`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`Andrew N. Fredbeck
`866 United Nations Plaza
`New York, NY 10017
`December 7, 2004
`Serial No.: 78271630
`The request to extend time to oppose is granted until
`2/6/2005 on behalf of potential opposer Eurocopter
`Please do not hesitate to contact the Trademark Trial and
`Appeal Board at (703) 308-9300 if you have any questions
`relating to this extension.
`New Developments at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`TTAB forms for electronic filing of extensions of time to
`oppose, notices of opposition, petition for cancellation, notice
`of ex parte appeal, and inter partes filings are now available
`at http://estta.uspto.gov. Images of TTAB proceeding files can
`be viewed using TTABVue at http://ttabvue.uspto.gov.
`Parties should also be aware of changes in the rules affecting
`trademark matters, including rules of practice before the TTAB.
`See Rules of Practice for Trademark-Related Filings Under the
`Madrid Protocol Implementation Act, 68 Fed. R. 55,748 (September
`26, 2003) (effective November 2, 2003) Reorganization of
`Correspondence and Other Provisions, 68 Fed. Reg. 48,286 (August
`13, 2003) (effective September 12, 2003). Notices concerning the
`rules changes are available at www.uspto.gov.