From: Delaney, Zhaleh
`Sent: 4/28/2015 10:06:24 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 86109496 - VITAMAX - HANBEV.2181T - Request for
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`mm-M eswlc-mine cormest-are!-ea-mmoseen-ute srm
`09232915 12.2“?! PM
`. Jlcai berries can help promote a healthier cardio vascular system and digestive tract. because ofthe synergy ot monounsaturated tats (the healthy
`fatal. dietary fiber, and pltytoa-terola-.
`. At:-ll berries are also an excellent source at rliatnryr libel‘! Fiber promotes a healthy digestive system Research studies suggests soluble filmrs may hep
`lower blood cholesterol. Tl'tE insoluble fiber rray help in reduce the risk at developing certain types ot cancers.
`. Acai berries are extremely rich in organic vegetable protein which does not generate cholesterol'ng its digestion. and is more easly processed and
`transported In your muscles tt1an animfl protein (such as in rnilr or meat]. Besides its outstanding cmterrl at protein and unsaturated lipids, the Mai berry is
`also rich in carbohydrates which provide your body with the necessary energy wnie workirig ow participating in any kind of sport.
`. Acai berries r:onla'I1 an essential amino acid complex along with trace minerals. which are vilzi for pcmper muscle connection and regeneration. Aside
`from the energy and thid replacement. Acai benies provide a nutrition profie complete with vlamins, rniierals and essential fatty acids {Omega 3, Omega 5
`and Omega 9}. The fatty acid ratio in the Acai berry resembles that 01 olive oil. which studies suggest is a contributing tactorto the low incidence ot heart disease
`"I1 Meclterranean populations.
`. Acai berries contah plant star-ole. inclucing beta-sitosterol wrllicll has anti-iittantriatory properties. Today. sterols are being used to treat associated benign
`prostate dyperplasia. These plant sterols have also been shown to help control cholesterol and also act as precursots to many inportarit substances
`. OMEGA FATTY ACIDS [Omega 9. Omega 6. and Omega 3].
`These rriono-saturated essential fatty acids help lower LDL [harrnful cholestero1)wriie maintaining HDL (beneficial cholesterol). Omega fatty acids combat heart
`disease by increasing hedtny cel development. Omega fatty acids are essential for healthy nervous system daveloprnant and regeneration. They hep
`rapidly repair and rejuvenate muscles atter intense exercise.
`The Mai berry comains an alrriost perfect essential amino acid complex. This is vital for proper muscle contraction and regeneration: and for ern:li.irarice.strengtt1,
`sustained energy, and muscle development
`Acai berries contain natural vitamin E. a powerful antioxidantto protect against aging.
`Theobromine acts as a bronchial dlator to help open air passages ii the lungs. This increased air flow capacity helps increase oxygen intake. which
`increases endurance, strength, and athletic partomiance.
`The Acai berry ptlp contains these complex compounds at plant eel membranes called phytostemls which are used to treat syrnptorns associated with BPH
`(benign prostate hyperpiasia arbenign prostate hypertrophy) — an enlarged prostate gland catised by the growth of a pre—canI:erous tumor. Phytostarnls in
`Acai also help promote a healthy cardiovascular system and contribute to a healthy digestive tract. (Phyto means "plant".)

`!|tt?'"‘W\'\' ewwmlreemmtewmaflifleaemuw Sflml
`U-I*2I'»'t915 12.2“?! PM
`Acai berries are rich in anlhucyanins. an essential aiitioiiiimnt that hehs combat pren'iat:I.Ire aging. In fact, an ecpat volume of Anni fruit has 1|) to Mt times
`mom anthneyanins [purple colored antioxidants} than a glass of red Iiirina.
`Each serving of
`Mai t‘ extract.
`Juice I:onta'I'is 500 mg of Mai t‘n.i‘t extract. The rer:omn'iended daily close of 3 servings per day proiricles 1500 mg or 1.5 grants of
`MANGOSTEEN (Garcinia mangostana)
`The Mangosteen Fruit from Southwest Asia
`Tt'ie Mangostieen {Garalruh marigasrzena in Latii] is a trcpical evergreen tree which is believed to have orighatied in tt'ie Sunda Islands and tt'ie Moluccas, and was tirsl
`iiscovered in Eumla and Thailand. The tree grows from 7 to 25 meters tfl, and does not‘.e t‘ until it is ‘J 5 years old. The edible fruit is deep rediish purpte
`when ripe. In Asia, the Mangostieen fruit is kriown as me ‘Queen of Fruits‘.
`The Mangosteen fruit grown in Thailand is harvested ii the season of optimum ripeness tor tt'la:ittI't'I.|t't'I efficacy. The xanrhone rich pericarp [the outer rind} is then
`separated from the pup and t‘reeze—driecI. Thejuice or treeze—cIried Mangostieen fruit can be shipped into the USA but importing the whole raw fruit is prohibited, to
`avoid introducing a certain Asian t‘n.iit Ity wtich odtld hann total fruit crops.
`The I]l.l'IEf shel oi the Mzmgosteen fnjt (pericarp) is rather hard, typiI:aIy4 to 6 oentirnetiers in ciameter and about a hzit ceritirrietier in thickness. The truit resembles a
`spherical. redcish-black. cartoon borrib. Cutting tt'mi.ig'i the shell one finds a very pale white and fleshy truit 3 to 5 centimeters "I1 diameter surrounded by a deep red
`pericarp. Deperidhg on its size and ripeness. there may or may not he ineiihte pits in the mgments otthe1'mil.The I'l.I't'IhEf pt truit ports is cirectty related to the
`I'I.I'I1bE!' at petals on the bottom 01 the shel. Commonly. tt'ie average Mangostieen wil have 5 t‘n.I't pods.
`The shel ciithe Marlgosteen fruit Ioolis tough and hard, but is easy to open. Care l'I'|l.Ei be taken when opea1'I'ig the frui, as the reddish-black husk outside produces a
`purplish. inky jjce that stains tabrie and can be almost impossible to remove (the reason why they are banned tron: some hotels in countries where they are avaiabte].
`To open a tlitangosteen. the she! is usually protien apart. not cut. tlotcling the fruit ii'i both hands. press it gently [thu1il'is on one side, the other fingers on the other]: until
`the snel cracks. It is then very easy to pull the names apart along the crack and remove the tmit w'ithoul mining.
`One of ttie most-praised ot tropical fruits. and certainly the most-esteenied fruit in the tamiy Grmiierae, the Mangosteen (C-tamti-ita mang-ostana in Latin) is almost
`i.I'itii-ersaly known or heard of by this name. Bu there are rLi.I'nerous vaflatlons in norriertclature: among Sparlsh-speaking people the fruit is Caled mangcistan; to the
`Freni'J1 it is margostariier. niarigoustariier. rnarigousle or mangostier: in Portuguese it is mangostao. rnangosta or mangusta; in Dmch it is mariggis or nianpgstan: in
`Viemaniew it is mang cut; "I1 Malaya it may be reterred to in any of them hnguages or by tt'ie local temis mesetor, senietah, or sementah; in the Phiippines it is mangis
`or rrflngostan. Throughout the Malay Archipelago ot Malaysia, there are many different speings or names sinilartio most of those mentioned above.
`Health Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit [Garcinia marrgostaria)
`II...J:..:.. ..I I |.—.._.

`mm-M eswlc-arrive cowuest-ewe-ea-mmsaeen-use srm
`Medicinal Uses:
`09232915 12.2“?! PM
`For hundreds of years. the people of Southeast Asia have used the Mangos'teen,especiaIy1he rind (pericarp). to ward off and treat infections, rechce pain or control
`fever. and lreat various other aimerrls
`Dried Mangoslieen fruits are shipped from Singapore In Calcutta and In China for medicinal use. The siced and dried rind (pericarp) is powdered and administered to
`overcorne dysentery. Made irrlio H1 oinhnerit, I is applied on eczema and other skin disorders. 'I1'ie rind decoclion is taken In relieve diarrhea and cystitis,
`gonorrhea and glaal. and is applied eadernaly as an astringent lclion. A portion oflhe rind is steeped 'n walier ovemight and the infusion given as a remedy {or
`chronic diarrhea in edits and children.
`In the Phiipine Islands. the Fiipinns employ a decoclion oi Ihe leaves and park as a fehrihnge and to heat thrush, diarrhea, dysentery and urinary disorders.
`In Malaya an inlhsion ollhe Mangosteen leaves, combined with unripe banana and a lllle benzoin. is applied In the wound ofcircurricision. A root detection is taken In
`regulate menstruation. A Mangasteen berlr extract caled
`has been marketed for the treatment of amoebic dysentery.
`'|11e laliesl in scientific research shows Mangoslieen contains a class at nahlraly occurring pahrpherinlic compounds known as xantlronos. Xanlhones provide
`hannlficiinl eflncls on cnrdimrssclllar |:Ii5na5ns_ inr:I.Iding ischnmil: hanrl (Iisnasa, nlharnsiclanasis, hyparlnnsiinn, and thrombosis Xanlhones also
`demonstrate particularly powerh.I| antioxidant pmpeflies.
`The medicinal properties ofthe lulangosteen truit are derived mainly from its outer rind or peel, not from the fleshy inner part oi’ the fruit. The rhd or pericarp is where
`powerful antioxidants are concentrated. These aritioxidanls. known as Xanthdnas. have properties which help In heal calls damagiad by free radicals, slow
`aging. and ward off degenerative diseases and physical and mental deterioration.
`'|11e rind oi parlialy ripe Mangnsteen fnit yields a polyhydroxy-)r.anthone derivative Iienried mangostin, flso Delhi-rnangosfirl. '|11al ofhly ripe fruits contains the
`itantnanes gtartanir.-_ bera—diso:rygartanin_ and normangostm
`According to research reported in professional j;oumals such as Free Radical Research and the JoumalorPharmace!agy.Il1ese amazing Xanthonas have a
`remarkably bene'licial effect on cardimrascuar health and are also naturally antibiotic. antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. Xanthones are among the most powerful
`antioxidants to be found in nature.
`Many oflhe other hezilh benefits of Xamhonas from Illangostaen pericarp can be expressed in Iienns of how they act against or are "arrh‘ various serious
`anti-fatigue. anti-obesity. anti-depression, anti-anxiety. anti-vertigo (dzziness) arili-Alzhein1ers. anti-Parltinsonism (Parkinson's Disease), anti-alergenic. anti-
`seborrheic (slrin disease}. anti-glaucoma (eye disease). anli—pyretic (anli—fever}. anti-diarmea. ariti—periodorrlic {gum disease), anti-pain (such as dental pain}. anti-
`neuralgia (nerve pain}. anli-ar1hriIis, mil-intlammalnry (act as cox-2 inhibitor like Vioxx and Celehrex. b1.I'lWi‘IhDl.lT the dead}: side-effects), and anti-Llcer [such as ulcers
`ofthe mmacn. mouth. small bowel. large bowel).
`Mangosteen truir also % vasorelaxsnt propemes [dlaaes blood vessels}
`with Myeobacterium tuberculosis (TB) and Staphylococcus aureus (Staph. A). Mangosleen has shown inhibitory action against these hannlul bacteria
`organisms. Mangosteen is highly effective it boosting weak inmune systems.

`urrr:-"INN-vv esvvboaIre_9uv~1>est—a9a-qsrfllesvlrsaeewuee srm
`09232915 12.2“?! PM
`There are several corrrpormds for.nd ‘n the Mangosteen t‘n.|'tthat appearto make his t‘ so active as a nudrilional oor11pOlrIent for the body.
`Juice contains 500 mg of freeze-dried Mangoslleen truil pericarp (tire rind). The recommended dose of 3 servings per day delivers
`Each sewing of
`1500 mg or 1.5 grams of Mangomen fruit pericarp.
`GOJI (Lycium barbarum)
`The Goii Berry from the Himalayas in 1'rbet and Mongolia
`Goji Barry is the oorrrmorr name for the that ofthe Lyctrrm barimanrm plant It grows on extensive thorny bushes which grow erect or as sprealing vines in the
`shelered valeys ofthe Himalayas in Tibet. and in Mongolia. Lycium is a deciduous woody perennial plantwhich can grow 1 to 3 meters high. Other common names for
`varieties ot the Lyciuh plant are “Matrimony \t'I1e' and “Borrlhorn' and 'Wollberry“.
`The Goflhnrry (Lydrrm barbamr-rr} should not be confused with the Ghtnosa Irlrhtlbony, which is actually a similar fruitt'rom a related Lyciulrr plant
`known as Lyctum Ghtnesa.
`NI Lyciurrr berries have reported medicirrel properties. but the best Goi berries are the Himalayan Goji benies or Tibetan Goi berries of the Lycium badrar-um veriety
`which grows wld "I1 Tbet and Mongola [norlhwestem regions of the Peoples Reprlilic ot Chi'ra)_ where the ancient sols have never been exposed to pesticides or
`poluion. But there is no con1rnerI:ifl production of Goji berries in these remote areas.
`‘the premier source of organicaly grown and r:orrI11erir:a|ty avaiable barbarum Goi benies otthe Same variety 5 the Ningxia Province ofCh''row11 as lt're
`‘Gui Capital ot'Chr'rra" in the pristine Xiriang Mountahs i1 the far western area of China near Tibet. Chinese Woltbenies (l'_yt:iurrr Chrrrese) are often crltivated in
`more southern soils which have experienced heavy pesticide use for tiny years. and are often tasely sold as "HirnaIayan Goji berries” or "fibetan Goji berries‘.
`‘the oval, deep red Goji berries are about the size at a grape. and taste Ike a cross between a cranberry and a cherry. 'i1're Goi berries are very tender and must be
`shalrerr from the vine rathertt'ran picked, for iftlouched by hr.I'nan hands while fresh on the vine the frul will oxidize. turn black. and spoil. ‘the t‘n.l'ls are preserved by
`slowly drying them in the shade.
`The Himalayan Goji berry has been eaten locally "I1 the region tor centuries. and is celebrated in festivals. The Himahyan Goji berry is nicknamed “the happy berry”
`because ofthe sense otweI—beirrg it is said to induce.
`The native people in the Himalayan Mountain regions who include Goji berries in their regular riet er1'oy remarkable healh and longevity. '|'he average woman in the
`Hunza tribe lives to be 100 years of age. Artlrritis. chronic fatigue syrrdrorne. sexual dysfunction, and depression are totally unknown to the Hurrza people.
`Health Benefits of Goji Berries {Lycium barbanrm)
`Research and Roieronoos

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