`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Pro-Tek Chemical, Inc.
`PO BOX 877
`BOISE, ID 83701-0877
`swanson@dykaslaw.com, judy@dykaslaw.com
`Reply Brief
`prok403_2012_09_06_reply_brief.pdf ( 9 pages )(365173 bytes )
`Judy M. Hopkins
`/Judy M. Hopkins/
`Applied for Mark
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Serial No. 85227983
`APPLICANT: Pro-Tek Chemical, Inc.
`Examining Attorney: Cimmerian Coleman
` Examining Office 102
`Applicant respectfully reiterates that the Examining Attorney incorrectly dissected the
`Applicant’s mark into its individual components. The mark should be considered as a whole as
`TITAN ORANGE due to the large number of Titans, found both on the submitted Internet
`printouts as well as the printouts from the Trademark Office’s website. As the Examiner
`specifically stated, “[t]he weakness or dilution of a particular mark is generally determined in the
`context of the number and nature of similar marks in use in the marketplace in connection with
`similar goods and/or services.” Examining Atty’s Brief at page 5. The printout of Internet
`websites of third party uses of the mark TITAN for cleaners and/or degreasers with or without a
`second word, such as TITAN GREEN, is specifically what the Examining Attorney states is
`needed to show dilution/weakness of a mark but has failed to consider.
`Applicant further disputes that the Applicant’s use of the term ORANGE is descriptive.
`Applicant disclaimed this portion of the mark to further the prosecution of the mark in what
`Applicant thought would speed prosecution of the mark. Applicant’s product uses an orange
`peel extract as the active ingredient in Applicant’s cleaning product. Specifically the ingredient
`is d-limonene, a chemical common to household cleaners. Thus Applicant’s use of the term
`ORANGE, is suggestive of the chemical used as the cleaner as opposed to descriptive of the
`actual cleaner itself. Further, as set forth by the Wikipedia printout, Limonene is a colorless
`liquid that “give[s] a lemon orange scent” and in fact comes from a variety of citrus fruits. Thus
`the term is suggestive of what is in the Applicant’s cleaner and degreaser. Applicant’s cleaner
`and degreaser is not made of oranges, orange peels, or anything that makes the term ORANGE
`anything less than suggestive. Further when the term ORANGE is used in TITAN ORANGE,
`there are no descriptive properties of the term and thus the mark TITAN ORANGE should be
`viewed as a whole.
`Applicant further disputes the Examiner’s statement that “[t]he fact that other entities use
`the wording TITAN is not relevant with respect to the case at hand.” Third party uses of the
`term TITAN are relevant to show that consumers will distinguish between the marks based on
`the secondary wording of the marks. Many of the Applicant’s cited marks use descriptive
`terminology such as GREEN, DEGREASER, etc. thus a consumer would look to the marks as a
`whole in order to distinguish between each mark’s overall commercial impression because there
`are so many marks using the term TITAN on the marketplace. Further, the Examining
`Attorney’s cited marks being in the fields of 1) cleaning and 2) degreasing along with the
`Examining Attorney’s submission of third party marks (attached to the initial office action) to
`show that cleaning and degreasing products emanate from the same source specifically show that
`the Examiner’s cited marks are indicative that the mark TITAN are diluted, weak, and entitled
`to extremely limited protection. Accordingly Applicant respectfully submits that the Examining
`Attorney has not established a likelihood of confusion between the marks because the mark
`TITAN ORANGE should be considered in its entirety with no one portion of the mark being
`dominant because there are a very large number of TITANs already in existence which leads
`consumers to consider differences between each individual mark.
`Dated this 6th day of September, 2012. Respectfully submitted,
`/Scott D. Swanson/
`Scott D. Swanson
`Reg. No. 60170
`1403 W. Franklin Street
`P.O. Box 877
`Boise, Idaho 83709
`(208) 345-1122
`Attorney for Applicant
`Limonene - Wrkipedia, the free encyclopedia
` ..T._,
`bther iiarries 7
`Racemic: DL-limonene; dipentene
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`From Wikipcdia, the free encyclopedia
`Limonene is a colourless liquid hydrocarbon
`classified as a cyclic terpene. The more
`common D isomer possesses a strong smell of
`orangesm It is used in chemical synthesis as a
`prectnsor to carvone and as a renewably based
`solvent in cleaning products.
`Limonene takes its name fiom the lemon, as the
`rind ofthe lemon, like other citrus fruits,
`contains considerable amounts of this
`compound, which contributes to their odor.
`Limonene is a chiral molecule, and biological
`sources produce one enantiorner: the principal
`industrial source, citrus fi'uit, contains D-
`limonene ((+)-limonene), which is the
`(R)-enantiomer (CAS nLm1ber 5989-27-5,
`EINECS number 227-813-5). Racemic
`lirnonene is known as dipentene.[2] D-Limonene
`is obtained commercially fi'om citrus fruits
`through two primary methods: centrifugal
`separation or steam distillation
`l Jl 1
`1 1 NJ1
`lChemical reactions
`l.l Biosynthesis
`I 2 Uses
`- 3 Safety
`I 4 Compendial status
`5 See also
`6 References
`I I
`I 7 Further reading
`I 8 External links
`Chemical reactions
`Limonene is a relatively stable terpene and can
`be distilled without decomposition, although at
`elevated temperatures it cracks to form
`isoprene.[3] It oxidizes easily in moist air to
`Limonene - Wtkipedla, the free encyclopedia
`produce carveoL carvone, and limonene
`oxide.[4] With sulfur, it undergoes
`dehydrogenation to p-cy1nene.["""”"’” ”“""d]
`Limonene occurs naturally as the
`(R)-enantiomer, but racemizes to dipentene at
`300 °C. When warmed with mineral acid,
`limonene isomerizes to the conjugated diene
`a-terpinene (which can also easily be convened
`to p-cymene). Evidence for this isomerization
`includes the formation of Diels-Alder adducts
`between a-terpinene adducts and malcic
`It is possible to efliect reaction at one ofthe
`double bonds selectively. Anhydrous hydrogen
`chloride reacts preferentially at the disubstituted
`alkene, whereas epoxidation with MCPBA
`occurs at the trisubstituted alkene.
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`standard state (at 25 °c, 100 kPa)
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`Infobox references
`In another synthetic method Markovnikov
`addition oftrifluoroacetic acid followed by hydrolysis ofthe acetate gives terpineol
`Limonene is formed from geranyl pyrophosphate, via cyclization ofa neryl carbocation or its equivalent as
`shown.[5] The final step involves loss ofa proton from the cation to ibrrn the alkene.
`gcran) I
`) +
`The most widely practiced conversion of limonene is to carvone. The three step reaction begins with the
`regioselective addition ofnitrosyl chloride across the trisubstituted double bond. This species k then converted to
`the oxime with base, and the hydroxylamine is removed to give the ketone-containing carvone.m
`Limonene is common in cosmetic products. As the main odor constituent ofcitrus (plant family Rutaceae), D-
`limonene is used in food manufacturing and some medicines, e.g. as a flavoring to mask the bitter taste ofalkaloids,
`and as a flagrant in pcrfitmery, it is also used as botanical insecticide,[6] particularly the (R)-(+)-enantiomer is most
`active as an insecticide. It is added to cleaning products such as hand cleansers to give a lemon-orange fragrance
`(see orange oil). In contrast, L-limonene has a piney, t1npentine- like odor.
`:n.wikipedia.org/W Dtl/Umonene
`Umonene - Wiktpedia, the free ency dopedla
`In natural and alternative medicine, D-limonene is marketed to relieve gastroesophageal reflux disease and
`Limonene is increasingly being used as a solvent for cleaning ptuposes, such as the removal ofoil iiom rmchine
`parts, as it is produced from a renewable source (citrus oil, as a byproduct of orange juice manuiacture). It also
`serves as a paint stripper when applied to painted wood and is also usefiil as a fragrant alternative to turpentine.
`Limonene is also used as a solvent in some model airplane glues. All-nattnal commercial air Iiesheners, with air
`propellants, containing limonene are used by philatelists to remove seliladhesive postage stamps fiom envelope
`As it is combustible, limonene has also been considered as a biofi1el[9]
`Limonene can be used to dissolve polystyrene, and is a more ecologically fiiendly substitute for
`acetone_[citation needed]
`In preparing tissues ibr hktology or histopathology, D-limonene is often used as a less toxic substitute for xylene
`when clearing dehydrated specimens. Clearing agents are liquids miscible with alcohols (such as ethanol or
`kopropanol) and with melted paraflin wax, in which specimens are embedded to facilitate cutting ofthin sections lbr
`microscopy.[l°][' um]
`Lirnonene and its oxidation products are skin and respiratory irritants, and limonene- l,2—oxide (formed by aerial
`oxidation) is a known skin sensitizer. Most reported cases of irritation have involved long-term industrial exposure
`to the pure compound, e.g. during degreasing or the preparation ofpaints. However, a study of patients presenting
`dermatitis showed that 3% were sensitized to limonene.“3]
`Although high doses have been shown to cause renal cancer in rmle rats,['4] limonene is considered by some
`researchers to be a potential chemopreventive agent [15] with value as a dietary anti-cancer tool in hurmns.[l6]
`There '5 no evidence for carcinogenicity or genotoxicity in hurmns. The IARC classifies D-limonene as a Group 3
`carcinogen: not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.[l3][l7]
`No infbrrmtion is available on the health eflects ofinhalation exposure to D-limonene in huimns, and no long-term
`inhalation studies have been conducted in laboratory anirir3ls.[""“’i°" "eededl
`D-Limonene E biodegradable, but due to its low flash point, it must be treated as hazardous waste for
`d1-sposal_[citation needed]
`Compendial status
`I British Pharrmcopoeia Us]
`See also
`I Citral
`I Perfume allergy
`Umonene - Vwkipedia, the free ency dopedla
`. " " '’ Fahlbusch, Karl-Georg; Hammerschmidt, Franz-Josef; Panten, Johannes; Pickenhagen, Wilhelm;
`Schatkowski, Dietmar; Bauer, Kurt; Garbe, Dorothea; Surburg, Horst (2003). "Flavors and Fragrances". Ullmann's
`Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. doi:10.l002/ l4356007.a1 1_l4l
`(http://dx.doi.org/10.l002%2Fl4356007.al 1_l41) . ISBN 978-3-527-30673-2.
`" J. L. Simonsen (I947). The Terpenes. 1 (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. OCDC 477048261
`(//www.worIdcat.org/oclc/47704826I) .
`. " Pakdel, H (2001). "Production of dl-Iimonene by vacuum pyrolysis of used tires". Journal of Analytical and
`Applied Pyrolysis 57: 91-107. doi:I0. I016/S0165-2370(00)00136-4 (httpf/dx.doi.org/10.10I6%2FS0165-
`2370%2800%2900136-4) .
`" Karlberg, Ann-Therese; Magnusson, Kerstin; Nilsson, Ulrika (1992). "Air oxidation of d-Iimonene (the citrus
`solvent) creates potent allergens". Contact Dermatitis 26 (5): 332-40. doi:10.1 1 1 1/j.1600-0536.1992.tb00129.x
`(http://dx.doi.org/10.11Il%2Fj.1600-0536.1992.tb00I29.x) . PMID 1395597
`(//www.ncbi.nhn.nfl1.gov/pubmed/ 1395597) .
`. " Mann, J. C.; Hobbs, J. B.; Banthorpe, D. V.; Harbome, J. B. (1994). Natural products: their chemistry and
`biological significance. Harlow, Essex, England: Longman Scientific & Technical pp. 308-9. ISBN 0-582-06009-
`5 "
`EPA R.E.D. Fact Sheet on Limonene (http://www.epa.gov/oppsrrdl/REDS/factsheets/3083fact.pdf) , September
`" Sun, J (2007). "D-Limonene: safety and clinical applications". Alternative medicine review: a journal of clinical
`therapeutic 12 (3): 259-64. PMID 18072821 (//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmcd/I8072821) .
`" Butler, Peter (October 2010). "lt's Like Magic; Removing Self-Adhesive Stamps from Paper"
`(httpd/www.stamps.org/AP/GuestI010.pdt) . American Philatelist (American Philatelic Society) 124 (10): 910-
`13. httpi/www.stamps.org/AP/Guest]010.pdf.
`" Cyclone Power to Showcase External Combustion Engine at SAE Event
`(http://www.greencarcongress.com/2007/09/cyclone-power-t.html) , Green Car Congress, 20 September 2007
`" Wynnchuk, Maria (1994). "Evaluation of Xylene Substitutes For A Paraffin Tissue Processing"
`(httpi/www.ingentaconnect.com/contcnt/maney/l1is/1994/000000l7/00000002/art000I 1) . Journal of
`Histotechnology (2): 143-9.
`httpd/www.ingentaconnect.com/coutent/maney/his/1994/00000017/00000002/art0001 I .
`" Carson F 1997 I-listotechnology. A Self-Instructional Text. Chicago: ASCP Press, pp.28-31. ISBN 089189411.
`" Kiernan JA 2008 Histological and Histochemical Methods. 4th ed. Bloxham, UK, pp.54,57. ISBN 978-1-904842-
`. " " b "d-LlMONENE" (httpi/monographsjarc.fr/ENG/Monographs/voI73/mon073-l6.pdf) . Some Chemicals that
`Cause Tumours of the Kidney or Urinary Bladder in Rodents and Some Other Substances
`(http1/rnonographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Monographs/vo173/volume73.pdf) . IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of
`Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. 73. International Agency for Research on Cancer. 1999. pp. 307-27. ISBN 978-
`92-832- 1 273-7. http://monographs. iarc.fr/ENG/Monographs/vol73/mono73- I 6.pdf.
`" National Toxicology, Program (1990). "NTP Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of d-Limonene (CAS No.
`5989-27-5) in F344/N Rats and B6C3Fl Mice (Gavage Studies)"
`(httpf/ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/htdocs/LT_rpts/tr347.pdt) . National Toxicology Program technical report series 347:
`1-165. PMID 12704437 (//www.ncbi.nlm.nfli.gov/pubmed/I2704437) .
`" Crowell, PL (1999). "Prevention and therapy of cancer by dietary monoterpenes"
`(httpi/jn.nutrition.org/cgi/pmidIookup?view=long&pmid=I0082788) . The Journal of nutrition 129 (3): 775S-
`778S. PMID 10082788 (//www.ncbi.nIm.nih.gov/pubmed/10082788) . httpi/jn.nutrition.org/cgi/pmidlookup?
`" Tsuda, Hiroyuki; Ohshima, Yutaka; Nomoto, Hiroshi; Fujita, Ken-Ichi; Matsuda, Eiji; Iigo, Masaaki; Takasuka,
`Nobuo; Moore, Malcolm A. (2004). "Cancer Prevention by Natural Compounds". Drug Metabolism and
`Pharmacokinetics 19 (4): 245-63. doi:l0.2l33/dmpk.l9.245 (httpf/dx.doi.org/10.2133%2Fdmpk. 19.245) .
`:n.w tklpedIa.otgIwlkiILtmonene
`Limonene - Wlklpedla, the free enwdopedia
`PMID 15499193 (//www.ncbi.nlm.nfli.gov/pubmed/ 15499193) .
`" "Ranking Possible Cancer Hazards on the HERP Index" (http;//potency.1bL gov/pdfs/herp.pdf) .
`http'//potency.lbl.gov/pdfs/herp.pdf. Retrieved 19 March 2007.
`" The British Pharmacopoeia Secretariat (2009). "Index, BP 2009"
`(httpd/www.pharmacopocia.co.uk/pdf/2009_index.pdf) . http://www.pharmacopoeia.co.uk/pdf/2009_index.pdf.
`Retrieved 3] March 2010.
`Further reading
`E. E. Turner, M. M. Harris (1952). Organic Chemistry. London: Longrmns, Green & C0,.
`OCLC 41665654 (//www.wor1dcat.org/oclc/41665654) .
`Wallach, O. (1888). 'Zur Kenntniss der Terpene und der éitherischen Oele". Justus Liebigis Annalen der
`Chemie 246 (2): 221-39. dok10.1002/jlac.18882460205
`(http://dxdoi.org/l0.l002%2Fjlac.18882460205) .
`Blumann, A.; ZeitscheL 0. (1914). "Ein Beitrag zur Autoxydation des Limonens". Berichte der deutschen
`chemischen Gesellschaft 47 (3): 2623-8. doi:l0.1002/cber.l9140470339
`(httpf/dx.doiorg/I0.1002%2Fcber. 19140470339) .
`"Limonene" (httpi/www.reptoxcsst.qc.ca/DetailSimdut.asp?no_produit=6783&langue=A) . Workplace
`Hazardous Materials Information System. Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail 3
`November 2005. http1/www.reptox.csst.qc.ca/DetailSimdut.asp?no_produit=6783&1angue=A.
`Matura, M; Goossens, A; Bordalo, 0; Garcia-Bravo, B; Magnusson, K; Wrangsjo, K; Karlberg, AT
`(2002). "Oxidized citrus oil (R-limonene): A frequent skin sensitizer in Europe". Journal of the American
`Academy ofDermatology 47 (5): 709-14. doi:10. 1067/mjd.2002. 124817
`(httpf/dx.doiorg/10.1 067%2Frqjd.2002. 124817) . PMID 12399762
`(//www.ncbi.n1m.nih.gov/pubmed/1 2399762) .
`Hirota, Ryoji; Roger, Ngatu Nlandu; Nakamura, Hiroyuki; Song, Hee-Sun; Sawamura, Masayoshi;
`Suganuma, Namfiimi (2010). "Anti-inflammatory Effects ofLimonene from Yuzu (Citrus junos Tanaka)
`Essential Oil on Eosinophils". Journal ofFood Science 75 (3): H87—92. doi:10.1 11 1/j.1750-
`384l.2010.0l541.x (http'//dx.doi.orgl 0.1 1 11%2Fj.1750-3841.20l0.0l541.x) . PMID 20492298
`(//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20492298) .
`Yoon, Weon-Jong; Lee, Nam Ho; Hyun, Chang-Gu (2010). "Limonene Suppresses Lipopo1ysaccharide-
`Induced Production ofNitric Oxide, Prostaglandin E2, and Pro-inflammatory Cytokines in RAW 264.7
`Macrophages". Journal of Oleo Science 59 (8): 415-21. doi:10.5650/jos.59.415
`(http://dx.doi.org/10.5650%2Fjos.59.415) . PMID 20625233
`(//www.ncbinlrnnih.gov/pubmed/20625233) .
`External links
`Detailed description ofd- limonene fi'om Biochem Corp. (httpJ/www.biochemcorpcom/dlimonene2.htm)
`d-limonene infiarmation fi'om the United States Environmental Protection Agency
`Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/W/index.php?title=Limonene&oldid=502795532"
`Categories: Hydrocarbon solvents I Insecticides I Flavors I Histotechnology Monoterpenes
`I IARC Group 3 carcinogens
`Umonene - Wiklpedla. the free enw dopedla
`I This page was last modified on 17 July 2012 at 13:48.
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