From: Fennessy, Edward
`Sent: 12/31/2015 2:17:17 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 85365741 - TABATA BOOTCAMP - 421542.10171 -
`EXAMINER BRIEF - Message 10 of 24
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 18
`Files: Copy of Tasca105.jpg, Copy of Tasca106.jpg, Copy of Tasca107.jpg, Copy of Tasca108.jpg, Copy of
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`Page 5 of 15
`media but quite honestly. your approach has always resonated with me and this Cleanse has brought me back to
`you and Clean Eating.
`I have lost about 4Ibs. (not much and that's OK). my skin is glowing and I no longer get that bloated feeling.
`Smooches and Thank you thank you thank you.
`Cleanse complete! I am most proud that I actually completed something. Although this cleanse became easier wi
`time! I can't say it's oompIete.__its only beginning. I have SHUT DOWN sugar cravings so now I am too afraid toe.
`back! I feel too awesome and I am finally in control of my food. Have a fabulous day! I'm going to the gym! '?
`Hello everyonell I have to say that this is the first time in years that I have changed my diet and am staying on it
`without feeling deprived. The reason I started this cleanse is because it's something I've wanted to do for a long
`time. I love that this cleanse eliminates everything that I've needed to so I can find my root cause of Hashimoto’s
`thyroiditis. The reason I stay on it is because I am feeling great1.! My energy is up, my abdominal bloating has
`decreased, and I love the food. One of the doctors I work with said why are you doing this? You won't be able to
`keep eating this way when the cleanse is over, but I disagree. For one thing my goal isn't to stay at such a strict c
`but to trial the foods that have been eliminated for a few days to see what kind of reactions I have to them. Once
`figured that cut I will be able to stickwith it because Tosca and the doctors have given us the tools to do so. I am
`happy that I decided to do this cleanse and can't wait to see what the end result is.
`I am so excited about the way
`feel that nothing is tempting me. Thank you!!
`I've been waiting for this clay for 7 months. Had my 2nd set of labs clone since starting this journey and my physic
`was "blown away." BP went from 13791 to 127.84; 199 lbs to 174; she took "obese" from my current record and
`offered to take Pre-diabetic off the record, too, if I "keep doing what I'm doing." Triglycerides are much improved I
`cholesterol needs more attention. I just about did the happy dance in the office. The thought that "I should treat
`myself!” popped into my head so I picked up a pair of size 12 jeans and then made an Apple Pie Smoothie. 55 ar
`getting healthy! BTW -— I could not have done this without Strike Sugar Challenge and Eat Clean Diet Cleanse.
`Thank you Tosca! Rachel! Maryska!
`One thing I notice every morning when I wake up... no more stiff joints... Also, I don't get very sore from my streng
`training either. This is good. I think this super clean eating is doing my body good
`On the home stretch!! Just finished up week 3 and I am feeling FAEIULOUSIIIII I am sleeping better than I have ir
`YEARS! No more hotfiashes, no more waking up drenched in sweat! No more tossing and turning, I wake up int
`morning feeling GREAT!! I have clearer thinking and more energy. The bloating and pulfiness is all gone! I decide
`this week that I am going to continue eating this way long afterwe are finished! In total I am down, 10 lbs, 5.?5
`inches and 3.7% body fat. That means when I started I had 20.2 lbs of excess body fat and now I have 10.? lbs o
`excess! Eating this way has preserved my muscle mass and put me into full blown fat burning mode! My hydratio
`has gone from 50.5% to 52.9%. Again meaning this is all fat loss, not so called Water Weight.. . as my hydration h
`increased! Keep on this great journey ladies! Your health is worth it!
`http:r’/www.toscareno. comf2015/ l 1!lSrrecap-from-the-authors—of—the-4—week—eat-clean—di... 12123/2015

`RECAP FROM TIIL", AUTIIORS 01" '[‘[[l_'l 4-W]:'.]:lI\' l_£A'l"-CLEAN Dll_",T® CLEAN SE -
`Page 6 of IS
`I haven't felt that bad since I first started eating clean in June. Jumped right back into the cteanse on Thursday.
`When I woke up this morning I was excited and nervous to hop onto the scale, but am really happy with my resull
`Ive lost 3.6 pounds and a total of 3 inches! ( my 1st weeks weight was 2362 not 236. I’m giving myself credit for
`losing that 0.2 pounds. LOL). Everyone have an awesome 2nd week!
`I so appreciate how Tosca's recipes in the Strike Sugar program and now in the Cleanse program incorporate
`season-available foodstuffs, and that the types of meals reflect what our bodies desire this time of year, whether '
`are oonscious of this or not.
`I think Tosca and her associates might really be onto something; observing the earth
`rise and fall through the seasons, and applying that model to us, our bodies — each of us experiencing this 30-day
`cleanse within the context of our own cycles. Transitions are often rough times, both through the seasons, and wi
`our own natures. I'm writing this now mostly to remind myself aloud to honor this tumult, to be patient with and to
`trust the prooess, and to hold myselfwith grace. Even when I’m cussing in the cold shower! So thanks to you all f
`voicing your kindtfrustratedlamusinglbewilderedihelpful thoughts, and for allowing me space to voice mine! And
`thank you to Tosca Reno and your team for your vision and your efforts,
`I am stoked on the journey! Xox c
`Omg I'm doing the happy dance. I'm down 10.9 lbs. I know a lot is waterweight the first couple weeks but right nr
`I'm so happy.
`Day four- yes I've spent a few days in the kitchen, but this has not been challenging in the least! What could pose
`be any better than eating healthy gourmet food and walking my pooch everyday’?’? My only complaint is that tonig
`flew to work with about ?5lbs of food in my bag!! I may be living on the lighter fare of chocolate power balls and
`hemp hearts by the end of this monthli.
`Congratulations to everyone starting the cleanse today!!! You are in for an incredible journey! Relax, trust the
`process and enjoy thejourney. This is a journey to reset your body, your mind and your soul! I havejust complete
`week 2 and I am feeling FABULOUS! Week ‘I
`I followed the meal plan as {aid out in the book. I found I had a lot r
`leftovers afterweek 1, so I picked a couple of new recipes for week 2 and mixed and matched them to use up or
`my Ieftoversll I am feeling FABULOUS!!! I’m getting the hang of this eating process which is making meal prep
`easier as I go along.
`I am sleeping like a 6 month old baby! LOL!! I started sleeping through the night at day 3 an:
`the sleep just keeps getting better. Before I started the cleanse, I don’t rememberthe last time I slept through the
`night. Night sweats are GONE, no more tossing and turning! I feel energized, no more foggy thinking and I haven
`had a headache. Again... I had been getting headaches and migraines on a regular bases before I started!_
` d a Tax Functional Traini
`Course. I was a little worried with the amount of exercise incorporated in these workshops, but I had lots of energ
`power through. Now for my results — I'm starting to get my girly figure back... I’m down a total of 10 lbs, 5.25 inct
`and 2.8% body fat!! YlPPEEEEEE!!!! That means that my excess body fat went from 20.2 lbs to only 12.2 lbs. I'm
`excited! I haven't weight this little or felt this great in YEARSII Thank you Tosca!
`l1l[p:fx'www. toscarono. co1n»’20 15x’ 1 1.-"13frooap-lrorn-tho-autllors-oi‘-tho-4-wcclocat-clcall-di...
`I 2!2 8!20 I 5

`Page 7 of 15
`Welcome to all who are starting today! I have my two week results for you. I lost ANOTHER 3.6 lbs! Total is 7.2 It
`for two weeks! I'm sleeping better and I have more energy overall. My best advice is to prep meals!
`Tosca Reno just wondering if you will be doing a spring cleanse? Loving this cleanse and don’t want it to end
`because I’ve leamed so much, improving my health, feel fantastic, feeling joy in my life again as I approach
`menopause and because I LOVE this support group!!! 0 let us know ??
`Week four!!! 3" less plus the already 6"=11" for this clean eating bod! I feel its time to reflect on the past three we:
`and now prep for the weeks after this one is complete. This group has been an amazing suppoit! There was one
`time (during this month] that I found myself about to jump off the clean eatin' wagon and into the mud. It actually
`made me realize that I feelthis way atthe same time EVERY month! So I grabbed my phone and started reading
`of your glorious posts and it did give me the power to step away from the all consuming monster I was about to tL
`into. acknowledging that I am in control, not anxiety or emotions, or hormones, just me. So, thank you all for the
`help, suggestions and abundance of supportl! Xx
`I have not posted much, but I want to thank you all. Tosca Reno for putting together a plan that allows me to pick
`and choose meals rather than trying to break free of old habits without a support to hold on to.
`I am not following"
`plan to the letter because I am trying to feed my whole family so I am throwing in some family favourites that fit th
`plan, but love having all these new recipes to pull from. And thank you to all of you. I have along history of trying
`make big changes and doing really well for the first week and a half and then the instant feedback of sugar or cof
`when I am tired wins out or I just am tired of trying to get my picky kids to eat what I am serving. Knowing you all
`here doing this too, and knowing we all have or good moments and trying moments gives me the strength to keel
`going. Honestly I took an anti-inflammatory diet course six months ago but I could never bring myself to do the
`elimination portion so I could figure out what my issua were until this challenge came along. I am feeling so grea
`that I am not even in a hurryto reintroduce many of the foods, but I will do it carefully, with lots of attention to whe
`my body is telling me. Thank you to everyone on this challenge
`Just went jean shopping bio mine were falling off & bought 3 sizes smallerwhoot whoot!!!!
`I have had a really stress filled week... basically every thing that could go sideways did... .and the hits keep on
`coming. I almost caved today and got a sugar loaded treat — the main thing that stopped me is knowing that I woi
`feel like poo poo shaboo if I ate it. Translated into a wicked leg day at the gym and a really good soccer game. Lc
`way of saying THANK YOU Tosca Reno, Rachel Corradetti-Sargeant and Maryska Taylor for this oleansell I wou
`have lost all the positive ground I had gained. 1 read a quote somewhere that said Failure is a trickster and alway:
`shows up right when success is at hand ? so that's my positive thought xo ladies.
`First and Foremost I would like to thank Tosca Reno for the Superfoods Book Ijust looked through it and can't w
`to try some of the recipes. Secondly, I ignored my garden all summer, I was in a bad place mentally and oouldn’l
`motivated to do anything, to my surpl'ise, the Kale and Swviss Chard survivedll I have about 6 plants thriving and t
`bellies can‘t wait to peel away at the leaves. I just started the Cleanse, I was waiting for the revised edition, and It
`httpn’/www.toscareno. oomJ2015/ l 1!l3;’recap-from-the-authorsof—the-4-week-eat-clean-di... 12123/2015

`RECAP FROM '[‘lt]_", AUTHORS 01" TI IL} 4-W]:'.]:lI\' I_£A'l"-CLEAN DlI_",T® CLEAN SE -
`Page 8 of IS
`and behold I already feel less bloated, loving the green smoothie, made power balls 8. my husband can't keep his
`hands away from them. Funny how things are, I had the knowledge (I buy every book out there in regards to heal
`I even have an Infrared Sauna, which I stopped using, ljust didn't know how to incorporate it. Tosca Reno has In
`life a little easier 8. with FB group keeps me going. Thanks everyone and I am glad I am on thisjourney. Have a
`great day everyonel!
`I have cool-
`Oh my goodness the seed crusted broccoli is the BEST I've ever tasted! I must say, as a non—cooker,
`more in the past two weeks than I have in a year! And it feels good. Ifeel empowered! Can’t believe it's day 17
`already! I was even in Arizona for a conference for 5 clays and packed extra nuts, snuck in some kale soup, extra
`pumpkin scones, nori... and stuck to it the whole time! Committing to this cleanse is allowing me to see we can
`commit to anything if we really want it... THANK YOU!
`I'm on week 3 and Ifinally feel pretty darn good. The foggy brain is gone and I haven't had a nap in days. Even
`better is a lot of the chronic pain I have lived with for years seems to have subsided. So I did more of a workout
`today than usual and we will see how I feel tomorrow. Normally I hurt a lot the day after exercise. Cautiously
`optimistic here. Feeling good enough to exercise regularly could be life changing for me.
`I've been waiting for this day for 7 months. Had my 2nd set of labs done since starting thisjourney and my physic
`was "blown away." BP went from 13Tl'91 to 127lB4; 199 lbs to 174; she took "obese" from my current record and
`offered to take Pre—diabetic off the record, too, if I "keep doing what I'm doing." Triglycerides are much improved I
`cholesterol needs more attention. ljust about did the happy dance in the office. The thought that "I should treat
`myseIf!" popped into my head so I picked up a pair of size 12jeans and then made an Apple Pie Smoothie. 55 at
`getting healthy! BTW~— I could not have done this without Strike Sugar Challenge and Eat Clean Diet Cleanse.
`Thank you Tosca! Rachel! Maryska!
`So someone asked if I was pregnant today, not because I'm showing, thank goodness, but because I am glowing
`Being a 45 yr old mom of four, a teacher who is fighting some kidling germs this week feeling like I'm dragging lTI‘_
`butt on this hump day and although not a 'complete' impossibility, I was grateful at this stage of my life to say "No
`just cleansing!" . Thank you Tosca and team for helping me not only with my energy, mental strength, anxiety ant
`losing 'IOIbs so far of the weight I gained since tearing my ACL, thank you for making me feel whole again, like m
`again (something I lost for awhile) and have the energy to be a better mom to my amazing children. Can never th
`you enough....| feel like you offered a life line and saved me. C
`Diane Dower December 14, 2015 at 11:15 pm - Reply
`I'm just catching up on reading your blog. I felt the blow in my own gut upon reading that Oxygu
`and Clean Eating mags have ended their relationship wlyou. I can only imagine the grief you rr
`I sense that you will continue to heal. to grow, and to reach more people and even a differ
`hltp:Hwwxv.toscarcno.comf2U15ft 1I13frccap-from-the-authors-of-the-4-wcclocal-clean-di...
`I 2!2 8;’20 I 5

`RECAP FROM "[11].", AUTHORS 01" TI IL} 4-W]:1]:lI\' L£A'l”-CLEAN Dl}_",T® CLEAN SL1 -
`Page 9 of IS
`sector of people. Thank God I am one of them! The testimonies you included... .wow!... it is a
`reunion of sorts, reading again how we have grown and changed our lifestyles of cooking and
`eating! TY for reminding me of my own words. Still working on that cholesterol and hope my
`physician is blown away a 3rd time!
`Maryska and Rachel, you made this 4week cleanse a more educated journey for us. Thank yc
`for being such an integral part cfthis ministry to our bodies and minds. Can't wait to meet agai
`during the Spring Cleanse!
`Much love and appreciation,
`Maria Gomez December 1. 2015 at 11:14 am - Reply
`I love you positive attitude!
`I have to thankthose magazines to get me to know you and the Eat Clean lifestyle. For people
`like me who embrace The Eat Clean life style in whatever I do, those magazines will not be the
`As I mentioned earlier, kudos to you, Maryska and Rachel for the Cleanse program, lwill
`recommend it to anybody! I'm looking forward for spring 2016.
`ltruly believe that "When God closes a door, he opens awindow, but it's up to you to find it." I
`don't have any doubts that you will find your window.
`Good luck and count with my friendship and unconditional support to help people become
`healthier every day!
`Helen November 19, 2015 at 6:38 pm - Reply
`I am sorry to hear you won't be featured in those magazines. Although that is where you begar
`all honesty, your tone changed after Bob passed away. Your firejust didn't seem to be there. 23
`they say “when one door closes, another opens". You will continue to grow and thrive in your c
`way. Good luck on your house offer,
`I can imagine that place is a burden for you.
`Btw.... My husband has lost 2Ulbs on the Strike Sugar Challenge and I have lost 8. Doing that
`challenge opened both our eyes and because of that. we have adopted a whole new way of
`eating. Thank youll
`Take care and best of luck.
`Tosca Reno November 19, 2015 at 7:18 pm - Reply
`Hello Helen.
`It neve
`Thank you for your note. It's hard to hear that you felt my fire went out.
`did really. Sometimes it was hard to get oxygen into my lungs (pun intended).
`Some people want me for me, and others want to control it in theirway.
`I have worked hard to rebuild, since everything I knew in this business was Io
`You know what wasn't lost? My passion. My drive. My vision. My dreams. My
`audience. You are the best. You are full of love and have opened your armst
`me. Forthat I am grateful.
`Congratulations on your success. You see, those programs were built out of r
`brain and my heart, for you. I'm still here!
`hltpzflwww. loscarcno. co mf2U 15r’1 1I13frccap-from-the-authors-of-the-4-wcclocal-clean-di...
`l2!2 8f20I 5

`RECAP FROM "[11].", AUTHORS 01" TI IL} 4-W]:'.]:'.K L£A'l'-CLEAN Dl}_",T® CLEAN SL1... Page IU of IS
`Warmly, (with a big fire in my heart)
`Helen November 19. 2015 at 7:39 pm - Reply
`Please don’t misunderstand my words. I never meant that y:
`passion was gone only that the tone changed once Bob was
`gone, with the magazines. I have all your books and am an E
`follower. As we are close in age, I’m always eager to see wh
`you oorne out with next. I especially like the ebooks and it is
`clear to see that you have "us" in your best interest. Keeping
`society healthy is the ultimate challenge. Best of luck.
`Reno November 19. 2015 at 11:38
`pm - Reply
`I agree Helen. The magazines are certainly
`different without Robert there to guide them
`into what he meant for them.
`He lives in me. His words ring in my ears e\
`day. I know what I have to do. He is here w
`me and I have only to execute. My tirst big
`step’? Hosting my first Eat Clean Power of
`Women Retreat. I am working on it. lwantt
`meet you.
`I want to meet my community.
`Thank you for caring enough to speak your
`I love that you are here for me.
`Helen November 20, 2015 at
`11 :59 am
`Ooops.... Posted under Be
`So excited to hear you are
`doing a Retreat. I would lo
`to meet youll Best of luck
`Bev November 19, 2015 at 11:34 am - Reply
`I am sorrywe won't be seeing your input in the Clean Eating Magazine any more Tosca. For rr
`this went hand and glove when I discovered you and your clean eating books.
`It really helped r
`and I looked forward to the magazine coming out and reading your articles. To me, the magazi
`will not be the same without you, you are after all the Clean Eating Lady!!! This is a serious los
`on their part.
`I know though that it is onwards and upwards for you and wish you all the very be
`for thefuture. With your determination and enthusiasm there will be another door opening! All I
`wishes and thank you for all the help you have given me and many others. 0
`Tosca Reno November 19. 2015 at 1:31 pm - Reply
`hltpflfwww. loscarcno. co ma’2U 15f1 1 I 1 3r’rccap-from-tho-auth 011$-Of-tho-4-wcck-cat-clc an-di . . .
`l2!28f20I 5

`RECAP FROM '[‘llI_'L AUTHORS 01" TI 1].". 4-WEEK EA'l'-CLEAN Dl}_",T® CLEAN SL1... Page 11 of 15
`HI Bev.
`Thanks for your kindness. My heart is a little bit broken about not being in
`Oxygen or Clean Eating anymore. After all, Bob and I built those magazines E
`Eating Clean is a movement we started.
`I will pledge to put out the same credentialed and passionate content on thtss
`and in all my work.
`Warm hugs and a wish for best health,
`Helen November 20, 2015 at 11:54 am - Reply
`Are you kidding me??? You are working on a Retreat? OMG.... Bucket list wir
`of mine!
`Best of luck Toscall
`Elise November 15, 2015 at 3:13 pm - Reply
`Thank you Tosca!!!
`Tosca Reno November 15, 2015 at 7:43 am - Reply
`Thank you everyone for your comments and thoughts about the Cleanse.
`Iwanted to give a huge shoutout to my daughter, Ke|sey—Lynn, who shot that beautiful picture
`me recently. Thank you Kels!
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`hltpzflwww. loscarcno. co ml’20 1 SE1 12’13frccap-from-the-auth013-of-the-4-wcclocal-clean-di...
`l2!2 EH20! 5

`RECAP FROM TI IE AUTHORS 01’ TI IE. 4—W]:'.l:'.K EAT-CL]:'.AN DI}_')'l‘® CLEAN SL1... Page 12 of 15
`hltpzffwww. loscarcno. o0mr’20 1 511 l;’l3frccap-from-thc-autl10rs- of-thc-4-wcck-cal-clean-di . ..
`l2;’2 81201 5

`RECAP FROM TI IE AUTHORS 01’ TI IE. 4—W]:'.l:'.K EAT-CL]:'.AN DI}_')'l‘® CLEAN SL1... Page 13 of 15
`hltpzffwww. loscarcno. o0mr’20 1 511 l;’l3frccap-from-thc-autl10rs- of-thc-4-wcck-cal-clean-di . ..
`l2;’2 81201 5

`OCTOBER 5, 2015 I
`JULY 30. 201510
`JULY ‘ID, 2015 I 2
`2014! 149
`2014 I 148
`hl1p:f:‘www.l0scarcnu.c>0n1f2015a‘I 1:’ l 3/recap-frotn-thc-author» of-thc-4-week-cal-clean-di . .. 129312015

`Page 1 of 15
`Lngin with Facebonk
`Sign Up To Kitchen Table!
`‘ B‘ U
`Eat Clean
`Ger Motivated
`GEE Inspired
`Bring H Home
`The Rerroiurrm
`Stay Informed
`November 13, 2015 [ 12 Comments
`A recap of the most amazing four weeks of our Eat Clean career!
`hltpzffwww. loscarcnu. c0mr’20 1 511 1J13frccap-from-thc-aulh0rs-of-the-4-wcclecal-clean-di...

`RECAP FROM '[‘l[]_", AUTIIORS 01" T1113. 4-W]:'.]:'.I\' I_iA'l"-CLEAN DlI_",'[‘® CLEAN SE -
`Page 2 of 15
`Wow! That is the easiest way for me to sum up this Cleanse experience. As a naturopathic doctor, I work with
`people, 0ne—on—one, every single day to help them achieve their optimal health. Often,
`it can be a struggle to worl
`through the many lifestyle changes that need to be made, and obstacles that stand in the way of achieving goals.
`have a group ofa few thousand people participating who|e—heartedly in this experience has been remarkable. Yo
`dove in without hesitation (well, maybe some hesitation)! Incredible! There were some questions along the way
`(which we are always happy to answer, by the way), but ultimately, you gave it your all and are now feeling
`incredible. It really does warm my heart to hear you all speaking of the benefits you’ve noticed — clear skin, reduc
`joint pain, better sleep, regular bowel movements, more energy, and the list goes on. What you've discovered wit
`your willingness is how wonderful you can feel, and how very important foods are in your life experience. Eating ir
`something we have to do each day, so we might as well do it the right way so we can feel our best. I really do
`encourage you to experience the Reintroduction Plan so you can have total clarity around which foods are
`problematic for you. it's empowering to know that your best health lies in your kitchen and in your hands. Thanky
`fortrusting usto guide you along this journey. Hurray!
`Dr. Rachel Corradetti
`"Looking back over the last 4 weeks of the 4—Week Cleanse, I feel inspired. Inspired from all the stories of
`authenticity 8 change from participants. Embarking on a cleanse such as this does more than evoke physical
`change, it also sparks emotional 8: spiritual transformation. I know for me that is indeed the greatest outcome oft
`last four weeks. Eating clean, whole, nourishing food and taking the time to purposefully nurture yourself and ther
`reaping the benefits is a truly empowering experience.
`It illustrates the true power of food as medicine. It also
`inspires us to make further change in our lives. With a renewed sense of confidence and courage, we're challeng
`to better ourselves further and resolve to be the best versions of ourselves — not just physically but holistically —
`mind, body 8. soul. We can see clearly how clearing away the things that no longer serve us n make way for
`healthier change. Whether that be clearing out certain junkfoods that have negatively impacted your health, poor
`self care habits or even toxic relationships Supporting detox in all areas of our lives makes room for change —
`lasting change. I’m happy this cleanse has been a catalyst for change for so many— including myself."
`Dr. Maryska Taylor
`This Cleanse was about something more than Eating Clean and jettisoning ourtoxic burdens. You may have noti
`that the doctors and I were on a steep learning curve beginning with guiding you through the particulars of execul
`the cleanse to managing health concerns to recalculating recipes. We spent countless hours answering questions
`clarifying details and loving every minute of it, even if it meant we didn't sleep much.
`hlLp:r’r'www. toscarcnc-. co mr’2U 15x1 1 .-*' 1 3r’rccap-from-thc-auth 011$-Of-thc-4-wcck-cat-clc an-di . . .
`I 2!2 8;’20 I 5

`Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie Yoga studio « IIl:'.YYOGA.CA
`Page 3 off)
`Updates from Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie
`ivJ Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie itrtfi-12-in
`'l'hcre's barely room for us in the the truck! ! We're out delivering last minute (just kidding - you have
`almost a week left - there's LOTS of time !) gills of Punch Passes and Unlimited Memberships :)
`Grandc Prairie, Alberta we‘re coming for you! Think on
`Oran] Fitness Grande Prairie 3:15-1 2-13
`Christmas is in the air... and so are the smells olilavender, rose pet.als and cinnamon stieks! Jill is out
`n about this week dropping ot‘f' all of those punch passes you bought For Christmas gifis, and there's
`STILL. 'l‘IMl:'. if you need a few too! (She loves
`A Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie '_‘Ut.<-I 2-16
`Uh City of Grande Prairie, you're just so unbelievably beautiful! Standing at the future Oranj site this
`morning we were just in awe - every direction gorgeous. Now imagine seeing this walking out of a
`killer step class, or leaving a hot yoga class all h
`A Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie 3:15-12-t_‘~.
`Thank you to everyone who participated in our 12 Days of Oranjnias! We had some great laughs, got
`to catch up with old friends, and we even got to donate to some great causes! Here's Robyn in Fort
`McMurray dropping oft‘ our food donations to the Food Bank
`A Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie :ut5—t 2-1 2
`On the 12th day ofOra.1ijinas Oranj Fitness gave to nic...40 punch pass of classes for $480! !!
`tioranjmas tthoogyingeverydamnday fteffihestatusquo tfkelowna tfgrandeprairie rlairdrie ttcastlegar
`u g
`G9! 5.0 Mbps Internet. Fias TV Local plys HBO‘
`or SI-IOWTIIIE, for 1.yaar' starting at
`S 50"“ ':"r.:.=;:s.*..:§.::.:.‘1"«Ij.
`Learn mot;
`Popularity of Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie
`Social Media Popularity Score:
`8.5 E 10
`This value is based on the iiuniber ofvisitors. checkiiis, and likes on Facebook in the last few
`Most visitors in December:
`Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie has a total ol‘ 30 visitors (clicckiiis) and 3699 likes.
`http:i’x'lieyyoga.eai’0193302;’0rarii Fitness Grande Prairie
`I2t28t20I 5

`Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie Yoga studio « I1]:'.YYOGA.CA
`Page 4 of 6
`Lauren Ralph Lauren Cashmere-Blend...
`$179.99 $450100 Save on Apparel, Home Items, & More
`Other yoga studios nearby:
`‘3"".‘:l‘"’ Love Life Hot Yoga
`9 10015 102 ave - Dewit Professional Building (Behind Remax)
`3391 meters away
`- L’-3"” Hot Yoga VO2Max
`3.9 10720 117 Avenue
`5003 meters away
`8.3 GP Pole Fit
`8.3 Satori Yoga Studio
`- —> More yoga studios nearby
`Instagrams from yoga studios nearby:
`Love Liie Ilot Yoga
`10 days ago
`Love Life Hot Yoga
`12 days ago
`http:ftT1eyyoga.caf0193302f0rani Fitness Grande Prairie
`l2!28f20I 5

`Oranj Fitness Grands Prairie Yoga studio « II]_".YYOGA.(.‘-A
`Page 5 of6
` Love Life H0tY0ga
`Love Life Hot Yoga
`Love Life Ilot "0ga
`28 davs ago
`Love Liib Hot Yoga
`33 days ago
`Find yoga studios by area:
`- Bear Creek Dog Park
`- Mission Heights
`' Couillgy Club Eslalcs
`' Pinnacle Ridge
`hllp:e’x'l1cyy0ga.caf0193302e’0rarri Fitness Graildc Prairie
`12»'28x'201 5

`Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie Yoga studio « 1-IEYYOGACA
`Page 6 of 6
`- Edmonton Ab
`- Countwside South
`- Grande Prairie
`- Westpoilllc
`- Down Town Grande Prairie Alberta
`- About this site
`- Help out!
`- For owners
`- Add a yoga studio
`- Who runs this site
`Popular areas:
`- Fort Saskatchewan
`- Mt Whistler, Jasper National Park
`- Croatian Parish Park_l"ather Kamber.
`- Parc des Ateliers. (.‘haml)ly
`- Pare Claire De Lune, Montreal
`- 1-‘rosagect Cemeterv. Toronto
`- Glo GolfAventures Mini-Golf Coaticook, Coaticook
`(‘roldie Mill Park: Guelph
`- Downtown Langley BC, Langley
`- Balwin Edmonton Alberta
`- Nanaimo River Regional Park Nanaimo
`- Sur Le Richelieu
`- Montreal. QC
`- Lefroy Harbour Resorts Inc, Lefrov
`- Fraser River Diseoverv Centre New Westminster
`- Port Maitland. NS BW
`- Ville de Mont-Tremblant. Mont-Tremblant
`- Pare Ignaee—BourgeL Montreal
`- The Clilford E Lee Nature Sanctuary
`- Jag Park. Montreal
`- Meadowvale GI) Station. Mississauga
`- Nelson ParL, Vancouver
`- Missisauga. ()nt
`- Place Ville Marie, QC I-IB
`- Costco Pointe-—C-laire, Pointe—(,‘laire
`httpzffheyyo!0 193302fOranj _Fitness_Grande_Prairie
`121231201 5

`Oranj Fitness Grands Prairie Yoga studio « I1]:'.YYOGA.CA
`Page 1 of 6
`livervthing or:
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`- bars
`' hotels
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`' sushi
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`° E.
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`- car wash
`- car rental
`- theaters
`- museum
`' 3%
`- m0rcV
`hltp:f!}1cyyoga.caf0 193302fOranj _l’ilncss Grandc Prairie

`Oranj 1’ilness Grande Prairie Yoga studio « I1]:'.YYOGA.CA
`Page 2 of 6
`HeyY0gaYoga & Pilates studios in
`Larger map_ Get directions
`Show Instagram images »
`Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie
`l~'itness Center
`Women's Clothing Store
`Yoga 8; Pilates
`We are thrilled to call Grande Prairie our new home! We can't wait to boogie with you all early
`summer 2016! Oranj Fitness is a fun, inviting, community-based studio for people ofall levels. We
`offer a wide selection of dance, fitness, s in, and 0 :1 classes tau t h our community of wor

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