`Sent: 8/27/2013 4:03:22 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 85596280 - THE VILLAGES HEALTH - N/A - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 5 of 6
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 7
`Files: csacu-1.jpg, csacu-2.jpg, cschiro.jpg, cswell-1.jpg, cswell-2.jpg, cswell-3.jpg, cswell-4.jpg
`httn i't'v\Nvvv cedars-slnai etlufF'atlent5fF'rngrams-and-Sam595/5nine-Centerfcnnclitinms-and-Treatmem5f'lreatments.v'N
`nn5urgical-Treatmentsfllcununature-for-Snmal-Pam asp}:
`E|Il'i'lIl'i'2D1El 1242611 PM
`A A A
` _
`Acupuncture for Spinal Pain
`Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese system of care, can be effective in
`3' "W
`‘ Online Referrai
`L scheciuiea Callback
`' Arthritis
`' Chronic pain, including low back, neck and muscle pain
`' Facial pain
`' Headaches
`It is safe, drug—free and rarely causes complications. Acupuncture is based on the idea
`that if the body is stimulated at specific points, it sends messages to the brain to
`release chemicals that help block pain. In addition, the stimulation is said to unblock
`the body‘s natural flow of energy.
`Many of the nearly 1,000 acupuncture points (acu—pointsJ in the body are near nerves.
`The chemicals released by the brain and spinal card after being stimulated by
`acupuncture include endorphins ta morphine—|ike chemical our bodies produce
`naturally) and other neurotransmitters (chemicals that modify nerve impulses]. These
`chemicals block the message of pain that is being sent to the brain.
`mm IA/\Nv\/v cedars-smal etlufF'atIentsfF'rograms-and-Sam595/5nine-Centerfconclltlnms-and-Treatmem5fTreatments.v'N
`E|II't'III':'2E|IEI I2"I2'Et1 PM
`nnsurglcal-Treatmantsfllcununature-for-Snmal-Pam asp):
`During acupuncture, a doctor uses hair—thin metal needles. The needles, which come
`sterilized and pre—packaged. are tapped into the body at various deaths. The
`placement is carefully determined based on the doctor's knowledge of acu—points and
`the specific condition being treated.
`You may feel a slight prick when the needle is put in. However, the needles are much
`thinner than those used for an injection or blood test, so the feeling is much milder.
`The needles stay in place up to 20 minutes. They may be twirled, energized with
`electricity or warmed to increase the effect of treatment. When electricity is applied,
`you may feel tingling. If this gets too strong, you can ask your doctor or nurse to lower
`the amount of electricity.
`You may need more than one session. Your doctor will use different combinations of
`points, different needle techniques or both to stimulate new sources of healing. You
`should try acupuncture for five to I0 treatments before deciding whether it is effective
`for you.
`If you have chronic pain or a serious illness, you should consider acupuncture as a
`complement to, rather than a replacement for, other medical treatments (such as
`physical therapy or medications).
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`a 501(c)(3) non-prom orqamzatlon
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`E|?.i'1?.i'2E|13121111E PM
`nnsurgical-Traatmantiaftlhiromantic-for-Snine-Conditions asnx
`Contact Us
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`Chiropractic for Spine Conditions
`Chiropractic is a branch of healthcare that focuses on the relationship
`between the body's structure — mainly the spine — and its function.
`On line Referral
`Conditions commonly treated by chiropractors include headaches,
`sports injuries and repetitive strains. Patients also seek treatment of pain associated
`with other conditions, such as arthritis.
`Doctors of chiropractic receive both classroom and clinical training in anatomy,
`physio|O9¥. microbiol09¥, biochemistry, pathology, nutrition, public health and other
`subjects. Chiropractic students spend four years learning how to adjust and manipulate
`the spine, joints, bones, muscles and connective tissues (such as the ligaments and
`tendons attached to bones and muscles). Following training, chiropractors must be
`licensed by the state to practice. Chiropractic does not use drugs or surgery in
`The Cedars—Sinai Spine Center may provide access to chiropractic care.
`If you are seeing a chiropractor or plan to do so, be sure to inform your doctor or
`surgeon so that all members of your healthcare team are informed and working
`About Us I News I Career Dp1)orlunitie.sa1Cedars—SinaI I Comrnurfrty Benefit I
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`2013 © Cedars-Sinai. All Rights Reserved
`a 501(c)(3) non-prom organization
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`Cunlact Us
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`Online Referral
`NEW Leaf Personal
`Exercise Program
`Wellness Solutions Program
`Cedars—5inai's Wellness Solutions Program offers an innovative array of
`preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic outpatient services designed to
`help patients achieve maximum physical functioning and get the most
`out of daily living.
`Unlike sports club fitness plans, the Wellness Solutions Program is clinically based. An
`integral part of Cedars—Sinai's continuum of care philosophy, the program provides
`personalized health improvement plans that extend beyond hospital stays and medical
`treatments — services that help participants gain independence and enjoy a heightened
`sense of we|l—heing.
`Wellness Solutions offers the following programs:
`I New Leaf Personal Exercise Program
`The New Leaf Personal Exercise Program for oveniveight individuals who want to add
`exercise to their weight—|oss plan. With a simple exercise assessment, New Leaf
`determines the exact intensity level needed in order to reach personal fitness goals,
`taking the guesswork out of diet and exercise.
`httn M/\Nv\N cedars-smal etlufF'atiemsfPrngrams-and-Sewncesfvvellness-Solutions!
`E|?.f1?.v'2E|13121rl 55 PM
`' Outpatient Rehabilitation Services
`Cedars—Sinai's Outpatient Rehabilitation Services provides comprehensive exercise and
`rehabilitative programs for those who have completed medical rehabilitation and are
`not fully recovered and those who want an exercise program that is supervised by a
`licensed therapist.
`I Preventive and Rehabilitative Cardiac Center
`Cedars—Sinai offers an easy, affordable solution to heart health. The center's
`comprehensive programs provide the support and training necessary to prolong life
`and reduce heart disease risk factors for individuals with a heart condition, history of
`heart problems, risk of heart disease or a need for lifestyle change counseling.
`The Wellness Solutions Program is staffed by skilled professionals in the Preventive and
`Rehabilitative Cardiac and Women's Heart Centers. These knowledgeable experts have
`full access to the vast technological and research resources of wor|d—renowned
`Cedars—Sinai Medical Center.
`Health4)ptimiziny Services — All in One Location
`All services are provided in one slate—of—the—art location, making regular visits easy
`httn M/\Nv\N cedars-Sinai etlufF'atiemsfF'mgrams-and-Sandicesfvliellness-Solutions!
`E|?.f1?.v'2E|13121rl 55 PM
`and convenient. In addition to daytime appointments, some sessions are available in
`the evenings or on Saturday to accommodate patient work schedules. Available
`services include:
`Heart disease prevention for at—risk individuals
`' Exercise programs
`Nutrition counseling
`' Psychological screening and support
`Post—treatment rehabilitation for heart patients
`Stress reduction techniques
`' Klik assessment
`For Patients, Staff and Community Residents
`Cedars—Sinai patients, their families and caregivers, as well as Cedars—Sinai employees
`and physicians are invited to take advantage of this unique, hea|th—promoting
`program. Services are also available to local residents interested in taking active control
`of their well—being.
`Individuals who are at risk or have heart
`disease and other chronic conditions find
`participation in this clinically based program a
`highly beneficial way of enhancing their
`quality of life.
`Some of the Wellness Solutions Program's
`services require a physician's referral, while
`many do not. Please check with the Wellness
`Solutions staff for specifics.
`Iittn .i't'viNwv cedars-iainai etlufF'atien!i;i'F'rngrams-and-Sandicesfvvellness-Solutions!
`E|?.i'1?.i'2E|13121rl 55 PM
`Consumer Information‘
`' Class Schedule
`Insurance and Payment
`Depending on the patient's medical status and other factors, charges incurred for
`Wellness Solutions services may be fully or partially paid by Medicare or private
`insurance plans. Othennrise, fees may be paid by cash, check or credit card
`(MasterCard, Visa and American Express).
`For More Information
`To request a brochure, arrange an appointment or receive a Wellness Solutions tour,
`please contact:
`Wellness Solutions Program
`(.'edars—5InaI Medical Center
`863“ W. Third Street, Suite 74-OE
`Los Angeles, CA 90048
`Phone: l—80{}—CEDARS—l (l—8{l0—233—277l)
`Alt Phone: (3l0) 423—9660
`Fax: (3l0) 423—9E68
`Send Us a Message
`Reduced—rate parking is available with validation while visiting the Wellness Solutions
`Program. Metered street parking is also an option.
`I Community Benefrt I
`About Us I News I Careet Opportunities at Cedars—Sir'iai
`Website Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Staff Link Sitemap
`international Patients
`2013 © Cedarssinai. All Rights. Reserved
`a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization