
`the pair had embarked on months of rigorous burger eating research prior to
`developing the recipe. Taking inspiration from the best elements of the best modern
`day burgers, they knew they also wanted to keep within the mid-century tone and
` l 1/ l 9/could-this-be-nycs-new-it-burger/


`Could This be New York's New 'lt' Burger?
`Page 2 of 3
`create the ultimate moment of burger nostalgia in a single bite — Mission
`Somewhere between the Martin’s potato roll, the perfectly sized grass—fed patties
`layered with confit onions, pickles, lettuce and tomato, you’ll also begin to notice
`some pretty distinct old-school references being made. Chef Thomas Lim has paid
`gourmet secret sauce homage to America’s beloved Big Mac sauce as well as an ode
`to the ooze and the softness of the all-American Cheeseburger.
`All this can be enjoyed alongside music from the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles
`and Gladys Knight giving the youthful, spirited experience at The Happiest Hour
`some old-timey refinement.
`Get there before it really does become an ‘it’ burger.
`http ://
`121 W 10th St, NewYork, NY 10011
`(212) 243-2827@
` 1/ l 9/Could-this-be-nycs-neW-it-burger/


`Could This be New York's New 'It' Burger?
`Page 3 of 3
`(All photos by Zandy Mangold, Courtesy of Hanna Lee Communications, Inc)
`Follow Jenny Nguyen & Melting Butter on Twitter and Instagram
` 1/ 19/Could-this-be-nycs-neW-it-burger/


`Developer brings more housing to historic district 1 Business Observer | Business Observer
`Page 1 of 8

`MONDAY, DEC. 4, 2017
`5 months ago
`( gggyigeveloper brings more housing to historic ARTngf;
`Bainbridge Companies opens 240-unit apartment complex in Tampa's Ybor City
`by: Business Observer Staff
`TAMPA 7 Bainbridge Ybor City, at 1512 E‘ 12th Ave, in the Ybor
`City National Historic Landmark District, opened its doors to
`potential residents Nov. 30.
`https ://WWW.businessobserverfl . com/article/developer-brings-rn0re-housing-historic-district
`5/2 5/2018


`Developer brings more housing to historic district l Business Observer | Business Observer
`Page 2 of 8
`The 24D—unit apartment complex was developed by Bainbridge
`Companies, which owns, develops and manages luxury multifamily
`communities in the eastern United States.
`The community offers a live—work—play lifestyle designed to attract
`miléfiggéal reigers, agordiag to a statement.“The apafitdfimgméarkgt in
`the Tampa area is healthy and robust, and it features a strong denl'and
`for modern communities in highly walkable settings that allow
`residents to live, work and play in one area,” states Tom Keady,
`president of the Bainbridge Companies, in a press release. “Bainbridge
`Ybor City fits that description perfectly.”
`Amenities at the four—story Bainbridge Ybor City 7 which offers one—
`and two—bedroom apartment homes 7 include a swimming pool
`surrounded by a sundeck; a 24—hour fitness center with cardio, yoga
`< mafia and a private training room; covered garage parking; and a
`resident clubroom and lounge with an arcade game table and a bar
`“We have designed Bainbridge Ybor City to reflect the energetic
`characteristics of the surrounding neighborhood and its history,” states
`Bob Thollander, Bainbridge's vice president of development for the
`Florida region, in the release. “The floor plans, modern color schemes,
`patios and balconies highlight the essence of Floridian style, yet with an
`urban, cutting—edge flair. The numerous socializing areas make this a
`modern—day paradise for millennials and young renters.n
`% Prev Article
`Next Article %
`https ://WWW.businessobserverfl . com/article/developer-brings-more-housing-historic -district
`5/2 5/2018


`Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort: The grown-up way to do Disney | Th... Page 1 of 4
`Mild season: rooms are given a restrained Floridian style
`Younger guests receive a warm welcome with their own room key cards, gift and
`rucksack adorned with the resort‘s mascot, Gary the Gator.
`Friday 1 May 20151o:17 BST
`Love or loathe Disney‘s most durable creation, there comes a point in many parents' lives
`when the magic of the mouse is hard to avoid. But the prospect of checking into the Four
`Seasons Resort Orlando might persuade even the most Mickey—averse to pack their bags.
`Four Seasons' founding father, Isadore Sharp, long aspired to add Walt Disney World to
`Th e In dependent; bgddtfirfisrpmtfoilse.cAfilee515ryeeinsibf tummy indistdlleatmsdmrcalme a realitiyalcacsérpt
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`of this tfirthWugmfifénfldeipefitfimthfldflgfifflmfbymdan manage your preferences at any time by
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`https ://WWW. independent. co .uk/travel/hotels/four- seasons-or]and0-at—wa1t-disney-world—re. .
`5/2 5/2018


`Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort: The grown-up way to do Disney | Th... Page 2 of 4
`The Walt Disney World Resort is almost twice the size of Manhattan. The Four Seasons is
`within this hallowed turf— the only non—Disney hotel afforded the privilege.
`It's suitably vast, with 443 rooms filling a 17-storey Spanish Revival-style building. Entering
`the reception area you are greeted by a sweeping staircase presided over by a huge
`chandelier designed to resemble The Magic Kingdom's nightly fireworks display. Younger
`guests receive a warm welcome with their own room key cards, gift and rucksack adorned
`with the resort's mascot, Gary the Gator.
`The resort's Adventure Island is the stuff of most childhood fantasies — a splash zone with
`spouting geysers, two water slides and a lazy river. There's plenty of shade from the skin—
`toasting sun with cocoon-like day beds and cute tepees fringing the water. There is also
`an outdoor cinema, a video games room, a playground and kids' club. But there are also
`shady gardens, an over-21s pool, a gym with free yoga and a spa for anyone seeking a
`more grown-up am bience. This being the Sunshine State, there is also the obligatory 18-
`hole golf course.
`The Independent and in
`information about the
`advertising and others
`ytime by
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`https://WWW.independent.€0.11k/trave1/h0tels/ four- seasons-0r]ando-at-wa1t-disney-world-re. .


`Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort: The grown-up way to do Disney | Th... Page 3 of 4
`Mild season: rooms are given a restrained Floridian style
`Most guests will probably stay put for dinner and there are enough options to mix things
`up a bit, during the average six-night stay. The rooftop Spanish Capa restaurant has
`tapas-inspired dishes and steaks. The Ravello restaurant serves pizzas and other Italian
`fare for lunch and dinner, succumbing to chaos twice a week when Mickey, Minnie and
`Pluto make their rounds during the official Character Breakfast. There's also the Ravello
`lounge, the poolside PB+G serving salads and barbecue grills during the day and the
`Cuban—inspired Plancha restaurant at the Golf Club. One welcome innovation is the
`Lickety Split café, which serves bagels, sandwiches, salads, coffee and homemade ice
`cream until late afternoon.
`If you were anywhere else you mightjust stay put, but the theme parks beckon. One
`revelation for the Disney rookie is the organisation involved to get the most out ofa visit.
`Help comes at the Official Disney Planning Centre in the hotel's main reception area —
`invaluable for anyone who has come unprepared.
`Following a sticky day at The Magic Kingdom, | longed for the tranquillity and uncrowded
`spaces of the hotel. If your budget can stretch to it, the Four Seasons is the luxurious way
`to experience Walt Disney World. You'll often pay five—star prices at Disney hotels without
`the level of sophistication and service that the Four Seasons offers, so having somewhere
`of this standard to retreat to is worth the investment.
`The Four Seasons is set in a tranquil enclave of villas called Golden Oaks. The Magic
`Kingdom, Epcot, Disney's Animal Kingdom and Disney's Hollywood Studios are a 20- to 30—
`minute drive from the hotel. There is a regular shuttle service to the parks, but if you miss
`this and don't have a car you need to rely on taxis. It's about 30 minutes' drive from
`Orlando's main airport.
`There are 375 rooms and 68 suites decorated in a restrained Floridian style, with
`geometric prints, browns, taupes and splashes of lime, coral and turquoise. Most rooms
`have an extra sofa bed for families and bathrooms are wall-to—wall marble. Ifyou request
`a Park View room higher up the building, you will have a good vantage point for the
`nightly fireworks displaysat the Magic Kingdom. There are bedside iPads as well as free
`The lndee dentdan
`nclnsiml[sfa techn lo
`Le t and analyse
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`5/2 5/2018


`Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort: The grown-up way to do Disney | Th... Page 4 of 4
`Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort, 10100 Dream Tree Boulevard, Lake
`Buena Vista, Florida, US (001 407 313 7777;
`Rooms ****
`Value ***
`Service *****
`Doubles from $645 (£410) per night, room only.
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