`Sent: 5/6/2013 3:43:44 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 85527778 - ATTUNE - 0101-T001001 - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 8 of 11
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 6
`Files: ExhibitG-2.jpg, ExhibitG-3.jpg, ExhibitG2-1.jpg, ExhibitG2-2.jpg, ExhibitG2-3.jpg, ExhibitG2-4.jpg
`nttp Jfwww wisereqional comfhospitalserviCesffitnessf
` ,I=I'r-N_-‘w1sE
`We are proud to offer advanced equipment, a highly trained staff,
`motivational fitness programs and abundant amenities that are unrivaled
`in Wise County.
`Whatever your personal wellness goals might be, our team of licensed
`Exercise Specialists is trained to help you create a plan to meet them.
`AQUA I,C$ "__
`Facility Hours
`5 a.m. — 9 pm.
`5 am. — 8
`7 a.!n. — 3
`1 pm. — 5
`Youth Programs
`I Swimming Lessons
`Swim Team
`I Family Swim
`I Youth Classes
`I Sports 8: Conditioning
`I Sport-Specific Training
`I Spring Break Camp
`Senior Programs
`I Cardio Classes
`I Chair Exercise
`I Aquatic Classes
`I Stretching Class
`pED]_A1R]C THERAp\,'
`I Personalized Programs
`I Monthly Luncheons '7'
`I Silver Seniorswl
`Personal Training
`If you're not getting the results you want on your own, why not consider a
`personal trainer? Fit-N-Wise has certified personal trainers who can help
`you reach your fitness goals.
`Your trainer will customize a workout to fit your lifestyle and abilities. They
`will work with you privately to guide you through a safe, effective workout,
`monitoring your resutts and motivating you to lceep you on traclc
`I Increases energy
`I Decreases body-fat
`I Increases muscle mass
`I Increases metabolic rate
`609 Medical Center Drive
`Decatur, TX 75254
`Phone: (940) 627—27flB
`Decahln (940) 62671350
`Boyd: (El-Q0) 433-2005
`Bridgeport (940) 683-5191
`Cardiovascular and
`Weig htfstrength
`training equipment
`Personal Training’
`Fitness Assessments
`strength training
`exercise program
`25 yard indoor
`swimming pool
`Land Exercise
`0 Beginning to
`Core and
`Toning and
`Senior Programs
`Youth Programs
`Massage Therapy"
`‘Additional fees
`may apply
`http Jfwww wlsereqlonal c0mfho5pItal—servICesffitnessf
`I Reduces blood pressure
`I Improves sell-image and sell-esteem
`Assessment Packages
`Silver Seniors-I-M
`The Silver Seniors Program is committed to wellness through
`individualized exercise programming, prov
`ng a variety of classes aimed
`at improving cardiovascular litness, muscular strength and flexibility in an
`educational and relaxing atmosphere.
`Silver Seniors is open to members 65 years of age and older who have
`recently completed physical therapy, cardiac rehab, or any senior wifn
`special needs.
`I Silver Fins
`I Water Wall:
`I Aqua Lite
`I Voga Stretch
`I Muscular Strength and Range of Movement
`I Group Cardio
`Join Us
`Select Language
` Powered by Gooslc Iranslate
`Sign-Up for our
`Privacy by Ersnresunsuihem
`@2011 Wise
`Healh SEEN?-Ill
`o_ntact Us ] Leave Feedback
`http Jfwvirvir wisereqionai C0l‘flfhOSD|lal—Sel'\f|CBS/eClL.iC8liOfl—SLlDD0l‘U
`05f06f20i3 082? 15 AM
`Wise Regional Health System
`(l1Afl'|liJIedwiI'h.tl!|{lI41{5nl'ilNI|ILMI hy.Barlor llo:|'il'h CamS\*sle‘mM ii: uihsidinmu Noorllmllnily nIL|<IlA'.i'l mum-:4
` ’ CPR Refresh
`* Community
`(9410) 6215921
`CPR/First Aid CPR saves lives!
`Community Education 8L Support Groups
`Your health is important to us at Wise Regional Heatth System. The
`mission of the Education Department is to improve the overall well-being
`and safety to our community members by promoting knowledge and
`developing attitudes for healthy living.
`Class 81 Events Calendar
`Certriied instructors use real life situations to guide you through |ite—saving
`We offer many different basic CPR CEEESESV Find one that fits your needs or
`let us know if you have specific requirements for your group, and we can
`tailora class for you, such as teachers, coaches, lifeguards day care
`providers‘ industriai workers etc.
`Aii CPR classes follow American Heart Association and National Safety
`Council Standards
`Standard (DR ciasses inciude:
`Sphedule 3 (I355
`Wane: [940] 6251368
`Agance Directive s
`Prenatal Edugtion
`u Adult CPR
`A 3-hour class using hands-on mannequin training. Vou‘|| learn the
`basics of (PR in rescue breathing and how to recognize and assist
`someone who is having a heart attack. stroke or is cholungi
`http Jfwww wlsereqlonal comfhospItal—servICe5i’educat\on—supp0r‘U
`05f06f2U'l3 0897 15 AM
`a Infant and Child CPR
`A 3—hour class locused on providing rescue breathing aid to infants
`and children using smaller, chi|d—sized mannequins. We'll also cover
`the most eeinnien causes of pediatric injuries and how to preueni
`First Aid
`Training on how to recognize and treat a wide variety of emergencies,
`including. bleeding, seizures shock, burns, head and spine injuries_join|
`and muscle injuries, lainting, poisoning, cold and heat related
`emergencies. Vou’ll also learn scene safety and control. It is recommended
`that you talce Adult andlor Infant/Child CPR prior to this course.
`Refresher CPR/First Aid
`Abbreviated versions of the basic CPR and First Aid classes aimed at
`reviewing your Iilesaving skills. This class is open only to those with current
`CPR or First Aid cards.
`Advance Directives
`Have you ever wondered who would make health-related decisions for
`you if you are unable to due to critical injury or illness [if you are in a
`coma tor example}?
`Having an advance directive prepared prior to any injury illness or will
`help communicate your wishes regarding medical trealmentto physicians
`and family. These directives describe the kind of are you do or do not
`wish to have it you have an injury or illness you are not likely to recover
`The Social Services Depanment at Wise Regional is available to educate
`you or your group on all aspects of planning and preparing your
`advanced directive.
`Prenatal Education
`Covering all aspects of childbirth including Pregnancy, Childbirth,
`Breastleeding and Sibling classes.
`Early Pregnancy
`Vou want to be in the best shape you can for welcoming a new baby. This
`two-hour class will teach you the basics ol nutrition, exercise, prenatal
`care, pregnancy discomlorts, lelal development and much more.
`Recommended during your tirsl Irimesrer.
`Prepared Childbirth
`What is childbirth going to be like? This 2 1/1 hour 4-session class will
`Refresher Child irlh
`Sibling Class
`Smoking Cessation
`Diabetes Education
`Weight Loss
`Surgegg Support
`Dialysis Support
`Breast Cancer
`Support Group
`I Can Cope —
`Cancer Support
`Caregivers Support
`05f06f2013 082? 15 AM
`http Jfwww wlsereqlonal comfho5pItal—5ervICesfeducatxomsupportf
`....., ._ ._ ...._.
`. ._....... _._..
`cover more
`-depth childbirth topics,
`anatomy and phy ology_
`stages ol labor, breathing and relaxation techniques medication options,
`c—section vs. vaginal delivery, post partum recovery. We'll also take you on
`a tour of the labor and Delivery unit. Nursery and the Mother-Eaby unit.
`Sign up to take this class in your 7th or 8th month of pregnancy.
`If you've chosen to breastteed your new baby, you may have some
`questions: How do] hold my baby while breastteedlng? How do] know ll]
`have enough milkfor my baby? When can] returnto work? We'll cover
`these topics and more in this single session, 3 hour class. Recommended
`total'.e during your 7th or Bth month of pregnancy.
`‘Been there_ Done That’ For parents welcoming baby numbertwo, three,
`tour or more! A single session, 3 hour class to help you brush up on
`things you might have lorgotten since your last delivery. Dflered quarterly.
`Sibling Class
`For children 3 and older who are expecting a new baby brother or sister.
`This class will help prepare them for the new arrival. We'll teach them
`about howto be a great big brother or sister, what to expect, how
`newborns an and how they can help mom and dad. suggested 14
`months prior to delivery.
`Smoking Cesation
`Get your life back— Quit smoking today!
`According to the American Cancer Society, you can add from 1 to 8 ‘A
`years to your lifejust by quitting smoking‘.
`We want you to be a healthy; productive member ol our community. Wise
`Regional is commiltedto helping to you lziclzthe habit.
`During this week program we'll using simple, proven methods to help you
`overcome your physical and physiologic dependence on nicotine.
`Diabetes Education
`According to the American Diabetes Association there are 23.6 million
`people {children and adults} in the US. living with diabetes.
`If you are one ol these people, you know the simplest ol daily tasks can
`be overwhelming. But it doesn‘t have to.
`The Diabetes Educat' n program at Wise Regional offers education and
`http Jfwww wlsereqlonal C0l‘flfhOSD|lal—Sel'\f|CBS/eClLJC8llOfl—SLlDD0l‘U
`05f06f2013 082? 15 AM
`supportto help you control your diabetes.
`We cover information related to your care on nutrition exercise, stress
`management and foot care.
`This class if tor anyone living with Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes
`and their families.
`Support Groups
`Weight Loss Surgery Support
`We know weight loss surgery patients face a variety of physical and
`emotional challenges. While tamily and friends can be a great support
`system, often times patients tind the most support from others who’ve
`been where they are.
`If you've had weight loss surgery or are considering it. come meet with
`others who've gone through the process already. our open forum allows
`patients to share their experiences — good and bad — with each other as
`well as receive guidance lrom our team of weigh loss treatment
`Hold the second Thlirsrtavy nl each month frnm 1 — am full, at mp
`Itariatric Solution oflice.
`Learn more about Bariatric Seminars
`Dialysis Support Group
`Bringing dialysis patients and their families together for support and
`education to help deal with the physical and emotional needs.
`This group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month.
`Breast Cancer Support Group
`Support groups can have many dil'lerent benefits. The National Cancer
`Institute notes some research shows thatjoining a support group
`improves quality of life and enhances survival.
`The Breast Cancer Support group at Wise Regional is an informal group
`of breast cancer patients that provide support to each other through the
`tough road to recovery. Covering topics from finances to physical issues.
`you're sure to find someone to share your experience with.
`I Can Cope-Cancer Support Group
`Almost all of us have been affected by cancer in our lives in one way or
`another. Learning how others manage the special problems that cancer
`brings might help you find your own ways of coping withthe problems
`that come along for you.