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`Body Balance for Performance, Inc. (gbrozek@ogton1ine.net)
`12/10/2007 3:50:38 PM
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`PO BOX 1330
`HUNTINGTON’ NY 11743'0490
`Body Balance for
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`Performance, Inc.
`Applicant is requesting reconsideration of a final refusal issued/mailed May 17, 2007.
`After carefiil consideration of the law and facts of the case, the examining attomey must deny the
`request for reconsideration and adhere to the final action as written since no new facts or reasons have
`been presented that are significant and compelling with regard to the point at issue.
`Accordingly, applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. The time for appeal runs from the date
`the final action was issued/mailed. 37 C.F.R. Section 2.64(b); TMEP Section 7l5.03(c). If applicant
`' has already filed a timely notice of appeal, the application will be forwarded to the Trademark Trial and
`Appeal Board (TTAB).
`Please note that the amended recitationof services submitted is accepted. However, the final Section 2
`(d) refusal is maintained and CONTINUED.
`The applicant argues that the dissimilarities ofthe respective marks outweigh their similarities. For
`example, the applicant argues that the additional term TRAINING in its mark can distinguish the
`respective marks in trade. The examiner disagrees. As previously indicated, the term TRAINING is a
`generic term for the applicant’s training services and, therefore, has very little or no trademark
`significance. In any event, the mere addition of a term to a registered mark is not sufficient to overcome
`a likelihood of confusion under Section 2(d). Coca-Cola Bottling Co. v. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons,
`Inc., 526 F.2d 556, 188 USPQ 105 (C.C.P.A. 1975) (“BENGAL” and “BENGAL LANCER”); Lilly
`Pulitzer, Inc. v. Lilli/Inn Corp., 376 F.2d 324, 153 USPQ 406 (C.C.P.A. 1967) (“THE LILLY” and
`“LILLI ANN”); In re El Torito Restaurants Inc., 9 USPQ2d 2002 (TTAB 1988) (“MACHO” and
`“MACHO COMBOS”); In re United States Shoe Corp., 229 USPQ 707 (TTAB 1985) (“CAREER
`IMAGE” and “CREST CAREER IMAGES”); In re Corning Glass Works, 229 USPQ 65 (TTAB 1985)
`(“CONFIRM” and “CONFIRMCELLS”); In re Riddle, 225 USPQ 630 (TTAB 1985) (“ACCUTUNE”
`and “RICHARD PETI‘Y’S ACCU TUNE”); In re Cosvetic Laboratories, Inc., 202 USPQ 842 (TTAB
`1979) (“HEAD START” and “HEAD START COSVETIC”). TMEP §1207.01(b)(iii). The dominant
`feature of the respective marks, 3R TRAINING and THE THREE R’S, is clearly the wording 3R and
`THE THREE R’S which create the same overall commercial impression. The applicant should note in
`this regard that the test of likelihood of confusion is not whether the marks can be distinguished when
`subjected to a side-by-side comparison. The issue is whether the marks create the same overall
`impression. Visual Information Institute, Inc. v. Vicon Industries Inc., 209 USPQ 179 (TTAB 1980).
`The focus is on the recollection of the average purchaser who normally retains a general rather than
`specific impression oftrademarks. Chemetron Corp. v. Morris Coupling & Clamp Co., 203 USPQ 537
`(TTAB 1979); SealedAir Corp. v. ScottPaper Co., 190 USPQ 106 (TTAB 1975); TMEP §l207.0l(b).
`The applicant disagrees. The applicant argues that the cited mark suggests a take on the old saying
`“reading, writing, and arithmetic” whereas the proposed mark does not. The examiner finds this
`Page 4 of 6
`argument unpersuasive. It is the examiner’s position that the proposed mark 3R also creates this
`impression, especially in relation to training services. Moreover, the applicant has failed to indicate any
`other suggestion that 3R may make in relation to its training services, other than referring to the
`fundamentals or “reading, writing, and arithmetic” of golf. Clearly, 3R and THE THREE R’S make the
`same overall commercial impression. The fact that the registrant’s mark features the number 3 ‘spelled
`out as “three” simply cannot obviate the stated refusal. The respective marks essentially both mean
`“3R” or “THE 3 R’S” or “THREE R” or “THE THREE R’S” which convey the same overall
`commercial impression.
`As to the services, the applicant argues that consumers of the registrant’s sports psychological
`consultation services focusing on the mental aspect of sports would not encounter its golf instruction
`services or physical fitness consultation services in the field of golf. Likewise, the applicant argues that
`the examiner’s third-party evidence is not relevant because it includes marks for instruction relating to
`the mental, as opposed to the physical, aspect of golf and psychological consultation services. The
`examiner disagrees. The applicant’s broadly stated “golf instruction services” are presumed to include
`training in the mental aspect of golf which is clearly related to the registrant’s sports psychological
`consultation services in any field. The examining attorney must determine whether there is a likelihood
`of confusion on the basis of the services identified in the application and registration. Ifthe application
`describes the services broadly, as here, and there are no limitations as to their nature, type, channels of
`trade or classes of purchasers, it is presumed that the application encompasses all services of the type
`described, including training relating to the mental aspect of the game of golf, that they move in all
`nonnal channels of trade, and that they are available to all potential customers. TMEP §1207.01(a)
`(iii). After all, golf is a game that is 90% mental such that the physical and mental aspects of the game
`are inseparable. See the attached World Wide Web excerpts in this regard. For example, see the excerpt
`from ASKTHEGOLFER entitled MENTAL GAME stating “(t)he game of golf is 90% mental..”. See
`also the excerpt from LeamAboutGolf. com also stating “(i)t has been claimed many times that ‘Golf is
`90% Mental’”. See also the excerpt from SearchWarp.com stating that “(t)he mental side of the game
`requires just as much attention as the other components in the development of your game of golf.” See
`also the attached World Wide Web excerpt from Psychology Today stating that (i)t’s often been said
`that golf is more of a mental game than a physical one..”. Therefore, the third-party evidence provided
`by the examiner is particularly relevant, such as U.S. Registration Number 1945752 for educational
`services relating to the mental approach to the game of golfas well as psychological services.
`Moreover, the third-party evidence also indicates that the physical aspects of the game of golf overlap
`with the mental. See e.g. U.S. Registration Number 2433327 for instruction in integrating the physical
`and psychological aspects of the game of golf. This evidence establishes that a consumer of golf
`instruction would be very interested in the physical as well as the psychological aspects of the game, and
`hence, the applicant’s golf instruction services and physical fitness consultation services in the field of
`golfas well as the registrant’s sports consultation services in any field.
`Nevertheless, the applicant argues that “there is traditionally a dividing line between physical health and
`mental health industries, physical fitness and mental fitness, physical approach and mental approach --
`the Body vs. the Mind.” The examiner again disagrees. As can be seen from the volume of evidence
`attached from the World Wide Web, the psychological aspects of the game of golf are very important to
`the golf consumer, especially since the game of golf is 90% mental. See e.g. the World Wide Web
`excerpt from Brianmac Sports Coach entitled “Golf- it’s all in the swing and the mind.” See also the
`World Wide Web excerpt attached from Gary Baker Sports Psychology stating “(g)olf is a game of
`intense mental fitness, and good golfers realize this and work as much on the mental side of their game
`as they do on the technical.” Consequently, golf training ofien includes not only physical training, but
`training in a mental approach to the game. See e.g. the attached World Wide Web excerpt from the
`Abele Golf School in this regard offering both. Moreover, see the attached World Wide Web excerpt
`from go1fcamp.com referring to a golf camp featuring 4 aspects of the game of golf, technical, tactical,
`file://\\ticrs-ais-01\ticrsexport\HtmlToTifiInput\REC000 l2007_12_20_10_23_03_'ITAB...
`Page 5 of 6
`physical and psychological. See also again the World Wide Web excerpt from Brianmac Sports Coach
`referring “(h)ow to prepare your annual golf training program and the benefits of including psychology
`training into the program.” See also the attached World Wide Web excerpt from Golffitness Products
`indicating that you “carmot ignore the connection between body and mind..” and that “(s)port
`psychology deals with the relationship between psychological variables and sports performance.”
`Moreover, see the additional World Wide Web excerpts attached indicating that the psychological or
`mental aspects of other sports also overlap with physical training in the same field.
`The applicant also argues that the cited registration is simply for sports psychological consultation
`services and that there is no presumption that they are specifically for golfers. Contrary to what the
`applicant suggests, it is well settled that the issue of likelihood of confusion between marks must be
`determined on the basis of the services as they are identified in the application and the registration.
`Canadian Imperial Bank ofCommerce v. Wells Fargo Bank, 811 F.2d 1490, 1 USPQ2d 1813 (Fed. Cir.
`1987); Paula Payne Products Co. v. Johnson Publishing Co., Inc., 473 F.2d 901, 177 USPQ 76
`(C.C.P.A. 1973). Since the identification of the registrant’s services is very broad, it is presumed that
`the registration encompasses all services of the type described, including sports consultation services
`- specifically for golfers, that they move in all normal channels of trade and that they are available to all
`potential customers. In re Elbaum, 211 USPQ 639, 640 (TTAB 1981). TMEP §l207.0l(a)(iii).
`Furthermore, as can be seen from the attached World Wide Web evidence, sports psychology services
`for golfers are quitecommon in trade. See e. g. the attached World Wide Web excerpt from HealthFIT
`stating that (t)here are many psychologists who specialize in golf psychology now.” See also the World
`Wide Web excerpt from Brianmac Sports Coach stating that “(t)he study of Psychology in the world of
`sport is a rapidly growing field of interest and involvement. . .(t)his coaching portfolio relates the theme
`of psychological coaching to the sport of golf..(t)he mental concentration and cognitive ability required
`in golf, makes this an excellent sport to involve psychological training methods.” See also the attached
`World Wide Web excerpts referring to the book The Golfing Mind: Psychological Principles of Good
`Golf by Robert Brown, and to golf programs including not only golf fitness instruction but one on one
`sports psychology.
`The applicant also argues that other similar marks were allowed to co-exist on the Ofi'rce’s register, such
`as R3 for wines and 3RRR for wines. The examiner finds this evidence unpersuasive. The marks R3
`and 3RRR do not create the same commercial impression.
`In any event, third-party registrations, by
`themselves, are entitled to little weight on the question of likelihood of confusion. In re Hub
`Distributing, Inc., 218 USPQ 284 (TTAB 1983). Third-party registrations are not evidence of what
`happens in the marketplace or that the public is familiar with the use of those marks. National
`Aeronautics and Space Administration v. Record Chemical Co., 185 USPQ 563 (TTAB 1975). TMEP
`Finally, the applicant argues that the relevant consumer is sophisticated. The fact that purchasers are
`sophisticated or knowledgeable in a particular field does not necessarily mean that they are sophisticated
`or knowledgeable in the field of trademarks or immune from source confusion. See In re Decombe, 9
`USPQ2d 1812 (TTAB 1988); In re Pellerin Milnor Corp., 221 USPQ 558 (TTAB 1983). TMEP
`§l207.0 l(d)(vii).
`/Zhaleh Delaney/
`Trademark Attorney
`Law Office 116
`STATUS CHECK: Check the status of the application at least once every six months from the initial
`Page'6 of 6
`filing date using the USPTO Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) online system
`at http://tarr.uspto.gov. When conducting an online status check, print and maintain a copy of the
`complete TARR screen. Ifthe status of your application has not changed for more than six months,
`please contact the assigned examining attorney.
` t’
`Sports Metal Fitness
`S}recia1z'zirzg in Tcards and Qglf
`Sports Mont! Fitness Training at SP5 provides training ior athletes and coaches individuals, teams and camps gain the t'nt‘ormation and
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`may 0 Qfigggjn 2 gym a 9331 » Mental. Physical. Nutritional. and Blomcotunieal Preparation foyYour0ol1 oame
`Mtuthor Lapin
`Mental, Physical, Nutritional, and Biomechanlcal Preparation for Your Gotf Game
`‘fit? Q ‘Q it
`£13.13 ’ Elmfizmmmh I m
`Submitted Vndnndly, April 12. 21%
`Today’: ttlrrst Popirtet‘
`Submitted by: sun 3-399 ..
`Lggjg to become 9 member of Sean‘s Fan Clubl
`.2. *6
`Golf is a game requiring mastery in a variety of areas for success. Breaking down the game of golf into
`categories. Success and developmentwithin is required in the areas of mechanics. physical, nutntional,
`and mental. Mechanics is the development of the proper biomechanics of the golf swing. Physical entails
`developing the body around the golf swing. Nutrition incorporates fueling the body for proper success on
`the golf course. Mental is the development of the correct mind set to excel at the game of golf.
`iv ....».-.n~.-.\ -
`. n
`Each and every one of these categories has a direc affect on the development of your golf game. Often
`the golfer tends to focus only upon the development of the golf swing through mastery of biomecnanics of
`the golf swing, Developing the biomechanics of the golf swing requires you to correctty master each phase
`of the golf swing. Often the golf swing is broken down into phases. These phases are address, oackswing,
`transition. downswing, and follow through. Not only is it required of the amateur to master each movement
`entailed in the phases of the golf swing. it is also necessary to perform each specific movement with the
`correct timing. Finally, the discussion of the biomechanics requires you to create efficiency and
`repeatability within the golf swing. After recognizing all the intricacies involved in the development of
`efficient golf swing mechanics. Itis understandable why golfers spend an in ornate amount of this pan of
`developing their golf game.
`What golfers at times fail to recognize that additional categories exist requiring development to create the
`nntimal nolf swing lf ionnrecl these aspects can nenativetv affect the develnnment nf the golf swim and
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`optimal golf swing. It ignored these aspects can negatlvety affect the development or the golf swing and
`golf game. The next category requiring development within the golfer is categorized as physical. Physical
`refers to the development of the body around the golf swing. Often times the body is a hindrance in the
`development of the biomechanics of the golf swing. The golf swing requires certain levels of flexibility,
`balance, strength. endurance, and power within the body to execute the golf swing correctty. if the body is
`lacking in any one of these physical categories. the ability to perform the biomechanics of the golf swing
`correctly will be hindered. The end result is the possible inability to master the biomechanics of the golf
`swing. The common result is the development of compensations in the golf swing. For example, the golf
`swing requires a high level of flexibility to complete a full shoulder turn. lfthe golfer is lacking flexibility. the
`ability to complete a full shoulder turn will be compromised. thus causing compensations in the golf swing.
`Each and every physical component has a direct effect on the execution of the golf swing. Compensations
`can easily occur if these physical aspects are not developed around the golf swing. in addition to
`developing these physical aspects of the body, it is of equal importance to develop these parameters
`around the biomechanics of the golf swing. This type of training is termed cross-specific training. Cross-
`specific training can be defined as the developing the physical parameters of the body to the positions,
`movement. and requirements of the golf swing. This simply states the components of flexibility. balance,
`strength, endurance. and power must be developed around the requirements of the golf swing.
`How To Drive The Ball Farther
`After understanding the physical component of golf swing development. The golfer must understand two
`additional categories directfy affecting the game of golf. The next category the golfer must understand and
`develop is nutrition. Nutrition is a fairly basic component to understand in relation to golf or any other
`athletic endeavor. Essentially. nutrition is the process by which one fuels their body for their sport. Basically
`if poor nutrients are given to the body during athletic endeavors. outputs on the field of competition (l ,e. golf
`course for golfers) will be less than optimal. Nutrition in relation to athletes is not solety concerned about
`weight loss. but more so on providing the body with the nutrients required for success on and off the
`course. Weight loss and good health go hand-in-hand with proper nutrition. but with athletes the number
`one concern is property fueling the body for success in their chosen sport. Nutrition in golf and athletics in
`general are required for success during competition and development of the athlete in their chosen sport.
`For example. nutrition fuels the body in the development of it physically. in order to develop higher levels of
`strength and power within the golfer. proper nutrition will undoubtedly increase the success within this
`category. if the body is provided proper nutrients. the ability of it to develop the physical requirements
`needed of the golf swing will occur at a much more optimal process.
`The final category lending itself to develop of one's golf game is mental. Often referred to as a key element
`of success within the game of golf. Numerous materials exist on the development of the mind within golf. it
`is often a category that is address once a proficiency in the area of golf swing mechanics has
`materialized. but at times is overlooked by many amateurs within the game. A grasping of the basic
`concepts of positive mental outlook. visualization. and preparation can improve a golfers success rate on
`course a great deal. As with all other categories requiring development for the game of golf, the mental
`side of game is in need of attention.
`Development of a golfers swing and game consists of much more than the golf swing itself. it requires
`efficiency within the biomechanics of the golf swing. Inside these biomechanics of the golf are lngraining
`the mrrent seqrrence of the golf swing and the timing reqlrirerl Developing the biomechanics of the golf
`swing can hinge upon physical components of the body. Certain levels of flexibility, balance. strength.
`endurance. and power are required to execute the goif swing correctly. On top of developing the body for
`the golf swing proper nutrition is required. Nutrition fuels the body during a round of golf and assists in the
`process of developing a well rounded golf game. Finalfy. the correct mental approach is required for
`success within this game of golf. The mental side of the game requires just as much attention as the other
`AA!V<H!\OirovV9y\ én Oh/s Ans-Alnvsv-nnnm auisuuw Iv-nan A‘ «AW All in All 4-: 4-Avnnrnfiunnr-Sun numnrnna-h in Ukn
`components in the development of your game of golf. All in all a comprehensive approach in the
`development of your golf game is required for optimal success in the game of golf. This entails time and
`effort in the areas of. golf swing biomechanics, developing the flexibility. balance. strength, endurance, and
`power required physically of the golf swing. properly fueling the bodywith optimal nutrition, and
`development of a sound mental approach to the game of golf.
`Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He uavels the
`PGA Tour regularly with 2004 Masters, 2005 PGA. and 2006 Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. To team
`more about Sean and his golf fitness programs go to wvwv.seancochran.com
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`Aiahxsunn -A
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`.~tllOUi CLUES
`D R 1 Vi. R S
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`(‘.('ll.Y BOOKS
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`'\'.0Ll AUL"llOl~.‘<
`AUDIO B(.3(_)§~.5
`A selection of golf-fitness
`and golf training articles
`Translate lhis site
`golf—fltness, as we grow older this is something that can become a
`bit of a problem..... for the young guys and gals maybe it is not so
`bad.. ahh! youth where did it gal!
`Seriously though golf—fitnes is some thing we should not ignore no
`matter what our age‘
`Like all sports we should warm up with some pre golf eucerlses so
`that we are properly loosened up before the game, this way we may
`avoid those aches and pains.
`Our first article in this series is by Sean Cochran, Sean is Phll
`Mlddasnns fitness coach.
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`How to Prevent Your Golf Swing from Breaking
`Down with Golf Fitness Exercises
`by: Sean Cochran
`it happens to all of us. we loose our golf swing, make some type of
`unknown modification in how we swing the club, and everything falls
`apart. What can we do to prevent our golf swing from leaving us?
`Remember this saying as you continue to read this article; "Proper
`Preparation Precedes Success and Confidence“. Think about this
`phrase for a moment and then keep reading.
`1 write about this subject because of an e-mail I received from a
`fellow golfer. The e-mail read:
`“Sean, while out practicing 1 appear to have iniured a muscle(s) in my
`back just below my left shoulder. and also around the outside of my
`left side rib cage. I have tried to continue to play golf through this
`injury, hoping it would get better but I had to stop.
`Hitting down and through the ball proved to very difficult and I
`seemed to be pulling out of shots early and topping the ball on my
`iron shots a lot.
`Do you have any golf-fitness exercises in your book which will heal
`the injury and prevent a re-occurrence?”
`Absolutely! l do have golf-fitness exercises to help you with the
`prevention of such an injury occurring.
`But let‘s qet back onto the topic of this article and that is the loss of
`our golf swing.
`“Loosing” your golf swing can occur for a number of reasons.
`Typically, they fall into one of 3 categories:
`1) Mechanical 2) Physicals) Mental
`A loss of your golf swing on the mechanical side of the equation is
`pretty simple to understand. Essentially. you have made an
`adjustment in the mechanics of your golf swing causing
`compensations to occur. These compensations result in poor shots
`and possibly a great deal of frustration, if you do not know what is
`often times the amateur is completely unaware of the changes they
`UMUH Llillflb UIU dlfldtflkll I} UUIIHJIUKEIY unaware Ul UIB Ulidllglih UIUY
`have made wreaking havoc on their golf swing.
`How do you go about solving such a situation‘!
`Through proper instruction from a qualified teacher is the first part of
`this equation. A qualified teaching pro will be able to diagnose the
`problem and provide you guidance on how to fix it.
`The ball is then in your court, meaning you must use this information
`and go practice (remember, proper preparation precedes success or
`The second reason for the “loss” of your golf swing is a publicized
`matter, and it is your body.
`Remember it is your body that swing: the golf club. If your body is
`unable to swing the golf club properly, the ability to swing it without
`compensations will occur.
`The e-mail above is an example of such a problem. The amateur golfer
`has incurred an injury as a result of the body not being flexible,
`strong, or powerful enough to swing the golf club properly over a
`period of time.
`Keep in mind the golf swing requires certain levels of flexibility,
`balance, strength. endurance. and power to swing the golf club
`correctly. If any one of these facets within your body is not up to par
`(no pun intended, but It ms real well doesn't it?), the swing will
`Often times body impairments causing you to “loose” your swing are
`not as severe as an injury (they will get that way if ignored), but
`rather they are a slight discomfort. muscle pull. or fatigue. which
`cause compensations to occur in your golf swing.
`Again. we can go back to the phrase ‘proper preparation precedes
`success and confidence”. You must properly prepare your body for
`the golf swing. This is where golf fitn