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`Lancome Parfums et Beaute & Cie (r1s@paulhastings.com)
`DERMABRA - 29172.98974
`7/10/2007 9:39:34 AM
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`75 E 55TH ST FL C1
`NEW YORK, NY 10022-3404
`& Cie
`Lancome Parfums et Beaute
`Applicant is requesting reconsideration of a final refusal issued December 7, 2006.
`Please note that the below examining attorney has been assigned to this application.
`After careful consideration of the law and facts of the case, the examining attorney must deny the
`request for reconsideration and adhere to the final action as written since no new facts or reasons have
`been presented that are significant and compelling with regard to the point at issue.
`The attached website evidence indicates that the term RESURFACE is used in connection with
`derrnabrasion and skimrejuvenating creams and lasers, and is a term used in the industry to describe an
`aspect of the goods.
`Accordingly, applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. The time for appeal runs from the date
`the final action was issued/mailed. 37 C.F.R. Section 2.64(b); TMEP Section 715.03(c). If applicant
`has already filed a timely notice of appeal, the application will be forwarded to the Trademark Trial and
`Appeal Board (TTAB).
`Trademark Examining Attorney
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Law Office 117
`(571) 272-9722
`STATUS CHECK: Check the status of the application at least once every six months from the initial
`filing date using the USPTO Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) online system
`at http://tarr.uspto.gov. When conducting an online status check, print and maintain a copy of the
`complete TARR screen. If the status of your application has not changed for more than six months,
`please contact the assigned examining attorney.
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`apid Resurface Micro—dermabraslon at its best!
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`Rapid llesurface Micro-dermabrasion at its best! Featuring a
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`These search terms have been highlighted: resurface dermabrasion
`Googh I: nolmw Jlmlltod with tho author: ofthlcpogo Irornsponalbto brlta combat.
`Dermabrasion And Miorodermabrasion
`Everyone would like the fresh-faced look of youthful
`glowing skin, and one of the many dermatological
`techniques used to resurface and revitalize the skin is
`dermahrasion. By scuffing orabrading the skin with
`tiny particles, the old layer of skin is removed to reveal
`new skin underneath. Less harsh than chemical peels
`and , microderrnabraeion is used to
`reduce wrinkles, lines, blemishes, uneven skin tone.
`and to improve acne. facial scars and to remove pre-
`cancerous growths. Dermabraslon is favored over
`éiéoflsof (
`Search Results far:
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`W25”-,-'tftQ riew.
`g_n§m_i;_aj_g§§_l_§ in the treatment of acne.
`Microdermabrasion is a lighter form of derrnahrasion
`known as the ‘lunchtime facial’, and removes only the
`topmost layer of skin to reveal fresh skin underneath.
`While microdermabrasion may not reveal result in the
`dramatic results of laser resurfacing, there is no
`recovery time after the microdermabrasion procedure.
`There may be redness after the treatment; however,
`most patients are able to return to work immediately. Before you come to a decision
`about skin resurfacing, think carefully about your options and discuss your questions
`during a consultation with a qualified professional.
`your skirt
`-gm '6 i':iEt.'r,'i'y"3.
`': »ini¢h::r~
`-'3' List‘:
`The dermahrasion and microdermabrasion procedures can both be conducted in an
`outpatient facility like a doctor's or derrnatologist's office. Both procedures usually
`take from l5 minutes to one hour depending on the extent ofthe procedure and area
`to be covered. the doctor Will progress by covering your hair and eyes and numbing
`the skin with spray or injected aneethetic. You may receive an oral sedative for more
`in~depth treatments. For dormatmislon, the deeper abrasive treatment, a doctor will
`use a hand held rough wire brush or a sanding wheel containing diamond particles to
`scrape away the affected nnninn ntthrz. akin siirfacn The effects nfdermahrmzlon
`are more dramatic that those ofrnicroderrnabraeion because the hand held too does
`touch the skin, The micredermabrasion procedure is milder and less invasive than
`total dermabrasion because the skin is essentially sprayed away using micro
`particles. Your doctorwill use a hand held device to spray tiny aluminum oxide
`crystals against your skin as debris is auctioned away. The results are subtler and
`recovery time is greatly reduced,
`Micrcderrnabraaion is a popular and attordable skin rejuvenation treatment, and coats
`approximately $100 to $300 according to the extent ofthe treatment. Dermabrasion
`is lypicaily a more extensive and invasive procedure which can cost upwards of
`51000. If you‘re considering this type of procedure‘ be aware that medical insurance
`will not cover the costs. There are flggngiggggfigng available through different
`cosmetic surgery financing specialists.
`Face Lifts.
`Lap Band 5
`Skin Tr»:-.u.ment-2
`Mlcrodermabraslcm can he performecl lightly enough to require no down time and still
`give you the frasher faced results you want. But because detmabraslon involves the
`removal of several layers of skin, you will need time for new skin cells tn ragmduce.
`Recovery from dermahraslon may take up to two weeks before you are comfortable
`enough tn ratum tn wmk. Tha skin will appear red and swollen, and you will be given
`ointment ts reduce stabbing as well as oral pain medication to treat any discomfort.
`After one month the results should be visilala with little redness.
`There is minimal risk associated with microdermabrasion, but yum doctor should
`make you aware ofthe possible side effects such as possible breakouts in galients
`who have had cold sores. anal the risk otscarring for people who have taken the acne
`medlcatlon Aculane. Wrth ‘siermahrasionl mtectmn and scamng I8 rare, however. it
`is a risk to consider along with the chance ofskin darkening, gatchinass or lightening.
`Yau can help tn reduce the risk in any surgery by following your doctor's instructions
`Submit Coxnments
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`3 F965 SAMPLES’
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`Expert Articles
`The lay press and popular news has been devoting an inordinate amount of
`attention to a new medical device which reportedly is the latest surgical "fountain
`of youth". The rapidly-pulsed carbon dioxide lasers. of which there are a number
`of competing brands, work by bumlng or vaporizing the skin very quickly
`minimizing damage to skin or tissue that is not specifically being targeted. These
`devices, particularly in combination with computerized pattern generators, allow
`very precise delivery of the laser light in geometric patterns and are being used
`in the place of older methods to rejuvenate or resurface the skin, such as
`dermabrasion or chemical peels. They do offer distinct advantages and, as we
`are finding out, some distinct disadvantages over the old methods.
`The use of such lasers to resurface the skin was onginaiiy conceived of and
`implemented by a dermatologist who had used older generation carbon dioxide
`lasers for various cosmetic and noncosmetic procedures. At the annual meeting
`of the American society for Dermatologic Surgery (A808) held in May 1996
`numerous papers were presented concerning the various uses for this truly
`remarkable device as well as its potential misuses. It is indeed extremely
`effective at removing benign growths from the skin and has advantages over
`traditional modalities because of its ability to precisely injure skin without
`nonspecific or unintentional Injury of deeper structures or adjacent skin. In
`addition, its automated functions take some of the physician error out of the
`cquuuul i.
`Dermabrasion where a spinning diamond wheel is used to remove the outer
`layers of the skin requires a very skilled dermatologic surgeon who is
`experienced with this technique to obtain the best results. Despite the skill of
`the operator scarring and permanent color changes may occur with
`chemical Peels:
`Chemical peels, by their nature, are unpredictable and the results vary from
`patient to patient and they can produce a blotchy or irregular result. The skill
`and experience of the chemical peeler, the concentration and type of chemical
`used, how the skin is prepared before the peel and treated after the peel, and
`how much chemical is applied in any given setting all contribute to the final
`appearance. The results can be different from patient to patient and there can
`be variations even in the same patient from place to place.
`Advantages of Short OR Rapidly-Pulsed
`Carbon Dioxide Lasers:
`The short— or rapidly-pulsed carbon dioxide lasers minimize some of this
`variation by utilizing computer generated patterns with well—defined energy
`settings and parameters to standardize the injury with each pass of the laser
`light across the face with some limitations. The more passes across the face,
`the deeper the injury. This injury then is more uniform resulting in more
`‘ pleasing and predictable results in many cases than chemical peels and
`dermabraslon. At the same time, it minimizes some of the risks of
`complications associated with the older techniques described above.
`Short— or rapidly-pulsed carbon dioxide lasers still produce an injury or burn,
`albeit a well-controlled burn, and thus they have the same risks that the other
`older procedures had and as more and more patients are treated with these
`devices, these entirely predictable complications are beginning to surface. A
`number of the presentations at the American Society for Derrnatologic Surgery
`outlined a number of these complications and showed examples of scarring,
`displacement of the eyelid, permanent color changes, persistent redness after
`lasei treatment lasuiig up Lo six nioiitiis, iiifecuoii and almost more iinpoi Laliuy
`relatively inadequate results.
`in some hands carbon dioxide laser resurfadng provides a result equivalent to a
`medium depth peel which would cost a fraction of the laser procedure. The
`apparent maximum depth of the injury from the laser may not allow the same
`.kind of results that can be obtained with dermabrasion on severely sun-
`damaged patients since the dermabrader or diamond-studded wheel in
`experienced hands can render a deeper Injury than the laser when used in the
`«band are! F»-nkinn
`standard fashion.
`other Issues:
`As physicians hemme. flnandally pinched hy managed care, declining
`reimbursement and capltated contracts, the appeal of cosmetic surgery can be
`irresistible. Lasers, particularly newer sophisticated lasers are deceptively easy to
`use and have, thus, been enthusiastically received by physicians in many
`different specialties. This includes physicians who are inexperienced in injuring
`the skin in such a fashion. l.e.. those who have not performed chemical peels
`and dennabrasions in the past. This is problematic despite the relative ease of
`use of these lasers, because the management of these patients postoperatively
`is a significant part of the overall experience oflaser resurfacing and is fraught
`with problems. If there is mismanagement postoperatively, as well as
`preoperatively, complications can result.
`Despite the efforts of dermatologic surgeons, as evidenced by numerous well-
`done studies presented at the ASDS meeting evaluating the depth of injury of
`these various devices comparing different brands oflasers, comparing outcome
`of laser surgery vs. standard modalities, and other predictable conduslons from
`scientific and systematic evaluation of the new devices. There remains much to
`be learned about these lasers. Further areas of investigation will need to identify
`the best way to use these lasers, the best method of managing patients both
`pre- and postoperatively. and the best candidates for this particular method of
`resurfacing. The resurfacing laser represents only another modality, that will
`most likely compliment more tried and true methods available to the experienced
`dermatologic surgeon.
`Significant patient dissatisfaction from scarring, permanent color change,
`persistent redness or erythema and less satisfactory results than expected or
`promised has been noted and will continue to be noted as more and more
`patients are treated with this modality. The lay literature has contributed to the
`potential for dissatisfaction and possible litigation by painting this procedure as
`a foolproof and relative harmless way to cut years off one's appearance, which is
`far from the truth. Experienced laser surgeons and dermatologic surgeons must
`continually educate patients about the real risks, benefits and alternatives of
`this technique even though this may deflate patients expectations and
`mmlEmmml l lmmmml l
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`These search terms have been highlighted: resurface dermabraslon
`Nave Cllnlo » Arizona » Medical Services 3) Medloal Specialties » mastic and tteaanastxuertive Surgery
`Dermabraslon removes the top layers of skin to resurface the texture of your skin. A rapidly
`rotating instrument is used to ‘sand’ the outer layers. 111a procedure is most often done on the
`face to remove facial tissue damaged by acne scarring. It is also done to remove wrinkles, scar
`tissue, tattoos, and various skin lesions. Melasma, blotchy brown spots that occur on the cheeks,
`temples, or forehead, may also be treated with dermabraslon.
`Because healing continues for many months, your skin may not be its best for at least three
`months after the procedure. The top layers of your skin will grow back within ten days.
`Disooloration and swelling usually occur for two to threernonths while the wound is healing. This
`can be a concern for you, especially since the dermabi-aslon is often done to improve your
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`Re-Taxturizing mcro—ocrmabruion showed a
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`If you're thinking about cosmetic or dermatological procedures, be careful. What you
`see isn't always what you get. A number ofpoople have harmed, disfigured or scarred
`from what should have been relatively risk-free dennatoiogical work.
`Dlasfic Surgery
`Stmd I chance to uln R1000
` Procedures like chemical peels, every month!
`- sotox wrinkle injections, tattoo
`Anabolic Hamid:
`, nd wart removals, complex laser
`Do you think it is
`skin resurfacing or hair removal
`healthy for people to
`chniques can cause injuries
`use steroids?
`engine from severe burns, to
`isfiourinq scars and significant
`i‘ Prevents
`I kin discoloration.
`f.‘ to
`3The biggest mistake to make is
`‘ "“ ‘W’
`l::::2::::*::;:::;:::;:.. with no
`s ‘it
`‘ medical training.
`c'“’“ '_'"d W9"
`°""‘ “'.'":"
`‘Stars with ears
`wp'm' °n
` r 0°“ mink W “Patients are being enticed into
`lolemorous clav seas. skin clinics.
`F Definitely!
`n ..
`Join the debate 1-l_gn.
`(~ MW”
`r*~~»ma«~«~«~«-~‘‘ T
`iglamorous day spas, skin clinics,
`Most men require a
`ibeauty salons, and even some
`iunscrupulous doctors‘ offioes with
`rest period between
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`I R W“
`ipromises of qualified medical
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`~««m« Fev ........... a . few
`.§‘.’.2i‘i., us’ «.m‘.’i.°J2u3?n2¢°"
`ytechnicions and damage that can take years to repair,‘ says Dr Harold Brody, president ""k“
`g 0? the American Society for Derrnatologic Surgery.
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`:Today’s Top Choices for
`Laser Treatment
`3;So how do you tell the good guys from the bad guys in a world where beauty can be
`bought and is often an illusion? Ironically, the first rule of thumb is: never let looks
`g deceive you.
`j'No matter now plush a salon, no matter how sophisticated or costly the advertising, no
`i matter if technicians carry stethoscopes and wear white coats, don't assume anything
`nd ask everything before accepting treatment,‘ says Dr Jeffrey Dover, an associate
`rofessor of dermatology at Dartmouth Medical School.
`,= mong the questions you should ask: How many procedures does the centre regularly
`goerform: how lona has it been in business: what's the specific traininu of the person
`i doing your treatment; and has that person previously performed the procedure on the
`; part of the body where you're having it done.
`Among the answers you should expect: The canoe should be performing at least
`several treatments a day; the technician should have at least several years‘
`experience, and that training should include not only some medical schooling, but
`specific apprenticeships with board-certified dermatologists or plastic surgeons, Dover
`3 Also important: Get a patch test for any procedure that involves a chemical solution on
`your skin. Doing so can help prevent en allergic or sensitivity readzion, which may also
`;help reduce the risk of burns.
`z‘If the centre refuses, don‘t accept treatment there," says Dover.
`Additionally, if lasers are involved, ask if the system has been specifically approved for
`‘L someone with your skin type, hair colour and complexion and for use on the area of
`, your body where you're seeking treatment. And ask to see photos of previous patients
`who share your physical traits, says Brody.
`» If your questions aren't welcomed, Brody adds, that's a red flag you shouldn‘t ignore.
`’- Equally important, never trust a centre that lets you choose the treatment. Although
`: you may have a good idea of the kind of result you are seeking, such as wrinkle
`[ reductions or scar removals, only a physician is qualified to tell you the best way to
`. achieve it.
`2 "Never accept any treatment that doesn't start with a one-on-one consultation with a
`2 board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon,‘ says Dr Roy Geronemus, a clinical
`I professor of dermatology at New York University