PTO Form (Rev 4/2000)
`OMB No. 0651-
`(Exp. 08131/2004)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`The table below presents the data as entered.
`1 I[;’S‘gIVG%FEF1;CE
`j MARK SECTION (no change)
`In response to the final Office Action dated September 7, 2010,
`the Applicant
`the above—identified mark,
`{refusing registration.
`}submits the accompanying Remarks and Supplemental Declaration of John
`;M. Bulbrook, with its accompanying evidence.
`EResponse to Refusal to Register
`The Examining Attorney has finally refused registration for the
`requested mark,
`saying that
`the mark
`iservices is merely descriptive.
`In response
`to this
`the Applicant
`Supplemental Declaration
`John M.
`submitted to:
`;Bulbrook, "the Applicant's CEO, which Declaration is
`,Applicant’s argument.
`A Notice 9; Appeal ig filed herewith gs is Q Reguest for Remand
`$53 the Examining Attorney and Extension 9; Time for Filing the Appeal
`Reconsideration py_
`the Examining Attorney i§_ respectfully
`New Evidence Presented and Context Thereof
`the third page of
`the Final Office Action,
`in the last
`the Examining Attorney states:
`term “IN—FORCE”
`industry use
`describe annuities that are “in effect” is exactly on point
`with applicant's use of the term to describe the annuities

`it is selling.
`The Applicant appreciates very" much.
`the Examining .Attorney’s1
`clear statement of his position.
`The Examining Attorney's point of
`view as expressed in this statement helped Mr.
`John M. Bulbrook,
`Applicant's CEO,
`understand how to use some documents of which he
`recently became aware to clarify the Applicant's position.
`In his Supplemental Declaration, Mr. Bulbrook states that:
`[t]his Supplemental Declaration is provided with the
`Applicant's Response
`to the Examining Attorney's
`to the Examining Attorney new
`to submit
`in order
`evidence, which was not available until very recently,
`shows how,
`in contrast
`to the Examiner's perspective, my
`competitors in our specific niche market, as contrasted to
`the markets
`and for
`for original—market annuities
`have no need of
`the phrase
`status identifier and,
`instead, recognize “IN-FORCE” as our
`are either using
`trademark. These competitors
`generic terminology to identify their product or have come
`up with
`Declaration, #6)
`Mr. Bulbrook describes how:
`the phrase “In—Force,”
`[t]he use by the prior art of
`in the niche markets of
`the prior‘ art, was as
`a status
`identifier, or differentiator, for specific products on the
`books of, e.g.,
`an insurance company or a brokerage firm
`term length
`determines] whether or not
`i e.,
`the product],
`the product
`is “in force,” is
`[The term length] depends instead on
`not a “term certain ”
`an event,
`e g.,
`death. of
`the insured, or choice, e.g.,
`in. choosing’
`action_ by the annuitant
`option or in cashing in the annuity.
`(Bulbrook Declaration,
`Mr. Bulbrook continues by describing how:
`the applied—for
`the product
`in this new niche market of
`mark is not an “original purchase” for the client, and its
`term is “certain.”
`There are no “events” that will make
`its term “uncertain.”
`It has been “transferred” (from the
`original annuitant)
`for a nmney payment as a “structured
`to the
`“period certain.”
`there is no longer
`product before the transfer took place,
`any question as to whether or not
`the transferred product
`“in force ” Therefore,
`in our
`new niche
`market, no longer serves on our books its prior purpose as
`a status identifier or differentiator.
`In our new niche
`lapse or be
`market, structured settlement annuities cannot
`cashed in as
`they are subject
`to a binding contract and
`court order that control
`the term length for the court set
`“period certain.” (Bulbrook Declaration, #8)

`As evidence, Mr. Bulbrook presents recently acquired material’
`ifrom two competitors showing how these two companies are selling in
`‘the same niche market as
`the Applicant and yet have respected the
`Applicant’s proprietary mark.
`(the first competitor)
`‘used generic terminology to describe its product
`in its Buyer's
`The other company (the second competitor)
`came up with its‘
`(own trademark, which it has used in its Term Sheets advertizing its
`Eproducts and their rates.
`Supplied with the Bulbrook Declaration arel
`submitting the Applicant's Buyer's Guide,
`the MJ?
`v ,
`Financial Partners
`(first competitor) Buyer's Guide and the “Deal.
`isheet” for March 2, 2011 of Great Plains Annuity and Life Marketing
`.(second competitor).
`In item nos. 11-14, Mr. Bulbrook first discusses in detail
`;evidence provided by the Buyer's Guide of
`the first competitor, MJ
`‘Financial Partners LLC, another financial services organization that,
`also selling “transferred”
`“secondary market”
`Description of Services of
`the applied-for mark. As Mr. Bulbrook
`describes, MJ Financial Partners has copied essentially all of
`(Applicant's Buyer's Guide
`the Applicant's
`;proprietary name,
`for which MJ Financial Partners‘
`a generic name
`the product
`they" are selling. Mr.E
`‘Bulbrook goes on to state:


`to the
`Examining Attorney as
`to the needs of competitors in our
`niche market, MJ Financial Partners
`can be seen here as
`as ggr
`trademark and
`deciding to respect our asserted proprietary right.
`solution of our competitor MJ Financial Partners was to use
`generic terminology instead.
`(Bulbrook Declaration, #15)
`In item nos. 16 and 17, Mr. Bulbrook then discusses the evidence
`’provided by the Deal Sheet of
`the second competitor, Great Plains
`‘Annuity and Life Marketing:
`Another one of our competitors, Great Plains Annuity
`and Life Marketing, has come up with its own trademark for
`[As seen in the] enlargement of the fine print
`the bottom of
`each page of
`the Deal Sheet], Great
`Plains Annuity and Life Marketing asserts “AFTER MARKET”
`Fixed Term Annuity as its own proprietary name for what it
`describes as “transferred structured settlement guaranteed
`payment annuities.” (Bulbtook Declaration, #s 16-17)

`Mr. Bulbrook concluded:
`one of our competitors, Great Plains Annuity
`and Life Marketing,
`can be seen here as recognizing “IN-
`FORCE” as our company's trademark.
`The solution of Great
`Plains Annuity and Life Marketing was
`assert its own trademark.
`to come up with and
`Therefore, Applicant
`the Examining«
`Attorney accept
`ths supplied evidence as sufficient
`to show that
`2 j
`the applied—for mark IN-
`“world,” or niche market,
`‘the Applicant's
`EFORCE has quickly‘ been. accepted. by the Applicant's competitors as
`;Applicant’s own trademark in that, although copying Applicant's text,
`‘Applicant's competitors have carefully NOT used Applicant's asserted
`pguaranteed payment annuities.”
`Furthermore, Applicant respectfully submits that
`in contrast
`_the Examining Attorney's assertion quoted above,
`the Applicant has
`‘shown that the prior art industry niche market's use of the term “IN—
`FORCE” as a status identifier to describe specific annuities that are
`“in effect” is different from Applicant's use of the term to describe
`‘the annuities it is selling.
`Therefore, Applicant
`respectfully requests
`the Examining‘
`EAttorney accept this evidence as sufficient to show that the applied—;
`ifor mark IN—FORCE is not “merely descriptive” of any property that is
`in that Applicant's
`used in Applicant's world as a status identifier,
`Ecompetitors have not needed the applied-for mark IN—FORCE but instead'
`terminology or
`chosen a different
`§have either used the generic
`V l

`The Applicant
`and arguments
`‘support registration of
`frespectfully requested.
`the indicated mark and
`such registration isg
`‘evi 651071042Ir0elf44400938 .
`TOOIXX A )licant sBu er sGu.ide..df
`(8 pages)
`‘ \\TICRS\EXPORTl l\IMAGEOUT1 l\778\494\7784940 l\xml5\RFR0002.JPG ;
`\\TI.CRS\EXPORTI l\IM AG EOUT1 I\778\494\77849401\xm15\RFR0003 .JPG
`\\TIOR$EEXPORfl 1\I1\;IAGEOUT1 I7\O778—\4O19—4\E7849d!OI.\xInId\RI7RII6O4.J
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`; \\TlCRS\EX’PORTI l\IIMAGEOUT1 I\778\494\7784940 1\xm15\RF{R0007.J PG «‘
`L \\TIC'RS\EXPOR.T.l_ IIIMAGEOUTI I\778\494\77849401\xmI5\RFIR0008.JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT1 l\IMAGEOUTI 1\778\494\7784940 l\xm15\RFR0009.JPG
`evi 65107I042l0—144400938 . JM'BI~
`TOOIXX Third Party Buyer s Guidepdf
`(14 pages)
`' \\TICiRS\EXPORTl I\IMAG.EOUT1 I\778\494\7784940I\xml5\RFRO0I O.JPG
`\\”I“ICRS\EXPORI"L1 I>\II\L/IAGEOUTEI II778\494\7784§40
`I \\T1CRS\EXPORTI l\I.MAGEOUT.1 I\778\494\7784940l\xml5\RFRO0 I 2..IPG
`II \\TIC.RS\EXPO RTI l\IIMAGEOUTI I\778\494\7'784940] \xmI5\RF-R001 3
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`; FILE(S)
`(4 pages)
`. \\TlCRS\EXPORT1 l\IMAGEOUT l l \778\494\7784940 l \x1nl5\RFRO022..‘I’.PG l
`\\TICRS\EXPORTl 1\IMAG‘EOUTl l\778\494\7784940 l \xml5\RFR0023.JPG
`fcvi. 65l07lO42l0—l44l4O0_.;)38 .
`JMBI-T001 XXAnnuit Policies. .df‘—: —"""""l
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`. \\TICRS\EXPORTl l\'[l.V.I.AGEOUTl l\778\494\7784940]\xml5\RFRO027.JPG
`evi 65l07l7(i)421O-l4440O938 . Jl\/IBIETOOIXX Reguest for Remandpdf
`; FlLE(S)
`(2 pages)
`; FILE(S)
`(8 pages)
`\\TICRS\EXPORTl l\lMAGEOUTl l\778\494\7784940l\‘xml5\RFR0028.JPG I
`I \\T1CRS\EXPORTl l\IliMAGEOUT.l l.\778\494\77849401\xml5\RFR()()2§.JPG I
`evi 65lO7l042l0—l44400938 . JMBII-T0OlXX.S'u DEC. df
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`\\TICRS\EXPOR.T.l. l\iII'.\/.l AGEOUTI 1\778\494\7784940]\x.m15\RFR0037.JPG I
`l Applicant's Buyer's Guide Third Party Buyer's Guide Deal Sheet Executed
`I Supplemental Declaration of John M. Bulbrook Applicant's Request For
`' Remand To Examining Attorney For Reconsideration, and Request To Extend K
`. Time to File Appeal Brief
`‘s1cN[m}RE sEcTio.\i
`G S‘
`03;/07/201 1
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`Mon Mar 07 17:00:33 EST 2011
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`‘‘ e753bb73lell1b—N/A—N/A—20
`i 1l0307144400938883
`P TO Farm (Rev 4/2()0())
`OMB No. 065l~
`(Exp. 08131/2004)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
`Application serial no. 77849401 has been amended as follows:
`In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:
`S i I‘ :
`In response to the final Office Action dated September 7, 2010,
`refusing registration for
`above—identified mark,
`the Applicant
`submits the accompanying Remarks and Supplemental Declaration of John
`M. Bulbrook, with its accompanying evidence.
`Response to Refusal to Register
`The Examining Attorney has finally refused registration for the
`requested mark,
`saying that
`the mark
`services is merely descriptive.
`In response to this final refusal,
`the Applicant submits herewith
`the accompanying Supplemental Declaration of
`John. M. Bulbrook,
`Applicant's CEO, which Declaration is submitted to provide recently
`obtained evidence that is important to the Applicant's argument.
`ANiFi@_£AEP§§lii£Q£Q §£iié §£ t£
`the Examining Attorney and Extension g Time
`for Filing the Appeal

`Reconsideration by the Examining Attorney is
`New Evidence Presented and Context Thereof
`third. page of
`the Final Office Action,
`in the
`the Examining Attorney states:
`the industry use of the term “IN—FORCE”
`to describe
`that are
`applicant's use of
`“in effect” is exactly on point with
`the term to describe the annuities it is
`The Applicant appreciates very much the Examining Attorney's clear
`statement of his position.
`The Examining Attorney's point of view as
`helped Mr.
`John M. Bulbrook,
`Applicant's CEO, understand. how to use
`some documents of which. he
`recently became aware to clarify the Applicant's position.
`In his Supplemental Declaration, Mr. Bulbrook states that:
`[t]his Supplemental Declaration.
`is provided. with.
`the Examining Attorney's
`Applicant's Response
`in order
`to submit
`to the Examining Attorney new
`evidence, which was not available until very recently,
`in contrast
`to the Examiner's perspective, my
`competitors in our specific niche market,
`as contrasted to
`the markets
`insurance, have no need of the phrase “in—force” as a status
`are either using
`generic terminology to identify their product or have come up
`with their own associated trademark.
`(Bulbrook Declaration,
`Mr. Bulbrook describes how:
`[t]he use by the prior art of the phrase “In-Force,” in
`niche markets
`the prior art, was
`identifier, or differentiator,
`for specific products on the
`books of, e.g.,
`an insurance company" or a
`.brokerage firm
`term length
`determines] whether or not
`the product],
`the product
`is “in force,” is not
`instead on an
`[The term length] depends
`a “term certain.”
`e g., action
`event, e.g., death of
`the insured, or choice,
`by the annuitant
`in choosing an income/withdrawal option or
`in cashing in the annuity.
`(Bulbrook Declaration, #7)
`Mr. Bulbrook continues by describing how:
`the product
`in this new niche market of the applied—for mark
`is not an “original purchase” for the client, and its term is
`There are no “events” that will make
`its term
`(from the original
`It has been “transferred”
`for a money payment as a “structured settlement”
`for a “period certain.”
`Compared to the product before the

`there is no longer any question as to
`transfer took place,
`transferred product
`ternu in. our new niche market,
`no longer
`serves on our books its prior purpose as a status identifier
`or differentiator.
`In our
`new niche market,
`lapse or be cashed in as they are
`settlement annuities cannot
`to a binding contract and court order
`that control
`term length
`certain "
`(Bulbrook Declaration, #8)
`As evidence, Mr. Bulbrook presents recently acquired material
`two competitors showing how these two companies are selling in the same
`niche market as the Applicant and yet have respected the Applicant's
`proprietary mark.
`(the first competitor)
`used generic
`terminology to describe its product
`in its Buyer's Guide.
`The other
`company (the second competitor)
`came up with its own trademark, which
`it has used.
`in its Ternl Sheets advertizing its products
`and their
`Supplied with the Bulbrook Declaration are
`submitting the Applicant's Buyer's Guide,
`the MJ Financial Partners
`(first competitor) Buyer's Guide and the “Deal Sheet”
`for March 2,
`2011 of Great Plains Annuity and Life Marketing (second competitor).
`In item nos. 11-14, Mr. Bulbrook first discusses in detail
`evidence provided by the Buyer's Guide of
`the first competitor, MJ
`Financial Partners LLC, another financial services organization that is
`“secondary market”
`is providing the same service as in the Description
`of Services of
`the applied-for‘ mark. As Mr. Bulbrook describes, MJ
`Financial Partners
`copied essentially all
`the Applicant's
`Buyer's Guide except
`the Applicant's asserted proprietary name,
`“IN-FORCE,” for which MJ Financial Partners substituted a generic name
`for the product
`they are selling. Mr. Bulbrook goes on to state:
`In contrast to the apparent assumptions of the Examining
`Attorney as to the needs of competitors in our niche market,
`MJ Financial Partners can be seen here as
`recognizing “IN-
`FORC ” as 1 company's
`trademark and deciding to respect
`asserted proprietary right.
`solution of
`competitor MJ
`terminology instead.
`(Bulbrook Declaration, #15)
`In item nos.
`16 and 17, Mr. Bulbrook then discusses the evidence
`provided by the Deal Sheet of
`the second. competitor, Great Plains
`Annuity and Life Marketing:
`Another one of our competitors, Great Plains Annuity
`and Life Marketing, has come up with its own trademark for

`the fine print
`[As seen in the] enlargement of
`the bottom of each page of the Deal Sheet], Great Plains
`Annuity and Life Marketing asserts “AFTER MARKET” Fixed Term
`Annuity as its own proprietary name for what it describes as
`annuities ”
`(Bulbtook Declaration, #s 16-17)
`Mr. Bulbrook concluded:
`Again, one of our competitors, Great Plains Annuity and
`Life Marketing,
`can be seen here as recognizing “IN—FORCE”
`as our company's
`The solution of Great Plains
`Annuity and Life Marketing was to come up with and assert its
`own trademark.
`Therefore, Applicant
`respectfully requests
`the Examining
`Attorney accept
`ths supplied evidence as sufficient to show that in the
`Applicant's “world,” or niche market,
`the applied—for mark IN—FORCE has
`quickly’ been. accepted. by the Applicant's competitors as Applicant's
`own trademark in that, although copying Applicant's text, Applicant's
`competitors have carefully NOT used Applicant's asserted trademark for
`“transferred structured
`guaranteed payment
`Furthermore, Applicant
`respectfully submits
`in contrast
`the Examining Attorney's assertion quoted above,
`the Applicant has
`shown that
`the prior art
`industry niche market's use of
`the term “IN-
`FORCE” as a status identifier to describe specific annuities that are
`“in effect” is different
`from Applicant's use of the term to describe
`the annuities it is selling.
`Therefore, Applicant
`respectfully requests
`the Examining
`Attorney accept
`this evidence as sufficient
`to show that the applied-
`for mark IN—FORCE is not “merely descriptive” of any property-that
`used in Applicant's world as a status identifier,
`in that Applicant's
`competitors have not needed the applied—for mark IN—FORCE but
`have either
`the generic
`terminology or
`a different

`The Applicant submits that the remarks and arguments above support
`indicated mark
`respectfully requested.
`Evidence in the nature of Applicant’s Buyer's Guide Third Party Buyer's Guide Deal Sheet Executed
`Supplemental Declaration of John M. Bulbrook Applicant's Request For Remand To Examining Attorney
`For Reconsideration, and Request To Extend Time to File Appeal Brief has been attached.
`Original PDF file:
`evi 65107104210-144400938 . JMBI-TO0lXX Applicant sBuyer sGuide.pdf
`Converted PDF file(s) (8 pages)
`Original PDF file:
`evi 65 l O71042l0—l4440()938 . JMBl—T00 I XX Third Part
`Bu. er s Guide. df
`Converted PDF file(s) (14 pages)
`Eviclence— 10
`Evi_dence—l 1
`Evidence— 12
`JlVlB'I'—T00l XXA.n.n‘uit Policies. df
`Original PDF file:
`evi 65107 I 0421 0-144400938 .
`Converted PDF f1le(s) (4 pages)
`Original PDF file:
`evi 65l07].042l0-144400938 . JMBI-TOO.lXX Re uest for Remand. df
`Converted PDF file(s) (2 pages)

`Original PDF file:
`evi 65l071042l0—l44400938 . JMTB.l-T00l_X‘XSu)DEC. df
`Converted PDF file(s) (8 pages)
`Request for Reconsideration Signature
`Signature: /Holliday C. Heine/ Date: 03/07/2011
`Signatory's Name: Holliday C. Heine, Ph.D.
`Signatory's Position: Attorney for Applicant
`The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the
`highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal
`territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the applicant's attorney or an associate thereof; and to
`the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian
`attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firrn previously represented the applicant in
`this matter: (1) the applicant has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power
`of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to
`withdraw; (3) the applicant has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the
`applicant's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing
`him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.
`The applicant is filing a Notice of Appeal in conjunction with this Request for Reconsideration.
`Serial Number: 77849401
`Internet Transmission Date: Mon Mar 07 17:00:33 EST 2011
`TEAS Stamp: USPTO/RFR—65.l07.l04.2l0—201103071700332

`'.{-C 1;
` u
`_ Igv lf0R_C_E”‘ Fixed Tenfi An1;1Ei:uVitiesi?5bffer‘a, §j3:ip|_e,
`.fQ|;j§g_ygf§ t‘97|;11"e‘Aet finanicigail goals such ‘as«sfivi|j;g
`-chi|d's‘ edlicatioh 6r.Imb_rdv\ii;i_grifivi;réy,lI;§—rc1;L;;n‘s on a baiance
`‘3 u,L‘B'R 0 07K .7 ‘D"RLi 5 EA N,fi:{__ B R 0 K E R AG E

`Definitions Of Terms
`All amounts are expressed in U.S. Dollars.
`Credit Rating refers to the credit rating of the insurance company paying the IN-FORCE" Fixed Term Annuity
`as determined by Standard 8: Poor's (S&P).
`Existing Annuitant refers to a person who sells the payment rights to a "structured settlement" annuity to us in return for a present value, lump
`sum cash payment. Such person is usually a personal injury victim who was awarded annuity payment rights as part of a structured settlement of
`his or her injury claim.
`Present Value is the value on a given date of a future payment or series of future payments, discounted to reflect the time value of money
`and other factors such as investment risk.
`Structured Settlement is a financial or insurance arrangement in which an individual accepts payments over a period of years to resolve a
`legal claim that often involves a personal injury. This type of payment plan is often in the form of a structured settlement annuity.
`Term refers to the length of time before all principal and interest are paid.
`We, us, our and Bulbrook/Drislane refer to Bulbrook/Drisiane Brokerage (BID) and its Organization and Partners,
`You and your and my, mine and me refer to the Buyer of an IN-FORCE” Fixed Term Annuity,
`No securities regulatory authority has expressed an opinion about these annuities. It is an offense to claim otherwise. lN~FORCE"‘ Fixed Term Annuities are
`only offered for sale in the United States and are exempt from registration with the US, Securities and Exchange Commission. An IN-FORCE" Fixed Term
`Annuity is our proprietary name for a transferred structured settlement guaranteed payment annuity.
`Copyright 2010 Eulbrook/Drislane
`All rights reserved

`Fixed Term Annuity
`Buyer's Guide
`o Choice of Terms
`-‘Hi.ghe.i: Yield Returns - AAA to A Ratings (S&P)
`ll\l-F0'RCE"" Fixed‘ Term Annuities offer a simple and affordable way for buyers to meet financial goals
`such"as"saiiiiig for ‘retirement or a child's education or improving overall returns on a balanced portfolio.
`in which you, the Buyer, receive the rights to fixed annuity payments in exchange for a
`lump sum payment to an individual who is the original Existing Annuitant. By purchasing
`an individuals right to receive payments, you receive high yield returns while the Existing
`Annuitant enjoys the benefits of having cash now.
`IN-FORCE” Fixed Term Annuities can provide above average returns for the fixed income
`portion of a balanced portfolio. Since they guarantee you a payment stream over a fixed
`period of time at a fixed rate of return, this investment is generally considered to be a good
`vehicle for "safe money" savings. Insurance companies invest the funds primarily in government
`securities and high-grade corporate bonds which provide guaranteed interest rates. Bulbrookl
`Drislane only offers IN-FORCE“ Fixed Term Annuities from insurance companies with among
`the highest Standard & Poor's credit ratings, making IN-FORCE" Fixed Term Annuities one of
`the safest forms of fixed term purchases available today.
`which they receive regular, fixed payments over several years and/or lump sums at stipulated
`times from an annuity. As circumstances change, these individuals. called Existing Annuitants,
`sometimes need to convert a portion oftheir guaranteed income into cash now to meet
`personal needs or settle an estate. They decide to assign their rights to their future annuity
`payments at a discount to Bulbrook/Drislane.
`Bulbrook/Drislane. in turn. offers the payment rights to these annuities, called lN-FORCE”
`Fixed Term Annuities, to Buyers like you. Typically. the IN-FORCE” Fixed Term Annuity
`payments are made regardless of whether or not the Existing Annuitant or the Buyer is alive,
`meaning these payments are not contingent on any individua|'s life.
`company with a credit rating that is generally AAA to A rated by Standard 8: Poor's.
`Copyright 2010 Bulbrook/Drislane
`All rights reserved

`The rate of return for each IN-FORCE“ Fixed Term Annuity is determined by the current market
`at the time which includes what a Buyer is prepared to accept as a return on his or her purchase,
`and the IN-FORCE” Fixed Term Annuity attributes such as the number of years for the payout
`and the insurance company's financial rating.
`The rate of return for each IN-FORCE" Fixed Term Annuity is represented as an “effective rate,"
`meaning it is compounded monthly to generate an annual effective rate based on a 365-day
`year. This is standard practice in the annuity industry. Interest rates are recorded to an accuracy
`of two decimal places [for example 7.00%).
`available on annuities newly purchased directly from insurance companies today because an
`lN—FORCE"‘ Annuity has been "previously owned" with attributes such as payment term and
`payment amounts that cannot be changed. Additionally, an IN-FORCE” Fixed Term Annuity is
`transferred for the present value of future income payments. The present value is determined by
`what the Existing Annuitant, or the Seller, will accept and what a Buyer will pay.
`The purchase and sale of annuity payments is governed by state law and must be approved by
`a court which issues an order redirecting payments to you, the Buyer. Ajudge will review the
`proposed transfer to determine if it is in the best interests of the Existing Annuitant and then
`issue the court order,
`Bulbrooi<lDrislane has expertise in legally
`No, th
`transferring payment rights. We arrange a court order in your name at no additional cost to you.
`All of the court costs, transfer fees, lien search fees, and legal costs are paid by us, Also, we
`acquire structured settlement annuities through a number of channels, including an extensive
`broker network. Our experience and due diligence insure the quality of the lN—FORCE"‘ Fixed
`Term Annuities we offer for sale to you.
`present value of an lN- ORCE” Fixed Term Annuity is generally between $50,000 and
`$lS0.000 but can be higher or lower. Terms can range from 1 to 35 years but typically are
`5 to 20 years.
`IN-FORCE” Fixed Term Annuities are not widely known to the general public nor are they widely
`available to individual Buyers. As such. they provide a unique opportunity for Buyers to purchase
`safe. fixed returns at superior rates.
`Copyright 2010 Bulbrook/Drislane
`All rights reserved

`Bulbrook/Drislane acquires the sales rights to an IN-FORCE” Fixed Term Annuity from an
`Existing Annuitant and transfers the payment rights to you, the Buyer, through a court transfer
`process. Your name will be stated in the transfer court order, which is generally obtained in the
`state where the Existing Annuitant resides. The court will direct the insurance company that
`issued the Fixed Term Annuity to pay you all of the annuity payments when they are due.
`Payments are made whether the Existing Annuitant or the Buyer lives or dies during the period
`that the payments are due. Upon the death of the Buyer, the payments continue to the joint
`ownerisl or other owner(s) or the estate of the Buyer, as designated.
`Payments are typically made by a check mailed to your designated address or by direct deposit
`into your bank account, The insurance company usually determines the method of payment. As
`the Buyer, you may change the address for payment or bank account designation at any time
`by informing the insurance company directly.
`Compare These Rates of Return
`a Sale and Assignment Agreement
`0 Disclosure Statement
`a Authorization Letter
` e Receivable Purchase Agreement
`o Existing Annuitant‘s Identification
`a Change of Beneficiary Designation
`a Duplicate Annuity Policy or Benefits Letter or Issuer Acknowledgement Letter
`or Certificate of Marital StatusISpousal Consent, Divorce Decree,
`or Property Settlement Agreement. as applicable
`o Court Order permitting the assignment of the annuity payments
`and naming Buyer as new Payee
`a Statement of independent Professional Advice or Waiver. where applicable
`0 Satisfactory Results of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (within 30 days of closing],
`Judgments (within

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