`PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011)
`OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 07/31/2017)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`Input Field
` (1 page)
` (28 pages)
`The table below presents the data as entered.
`The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style,
`size or color.
`Arguments addressing Examining Attorney's specimen refusal and Appendices in
`support thereof.
`/Alicia M. Passerin/
`Alicia M. Passerin
`Attorney of Record, PA Bar Member
`Mon Apr 17 11:23:25 EDT 2017
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011)
`OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 07/31/2017)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
`Application serial no. 87010649 J2945(Standard Characters, see https://tmng-al.uspto.gov/resting2/api/img/87010649/large) has been amended as
`In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:
`Evidence in the nature of Arguments addressing Examining Attorney's specimen refusal and Appendices in support thereof. has been attached.
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) ( 1 page)
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) ( 28 pages)
`Request for Reconsideration Signature
`Signature: /Alicia M. Passerin/ Date: 04/17/2017
`Signatory's Name: Alicia M. Passerin
`Signatory's Position: Attorney of Record, PA Bar Member
`Signatory's Phone Number: 412-263-4369
`The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which
`includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney
`or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent
`not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is
`concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior
`representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's
`appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.
`The applicant is filing a Notice of Appeal in conjunction with this Request for Reconsideration.
`Serial Number: 87010649
`Internet Transmission Date: Mon Apr 17 11:23:25 EDT 2017
`TEAS Stamp: USPTO/RFR-XX.XXX.XXX.XX-2017041711232592
`To the Commissioner of Trademarks:
`Re: Application Serial No. 87/010,649
`In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the foliowing:
`In the Office Action mailed on October 28, 2016 regarding Application Serial No.
`87/010,649 for “12945” (“the Mark”),
`the Examining Attorney has rejected registration of the
`Mark on the grounds
`the specimens of record do not
`show “the applied-for
`mark. ..function[ing} as a trademark to indicate the source of applicant’s good and to identify and
`distinguish them from others.”
`Applicant’s Representative appreciates the Examining Attorney’s time to discuss the
`Office Action by telephone. As discussed, Applicant is submitting herewith a listing of other
`Marks owned by Applicant
`in which substantially similar specimens were submitted and
`accepted. Specifically, please refer to:
`Application Serial No. 86/790,279 for “AMS—STD-59S;”
`Application Serial No. 86/810,271 for “J306l;”
`Application Serial No. 87/010,624 for “J2735;” and
`Registration No. 4,698,635 for “J 826.”
`See Appendices A—D hereto. Applicant submits that the Specimens submitted on September 27,
`2016 fig show the Mark in use in commerce to indicate the source of Applicant’s goods and to
`identify and distinguish them from others. A marked up copy of the Specimens submitted on
`September 27,marked to show the Mark as used in commerce, is attached hereto as Appendix E.
`Accordingly, Applicant submits that the Mark is registerable and respectfully requests
`that the refusal to register the Mark be withdrawn.
`In View of the foregoing, Applicant respectfully submits that the application is in
`condition for publication and requests prompt favorable action.
`Appendix A
`Tuesday. March 7, 2017 00:43 AM
`Official USPTO Notice of Publication Conflnnation: U‘S, Trademark 5N 86790279: AM S-STD—595: DocketIReterence No: SAEI<20
`U.S. Serial Number: 85790279
`Mark: AMS—STD-595
`International class(es): 009‘ 015, 041
`Owner: SAE International
`Docket/Reference Number: SAEl-ZO
`The mark identified above has been published in the Trademark Official Gazelle (1'M06) on Mar 07. 2017.
`To Review the Mark in the TMOG:
`Click on the following link or paste the URL Into an intemet browser: httpsfitmog.uspto.govi#issueDate=2017—03-07&serlalNurnber=86790279
`II any information Is incorrect due to
`0n the publication date or shortly thereafter. the applicant should carefully review the information that appears in the TMOG for accuracy.
`USPTO error, the applicant should immediately email the requested correction to TMPostPubQuegQ usptogov, For applicant corrections or amendments after pubiication.
`please file a post publication amendment using the form available at httgjilteasroa.useto.§0v192§L For general information about this notice. please contact the Trademark
`Assistance Center at 1-800-736-9199.
`Significance of Publication for Opposition:
`' Any party who believes it will be damaged by the registration of the mark may file a notice of opposition (or extension of time therefor) with the Trademark Trial and Appeal
`If no party flies an opposition or extension request within thirty (30) days after the publication date. then eleven (1 1 ) weeks after the publication date a certificate of
`registration should issue.
`To check the status oi the application. go to httpzl/tsdnusgtogovlticaseNumber=86790279&caseType=SERIAL N0&saarchTy_Qe=statusSearch or contact the Trademark
`Assistance Center at 1-500-786-9199. Please check the status of the application at least every three (3) months after the application filing date.
`To view this notice and other documents for this application on-Ilne, go to
`htggdftsdr.uspto.govl#caseNumber=66790279&caseType=SERIAL NO&searchType=documentSearch. NOTE: This notice will only become available on-ilne the next business
`day after receipt of this e-mail.
`9‘! ”WMSuhlcvilnfl Vail
`may Ihulvhwe lane“.
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`Colors Used In Government Procurement
`BAMIII Adm-Whaling: arm-nun
`‘ mum“ (Akron-un-
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`WEE-595'“ — Cdms used a summer: Panza-art Ihu
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`AMS-STD—595TM -
`Colors Used In Government Procurement
`The General Services Administration. previous managers of this specification. have asked SAE Committee G-B Organic
`Coatings to take over document management.
`This document has been taken directly from federal standard FED-STD-SQSC and contains only minor editorial and format
`changes required to bring it into conformance with the pubiishing requirements of SAE technicat standards. The Initial
`release of this document is intended to repEace FED-STD-595C. Colors identified by the original standard remain
`The original federal standard was adopted as an SAE standard under the provisions of the SAE Technical Standards Board
`(TSB) rules and regulations (TSB 001) pertaining to acoeierated adoption of government specifications and standards. TSB
`rules provide for (a) the publication of portions of unrevised government specifications and standards without consensus
`voting at the SAE committee level, and (b) the use of the existing government specification or standard format.
`M S
`AE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: 'Thia report In pubilatmd bysAE to advanced-Ia state oftechnical and engineering Iclenoes. The use oltlis lepovt I: entirety
`voluntary. and It: applicabilityand sultahlnty for any particular use, Including any patent infringement arcing therefrom. la the sole reapenaihitltyef the user."
`SAE reviews each technical report at leaat every five years at which time it may be revised. reefiin‘ned. stabbed. or conceited. SAE Invltal your written comments and
`0011th 2015 SAE international
`All rights reserved. No part of this putatioatinn maybe reprodunad, stored In a retrieve: system ortrenemitted. In any form orby any mlans. electronic. mechanical, ptnmoopytng.
`recording. or chemise. wittqu the prior written pannlsslm at 5A5,
`'ro PLACE a Document omen:
`871-606-7323 [inside Han and corrode)
`SAE values your Input. To provide feedback
`on this Tee
`o1 124.111.4910 (mid. usA)
`Emil: cmmafiemfllnmrg
`Page 2 of 24
`This standard is issued pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. as amended, and its
`appiication to the purchase of com modifies referred to herein.
`This standard presents the colors used by Government Activities in a format suitable tor color selection. color matching and
`for quality control inspection. This document describes the designation and use of the color chips of this standard. Formats
`for color chip representation and precise color matching formats are as described below:
`a. Color Chip Representation. Fan Deck: Suitable for color identification and selection.
`b. Color Chip Representation. Color Book: Suitable for cotor identification. comparison and selection.
`c. Precise Coior Matching, Individuai Color Chips: A 3 x 5 inch color chip supplied in a 3 x 5 inch protective envelope,
`suitable for color matching and quality control inspection purposes.
`d. Precise Color Matching. Sets of Qatar Chips: A set containing one 3 x 5 inch color chip in its protective envelope for
`each Fed-Std-595 color. suitable for color matching and quality control inspection purposes.
`American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards:
`ASTM 0523
`Standard Test Method for Specular Gioss
`ASTM D1729 Standard Practice for Visual Appraisai of Colors and Color Difierences of D‘rffusely-llluminated Opaque
`ASTM D2244
`Standard Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances and Color Differences from Instrumentally Measured
`Color Coordinates
`ASTM E308
`Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System
`Colorimetry. 3" edition. NET: www,cie.co.ai
`ClE 1512004
`Not applicable
`a. Color Matching: This standard covers color chips for color matching and control of items produced for Government
`use. Unless othenivise specified or designated by the contracting officer, color chips shall be the latest in effect by date
`of contract. Neither the Fan Decks nor the Color Back shall be used for color matching. Tristlmulus values are provided
`as a reference in this standard to supplement the primary color chip reference.
`b. Metamerism: Colors that visually match in lights of certain spectra! compositions but not in others are said to be
`metameric. The light source, condition ofviewing and specular reflectance are criticai to overcome metamerism and to
`determine correct matches. Therefore.
`light sources as specified in ASTM D1729 shall be used for visual color
`c. Color Matching Criteria:
`In specifying color. procurement documents shouid state the Fed-Std-595 color number.
`d. Color Chips Authorized for Use:
`Page 3 of 24
`i. After the publication of this standard, only color chips marked Fedstd-SQEC shall be used.
`ii. Color chips which are soiled, stained. faded, or otherwise damaged due to improper handling, storage. or exposure
`to light or chemicals shall not be used.
`a. Care of Color Chips: All coior chips will change with time and some will change more than others. Color change can
`be minimized by observing the following procedures.
`Store the color chips in a cool dark place.
`ii. Avoid exposure of the color chips to direct or scattered UV light or chemicals.
`iii. Minimize exposure of the color chips to light from any source.
`IV. Keep the color chips covered when not in use.
`v. Do not touch the face of the color chips.
`f. Color Chip Reproduction: Color chips may not be reproduced without the authorization of General Services
`Administration. Reproduction of color chips from any source other than the master standard is not authorized. The
`General Services Administration must approve all color matches made when the color chips are reproduced.
`a. Available Items: The following items are available to both the Fedora! Community and commercial customers:
`Fan Deck of representative colors, 0.5 x 2 inch color chips. The National Stock Number for this is "(690-01-162-
`Fed-Std—595 Color Book. consisting of an 8.5 x 11 inch compilation of the representative color chips, each 0.5 x 1
`inch in size.
`Individual paint colors are arranged in tabs by color family and in each tab, sequentially from light to
`dark and according to color chip number. These are formatted in three paralEeI columns corresponding to flat,
`semtgloss and gloss.
`Individual 3 x 5 inch color reference chips
`lv. Color set of all 650 3 x 5 inch color reference chips
`b. Ordering Intormation, Commercial Customers: Fan Decks, the Color Book. individual color chips. and sets of color
`chips are for sale by the General Services Administration at the following address:
`GSA Property Management
`490 L'Enfant Plaza East SW.
`Suite 8214
`Washington. DC. 20407
`c. Ordering Information, Government Customers: Individual color chips, Color Book. and sets of color chips are available
`at the address listed in 'b” above. Fan Decks are available via routine supply channels under National stock Number
`d. Color Identification: Each color is identified by a five-digit code. Colors in this standard are not to be referenced without
`giving the five—digit code.
`Page 4 of 24
`e. Current Color Reference System: There are eight oolor groups and three gloss designations.
`First number corresponds to the gloss level (See Table 1 below.)
`It. Second number corresponds to the color group (See Table 2 below)
`iii. Last 3 numbers represent that particular color by the sequence added and its relative placement from
`light to dark.
`Table 1, First digif
`Mlsc Black White, Gold, Silver.Vlolet
`Cotor Grou - s
`f. Trlstlmuius, Specular Gloss Values: Unless otherwise noted, tn‘stlmulus vaiues referenced In this standard are
`expressed in llluminan‘t C or 065 (daylight), lllumlna nt A (incandescent tungsten lamplight), llluminant F2 (Stan dard cool
`white fluorescent lamp) tn accordanoe with ASTM E305 Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using
`the CIE System. (Reference CE 1931 2-degree observer using 0° - 45° illumination, Hunter Calorimeter.) 60° Specular
`Gloss is calculated In accordance with Standard Number ASTM 9523, Standard Test Method for Specular Gloss.
`Cain's UN in Gnu-m x
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`Cnlflis Used in Government Procurement
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`Your Destination For Mobility Engineering Resources
`NEWS A ”#153
`E2} s' (' “A 5mm:
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`E NW AM u
`m "m mu
`‘ WWW v w
`1 Lgm a mum
`Colors Used In Government Procureme
`SKIN-fli- HWS
`um- um mkmmpm
`‘ rm» Minn-cum
`mmrz sue Mum-cl
`5A5 mm sub-mm vnu
` luv Ina-iv havem
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`-1.! Mind I
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`AMS-Em-Sfli" - Cour: Used in Garment Pram mi:
`Wmm Human usadbvfiuvemmuu‘vfie ma
`hunt “in!“ for cub: Idmim mum-no and run warty central
`into-avian fur nan: and wait-om Standard .- uud mu. Duo and
`mad-slum: II Ipn‘m um ofmlor ream.
`Amlnn: Wham! may - am: New In m aux-Med
`”Cs-mls'mdflpsndhndm or sell-II MID
`WWW urnlluaflmanuvluAsudih
`‘ 1-"1‘605-7'323 (us. llfl ml! MW) 0f l~n‘-776‘l!7n
`: 1h: Gun-rad sum: mam, previous mars I! W
`medicaflm. have Asked SAE Curr-wire G-a Omani: Camus tn
`nus-urn ma:
`animal-unmann- any-mm lump-5g;—
`nan—n b
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`J m hr unk'm to an
`‘ E3 Mama/@EMDQ
`; hueul
`Appendix B
`Tuesday, March 7, 2017 00:43 AM
`Official USPTO Notice of Publication Confirmation: U5. Trademark SN 86810271: J3061: Docketheierenoe No. SAEI-ttl‘i’915
`u.s. Serial Number: 66810271
`International Classies): 009. 016. 041
`Owner: SAE International
`DocketIRelerence Number: SAEt-‘i 07915
`The mark identified above has been published in the Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG) on Mar 07. 2017.
`To Review the Mark in the TMOG:
`Click on the following link or paste the URL into an Internet browser: httgsflitmog.usgto.govi#issueDale=ZD17-Da«07&serialNumber=86810271
`If any inlormation is incorrect due to
`0n the publication date or shortly thereafter, the applicant should carefully review the information that appears in the TMOG for accuracy.
`USPTO error, the applicant should immediately small the requested correction to TMPostPubQuemuegtogov. For applicant corrections or amendments after publication.
`please tile a post publication amendment using the form available at httgzilteasroausptogovlggal. For general information about this notice, please contact the Trademark
`Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9193
`Significance of Publication for Opposition:
`' Any party who believes it will be damaged by the registration of the mark may file a notice of opposition (or extension at time therefor) with the Trademark Trial and Appeal
`If no party files an opposition or extension request within thirty (30) days alter the publication date, then eleven (11)weeks after the publication date a certificate of
`registration should issue:
`To check the status of the application. go to http:/Itsdr.usgto.govlttcaseNumber=86810271&caseTyEe=5ERiAL NO&searchTypa=statusSearch or contact the Trademark
`Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199: Please check the status of the application at least every three (3) months after the application filing date:
`To view this notice and other documents {or this application on—Iine, go to
`http:/Itsdwsgtoegov/tlcaseNumber=66810271&caseTyge=SERlAL NOSieearchTyp3=documentSearchv NOTE: This notice will only become available on—llne the next business
`day atter receipt of this e-mailt
`Cybersacnrity Guidebook hr mgr-Physical Vehicle Systems
`mud: EmLzms'nj
`SAE mums 50W? 'Ill
`my III-Indy in" inn-ll.
`flme 35413-15I‘fl‘i'm
`'- au-nmm- tub-mun.
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`{WW MI! in ” lam MW.
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`mnbcm‘ndv Manama h we m. Mm,
`Wmmnniudhnfiaammmzyh‘h fella-aniline
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`enalmen muWme-ddalnrcvhammas
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`mm mun-Mir kn MU-Pml valid: nuns [mm
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`wmuemfl‘h Mbiwmvcflmgns mama-mom
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`mania: kc . Due-an some manque! lor 1|:me m
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`FlcxPaper AdaptiveUI JSP Example
`Page 1 of 1
`magnum ”map-WWII
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`Ind damn :Wm m uhmlmhll whlcll mm: Illumml I1- um
`“I! men.
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`WI In Wu Evin-mm hi: mar-mu whiskm in. Hannah Malian,
`“amount-nil, mmmhlq.
`Prams: Winning Lumen-L
`m We. Milieu Mhfllll IWIMI dmbfimnl
`13061: Cybersccurity Guidebook for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems - SAE International
`Page 1 of2
` .,_.._.____, m———————-—........—_..m..
`w I Learn I Standards
`Standard: 13061-101801
`Valid- cyounewritv Systems Englnearing Con-nittee
`'- Cominlnae information
`mbilsher: SAE International
`This recommended practice provides guidance on vehicle Cybenecurity
`and was created based off of, and expanded on from, existing practices
`which are being Implemented or reported In Industryr government and
`conference papers. The best pmctldos are Intended to be flexible,
`pragmatic, and adaptable In their further appllfiihn to the vehlcle
`Industry as well as to other fiber-physical vehicle systems (5.9.,
`eommerdai and military vehicles,
`trucks, bosses) other proprietary
`Cybersewrlty development processes and standards may have been .
`specific manufacturer’s
`processeol and mav not be comprehensiveJy represented in this
`document, however, Information contained In this document may help
`refine existing III-house processes, methods. etc. This recommended
`astabtlshos a set of high-level duiding
`cybersecurity as it relatao to whet—physical vehicle systems. This
`Includes: v Defining a complete lifecycle process framework that can be
`tailored and utilized within each organization's development drooeasfl
`to Incorporate Cybersaouricy Into cyber-physlcai vehicle systems from
`decommissioning. - Providing iriionnation on some common existing
`tools and methods used when doslgnlng, verifying and validating
`cvber—physlal vehicle systems. I Providing basic guiding principles on
`Cybersecurity for vehicle systems.
`- Providing the inundation for
`further standards development activities in vehicle Cybersecurtty. The
`appendices provide additional information to be aware or and may be
`used In helping Improve QWEISEWI'IIV of feature deslpnl. Much of the
`information Identified In the appendices Is available but some «pert:
`may not be aware of all of the available inforrnauon. Therefore. the
`appendices provide an overvhw of some of this Information to provide
`further guidance on building cybersecurity into cybenphysltai vehlde
`systems. The objective of the overviews is to encourage research to
`help Improve designs and Identlly methods and tools for applying a
`company's internal cybersecurity process. Appendios A-C - Describe
`some tedinique for Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment, Threat
`Modeling and Vulnerability Analysis (e.p.. Attack Trees) and when to
`use them. Appendltes 0-! ~ Provide awareness of information that Is
`available to the Vehicle Industry. Appendix D ~ Provides an overview of
`sample cybersecutity and privacy controls derived from NISr 5P noo-
`53 that may be considered In design phases. Appendix E - Provides
`references on some available vulnerability databases and vulnerability
`schemes. Appendix
`— Describes
`Including some good design pmctlces for electrical
`architecture. Appendix G -IJst: current Cybersecurity standards and
`puidetlnes of potential interest to the vehicle industry. Appendix H -
`Provides an overvlew of vehicle CybersecuriKv-rolated research protects
`startlnd from 2004. Appendix 2 - Describes some existing semrltv test
`tools of potential
`to the vehicle industry. Refer to Die
`definitions section to understand the terminology used throughout the
`Rationale: To provide a Marsecurity process framework and guidance to help
`orpanlzations Identify and am cybersecurity threats and design
`cyberseturity Into cyberphysiui vehicle systems throughout the entire
`development llfecycie protess. - Defines a complete lifecycle prooess
`framework that can be allored and utilized within each organization‘s
`development processes to incorporate cyberseurrity into other-physical
`vahlde systems from concept phase throuph production, operation,
`service, and decommissioning, I Frovidas high-level guiding principles.
`13061: Cybersecurity Guidebook for CybefiPhysical Vehicle Systems - SAE Imemational
`Page 2 of2
`- Pruvldus lnfurmflon on exkllng koala Inn methods. - Provides the
`laundmiun for further standards developmnh
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