`Sent: 3/30/2016 9:46:19 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 86435009 - CAPABLE - P12992-01 - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 8 of 8
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 10
`Files: Metrocare 7.jpg, Metrocare 8.jpg, Metrocare 9.jpg, Metrocare 10.jpg, Metrocare 11.jpg,
`Metrocare 12.jpg, Metrocare 13.jpg, Metrocare 14.jpg, Perry Lee 1.jpg, Perry Lee 2.jpg
`Services Provided: Servic$ may include the following:
`- Nursing and personal care
`. Physical rehabilitation
`- Noon meals and snacks
`- Transportation
`I 5ociaI_ educational and recreational activities
`- Client Eligibility: Age: no limit
`ity: The individual must be a Medicaid recipient or be determined
`Financial El’
`financially eligible for Title XX services. The caseworker applies allowable exclusions to
`Income and Resourcis, The countable income must not exceed:
`- £1,500 per month for an individual
`- $3,000 per month for a couple
`The countable resources ITILISI lI0l exceed:
`- $5,000 or leg for an individual
`- 56,000 or less for a couple
`For more information, call the Texas Departrnenl of Hnnian Services @ (972) 3376100,
`Service Description: The Extended Rehabilitation services (ERS) program nelps Texans
`with severe disabilities work by offering ongoing support in their )0b6. Services are long—
`term and extended to both the job site and away, Community Integrated EmpIoyment_ a
`prirriaiy goal of the program, helps clients work in their communities. Alternative Sheltered
`Employment is also an option for some people who need more assistance and wtiere the
`majority of coworkers are also disabled.
`Eligibility: Eligibility criteria for ERS include, but are not limited to, the following:
`Being capable of achieving an employment outcome;
`16 years of age or older;
`Legal resident of Texas; and
`Capable of mrning at last 15% of minimum wage
`Services: ERS clients are eligible for all Vocational Rehabilitation Services. In addition,
`there are services unique to ERS that are not time limited, All servic$ are tailored to
`individual needs and may include:
`- Mobility axistance;
`- Job coaching;
`- Transportation to and from job;
`- Aciiviiie.-9 to improve daily living skills;
`- Assistance in deveklping self—help and adaptive skills; and
`- A$istive technology necessary for employment
`3f29i'2016 4:46: PM
`Service Deseriplinn: Primary Home Care (PHD) ‘B §‘f|GfI—leC|llF|(.‘aI,l medically-related
`personal care service prescribed by a physicianaé paflora client's plan gf care. Pl-{C is
`QVBKHDB IO eliglhle (EIIBHIS. WHOSE nealln FIGDIEITIS cause IIIEI11 ll} beflunclionalrv limited in
`perronning aciivaies or «law living.
`Services F'|'0Y_llflEd: Services may include the following:
`Personal care: These services incluue assislance with activities related to the-care oflhe
`°“9m'5 P“¥5"3' “93'"'»'
`Home Management Thfie service?» include assistance wllh housekeeping aclivilies thal
`support me cllehfs health and safely, These achvilies Include changing bed Inalfi.
`housekeepirg, laurlder'n1g.shvappi'ng_st'orirg purchased liens. and washing dishes.
`Escort: Accompanying the client on trips to obtain medial diagnosis ofireatmenl or bath.
`Tris service does mil ‘mcmde Ihe dlraultlallsl-)0|‘l31i0Ir ofthe client by-the anenqant
`Glielll Efuihility:
`Age: There is'mage limll,
`Financial Elig‘ibiI'lly'. The individual must be a Medicaid reclpientorbe determined
`finanrzlly eligible lortlae program. The cmirlhblr: income must notexceedt
`o s1,5uu permunm rm amndmwaual
`o 53,000 per mmrlih hr a couple
`The COIJl'lt3b‘IE IESOUIECS must [I01 exceed:.
`0 $5_lJ0l] urlesinran Individual
`o $6,000 orle$lDra couple
`Funcliclnal Fjgilllilyr. The individual must meelwfumlional need crlleria. Level of impainnenl
`is measured in'a clrenl needs assessment irlerview by a DH5 caseworker,
`For more imerrrratbn. callthe Texas Depdrhnent at Human Services @ (972) 3'37£10(l.
`Service Deseripilon: The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (OMB) provides Same medical-
`relaled financial assistance by paying for Medicare Part B premiums. deduclihles. and cm
`pay amounts for eligible Medtare beneliciaria,
`cllerll Eligihllityz All individual IEILIS1 be enrolled in Medltare F‘arlA, 65 years all or
`receiving crsahilily benelis from social securilv for at least 24 months, and have an income
`3r‘29l'2016 4:47; PM
`below $707 for an individual and $942 for a couple. Assets may not exceed $4.000 for an
`individual and $6,000 for a couple; excluding homestead.
`service Description: The specined Lonelncome Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) provides
`financial assistance by paying only for Part B Medicare premiums for individuals having
`slightly higher incomes than those qualifying for OMB.
`Client Eligibility: An individual muS1 be enrolled in Medicare Part A. 1999 monthly income
`limit: 5844 for an individual and $1,126 for a couple. Meets may not exceed $4,000 for an
`individual and 56.000 for a couple.
`For more information, call the Texas Department of Human services @ (972) 3376100.
`service nacription: The Residential Care (RC) program providt$ servicrs to eligible
`adults who require access to care on a 2Lhour basis but do not require daily nursing
`intervention. Services include, but are not limited to, personal care, home management,
`wcorl, 24-hour supervision, social and recreational activilifi, transportation, food, and
`room. Servicts provided under the RC program are delivered through one of the two
`arrangements: supervised living or emergency care.
`servicu Provided: Supervised living is a state-funded 24-hour living arrangement in
`which the client is expected_ if ahle_ to contribute to the total cost of his or her care. The
`client keeps a monthly allowance for personal and medical expenses, and the remainder
`of his or her income is contributed to the cost of care.
`Emergency care is a statefunded or Tnle XX—funded living arrangement that provides
`services to eligible clients while caseworlrlers seek a permanent care arrangement.
`Emergency care clients do not contribute toward the cost of their care.
`client Eligibility: The individual must be 13 years of age or older.
`Financial Eligibility: The individual must be a Medicaid recipient of be determined
`financially eligible for Title XX services. The caseworker applies allowable exclusions to
`Income and Resources. The countable income must not exceed;
`- $1.500 per month for an individual
`- $3.000 per month for a couple
`- $5,000 or has for an individual
`- $6.l)0d or less for a couple
`3I29l'2016 4:48: PM
`Functional Assasnienl: The individual must meet functional need criteria Level of
`impairment '5 measured in a client needs asse$ment interview by a DHS caseworker,
`Other criterion: The individual must not have needs that exrceed the facility's capability
`under its licensed capacity
`For more information, call the Texas Depallment cl Human selvioes @ (972) 337-6100
`Selvioe Description: The Rapite Care program provides short—term services for adults
`who are elderly and adults who are disabled who require care andr‘or supervision while
`allowing their caregivers temporary relief. Service. may be provided Inside or outside the
`Services Provided: Service.-s may he provided:
`In a nursing home or hospital, and include personal care, nursing intervention,
`supervision, meal preparation, and a room.
`In an adult foster care home or personal care home, and include personal care,
`housekeeping. supervision. meal preparation. transportation. and a room.
`In an adult day halth care facility, and include personal care, nursing servics,
`superv'sion, meal preparation, and transportation.
`In the rndnridual's own home by a honre care attendant, and Include personal care,
`housekeeping, meal preparation, supervision, and transportation.
`In the Individuals own home byasitter, and include housekeeping, meal preparation,
`and supervision.
`client Eligibility: The individual must be 13 years or age or older.
`- The individual must be a Medicaid recipient or neaetermined
`Financial Eliql
`financially eligible for this program.
`other Gmefll:
`- The individual must need care or supervision or both due to a physical disability or
`functional impairment.
`- The individual must have a caregiver who needs relief from caregiving
`ies because of severe stress or who is temporarily unable to provide care.
`Selvioe Maximum: 336 hours (14 days) per year.
`For more information, call the Texas Department of Human selvioes @ (972) 33743100
`3I29r‘2016 4:49: PM
`Service Descnpliom The Voéatiptral Rehabilitation Program helps Texans who have
`physical or mental dsabilities prepare for. find, or keep employment Vocational‘
`Rehabilitation counselors and clients worktogetherto decide on an employment goal, and
`to develop a program of vocational rehabilitation services to achieve the goal. The
`counselor will provide the clientwith scho-oh, colleges, doctors] IKYSPIIHE, job coaches, and.
`other resources to carry out senrices,
`Eliglbill1y:A person Is eligible lithe person trasa clEal:rilily,wlIicl1 results in‘,
`Substantial problems in getting employment
`- Vocational ienabiliatien services are required by that person to prepare fol, get
`andlor keep a job; amt
`- That person is able to get andlor keep a job afler receiving services
`Major Disalsility Groups served: The Vocational Rehabifltation Program serves people
`with a wide variety of disabilities, Some of the major disability groups are:
`Mental Illness
`Hearing Impairment
`Impaired Fuructionng oTArm5 or Legs
`Back Injury
`Alcorrollsm or Drug Aooirztiorl
`Mental Retardation
`Learnmg Disability
`Traumatic Brain Injury
`Other Pllysical or Mental DisaDi§Iies
`Services: There are many services available to eliqble clients, These services are
`proviilecrbased on each client's individual need. some of thae services are:
`- Medical, psychological, and vocatiorIal_evalIJation to determinative nature and degree
`of the disability. and to helprmd the clients job capabillies;
`. counseling and guidance to help the client and-family plan vocational goab and to
`adjust to the working wo'I‘.ld;
`- Hearing examina‘tions., purchasing of hearing aidsand othercommunication
`equipment. aural rehatilfllation and interpreter services for the deaf and hearing
`- Medical treatment, including rrospializatlon. surgery. and therapy to les-senor rerrvarre
`the disability:
`- Assisllve devices such as arfiieial limbs, braces. wheelchairs. and hearing aids to
`stabifze or improve [Llnctions on the job or at home;
`- Rehabimation technology devices and services to improve job [r‘1n_ctioning;
`- Training to learn job skills in trade school, college, university, on the job, or at ‘home;
`- Training to learn appropriate work behaviors and other skills to find and keep jobs
`and to meet employer expectations;
`- Job phcement asstame to firllkjohe compatible with the persons physical and
`- Followup after placement to ensure job suecess;
`smlzirla 4:49: PM
`- Assisting work—injured Texans in returning to work.
`For more information, call the Texas Rehabilitation commission @ (972) 337-6100.
`SSI: Supplemental Security lricome is a program that pays monthly benefits to people with
`limited income and resources that are age 65 or older, blind, or disabled. Blind or disabled
`children, as well as adults, can get SSI.
`HOW is SSI different fiom Social Security Benefits?
`SSI benefits are not based on your prior work or a family member's prior work. The SSI
`program is funded by General Revenue. To get SSI, you must have limited income and
`resourca. By filing for SSI in most slata, SSI beneficiaries also can get Medicaid [medical
`assistance) to pay for hospital stays, doctor bills, prescription drugs, and other health
`costs. SSI beneficiaries may also be eligible for food stamps.
`Disabled — Child:
`Under age 18, and
`- Hasa physical or mental condition that can be medically proven and which results in
`marked and severe functional limitations, and
`- The condition must have lasted or beexperzted to last at least 12 months or end in
`Disabled — Adult
`For individuals age 18 and older. the law defines disability as the inability to engage in any
`substantial gainful activity as a result of any medically determinable physical or mental
`impairment. Wl’ll€l’l can be expected to result in death. or has already lasted. or can be
`expected to last, for a continuous period of not le$ than 12 months.
`How to apply for SSII
`- You can call us and make an appointment to apply for SSI.
`- You can have an appointment on the telephone or in person at your local Social
`Security otfice.
`- Someone else can call for you.
`- You can vit our offirze to apply without making an appointment, but you may have to
`wait a while.
`. You will have to provide information and work with us to get documents concerning
`SSI eligibility.
`. You will have to sign an application.
`- Most of the forms to apply for SSI are not daigned for self-completion. In fact, most
`claims are taken electronically. Aclaims representative intervieiiis you and uses a
`personal computer to complete the forms with information you provide.
`Documents you may need when you apply for SSI:
`- Social Security card or number \
`3292016 4:50: PM
`- Proof of age
`I Apubllc birth record recorded before age5
`- A religious birth record recorded before age 5
`- Any other documents showing your age or date of binh
`- Citizenship or Alien status record,
`- Proofoflncome
`- Earned Income
`- unearned Income
`- Proof of Living Arrangements
`- Medical Sources
`If you are applying as a blind or disabled person, you need to give us:
`- Your medical reports, ifyou have them, and Names, addresses, and telephone
`numbers or doctors and other providers of medical services,
`How lorlg dofi the decision take‘? The decision usually talcfi about 3 to 4 months from the
`date of application, Sometimis a prexumptive disability or blindne_-5 decision is made and
`Expedited Payments are made,
`For additional information contact the Social Security Atlministlaiion @ (300) 772-1213
`from 7:00am to 7:00pm, Monday through Friday, If you are hearing impaired, you may call
`the toll free
`Y—TDD number (800) 3250778 from 7:00am to 7:00pm, Monday through
`Or visit the Web site:
`www.ssa.gownoticeslsupplernentatsecurlty—ir1comer‘text—u nderstandingsslhtm
`survivor Benefits: when a person who has worked and paid Social Security taxes dies,
`certain members of the family may be eligible for survivor's benefits. Up to ten years of
`work is needed to be eligible for benefits, depending on the person's age at time ordezith,
`Who is eligible for Survivor Benefits:
`- A widowrwidower — full benefits at hill retirement age, or reduced benefits as early as
`age 60
`- A disabled widowrwidower — as early as age 50
`- Awidowlwidower at any age if he or she talus care of the deceased's child who
`under age 15 or disabled, and receiving Social Security benefits
`- Unmarried children under age 18, or up to age 19 ifthey are attending high school
`flJ|I time.
`- Children at any age who were disabled before age 22 and remain disabled,
`For additional information contact the Social Security Administration @ (800) 772-1213
`from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday, lfyou are hearing impaired, you may
`call the toll free TlY—TDD number (880) 325-0773 from 7100 am to 710!) pm, Monday
`through Friday.
`3I29il2016 4:50: PM
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`habtlrtalron ‘tensed vncanonalmlvsuin services. reuislerred nurslnu serv:c2s,aflap(rve aIds.miIInr home
`moamcaimus. more services. pnysncal. nccupuamal and speech Inerauies, dietary SEWICES may nah-lvlalroo,
`sllnonlled zmulmrnem. benavm-atsuuuorl. uienlaim-i and momI:r;,demaI.:rm Iuansmon assistance services
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