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`The Many Awkward Conversations Of A
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`Braian Jiu Jimu is perhaps one of the most
`frustrating things to talk about with the
`uninitiated. Seriously. Ihere are so many awful things about having any conversation with anyone
`who doesn't do Jiu Jitsu and yet it's almost unavoidable if you are remotely serious about your
`For starters, we very often have physical marks on our bodies (neck, hands, face...) When people
`see the various abrasions and contusions that we accumulate as we train they sometimes feel the
`need to ask about them, and we are more often than not happy to explain, unti they react to our
`conversation, and then we may get an inexpicable urge to leave a bow and anow choke hickey on
`People have a realy hard time comprehending the motivation we have to train. So very often the
`words "I can't, I've got to train" come out of my mouth. So very often the words “I've got a
`compelition that weekend" come out of my mouth. And the responses to that are generaly a
`combination of confusion and amusement. There is nothing funny about this. I need to train. Shut
`up, stop trying to get me not to.
`Thae are al very mid annoyances to trying to explain BJJ to people. We've all heard the various
`things that stupid people say. Ether asking if BJJ is ike karate, making fun of the fact that we cal it
`BJJ or referring to it as roing with sweaty men instead of recognizing the beauty of the art.
`I've seriously considered lying to people and teing them I play another sport. Insisting that I am on
`a footbal team or something. Or that I do crossfit. People dig crossfit right? People suck. Explaining
`Jiu Jitsu to people sucks. The worst part is that it's unavoidable. I've basicaly given up on trying to
`get around it.
`As far as getling people to try jiu jitsu, for the most part you're better off getting them to donate
`you a kidney. I'm not saying there aren't people who you can get to try out a class, in fact there
`are a few people I've gotten to try out a class, but those are few and far between. Famiy
`members? Nope. Friends? Mehhhh, People are either inteimted in trying it out or are not, and there
`wl come a day when most of your friends are people you have choked or have choked you.
`There wi be very supportive people, and depending on what kinds of relationships you have with
`your friendslcoleagues you may be way more fortunate than I am. For example, if you have
`friends or famiy that are felow martial artists you may have a buit in support network. Realy it al
`depends on the kinds or relalionships you have. I've got a few teammata who realy have an
`imprmsive turnout of their friends when they compete, and that's lovely. I'm just not one of those
`people. Most people in my fife would rather watch paint dry than come watch me bake cookies on

`nttpszffvwwxr.ituiitsutimes.comftne—man —awkward—conversations—of—a—Huiiteiroi
`the mat in a high schooi gym.
`What are your experiences with taiking about your jiu jitsu endeavors with others? Are you like me
`and dread the moment that someone wants to ask you questions? Or do you welcome it?
`4 ?“
`CULT down 0.. hi1’ D‘? k_J1Dlal'r
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`erxfiég thzée. fitii-ziids.
`Biotrusl nutrition
`Like this:
`Savlng money brightens your day :}
`Braziul Jil-Jitsu
`Awkward Cnlwersalinns
`1 53'1"‘
`ADCC 2015 Day 2 Live Results
`The UFC is Selng Ronda Rouseys Used BrasAnd
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`Elnil Fischer
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`U1f0E3f2016 02:37:59 PM
`._.._ . mum. .3 an nun: um: nu. uumpculu. umc. ruI.nI.r r-ungcs L..n3I1u u. ua._.g unu-
`Shong Style Brasa and is sponsored by Pony Clili (iappiig Gear, The Oiifiial Amy Joy
`Donuts and Gariator Soap. For more iifonnation, olher articles, and competition videos
`check out his aliilete pages at www.facebool(.mn|fenIi'i5cherbji
`www.twi:ter.comIEmi_Fi5chel and htIp5:ifI15l:ag'am.oornJ'e|nfisdie|'bjjI
`MEX Calderon
`My experience with friendsffamiy is divided into 3 categories of people: the
`uninterated, the Intermted, and the unintelgent.
`Uninterfited people just won 't go into BJJ, they realy don't try to understand about
`it, and so basimly won't talk or ask much about it... ‘to each his own‘ attitude, no big
`deal in any way.
`Interested people are tricky because they actualy want to know and try BJJ but they
`are either shy, afraid or lacking enough motivation to do so. [can have a conversation
`with them about BJJ but its mosfly me explaining and sharing whati know.
`The unintelgent penple arnunrl me mocks when aSking_ heieve R11 '1: Ike WWF
`wrating and generaly have ittle to no rapect for the subject, mostly out of
`ignorance... i generaly prefer not to talk to thae people betzuse their opinion do not
`matter to me. C
`I am truly sorry that you encounter people who are that unenightened! Al it took was
`3|] seconds of the first BJJIMMA fight I saw to be completely hooked, and a person
`would have to be blind not to appreciate the deditztion, grit and detennination it taka
`to be in fighting condition. For every person you meet that do$n't get it, there are 1|]
`fans out there cheering you on!
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`50,000 Reasons To Win The EBI: Andre
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`§ Punching, Head—Buttrng And Biting During
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`Coming back from an injury, what to do and what not to do
` | i | | i
`injury in EJJ) as I came back to rolling I found myself with some
`I know I lcnowthis topic has be done to death, but lately [well specially since I managed to have my first
`you HAVE to realize when you are
`back but everyone completely forgets to tell you, because is minor afterwards but annoying and important right there,
`sohere we go!
`Your muscles will be tight. I know it makes sense, but they do get tight .. not only muscles, expect your tendons to be tight too. Recently I had an MC]. injury, the result
`was my knee was a bit more stiff, the therapist said is normal, but you should NOT stretch it by force, it'll slowly come back down into the normal setup if you stretch you will
`have a stretched ligament and feel how it moves from side to side which while not dangerous is VERY unnerving (specially
`out ofan injury)
`Expect your teaxnniates to avoid the inju.r_-V. That‘s what we do, make sure to tell them you are coming back and if you think you can sustain a pass, this is very
`important because you want to work your muscles back into shape but you don't really want to overworkthem [I did)
`it really does feel like the injury happened again,
`isjust unnerving but it might take you of training for a day out ofbeing scared [I did)
`Expect high belts to roll with you. And is good, you should actually go for it as they have the technique and control not to injure you.
`Avoid the 10096 rolling partners like the black plague. I thinkthis one is selfexplanatory, that guy that cannot do flow rolling, or is a bit too spauy [sp?)
`I-‘low roll. This one will allow you not to ‘forget the chaining ofmovements.
`Chess roll. This one is new for me, and is an excellent game I started to play with my professor, one move at a time, you do a move then partner does one move. First it
`allows you to understand what is a move, where does a move stop? is a triangle only one move? [Pro tip: no is not, 1. setup, 2. adjust, 3. submit)
`And more importantly, do not be afraid to say “can we go light?”, muscle memory is what you are really looking forward, not a battle, at least not when you are coming back.
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`Your worst enemy: The disrespectful to the mat partner
`auuns15 2lJ15the iiuzrteirobii. brazhan iiugrtsu. jiu prtsu. jju ritsu Irrastvle, riurrteire, wcirstenerrwleave a comment

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`0’lfU6f2U’lEi 02:42:32 PM
`it happened t_his past monday, came in all excited and ready to roll. “Igor thr's”I even told myself and how to leave the ego out ofthe door, come in and start the warm up.
`You note immediately that is not the normal 1.5 minute warm up:
`0 Front rolls
`0 Back rolls
`0 Hip eseapes
`Then technique, nope .. nice Gimnasia Natural starts coming out:
`0 Aligator walk
`a Grasshopper
`0 Chieknnwalk
`Then body weight exercises Yep someone did something stupid, you faneepalm and hope the professor is not mad and then the phrase eomes out:
`Yep you are sere~.\:9d ,,
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`Coming back from an injury
`auousi 4 2015the iiUiilEi|'0bii_ braaiian iiu iilSU jiu |ilSU_jiU iiisu lifestyle jiuiiteirofi comments
`Hey all, I'm sorry I didn‘t write before, but I was injured and I’m sure you didn‘t want to read my rants and wishful thinking on going baekto rolling...
`BUT I'M BACK!!! yesterday was my first day fully back, and god I have some tips and thoughts about this, so here are some tips I learned by having a grade 2 partial tear in my MCL
`and a separated fibula bone (like a boss!!!)

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`0’lfU6f2U’lEi 02:42:32 PM
`1. There is N0'l']-IIl.\'G as dangerous tha.n leaving your legs soft (not engaging your muscles) in ANY part of the training
`That’s howl got injured, my leg was soft, we were doing drilling andjust left it there and twisted for a cross knee pass, ouch! heard the pop ofit going in an out on a side, the muscles
`were not engaged, so while you are doing it soft and controlled it does NOT mean to not engage your muscles, make sure you knowhowto consciously trigger your muscles (is
`harder t_han you think)
`Continue reading —»
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`Living with a black belt: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
`june 1 2D‘l5iI'iBiiLlilfBl1ob|j, black Bert black belts. brazilian |lU |itsu,jIu iitsu Iifestviei comment
`Vi-‘ell guys I’m so sorry I stopped posting, but I had some personal things to take care of and I couldn‘t really update the blog, but I’1n back!!!
`Ok so everyone knows that I live wit_h a blackbelt, who is also my professor, so I've always wanted to write this post, The good, the bad and the ugly of living with a blackbelt
`that this is written with the real facts but in ajolcing manner (this is so Matheus won’t choke me to death after he reads this! O_O), I hope you enjoy.
`The Good
`0 Most black belts are pretty chill, they are balanced people. Yes, I will be the first to admit that there are black belts that are not nice people, but they are way less t_han in
`the "non—jiujitsu” world, (let’s call that NBJJTV, looks cool!!
`ol( fine we won‘t use that) so having a focused roommate is a good thing.
`0 It’s like having a BJJ encyclopedia at home. Don’t get me wrong, believe me I’ll complain about the same thing, but if you ever have a quick Fix problem you really
`don’t have to wait for the class to ask.
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`0’lfU6f2U’lEi O2: 2132 PM
`Conversation with a Black belt, Part 1
`maid 13 20t5mav18 2D15the il|liitEi|'0l)ii_ black be|‘i_ brazilian iiu irtsu_ jiu iilS|J_ jiu iilfill iifestvte_ iiuiiieiro, matheus andreleave a comment
`Is interesting to see how much BJJ has surrounded my life, to the extent that my BJJ professor Matheus Andre is my roommate, so I’m in what could look like an awesome position,
`I actually live with a black belt, who is my professor who is an active roller
`And because of that, we barely talk BJJ at home. Vife do talkbut is mostly not technique but we talk about concepts sometimes, the old days, but I’ve never really asked him formally
`questions, sol decided to do so after we have been roommates for a year:
`1. Matheus, how did you start Jiu-Jitsu?
`My father is an excellent chess player, so much that he actually played into a draw with a grand master so I learned from him, in school they had PE and chess, I was a fat kid
`liked chess. There I found a friend, Rodrigo, who did Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and also chess and started to tell me about doing it, I said “You wrestle with guys? and pull them? that’s kinda
`weird”. The same weel(I got bullied, I had a hat and it had a lot of pins and it was at that time super cool, so I got it stolen by a few guys and they started to run, I ran behind them for
`around a mile, I remember going over the train tracks and then I was in their neighborhood so they stopped and confronted me, and then I had to run the mile back!!!
`Then my father learned about flie situation and told me that ifI came home beaten up I vmuld get a whopping! He always wanted me to try martial arts so it was his way of supporting
`me, sol started in an adult class as a kid. Continue reading —»
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`Your first competi ion
`may 13. 2015mav ‘H 20151718 iiuiiteiroieave a comment
`Vi-‘ell there are countless posts about what to do in your first competition, I want to tell you what to expect? I want to tell you what happened to me, so you are prepared.

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`0’lfU6f?U'1Ei 02:42:32 PM

`http ifiiuliteiroclentieman.b1oc1spot.corni’
`U1f06f2U1Ei 02:46 51 PM
`Sign 13
`I 1
`Blog Archi
`’ fl
`-More. Nexioiog.
`‘ _"
`}iuilteirimentIemau;_I_l1v Bllpurnay
`. (K
`one. and 1
`ought thatl could beat
`When 1 get into BJJ. 1 oroln't come in with th
`didn't cog‘? in thinking I knew everything. What I came in with was a desihe to learn how to‘
`at up
`yone, and learn e
`hing. This initially cripplairmy‘ ogress_ because L_g.ot£,_.r
`caught up in wanting to be the
`st. and impress my cit:
`atl had perforrnanoe ‘ \‘
`(issues (hardy har riar)?ll‘\en it carrie down to roiiing.
`' W
`mt in
`to survive in BJJ. A] _th
`were taught early oflo let go or the ego. ifvuniia
`t care ifl winltose
`my BJJ tourney 1 teens ifl've gotten rid OM31 Q;
`.;\-j- ‘tag
`‘ am Keyboard W
`. it's not thatl don't care. rt’
`oicl so
`I searching and realize that's not
`4'4 ii? =1’); memhm W
`gaii :_opertoolsto beableto beacoherentBJJ fighter. Winningfosingwas nowin
`ciictes knawn
`anti-EIS. \
`my coritrcw 15 why the concepta
`ego in .1iu1itsu appeargvto
`and anti-traditionalist
`‘Because we
`eventually gain th
`oors to rack up those wins. and
`those ego‘
`years of Chinese Kerfi and riaw 1 currently
`do MMA with a to
`iiian Jiu Jitsu.
`4 Wpt it comes down to 15 th'
`you start out. you hav
`ntrol over whethe
`3”“ “*9 1°’ "19
`“*3” I 3'“ 3
`‘wure going to Win
`ve no tools at yo
`this bag otchaos y
`Magma" Bi”? bah‘
`pinmns 3”’ 51mm
`thrown into. But as you p
`. you start to gain more
`ore control over whether
`as lar as I'I1at1ta1al'iS ate coricemed: 1 heiie )
`9 does not do full Contact
`you succeed or not. Bu at this point, it you lose,
`no longer teeis like it
`S N“ mm in almnesa an
`iftrm the power to wrnilose
`so you don't I
`Spend “<5 Kim mashing
`‘ control. henc
`n rt
`km;-5 {gr
`5, that we'ti never be
`tter how hard we try.
`dancing) and hm, ' ‘mg,
`you‘ll cling
`t littte ego you can. as 1
`an it is fraudulent and not worth anyorie's
`hd then we
`lye into the subject
`its andelite '
`hters. These
`e some of the biggest e
`5onality'-3 in the
`their ego in
`es. their GDJD rufes
`mres in BJJ being, Ies higher belt to
`r some that's taken
`afifioi of respect. for others it ooks like guy's trying to
`their ego. That's not 5 say all ofthem are iik'h'
`ause they're not.“
`some very humblwlack belts. But for many, the
`ymbolizes their n
`their pourriey,
`into this one art
`For many‘ it's their
`keep going.
`. .
`J I

`U1f06f2U1Ei 02:46 51 PM
` ,
`rolling style in
`Jiu Jitsu. He talks about how he's very guard oriented, and how he likes playing top game,
`but feels he should eam it. He says Eddie Bravo came up with this idea. I guess what was
`interesting to me was that E developed a similar gameplan
`I started out rolling very top oriented. lwanted to get top position quick, and I
`eventually learned how to. But it almost fell like cheating and muscling. Against a smaller
`opponent, or even a similar sized opponent, E leamed to quickly get undemooks and irom
`there I could get whatever position Ewanted. Eventually this felt like cheating to me. it
`cheated my opponent and it cheated me. it cheated my opponent because it didn‘t let him
`wom on things he may have wanted to wont on. Ijust forced him into a position Iwanted
`And it cheated me, because it really hurt my bottom guard game, because I never got to
`wont on it.
`So I changed my entire game-plan for when I rolled. ln-stead of jockeying [or position, I
`began calmly just sitting on my ass and woming on my guard game. From this Itaught
`myself open guard (my teacher was very old school, and prefened closed guard). But I
`got better and better with it, but I still preierred wondng top game. lflgured there was no
`reason I couldn't wom both So I told myself, if I could sweep my opponent from bottom, I
`was allowed to play top game as much as Iwanted. It felt right, because il felt like I earned
`my position. I didn't steal it by muscling someone. it also improved my guard game
`significantly, because it Iorced me to work on something Iwasn't good at
`It made me feel
`more well rounded as a Jiu Jitsu fighter. which is why there is no position Heel
`uncomfortable in realiy...except maybe when my coach gets mount, and traps my anns.
`Then I get a little ervous
`Anyways, I
`something I
`Jiu Jitsu master.
`n'ght d"
`. 5‘
`and Eddie Bravo shg
`the same idea independently of a
`it was cool that m
`. lthink it's cool I devel
`here near their level, but I g
`ss it iust meanwking in their
`The ..lnE- Rl:|g'.3|'l

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