`(Exceeds 100 pages)
`Pr0ceeding/Serial N0:79O5 8324
`Filed: 06/19/2010
`Title: Reguest for Reconsideration
`Part ;of _2_


`Print: Jun 17, 2010
`Serial Number
`Word Mark
`EVI Dox
`Standard Character Mark
`Registration NIIITIDBP
`Date Registered
`Type of Mark
`Mark Drawing code
`8 869 Beacon Street
`Class Status —— ACTIVE.
`IC 042.
`100 101.
`G & S: Attorney
`services; Consulting and legal services in the field of privacy and
`security laws, regulations, and requirements; Consulting services
`concerning legal matters in the medical field; Copyright management;
`Copyright management consultation; Intellectual property consultation:
`Jury consultancy; Legal document preparation and research services for
`attorneys; Legal research; Legal services; Legal services, namely,
`process serving; Licensing of intellectual property; Litigation
`consultancy; Litigation support services; Mediation; Notary public
`services; Paralegal services; Patent agency and industrial property
`consultation; Patent licensing; Preparing and filing incorporation
`papers; Preparing and organizing loan closing documents; Providing
`information relating to legal affairs; Retrieving public documents;
`Title searching; Trademark watch services. First Use: 2007/07/20.
`First Use In Commerce: 2007/O7/20.
`Description of Mark

`Print: Jun 17, 2010
`The mark consists of a rectangular shape within which is the word
`"EVIDOX" with a dot in the center of the "0".
`colors Claimed
`Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.
`Filing Date
`Attorney of Record
`Gwenn Roos


`Audit, Litigation. Training and Efficiency Consulting, lnc.. (ALTEC) is a consulting service devoted entirely to the CPA profession and other accounting
`and auditing organizations, Our experience in audit training, working paper efficiency reviews, litigation and other support services makes us a valuable
`resource to the firms we serve ALTEC was established in 1998 to accomplish the following goals
`. To establish long~term relationships with the organizations we serve.
`. To provide our clients with the high quality training they demand.
`. To effect cost savings through the services we provide.
`a To improve the quaiiiy of our clients‘ audit practices
`To have a positive impact on the quality of life of our clients’ professional staffs
`To provide vigorous defense assistance in malpractice cases.
`Our clientele represent a diverse group of organizations, from single office small public accounting firms to large regional firms. to state audit departments,
`and other accounting organizations. We believe no entity is too srnali or too large to benefit from the services we provide, as long as the leadership of that
`organization is wilting to take action with us to accomplish the goals described above. Most of all, we find answers to the questions that accounting and
`auditing organizations ask, as is reflected in the services we provide.
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`I Damages Analyses
`5196'“ 3‘ P|'°'5935°M‘ 533"
`Analysts Group has undertaken hundreds of enoagementa mvolvmg the use ol accounung
`data Many ofthese have occurred in the cord-.-xt ct ihgatmn. others relate to regulatory
`uwesugallons. valuanona or other makers we lrequenlly work .-urn eleuronic acoounmg
`data‘ az.-dtors work pagers, and Internal acccuntlng/-’lrlanl:ra| records to understand wral
`acrualry naapanod to me Irma financsal pcshcn revenues, coats. armor promo ‘hrs often
`In zones c-cmpanng actual ourselves to s.enancs of wnal would na.e happened had
`rnanagermnt ma-dc dlflerenl daemons.
`Anarysls Group has anaryzed '.~.'l':e1ner’
`I Generally Accepted Accaunrrg Pnnctales KGAAP‘, were ccrrecty emplnyeo
`I a material adverse event occurred
`an auxin was conducted lfl accordance wlfh General-y Accepted Audmng
`Standards (GAAS}
`on enfky made proper disclosure in accordance wkn SEC regulations
`restatement; and/or adpatrnents to a firm‘: financial statement; would affect me
`firms srock price in a maternal manner
`5 firms costs anofor promarrllfly rellecu.-2) unlar cornpetrkion
`I rnpalrment ofvarlous asset: had occurre:
`rswnue recognfllcn ooourreo properiy (I! the soltware. haghspeed rall. am}
`pharmaceutics: ndustrws, among ellvers;
`a transacmn or inlcrrrutlorl was maternal to a reasonable inventor
`Our alfrlrates. some of whom have worked lcr the Securlues 5. Exchange Ccmrmslcn.
`DYDVIUQ expertise lfl asscssang specxakzed Issues such as accounmg for denvatwes. tax
`effects cl accounlmg oeclsrons, and corporate governance Our oralesszonaé ma". wmch
`includers lndivkluals v.-Kn Ph.D.s in accounllng. CPA: Cl.l-‘-la. and CF!-s:.. works closely v.-an
`our boa-zlemzc affullales
`Anarysis Group brirlgs the approprlale blend of fmcaiion exaerlenoe and lechnical expemse
`to accaunmg habdty issues and damages analg-ses— as we ermlcy a broad range of
`forenasc and lnvestlgetrw rechnnues
`H In W cm” ReMg_mzam,._
`3 ‘H Y5 F‘fiffi\813‘5eC0|'l'»P?3 UM"-9"v
`I Mom Accoummg Lmgwon
`semen Cu"
`Affilsale Rob-n Caoaer -{ms Svegel
`Award lorAoplied Research
`Rf‘-A750 ’MTE“'AL5
`E, mmwmg p,nc,“lAn¢y Wang and
`ANS” my 333 “Mr,” “W”
`in 1“ Vim, Accwmmg: Mm
`Lawweri Ne“ w Knawv
`Accounting Lrbqauon SCTYICCS
`"“‘?'V"“"”15"_”"-9 23°’ “°°'°“"“"‘9
`Lchgatson Bervxces buletrn
`Roman L. Well
`our nflem“: “fume
`discusses accounfmg
`methods used ln valuing
`aasers, and addresses
`the saves of for value.
`GAAP and the need for
`5-’ ZDKJ QHALV ‘.355 ’39,C\Jr’-
`Sne l.l:u:
`v‘.-(-{,sl’.i Pchm
`'.. c,e‘ M 5 C‘:
`ArvaI,~5l= {3‘Quu I»: I5 so Eayal Cc». am, Mfiv slim 8,. so t"
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`Search Resuils « Practice Area(s): "Accounting Litigation Services‘ | 6 Articies. Page 1 011
`Understanding the Financiai Crisis: A Short Look
`Understanziing me Finanrnai Crisis a Short Look Back
`ii’-xvrii 20103
`Accounmg Lingation Services,
`Financiailnemuhonsi Securities 5
`Financial instruments
`E «’lf\5 E, Jain S
`Introduction to Costs in Litigation
`HiIri3'.}G{\k of Casi Management
`Acccontmg Lnigaucn Services
`5-. ans E
`The interaction 01 Economists and Accounients
`Lmqaiion Services Handbook
`Accounting Litigation Services
`Evans i
`Cost Eltimation
`Lnigamn Senices Handbook‘ The Role onhe
`Accountant as Expert witness. 3rd ed
`Accounting Lmgamn Services,
`Finanml hsmutions
`Kmricn J
`Discussion 0! The Vaiue Relevance of
`intnngibies: The Case of Soltwxre Capitalization
`Jourrui 01 Accounting Research 36
`Acccuniro Litigation Scribes.
`Ewwer E
`Fair Value Ouciosuren by Bank Holding
`Journal oi Accounting and Economics 22
`Acocunmg Lmgaizun Services.
`Fmanciai xnsiiuiioiis
`Rsniezw K, Tmagsrnynn SR
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`S» 3113 Fa
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`v OWN ‘ew
`fhe Brat.“/e Gmup provsdes consuétsng services and expert testimony on economac, Fmarzcnai, regulatory, and mategrc
`issues to corporations, {aw firms, and public BQEHUES work1—wide. We offer our dlents in-depth Industry experience
`and state-of-the—art anarytscai techniques ta desrgn and mmement strategces for chanono market conditions or new
`opportunnes. We provide expert testtrnony on econorrdc damages, anttrust and cornaetkwe analyses, Fnandaé risk,
`regutatory econonics. and erwronrnental matters. me Haw Groupk dtsthqushed bv its ‘nnovatrvs solutions to
`Complex protfiems, dose afifiations wnzh leading academc experts, and effective corrmumcation of anew: results.
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`Showing 1 - 20 of 38 P=.=b|icat>ons Ngg 3,5 g>
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`ASBESTOS MD INSURANCE: How to Fadhtate a Settiement E
`20051510. 1 (Economics)
`Even v.*it=*: he possciity of a leqstatlve solution to asbestos mass tort actons. comcanies being sued and that
`hsurance carriezs conmue to negotiate setxlements, and to litigate coverage and bankruptcy actions.
`Ukimtely. the qoaé of the names Isto achieve a atisfactory resolution rooted In the facts of the particular case
`and the reafitiaes of §tigat‘ion risk. It 5 therefore necessary to underfiaml the issues wmantant to each side and
`to evalsate that information an a logical and dear framework. This structure albws for the reaistic emrnabon of
`future asbestos dams and the appropriate afiocatbn of pcatenttsl damages to insurarzce coverage.
`is issue, we descrbe typical anafyses and methodologies used in asbemis insurance settlement HQQOCIBCODS.
`.. pamcuaar, we focus on methods used to forecast: future asbesicowelated dams and to aiiocate the habfities
`to ensumnce coveraor.-.
`DAMAGES: estimating Product Liabiity ‘J;
`2004 No. 1(Ecanomics)
`Access to refiable forecasts of product Bablaty claims gives hwyers and corporate executrves a critical lever with
`which In awe settlement and izigation strategies. Far too often, ‘back-of-the-envelope estmates prove to be
`off the mark. Despite the fact that these cases often have accumulated huge amounts of scsentfic and darnant
`data, we find that few stakeholders typkalhr use the avalabie dam to estimate ootential damages.

`(,h;1f1(;§ Rivcf
`new IIWESTOR REL«\TIC€‘i£ Aw‘-im CONTACY us sukcri
`Take a closer look. Charles River Associates recently assisted a company that was losing $35 million
`annually. Our advice positioned them to earn $35 million annually-—at which time their parent
`company chose to divest thcni, realizing a transaction price of $400 millicn.
`CR1: consultants -conibine uF\CDV'l'lI'TlOf‘l imellecmal acumen with practical experience and in—depth
`understanding of industries and markets. We are adept 3! handling laugh assignnzenns with pivctal and
`high—sta‘»<es cutccmes. our analytical strength enables us In reach cbjeciive, factual ccnc usicns that
`help our :llems make imponani lzusiness and policy decisions and resolve critical disputes.
`Management Consulting
`Aerospace in Defense
`Auzticr-5 E4 Ccriipelitixie Sidd rig
`8. Eiwirorw
`l~’t:=ri'.:' se. >‘\vc.‘»\ ’vla=“age~»i*z
`liriluutiial -‘i '.uu'.:-.
`Life Sciences
`MKQ‘l’r“g\ lw.-tails, 54 Ma -.-rials
`Ci! is Ga:
`T*ai*sp:i-‘ta-‘ on
`‘i.i'a>ur.- Flaiiagerneni K::‘i3‘aM;lW_l
`Antitrust & Compvsticn
`Financial u‘-cccuiimg Ex Valaiatioi‘
`Flhtlfltldl EL'.‘Cil1{}(l\l’.'.‘,i
`Financial Mamet:
`5;: €~‘ie*~.'i*es
`Izisuiavmc EC\L‘l'\'.‘1‘l'll."'}
`Intellectual F"‘cD§V'?‘v
`Inn-rnaticnal Trade
`Labor & Ernclovmerii
`Mergers Bi Acquisikiens
`Transfer Pricing
`ljl"l"l’xl l‘ D/Wumti‘

`3 Puloiinahunx < hm“ Rwe-r A
`M we:
`:L=.»Mm CCJf4T»'\CT us
`NDRT‘>~ ixmerezox
`Take a closer look. When the Federal Electricity and Water Authority of the United Arab Emirates needed
`help designing and implementing a utility reform program, they chose CRA. We led their management
`transformation and structured an investment and modernization program worth more than a billion dollars.
`pub-icaticn databasa, Our‘ :on£«.s1tai'i€£ publish
`’('.'e)¢:m'm: 1:‘; FR;
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`in the law of evidence. a witness who is allowed to give opinion evidence as opposed to evidence of his perception Ttus is the
`case only ifthe witness is indeed skilled in some appropriate discipline‘ An exception to the usual rule of practice whereby
`witnesses are heard one afler the other and do not hear the evidence oithe preceding witness is made in relation to competing
`experts. The term skilied witness is favoured in Scotland
`M E»
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`ex post facwm
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`APA } Chicago I Harvard | ML/1.
`expert witness. (2006). in wlms Dictionary of Law. Retrieved from
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`F i"l fl Emu

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`4 <)N7i.ll‘ilNG Ami iXl‘¥Kl irxizr-«am
`Ervmi emu
`Cornerstone Research provides attorneys with analytical support
`in all phases 0! commercial litigation and regulatory proceedings,
`relevant issues and developing case strategy to
`engaging expert witnesses, conducting research, and preparing
`effedive testimony.
`As attorneys have sought our services in a variety of matters, we
`have built experience and specialized knowledge in many areas
`of business litigation. Our staff now exceeds 400. Cornerstone
`Research senior consultants have advanced degrees in fields
`such as economics, finance. accounting, marketing, mathematics,
`and computer science. Our consultants demonstrate exceptional
`skill and commitment and are known for developing practical,
`innovative solutions to challenging problems. We are recognized
`as providing responsive, insightful support while managing the
`preparation ol analysis and expert testimony in complex matters.
`"The Cornerstone Research
`people are knowledgeable,
`experienced, and always
`responsive. They are
`i""a‘“3b'e '"E'“bE" °f 3
`"E'93d°” team‘,
`Frank Barron
`Cravath. Swairie & Moore
`Consulting to Attorneys
`During the early stages of a case, often prior to the engagement
`of an expert witness, Cornerstone Researdi consults directiy with
`attumeys to identify key business, economic, and financial issues.
`In addition, we outline areas requiring expert testimony and help
`determine the types of experts, data collection, and analyses
`We also provide estimates of potential damages and other
`preliminary analyses for attorneys to apply in developing case
`strategies. In many instances our clients use the results of these
`analyses to negotiate favorable settlements.
`Our early involvement in a case also benefits counsel in the
`discovery process. we assist in writing discovery requests and in
`organizing and interpreting materials.
`Identifying and Supporting Expert Witnesses
`when testimony from one or more expert witnesses is needed,
`Cornerstone Research assists clients in locating the experts
`whose research, recognized industry expertise, and prior
`experience in litigation proceedings make them effective
`witnesses. In many cases we cali on our network of several
`hundred outstanding faculty experts and industry specialists. in
`other cases our senior staff provide expert testimony. Once the
`appropriate experts are engaged, we provide them with
`complete support throughout the litigation process.
`Conducting Research and Analysis
`Managing analyses in complex proceedings is an important
`aspect of the services we offer. we have experience organizing
`research efforts and coordinating the work of multiple experts.
`We ensure that work is conducted efficiently and is of the highest
`quality and integntv.
`our specialized financial and economic databases and research
`capabilities provide our clients with a distinct advantage. We are
`able to collect and analyze reievant data quickly using our state-
`of-the-ait computer network and the most current econometric,
`statistical, graphical, and database software. we also use
`proprietary software to build, manage, and analyze the large
`datasets needed in today's litigation environment. These
`resources enable us to take on diverse assignments and
`consistentiy meet case requirements and deadlines.
`Preparing for Deposition and Trlal
`Cornerstone Research staff have substantial trial experience. Our
`support can extend through the entire trial process and to post-
`trial briefs. We also assist counsel in preparing for depositions of
`opposing witnesses and in developing cross-examination
`We prepare expert witnesses thoroughly for deposition and trial.
`We tielp the experts translate the results of their analyses into
`concise testimony and dear exhibits that Juries can easily

`rmuv cum;
`Pfactice Capabilities
`Securities Class Action Filings and
`Sggm‘g5 Qggs Am'gn ggglemengg 2993
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`Agognging Class Afign Filings agd
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`Americas 20:6, a Giobal Competition Review
`special report)
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`(An egdraa From The Antitrust Review of the
`Americas 2008, a Global Competition Review
`special report)
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`E1 Principal David A. As-we moderated a
`panel at the 201u,Antixmst In Heaithcare
`Conferencesbn the topgc of consolidation
`among paydrs and DTOVICETS. g-5533-;_
`3 & Evans
`(292) 223-4700
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`E_I Prhgloaj David A. Anus presented a
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`Insurance’ Markets Work like other ,-
`Markets? of Do They?“
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`Economists Incorporated is a premier
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`may.’ 1
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`renvflapoyv bcynos. and
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`Economists Incorporated is a premier economic consulting firm in the fields of law and economics, public policy, and
`business strategy. we offer expert consulting and testifying services in the context of litigation, arbitration,
`proposed mergers and acquisitions, regulatory hearings, and business planning. Our clients indude legal oounsel,
`businesses, trade associations, government agencies, and multilateral organizations.
`Economists Incorporated was founded in 1981 in Washington, D.C. by a former director and two assistant diretiors
`of the Economic Policy Office of the U.S. Department of Justice‘s Antitrust Division. Today, with offices "m Washington,
`D.C. and the San Francisco Bay area, the firm consists of over 35 professional economists, supported by research
`associates, research librarians, computer specialists, and other support staff.
`Throughout its existence, El has participated in path breaking and high profile antitrust, commercial litigation, and
`regulatory matters. Some of the matters that El has worked on indude:
`8 In Re: Relafen Antitrust Litigation (market definition and market power)
`9 In Re: Nlcroaystalline Cellulose Anlltrust Lltlgatlon (territorial allooatlon conspiracy)
`II Goss International v. Tokyo mar Selsakusho (predatory pricing under 1916 Anti-Dumping Act)
`II Bralntree Lalroratarlu v. sdiwarz Plianaa (antitrust damages in patent Iltlgatlon)
`Car Preservaflon Centers of Ohio et al. v. llelrarl International (damages In franchising context)
`5 Matsushlta Electrical Industrial v. Clnram International (liability and damages lri patent pool licensing)
`In Re: Gernstar Development Corporation Patent Litigation (monopollzatlon claims associated with a patent
`u Healllmmerlca Pennsylvania, Inc, et al. v. Susquehanna Health System Inc, et al. (monopollzatlon resulting
`from a completed merger)
`5 United Healtltaire of Illinois, Inc, at al.. v. Advocate Health Care Network, et aL (price fixing and
`II American clrlropractic Association v. Trigon lrlaalthare, Inc, at al. (rnoaopollzatlon)
`IJ.S. V. ATIT (antitrust liablllty)
`B USFL v. NFL (antitrust damages)
`3 Home shopping Network v. GTE (commercial damages)
`5 Alpo v. Ilalslon Purina (Lanliarn Act damages)
` j‘
`i0 Internet

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