`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limit
`John Zaccaria
`Notaro & Michalos P.C.
`100 Dutch Hill Road, Suite 110
`Orangeburg, NY 10962-2100
`Applied for Mark
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Applicant's Motion to Suspend
`J909-026-SuspReqforRecon.pdf ( 12 pages )(1176556 bytes )
`J909-026 - 78578012 Ex A-E.pdf ( 128 pages )(9289755 bytes )
`John Zaccaria
`Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited
`March 2, 2005
`Kelly A. Choe, Esq.
`Commissioner for Trademarks
`P.~.O.. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`Applicant, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited, respectfully moves,
`pursuant to 37 CFR. § 2.117 to suspend the Applicant's ex parte appeal pending
`consideration of the accompanying amendment and response to the final refusal and
`supporting documents.
`On April 25, 2006, the Office issued a finalofficial action refusing registration under‘
`Section 2(e) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1052,(e)(1), on the grounds that applicant's
`GANGS OF LONDON mark is merely descriptive of applicant's goods, "ciomputer and
`video game software; computer and video game discs; DVDs featuring audio and video
`recordings relating to computer and video games and computer and video game software
`and programs” in class 9, “handheld electronic games; figurines; namely toy figures; action
`figures; board games; toy vehicles” in class 28, and "provision of computer and video
`games and computer and video game programs from a computer database, or via the
`Internet” in class~41.
`On October 20, 2006, Applicant timely filed a notice of appeal. As per the»Office's
`communication dated November 7, 2006, Applicant's appeal brief is due by December.24,
`Applicant seeks to submit for consideration by the Office the accompanying
`amendment which amends App|icant’s goods and basis for the subject application to
`Section 44(e) of the Trademark Act. Applicant also seeks to submit its Community Trade
`Mark Registration certificate. Registration No. 004313813, along with its English
`translation, a copy of which will be provided under separate cover.
`Applicant also respectfully submits herewith a response to the final refusal and
`supporting documents for consideration by the Examining Attorney.
`Accordingly, it is respectfully requested that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`suspend the ex parte appeal in the subject application and remand the application to the
`Examining Attorney for consideration of the accompanying amend merit, change of filing
`basis, and response to final office action.
`In response to the final office action mailed on April 25, 2006, please enter the
`following amendment, change the Application filing basis, and take note of .the following
`Please delete the original identification of goods in International Classes 28 and 41
`and substitute the following:
`Handheld electronic games; figurines, namely toy figures;
`action figures; board games; toy vehicles,
`in International
`Class 28;
`Provision of on—line computer and video games and on-line
`computer and video game programs via the Internet,
`Intematlonal Ctass 41’.
`Kindly delete bona fide intent-to-use under Section ‘l(b) as the filing basis for this
`application and add Section 44,(e) as the basis for filing.
`As to the basis for filing, Applicant will submit a copy of Community Trade. Mark
`Registration No. 004313813, along with an English translation thereof, undera separate
`Applicant respectfully requests that its Community Trade Mark Registration be
`substituted as the basis for registration, under Section 44(e) of the Trademark Act.
`Applicants verified statement of bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce
`on or in connection with the identified goods is of record.
`Applicant respectfully requests reconsideration of the final refusal
`to register
`Applicants mark GANGS OF LONDON for the following goods and services:
`Computer and video game software; computer and video
`game discs; DVDs featuring audio and video recordings
`relating to computer and video games and computerand video
`game softwareand programs, in International Class 9;
`Handheld ‘electronic games; figures; namely, toyifigures;
`action ‘figures; board games; toy vehicles, in International
`Class 28;
`Provision of on—line computer and video games and on-line
`computer and video game programs via the lntemet, in
`International Class 41.
`Registration of Applicant’s mark has been refused pursuantto Section 2(e)(1 ) of the
`Trademark Act, 15» U.S.C. §1052(e)(1), as being merely descriptive of Applicants gaming
`goods and services.
`It is respectfully submitted that the mark GANGS OF LONDON, when considered
`in its entirety, and in view of the goods and services identified in the subject application,
`is, at must, suggestive of Applicants goods and services.
`There is no clear connection between App|icant’s mark and the goods and services
`identified in the application.
`GANGS OF LONDON Is Not Merely Descriptive
`The test for determining registrability on the Principal Register, under Section 2(e)(1)
`of the Trademark Act, is not whether the mark is descriptive, but whether it is “merely"
`descriptive of the stated goods andfor services.
`The words "meirely descriptive" are statutory terms of art construed to mean that a
`mark must clearly tell a potential customer o_riiv what the goods (or services) are, their
`function, characteristics, use or ingredients, otherwise the mark is not "merely descriptive.”
`in re Coioniai Stores, im:., 15? U.S.P.Q. 382, 385 (C.C.P.A. 1968) (“On the record below,
`the mark clearly does not tell the potential purchaser o_rflv what the goods are, their
`their characteristics or
`their use, or, of prime concern here,
`ingredients")(emphasis added); in re Quik-Print Copy Shops, inch, 205 U.S.P.Q. 505, 50?
`(O.C.P.A. 1980) ("In this context, ‘mere-Iy‘ is considered to mean ‘only.”’).
`In determining mere descriptiveness, Applicant's GANGS OF LONDON mark must
`be considered in relation to the goods and services identified in the subject application.
`in re Vehicfe information Network fnc., 32 U.S.P.Q. 2d 1542, 1544 (T.T.A.B. 1994) ("the
`question of registrability must be determined, in proceedings before the Board, on the
`basis of the goods or services as set forth in the application, ratherthan in reference to the
`precise nature of the goods or services on or in connection with which the mark is actually
`used or intended to be used.").
`The record is devoid of any showing of how GANGS OF LONDON is merely
`descriptive of the goods and services identified in the subject application, namely
`“computer and video game software,” “computer and video game discs,” “DVD’s featuring
`audio and video recordings relating to computer and video games,” “figurines," etc.
`The mark GANGS OF LONDON does not immediately tell the consumer what
`Applicants gaming goods and services are, as identified in the application, but rather
`requires the exercise of imagination, thought, and perception by the consumer.
`The vifaltype, purposes and characteristics of»Applica nt’s goods, i.e., “computer and
`video game software," or services, i.e., “providing online computer and video games,” are
`not described by its mark GANGS OF LONDON neither generally nor with immediacy.
`Applicant's mark does not describe how the Applicant’s games and services are
`used or played or the purpose or function ofApplicant’s games and services. GANGS OF
`LONDON does not describe any of the intrinsic features of the goods andior services, i.e..,
`the memory requirements of Applicants computer andlor video game, compatibility of the
`video games, or the gaming consoles and controls (i.e., joystick, keyboard).
`Applicants computer andfor video game creates a fictitious world with .a fictitious
`setting and fictitious characters. The game places the player in a crime underworld in a
`fictitious London setting. Applicants game is not about real gangs‘ in London.
`it is well—established trademark iaw that a mark is‘ not “merely descriptive” if there
`are a variety of meanings for the word (or words) which comprise the mark. See in re
`Vaughan Furniture C0,, 24 U.S.P.Q.2d 1068 (T.T.A.B., 1992) (‘mark PINE CRAFTS for
`household furniture was approved for registration partially because of the various dictionary
`definitions, meanings and uses of the word "craft”).
`Likewise, in this case, there are several definitions for theiworcl “gangs” that are not
`merely descriptive of Applicants goods andlor services.
`The word. “,gang" has a multitude of meanings, including the following:
`“field or pasture in which animals graze";
`“a group of people who associate regularly on a social basis: The whole gang
`from the office went to a crambake”;
`"‘a group of laborers organized together on one job or under one foreperson: a
`railroad gang”;
`“a match or coordinated set, as of tools: a gang of Chisels”;
`"a pack of wolves or wild dogs”; and
`“a herd, especially of buffalos or elk."
`See Exhiblt5A attached hereto; see also, attachment to Office Action dated September
`27, 2005.
`Applicant's mark evokes several different’ things to a potential consumer when
`the mark is considered in View of Applicants goods and services.
`Applicant acknowledges that GANGS OF LONDON suggests that the fictional
`subject matter of Applicants gaming goods and services relates to something or
`someone’ of a criminal nature with origins in London. However, Applicants mark
`projects‘ other impressions, as suggested by the numerous definitions of “gangs.”
`Thus, when presented with AppliCant’s mark, and in light of the multitude of
`meanings of “gangs,” consumers will undergo a multi-stage reasoning process in an
`attempt to determine the subject matter of Applicants goods.
`Additionally, there has been no showing thatAppilcant‘s mark GANGS OF LONDON
`is used by others in the trade, or that the trade needs to use it, to describe Applicant's
`goods or services. See, in re. Wells Fargo & Co., 231 U.S.P.Q. ‘I16, 119 (T.T.A.B. 1986)
`("The absence from this record of evidence of any descriptive use of the term ‘EXPRESS
`SAVINGS‘ by others in the field of banking reinforces our view that the Examining
`Attorney's mere descriptiveness holding is in error."); in re Womerfs Publishing Co., mc.,
`23 U.S.P.Q.2d ‘I876 (T;T.A.B. 1992) (holding DECORATIVE DIGEST not descriptive of
`magazines) (“In reaching this conclusion we have considered the fact (as noted above) that
`there is of record no evidence that competitors use these words to describe their
`publications”); in re Shop-Vac Corp., 219 U.S.P.Q. at 472 (finding that Office did not
`introduce "any trade literature to substantiate his opinion that ‘electric broom has been
`used generically within commercial advertising by several parties to .date.”)
`In Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Goodyear Tire 8. Rubber Co., 1186 U.S.P.Q. 557’
`(T.T.A.B. 1975’), the mark "BlASTEEL“ was found to be suggestive of tires. Although the
`term "bias" described a type of tire and the term "stee|“ described tire cords made from
`steel belts, the Board held that the entire mark was suggestive of the character of tires.
`The Board found from the lack of descriptive. use. in the record that the use of the BIAS
`STEEL mark in relation to a tire was "neither natural nor obvious." id. at 559.
`The same can be said forthe mark GANGS OF LONDON.
`The evidence of record shows that GANGS ‘OF LOi\iDC)N is known in the computer‘
`and video gaming market as the name of App|.icant’s game. A current Google engine
`search of “Gangs of London” yields about 1 ,O00,000 results. At least the first one-hund red
`and twenty (120) listings of the search results refer to Applicant's game. See
`Applicant also submits news articles downloaded from the WestLaw “News”
`database which refers to Applicanfs computer and video game. See Exhibit 0.
`Further, Applicant respectfully directs the Office’s attention to the numerous third-
`party marks for computer games and video games which are registered onthe Principal
`Register, including the following:
`Re.gis‘trati.on No. 2,81 1 A86
`Copies of the third-party registrations and the specimens of use which werefiled in
`the application for each of the third—party registrations are attached hereto as Exhibit D.
`As‘ seen by the specimens, the marks are suggestive of the subject matter, story
`line, fictional locations and/or content of thegame: WORLD WAR II: PANZER CLAWS is
`suggestive of a story line that revolves around war and military fighting, and takes place
`during the historical period of World War II and the associated locations; ELITE FORCES
`WWII NORMANDY is suggestive of a story line where the player is part of elite military
`forces during World War ll and in the French city of Normandy; GRAND THEFT AUTO:
`SAN ANDREAS is suggestive of a storyline and subject matter revolving around the theft
`of automobiles in the fictional city of San Andreas. Third—party registrations of the above-
`mentioned video games were allowed even though the marks are suggestive of the subject
`matter, storyline, locations (fictional or based on reality), andlor content of the game.
`Similarly, .Applicant’s mark is suggestive of the subject matter, story line, fictional
`locations andlor content of the game but it is not descriptive of computer andfor» video
`games, etc.
`Suggestive marks used for computer andfor video games related to fictional subject
`matter, locations, and/or content are not new to the Principal Register with the invention
`of video games. The Principal Register includes registrations for names of board games
`which place the players in fictitious settings. For example, Monopoly, Reg_istratio.n No.
`2,654,349, and Battleship, Registration No. 2,659,228. MONOPOLY is suggestive of the
`subject matter of the game, players pretending to be business persons trying to obtain the
`exclusive control over a business related matter (the specimen for this mark states it is a
`“property trading game”), and BAT|'LESH|P is suggestive‘ of using a battleship to
`accomplish tasks.
`Copies of these third-party registrations and their specimens of use (where
`available) are attached hereto as Exhibit E.
`Applicant respectfully submitsthatthere should. be no doubt thatApplicant is entitled
`to register its mark. However, in case doubt exists, it must be resolved in favor of the
`in re Merrill, Lynch, Fenner 8: Smith, inc. 828 F.2d 1567, 4 U.S.P.Q. 2d 1141
`(Fed. Cir. 1987) (doubts on sufficiency of evidence of secondary meaning are resolved in
`favor of Applicants);
`in re Aid Laboratories, inch, 221 U.S.P.Q. 1215 (T.T.A.B. 1981); in
`re Conductive Systems inc, 200 U.S.P.Q. 84 (T.T.A.B. 1983); in re Gracious Lady Service,
`inc. 175 U.S.P.Q. 380, 382 (T.T.A.B. 1972); As stated in in re Gourment Bakers, lnc., 173
`,U.S_.P.Q. 565 (T.T.A.B. 1972):
`It has been recognized bythis and other tribunals that there is
`no easy applicable objective test to determine whether or not
`a particular mark, as applied to specific goods,
`is merely
`descriptive or merely suggestive. The distinction between
`marks which are "merely descriptive’ and marks which are
`‘suggestive’ is so nebulous‘ that more often than not
`determined largely on a subjective basis with any doubt in the
`matter being resolved in Applicant's behalf’ on the theory
`that any person that believes that he would be damaged bythe
`registration will have an opportunity under Section ‘I3 to
`oppose the registration of the mark and to present evidence,
`usually not present in the ex parte application, to that effect.
`(Emphasis added.)
`Reguest for Registration on the Supplemental Register in the Alternative
`In the event that the Board determines that the GANGS OF LONDON mark is
`incapable of registration on the Principal Register under Section 2(e)(1g), Applicant
`respectfully requests amend merit of this application to the Supplemental Register. (TMEP
`§ 816.04).
`Accordingly, it is believed that theapplication is in condition for publication and such
`action is respectfully solicited.
`The Examining Attorney is invited to "communicate with Applicant's counsel at the
`telephone number listed below ifsuch will ‘advance the prosecution of the application to
`Favorableaction is respectfully requested.
`Dated: December 12, 2006
`Respectfully submitted,
` :.§'é§ ‘n Zap
`ia IV
`Atforriey for Applicant
`(845) 359—7700
`1000 Dutch Hill Road
`Suite 110
`Orangeburg, NY 10962-2100
`Exh b tA
`gang ‘day
`* game
`ga'm’.’6-§gVé~net’lc-él;,ly,~ adv.
`in a_ gariiogcne
`to ma.rfiy.‘lVflrom games, mairr!i'1age.] ;;reprodilic-
`' 6. }z‘ainy.t¢—st <%f1Vsfkill.,'C0u1'3Ee. or endurancfe;
`tive ce
`t at can unite wit
`anot er simi ar —manner'.'
`—- ..
`as. t e game 0
`orieto form_t_he.cell that develops into a new ,Vga'rn‘6A
`t’é1-ous. _,a..,lx.amo-. and Gr
`in C6ft£iih,‘Card
`am.es. apointiaceredited
`a leaffiin botany. havingthe petals.
`the P1E§y_er_whose and countsup the h1gh-
`gafmettflgy av‘. otter having th~°—' .-n"'.tu"° 2°‘-' 3 ' 3.510 {°”'3:3‘Wbe“k° ‘-‘°1‘°".3-"
`iblepu sued measures planned proj
`Eimf $?-_°’.83m*°- 9?:
`ga-mo _.h’yl-lou='s a. [gamo-. and Gr. fill
`gé-nVie'to-, a combining form meaning gamete,
`al‘ lea?) in 'b’otar'iy_ having; 3 sing“, ,pe
`8 S W through THY £0VmV!
`f th
`be the P’°5e“‘ 3”?‘ °- It 3‘ ».as in eamtlophore. gametophyte.
`whorl". with coherent leaves' symp y
`..vexnp e.
`.V . -_,
`\;"_ _-
`p_Q.m gauanm,_ [Om] V;
`ggorrnnel gray n. a_.livi.n8 cell that divides to
`aoglposed 1:’;lrVzi>ophyI1oV:i:._
`V _dV
`rds’. fish,,or. animals which are
`-V -, - v. —r'
`Ous. a. [game an sq:
`.“..eVVd in Spam or for use as VVfQ°dV Vg;Vi.m teVo(,jIlB;1ég;'Ve£,hna:tI,1l')l}."§.V(_:;d1‘31:lét ofhaepégnt :bear-
`'haVv_ing the. sepals united; mono
`hermforests areirich-in game.
`, _
`r wild birds. fish...__o_r_V.animals 81,33Vff:§l§a.{.f.V V 5-hgGréf;g;n§n.-_§V§e:;§;£;§ '33."F‘5".
` from-GrV. gamos.i.i:riarriVage..] a- c V
`‘ _-.mVeaning mi
`merit _o ,at a _‘0p "y icp afntin W _ic
`t esei_;-
`éi business of‘izr§§$i'i.‘iii?O1e1s)i?e]cia1ly one
`‘..u.a1’<i>r8an.s are"Dr<.>duC‘e.d~
`i an element of risk‘ as the stock-market
`8%F*!e W‘-“.".i’e.“ 3“\"‘?fii°‘31 ‘Y.’ ‘.3h.3’3° °f °“f°{"C'
`V‘ game [Slang ]
`i_VriVg,t_heV_Vgarn'e laws in a certain area.»
`zu'r"’a"im- 5)iarsewi1d‘miliia1sasumlias Barn. i<:v".°--.l’CT-
`I’****?l.n*".*8 t° ‘mar
`velellhantus . lions. etc. ' hunted ‘for sport;
`flags’ irom “""°5' m3""’.'.3§-l.,"1. b1'01°8Yl"'5eX'
`(b) lSlané.] any important-objective difficult
`“A19 a‘5°' Capable. of "b°—mg'V"-de3"°1°P°d ‘°"‘1Y
`V or dangerous to puxsua
`through sexual union.
`Gr. Eamma. the th
`letter of the Gr.V_ alphabet. and ul, 1’
`‘ ;hat_Vp§VVqV§5 3 muV5,ca} ,,VVo;eV]
`V0/]..0’Vl-é.S.Vw,.,-M,‘ _perVfVmminL,V Imm1y_
`gamVVi.ly,.advi..in a¢g.amy_-. manner. p_liickily.._V._
`V1,” in mus
`(a) the loyvest note‘ of i;
`’raun‘.1“game’; a car‘d‘g‘ame' in which any num. gam in, it. [Fr.] a street urchin or street Arab;
`K‘ d|9¥31 59.31% C0"€..5P9Yl-dmfi.
`ber of, players may articipate. ‘
`’ “homeless °" ne8‘1°°_"°dV°h11d.1.°ft¢°»’°3I“-‘he
`theé‘ig"2'z"rrie is up;Va.’1i)ch,ances fo a*'successful
`" '
`low middle C;
`the 'c'omplet V,
`scale; Vc) the_Ventii;e seri_es ofrecogn‘
`‘ one; said of e
`er rises in- 8§m'!'1’3e98» "- the qua11&Y‘0f.b€1n&»l§af_nY.
`. _.
`., p
`in mo. ern Vmusic; (d) .':1_nyHcomple_t
`Sam In . it. t _e act or Dr-3_Ct.lC6 0 _P aym
`'; V
`scalc..esp‘eciVa.lly the major scale.
`V10 mak ga-me of.;.Vto- make fun of.» make the
`game or a prize or stake, gambling-
`._ 2.
`entire range or ‘ext.¢_nt of a
`"butt ofjokes. teasing. et,c.; ridicule.
`‘gam ma. n.‘lL. eamma;'G.r.;...~gamma.l
`to pla the game; (a) to act according to the
`the third letter of the’ Greek alphabet. gain{.3_r-
`.; pomp. _,gaVmieVr;
`.sVu_'p_erl. gam
`rules 0 a game; b) to behave as fairness or
`Corresponding toathe-English
`having a strong tangy flavor like £1-fa
`. Co11oq,]
`2. the symbol for the third in any ,_series.
`recreation.»-Pastime, amuse—
`.1, a..microgra_m.
`ment, frjoi? ;i1ve;-jsicin, plays
`, 4.ia.—:--common European noctuid moth.
`game, a. '*i..Iha‘ving an undaunted spirit; -un—
`Plum eamma. havmgpn thawing asilvery.
`Willing to admit.défeat«~full;-of pluck. [Co1loq.]
`Y-sha-p_ed. spot resembhngfihe. _;r9ek_ gamma.
`(in. as. in jpolygam
`2. havin
`ugh-mspirit or enthusiasm; 88m‘ma’<_H-0n 11.; Pl. gam-.ma’d.i.-a., [L.Gr.
`regdy; Vas,_%e's gaifie f‘o}i1' anythiflg. [(_',‘g1lgVq.g
`garggncéltittgn. {r0m_t.G1.f- E0?flm!1.. _gam_rn1I1i.l .3 gan','ir. past tense ofgin. to be 11.
`. pertaining to sue
`anima s,...wi'i
`ir s.
`011!’ Cap! {-1
`8-’9-mm9-5- 15599013 Y 1“ génch,'.' aunch’,'1/.»_l._<[Fr,v. gancherv.-. from ,g
`etc. as are hunted for use as food or for sport.
`the .f0J'_m Of 3 Swasfilka-A
`a hook ‘:15 impale on sharp stakes or h
`to die ame; to.kee oiie’s,nerve to the last‘ Qam’m3 g10b"3'1ifi» that
`5130550“ 0f ‘b100d .
`t_o die u£lC()l’1qu8l'8Ll ipn spirit.
`._§eri_ini which contains most antibodies_.__usegl
`.a m°th°d..°f ‘3.X§Cut1°n- .lO.1;3.§-l
`-gfimle. v.i.:igamed.1>..t..1>p.; arming. 1>i>z...lME.
`“.1 -hflemvorary I>F.eVe.““°"' °f 5e..?"e.T%1 mfec‘
`"‘8‘4m€'"§ 1.‘-Se.£.¢l7.n8tiian. to=p Vay, game_]
`tiousdiseases. as measles and hepatitis.
`1. “to play at any sport or _diversion [Dia1.] gamfma I!!9.thV.V,S«_3m¢ as £l1'7fi'7'tta. $83156 3}. ‘
`2. to play for a stake or prize; touse cards. gani’n‘12'1 r§y§,. one of 'theVtlire'e kinds’ of‘ rays
`emitted by i'~adi03CtiV€"'.$ub$t‘é.nC'6
`=’ith€Y are
`game" i/.1."
`to'”squandér or lose in. gambling
`similar to X rays, but sh6rt'er"i'n vi: ve length.
`1(w.iifi away). ._
`gamfma-rid, it. one of the cammaridz.
`\85_l1’1¢s;t1-,l'9-1$_9 §i131.- £¢1,m7"y; D§1jh._-_f*"?_1.'1.1 -, C113-L 'Ga'm.mar’ doe, 1V:'.gl.”[L, lgaiftnza/us. c4im'riia"r-
`V:_g.a1_gb1. VrVi1pingV.]VVlarne_;.hurt;
`iriVJVured_.; said es-
`14;’ Gr._ k Vmoros‘. a lgind of lobster and
`_l_38C13- Y _0f31¢8~_[_C0n0.Cl-l
`-1 «gig a family of amphipod " ‘
`._gaVme_ b 1%‘_,Vd.a_ Vh_.untVVcrV'Vs bag for carVrying..the
`E)/'1Z>__lh_V edby th1eVgenusGViV1m_Vma_ Vg_Vof_whi
`res vgaters rimp is aV,.spéci
`0 in4+-1OD".1‘< in«-9.‘.
`in0CL «-0D‘(9 0E11
`game-bird, a_ bird which is huntedfor sport or gam'm .9ii_:lV, a.V-V”pertai‘ni_ng toV"‘or having the
`. ‘leader, ’w
`g5me’coc‘l'<-. "n. Eicockbred or iised fér c6ck-
`theiufamily ' fiigssitvrifeiésftiiiniiiifdiidinccig "d¢i:‘ii‘l§
`,d A-dgfi , _r
`game fish. ii:-nlyr fish" regularly caught for sport. gam’mé'r, n. [dial». ’cont'r.- of grandmother.) an gag‘
`’t'i,e-“X; ‘igev '§1l:?iu?:§t‘:,;§,r.(:2 ‘EC
`-especVizi11yVariY $,l>9S3|€-"-
`l3ha§'._liIlhtS‘li'a‘r(1 \V'vhen
`' old ‘woman: often used contempti‘iou’sly?"oi'/
`"Om" ‘
`’ "
`.-.h. k (L
`zork Vrgin a .raVilroVadVs_cction gang
`-g§I(;(l)e'f3f0Wl, any_ one of several V.b__rV_eeds of do-
`8?’ne_f. ga'nof. n.V[Yiddish,.Vfrom He
`i‘;ei’§‘x‘ii5I‘i§ef$’i§3is‘i'?ii"°§i if»‘é?s°c,°i?ii‘i§1p3i鑧§-a is take
`i‘ ii.” b°‘‘°’“ “'1 0f a side ‘of-b’acof’r.i.3
`~Ga~._ne'sa: m in Hindu m¥*11°1°8Y~.?h»' *
`ham of a hogior a side of bacon,
`P“1d°fiC°- 1'6 |’¢59nt€d535 3‘m3-|1"WlCh‘.v3n .15
`care of game birds and"*animalsv'o_n public
`smoked or cured.
`H ’‘
`priirateg estates, to prevent poaching.
`gam’m6n, v.t.; gammoned, pt.. pp.; gan.'i!rnox_i- 833% ”-1« MS “"80". 8971103!» to 80.) to
`~.-.i,n'g, 1:1». to make into bacon; to picklearid
`W3 ft [5001]
`__ dry in smoke.
`” gang,- -n.~[ME. gong, _a.goi‘ng.‘ a course
`'gam’m6n,.u:t. to-’fasten_-_-_(a. b_owspl‘it)__.to the
`gang. 3780in8. -Way.]
`» :
`stem of a ship. as by iron bands or seigeral
`1. a goin ; the act of walking.
`turns of a rope.
`2.: anum er of persons
`n. the qualityjof being game.‘ or gam/mbn
`‘n. ‘ME.g'
`in some Way: specificélly. (a) .
`having an unyielding spirit; courage; pluc'ki- my.) in the game o?7{,‘,:'éi(”gamnif)‘:i':‘§nvigCa£:,
`wgrkmen or.l_aborers=u;_i}<:1l<-gfith it
`a oreman
`A There Vwasno doubt about his gameness.
`or a’ p fly” when he ‘has thrown off all ms
`men bgfore his opponent has,thrown off one.
`?i§>k.°T5i (3 {I1 91.’8_8-_1;V1iZ€éi
`gamrn n _v.!.'nthe
`ib‘ kf
`C_aSqua 0 convicsa wot:
`game plan,
`_ 1. the strategy plzmned before a
`' game’?
`ac gamma“ to
`children oi:_Vy.9uths from the same neig
`_ and ,,,;,,-j_ [pmh frbnll gamma"
`‘hood banded ‘together fVor”socia
`V}_££1lTlC. especially a football-ga_nic.
`.. 2,VV-any» long-range strategy_ to reach..2m ob—
`V_ jocular allusion... but influenced
`13. Va ckomdbinati
`set ofat
`'s°.° 9- ‘.»“.'‘$.°‘3“3
`bY‘‘£ammon3_ ’a.'"e .
`o s
`"" t" d"d.t': d"-
`game Vpolnt,
`V1.VV the situation in Z). game.
`.°:eive;h.umb(§gV1T[1C)Olf)1qIi ense l1l.8.n_ e VVVQ fie
`~‘e.specially tennis-.“ when the next 'pmi_’_1t. -scored
`could decide the‘ winner.
`ganvnmn’ Mg’ and".y'£' to talk
`gch as one gqes for 0“:
`' 2.’-"the ‘.\'l1’ll‘1'ln[{'D()lnt.
`e field’ or pasture in
`sine vré—~sérve<-» a.n,..area'
`.<>£.’=iIax_i.«1eir'x when ‘”l,';‘.'v‘i‘.?c‘i‘. ‘€i‘.%'=£‘a.%*;§:§é";E’2“.§‘§s§éi‘£'*§§§3£:f.‘§
`gamttg. fish.Vgt%_is protected for private-use‘ in
`to. the Stank
`2 g __fo;-gm in gang; to he ass
`Vand ,sp_Ofl3man_ gi:i':VV’er:i6n=pl§te,.an iron gplateojn the stern of V3533 (° t
`859999 m*ln"l=§‘hi
`1— c ..
`h‘ 11 iii‘.
`"to" tank It? on.‘ to: attaék or 91> 0
`imp 1 ‘Skill
`-situation to- -one's
`fa.‘ °_ W lcj
`e gamma“ shackles are
`;gr,,oup_.- [Slang]
`own vadvantagfe by the us’e'of-i ploys.
`n gh‘;,gIk1‘eV
`, .
`§ Z-1,<1?)“.‘ shackles for se¢’:i’.iVr-
`, Vo. gay; sportive:V;;~ playful; fi:o1ic-
`“ {gig {ha
`i» oB:7‘
`same as gangilei.
`g§me’s6m“e«1yV, adiz. mer-ril
`8,?m’°:.» Lér. ‘I1 (35. games,» marriage.)
`[5 iii Plerocla: Volehatd;
`g5me’a6me-néss,’ n. s orti. eness; in
`menh mg dorm meaning: _(a.) seatigally united.
`g‘§m‘e’stér, '7‘z.va gamb er.
`(Vb) _7VozVn_;d,V. asin gomosepal
`’ V,V§-)VVfll'.d,1l.5'S'33:fn'¢3t,;5SV _
`gam”e~tan’ zl-um n.; pl.
`, 3;.
`.V[gaVmVo’.,-,V and G V
`'12:, com‘
`r. gameté»;-..--a wife.» and ange-
`ask a small cask used for bringing vet
`production by the ii
`so1i_,' a ve'sseI.]=the organ or cell of \a=plant~.in -.
`all .r'el§>1'.0duC.t_iOn..
`‘gang day, [A§. gongdago
`gang days;
`.wh-_ic_h..gVametes a'reVproduced_."
`-; —.
`g.a_m V
`_ et’ig‘, .a. pertain; g toigVamVogene-
`going, and dgg (pl.V.V..d_Vagai-)5,-. d§Vy_] in;_EVng1 V
`gam’ete, n. [Gr. gameté, a wife; .-from gdmzm.
`sis; produced by gamogenesis.
`a Rogation; days
`fate, far; fast,'faLll, final; care, at; mete,.«.prey<,2Vhér-,~.met;,plne. ma.x~irie,_1V:_oird, pine; note, move, for, atom, not; Vmoo_nV,V
`Exhibit B
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