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`GOOI) III£AI.'1‘H NA'I‘URAI,I,Y, INC. (m§\\/y_ecr_s@,S_wyeLs_Iav;/.c0m)
`NATURALLY - 03-0584
`3.~"15/2010 2:00:33 PM
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`(,‘.()RRI<ISP()1\'DEN'1‘ ADDRESS:
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`344 M.~'\1’I .1‘,
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`AQ'I‘IQl_\7 TO_RF,T:[_,:RN,:I‘HE CASE
`Pursuant to the liebruary 2, 2010, order by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, which granted the
`examining attorneys request for remand pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §2. l42(d), supplemental evidence is
`attached hereto.
`Shaila E. Settles
`Trademark Examining Attorney
`Law Office 114
`(571) 270.1527 (t)
`(571) 270-2527 (1)
`RESPOND T 0 THIS ACTION: Applicant should file a response to this Office action online using the
`form at littp2Aiwwviuspggoygas/e1L1ASpageD.htin, waiting 48-72 hours if applicant received
`notification of the Ofiice action via e—mail. For technical assistance with the form, please e-mail
`TEi’\S(_t_iguspto.gov. For questions about the Ofiice action itself, please contact the assigned examining
`attorney. Do not respond to this Office action by e—mail; the USPTO does not accept e—mailed
`It‘ responding by paper mail, please include the following information: theyapplication serial number, the
`I1’1tlI'l'x. the tiling date and the name, title/position, telephone number and e—mail address of the person
`signing the response. Please use the following address: Commissioner for Trademarks, P.O. Box 145] ,
`Alexandria, VA 223 l 3 -1451.
`ST.-\'l‘US CHECK: Check the status ofthe application at least once every six months from the initial
`filing date using the U SPTO Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) online system
`at littpti‘/t.arr.u._spto. gov. When conducting an online status check, print and maintain a copy of the
`complete TARR screen. If the status of your application has not changed for more than six months,
`please contact the assigned examining attorney.
`tile:".r"\‘v.ticrs-ais-(Jl\.ticrsexp01’t\HtmlTOTiffInput\O()AO00l2010g03_il6i09i24i40_TTABO... 3/16/2010
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`FormuIatuns_ Int;
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`I'ivrr Manufacturers of Over the—CoLIntcI‘ Analgesic
`PruIluI ts /\greI>. to Settle Cl}-II'I_)E‘i ol \IIIs|.IhI:lIItg Curtain
`I»-Irntlucts as "Mntle in USA"
`The [I]? campanlss that artuunt for nearly all ntlne pvllatfi hvand manuacmrlng nramlum-.1:
`In the unlted states have agreed In same Federal Trad» ;.umrmss=on mamas mt
`Ina. Ialsery Iepvesenlea that rertaln o1tneIrmeI—tnHounter407;) arIaI;IasI:s wet? made In Ina
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`these case: wauld prdnInIl the nornpanlea tram rnlsrauresenltng lhr: etcnt to what‘ any utthzn
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`meI-Imam urxre rnuanlnv U1 ‘Made In USA "
`Thu Respondents
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`lhal tartaln cI1trIaII anatunsln products wan: all 0lV\m1:‘|ll\/ all mam: In ll-Is, UnIIFfl Stairs whan a
`slgnmtanl nomnn at then rcmtant was ulturalqn nrlgln Nrnardlnu la the comulalhts. Ins attlve
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`Ihe clalms aIe exprsss statements made on the Lump anIes' paclwtnng and Iab:«IIng, wltlch In
`somn Instannas were acmmnanled trv nlctuxs a mu 5 flags
`The CIImmIssmn’s cdrnplamts do not allege that all atthe IPSQUHUPHIE rmate label asnmn
`3tP(§'nlnIIplIul‘ and ltsllmnlnn mands ZIIF IT‘lsI2l’I9IP<:l {Ll .')r"vll\4l rpfla n rlrdljr \ 1|
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`lhé L1IIlg9 WW? aflllllélalféfl U‘ zuhlalned ’t.'1IFl‘.1ul’~.flk dame:
`Penluu Cnmpa-|yI based In Allegan, Mlthlgan, Is the n atlon'a large:t rnanutarturer at OTC
`pharmzucuullcal product-: lI:II lhe stare brand market Pmtgu mJrlul3rLl‘EE and cell: Jspuln.
`aI:etJ.rnInupnerI and Ityunmten tablets forpmatc label 1USlDlmBr' «NJ: 3: Wat Mm, Kmart,
`Targcl and 3aV~?‘I‘I'iy
`MIS Phaunnacentlut CDl|]_D:I'$PLlI1‘I BndImIuv1,C LIrr sctu-.9 m 4YIulztlI.1E& 3':4DlllV| mulurs
`tor Etl‘:lDllll’I‘> sum as Fuud LIun, Prue Cnuuuu, ullfl l1J'S V‘Ihult")dlti Club
`Lelnm I-hanh Prnduds.Inc.,o1(.arson,CalItIIrnIa. manuracturer amtamlnaphen t.anIst<. tm
`rustarrars ~:urI1 as 'IIVa‘—Mafl CD?1I:o Target mid B3I-2Ivi/
`LNKlIrlema1inrIa|I|uc I based In HauunaJ<Ie_ I‘IewYo’\_manmaI;luraIs and .'eI.s OTC mu:
`BlDL'.lLlL'.E cart.-I. ng aspmn and atelarnmutllagn Its EUalCmE'E ImI.I;lI: C:I-nuns». I-was Lab“).
`Eclerd Drug Company_ and Stop 3 Shop Supwmarket Comp my
`Phalmacuuucal Furmuattuns. Inc. I9 Based In Ednsun NFN Jam-y The Iurnpam
`l’I'Iil'IlJU(lUt?5.l&]I18l3 $?ll$_ and ‘1!strIb\.tEs nrm1'.(ta:IxntI~IIr‘mq 4.;/mn and atetamlnanhen
`sold‘ al relaIl beanng pnvale man: names In: CJ‘.'IL«"'VE'S sI.rI' 3: Km -1, U‘uE."It‘ Re3d&,E£l\elfl
`Drug _ urIIp;IrIy and I'v:.I.;mpn Co
`The SI-tfllfl merits
`Eath ultrle pxduused settlarhenls would uruhltalt the us snundunl Itunl !lIl‘JlBL‘li.'bEl||HIfi III9
`Prlenl ta Vrhlrh Its OTC drug Inoduzts L0TlaIrIInt] an analgeslc av-, r-Iarte in the unlled 5lalES A3
`ll1l’t9 FTC‘: pIIat"MaCE In USA’ LGSBS, ll*e wrlements ntrmtle 4 ‘safe ‘taitcf mid 3 IUWSYPE
`resgorudenls to rearesehtlhal a pmxtuctns mace Inthe Urll-ad Dtales it long as all. nnIrtI.a 4
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`orders wnuld allow the respondents to rapresent that a product rontmnx-lg an Impurtvd attwe
`Inqrednenl I: "Pvotessed In tho Umted State: wIth Forelgn I-Igredmnta‘ when lnu mpresI:nIatIan
`I5 true and I; used ID descnlze :I prcduclthat has been 3IgmtII.:rIlly plmcssed In the Unlted
`In ¢t)'llIIUl\_ Ed: I ml the settlements Ecltlli-H3 a rlurntxer J! rvturdlu mama and relmfllnq
`requuemunta In dSSlil lhe FTC In muIIItu'IIn,t I.:.mpIIanI:e wllh the umera
`Thu: CarnmIss|on's ‘Mada In USA‘ Enlorcument Policy Statnmunt
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`must he subztanllaled Dv evldente Ihal a pludutl Is 'tall or vIflL.:IIv all" made In the Umtlzd Elatzs
`In addlluon, the aqenty Issued an Enforcement Pollcv Statement outtmmq lne factors the
`COI’nm‘SSlUI'I W|llLW1S>[1EI|l'| cetermlmng wnellu" 3 U S BIIr3l'I claim I5 ‘ueteptnre ‘In
`UeI.?U'IlJ9V I a3s_ the FTC If-Sued a busmess gu~de 'C:mp|vmg mtn the Made In USA Stmaard’
`Trns gI Icle Ll-':5(IILE.'S the In males ottne Wt 3 Standard LII «urn HJIFVS and awe exrvrcvlastz
`hen btstnesses .IndeIs'and hwtu Cflmply Imln the st2<nda'd Th: FTC alaa has aitnade In
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`Btatvmcnt Inlolmalldn about entorcement Cltllufl’. 3nd Inre-;tIu.:bun:, and rzulwd ouclnazs
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`Comments shtuld be addressed ID the FTC, OVTIIE Dltfe 5E'l’E’laI’y EDI) Pann3yIvImIJ I'<Vbnue_
`NW, wIIsrungtun_ D C 20530
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`other 1: 3ud.yI-.-latefl ttlmpuilrlls Intu Connurhev Dentmet, a secutr, Jt1||!IE databaau avallablatu
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`Inc rue Mus mg 3029 III-nIen L111 3051 (Aas) on 3111 (I-'errIna)U1Z 11:53 ILMQ U12 3059
`Home News
`About IIIII-IIr Arlzzus vumlc Lvmtts I $[>(3(!|Il!(!$
`kuleusa Date: November 5 MM
`Over—the—Cou_nter Drugs — Analgesics (pain relievers)
`Ads by Google
`Ne;v,Kngg_Pai.i1'1f;3_a,tmgnt — One Injettion — 6 lxfmiirlis Relief. Get Your Free Knee Pain Relief l-Lit. -
`Lo3v_Ba_c,};_Paln — Reliable Back Pain Treatment Get Relief with SpicierTech. -
` .m 1. 'j1r»_r.r.-5» « liral “DJ n
`Pairi l’rZ—ll>i'Jel‘E-, or anal"-521:3, are familiar products fciznd in most medi tine cabinets. These proclucts heip
`consumers relieve heaclac-hes, muscle aches, fever, and other 1:«ain~r-elaterl symptoms. \Vith so many
`lnraiid ri.air,i=, products and diffrzrent ntrerigths and formula: ,to=nla_v‘:: consumer has a variety of pain
`rr, lie-v:ii:J. Pl‘\JiL.l‘.l’.'t'EZ from which to choose. ‘/Jhat follows a re descriptions of the various pain ~relim/in;
`ap,-ants it‘-’all51bl€ as OTC drugs.
`.(-vT\3t}'lS-"1llC‘YllC acid is lmcvwn bv ci much more familiar name-—aspirin. It is a common analgesic, or drug
`that all:-viat-=2 pain witrioxit art;-ctin: i.‘CiX‘i-3r31JL‘iC.‘11r;"CS. in the fifth C"_'flli‘.1l"'.' E..C. , Greek physician
`Hippoiratec, considerecl "the father of medicine." used powder extracted from willow tree bark to treat
`pain and reclu-‘e fever. The arrive injredient, s-tdiiim Calicylate, was Cll?‘.i‘fiVE'i‘t"<'l centuries later. This
`irig,redi+,-nt was the predecessor to aizpiriii.
`Aspirin works b_v inhibiting th>: release of a horinone—lil:e substanc»: called prc staglandin. This chemical
`affects bi-:»ct‘i vessels and me functions of blood platelet: and sensitizes nerve endings to pain. By llITl\Cll"|3
`the pr netaglariclin, aspirin affects blc ocl cl: tting, eases inflammation. and prevents the nerve ending at the
`nit-:~ of the pain from becoming atimulatel. It is used for headaches, muscle pa n, arthritis, and to reduce
`MIL}: lI‘1l1 can be usecl to redzice tn»: risk. of heart clise-359. (Photograph by
`Robert J. Huffman. Field .Vlarl' F‘uk-lii"atinii~s
`. Reprv:~Ju»:<.1‘l by permission.)
`"l"li-'- Buy,‘ ,1‘ Crtrripariy ran tin a(l‘v’k'rtl'..\.Ulk‘rit for its aspirin in the 19203 that I\.‘fld, ' DOES NOT AFFEFT
`THE Hl-'.AR’l‘." But Bayer was: wrong; aspirin does afie-‘t the heart. Fortiinately. aspirin has been found to
`l>~ beneficial In the heart, and .~. )IT1*.‘ of tc<liiy‘s aspirin eirl\.'ei'tiserrierits firuiturcz the American Heart
`1-‘msociati-an’ seal 01‘ approval.
`It is ectirnated that Americans use 80 million aspirin tablets a day, and most are not taken for aches mcl
`pains. They are used to rt'ClUCt‘ "he rig»: of heart disease. The FDA has approved the use of aspirin to treat
`2-;-riou: sardiiovaecular condititr 3 such :1: l'.v:z1rt attack and :.‘trol<e. It ha: been proven to reduce the risk
`- Strril:£—.»t and heart attacks in thrise who have already had one.
`. D»-In I1 -ir C(Jl'll}'IllC43Ill.TlS frtm a heart ittack if ta'»:i—n at the first sigiisof ore.
`- Re-curring blockage in those who have had heart bypass SUl‘$3r'-Ty to clear blocked arteries.
`The secret to .:ispirin's protective properties in relation to the cardiovascular system lies in aspirin’s
`ability to reduce the body's production of prostaglandin, which ca uses blood platelets to stick together.
`This phenomenon can eventually lead to blocked blood vessels and clots. A blaod clot in the brain causes
`stroke, while a blood clot in the heart causes heart attacks. By reducing the piostaslandin, the risk of
`heart attacks and strokes is reduced.
`The Arnerican Heart Association believes that out of the nine hundred thousand lives lost each year to
`cardiovascular disease, five to ten thousand could be saved if more people used aspirin at the first signs of
`a heart attack (intermittent chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue). In the important first moments
`of a heart attack, aspirin provides "head start" therapy and a better chance for survival.
`Because of its possible serious side effects. aspirin is not approved for daily use by healthy people who are
`not at risk for heart disease. For those who do need it, the recommended dose varies from 50 to 395
`milligrams daily. Above all, aspirin should never replace a healthy lifestyle.
`While it seems like a wonder drug. aspirin does have certain drawbacks. It can irritate the stomach lining,
`causing heartburn, pain, or nausea. Coating aspirin capsules helps reduce this irritation by preventing the
`release of the aspirin until it has passed through the stomach and into the small intestine; however,
`coating also slows the absorption of aspirin and increases the amount of time before it starts to work.
`Buffered aspirin reduces the acidity of the stomachs contents to lessen irritation. Taking aspirin with an
`antacid or after a meal will also reduce the stomach irritation. Because of these possible adverse effects,
`people should not take aspirin if they have a bleeding disorder, stomach ulcer, or gout (a painful disease
`of the joints, especially legs, hands, and feet).
`Other side effects include the fact that high doses of aspirin may cause ringing in the ears. Furthermore,
`if children or adolescents infected with chicken pox or influenza (flu) are given aspirin, they could cl evelop
`Reyes Syndrome, a sudden loss of consciousness that may cause death. Allergy sufferers should also
`watch their aspirin intake. If people are allergic to aspirin, they may have difficulty breathing or develop
`hives, itching, or swelling. Also, aspirin should not be given to someone directly before or after surgery
`becaii.-;e it decreases the bloods ability to clot, which could cause excessive bleeding.
`People who consume a lot of alcohol need to be careful, too~—liver damage and stomach bleeding can
`result when heavy drinkers use aspirin. Finally, aspirin should not be given to children under the age cf
`twelve or to pregnant women, especially during the last three months of pregnancy since it could cause
`complications during delivery.
`Acetaminophen is the generic (non -trademarked) name for the pain reliever found in brand name
`products such as Tylenol and Excedrin. It is also used to treat fever, headaches, and minor aches and
`pains. Acetaminophen works by affecting the brain and spinal cord, altering the perception of pain.
`Acetaminophen is similar to hormones that the brain produces called endorphins. These hormones stop
`the pain sensation from being transmitted from cell to cell. It reduces fevers by affecting the area of the
`brain that regulates temperature. Like aspirin, acetaminophen limits the production of prostaglandin in
`the brain. Aspirin affects prostaglandin production in the rest of the body as well, but acetaminophen only
`affects the brain. For this reason, acetaminophen does not reduce inflammation. It cannot affect swelling
`from arthritis, sprains, or muscle pain. It does have fewer side effects than either aspirin or ibuprofen
`(see below). Therefore, people with blood clots, ulcers, chicken pox, influenza, or gout can safely take
`acetaminophen instead of aspirin.
`Individuals with liver disease should not take acetaminophen; in fact, an overdose of this drug can cause
`seriouri liver and kidney damage. Like other pain relievers, this drug :3l10ulCl not be taken with alcoholic
`beverages. A risk of liver damage exists from combining large amounts of alcohol and acetaminophen. It
`should not be taken for more than ten days or by children under the age of twelve.
`Originally available only by prescription, this drug has been available in lower strength as an OTC pain
`reliever since 1984. Ibuprofen can be used to treat headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, swelling,
`menstrual pain, and to reduce fevers. Like aspirin, it works by inhibiting production c-f prostaglandin,
`which aids blood clotting and makes nerve endings sensitive.
`The possible side effects of using ibuprofen include drowsiness, heart—burn, upset stomach. nausea,
`vomiting, or dizziness. Taking the drug with food or milk often helps to avoid these problems. Pregnant
`women and people with diabetes or congestive heart failure should not take ibuprofen.
`Ibuprofen is a stronger analgesic than either aspirin or acetaminophen and a better anti-inflammatory
`than aspirin. It can be found in brand name products such as Advil, Motrin TB, and Nuprin.
`Ketoprofen and naproxen are pain relievers similar to ibuprofen. Ketoprofen has had OTC status since