`Healthlink Holdings Group, LLC (pto@yourtrademarkattorney.com)
`REHAB & WELLNESS - H114 001TM - Request for Reconsideration
`Denied - Return to TTAB
`6/5/2013 10:53:52 AM
`Sent As:
`Attachments: Attachment - 1
`Attachment - 2
`Attachment - 3
`Attachment - 4
`Attachment - 5
`Attachment - 6
`Attachment - 7
`Attachment - 8
`Attachment - 9
`Attachment - 10
`Attachment - 11
`Attachment - 12
`Attachment - 13
`Attachment - 14
`(cid:160) (cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) U.S. APPLICATION SERIAL NO. 85272216
`(cid:160) (cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) MARK: NSTEP PHYSICAL REHAB & WELLNESS
`(cid:160)(cid:160) (cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) (cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/index.jsp (cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) APPLICANT: Healthlink Holdings Group, LLC
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) CORRESPONDENT ADDRESS:
`CHESTERFIELD, MO 63017-8208
`(cid:160) (cid:160)(cid:160)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) CORRESPONDENT’S REFERENCE/DOCKET NO :(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`(cid:160) H114 001TM(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) CORRESPONDENT E-MAIL ADDRESS:(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`The trademark examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request for reconsideration and is
`denying the request for the reasons stated below.(cid:160) See 37 C.F.R. §2.64(b); TMEP §§715.03(a)(2)(B),
`(a)(2)(E), 715.04(a).(cid:160) The requirement(s) and/or refusal(s) made final in the Office action dated December
`14, 2012 are maintained and continue to be final.(cid:160) See TMEP §§715.03(a)(2)(B), (a)(2)(E), 715.04(a).
`n the present case, applicant’s request has not resolved all the outstanding issue(s), nor does it raise a
`new issue or provide any new or compelling evidence with regard to the outstanding issue(s) in the final
`Office action.(cid:160) In addition, applicant’s analysis and arguments are not persuasive nor do they shed new
`light on the issues.(cid:160) Accordingly, the request is denied.
`he following evidence is attached to show that the applicant and registrant’s services are closely related.
`he applicant’s services are “rehabilitation patient care services.” (cid:160) “Patient care” is defined as “the
`services rendered by members of the health profession and non-professionals under their supervision for
`the benefit of the patient” (see attached from ww.mondofacto.com). (cid:160) Based on the above definition,
`“rehabilitation patient care services” would be health services for rehabilitative purposes. (cid:160) The
`registrant’s services are physical therapy services. (cid:160) The attached from www.medterms.com defines
`physical therapy as “a branch of rehabilitative health.” (cid:160)(cid:160)
`The attached Internet excerpts show that rehabilitative patient care services include physical therapy.(cid:160) The
`applicant’s broader identification includes the registrant’s more specific services.
`he excerpts are from:
`1.(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) http://www.med.umich.edu/pmr/patient/
`2.(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) http://rehabservices.ucsfmedicalcenter.org/patient_care/
`3.(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/pmr/patient_services/
`he filing of a request for reconsideration does not extend the time for filing a proper response to a final
`Office action or an appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (Board), which runs from the date
`the final Office action was issued/mailed.(cid:160) See 37 C.F.R. §2.64(b); TMEP §715.03, (a)(2)(B), (a)(2)(E),
`If time remains in the six-month response period to the final Office action, applicant has the remainder of
`the response period to comply with and/or overcome any outstanding final requirement(s) and/or refusal(s)
`and/or to file an appeal with the Board.(cid:160) TMEP §715.03(a)(2)(B), (c).(cid:160) However, if applicant has already
`filed a timely notice of appeal with the Board, the Board will be notified to resume the appeal when the
`time for responding to the final Office action has expired.(cid:160) See TMEP §715.04(a).
`/Kim Saito/
`Trademark Examining Attorney LO102
`DEi'D5i"2D13 D9:r1B:5r1 AM
`University nl Michigan
`Hnlm S1-mam
`Home I About Us
`J Facu 'v_.-"Staff
`I EdIJiIalflO|'l
`I Research | Divisions
`Internal Resources
`Patientcare Home
`Patient c'are\Se'rvi'c'es
`The Departn‘ié:nt bf Physicd Medicine and Reiiabiitatian proirides comprehensive Cer:si.l'tefian_
`eveluatien "and rehabitative seir\ri% fimughuthe comdinaied efiarts «fits Pllysiidans arid"-therapeutit-:
`seniit‘.-es. lnpdiient rehahitstkin beds'are»a\i_aiable fin bath pediatric and adult pdiients, inrith special
`emphasis .911 the rehabiiatiun needs ct traiarriatié: baairl injury, spinal It-Ilillfid injury," urthapaedii: and
`stoke patients. Ctmsuitatiue services are auaiahle to flleflrfiversiry e_fMich7igan Hcrspiitals at 1a:ge_
`Ioutpatient senaiees are avalalaie
`Uriversity Hospital and lhree satellite facihies: Med?.ei'Iah_ S'p'n1e
`Flvograln ar1d.UM O1'Ll:rnl.ics and P.rosI:i1el:ics Center. Sena-irbes include:
`' Eletztmneummyugraplly Lahmatmy;
`' Dc'eugatibnal_7[herapy';-_
`' Drihofics and'Prasthe.tics'
`' Physic al Th eragg;
`_F_§eh‘abilitat'ion ghgineenng;
`' Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsyclmlogyg;
`'SQe'EC‘l"|-'La|"lQ_L.FElge Pathology;
`The Department cf Physical l\iledicine- and Reigabiitatian partidpates in the fink-wing Mdtidisdplinay
`Clinics and Programs: Arthmigrypnsis Clinic, Spine Program and "L51-xltiatur "Clinic.
`.Aidap'k'we Devices
`‘ Ac|hesi\_ie'Caps1flis
`'- Amgiitations
`.Am'yiatro'phic Lateral Sclerosis {ALB}
`‘ Ankle
`" Hip.
`" Hears;-Hess
`Juvenile Rfleumaluid Af‘lIl"I'il:l£
`" Krnee
`"‘ Low Back Pain
`" Metatarsalgia
`Case Managers
`DEfD5a"2D13 D9:r1B.'5r1 AM
`httpflrehabservices.ucsfmedicalcenter.orofpatient carer’
`D5i'D5I2D13 D9:t19:31 AM
`I-‘SF Medical Center
`' Hospilil
`... r .:..~m:..-..i «.....-.r...- Rehab Services Links
`Rehabilitative Services
`Adult Inpatient Therapies
`On physician referral. occupational. physical and speechidysphagia therapy is available through the Department
`of Rehabilitative Services to all inpatients admitted to UCSF Medical Center hospitals [lv1oifitLu'Long and i-.-it. Zion}
`and the Emergency Dept. Rehabilitative Services also provides consultative and liaison support as needed to
`facilitate appropriate continuation of rehabilitation care across the health care continuum for patients transferring
`to subacute. outpatient and home care services. Rehab Services staifand administrative omces are located in
`ACC-ES. Rehabilitation professionals and support staff. however. deliver most oftheir direct patient care services
`on the nursing units ofthe three hospitals (acute and intensive care).
`Pediatric Inpatient Therapies
`On physician referral. occupational. physical and speechidysphagia therapy is availaole through the Department
`of Rehabilitative Services to all pediatric inpatients admitted to UCSF lvleciical Center hospitals [Mofiitt-'Long) and
`the Emergency Dept. Rehabilitative Services also provides consultative and liaison support as needed to
`facilitate appropriate continuation ofrehabilitation care across the health care continuum for patients transferring
`to subacute. outpatient and home care services. Rehab Services staifand administrative offices are located in
`ACC—5S. Rehabilitation professionals and support staff. however. deliver most oftheir direct patient care services
`on the nursing units ofthe hospitals (pediatric acute and intensive care_‘..
`Pediatric Rehabilitation
`On physician referral. occupational. physical and speechfdysphagia therapy is available through the Department
`of Rehabilitative Services to all pediatric rehab patients admitted to UCSF Medical Center. Rehabilitative Services
`httpflrehabservices.ucsfmedicalcenter.ortifpatient caret’
`D5i'D5i’2D13 D9:t19:31 AM
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`....e.....a. uci um.
`U] l\Gl .au....a.m= uci .....es [U a.. ...e...a..... .e. inu pane. us au.......=u [U um.-.
`also provides consultative and liaison support as needed to facilitate appropriate continuation of rehabilitation
`care across the health care continuum for patients transferring to subacute, outpatient and home care services.
`Rehab Services stalT and administrative olfices are located in A0068. Rehabilitation professionals and support
`stalT, however, deliver most oftheir direct patient care services on the nursing unit ofthe hospital and in our gym
`area in M714. Pool therapy for pediatric rehab patients can be provided in MU—09, where Outpatient Pediatric
`Rehab is located.
`Adult Outpatient Physical Therapy
`The Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabitatiion Science provides primarily outpatient physical therapy
`services at two faculty practice sites. One location is near the Parnassus campus, and the other at the Mt Zion
`campus of UCSF Medical Center. Upon referral. we olfer expert physical therapy consultations. evaluations and
`interventions to patients of all ages for musculoslreletal and neuromusculoskeletal problems impacting function.
`We also provide outpatient occupational therapy consultations, swallow assessments, and speech and language
`Please browse the Faculty Practice website for more information: UCSF Faculty Practice
`Pediatric Outpatient Occupational, Physical and Speechmysphagia Therapies
`Another outpatient iocation is managed with the Medical Center on the Parnassus campus where outpatient
`|)EdlaInCtei'1El.Dl|ltaTl0l'1 services are provided.
`in addition to me ruii range or l-'l services already outlined, at this
`third site we also otfer pool therapy, and occu pati on at and speech therapy for developmental and feeding
`problems in the pediatric population.
`Adult and Pediatric Outpatient Modified Barium swallow Studies
`Modified barium swallow studies are provided on a consultative basis in coordination with the Department of
`|§J 2fl13 UCSF Medical Center. Contact the intranet team.
`htt_p:r’r’vv'vvw.ucclmc.ucdavis.edur’pmrr’patient servicesr’
`DEr'D5r"2D131D:3E:1t1 AM
`HEALTH svsrm
`UC Davis Health System i News | Jobs | Giving j UC Davis
`1'tme11t of Pllysic-a1 Medicine and Re
`Health System > Physical |'\-lei:lic:'ne and Rehabilitatian > Patient Saving
`- Messagefromthe Chair
`- Residency Training Program
`- Neuromuscular Fellowship
`Sports l.ledicine Fellowship
`- Neuro muscular Research
`- NeuroNEXT
`- Department of Physical
`Medicine and Rehabilitation
`" Departrnerrt or Pligfsinal
`and Rel'a|:I_ili'tatiaJ1
`_-Patients 8. Visitors
`Programs -
`. Fi;¥ea.m.h...._...
`' ‘c'Jn{a'c{ Us
`H Map--8.-Directions
`Patient services
`The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento provides a
`wide variety ofrehabilitation services for adults and children. These services are ofiered for both inpatients
`and outpatients. Patients are referredto the program for rehabilitation following severe injuries and illness
`such as spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, stroke, amputation, orthopedicinjunes or neuromuscular
`disorders which result in a loss offunction. The overall goal ofrehabilitation is to helpthe patient become as
`independent andself—reliant as possible. Each aspect ofthe program focuses on helping the patientfunction
`more independently athome. in the community, and at work or school.
`Ateam ofprofessionals is actively involved in each patients rehabilitation. These specialists meettogetherto
`design a comprehensive program forthe unique needs ofeach patient
`Family education andtraining are integral parts ofthe rehabilitation process. Patients andtheirfamilies will
`findthe Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit difierentfrom other areas ofthe hospital. Patients are
`encouragedto vveartheir own clothing, eat in the dining room, and be out oftheir beds as much as possible
`during the day. Family participation is encouraged. Family can arrange to observe therapy bycontacting the
`patients therapists.
`Inpatient rehabilitation unit
`a Adult
`o Pediatrics
`o Amputee Clinic
`a Pediatric Rehab
`o NeuromuscularDisease
`o Myelomeningocele
`- Elnr-h-nrtinnnnr-tirs
`httpfh-\-yvxar.ucdmc.ucdavis.edufpmrfpatient services}
`DEi'D5i"2D131D:3E:1r1 AM
`o Eleclvodiagnostic
`o Smnalcordlniug
`- sum
`o F'u5l—F'olio
`o Sportsiltilusculoskeletal
`a General Rehab
`Therapy seniioes
`a Physical Therapy
`o HandThera|1y
`o Onhotics
`o Occupational Therapy
`o Psychological 8. Social Services
`a SpeechLanggagePal’r1olog;y
`General infonnation about our inpatient rehabilitation programs
`Participation in rehabilita.tion activities is avital part ofthe rehabilitation process. Patients are sch e-di.Iled for
`therapy and activities every day. Patients are required to participate for a minimum ofthree hours per day in
`their rehabilitation. The following acliviti es will help patients adjust to their dsabiliti es, regain independence,
`and retum to home and community: M part oftherapy on Friday altemoons, adult patients may participate with
`the therapy 5tal|'in an organized social activity in the hospital or they may go out into the comlmiliily to shop,
`attend a movie, go to the park, etc On a daily mis, patients are scl1edi.Iledto eat lunch and (inner in the
`patient dning room
`Rehabilitation patients are encouraged to provide the following personal items to assist them in regaining
`their independence:
`o Clothing Three (3) outfits ofsweat suits or loose fitting clothing and undergarments. Please note that
`there are no laundy facilities available for patients.
`n Shoes: Prefer previously worn rubber soled shoes, low in height, such as tennis shoes.
`o Toiletry items: Brush, comb, make—up, shaving items, etc
`These items should be labeled with the patients name. Please have these items available for the patient by
`um am. no" -Irinuixtr-inn In um |:.io..u-i.--.I Ilnaiz-inn -mu Elnh-wluilil-wlinn I Inil
`http:h’v\-ww.ucdmc.ucdavis.edufpmrfpatient services}
`DEfD5a"2D131D:3E:1r1 AM
`the day alter admission to the Physical llte-:icine and Rehabilitation Unit.
`Farnfly :
`During rehabilitation, the team will coordnate a family conference to dscuss the patier|t's dscharge goals.
`needs, and recommenda.tions. Patient and family participation in this conference will help the patient return to
`a functional role within the family and community.
`Cornnuuuiyre-ennryleauve (CR1):
`Toward the end ofthe rehabilita.tion stay, aCRL may be approved to allow the patient toleave the hospital for
`up to eir_',I1l hours Patient and family are encouraged to use this fime to idenliflr problems or cnncems (;u:v:e.=:s_
`mobility, safety, etc) prior to the patierIt's actual dscharge.
`Heallllcare team
`The rehabilitation doctor is trained to <iag1ose dsabilities in all forms: physical, mental, social and
`vocational. The physidan sees patients daily and manages their merical problems to improve and maintain
`optimal health while participating in intensive therapy. The physician us es a creative team—on ented approach
`that may include the cooperative etforts of physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech patholog'sts,
`psycholog'sts, social workers and nurses.
`Nurses on the rehabilitation unit have special training in the care ofPllt&R patients. The nursing stalfteach es
`patients and their caregivers vital aspects oftheir physical care, indudng skin and wound care, bowel.‘
`bladder care, administration of medcations, proper nutrition, ostomy and stoma care, dabetic care,
`tracheotomy care, measurement of pulse and blood pressure, and safety precautions. In addition, nurses
`reinforce skills learned in therapy and help patients and their families adapt to lifestyle changes. Patients are
`tauglt to become responsible for their own care, helping to ease their return to home and community.
`Physical therapists:
`Physical therapists teach patients mobility skills needed to become functionally independent. An indvidualized
`program is developed and dscussed with each patient and with family members as appropriate. The plan
`includes a list ofgoals tailored to the strengh and movement needs ofthe patient Therapists help patients
`achieve these goals in avanety ofways indudng mat exercises, wheelchair instruction, and the use of
`parallel bars or other devices for gait training The family is instructed in these tecl1niqLI es so that they will be
`prepared to help the patient achieve mauimal independence at home and in the community.
`httpfh-\-vvxar.ucdmc.ucdavis.edufpmrfpatient services}
`DEfD5a"2D131D:3E:1r1 AM
`Occupational therapists assist patients in releaming avanety of daily activities, indudng eating, aessing, and
`personal hygiene. These activities are referred to as activities ofdaily living (EDL) Occupational therapists
`also help patients regain control and function oftheir arms and hands. fitd-zitionally. the oocupational therapist
`may assess the need for a wheelchair. specialized cushions. or other equipment that will allow patients to
`function safely and independently in the home and community environment Therapists instruct both the
`patient and family on the use ofthis equipment, positioning and transferring techniques. and activities ofdaily
`Speech-.I‘anyt.Iaye pathologists:
`Speech-language pathologists evaluate a patient's communication, thinking processes. and swallowing
`abilities. Therapy provides patients with skills to improve their attention. memory. reasoning. and
`understandng oflanguage and speaking. as well as helping patients to eat and swallow safely. Therapy is
`indvidualized to meet a patient's needs. Family education is an integral part oftreatment. The goal of therapy
`is to help patients communicate elfectively at ho me, in the community, and in the work or school setting.
`Psyrhobgisrs lfleumpsyrhologists:
`A pati ent's state of mind alfects the extent to which he or she will ben efit from rehabilitation and make a
`satisfactory long-term adjustment to any residual dsability. Psychologists evaluate patients‘ psychological and
`neuropsychological status and facilitate their adjustment to the rehabilitation process and their adaptation to
`dsability. Services include indvidual and group therapy. family support and education. neuropsychological
`evaluation and cognitive rehabilitation.
`For childen. consultation with school psychologists and other personnel is provided to facilitate the school re-
`entry process.
`These professionals provide services to ensure that patients and family members know about relevant
`community resources and to help provvide a smooth transition back into the home. community, and work or
`school setting. Our social workers run stroke and spinal cord njury support groups that are available to our
`rehabilitation patients and theirfamilies as well as to members ofthe community
`DEfD5a"2D131D:r12:r1?' AM
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`REHAB & WELLNESS - H114 001TM - Request for Reconsideration
`Denied - Return to TTAB
`6/5/2013 10:53:53 AM
`Sent As:
`ON 6/5/2013 FOR U.S. APPLICATION SERIAL NO. 85272216
`Please follow the instructions below:
`1)(cid:160) TO READ THE LETTER:(cid:160) Click on this link or go to http://tsdr.uspto.gov, enter the U.S.
`application serial number, and click on “Documents.”
`he Office action may not be immediately viewable, to allow for necessary system updates of the
`application, but will be available within 24 hours of this e-mail notification.
`2)(cid:160) TIMELY RESPONSE IS REQUIRED:(cid:160) Please carefully review the Office action to determine (1)
`how to respond, and (2) the applicable response time period.(cid:160) Your response deadline will be calculated
`from 6/5/2013 (or sooner if specified in the Office action).(cid:160) For information regarding response time
`periods, see http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/process/status/responsetime.jsp.
`o NOT hit “Reply” to this e-mail notification, or otherwise e-mail your response because the
`USPTO does NOT accept e-mails as responses to Office actions.(cid:160) Instead, the USPTO recommends that
`you respond online using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) response form located at
`3)(cid:160) QUESTIONS:(cid:160) For questions about the contents of the Office action itself, please contact the
`assigned trademark examining attorney.(cid:160) For technical assistance in accessing or viewing the Office action
`in the Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) system, please e-mail TSDR@uspto.gov.
`Failure to file the required response by the applicable response deadline will result in the
`ABANDONMENT of your application.(cid:160)
`For more information regarding abandonment,
`companies not associated with the USPTO are using information provided in trademark applications to
`mail or e-mail trademark-related solicitations.(cid:160) These companies often use names that closely resemble the
`USPTO and their solicitations may look like an official government document.(cid:160) Many solicitations require
`that you pay “fees.” (cid:160)(cid:160)
`Please carefully review all correspondence you receive regarding this application to make sure that you are
`responding to an official document from the USPTO rather than a private company solicitation.(cid:160) All
`official USPTO correspondence will be mailed only from the “United States Patent and Trademark
`Office” in Alexandria, VA; or sent by e-mail from the domain “@uspto.gov.” (cid:160) For more information on