`Kaayla T. Danie! V. Catherine V. Arnston
`carmfiaiion $40.
`Regjstratinn M0,: 3867345
`Regiskafian Date: October 26, 2010
`Oppasition; No. __________________
`Appfication ';Mo.:. 35‘! 19071
`Ffling Date: August 30., "2010
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`George Clooney Declines to be the Scent of Mr Tofu!
`March 19th, 2009 Posted in News
`Several years ago the LA Tofu Festival featured Mr. Tofu Finding his Perfect Match.
`— the animal rights organization —- known for bringing attention to its cause through blood and
`nudity, gets its way Mr. Tofu will soon have the smell, if not the looks of George Clooney.
`A w
`sell a unique tofu flavored with me sweat of George Clooney. Even
`not make this up!
`'5‘ 2
`Seems someone stole a gym towel used by the
`actor, gave it to PETA, which may now manufacture a special tofu product to be known as “Clo-
`The idea is women will reject meat in favor of this specially scented tofu, thus saving the lives of
`millions of animals that would otherwise be killed for meat.
`Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA
`told the Washington Post last week that the towel was the gift of a PEI'A supporter who thought
`the organization could raise money by auctioning it off. Instead Newkirk came up with the idea
`of using food science technology to duplicate Clooney’s perspiration into a novel new ingredient
`that can be added to tofu product. As she put it, ‘What would make tofu more attractive to
`people?’ .
`. I can see people having parties to t:ry CloFu.”
`Will there be pheromones in that scent? Nope, and the scent itself will be artificial just like the
`other artificial and “natural” flavorings give taste and flavor to tofu.
`Sounds PETAful to me. And apparently to Clooney as well. Speaking through his rep, he
`summed it up in one sentence: “As a mammal, l’rn offended.”
`As for PETA, Clo—fu will be a tough act to swallow!
`Like Sex Like Chocolate
`December 5th, 2007 Posted in News
`Cadbury Chocolate did a survey, and announced with great fanfare last month that more than half
`the women in the UK would rather curl up with chocolate her than let a man get a leg over.
`That’s not good news for those British men who like to boast that they’ve got more than a stiff
`upper lip!
`Seems the researchers asked 1,524 adults how they like to treat themselves. About 66 percent of
`the women saw chocolate as a “mood enhancer,” and the 18-24 year old women even knew
`industry buzz about chocolate “releasing mood enhancing endorphins.”

`The most startling find was 52 percent of the women said they’d choose chocolate over sex. As
`one of the women put it, “Chocolate provides guaranteed pleasure.”
`Two things about this quote struck me right away: First, McDonalds and other fast-food
`franchises have built their businesses on the guarantee of the exact same mediocre experience
`every time. Secondly, seems to me a love affair with chocolate need not be an “either—or”
`proposition. How about “arid-both.” In other words, enjoy chocolate and sex together!
`Whether or not chocolate arouses us with phenylethylamine and other potent “love chemicals,”
`it’s a time-honored gift in courtship rituals.
`This headline—grabbing study from the Brits is the latest in a marketing push for chocolate that’s
`been going on all spring. Anything after this will surely be anticlirnactic! To determine which
`studies are valid, which justify hope, which are mere hype — and__why_f_gwoul>d take a book the
`size of The Whole Soy Story. For now, let me simply share some
`starting with
`two great headlines I found in my email box from Nutra-Ingredients-USA
`“Nestle builds science to support cocoa polyphenol claims”
`“Hershey builds on health portfolio.”
`help chocolate shed its
`Notice here what Big Choc is “building” — a “science base” that
`image as a “bad snack” to emerge as a “health food” with “goodness benefits.”
`Just like the
`soy industry! As senior vice president Michele Buck of Hershey said, “This interest is driving
`explosive growth.”
`To date, most of the health claims for chocolate center on cocoa’s antioxidant capacity.
`Although the studies are inconsistent, some evidence does link coooa’s polyphenols, flavanols
`and other antioxidants to a positive effect on circulatory system diseases, mental health, Type 2
`diabetes, cancer, inflammatory diseases and weight loss.
`In March, there was even the headline
`“Should cocoa flavanol be classed as a ‘vitamin’? The chocolate industry, of course, has taken
`this hype straight to the bank. And with few people warming that for bitter cocoa to taste good
`and become the chocolate we all love, sugar ~— sometimes a lot of sugar -— goes into the mix.
`Scientists not in the employ of Willy Wonka or other chocolate companies remain less
`convinced. An article in the April issue of the American Chemical Society’s journal Chemical
`Research in Toxicology quoted scientists from Rutgers with a sober warning:
`“Although consumption ofdietary phytochemicals such asflavonoids has been suggested to have
`beneficial biological effects including the prevention ofcancer and heart disease, there is
`considerable evidence to suggest that such compounds are not without risk ofadverse efiects.
`The risk ofadverse ejfects is likely increased by the use ofpharmacological doses in prevention/
`treatment and supplement situations . . . that may increase the
`Besides the polyphenols found in chocolate, the Rutgers team was concerned about excessive
`consumption of green tea polyphenols and genistein from soy. Having personally researched
`genistein in depth, this definitely resonated with me. The takeaway: Always look long and hard
`at the marketing behind any health claims, however impressive they might first appear!

`Now what about those British ladies? Knowing the ins and outs of study design, data recording
`and conclusions, I expect they didn’t really say What Cadbury said they said.
`[ Sad if really
`true.] One thing’s certain though: when it comes to chocolate, the marketing is way ahead of
`the science.
`In time, that will undoubtedly sort itself out_though_gitW1_n_a}_'__tak someone —- not me!
`— writing The Whole Chocolate Story. In the
`would like
`to know whether chocolate — presumably dark, unsweetened, traditionally processed cocoa nibs
`— was the secret to Montezuma’s legendary reputation as a lover.
`that have been
`Now that we’re talking about chocolate and sex, here’s
`circulating on the intemet. They just might explain what Cadbury’s researchers found:
`Good chocolate is easy to find
`You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to.
`You can bite the nuts as hard as you’d like.
`Chocolate satisfies whether it’s hard or soft.
`The word “commitment” doesn’t faze chocolate-
`You can have chocolate on your desk both during and after office hours.
`And best of all, with chocolate you never, ever need to fake it!
`c copyright 2007 Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN
`“Dating Games” at this Year’s LA Tofu Festival
`September 2nd, 2007 Posted in News
`The theme for this year’s L.A. Tofu Festival held last month was finding Tofu ’s “perfect
`match.” To this end, hundreds of ingredients went on “blind dates” with Tofu and soon
`after gave birth to “an exciting assortment of specialty dishes.” Or so the publicists
`would like us to believe.”
`Among the winning propositions:
`“Can I get a scoop on you?” —- — NiceCream
`“Do you find me a—peeling?” — — Bananafana
`“I bean waiting for you all my life.” — BeanyBaby
`“I ’m ready to add substance to someone’s bland existence.” -— -— SoyMeetsGirl
`“I’m looking for someone who needs some spice and substance in the frying pan.” —
`Vegan 17
`“You can meet me at my place or we can soy each other wherever you like.” ——
`“I’m adventurous and willing to experiment” —ToFujii
`“Don’t forget to use a condiment.” — SaucySoy
`Interesting indeed given the fact that Tofu was welcome at Zen monasteries to help monks
`maintain their vows of celibacy.

`©copyright 2007 Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN
`If vou liked this column, vou might also enjoy my piece
`Note to readers:
`stranger than fiction. I
`on Tofuzilla and other spongy characters from earlier festivals.
`did not make these up!
`No Comments
`And now, VeganSexuals!
`August 26th, 2007 Posted in News
`Learn all about them from Dr. William Campbell Douglass H MD.
`“I ’ll admit, when I read that headline on Fox News a few days ago, I got a good chuckle
`out of it, especially when I read the “why” behind this voluntary sexual exile —— it’s
`because vegans consider the bodies of meat -eaters to be “a graveyard for animals.” Of
`all the outlandish things I’ve heard in my 81 years, this one’s up there with the best of
`the best. I don’t know if this New Zealand phenomenon has extended beyond the
`island ’s borders or not, but it’s Widespread enough there to Warrant an official name for
`these weirdoes. They’re called vegansexuals.
`One vegansexual said, “I believe we are What we consume, so I really snuggle with
`non-vegans when it comes to sexual contact.” Another said, “I would not Want to be
`intimate with someone Whose body is literally made up from the bodies of animals who
`have died for their sustenance.”
`Oh brother. I think all that processed soybean junk food has gone to their heads — and
`their sex organs, too. The research is in, and it’s alarming: Veganism from birth causes
`mal development of sex organs in males. (Read The Whole Soy Story to get the scoop.
`You’ll be astounded.)
`Next thing you know, vegans will be cutting out sex altogether, which, come to think of it,
`Wou1dn’t be much of a stretch. And that’s what I think this story is REALLY about. It’s not
`so much that vegans don’t want to have sex with meat-eaters —— it’s that they can’t
`handle being partnered up with someone who actually has a sex drive-”
`—- Source:
`Daily Dose, August 21, 2007.” To subscribe, www.douglassrepgrtcomldailydose/
`Other omnivores have also shown a great sense of humor.” One blogger said he
`would consider the body of a vegan to be a “rotting compost pile of vegetables.”” This

`Omnivore vs Vegan
`August 25th, 2007 Posted in News Tags: vegetarian
`This article “Omnivore vs Vegan” was a cover story for E1ergyTmes magazine- It may help you
`decide whether Mother Nature designed us to eat animal products or we should consider
`Veganism “our next big evolutionary leap.” Speaking for the vegans is Hope Ferdowsian, MD, of
`the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine- EnergyTmes selected me to represent the
`omnivores because I’m on the Board of Directors of the Weston A. Price Foundation, but did so
`only on the condition that I NOT speak out about soy. I agreed, expecting to be identified as the
`author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side ofAmerica’s Favorite Health Food. Apparently
`that was too much for EnergyTmes‘
`the _boo_k__’s entire title was eliminated from my
`biography. Didn’t get identified as
`there either. Guess they didn’t
`want to offend any vegans with my humor or the implication that they aren't “naughty.”
`December 18th, 2006 Posted in News
`69 Weird and Wickedly Funny Facts about Soy
`P3’ Kaayla T: D. 1119.12. PhD’ CCN
`C i
`The Los Angeles Tofu Festival this year stars a blocky “Mr Tofu,” a spongy fun guy who says
`“it’s hip to be square.” Has soy fried his brain or have things changed sincel took geometry in
`1967? Looks like a cube to me!
`2. Last year’s mascot was Tofuzilla, a giant blob who descended on Little Tokyo, which
`fortunately is still standing.
`3. Before that Ninja Tofu bid us “unleash the SECRET POWER of tofu.” A secret all right!
`4. All those guys are anticliniactic though after “Fresh Naked Tofu" of 2003. PG rated, of course,
`due to missingjji
`Not the kind of guy equipped
`“to fu .
`5. For next year’s festival, I propose “Sponge Brain, Square Pants” in honor of the incredible
`shrinking brains scientists have found among tofu-eating elders.

`6. Seriously, there was nothing sexy about tofu’s invention Lord Liu—An of Hua—nan China, was
`a ruler and inventor committed to adding a low—cost protein to the vegetarian monastic diet.
`7. Soon after, the aptly named “meat without a bone” appeared on monastery menus as an aid to
`spiritual development and sexual abstinence.
`8. Seems the monks noticed that when tofu consumption went up, the naughty behavior went
`9. And that’s why Japanese wives serve extra helpings of soy to straying husbands.
`10. What else might soy be good for? Feeding politicians with the zipper problem, of course.
`11. Just think if Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky had eaten soy. It could have saved a lot of
`embarrassment to his presidency.
`12. Taking thyroid medications? Don’t eat soy or at least don’t eat at the same time. Doctors
`know that can cause a “push—pull” effect on the thyroid that can stress it out, and even cause a
`- “blow out.”
`13. Similarly, men taking the little blue pills shouldn’t eat the little yellow beans. With soimuch
`push pull and stress on the male endowment, it could wag right off.
`14. As for Viagra, rumor has it The FDA went looking for a generic name. After careful
`consideration, it announced that it has settled on Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were
`Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and, of course, Ibepokin.
`15 Okay, that last entry is fiction. Found it on the intemet somewhere and don ’t know whom to
`credit. Back to the facts, the Israeli Health Ministry Wants its citizens to obey the Biblical
`injunction to “be fruitful and multiply” and has warned parents and pediatricians to limit
`consumption of soy foods for young children and adults and for babies to avoid soy formula
`altogether. The reason for their concern: soy’s known contribution to infertility.
`16. And now the French kiss of death for soy: Out this month, the French Food Agency wants
`warning labels on packages of soy food and soy milk, particularly products marketed to children.
`17. But soy was one of the Five Sacred Gains of ancient China, right? Yes, indeed, but it was not
`honored as a food — like rice, millet, barley and wheat — but as a “green manure” with nitrogen
`fixing roots. Soy as a food came much later in human evolution, in China around the second to
`fourth century BC.
`18. Over in Japan around 5()() AD, the goddess Oketsuhime Mikoto gave birth to fermented
`soybeans for the benefit of future generations- Was that a “virgin birth”?
`19. Asians traditionally used Whole soy foods thogh soy oil was extracted in the good old days.
`Not for cooking but for kerosene type lamps, to make soap, caulk boats grease axles and
`lubricate machinery. Seems the real men didn’t want to be anywhere near it because the soy oil
`making was done by eunuchs in the palaces.

`20. As for the leftover soy protein, the eunuchs fed it to the palace animals to fatten them up as
`quickly as possible.
`21. President Sukarno of Indonesia once admonished his fellow citizens, “Don’t be a tempeh
`nation.” Although people of all classes ate this indigenous dish, Sukarno and others of his class
`considered it a food for the poor.
`22. Soy went west when traders, missionaries, botanists and other travelers brought soybeans
`back from China and Japan. Guess what they used it for. mostly ballast on ships. Or as a culinary
`or horticultural curiosity.
`23. In 17th century France, soy sauce became the “secret seasoning” used to fuel romantic
`intrigue at court banquets.
`24. In the U.S., soy was heavily promoted by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, a married man and
`lifelong virgin who regularly warned followers that sex was not only immoral but health
`25. Henry Ford produced a Soymobile out of soy plastic but failed to strengthen that plastic with
`spinach. Or improve its smell with soy sauce.
`26. Indeed it smelled so bad drivers wouldn’t take it as a gift Seems it had a “strong odor
`reminiscent of a mortuary.” Guess we could say Ford’s carrna ran over his dogma!
`27. Ford often appeared in public sporting a tie made of soy fiber, and he once made a pubic
`appearance in a suit tailored out of soybean—fiber cloth. Although the Detroit Times reported, “He
`is as delighted as a boy with his first pair of long pants,” the truth was another soy story. The suit
`was itchy when dry, smelled like a wet dog when damp, and was so prone to ripping that he
`could not bend over or cross his legs.
`28. Vegetarian Adolf Hitler was a fan of soy, but considered soy margarine “unnatural.”
`29. The Communist party in the Soviet Union once pushed soy protein and soy margarines as the
`solution to low-cost feeding of the masses and called the soybean “our yoimg revolutionary
`Chinese ally.”
`30. In 1973 Richard Nixon went to Japan and alienated US soybean farmers by confessing he
`had never seen, much less eaten, a soybean
`31. Soybeans quite naturally taste beany and greasy with bitter aftertastes and other deal
`breakers. Hardworking food scientists though have found ingenious ways to make soybeans
`palatable with sugar and other additives. The tasks are many: to improve and disguise the color,
`flavor, “bite characteristics,” “mouth feel” and aftertaste.
`32, Even the soy boys admit their products are missing something. As a booster told a writer for
`the New Yorker in 1985, “There's something about the soybean that just seems to put a lot of
`people off. You know if soybeans are in storage along with cereals, rats will always eat the
`soybeans last. Even the rats don’t like us.”

`44. Humorist Dave Barry has described a soyburger as “a well-constructed extremely cylindrical
`frozen unit of brown foodlike substance. Dave recommended it highly to anyone who either
`“needed more soy” or wanted a “backup hockey puck.”
`45. Back in 1979, the US military dictated precise specifications for purchase of 60 million
`pounds of ground beef extended with soy protein concentrate at a level of 20 percent. The
`military approved SPC — even though it is considerably more expensive than soy flour —— for
`two reasons: “better taste and lower flatulence potential.”
`46. In an episode of The Simpsons, Lisa, the vegetarian, goes to a vending machine for a snack
`and buys a “Soy Joy” energy bar. The wrapper does more than make inflated health claims, it
`boasts “Now with gag suppressor.”
`47. “Eat Here, Get Gas.” Many health experts believe soy burgers, soy hot dogs, TVP chili and
`other modern soy products provide high octane fuel. Figures released by the American Oil
`Chemists Association prove them right! SPI (soy protein isolate —— the ingredient you most often
`find in veggie burgers, energy bars and other modern products -— contains some 38 petroleum
`compounds including, but not hunted to: butyl, methyl and ethyl esters of fatty acids, phenols,
`diphenyls and phenl esters, abietic acid derivatives, diehydroabietina], hexanal and 2-butyl-2-
`octenal aldehydes; dehydroabietic acid methyl ester; dehydroabietene and abietatriene. The
`American Oil Chemists Association did not provide data on what kind of mileage soy eaters can
`48. In the late 1970s, the Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
`concluded that the only safe use for soy protein isolates was as a binder and sealer for cardboard
`boxes. No one then would have ever guessed soy protein isolate would be the product sold in
`those boxes!
`49. Afraid to eat up that soy oil in your cupboard? You needn’t throw it out even though it’s sure
`to be rancid. Joseph Mazzela, an eighth grader who exhibited at the 2002 California State
`Science Fair, proved old vegetable oils can shine as lubricants for skateboards, bikes, boats, cars
`or door hinges.
`50. In 1967 North Dakota legislators pressed for a law that would have forced margarine
`manufacturers to dye it pink or green. Yellow was reserved for real butter, and legislators thought
`it best that consumers not be fooled.
`51. Robert Novak a medical entomologist at the University of Illinois, reports soy oil is an
`excellent mosquito killer. If that seems unfair to mosquitoes, consider this buzz from the soy
`industry: that soy could later save them from developing cancer, heart disease, hot flashes and
`52. And now “The Mysterious Case of the Squirt Attacks.” A Brisbane, Australia, man was
`arrested for repeatedly squirting soy sauce at another man in a shopping mall. The victim told
`police he did not know the man or agree to — orin any way encourage —— a soy sauce squirting
`game. The soy sauce assailant refused to talk to police or explain his behavior in court. He was
`ordered to pay $300 so the man could buy a soy-free new pair of trousers and pay a fine of $150.

`53. Soy is an incomparable gas producer —— the King of Musical Fruits. Accordingly research
`dollars have poured into studies with titles such as “Flavor and flatulence factors in soybean
`protein products,” “Effects of various soybean products on flatulence in the adult man,” and
`“Development of a technique for the in vivo assessment of flatulence in dogs.”
`. test subjects have included rats, college students and other animals.
`54. About those studies . .
`“Containment devices” have included gas tight pantaloons sealed to the skin at the Waist and
`thighs using duct tape and equipped with two ports.
`55. Soy eaters who complain that their favorite foods make them gain weight and pass gas at the
`same time will soon have their prayers answered with a hot, new product named Therrnobean.
`It’s a gas—suppressing legume-protein formula that’s literally full of beans —— and the enzymes
`that will not only make those beans behave but go to work fueling your body generator.
`56. Get wind of this! Texas inventor Frank Lathrop came up with the perfect solution to the soy
`flatulence problem — a seat cushion known as the Toot Trapper Billed as a “reverse whoopee
`cushion,” it is packed with a carbon air filter that is guaranteed to absorb odors and stop toots in
`their tracks.
`57. Pandas in zoos have problems mating and becoming pregnant. Rather than look at the soy in
`the panda diet, however, the researchers are doing behavioral therapy and even showing the
`pandas videos of humping pandas.
`58. Like edamame, those green vegetable soybeans found in the freezer case at your store? The
`Chinese considered them useful to kill bad or evil chi
`60. Bumper sticker time: “Soy, Aspartame, Vioior — FDA Approved!”
`61. “Soy — Not Worth Beans!”
`62. “No Soy is Good Soy!
`63. “Soy Infant Formula — Formula for Disaster.”
`64. “Real Men Don’t Eat Tofu!”
`65. “Oy, Soy, Veh!”
`66. And for the naughty among us, “I Love To Fu” (though enough soy will eventually stop the
`67. Gotta stop thinking about soy. Going crazy. Soy loco!
`68. Time to go “cold tufurky.”
`69. Christmas 2006 coming up soon. No Soy to the World!
`© copyright 2006 Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN

`Kaayla T. Daniel PhD, CCN, is The Whole Nutritionist® and
`the author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side ofAmerica’s Favorite Health Food (New
`Trends, 2005) where many of these facts first appeared. A popular guest on radio and television,
`she looks forward to reporting on next year ’s Los Angeles Tofu Festival, where she hopes to
`meet Mr. Tofu and write a “tell all” about him. She can be reached at 505-984-2093 and
`wholenutn'tionist@earthlink.neL Her website is www,
`Help Wanted at the FDA
`October 16th, 2006 Posted in News
`Need a job? Apply to the FDA.
`According to the satirists at NewsTarget, several positions are available.
`Propaganda Officer". Help the FDA create and spread information that discredits products,
`companies and ideas that threaten FDA control. No scientific background necessary.
`Science Censor: Bury scientific findings that harm the prestige and credibility of the
`Chief Oppression Officer: Conduct armed raids on places where dangerous criminals are
`teaching patients about nutrition.
`Kickback Coordinator: Keep tabs on FDA managers’ investments in pharmaceutical
`companies. Criminal background preferred. Mob ties are a plus-
`0 Morale Officei: Keep FDA employees in line to boost morale and Work efficiently.
`Public Safety Program Director: Not really a full-time job. In fact, you don’t even need to
`show up.
`just not her kind of kicking back.
` ghere thought she could serve in the kick back position but it’s
`No Comments
`Practice Safe Sex
`September 28th, 2006 Posted in News
`Lots of talk these days about sex education and safe sex. That got
`thinking about what it might mean to “Practice Safe Soy.” Here’s seven hot tips, with none too
`hot to handle
`-Use soy as a condoment . . . err, condiment. Soy was traditionally eaten inAsia as a
`condiment, not as a staple food.
`0 Less is more! Stick to small portions of the Good Old Soys — Miso, Nauo, Tempeh and
`unpasteurized Shoyu. Old —fashioned fermenting makes these foods nutritious, delicious and
`healthful. And few people are inclined to eat these foods to excess.

`Beware the seductions of Mr Tofu! He looks pure and white, and thinks it’s “hip to be square,”
`but the truth is he’s a bland cube without a leg to stand on! Seriously, he’s a precipitated product
`and not fermented. That means you can precipitate a health crisis if you do more than flirt with
`him occasionally. A few cubes in your soup, okay. A half pound slab, too much of him!
`0 Avoid udder alternatives! Soy milk is not the worst soy product in the marketplace, but it’s the
`one most likely to be consumed to excess.
`It’s certainly good that soy’s hormone havoc-
`producing isoflavones go missing in rice, hemp, almond milks, but those products too are high in
`sugar and propped up with dubious flavorings and additives.
`0 Don’t be a Pod Person! Enjoy a few edamame at your favorite Japanese restaurant if you will,
`but a whole bag for snacking in front of the TV? This is not a case of success from excess.
`0 Watch out for Ex Rated! That means don’t eating anything squeezed out of an ex—truder. You
`wouldn’t eat Styrofoam packing materials or plastic toys, would you? Textured vegetable
`protein and some soy protein isolate products are manufactured using virtually the same
`technology. The difference is extrusion techniques for food put more flavorings and colorings
`into the mix.
`0 Fear the Hydra Monster! Hydrolyzed plant protein is usually soy. Hydrolyzed whey, com,
`wheat and other products are every bit as bad.
`For most of us, practicing safe soy is good enough. However, those who are allergic or sensitive
`to soy might need to stay soy celibate. Not necessarily, but here’s a few points to ponder:
`0 Allergic to soy? Know “where the soys are” and avoid them at all costs. Simple enough in
`theory, but well-nigh impossible in practice, at least for anyone who eats processed, packaged
`and fast foods. More than 60 percent of supermarket and health food store products contain soy
`ingredients. Nearly 100 percent of fast foods contain soy. Although most allergic people
`attempt to stay soy free by reading labels, a better way is to eat “rail foods” and cook everything
`from scratch. That avoids the risks of mislabeled and cross contaminated products not to
`mention the ongoing frustration, exasperation and time wasting of label reading.
`°Sensitive to soy? It’s possible you react poorly to modern industrially processed soy products,
`but can enjoy the occasional serving of miso soup, natto or tempeh. The operative word is
`“occasional.” And the way to go is real foods, whole foods and slow foods.
`°Suffering from digestive distress, thyroid disease, reproductive disorders or infertility? At risk
`for cancer? You might want to carefully consider your soy intake. The Israeli Health Ministry
`last year urged women at risk for breast cancer to take it easy on the soy. Win the U.S. be next?
`That’s it, folks. Go out, have fun, eat well, and always practice safe soy.
`© copyright 2006 Kaayla T. Daniel. PhD, CCN
`My Soy “Tell All Book”

`July 6th, 2006 Posted in Eggs
`The soy controversy is going mainstream. The headline to a May 27 article in the Los
`Angeles limes read “Is Soy a Fab Bean or Health Danger? The benefits of soy, once
`lauded are now coming under attack “ The article even noted that soy now even has its
`own “tell
`book ,7
`Whole Soy Story. Gotta love that kind of “exposure” now that I’mA
`Not much of this press though is amusing. Newsweek (May wrote that children
`given rice milks and soy milks are showing signs of malnutrition associated with children
`in third world countries. And The Daily Mail in the United Kingdom ran with the title “Is
`soya a has—bean?
`Unfortunately , the Wall Street Journal continues to steer clear of the soy controversy. It
`has even ignored major business news such as plummeting sales in Israel due to the
`Israeli Health Ministry’s warning that babies should not receive soy formula, that
`children under 18 should eat soy no more than once per day to a maximum of three
`times per week and that adults should exercise caution because of adverse effects on
`fertility and increased breast cancer risk. Likewise, not a word in the WSJ about French
`regulations that will require manufacturers to remove soy isoflavones from infant
`formula and to put warning labels on soy milk and soy foods advising consumers of
`risks to children under 3, children with thyroid disease and women who have been
`diagnosed with or have a family history of breast cancer! The WSJ‘s health columnist
`Tara Parker-Pope, however, did write in a column that soy eaten during adolescence
`might prevent breast cancer.! Although a study by Anna Wu did link soy to reduced
`risk of breast cancer in Chinese, Japanese and Frlipino- Americans, it failed to properly consider
`other dietary and lifestyle factors.
`© copyright 2006 Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN
`She is the author of The
`_ t
`Dr. Daniel is the Whole Nutritionist® and T_
`Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side ofAmerica3 Favorite Health Food (New Trends, 2005).
`No Comments
`’t resist sharing this spoof that has been circulating on
`the intemet — author unknown:
`In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name. For
`example, the trade name of Tylenol also has a generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve
`is also called Naproxen. Amoxil is also call Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen.
`The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra After careful consideration by
`a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the
`generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Myooxafailin, Mydixadrupin,
`Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.

`Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will
`be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now
`be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. gives new meaning to the
`names of “cocktails”, “highballs” Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and
`it and just a good old-fashioned “stiff drink”. Pepsi will market the new concoction by the
`name of: MOUNT & DO.
`Thought for the

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