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`Pain Management
`Topic Overview
`What is pain?
`Pam rs your body‘s way orwarnrno you rhar sumorhrno rs wrong "you slop
`on a sharp omecl or pul your lrond on 3 nor stove. Ihe pain let-3 you krmw
`nohl away Ihal you are hurt and need to protect yourself. You may have
`pan From an Injury. efler surgery. or From a health problem like cancer.
`, low back pain‘ headaches. or noromyalgro
`Media Gallery
`(1 PM”)
`Learn more snow
`Topic Contents
`roar: Overview
`Reasons lo Conlml
`Knowing When Pam
`Is Worss
`Your body Ieels paro lhrough nerves In your skin and organs These nerve W, W
`endings send pain srgnsls lo your brain
`Fallowrrlg a Treatment
`What are the different types of pain?
`Wham” Cauvour
`Pam can affect
`Gemng Supgcm
`it also alfects (he Igaments and (EI'IGDI'IS. THIS paln can happen from
`' MUSCIGI, ““95, and JOII'flS.
`rnrunes or muscle slrarn Healih problems llke oslsoarlhmrs, rheumalord alarms. and fibromyalgra W
`also can cause It
`- Nerves and the nervuus syclom Thrs type or parrl happens because or pressure on nerves or
`damage to them from an Injury or a health problem. Somellrnes pain occurs when somethlng goes
`wrong wrllr the cenlrar nervous sfilenl. Drabeles. shingles, and scraiica are examples or health
`pmblems [hill cause nerve pain
`- Organs Parrr rn your organs occurs because or rrnunos, lnl’eclluns. or heallh problems such as
`cancer. lnflammalom bowel disease. rrrilable bowel syndrome. pelvic gem. and stomach ulcers.
`YOU GE” "BUB mare than one kind MDBIH El lhe same lime For example. cancer CE“ GBUSE porn in yflLH
`bones and your organs.
`Does all pain feel the same?
`Pain reels clinerenl for everyone Something lnal doesn‘t bother one person might reel very bad to


`films iMWW heellrwse l’lBUTCHDICOMQHVStflDOCl—lmant SSDIVDOCHWlD:BDE|6263 l'llDQfZU‘W 09 38 0‘3 AM
`someene else
`it may three or bum, It may be tn one pan 0! your neny‘ such as with a
`Fain can feel sharp or dull
`headache or a stnmam ulcer Orynu may feel pain allover, like when yourmuscles ache irum Intense
`exercise ur the flu
`Some pain may be so mild that you can ignure it until iI goes away. But other pain may he so bad that
`you can't do your flatly ectmmes withnm mealcine er mnertreatment
`How long can pain last?
`Pain may last lor a shed time Dr El longtime It may came and go or it may be cunslanl
`Fain that starts Quickly and lasts tor a short time Is called acute pain. Examples lnclude Dam from an
`injurvr a headache. childbirth or right after surgery.
`Pain that gees an rnrmonms uryears IS called chi-uni: pain, Yuu may have uiis. pam rimn an lr'ljuly that
`doesn‘t heal orfrom a health problem like low back Daln‘ vely had headaches or diabatlc neurogatm.
`Health Tuols ii
`currem as at ember D, 2017
`Aumiir: Heamiwrsesurr
`Medlnal Review: Anne C Palms! MD v Internal Mediclnel E Granary hammer: MD , lnlunal Medtclne l- Mam
`Hum MD , Family Medicine A Martin .J Sabina MD , FamilyflMediulne I WEE“ Romilu MD 7 Family Medltlne l
`Nay-icy Ciecnmald MD . T‘hyslsnl Medicine and melamine-nan
`How nelm’ui was um canienrr
`Very Helpml
`Sometime! Helpnii
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`Not Helpfut
`mm mm“ “mm mm m auvne m uurlur "(4"an mum“ WWW” mm."V u. mm, in. in... use u.
`this lrlfeilnalien Yeur use er this inlnrrnalzen means mal ynu agree In Ihe Terms nf Us: am] Privacy Pallcl Learn how we devefl
`b-nmm our cement
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`Healflwrlse IS : um: actrenned nealln wen she unnieni pmvlflel
`@1395 2017 Healllimsa Iiimvpuraleii Healtnmse Heallliwmeim even neallli decision and Hi: Heellltwlae weavaiiammmks m
`Heaimwse lncamulatefl
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`Galactosemia Test
`Topic Contents
`Test Overview
`Test uvervlew
`My II [5 Done
`Galactuse IS a Sugar Ihal I5 pert erme lacluse luund In rnllk and rnllk pruducls A galaulusemia lesl IS a
`, A
`blend or unne lest lhal checks [or en mes mm are needed lu change galeclose lnlu glucose e sugar
`"°‘” 7° F
`that your body uses lor energy A person wnh galaclosemia doesn’t have one 0! these enzymes. so mm m
`levels ol ualaclose build up ll'l the bleed er urine
`How It Feels
`Wnen galaclose builds up In a baby’s blood it can cause llverdamage problems with eallng. and
`Inlelleclual dlsabll
`The damage caused by galanlnsemla can begln Wllhlll weeks afler the baby has M
`slaned drinklng breasl milk 0! lermula BfiDlGS wrm galaclosemia need Imus law In gaiaclose In order In
`What AfieCLm. mg Test
`gem weight and to prevent Brain damage, llver problem; Invention and Me
`What To Thxnli Abaul
`Gelaclnsemla IS a lane dlsease thal is passed [mm parenls In nllildren (Inhenled genellc dlSCrfiSr) A
`galactnsemla (est la usuallyI dime In determine whelhel B newborn ha; Ille disease In a famllv wllh e
`Cred I5
`member who has galaclusemla, a genelll: Iesl can he done an adulls Io find em wnemer lney have an


`films ”MW Heallmse nBUfCth’COMenVStflDOCl—lmant SSDIVDOCHWlD:hM/?EQ4
`”10912017 US 38 49 AM
`Increased chance ul havmg a child mlh [he dlssase
`Why II I: Dane l‘
`Cumulus av: ember: :ufl'
`Amhur: Heammww
`Mefllaal Rwlzw Kathleen RUNI'ID MD , Family Medicine & Mamn J Cflblta MD , Family Medicine 8 Slobllan M
`Emmy: Smells
`Hnw llclpful was this cement?
`Very Habiul
`Samarium Helplul
`Nut Al All Helpful
`Not Helpful
`The lmamalluu lines not replaceme advice ula auclm Heallhwlsa, Inculporaleu‘ declalms any warramy m lianlllly lnl yum use H!
`mls lrlfnlmalwn Yuur us: Mmls Imnrmaunn means lhal \‘mJ Bale: In "1: Terms Vi Us: and PMECV FHCV L637" "OW we GEVEIBD
`heavmmm our conlem
`Healtrwrlga lg a mum: actrefllhad "with web gm :nnhsnl prmndev Tn Iaam mm! mm Human/39‘ wall Hssllhwlge mg
`33190520" Heallnwlse‘ Inwlwlaleu Healwwlse Heallnwlselorevery Health ueulshorl‘ ave me Heannwisc Iogoarl: Irauemams a!
`Heamwlse, lncarpmatea
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`Necrotizing Fasciiiis (Flesh-Eating Bacteria)
`Topic Overview
` issue caveririg
`What is necrotizing fasclitis?
`Namiizmg [ESCIIIIS IS an inlecilurl caused by banana ll can destroy skln, fat, and!
`me muscies wiihin B View Shari Iime
`The (1159850 someiimes is ceiied flesh eaiing bacleria When ll occurs on the geuiiais, II is called
`Fuumiar ganglene
`Necrnlizing rasniiiis l5 vei‘y rare mil serious About 1 out an pelple who get IhiS infection die from i
`Many people who gel necmuzuig fasciiiis are In good Ilsaitll hernia they gal Ihe mieciion
`Your risk nigeliing ims Pnfecllnll i5 nigiiiai ii ynu
`' Have a weak immune Sfilfim
`- Have cnruiiic neallri niublems such as diabeles. canuei' ur liver or kidnev disease
`- Have Wis in your skin. lflClUdIHE surgical wounds.
`Reaenuy had chinkenmfl nr mner viral inlections [rial cause a rash
`Use steroid medicines. which can iowerliie midis resistance ‘0 Inieciiori.
`Topic Contents
`Topic Overview
`Other Places To Gel
`What causes necrolizing fasci is?
`Necmlizing fasciilis I5 caused by several kinds of bacteria Same niihese baclena alsa cause iniecimns
`such as sling liimai and imgnga Usually me infections caused by mesa bacteria are mild But in rare
`cases may can muse a more aangeraus inteclmn
`You can gel nucmtlzing iascnlis when haclnna enlal a wound, such as imrri an insect bite, a bum, m a
`cul You can alsn gel II in


`hlms ”WWW heatrwse nSUlChDICOMenVStflDOCUI’naNI EISDflDOCHWlD:hM/WU405
`11/093017 09 39 23 AM
`- Wounds that came In Contact With ucearl walar‘ raw saltwater fish, ur raw wslers‘ lmludlng lnlurles
`fmm handling sea animals such as 1‘.th
`- Ari lnteslinal surgery site, or in tumois or gunshm inluries in the ihiesllries
`- A muscle sham or bruise. even ii there is no break in the skin.
`The bacteria lhat cause moral-2mg resellhs can he passed irom person lo person through close contact,
`such as mucking lne wuurid orme lrilccted person em lhrs rarely happens unless the person who is
`exposed to the oeoiena has an open wuund‘ chickenpux, Drarl lmgalred lmmuno sfilem,
`What are the symptoms?
`The symptoms mien start suddemy after an lniury You may need medical care light my ltyau have
`paln that gets better 0V9! 24 tn 35 I‘IDLIrS and men suddenly get; WOI‘SE The pain may be munh WDI’QI
`lhan you wmild oxoeoihom the Slze oi the wound or Inlury You may also have
`' skin mat is red, swolleh‘ and not In the much
`- A fever and chills,
`' Nausea and VOMItll‘lg
`- Diarnlea.
`The Intact-on may spread rapldly It qulckly can became Ilfelhlaatenlrrg You may go lnltr shock and
`have damage in Skin. rat and ma fissile oovenng lhe muscles (Thls damage is called gangrene)
`Necrmizlrlg iaauiilia can lead in urgan failure and death
`How Is necroilzlng fasclilis diagnosed?
`The doctor erI dragnuse your lniecllon based on howsuddenly your symplums started and how quickly
`the imeclian is sureadlng The infected Iissae may be tested fur becleiia You else may need Mags. 3
`CT scan or an MRI tn took for injury in your organs nrto rind nut now much the lmeclmn has spread
`Howls lnreaied?
`Eally lraalnrenl ornecrotrzlng rose-ills Is cntrcol The sooner lraolmenl thlrIS‘ lho more llkely you wrl!
`recover rrorn lho inreonon and auoro senous cnmpllcatluns‘ such as arrno ampulaltun or death You may
`he lrealeo rn the lriterisive Cale unrt (ICU) atme hosorlal
`Tlaamlonl may Includ-
`- Surgery tnol remover. mieoled home and (lords. tn slap lrre spread nf rnreolron Surgery re almust
`always needed. Mostpeuule need several surgeries (u auntrul me ihiecllon. Rell'lmn'ng limbs
`(ampulanoh) or means may he dam: to save me person's Mo, depending on haw souem the
`Infect-an l5 and where II has spread.
`. Menu-mp: mum at: anilhlrmrcl Tllqcp ‘klli mo hair-ions: Mlle-nu mp mfnfllnn


`11/051701? 09 39 23 AM
`films iMWW hearlrwse I’VBUTCthCOF'fienVStflDOCl—lmant SSDIVDOCHWDfl’VM/WUMIE
`- Memunes (sum as anllblcmcs), Hlese KIII me baclena Causlng me mrealon
`. Procedures lo Heal comp‘ications such as shack‘ blea‘mng problems, and organ larlure.
`[Erhaml m" lhergfl
`What If you have been near someone who has the dlseasa?
`Necrolizmg fasciil'rs is very rare. Bauhana that cause me msease usually don‘t cause infeclwn unress
`may enlerme Imdy Ihmugn a nut m umerbreak in me 5km,
`\f you have been In close cuntacl WIIh someone who has necrotlzrng fasclllrs. yuur doclul may Elva you
`an antibiotic lo help raduce your chances ul germ: the Infection If you notice any symDEoms ol Infect-on
`{such as pain‘ swerisng, redness‘ Dr fever) afler you've been m cluse cantantwilrl Sumenrle wrm has
`nacronzmg rasmms, us your fluctnr ngm away
`To help prevanl any klnd oflllfacfilun. wash yuur hands oflan And airways keep culsr Strauss, burns.
`sores, and nus-3 dean
`queniar Asked Quesuuns :0
`Currlm u Bf: March 1201?
`Amhnr: Heamwrse sum
`Ill-din! RI
`In: E My Thamn MD ilntamar Medlcme EAdam Husngl MD rFamru Madmlrla E Dawns L
`Stavenfi MD PhD - Inlemar Medicine Infeahiuus Disease
`ll HELP
`How llclvful was this cement?
`Very HEmel
`Somewhal Helpful
`war A! An Helpful
`Nd: Herprui
`This imamalran dues HollEDlacE the anus ula dnclnr Haallhwise Incummaleu usclarms any warranty ar Iiamity In: yflul use at
`Lrus :nrunnauun Vuur use V! ths Inlurmabvn means malyw agree in lhe Tgmls M US: and Privacy Folrcy Learn haw we develug
`our cvmem
`Hemmwrse Is a IJRAC mtmflrhad health web SM: cmoam pmmder Ta learn Inan about Heanrmsa my! Haaflhwrse m
`«51:15.5un Heannmsc Incorpmveq Hnannmsc Hcalmwlsc lnrrvm Mal!!! namnn my me Htalmwlefl mgo an: :smmam n:
`Haamwsa. Incnmmarm
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`nuns tirar‘edlseases orqlorqamzeuanginallonemospmerandrpamemvercareiomemmmnf
`11/09f2017 GB 43 02 AM
`: ‘ ~NORD‘
`anar DIQ-lmlallun In- nre Drsomus
`um um mm suntan w
`mr cumulus nun
`r-rr PATIENTS All
`fur lunus‘rlzv
`Hume r w mews and lawn?!- wv : mam orgawzsmu 'wau now: we l‘alhalwe care ornamzwn
` d an Organilauon
`Enler a patrem mgaml
`The mmmetron comamea m the Orgamzalronel Dalabese (ODE) is provided fol
`name nr msaase name
`rmurmauonai purposes uniy Inera rs no Imphsfl endorse-mam by NORD NORD dues
`Hal Dromale or endorse Damcination in any SDwfic orgamzairon. The \ntamvauon \5
`sumac! In change wilhuul nulice Ewly sffun is made In snsule that Ihe da‘ails fur
`2am enilv are as; currenl as pasgrt-Ie
`Log in
`National Hospice and Palliative Care
`17.11ng 5mm Sum; 100
`Nexandna VA 92314 USA
`BOD Number
`Lu” """ '
` Website
`nun rrmm nhptu urn
`1m; Mammal Husvrca and Palhallve care Olgamgazmn (NHPCO) :5 the ordeal and
`\argesl nan0mm membershlp organzaflan represammg hosmce and Dalllatva care


`hms‘h‘rar‘edlseasas orworqamzanonslnanonamosmca-anmpaluallve—cal‘e-organ‘zaflon!
`11141512017 DE 43 02 AM
`praglams and plolESSIlnels m we United sum; The mgnnlzahun is mmmmed In
`mpmving endows care and expanding amass in hospice mm with His goal m
`pmfaundy euhflnting quality at \ife rm peawe dying in America and [new mad ones
`NHPCO m‘llborates wlln ofllel end-ul-hfe ulgamzahans II Wars membelsnips In
`hnwmm‘ panama cave pmgrams, griclmmmavcmunl miners, minimum and
`meant. ulganmabulls, luundahuns, him; health aqanuss‘ mmpamnn service:
`medical supp” cumnanies. nnannsceuflcal organizations. smiling agencies suflware
`vendors, and neallmars cansullanls NHPCD has kmmiedga 011249 operanonal ol
`manned hospices operanng in mi Sn slates ma DISMCI or Gmumma‘ me wrgxn
`lalanda, Fuel m Rm, and Guam NHPCO "imam-ml:- wel an palnaul ul Nubp‘hfih
`Donate 7min);
`w rare
`1n: Naluond Olganlzabon fur Ra! Dimmers (NORD) web site, lls muss: and me
`animus Ifnanmf ale cnpwighted by man, Mn pan uf lhe moan web am databases, :1
`lhecnnlanls may he wpied \rl any way‘ inching bulmllnl'led In mam-wing:
`elemmnxam mmmm, stating In a Ietrieval system, ar redemmm [or any cammercial
`purpnses mm»! m: ewes wrinen petrmssmn M NORD Permissmn is hereby grinned In
`punt one hard capy Mme information an an individual disease [or your Demand use,
`mum mm sum mm B in m way mndified‘ and m: man in. the sum (NDRD) am
`NDRD'S mpyiigm "slice am Inclined m we primed Envy Any mm Emmi:
`replodtflm at nine: muted velsmns IS sincny pmhlhrlad,
`NDRD': Ram Discus: Imam: Dam: is wwnm and may um be yum-sh“!
`mmme wnmn [unset-1 «NORD.
`rm: Inn-avail
`lone we are rare Tngelher we are slmng
`For mlmcmns um:
`i: gun-um;

`For Patient offllniui'lunfi
`wmlm-mwhmmm.ka—m mung-ans
`miuaimm vmmmnmmmmmunmwmmm
`[mm luaunanny-mumalmxuuunymmanmmlqmu
`mmmmmmwifitmdlm thm-hafmkwmfl


`films ilwww rarecerealvers orqlsmale—pash’i’fl '1MDZI’ZMPe‘IreDvB—Care-andHosnxce-Care—Persanawarspecnvasr
`HIDE/2017 US 44 21AM
`Feamled POSIS
`: Caring for Rare Disease Caregivers
`A Gu‘de Ior Family Caregwevs of Loved Ones wnn Rare Diseases
`mum“ Gum and “‘35po Cane , pm 11mm
`Mink Cm
`Du: daughtr “u duwmd m “I: Pinytsuv: and faul madam Bum—11¢ In): C
`disease when slit “‘1st film mm old, We wmlhmlhmwn into a nun ending round v'f
`was mu: ch: lung Ln afpflfisswnzk Hiahhmlld became pan arm Inns. w: had on
`rape-Am mmemd agin. umbmummiy McM‘a‘m‘lmmg. haddm'm. we
`hadln£uulmmfly pcfldll:W amhunnsmmdtrmtunvrymdmghln'snnd in:
`mental m. eqmpmml m1 amica- w usislhm u. many Ln'lng
`Whm sheusmymaldwe “mgwnlheugpammtyloueale m EmugancyHEathm
`Plum hf: mnflnmed' mm... mus-mm... daugflrr‘! nmdaand
`shu, addumng
`ammunnwmmzbmpuuuhumw mdnflnfz, mlmpkmdudu “dam, is
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`cmpkmy lo clung fix haw-mum m: added Muss urn-dung imam. Dunn! ha shun M},
`m Pm and: mix no me A 51 E damn-n mm. unmoved commmmn Wee: we may
`plufesimzl dmphncs mmhed I»: can and ma sh: recruit] m Indwldual m: and
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`1m quahry mm, In aux um, n .5 Emmy valuahlc In Ihmk ma , haw-m mac-m «us my
`new ant-2mm
`We. Can
`l'hlrin' nu- my WM nrmn dulwhvw': M'r :Ilr and I men-rd n ffw dm Dunk n Mnmn Home
`Vlanlyn'shushlnd uffm'tyytm's
`has been m bounce I'm fifiten
`n::h sun may, all-named
`m1 nlm ibuckai am he: ml]
`hanging m
`Recenl P0515
`Anti] ML Ml!
`There is No madman


`films ilwww rarecerealvers orqlsmale—pash’i’fl '1MDZI’ZMPe‘IreDvB—Care-andHosnxce-Care—Persanawarspecnvasr
`HIDE/2017 US 44 21AM
`Lhmnglh: hstymululudaughltr's Mg; 51.: and 1 :nJuytd aku'dnys huh: Manual-Inns:
`mum's Hawk: in Wmuy. UK This was our 5m Phil. M I m been new“: nfvisinng a
`hngaiczbtfmflandmedlrmmcmmm-nmd mma'madgusrrdmbmmd we um
`shunned mm mm and um
`My daughm lbmaughly mum ha My, mum Hal'helpmg ha [a mu mmag afanlht
`55min; including lb: LEM mum and dug mm man, «film! “'11 mun-Eta m dunk In: mud)
`mandeauanmmvcakw Immuwumadmfinlmmmabvmmmdmdfnmm
`purines for [be firmly and mjma wnlkmg mm Wmda'fixl mlnxmg gmdm We minly
`xnppennfnllmMam'anm almdu'hen “mm,
`Tags: yaliunw mum "manual: Emma's
`Because Family Cough-us At!
`nm my. I'm
`Wu Cmgxuss N==d on Knun’
`Abmll Rare Blames and Social
`Scrunvynlsahsliry ham:
`and 1: NH
`Czlcbrnr Wurld
`Rate DumseDaj.‘
`[aha-12“ NH
`qu Fnky
` o 2017 by Carogwer Minn Network Curated mm mm mm. Gallzyma

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