`Sent: 5/26/2012 6:53:00 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 85186655 - EAT FIT - MIK-101T -
`Request for Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 6 of 7
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 4
`Files: kl-05.jpg, kl-06.jpg, kl-07.jpg, kl-08.jpg
`hllg ffwvvw uemcenutritiun :umt'the5y51em.asp>:
`05/25/2012 US 20 04 AM
`Tho¥I9eatefl1I'eepliiue51i>|eatniI1g hoMowcnmu|frflibI'I.and mm$5péI11Ianenliy"Im yourlfestylez
`Phase 1~BI.|l!fi'Ig y0ufB0qyCm'|fIl!E|'ltePfiI|
`Pha5e2—Mas0er'l1gyourBody comidencePlan
`nxnpeiréxnoneplraseto-men1sm.Asy:mriIastereacn;x1ase, yaucancnecmmfiywr
`Isi.at1duus:>flware'wIremeIIme1'rsbea1cmssed'mn'—merIexlflneyou |ogI1. '|'h'5
`To acl3ieuepe|11|aI'IeI.'lI resellfls-you need tmwo main mnponams:
`1.‘A.6ame PimUwf Body Oonlimance Ran)
`Nawmlhavenlceuuitllian MeIII1ET$l1IHttmgetbd|hl\NeI1a\reLaunched1heFits|
`EVH | Q%QGOfl9flflflT®lm§§flEOWflLWeEMH€am
`I GM|%¢flfl'I temleiedawroundyou
`- |me!at1ive6hansa11dGtap'ns0oh'aclc_youfpmgress
`- AbiIyIocantiueupda1i\g.armaa'psIi1gyourgoals
`. wnrI'<srmMGna!T-;pes':
`3: Lxise Weigflflflody Fat. Tone up
`9 GainWei_L]lnIStrx:ngln.InLneaseLBPaI
`5 Htglwerfonnamze
`httg ffwvvw uemcenutritiun cuml'the5y5tem.asp>:
`05/25/2012 US 20 04 AM
`Customized Meal Plans
`back to top Q
`Your custounlzed meal plans are based on your goals, Elfatyle, current health, level ot
`exerclse and your food preferences, We'll never ask you to cut calories or cLrl out
`whole food groups. or to "diet" lI1 any way. Instead we'll teach you now to eat trequent.
`balanced meas throughout the day to stabilize your blood sogarand help you to lose
`weight, increase your metabolism, build lean muscle and increase your energy Each
`meal on your customized plan will match your customized Body Confidence Plan 50
`there's no guess work. Just choose a delicious meal on your plan and enjoy!
`Over 100!) Ilea.lOp|ion-9
`Wlltl endless meal CIIOKZES tor breaklast, lunch, dlnner_ snacks and even (Semen, you'll
`have new and auciting meats everyday, With our extensive tbod database you will have
`the ability to quickly exchange food items wslhln a meal and create new meals. The
`soflware does all the work for you, You‘EI never need to count calories, do math, or try
`[0 figure OUT VOLII OWI1 IHIIOS. We ITIBKE H easy!
`Creative and Healthy Rpe Database
`Our Recipe COFIBCIIOI1 was created by Venice Nutrilinns Head Chet, who is also a
`Certified Master Coach. In addition to belng tasty and delicious, each recipe is healthy
`and balanced as well. Thfie simpletoanalte recipes work great for both singlfi and
`families. Our recipe database I5 lrpdaled uua bmuekly basis so you will In-we: get
`nun... Colllcltnn
`m..,.n. "W F; .14.
`. ll... Aflllulxlfl «..-l...,_, n...
`bored with your recipe choices.
` llnmvnlluhvlllunnniwilllnnntlnmiwntvxnuwllllvfi.
`Personalized Exerdse Plan
`had: In rap -9-
`The goal at Venice Ntrlrltlon ‘ls to teach you how to maximize your workout routine for taster results in less time. Your personalized exerclse
`plan is centered on your Eilestyle and includes
`. Recommendations on exercise frequency and duration to achieve your goals
`05/25/2012 US 20 04 AM
`hllg ffwvvw uemcenutritiun :umt'the5y5tem.asp>:
`.............._ .,.. ............., .._.,......._, ....... ............. .. .........,... ,.,... ,-.._
`- Your personal Target Heart Rate for faster fat burning resutts
`- Detatted instructions on how to efl'rc'rent1’y perform Red Frber ("fat tlumlng") and
`Whrte Fber ("sugar burnrng") carrfrorvascular exercise to avoid fitness plateaus and
`maxmlze each workorrt
`- Correct aercise technique and protocol to prevent injury and incrwe results
`- Rxornmerrnfatioirs foran optimal exercise schedule rncludrng cardrorrascutar
`training, corelresistance trarning and stretching
`Interactive J'or.rrr"ral
`Your Interactive ioumai is a fast and easy way to keep track of your meals, exercrse
`routines and your changes in body fat and weight, Whether you choose to "jourrrai" fur
`a few weeks orjournal inoelinhely, its an enectrrre learning toot and great source or
`rr'rotivatior1..loumating will hetp keep you in tune with your body. it is a great way foryou
`to become seif aware of what works for you and help you adclras any chaflenges you
`may have, You‘ll get faster and better rasults,
`Custnm Foods Database
`Venice Nutritiorfs database has trrorrsands of food options. and the abiiity for you to
`am] yum uvrrrr ursturrr fuuds, Uurrg urrr Srrflware luub, you can uarsrty and your Iavurrlr:
`foods and brand names tbreven more options in your rneai choices and recipes. Once
`added, new foods ilrrrrredratety became part of the rest of the food database so you can
`easiiy rrmorporate them into existing rneabornevrrr meals
`Custnllrized Grocery List
`Your customized grocery trst will autornatrcaity update as you change and edrl your
`rrtr-ants Sirnpty print it out and take it with your for easy shopping and plannrng
`\ Beverages
`‘Beverage; Cold
`ikmaana Organic Piair
`}Lana O Lakes 2% cc
`%St‘a1:3/‘S Simp7y'Nei1€'e[
`lrraneat Tea Mango A
`hllg ffwvvw uemcenutritiun :umt'the5y51em.asp>:
`05/25/2012 US 20 04 AM
`3£x1ulpl1y'5{t)logy mine I1I.|I1|8l1 Indy, brood 5II9a‘Istab§mIi1I|,wtIy"di£e1i1g"andyJ5l
`creamrand IEO, Marknlaoaonaia
`Your onl1e|IIenIherIiaIId!I01)M$aI1E:x:%IlS1Iur:e ufi1frmIIa|2‘aI1,V\fIhIL Wu‘! learn
`"t.'-uullling satanic-5' ans um perInaneI1l:'mmlimua lb math opliml haal_II1 and sotrucll
`more, You‘!-also Earn hmlio opiinim each aspecl ofynur Body Culrlicleme Plan for
`739‘ 310 Defllianem l'3'5”n5-
`‘” ”E“'r"_ "
`“-3.13” I’.
`somrm II - Mawm mourmn RESULTS
`smnm m - amu..arr or non
`A1VeI1ict.=S!_l1.m'iioI1,we;_)ride oIJr§;ewesolIlI1e'leveiof9uppaortarInronI1&I1:|eI1twe
`pmviieaunnenltias, Ourcafifiecl Vernicemmiim coaclaesamhete furyuu ffyou
`have a question. jufl ask, We’&: hanmflo hem! Your rzuslullizad pmgraln mines mm
`you mm personaielnax coagtll Ii_JfCOlBIE.I’fl support.
`addimnaf :ar:'sct@g'L} are avaitabie >>
`TheI(ey'i|1 Malmgynurl-feaml aPrbrflyisDyIieceII:|iI'Ig educaledon hauyaxbodywoflcsaltd haw1on\aloeilwbI1('fo(you.Thi5iswhy
`VElIteNI.NIiiDll'5Io|is'§IflI'I |sTflE:!uca£eil1d|ViiIJaBonl10*wIBllDI!:N|JlIiil1lI. FIl‘|flaI1dG'\f£§IalH$IlIF’EllIEneu|IyI1§£)II1siILif$ly!e,
`\N'e are-conmualy flenmg to yourvafliabie Feedback and Ina one Ihilg requmlad
`most is torus Io paomue Inotecuiiing eclgeeaucaliunai am nnwanmaltmts. we
`iifun:ii(x1fl1a1iSrelaIan1,ba£hix!tiys:iance_und¢!5Imx!_a|1d£anm H - L
`back I mp 1-