`Sent: 1/31/2017 5:22:21 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 87028911 - GAIA ACUPUNCTURE - N/A - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 3 of 6
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 10
`Files: allina-03.jpg, allina-04.jpg, allina-05.jpg, allina-06.jpg, allina-07.jpg, allina-08.jpg, allina-09.jpg,
`allina-10.jpg, allina-11.jpg, allina-12.jpg
`my lew.allmahsallh.urgPsnny-Gsorge-lnslilute-lor-Heallh-and—HaaliflgSsrvicesi
`011311201? 04 10 PM
`— .m awpmlumm, a palm)“ wuu Ina:- :anmJal
`training, gently lnsecls flue, steflle
`ampunuure needles through your skin to help
`promute heallh and treat Illness or paln. Best for: life
`balancelstness management, healthy sleep. DBln
`mallagema'lt, tobacco uessafinn and tanner rare.
`Am I Ilunmw' lindful Eating world-on
`' WWII, M'luleapolis, 612786375178.
`cm: 5229. Cal [wmo mks.
`'W 612-563-3333. Cost: $229.
`Call for warldnp schedules.
`' WI?“
`you love. Lave whatyuu eat. No alone
`and your eatreoentireveat cycle. Eat what
`counting. No polnls. No chouslngfmma IH:
`of 'gaod" foods. Tills aunt-week wantshup
`Iffers pmcflml shategla that wlll help you eat
`mlndfuly and live vibrantly‘ Best for: healfllv eatlng
`and healthy «night.
`' Winsome
`- um W.fiflu.‘ forsomehospilzlizedpm'
`' WWW-e
`. mmmnmfi AI i n
`' Emma} mm“min“2m Mirth:
`W uses essential oils from
`plants to malntalm nd manta heallil. It
`encourages your body's natural abllltv to
`relax and heal, and supports the balance of
`mlnd. body and splflt. Aromatherapy ran pruvlde
`benefits or rdlef forW ranging fmm an upset
`stomach to paln In mlds to skln mdlfluns. Best fat:
`Llle balamelshus management, heallily sleep, paln
`management, tobacco cessalion and cancer rare.
`W uses spedal ewlpment t9
`culled lnformatlon or "feedback" about how
`wulr M.- rummndc l7. chm-c and naln
`my lew.allmahsallh.urgPanny-Gsorge-lnslimte-lor-Heallh-and—HaaliflgSsrvicesi
`011311201? 04 10 PM
`- your body [25990115 to stress and pain.
`Sensors taped to your skin measure musde
`actlvlty, skin temperature, sweat acmflty, heart rate
`and breaflrlng patterns. By learning I'm your body
`reads towers and Daln. V011 can galn control over
`rParfinrui. Heel for: life halathJstmm
`management, healthy sleep, paln management,
`tobacco cessation and cannot are.
`Body mmposilion analysis
`' Wm Mil-WHE- 512-313-5173-
`Ctst - 30mm: $35, 45-rninLleBod Pod:
`A stale alone can‘t lell you what your Ideal
`weight Is. You need on understand how much
`ofyouruleightislean tnusdeand howmudl
`Is fat. Body composltlon analysls does that
`uslnga vanetv of methods, such as lire sldn fold
`liper method and fiate—of—the-art Bud Pod
`technology, You recelve your retails and
`Warm: for Ideal body mmposition goals.
`Best for: Physlcal actlvll'y, healthy eaflngjnutrlnon and
`healthy weight.
`Body in Balance
`- mam. Mklfleapolis, 512-353—5131.
`ast- 5179.
`This program ls designed to help you
`Improve your, posture and balance for ease of
`everyday Ilvinn. nrevenuon of falls; reduction
`of pain, Improved movement or athletic
`performance. This program Includes an evaluatlon of
`your current poshlre and balance profile, a customized
`exerdse program deslgned to a61de any may:le and
`postural Imbalanm, three 30-minute follow-up _
`mustang, and three m-mlnute indopamigr'li Wil Flt
`sessions. Besttor: Pain management and physlrz!
`BodyGem'" Resting “embolism Tesdm)
`' magnum Minneapolis, 612755375178.
`Cofiv 555.
`'W 512-863-3333.
`For anyone wanting to lose welght or
`maintain an Ideal body fat goal, It ls essential
`to know your roofing metabolic rate — the
`number OfCBIO-I'ifi your body burns each day
`at rest. The BodyGem testing, along wlth Miler
`almiaflnrls Matan to Your dolly ammty levels, allows
`us to alternately 39.5555 your daily caloric need's. But
`lemallmahsallhm Penn -Gsor e-lrislimte-lor-Heallh-and—Haalin Services!
`01131001? 04 10 PM
`u: m awn-Inlay um ywi uuny mun“. “tuna. nut
`for: Physical adlvlty, healthy eaflnglnutflflon and
`healthy weigh.
`caneer survivor services
`- WW M'lwleapolis, GIZVWSEN.
`. Ilru','.> Mannie
`Imepiiflizai paliems hm on clinical needs.
`A professional staff of exercise physiologists.
`physical lheraplsls, nutritionle and wellna‘.
`Luau-e: wlll llelu VIN design a Diuiiwru [u
`achieve uplimal health. This dflen begins
`with a fitness Profile to deten'nlne your current level
`if fitnefi and needs, and to create an aver-fl acuon
`plan lilat may Include fihlas, nutriljnn ami WEIII’IES
`coachlm semces. Best for: Cmcel'. henlt'w
`eating/alum, physical activity and chrnriic fatigue,
`Energy healing
` forsnme
`_ H.
`Enermr healing uses energy fields like
`magnum field's or hibflelds with the Intent to
`afllect health. “lemmas are based on the
`Idea that peuple have a sublime-font! of
`energy: and dlsturbanues to these subtle energiesrcan
`lead to lllnfist goal Is in its-tore the harmony and
`balance in your energy. Exampls. of energy heallng
`dimples are healing touch..Qi dong. magnet therapy,
`light therapy and Relld. Bestfbr: fife balamelstr‘ess
`management, healthy sleep. pain mana'aement and
`cancer mm.
`Fitnm amnile and training with an
`elm-die physiologist
`- WW Iii-mamas. Bilmflm
`These consultations heln'you develop
`exemlsa programs to enhance your overall
`health. 111w can beused to improve strength
`and endurance, reduce blood prasure;
`Improve sleep pattems,and lncneaye energy. You may
`bemhflurstad In filiaservice'ifvou are new tvexerdse,
`Ilvlng with Chronic paln or another chronic condition,
`dealing with hijurles'qrdlsabillfles, looking tu advance
`a current exercise program, or feellng In need of_
`mm“. Beat fer: Cancaf care. physlafl activity,
`llfe balancefstress management and pain
`lem.allinahealth.ur Penn -Gsor s-lnslihlte—lor—Heallh—and—Haaiifl Services!
`01131001? 04 10 PM
`fitness Mlle
`-W lamp-dis. Biz-mam
`W - 75-90 nitrite sessicn:
`- memo. 612-863—3333.
`11re Fitness Profile isan idealstamng point
`for any new eooercise plan or an opportunity
`for rewlar exerdsas tn died: their IIWress.
`This assessment lndudes an Intake of your
`health history, complete muscula Warmth, flexiblilty,
`body fat and muscular endumu tests, and a
`cardiovascular fitness assasment. An exerdse
`physiologlst interprets the results, helps you establlsh
`personal times goals, add-goes any oonoems, and
`gives you recmnmendatlons for a personalized
`aterdse program. Best for: Ute balamelstrss
`marlagerrmt, physical activity and healthy weight.
`rm rehabilitation
`‘ WI. "Wis. EQWSEM
`Conforfioflmkesssions-sinflesession: $7M”.
`package of 3: SEES, padrageoffi: $385.
`if you are mmna llnummlirhted north
`orchronic oomplaints,.nr if you have a
`refierral from your madlmi dudnr, you may
`bonefttfmm Fitness Rehabilitation. We work
`with your personal physician or dininal rehabilitation
`specialism to cushmllze your program. "fills program is
`not intended to reptace n traditioan physlatl thuapy
`program or phase It cardiac-rehabilitation. Its purpose
`Is to'help you make as safe transition to‘the health—club
`setting. Bestl‘or: LEfe bulanoelstress management,
`physimi activity and healthy weight.
` . mghmlm mum l’nrm.
`haspitalimdpafimtshuedon :ii'nid needs.
`’ Stfiinelifleeiflnl'mmm,fiulmpoefi'.for
`W Is a gentle hut powerlth
`technique that tomses and directs the
`Immginatkm‘to ease” stress and enhance wedl-
`' beino. It uses words and imaqes to hell:
`my lew.allmaheallh.urgPanny-Gsorge-lnslimte-lor-HeaIm-and—Haa‘iflgSsrvicesi
`011311201? 04 10 PM
`uemu. AL 11545 mums emu «"3915 an new
`move ywraltenflonaway l’mm the worry, shssand
`Dam and hell) you find mown Inner strean and
`crealivity to support healing. Best {on Life
`balance/stress management, healthy sleep, pain
`management and cancer care.
`Harlin] mudl
`‘ MWeryJurwhosmlizadmiam:
`'W for some hospitalired
`pmiencs based on dinical needs.
`mama: ls ar- energv-based awnadw
`to health. Illegoal Is to promote heallng on
`physical, medal, errmtkmal and splfllnal
`levels. ltlsbasedonmebellefmatead!
`person has a dynamic. subtle energy field in and
`araundfllebodyfllatm belnfluenoedm pmmnte
`health. Anyone who wards In Improve wdln and
`health an benefit from healing touch. Best fur: Life
`balannelstress management. healtlw sleep, palm
`management and cancer care.
`Injury mm:
`Mimi. 512-563-517“-
`Coarse mm: $55, 60 minute session: $55.
`Do you have a new pain or mold injury that
`Dmanls youfmrn exerdslng ar fining
`everyday activities? An injury 35mm“!
`may be what you needtogat rnavlng agaln.
`You wIlr receive an Individual evaluuuon frum h
`physlmi flaemnisl. Self-Wit remnmrendaflons
`and/or further evaluatle by yuur physician may be
`sugguted. This rips not replace a conventlnnal
`phvslmi flaemr'ly visit and amnot be billed to
`Insurance; Best fur: thslcal acflvltv and pain
`Integral“: mmlmfims
`'W 651-241-9600-
`'-W 651-241-3000.
`‘ Wm 61245638333-
`. my,“ .4.
`d eeds.
`lem.alllnaheallh.ur Penn -Geor s-lnslihlte—lor—Heallh—and—Heelifl Services!
`01131001? 04 10 PM
`Based onme Penny George Instltute
`pdnclfles of Integrative medicine, bitsegralive
`- mm wlflr a medical dochar. nurse
`practitioner or nurse dimian wlll help you
`learn about Inlnarative health therapies. Together,
`you can choose options for lmpmvlnu your health,
`healan and wellnefi Mills talklng about lradltlonal
`heatment optlonsy During a hospltal stay, all
`cansultations are conducted by a nurse dlnldan. Best
`fur: Ufehalancetflrem management, healthy ailing,
`healthy sleep. healthy weight, pain management,
`tnbanzo cessation and (inner care.
`Integrative health and Itdlness madling
`' Want. MilrlreanoliS. 6l2-863—517a.
`on for a We seem - $9].
`- Wan-mania.
`!ntegraflve health and wellnas coaching
`offers a may to make llfestyle change and to
`succeed in managing stress. eating healthy.
`belnu active. sleepan well and staying
`rnoltvated. Partlclpenls engage with a coach to
`Identify barriers tn mhlevlng health goals, dlscwer
`personal mflvatlon mtegles, create a personalized
`Dian to meet health coals. and develou self—
`matlvaflon, Selfrcnnfidence‘ self-awarenea and
`reslllenoe Hulls. Bestfor: Life hath
`management, healthy eating, healthy sleep, healthy
`might, physlazl activity, paln management, tobacm
`cessation and cancer are.
`Integrative nutrition Munitions
`- Wan-5534333.
`'W 6123613333.
`- new “m
`u 612-863-3333.
`Knrean Hand-Therapy
`Based an the Rmng relationshlp between
`nutrients and haw your body warts,
`lntegr'atlya nutmtnn an help yam body
`restore health, prevent Illness and recuver
`from disease. The. numfionbt leaks for «am If
`dlsease and how to musem with healthful
`funds. Bat fér: healthy eating, healthy Weight and
`lancer I3re.
`[Mmallmaheallhm Penn -Gsor e-lnslimte-ior-HeaIm-and—Haaiifl Services!
`01131001? 04 10 PM
`Knrenanndeapybaseil on lhetheory
`that Hie hands area mlcmmsm nfliie body,
`mus treating sped“: palms on the hand can
`have m died on me wrapondlng body
`part. Stimulaflon uflhe polnls on the hand thrmgll
`pressure arwlth the useofa pellet orseed wil
`positively affect the mrrapendlng bncly part. It Is a
`non-invasive theranv that produces results In affecting
`pain, mama and cunsflpallm. It (an easily be taught
`for self-care. Best for: Pail managerial: and cancer
`Massage therapy (muliml mmch
`' WEIZ-Bfia-SSEE-
`- Wfilzw-mi
`'W 507-977-2825-
`' 423-3690.
`. “INN-“mum finnmfl',ioranme
`' WWW“
` _. my
`. up.
`W can we" 5'15
`musds and lmpnwe muscle Inna. ll can
`reduce paln and rnlsde tension, lower blood
`pressure and heart rate, improve circulafiun
`and your Immune Iespuuse, and lnuuase yuur Indra
`"feel good“ dlemlcals. Best for: Life banana/sums
`management, healthy sleep, pain management and
`cancer care.
`Mindfulness Training
`-W 651-241-3000.
`' WW 61278613333.
`Managingm fllrnugll mindful If
`you are looking for a new approach to
`rrlanaging straits, Mindfuin Train'mg may
`be for van. It Is a fouHueek program ofiedtlg
`my lew.allmahsallh.urgPanny-Gsorge-lnslimte-lor-Heallh-and—HaaliflgSsrvicesi
`011311201? 04 10 PM
`m. w. lvuy .. m u u... «I-..» '1 “mm. mum".
`highly effective tools to help you manage sth and
`achieve a hlghgstate of welllbeilg. Learn in stablilze
`ynur mind and Increme your reslllenne mmugh
`mlndfuhafi practice-3 sudI as meditation and yoga.
` patients based nn diniml needs.
`Listening in, «r uealing, music can help your
`phyflcal, emnflanal andsodal well-being.
`Muslc therapy can reduce your feellngs of
`anxiety, fires and paln. Listening to spedal
`muslc can pmrnute relaxation, whldI can: Imam
`ynur breathing, lower your Hood presents and heart
`rate, reduce your muscle tensiun and help yuur
`amenflnn span and memory. Best for: Life
`balanm/stress management and pain magement.
`Personal nutrition mnnseling
`'W Hummus. 61273635278.
`an: $75.
`. gm'.0413"
`Ifynu wantfiufeel your bat-and getthe
`most out 9F yqur workout routine", Persimml
`Nutfitlon-Onuméling Is for you. This service
`allows-Yul: h) address nuhiliun lllpilS ofyuur
`choloe on your own schedule. You will workonerunr
`unawlth “tensed numfiun expats who afler
`knowledge, sldlkz and tools In help ynu achieve your
`nutrition and health goals. Best for: healthy eating,
`healthy weight and cancer rare.
`Fernandina-nerds: training
`- Wm Minneapolis, 612%3—5178.
`ammu- a manlan am 7 Single sash-m:
`WW5 package 5f 3: $195, package of 6: $375.
`' Wm. Sizvmszsa.
`If you haVe-newr maimed before, or you
`never seem to' see the results you desire, a
`personallzed traman semlon can help you
`sucoaed. This program starts with a Flume-a;
`Profile sesslon to assess your needs and'establlsh
`reallslic 'guals. Vuur exerdse spedallst will work with
`you lo.deslgn a-pmqram that Is not only enjoyable;
`buteflecflve and highly motlvatlng. 53th“ Ufa
`batunmlslress management, physical activtty, healthy
`my lew.alllnaheallh.urgPsnny-Gsorge-lnslimte-lor-Heallh-and—HaaliflgSsrvicesi
`01131001? 04
`10 PM
`hum-manna: Inuuugalueul, pup“.- uhuiuly. “sump
`mm and Min management.
`Films relormer (mining
`'W Min-mas, 61 Lam-5:71
`cm: A beginner’s padmge, requiui fur new
`W, 'nduda a 60-minute mm and
`fliree 30-minl1e Maw-q) m; $113175. Filmy-up
`sus‘ons (60 rn'I'ILmeseadi)are 575. Mabouvadtage
`Pilate Reformer Training ls deilgned to
`arengthen and lengthen your muscles by
`using gentle resistance created by an
`exercise device calleéa adurmer. This low
`impact exerdse wll allow you to work all M the body's
`musde grams or preciser target wedflc mam.
`Exerdses cm be modified for must exercise levels and
`physical Iirniinflms. Bat for: Healthy weight, physirzl
`actMty and pain management
` ‘
`sum. 1» _._.,Izl‘,for
`. ..
`mere are reflex maps in each foot and hand
`. Wishiedonflleooneeptmat
`lint correspond tn all body paris and organs.
`A reflexologlsl applies Dressure no these
`areas to muse changes In yourbody. These changes
`n Improve blood, shengfl'len your Immune syflem,
`decrease pain, and balance physical and emotional
`symplnms. Bestfor: Life balancelstress management,
`healthy sleet). vain management and cancer care.
`' Wham
`' Whammlwnmm
`. “an”! an“ m for some MSW
`patients based on dinial needs.
`. 5, mmfimralummm; min»
`when stress is overwhelming your nervous
`system prepalfi for “fight 01' l’llght.‘I This
`response can be help“! In emergendabut
`my! war um... vmlr mm. a n is mudan
`my Iliwm.alllnahealth.urgPenny-Gsorge-lnslimle-lor-Heallh-and—HaaliflgSsrvicesi
`011311201? 04 10 PM
`' ' unweardormyourtndyi‘fltismnstarfly
`adlvated in everyday life. Easily learned reiaxatlon
`techniques sudi as deep breaflilng, prograslve
`muscle relaxation, and meditation techniques can
`bring the mind and body back into balance. Best for:
`iihz. halancefstrm management and pain
`mlim Training
`- Won-M3333.
`' “11W 612496373333 Cost:
`Gall forfeem and mine.
`Is an eightiweek group
`program developed by Henry Emmons, MD,
`andbasedonhis hook, 'Thediemlstryof
`Joy.“ It is designed to help people enhanoe
`their natural resilience, making them [as Iiimiy in
`develop problems with deprasion and other chronic
`diseasfi. Desired wtmrnesforpmgram participants
`lndude reduced severity ofdepresslon and anxiety
`symptoms, a decrease In firbureepbodes and less
`reliant}! on prmcrlptiolr meditations.
`the program begins with a consultation with a
`psydrlatrist. This provides an opportunity to learn
`more about the program and whether It is right for
`you. but also to receive an integrative assessment of
`your situation and any suggsflons the psychiatrist
`feels may be helpful. Each Resilience Training group
`consists of 12 to 16 participants who meet once a
`weekfnr eight weelstogaln a greater understanding
`cf the interconnected workings of the mind, body and
`Spirit. The h'ainlnq also Includes Individual sessions
`with a clinical nutnt‘ionist and an exercise ahvsiologia‘
`Best for: life balance/mess management and healthy
`Spiritual direction
`" Spirllmll dlrealon is a method of healing
`conversation that aliens you to consider your
`relationship with the divine presence in the
`universe—whatever that means to you. link
`service can benefit individuals regardless of religious
`afiillatlons or spiritual beliefs. During the appointment,
`you will work with a spiritual direction counselor in:
`' disuasspiriurolhimry
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