`Sent: 11/13/2013 9:36:54 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 85680633 - BANANA BITES - 41903000006 - Request for
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`http Jfwvwv thefreedictiohar comfbites
`1111312013 09 3142 PM
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`a. A secure gnp or hold applied by a tool or machine upon a wonung surface.
`b. The part of a tool or machine that presses against and maintains a finn hold on a
`working surface.
`9. Derrtistry The angle at which the upper and lower teeth meet, ecciusion.
`10. The conosive action of acid upon an etchefs metal plate.
`1 1. Slang An amount of money appropriated or withheld: trying to avoid the tax bite.
`bite oflmare fhan (one) can chew
`To decide or agree to do more than one can finally accomplish.
`bite (someone's) head 013'
`To respond to a comment in an angry or reproachful way.
`bite the bullet Slang
`To face a painful situation bravely and stoically.
`bite the dust Slang
`1. To fall dead, especiatly in combat.
`2. To be defeated.
`3. To come to an end.
`bite the hand that feeds {one}
`To repay generosity or kindness with ingratitude and injury.
`[Middle English biten, from Old English bftan; see bheid- in lnd(rEuropean mots]
`b'it'a-ble, bite'a-ble adj.
`bit'er n.
`Synonyms: bite, champ‘, chomp, gnaw
`These verbs mean to seize and tear or grind something with the teeth: bite into a ripe
`apple; a horse rJ1Iam_ning at its bit; .9 now chomping its hey; a dog gnawing a hone
`The American Hemgaonumnnuy nfthe Engisn Language. Fourth Edition oowligivl enuuuuy Hangman umim Company. upaamemn zuw. Pubished by
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`‘Z irynutibieumanaeatdsahmk No
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`Shipping, Nb Wailing Try Mw
`bite [bait]
`vb bites, biting, bit, bitten
`1. to grip, cut oft‘, ortear with or as it with the teeth or jaws
`2. (of animals, insects, etc.) to injure by puncturing or tearing (the skin or flesh) with the
`teeth, fangs, etc., esp as a natural characteristic
`3. (tr) to cut or penetrate, as with a knife
`4. (of corrosive material such as acid) to eat away or into
`5. to smart or cause to smart; sting mustard bites the tongue
`6. (Individual Sports & Recreations 1‘ Angling) (intrj Angling (of a fish) to take or attempt to
`take the bait or lure
`T. to take finn hold of or act effectively upon
`B. (Engineenng 1 Mechanical Engineering) to grip or hold (a workpiece) with a tool or chuck
`9. (Engineering I Mechanical Engineering) (of a screw, thread, etc.) to cut into or grip (an
`object, materiat, etc.)
`-In It’-rl lnfl'\rvvInfI'n Iannnu nr mnnu tuh-Mn him}-irv hnr'}
`http iiwvwv thefreedrctronar comibrtes
`1111312013 09 31 42 PM
`1|}. (tr) lnfonnaf to annoy or wony whats biting her?
`1 1 . (often passive) Slang to cheat
`1 2. (Ir; often foil‘ by for) Austral and NZ slang to ask (for); scrounge from
`bite off more than one can chew iriiomial to attempt a task beyond one's capability
`bite the bullet to face up to (pain, trouble, etc.) with fortitude; be stoical
`bite someone's head off to respond harshly and rudoiy (to)
`bite the dust See E {H}
`bite the hand that feeds one to repay kindness with injury or ingratitude
`once bitten, twice shy atter an unpleasant experience one is cautious in similar situations
`put the bite on (someone) Austral slang to ask (someone) for money
`1. the act of biting
`2. a thing or amount bitten off
`3. a wound, bmise_ or sting inliicted by biting
`4. (individual Sports 8. Recreations 1‘ Angling) Angling an attempt by a fish to take the bait or
`5. informs! an incisive or penetrating effect or quality h‘hsrt's a question Wifh a bite
`6. a light meal; snack
`T. a cutting, stinging, or smarting sensation
`B. (Engineering J Tools) the depth of cut of a machine tool
`9. (Engineering 1' Mechanical Engineering) the grip or hotd applied by a tool or chuck to a
`10. (Medicine I Dentistry) Dentistry the angle or manner of contact between the upper and
`lower teeth when the mouth is ctused naturally
`11. (Engineering I Tools) the surface of a tile or rasp with cutting teeth
`12. (Fine Arts 8: \r-fisual Arts I Art Terms) the conpsive action of acid, as on a metal etching
`[Old English bitan; related to Latin findere to split, Sanskrit bhedati he splits]
`biter n
`Golrns Emlflr Drumorrr-:g—ibEIE aid Unabuggé Harpercpltrns Publishers F991. I994, 1998. 2l]C|l]. 2t]D3
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`v, btt, bit-ten blt, btt'lng, rm,
`1. to cut, wound, or tear with the teeth.
`2. to severwith the teeth (otten fol, by ofi‘),
`3. to grip with the teeth.
`4. to sting, as an insect.
`5. to cause to sting: faces bitten by the icy wind
`6. lnfon'nai_
`a. to cheat; deceive: bitten in a maii-order swindie
`b. to annoy or upset: I/I/hats biting you?
`7. to eat into; connde,
`B. to cut or pierce with or as itwith a weapon.
`http Jfwvwv thefreedictionar comfbites
`1111312013 09 31 42 PM
`9. to take finn hold of: a clamp to bite fhelwood.
`10. to make an impression on; affect.
`11. to press the teeth into something; attack with the jaws, bill, sting, etc.
`12. (of fish) to take the bait.
`13. to accept a deceptive offer or suggestion.
`14. to take a firm hold.
`15. the act of biting.
`16. a wound made by biting.
`1?. a cutting, stinging, or nipping effect.
`18. a piece bitten off.
`19. a small meal.
`2|}. 3 morsel of food.
`21. an exacted portion: the tax bite.
`22. the occlusion of the teeth.
`23. a short excerpt, lragmerrl, or hit. a visual bite li'om a film word bites from poerrrs
`a. the catch or hold that one object or one part of a mechanical apparatus has on
`b. a surface brought into contact to obtain a hold or grip, as in a lathe chuck.
`25. sharpness; incisiveness.
`26. the roughness of the surface of a tile.
`1. bite off more than one can chew, to attempt something that exceeds one's capacity.
`2. bite one's lip or tongue, to repress one's anger or other emotions.
`3. bite someone's head off, to respond with anger or impatience to someone's question or
`4. bite the hand that feeds one, to repay kindness with malice or injury.
`5. put the bite on, Slang. to try to borrow or extort rnoney from.
`[before 1000; Middle English, Old English bitan; c. Old High German bfzen, Gothic beitan; akin to
`Latin findere to split]
`bi1'a'bIe, |:ritJe'a-ble, adj.
`Random House Kemerman Vlllebsters college Dieunnary. ezmu KDicriunamsLn1. Copyright 2Du5. I997. £901 by Random Hnuse. Inc. All rams reserved.
`Bite a piece bitten off; a mouthful, 1535; Thieves’ cant. cash or money.
`Example.‘ a bite of mites (modern pun).
`nimmy ur Cnllazriue Nuns and emu‘; Tam; Cqzryrqht 2002. The care Group, inc NE rights rsenrect
`Th esau "J5
`Legend: Isynonyrns IRe|ated Words IAntonyms
`Noun 1. bite — a wound resulting from biting by an animal or a person
`| — a bite inflicted by a dog
`Isnakehite - a bite inflinted hy a (venomous) snake
` , i — an injury to living tissue (especially an iniury
`involving a cut or break in the skin)
`2. bite — a small amount of solid food; a mouthful; "all they had Eeft was a
`bit ofbread“
`II'r|r\rrrlI hit
`http Jfwvwv thefreedictionar comfbites
`1111312013 09 31 42 PM
`I15‘-=|. b_it
`mouthful, % — a small amount eaten or drunk; “take a taste——you'll
`like it"
`chaw, chew, E, i:d_ug, gfi, E1 — a wad of something chewabie as
`|crumb — small piece of e_g_ bread or cake
`I39, fig — piece of solid food for dipping in a liquid
`3. bitie — a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect‘s stinger
`into skin
`Iinseii. $61
`trauma — any physical damage to the body
`harm, Mt,
`caused by violence or accident or fracture etc,
`I — a sting inlticted by a bee
`| — sting infiicted by a tlea
`I — a sting intticted by a mosquito
`4. bite — a light infonnai meal
`lconew. E
`Iflail, regast — the food sewed and eaten at one time
`Irefreshment — snacks and drinks sewed as a light meal
`Igh — (Yiddish) a snack or light meal
`coffee break, tea break — a snack taken during a break in the work day; "a ten-
`minute coffee break“; "the British have tea breaks"
`5. bite — (angling) an instance of a fish taking the bait; "after fishing for
`an hour he still had not had a bite"
`Q. /r\
`Ifishing, sportfishing—theactofsomeonewhofishesasadiversion
`success — an event that accomplishes its intended purpose; "let's
`call heads a success and tails a failure‘; ‘the election was a
`remarkable success tor the Whigs"
`6. bite — wit having a sharp and caustic quality; “he commented with typical pungency";
`"the bite of satire‘
`IIILM - a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill
`E. m.
`or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
`7. bite — a strong odor or taste property; "the pungency of mustard";
`"the sulfurous bite of gartic"; "the sharpness of strange spices"; "the
`raciness of the wine‘
`Irn's1ci@, ,%
`E, , J — the property of being seasoned with
`spice and so highly flavored
`8. bits — the act of gripping or chewing offwith the teeth and jaws
`Iimg, mg — the act of consuming food
`munch — a large bite; ‘he tned to talk between munches on the
`E - gentle biting
`|@, E — a small sharp bite or snip
`9. bite — a portion removed from the whole; "the government's weekly bite
`from my paycheck"
`subtraction, deduction — the act of subtracting (removing a part from the
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