`Sent: 1/13/2014 4:49:29 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 85673832 - THE HALLMARK - 109250-801 - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 4 of 9
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 3
`Files: 11-2.jpg, 12-1.jpg, 12-2.jpg
`http Jfwww elmwoodcommunmes c0mf0ur—servIces html
`0110812014 12'28'36 PM
`Skilled Nursing, Long-Tenn care 8. Rehabifltalion
`l'?Fl.1'E! fnrihnse who I'EqIlil'E an'lInd—lI1e-cIncI(_
`Cate and assEtancewiIl1 daiy Ivi1g activities,
`Rehabilitafion Thegpg
`Pnysicianomereu Physical, occupational, Hand, Speech and Aqualic Therapy
`salutes, lnpatiem and (:I.IlpatieI1l aenrizfi,
`Vvann Waternqualic 111eIapy_ Sleep Dhgnnsit Setv'|:e;_ Hear'I1gfAudioIngy Serving
`and Day Spri1g5 Pmgmm rm IDD adults,
`__', Click Here to
`Watch Duf Video
`Elmwood conmwnifies
`Bfliil Ellnwood Al The
`lill 5 all
`The coments of this site are copyright ®EInwood centers, l|1c.Al Rights Reserved.
`http Jfvxrvvvxr e|mw00dc0mmLInItIe5 c0mf0LIr—servIcesI'servICe5 htmI#assI5t
` Services
`A worry—free, maI:1lIeI1ance41Iee fifesiyhe for adurls tnatorfers couples and indiwduais llre uppommfly to remain
`‘I1d‘_?Pe11(I&llrWI!I-I118 added benefli of aassiance, irand-Irvlien needed,
`Brmmod Viléage iafiers 1, 2, and abedioont Garden Homesdesagned for privacy and Irldependerlce. These totalfy
`nandrcapped accessR)le_ quafitv built homes are absolutely stunning and ofier a]! or me cornfarls at Iaomeinclrjdirrg
`waII:—In mbsets, may lirepiaces, spacnous Arilchens and dining areas, indireci Iigfrling, and sa mucn mom,
`A'vaiEab|e in: Green gprings (Click on locimon for more information)
`A IIfes1yle a1lematI\Ie for semors who are firrdlng it toodmicim home at home. The
`combhalion of housing_ personaliixsd suppnrl services and healfi care are designed
`to assis1Iml1 dauy lmig actrwlies such as ealing_ ba1l1£ng,dr$sIrIg_ laundry,
`housekeeping, and assisiance Mlh Inedicanon awninisiratiun. NOW seniors have the
`opponunity lo live as Independenuy as possII:Ie In a safe and secure nometike
`Iesfdential setting.
`Note: Sqr-ne Emwood Afiisted _Liw'ng conmunilies olfer skilled nursing care on a firmed basis, axing with
`A!zheI'mer‘s and Da1 Care.
`Assisted'Liw'ng ofiers: 2a»—nour nursilg care & support, a nursecalr sysleln, medicatio'I1 administraliorl, social
`acfivifies, day l:'§ps_ onsfle I'ehabéI'rlaI3'oi1 l11eI"apy_ fine dining 8. refreshmerrls, tra3a5porIaliun_ daiy laousekeepirrg
`laundry service & much more,
`Ermwoocloflers nursrng Home services on both tneireasi and Wes! campuses in Green
`Sjsrnngs, Each campus serves a ceflain pupuianon and is desrgned lo -flefpcare for muse
`M10 may requale Special nursing or renabimalive tare‘ and other Si.l})El\I'J5e(l rleads,
`Personal care services IncLude: assislance ‘I1 waIcing,baIl1IrIg, dressing, and eating, will
`speciar diets available as prescribed by a p1aysicIan_ with me ecrphasis on quairty Iwing, the
`aimis III:Ihe1p a person care forhnrasetforherselfio the ties! oflllefr abilfly, However, mos:
`resideuis usualw come for lung-lem'I care resurlmg in pemfanenl residency,
`Our east campus Nursing Home specIal.in.c'anng for (I311 seniors, aga 1'5 and older,
`éfloflg mm [nose sufiering frum AIz!1etmer‘s and Qlller [omrs of demenlia,
`The floral cam§)I'1s Lung-Term Care Tammy is mated wflhiI1 ourfieaflrrcare Cenier and prowdes care [or riaakiaiis
`ages 15 lo 75, ms uni speciaflzes in caring far [nose IIIIIIII spinal cord Injuries, an: colnalose or cograflaveiy
`Lilwuare, or need special respiratory care.
`in EV Skilled Nursing fEci|i‘li$,
`Twenty-tour hour nursIrIg care E
`Care can be paid by the 'a1diIndua!, and may beiunded by Medkiaid or Medicare progralrI5_ or Inruugn private long-
`tenncane Insurance. Elwood is Medicare and Meajcasd cerlmed.
`A‘vaIIabIe in Green spnngs: (suck an Iucamm rorinore Inrormanou;
`n Eimwood Nursing Home at The -springs - East campus
`I Hmmood Halfhoare Genleral The Smintii - Wzeslcampus
`http r'fwrNw elmwoodcommunrtres comfoLrr—servrcesr'servrCes htmtitassrst
`. '
`I Elmwood Skilled Nursing of Fremont - Opening 2014
`care S€I'W'%S BIC N50 BVHNGDIB .II'l FIEIHGHL NEW Bffilflfifl and fiffifl
`Day Care servica are provided to those residents vmo may tive at hotne but need
`occasional assistance when personal caregivers or family members are unavaflable. Also
`a Daily activities Arrariabie in: Fremont, Green Spring, New Bremen and 't"irfin
`avaitabie for ttrose with "Alzheiner"s or memory impainnents. (‘Tilfirr and Fremont only)
`Click Here to
`watch 0“ " "id 9°
`Pmgmm °fie'S:
`I Hermie Ii()|JtSr—l13t'i1I‘i‘tlJI!t at 4 per day available I days a week
`I Delicious meals and snack;
`I Personal care and attention to medical needs
`P"; ‘19_fia:E,-t‘ '
`r-I’, ' _;
`ALZHEIMERS a. rrrrrsrrrronv CARE
`Specatized care for mermry-'mpa.rr'ed individuals provided in a safe and secure home-like environment. Elnrrrrood
`otters a separate neighborhood uniquely designed to meet the special needs or these residents. Each
`Reminiscence Neighbortrood is designed IO be D031 safe and stinrriating. This distinctive environment provides
`- fax:1-|g'_§39_z519
`‘ _,
`4/ cues and reminders to the residents, allorrrrihg them to be itvotved in the activities of daily living with the level of
`safety and security they need.
`Each Reminiscence Neighborhood provides the following services and amenities:
`I Ongoing_ irdividuatized assistance with personal care
`I Nurse Call system
`I Incontinence management
`a Therapeutic activities by speciavy trained stall
`I Delicious, nutritious meats and snacie;
`Wellness visits by flcensed nurses
`Ongoutg coitlriunicatjon bettrrreerr statT_ famiiy and physicians
`Family Support groups 8r reference library
`n addition, each Remitéscatce Neighborhood ofiers:
`.II I
`I Private or companion suites
`I Beautifully decorated conmon areas for activity and rekazation
`I Daily housekeeping and laundry
`I Fire and safety protection
`Frernom, New Bremen and Tiffin (ciclt on location for more infomation)
`Einrrrrood offers Sidlled Nursing and Rehabilitation Services on both ttreir east and
`west campus. Speciaimed care for those who require physician ordered sttited nursing
`care typtally ordered attera 3-day hospital stay. An average stay is 120 days or less.
`Physical, occupational, and speech therapy servicfi are available onsite, six days a
`week. This unit speciatiafi in postoperative orthopedic surgery care. Other nursing
`care servlca available include: IVITPN Therapy. drasing changes. special diets.
`wound care, complex respiratory senricfi, Hospice, 8. respite care. Wam'r—water
`aquatic therapy is also available onsite. Twenty—four hournurslng care is provided it
`att Skilled Nursing facilities. Atteran individual receives lheirskitled nursing servic$_
`they are otten discharged to home_ an assisted living or a long-tenn care nursing home, all of which are available
`in Elrlwood conrmunrties.
`.- "