From: Kertgate, Amy
`Sent: 3/7/2015 12:34:18 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`N/A - Request for Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 2 of 3
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 15
`Files: AlstonBird3.jpg, ArentFox-1.jpg, ArentFox-2.jpg, ArentFox2-1.jpg, ArentFox2-2.jpg, ArentFox3-
`1.jpg, ArentFox3-2.jpg, BakerBotts1.jpg, BakerBotts2.jpg, BakerBotts3.jpg, Ballard1.jpg, Ballard2.jpg,
`Birch1-1.jpg, Birch1-2.jpg, Birch2.jpg

`Tradem k Prosecution & Po
`lio Management
`Practice Leaders
`David J. stewart
`T 4P4a331*7952
`Related 5e|'Vi0E5
`mdenmm ,_ copyright
`We manage one of the nation's iargest trademark portfolios on behalf of hundreds of clients, with
`approxinatety 16,000 active tires in 200 jurisdictions. The May 2011 issue or tntertectuat Property Today
`lalfllflil AISIOI1 Sr Bi|'U 27111 (0111 Of 140) O11 I15 551 Of fi|'l!l5 f0F l|Edel‘|'E.|1( prosecution. OIJF (SENS are
`incredmty diverse, operating in rieids that inciude banidng and finance, trotets, insurance, sports and
`entertainment, electronics, computer sohwarerhantware, chemicals, biolechnoiogy. teirtie and consumer
`goods, as well as numerous other I1l3l1l.lfal.’:1lJt‘il1g and service industries. We help protect mite of me
`most mmorrs brands in tire world, 'n1ciuding AFLAC_ ARBY’S, AuTozotrE_ HARRAH'S_ HILTON,
`Nearly 50 percent OTAISIOI1 8 Birds trademark practice retata to intemationat matters. The linn has over
`so years of experience and proressronat reiatiorrstrips with inteitectuat property law time around the world.
`we are aiso a member of Leo: Mundi, one or the world's teading associations of independent law linns_
`composed Of 160 member linns Illlifli 360 oflices worldwide in over 1% countries and jI.II'iSdiCti0l'IS. This
`aliiation enabies us to provide cients with detailed and accurate counseiing and protection tor
`trademarks, domain names, copyrigirts and reiated nrteuectuat property matters in any jurisdiction in the
`world. our retationstrip with many or tnese roreign nuns is reciprocar, wtrictr provides us with the
`assurance ot lire most iimediate and expert attention available.
`a Alston it Bird rantred in me top &3rd percentile on tare tot ofTop Trademark Hnns by
`hteflecmatnuperly ‘tbday. The ratridng cornpfim intomtalion on the nurmerof trademanr
`registrations that were handled by eactr linn. (May 2014)
`a us News — Best Lawyers recognized Alston -Sr Brrcrs irtenectuai propeny practice on their list
`of “Best Law Flmis” for 2013. The finn tanked nationally in Tier 1 for Litigation — tnteitectrrai
`Propeny; Litigation — Patent; Patent Law; and Tradernarir Law. (N0vemDer2013)
`I ET! consulting Group named Alston 8 Bird as an IP Litigation Standout in the United Stata.
`This dmignation rifled on a survey of over 300 General Counsel a.t1d in—nouse litigation
`leaders. {August 2013)
`Representative Matters
`0 Selection by Arbfs to consofidate, coordinate and manage their trademark portfolio and
`etlorcermatt programs.
`a Selection by Sonoco Products Company to conwlidate, coordinate and manage their worldwide
`trademark and domain name portfolios and enforcement prog rams.
`I Seiectjon by Hilton Hotets Corporation to assist them with the clearance, reg'tstration and
`enforcement of their worldwide tr'aden1at1: portfolio.
`I Selection by the TJX Companies, Inc. (owner of tile famous T.l MAXX, MARSHALLS,
`HOMEGOODS at1d BOB'S STORES brands) to consoiidate, coordinate and manage their
`woddwide ttademant and dornarat name portfolios and enforcement programs.
`I Selection by AMVESCAP PLC (owner of tj1eAIrtVESCAP, INVESCO and AIM narlrs) to
`consolidate, coordinate and rmnage their worldwide tradenmrlr and domain name portfoios and
`enforcement programs.
`* SNOW L655
`Expand All | collapse All
`©2015 ALSTON 8: BIRD


`nttp irmmmm arentfox.comipractices—inclustriesfintellectuamropeit itrademarl<#.\fPn\fbtBO\ImN
`03r’06f2U1511:27’:3E3 AM
`Smart in your world“
`Arent Fox
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`Deals 8. Cases
`Practices 8- Industries
`What are you I
`king rm
`Inteflec ar
`Progfly ‘( 1‘,
`Arent Fox.Associate Luna Samman Speaks at ABA's IP
`Read More
`Areas of Focus
`Hatch-Waxman Litigauon
`Patent Litigation
`Patent Prosecution
`Patent Transactional‘
`Post-Grant Proceedings
`Section 337 I'll: Litigation
`Trade Secrets
`All. Practices
`All Industries
`Meet the Team
`Deals 3. Cases
`Home » Practices 3. lno_s‘* es «s :"‘eI|':L:_a| Prooerfy
`In :3:
`Arent Fox is consistently recognized forourtraoernark experience inteiieciuai Property Today
`and Trademark insider ranked Arent Fox among tne Top 10 trademark law firms in me nation.
`Most recently, Arent Fox LLP also was recognized as one otttie two prerniertradernark law firms
`in ‘Washington, DC in the inaugural and second editions of Worid Trademark Review fO0O— The
`Definitive Guide to Trademark Legal Services.
`Among the honors we have garnered
`0 US News «E Worid Reporr and Best Lawyers — ranked Arert Fo,\'s Intel ectua ='rope
`Trademarks Tier‘: torthe nation in the 201‘: — 2514 edit-ons ot ‘Best '_a'r.- Firms survey.
`9 Chambers USA — ranxed Areni Fox's Iotellectual Property: Trademaris. Cop-,r.v:gnts and
`Trace Secrezs Practice Eta-icl 2 for the nation. and Eanc 1 to’ DC in 2010 - 20‘;
`0 IP Law & Business — irlerlifed Areal Fox as one of the Top 1-2-r11oslaL'.i‘.rEiav.'fini'is litigating
`Section 33.7 cla:rr:s before the international Trade Commission in 2009.
`o in:rellecmarPropeny Too:-iy— rarkecl Arent Fox in the top ten firms in the pi.-oi-catior‘s anr'-uai
`sun-e'y ofTopTraoema'i< Firms in zone. 20-19 ZU11 and 2-313
`0 Trademark l'nsii:l'er— rarlaed Are-"t Fox as one oftha Top 1C- Law Firms of2DD7 in its Annual
`Report. In ZDD-3. we were ranked n-.:rriiJer12 and in 2I]D9. we were ranked nun1ber1'i.
`0 World Trademarii Review— ran<ed Aren‘. Fox as 3 tier 1 firm fortrademark enforcement and
`iitigaton as ‘well as prosecution and strategy‘ in '-i"V'C'iEi1l|'1gtD|1. DC. for 2U12 and as one of zne
`top 2D lrarlernark tiers in 201-3
`The WTR 1000 noted that Arent Fox ‘has a strong trademark team advising on a wide range oi
`matters, including prosec urion. oppositions and litigation.
`It is widely admired for its strong
`trademark portlolio management service along with its busy infringement practice Clients span
`Key Contact
`Ricardo Fischer
`Practice Group Leader
`Criilllld A. Carvalno
`Awards 8.
`iii ll
`_i'i I.
`”.M)|\(.I I m“

`iittp ifinnnrw arentfox.comipractices—industriesfintellectuamropeit itrademarl<#.\fPri\fbtBOVmN
`O3i'06f2U15 11:27:36 AM
`lallelilfi 5|.Idli
`a broad range ofindus1r1'es_ including companies in the apparel, pharmaceutical, hospitality, and
`entertainment sectors '
`Arent Fox is currently responsible for more than 42‘5lJL] active trademark applications and
`registrations wondwide. More specrrrcalry, we are responsible tor more than 12 tiUU marks in
`North Arnenca. 7,300 marks in South America, 6.900 marks in Europe. and 1t_6l3O marks in Asia
`We are also responsible for more llian 1,500 mailcs in Australia and more than 2,1ElD marks in
`Africa and the Middle E51‘.
`In addition. we are responsible for more than 1,200 fom'ia| trademark enforcement matters, i e .
`oppositions, cancellatioris and litigation (approximately 160 US and 1,100 foreign], not including
`Unifomi Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)fllings. Moreover, we have
`approximately 35 trademark lawsuits and 18D open ‘cease and desist“ trademark matters pending
`at this time.
`Arent Fox attorneys have been engaged with rfipect to approximately 3,000 trademark clearance
`searches over the past two years alone. We estimate that approximately 15 percent or rriore of
`lbeseclearances involved international data. including in Latin America. South America. and Asia
`Arent Fox is fortunate in have among ils attorneys and paralegals individuals who are native
`speakers of or fluent in foreign languages, such as Spanish_ Portuguese. Chinae (Mandarin and
`Cantonese), Russian, Elulgarian. Gennan, and llalian alkwving us to parlinipale fiiliy with foreign
`counsel in countries around the wood.
`A key component of our approach is collaboration with our clients to develop and implement
`sound and cost-efiective brand protection strategies tailored to their unique needs. Services
`0 Assisting in developing Brand selection strategies
`0 Analyzing and assessing orano annprion llslei
`0 Developing broad scopes of protection for new brands
`0 Assisting in maintaining consistenttrademaik usage
`0 Expanding and protecting existing brands to prevent competitors and third parties from using
`confusingly similar brands
`Deals 5 Cases
`s 8. Industries
`Legal Notice
`F'riv'a:y P-:i|iI:y
`Social Media [iis airner
`N ndiscriminaden
`N‘‘-‘''‘' “"-‘71‘- "'7
`53"‘ F”"“'5 3i C‘
`W-'15"‘i"§l'3"- E

`http i'W\|1I\fi.N arentfox.comipractices—industriesfintellectuamropert #.\fPn\i'mtBO\i'rnN
`03i’06f2U1511:28:20 AM
`Smart in your world“
`Arent Fox
`Connect 6 G e 6 Subscribe O
`Deals 8. Cases
`Practices 8- Industries
`what you -coking rm
`Meet the Team
`Deals 8. Cases
`Arent Fox.Associate Luna Samman Speaks at ABA's IP
`Pfowrty ( f Readfllore
`1 1
`Areas of Focus
`l-‘[2l“lE :2 PfEZIlC€E-
`S. lno_s‘* as
`SW9 D
`n m —'-
`ta ta
`Key Contacts
`Your company has worked hard to develop its products
`and services and build an excellent reputation with your mam Fischer
`customers. How do you ensure that competitors will not
`Practice Group Leader
`slow you down? You need an IP firm that understands
`Jame“ Biiidseil
`C ' t
`A. C
`your business
`Practice Gro-up Leader
`am 0
`Copyright! Patenrr Trademark
`Mich,-,e|,q_ Gmw
`Related Practices
`"""‘°""""""""”' ”"‘”"°”
`Posbsrant Pmceedinns
`Section 337 I'll: Lingation
`Trade Secrets
`Arent Fox is one of the few go—to firms for novel and high—i:rrofi|e intellectual property issues
`All Practices
`All Industries
`Clients seelc us outfor our creativity and business approach to their legal issues. With more than
`Q5 tu||—Iirne IF’ professionals, we otfer a lull range of services related to the acquisition,
`omcm 5
`H"em’| Q"Data Secu",-‘
`enforcement and commercial exploitation of intellectual property (IPJ rights and assets.
`Ar! my 5 Cumemlgr La N
` SCl"1|"1l.l"lCEtI|DI‘|E
`The fil'Tl1 is consistently recognized among the too firms in the areas of patents, trademarks.
`Terrnc cor 8. -'.‘oo ie
`copyrights, and other areas of intellectual pro oerty. intellectual Property Today and Trademark
`Zornp EU. _itiga:i:i'"
`insider regularly rank Arent Fox among the Top 1D trademark law firms in the United States. Arent
`Ijcroorate 3 Securities
`Fox was also recognized as one of the two premier trademark lawfirms in Washington. DC. in the
`inaugural and second editions of World Trademark Review t0fl0— The Definitive Guide to
`Trademark Legalservices The WTR r000. in naming Arent Fox a'Eiand 1‘ firm in Washington,
`FD"* Fm‘: -9 3:900 3
`DC, noted that Arent Fox "has a strong trademark team advising on a wide range of matters.
`including prosecution Dpposrtlons. and titigabon lt is widely admired for ltS strong trademark
`3“"””"‘9"' Re""°"5
`portfolio management service, along with its busy infnhgerrient practice. Clients span a broad
`"93 7' Sara
`range of industries including companies in the apparel, pharmaceutical, hospitality, and
`‘m9"3t'3"3‘ "155
`entertainment sectors '
`D’ '-35:‘
`Clriarrioera USA also recognized Arent Fox as a ‘Band 1" firm in the category of Intellectual
`Property Trademark. Copyright 8. Trade Secrets. Arent Fox's patent team has Iechnical
`capaoillties in software. electronic chemical. pharmaceutical biotechnology food science. and
`mechanical arts and is routinely ranked among the top ten firms for the number of issued patents.
`A number ofthe patent |JFEtETI|t'lEInElS have advanced degrees Arent Fox‘s patent liogalorsr who
`also have technical backgrounds. have in-depth experience with Abbreviated New Drug
`Application (AND.-X} litigation and have been ranked among the top five firms for patent titigatron
`before the International Trade Commission (lTC).UtiLit‘; and Design Patents computerfsottware,
`electrical, oiotechnology. chemical. pharmaceutical. and mechanical - Arent Fox's patent
`Related Industries
`;‘aD:";:::F'E§'::L;;;"{D';-;‘rdE 8‘
`L‘.-E, sU?.fE,5
`Media i Entsna nine“!

`http iiwww arentfox.comipractices—industriesfintellectuamropert #.\fPnVmtBOVmN
`03i’U6f2U’l5 11:28:20 AM
`uuu uunua
`=.m....t.a., u.u..=t.....mu9,, Lllfillllhal‘ ,,, .2.
`procurement tearn rias experience with all ofthese areas. We have lawyers, patent agents and
`scientific specialists in numerous technical fields. We also know the US PTO and its procedures
`0 |||U|W"3iiF|9 ‘U335
`and have a well-trained STI-tfl to support US.
`0 Fgrging Eonrls
`With our strong foundation in patent work. Arent Fox can assess ti1e patentabillty ofour clients‘
`0 Sawng Legaciei
`invention: drafl. file and prosecute patent applications: provide advice about developing a patent
`Awards 8.
`|)0t'l‘Itt|iO in the United States and abroad that retlects a client's current and future interests; and
`keep an eyeon what the competition is patenting.
`Disputes conceming ti1e ownership of technology sometimes arise. If this occurs, we will guide
`ii...-rim: in
`our client through the nuances of inverltursnip and the estatalishrnerrt and assignment of fights in
`‘7_" ’"‘"'F'‘5
`our client's invention. Disputes also arise in the enforcement of patents — either our clients‘ or
`;i..i.. IE.
`their competitors‘ Arent Fox's patent attorneys rotninely investigate the validity of patents and
`assess the merits or infringement actions we dratt opinions that withstand scnitiny in court.
`Because our clients are diverse and include start-ups, midsize and large corporations, and
`university and government entities. Arent Fox has developed a well-rounded patent procurement
`practice. We recognize, ridwever, that it is I'iot enough to just have broad experience. Our lawyers
`must De proactive and stay abreast 01 changes in the law and In the regulations that govern our
`practice. We invest in training and developing young talent and are we||«p|aced in prrllessiunal
`and trade organizations in the United States and abroad.
`Property News
`.-\rent F075 AEEDCIZIE _L||‘-2
`Sdlllrlldll Speak: dl ABA‘:
`lP Conference
`'—\rent Fox Associate _Lir'.a
`Samman Speaks at DC Bar
`Arent Fm Adds Two
`Prominent Intellectual
`Property ='artners in haw
`.—\rent For.‘ Secures
`.Ji.:cigrnc_-nts Pro? .ing Fila
`Agains: Cybersquating
`Deals 5 Ca
`Legal NM
`F'rive::y Pi cy
`Social Media Disclaimer
`Mend crirninatien
`Site Ma ;.
`Off es
`“'5 -“”fl*'="'5- “-
`San Francis LCA
`w"‘5"‘i”9t""' E

`http ifmmmm arentfox.cominewsroornfip—soundincrs—bloc1#.VPn\fwdE30\fmN
`03r’U6f2U’l5 11:29 00 AM
`Smart in your world“
`Arent Fox
`Deals 8. Cases
`Practices 8- Industries
`Connect 6 O Q 6 Subscribe O
`wnaevou-coking or?
`IP Soundings Blog
`Newsroom Overview
`I-CI"'l 9 Ju N€'i\'Si30|'T'
`a :,\ 1;,
`The ArentFox1P Soundings biog hub
`offers a \~\-‘inoow into the world of
`intellectual property through anrcles
`vrdeo. news. Dlogs and more. Lookror
`intervrews featuring seasoned attorneys
`and guests speaking on a range of IP
`loprcs that affect people and businesses
`both rn the United Slazes and
`throughout the world
`Watch the Latest Video
`Media Mentions
`Press Releases
`Social Media
`Behind the Scenes
`Deadlines 8. Headlines
`Fashion Counsel
`Health Care Counsel
`Managing Automotive
`Managing OSHA
`Patent Counsel
`Arnnt Fm: IP Flinn Huh
`Related People
`Dan: :3 Once
`Daul M Fa“ er
`Related Practices
`lnte Ie-:1u3l PrCDE."'.y'
`Related Industries
`Pas’-nor Law: '_u<.r,«
`scans Dear-;, -' Brarasis
`l-use talit;
`Medla 3. Enrerranrnert
`About OurVideo
`r-; C Gf_.'LE‘-:'&l1-'|EF
`with the Intellectual
`=‘ro::e"r,r practrce at .-Rrert
`:3‘, regular; shares his
`views and experiences
`onlrne and to oruerse
`zndt.-stry groups Hrs (.ilEl‘I'.Si
`oene"Il from a long tenure
`navigating complex rs-sues
`ass-mated wnh gichal
`oranu content. and
`fechnolngy matters
`nnpaving commercial
`operatrons L": the consumer
`9 node software

`http ;'W\flI\.fi.N arentfox.comfnewsroomfii3—soLindincis—bloc1#.VPn\fwdE30\fmN
`03i’U6f2U’l5 11:29 00 AM
`Arent Fox IP Blog Hub
`Business Integ rity Blog
`David Gryce is a veteran trarisaclisnal IF’
`attnmcy and Amnt Fmt partner He operates
`this blog as an intermatio rial resource for
`protecting and exploiting business integrity
`llrrsugh intellectual pruperly,
`Title 1?: The Slclite tor Copyright Law
`Paul Fekler
`lP partner at Arenl Fox and
`Chair oftnc NV State ElClT1'\5."1Dl:i€lfiOn
`Intellectual Properly Law Section. offers
`views and news on copyngnt law.
`F or more iilfctrinatiun
`transportation. linaricral
`services, a nd automotive
`The Intellectual
`Properly Practice
`Arent Fox is reg ularlv
`ranked amo rig the top
`intellectual property firrns in
`the United States. offering
`clients a full range of
`services an acquisilierr
`enforcement and
`commercial exploitation of
`intellectual property rights
`and assets,
`iP ‘lousy
`Patent Barislas
`lP -(at
`Prof Goloman
`ABA lnlawgs
`lP Wax lining
`IF Soundings
`trademarks OT Arent FOX
`LLF' All rights reserved.
`Arent FD: Legal Nutice
`Deals & Cases
`Legal Notice
`,;.,‘_,,,__, p,,,,,.‘,
`Social Media Disciairrier
`S a Map
`FL est-staff Lc-gin
`Les Angeles.
`New Y''‘"‘' "Y
`San Fran(.
`1 CA
`w35"'"9t'3"' E

`Baker Bolts is an international law finn with 725 lawyers and a network of 14
`oifices around the globe. Based on our broad experience and our in-depth
`knowledge of our clients‘ ind ustnes, we are recognized as a leading finn in the
`energy, technology and lite sciences sectors.
`Baker Botls has earned the privilege of working on some of the most
`fascinating and coniplar legal matters in the world, Throughout our 175 year
`history, we have provided creative and effective legal solutions for ourclients
`while demonstrating an unrelenting con'I11ilment to t-‘Jiirtellence,
`Deeper Understanding. Better Solutions.
`Baker Botts Secures Victory
`for Samsung in Patent
`Infringement Case
`Read MOT9
`Baker Botts Represents
`Valero Energy Corporation
`in $671 Million Drop—Down
`to Valero Energy Partners
`Read More
`PTAB Ruling Sets the Stage
`for Examination of Interplay
`between |PRs and District
`Court Litigation
`Read More
`Fnl inw IE
`an Tnima
`cunna: with LE
`an Liriiadln
`DOL Adopts “Celebration
`State” Rule
`Read More
`New Common Carrier Pipeline
`Read More
`PTAB Trials Report - February
`Read More
`World Ready
`2015 Baker Butts L LP Dclairriar Site Mag (lnntartt Us
`Unless otherwise indicated. lawyers listed nrittiis website are not oertified wine Texas Board of Legal Specialization
`Under the ruin of oerta-iri jurisdictions. this onmmunication may oorrstitute '-Attomey Advertising‘. 3


`Rstazed Practices
`Baker Botts boasts a nationally renowned Tiademark Piactice, comprising tiademark lawyers who handle all
`aspects oftradeI11ark law and related issutfi. We have developed strategies formanaging trademark and trade
`dress rights consistent with ourclients' short— and long—tenn business plans, including the management of
`international trademark portfolios for several well—known brands. Our lawyers enect and oversee clearance,
`registration and enforcement fora large and diverse group ofclients based in the U. S. and throughout the
`wond. Working with an established network of foreign associates in more than 150 countries, we provide our
`clients with efricient and costeffective global trademark protection.
`Baker Botls‘ Trademark lawyers also have considerable experience in litigation, including bench and jury trials
`defending and prosecuting tiademark, tiade dress, unfair competition, false advertising and tiade secret clains.
`Our lawyers have broad aperience, and ofier sophisticated counseling and litigation services in:
`I Negotiating and diafting tiademanr licenfi, co-existence agreements, co—bianding agreements
`I Acquisitions, and handling of comprehensive due diligence relating to trademark assets torcorpoiate
`I Domain name issufi, including UDRP proceedings
`I Internet law, including keyword and pop—up ads, metatags, phtshing and related issues
`I E-coninerce
`I Cybersquatting
`I Anticounterfeiting actions
`I Computer game and technology licensing
`I Manreting and distribution relationships
`I Advertising
`I Sweepstakes
`I Entertainment law
`Privacy laws
`Copyright matters also fonn a significant pan of our work. Our lawyers have substantial experience in protecting
`copyrights in such varied industries as toys, artwork, cartoon characters, fabric designs, fashion accessories,
`aichilectural design, musical iecoidings, literary llll0l'ltS, technobgy and advenising and packaging materials. We
`advise clients on a wide range of copyright matters affected by everchanging copyright laws, including
`registiation, infringement, (and avoiding intnngement), as well as negotiating and preparing development,
`licensing, publishing and otheragreements.
`The diverse skills and scientific backgrounds of our intellectual property lawyers, many of whom hold engineering
`and computer science degrees, add to ourexperience in the area of copyright protection for scientific material.
`Our lawyers ettectivety manage the protection and licensing of computer-related technology, including wurce
`code and executable progiams along with the associated instruction and opeiating manuals. As a group we have
`a lorlg and extensive history of litigating and trying all typfi ofcopyright casfi.
`2015 Baker Butts L L P Dchalmer Site Mag Contact Us


`About Baker BORIS
`¢Pre'v 1 |2l:i|a,l5|6l7|s|9|1n|11 Next:
`Baker Botts L.L.P.| Newsroom | Resources | changing climate for ‘Green’ Trademarks a Good
`...Changing Climate for‘Green‘ Trademants a {E Push for ('mate ‘ts changing around “green” trademanis and how important it
`is. ..subject to closer examination,"gieen”t|adet1tancs face several potential hurdles in...
`Baker Botts L.L.P.| services | Trademarks and copyrights | services
`...are exceptional." The Legal 500 US, 2013 — intellectual Properly: Trademarks: Non{:ontentious Trademanis and Copyrights Overview...
`Intellectual Property: Tiademants: Non-Contentious Tiademancs and Copyrights Overview News Professionals Related Piactica...
`Baker Botts L.L.P. | Lawyers | Elena Polevaya
`...She aso repraents clients in trademants opposition and cancelation proceedings registera serim of trademanrs on the grounds
`of possibie...and assisting in registlation ortiauemancs.
`Baker Elotts L.L.P.| Newsroom| Resources | Intellectual Property Issues: Patents,
`...|nte||ectua| Properly lstsufi: Patents Copyrights Trademarlis
`Baker Butts L.L.P.| Newsroom | Resources | Trademarks and Branding: Transactional Trends
`...Tiademants and Branding: Transactional Trends and Lessons From Recent Tiademanc Litigation
`Baker Elotts L.L.P.| Newsroom | Resources | Using Others’ Trademarks to Trigger Internet ..
`...Using Others‘ Trademarlis to Trigger lntemet Adverftselnents by Robert C. ..action arise from the “sale” and use of various trademanis owned
`by Estee Lauderas keywords for The Fiagiance...
`|PFleport2Cl14-OB ColourMattersAccordingToNewEuropeanTrademarksPractice
`...Matters According To New European Trademarks Practice ...Trademark owners who registered their trademarks in black and white on...|n
`April 2014, OHIM, the tlademarlts and designs registry for the...
`lPReport2014-10 changingclimateforGreenTrademarks
`...Changing Clinate For'Green' Trademarks‘ ...scrutiny when seeking to register trademarlis that contain the tenn “g|een...c|i11ate is changing
`around “green” tiaclemarlcs, and it is inportant for...
`NYLJ Rscheinfeldreprint GreenTrademark
`...scrutiny when seeking to regtstertrademarls that contain the tenn “green...c|imate '5 changing around “green” trademarlis, and it '5 inportant
`for. .. understand the potential inplications of tiademarlcs that have environmentally friendly connotations...
`Baker Butts L.L.P.|1.awyers| Elizabeth K. Stanley
`...Litigation_ Licensing and IP Transactions_ Trademans and Copyrights, Technology, enforcement and licensing of trademarks and
`copyrights and intemet domain...Protecting Tiademarlcs in Foreign Countries and the...
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`registration services help clients establish domestic and
`interrlatiorial brand identity. And we help preserve this
`valuable asset t_l1rough portfolio ruaintenance, dispute
`counseling, and litigation.
`Iamie B. Bischoff
`Practice Leader
`Tel 215,564,820‘-
`bischaff@b-allardspahr corn
`Clients trust us with their ‘US. and international tradernarls. portfolios, which
`ofien contain thousands ofmarks, because we are knows-‘n for devising strong,
`enforceable brands. \E-‘hen our clients’ brands are threataied, we handle
`infringement, dilution, unfair competition, and other trademark disputes in all
`legal forums, including before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board,
`We understand how new technologies affect brand strategies, including social
`media, contextual advenising, and affiliate network advertising,
`Our serxices include:
`- Comprehensive brand counseling
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`litigation in state and fedfial courts and before the TTAB
`' Licensing strategy, negotiations, and drafiing
`- Due difigmce
`Our diverse client base includes small and large corporations, nonprofits, and
`govanments, Our clients‘ brands comprise a range of products and satvices in
`industries such as:
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`amie B, Bischoff
`Practice Leader
`Tel 215,864,520?


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`U3fUEii20’l5 M 38:32 AM
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`"-5- T75-d9'_|'1fi|'K P|‘5CM'-9 §e|||i|1?l1'. Hfifcll 1640.
`2015 - Register T0015!‘-
`PTAB Trial Statistics — Fellfllflfl 5, 2915
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`[P Update Vol.13, Mn. 2: Changes in PaIeI1ITen1'I
`in Novams v. Lee
`@ Mjllsllnelltin viewof the Federal Circuit Decision
`Nlflews 1

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