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`mm 1'/V\NV\N abbe itlentalmactlce an ukfcnsmetic-rlentistr Iteeth-crnwms mm
`E|2t'lDr?D1tl E|B'2E'lB AM
`‘. To imwme me cleanliness Of; toou.l_
`Signaipfor ournewsiettew and offers
`What is a Crown made of?
`Email address
`Dental Crniiuris we niadelrnm dilferent materia-ls_ cerarnirt.-:_ porcelain gold or a cnmlinriinri of metals New
`materials are being introduced dl the time, porcelain bonded crowns are the most common. A precious
`meta base is made and a porcelain layer is applied mer the precious metal. Porcela'n crowns use only
`porcelain, this is not as strong as porcelain bonded crowns. However, porcelain dental croiiiiris are more
`naural looking than porcelain bonded crowns. We mtly recommend this for thefront teeth. Another type
`ofcroiiiin is ceranic. Ceranic crowns are as strong as porcelain bonded crowns and as nal.ural Iooliing as
`porcelain croiiiins. Due to these two a1i§Iaitages_ we use ceramic crowns for my tooth. Gas crowns are
`another oflion which ca'i be used on both front and back teeth. Gold crowns are avery old method which
`can still be used but can be dilficult to wear.
`vour tooth.
`Dental Crowns Treatment Procedure
`Dental CI'0'Wl| treatment can be carried out in two visits
`1. firstvisit:
`The dentist will (iscuss all possifle treatment options with you before decking on a treatment. Once you
`and the dentlst agee that a dental crown is the iigit: tredment the dentist: will start the preparation for the
`dental crown. You rnziy have a local rxiacstiietic to maid any possible disconfort during the treatment.
`Cleaiing the tooth, removing dl decay, sigis of decay and reshaping the tooth are the man activities
`involved in the lirst stage. The dentist will use dental wax to olztain an impression ofyour tooth. This will be
`the me or blueirint ofyour dental croiivri, until the find croiiiiri is made, a temporary croiiiin will be fixed to
`httn1't'v\Nvvv abbe ctentalmactlce co ukfcnsmellc-dentlstr Ileelh-crowns mm
`E|2t'iDr?D1tl E|B'2E'iB AM
`ups are necessary
`2. Secondvifit:
`At this visit the temporary crown will be removed and the permanent crown tllllll be fixed. The dentist will
`ensure the tilting and alig1ments ae perfect before fixing the crown, If you and the dentist are satifled with
`the placement, the dentifi lllllll apply a dental cement tofix the crown permanentiy,
`The average life ofa dental crown is 10 to 15 years, However this mayvawylrom person to person, lfyou
`take good care of your crown as much your other teeth, It will last longer You will need to have regular
`checkups with the dentist to ensure your dental crown remains in good condition. Dental crowns cannot
`decay, however decay can start from the edge of crown Miere it joins the tooth. Therefore regLI|ar check—
`lfyou would like discuss dental crown treatment please feel free to contact our practice at any time. You
`can call us on 01606 M725 or mail us your enquiry. lfyou ae planning to have a dental crown on your
`tooth, please till in t:he online appointment form to enable us to reserve a convenient timefor you.
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`E|2i'lE|i?E|1t1 E|B'3E|'E|t1 AM
`Research. Find 8: Connect.
`Before 8. After Photos
`Ania: Home-I Dzrltal cmwns —= Cosmetic and Health Benefits uflilental Crowns
`Cosmetic and Health Benefits of Dental Crowns
`e E Print this
`Dental crowns are atom of dental restoration which can have both cosmetic and health benefits There are many
`reasons for placing dental crowns, which are a popular choice to treat damagedteeth Also called a'cap,' dental crowns
`are designedto protectthetooth from anyl'Lirther damage
`What Is a Dental Crown?
`A dental crown is aform oftooth restoration which involves treatment ofdamaged, broken or cracicedteeth The crown
`completely envelopes the damagedtooth to protect it from anyliinher decay it is colored and shaped to match the natural
`tooth as closely as possible in orderfor it to blend in with the patients natural teeth
`Find a certified specialist!
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`Dental Crowns by State
`Dental crowns can be made using a variety ofmaterials that are strong enough to withstand impact Forthis reason,
`crowns — or caps — can actually improve the strength ofthe teeth Common materials usedto fabricate crowns include E
`porcelain and ceramics
`Tupcities for Dentatcrowns
`How Are Dental Crowns Applied?
`Creating and. applying a dental crown is a two step process Firstly‘ the actual tooth must be made priorto applying it to
`the patient To do so‘ the patients tooth must be shaved into a tapered shape to allow the crown to fit properly oyerthe
`tooth. A local anesthetic may be administered priorto reshaping the tooth
`mm M/\Nv\N nmllnesurger
`E|2t'lE|t?E|1t1 E|B'3E|'E|t1 AM
`anmfartlclefcnsmettc-and-health-hemefits-nfirlental-crnwm; html
`Nter ttle tooth has been tapered. the dentist will createan impression ofyour tooth using dental wax or putty. This is done Emchie
`by the patient biting ihtolhe putty for a fewseconds to leave an impression oftheteeth. Alaboratory will take this
`imprinted dental wait anduso itto «date the dental aown.
`The second step involves ttle actual application ofthe crown to ttle damaged tooth. The temporary crown that was filled
`previously is removed. alter which ttle tapered tooth is covered with dental cementto allowa strong bond between the
`crown and the tooth The crown Is men men Into place, and more dental cemenus used to seal IL
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`Cosmetic Benefits of Dental Crowns
`People may dloose to have dental crowns placed over It: eir natural teeth for cosmetic reasons to i mprove ltle aesthetic
`look oftheirsmile. Insteadofusing orthodontic means -sudl as braces or retainers - to fill or straighten their teeth, some
`peoplechoose to have porcelain or ceramic crowns placed This will createa more attractive smile wilhin ween rather
`than morlths.
`For thwe who have severely (istolted teeth, orthodontics may not even be an option to increasethe appearance ofthe
`teeth. little teeth are crooked. ciscolored and mrsshaped. perham dental crowns arethe bestoptiorl. This will ensure
`even shape and color, and perfect toottl alignment
`Health Benefits of Dental Crowns
`There may be health reasons that an prompt aperson to have dental crowns placed These reasons can indude:
`' Injury An aocidentor injury may have mused oneor more teeth to be damaged, lM'lid'l can be titled with a dental crown.
`" Root Canal: The medlanics ofa root canal cart weaken the natural tooth. Adental crown can restorethestrengh to that
`particular tooth.
`" Brusnt This refers to toteeth griming, whid1 can wear and tear on the teeth. Teeth gnmlng can actually Initiate tooth
`erwion. whidl is treatable usinu dental crowns.
`‘ Tooth Decay This can severely weaken thetooth, Mlich may result in ltle needfor intervention to maintain the structure
`oflhe tooth.
`‘ Tooth Fradure' Someti mes a tooth fracture may be so sigliticant Itlat simple tooth bondngis not strong enougl to
`lcoopittogelher properly. Adental uown can be optodfor in this casoto restore strengh in the damaged tooth.
`mm M/\Nv\N nmhnasurger
`E|2flE|t?E|1t1 E|B'3E|'E|t1 AM
`anmfar1Ic\et':nsmetwc-and-heahh-hamefits-nfidantakcrnwm; mm!
`Adcilional Denial Crowns Arlicles
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` Blogs in Northern New Jersey
`January 2014
`Let’s Talk About Sensitive Issues
`November N13
`October 2013
`The list below may help you deal with your sensitive tooth issues:
`Posted on 15 Jan 2014. Filed under: Sensitive Teeth
`Are you ready for a discussion of sensitive issues? Here at our Northern New Jersey dental practice. we notice that
`sensitive teeth is quite a common complaint among our patients, either as an ongoing or recurring problem. For
` some of our patients. biting down on extremely hot or cold foods can already lead to mild to severe toothache.
`August 2013
`July 2013
`- Use tiuondated mouthwash and toothpaste for sensitive teeth,
` - Avoid consumption of highly acidic foods and drinks which could further dissolve your enamel. Energy drinks
`May 2313
`and sodas are excellent examples.
`lf you find yourself grinding and clenching your teeth. take measures to avoid them from recurring such as
`th~guards at nightor engaging in activities that help reduce stress.
`wearing muu
`By and large. tooth sensitivityis a symptom of an underlying disease such as gum disease. fractured teeth. tooth
` decay, and worn out fillings. Regardless ofthe level of pain, tooth sensitivity is always unpleasant. Our Garden State
`Cngmptir npnmm,
`Dental team can help assess and evaluate the right treatment option foryour sensitive tooth issues —from a root