`.07/24/2002 14:15 FAX 9089016099
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being transmitted by
`FACSIMILE (703) 3&8-9fi91 to the Unit d States Pate t and Trademark
`Office on the datelshown below:-—
`Deborah Hoepod
`Law Office 110
`Box I'I‘U — NO FEE
`Commissioner for Trade arks
`2900 Crystal Drive
`Arlington, VA 22202-35 3
`Dear Sir:
`Applicant request that the identification of goods in the instant application be amended
`to exclude "analgesics" a d "anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical preparations".
`Therefore, please --elete the current identification of goods in its entirety and replace with
`the following:
`"Pharmaceutics preparations, namely, preparations for the treatment. of
`infectious disea es, oncoiogicai preparations, preparations for the
`treatment and s mptoms of diabetes, preparations for the treatment of
`o ‘s 83.Eo=In §Q.
`diseases, preparations for the treatment
`of central nervo s systems diseases and disorders, preparations for. the
`treatment of Par inson’s disease, gynecological preparations, preparations? ‘
`for the treatmen of cardiovascular diseases and conditions, hormonal
`preparations an -- preparations for the treatment of migraines".
`2 M
`‘I <§
`as published on February 26, 2002, and Applicant submits the '_-‘l
`This application
`5: C
`';_"‘ 1 an-gidment to exclude gods does not necessitate republication and iequests the Notice of
`L;-‘ -Allowance be issued in due course.
`. vi
`July 24, 2002
`cia Corporation
`‘g’ /"
`C thia B. Summerfield
`Associate General Counsel
`Received from < 9089015099 > at 7I24l02 3:17:44 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]
`Corporate Trademark Affairs
`(908) 901-6308
` \
`lll“\l\l:l\ D\J I I 3 LLP
`Fax necoipl will not be confirmed by phone unisas mqueated.
`7. 24' 02 14:41/ST. 14:40/NO. 4260844620 P
`FAX 713.229.1522
`James R. Robinson
`July 24, 2002
`3 gincluding cover}
`VOICE N0. 713.229.2156
`FAX N0.
`REFURN T0 Ann Adkins 3550
`Ms. Tamh K. Hardy Ludlow, Examining Attorney
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofiice
`FAX No.
`V°'°E N°-
`(703) 746-8110
`(703) 308-9110 ext. 223
`U.S. Trademark Application No. 76/ 136,565
`35 and 39
`Eagle Partners LP.
`HOU01:719702. fNotioa of Confidentiality
`It is
`The irrfomiaiion contained in and transmitted with this facsimile Is: 1. Subject to the Alfomey-client Privilege: 2. Attorney Work Product,‘ or 3. Confidentiat
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`BAKER 30 I I S u...»
`July 24, 2002
`Via Facsimile
`Facsimile No.: (703) 305-4100
`Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks
`ATTN: Publication and Issue
`2900 Crystal Drive
`Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513
`FAX 713.229.1522
`Jemes R. Roblneon
`‘ ““"“““‘“"“°“‘"““’°“"
`U.S. Trademark Application No. 76/ 136,565
`35 and 39
`Eagle Partners L.P.
`Dear Ms. Brown:
`The above—refe:-enced application has been approved for publication but no date
`has been given.
`In the course of routine status checks, we discovered one error that should be
`corrected before publicafion.
`The dates of first use for Class 35 application have not been added to the record.
`The date of first use should be October 1, 1999 and the date of first use in commerce should be
`October 1, 1999.
`We appreciate your assistance in correcting the record prior to publication.
`James R. Robinson
`cc: Ms. Tarah K. Hardy Ludlow(Facsimi1e No. (703) 746-8110)
`HOUO l :7 1 9679.1
`Received from 0 > M24102 3:39:40 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]
` L
`7. 24‘02 14:41/ST.14:40/N0.4260844620 P
`July 24. 2002
`I hereby certify that this Request for Corrected Record is being transmitted by
`facsimile to Ms. Belinda Brown, Photocomp Coordinator, Publication and Issue Section and Ms.
`Tarah K. Hardy Ludlow, Examining Attorney, at tho U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2900
`Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 222026513 on this date.
`E5 24/; 25242»
`/in .3 %}Jz<.;1 5
`Typed or printed name
`of person signing certificate
`HOUOI 2719679.!
`Received from < > at 7I24!D2 3:39:40 PM [Eastem Daylight Time]
`Fax necelpi will not be confirmed byphone unless requested.
`7. 24’02 14:42/ST._14:42
`o.4850402,1m92 P
`23:2 TEXAS
`r-=/.\x 7132294522
`James R. Robinson
`July 24, 2002
`1 Ffgincluding cover!
`VOICE NO. 713.229.2156
`FA)( No.
`RETURN TO Ann Adkins 3550
`Ms. Tarah K. Hardy Ludlow, Examining Attorney
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`FAX N0.
`V°'°E “'0'
`(703) 746-8110
`(703) 3033110 ext‘ 223
`U.S. Trademark Application No. 76/ 136,563
`35 and 39
`Eagle Farmers L.P.
`HOU01:719702.1Notlce of Confidentiality
`If is
`The information contained in and bansnfitted with mi.-s facsimile is: 1. Sulziect to theAl:fomey-cflant Privilege; 2. Aflomey Work Product: or 3. Confidential
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`Ifyou have received this facsimile in error, please notilsr Baker Bolts L-LP. by telephone at 713-229 1730 immeaiawy. Any facsimile emneously
`transmitted to you should be immalfiatsly nstumed to the sender by U. 8. Mail ar, if aurhafizafion is granted by the sender, desrmyed.
`if you do not receive all pages, please call: 713.229.1730 or 713.229.1621 for assistance.
`Received from < > at il24!D2 3:41:30 PM [Eastern Dayiight Time]
`7. 24’ 02 14:43/ST. 14 : 42/N0. 4860402192 P
`910 Louaswu
`HoUs1'oN_ TEXAS
`FAX 713.229.1 522
`New vonx
`July 24, 2002
`Via Facsmule
`Facsimile Na.: (703) 305-4100
`Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks
`ATTN: Publication and Issue
`2900 Crystal Drive
`Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513
`James R. Robinson
`§_3;'&°*= gfggg
`‘ Adi-nined in Kentucky only
`Re: US. Trademark Application No. 76/136,563
`35 and 39
`Eagle Partners L.P.
`Dear Ms. Brown:
`The above—referenced application has been approved for publication but no date
`has been given.
`In the course of routine status checks, we discovered two typographical errors
`that should be corrected before publication.
`Currently, the TARR page description of services for Class 35
`reads as follows:
`Inventory management services, namely, pick and pack inventory
`control, and packaging articles to the order and specification of
`others, business process re—engineering for supply chains; order
`fulfillment services.
`The correct description of services for Class 35 should read as
`Inventory management services, namely, pick and pack inventory
`control, and packaging articles to the order and specification of
`others; business process re—engineering for supply chains; order
`fulfillment services.
`HUU01 ‘.7 l 97U3.l
`Received from < > at M24102 3:41:30 PM [Eastem Daylight Time]
`7. 24'02 14:43/ST. 14:42/N0. 4860402192 P
`BAKER 30115.4;
`July 24, 2002
`Accordingly, after the word “others” there should be a semi—colon
`(;) instead of a comma (,) The requested correction is indicated in bold and
`underlined in the identification of services above.
`The second typographical error on the TARR page occurs in the
`First Use Date for the Class 35 application. The First Use Data currently reads as
`19991000. The correct First Use Date is 19991001.
`We appreciate your assistance in correcting the record for this
`application prior to publication.
`James R. Robinson
`.TRR:03 865
`Co: MS. Tarah K. Hardy Ludiow (fiacsimile No. (703) 746-81 10)
`HOUOI 1719703.]
`Received from < > at 11241112 21:41 :30 P111 [Eastem Day11ghtTime]
`7. 24'02 14:43/ST. 14:42/NO. 4860402192 P
`July 24, 2002
`I hereby certify that this Rcquest for Corrected Identification of Services is being
`facsimile transmitted to Ms. Belinda Brown, Photocomp Coordinator, Publication and Issue
`Section and Ms. Tara}: K. Hardy Ludlow, Examining Attorncy, at the U.S. Patent and Trademark
`Office, 2900 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202-3513 on this date.
`"15,,,g@flaw __
`Typed or printed name
`of person signing cenificate
`HUUDI 519703. 1
`Received from < > at rmmz 3:41 :30 PM [Eastern Day1ightTime]