`(Exceeds 100 pages)
`Proceeding/Serial No:
`8 3 6 4
`Filed: 1112612010
`Part 2
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`l‘l{lpplnt:SS lhctnrts) « Hcalthing It
`Page l nl‘ 13
`Healthing It
`ll<'t,ums<: tkmtl ~;l7;t>.m lmtltlt \t;l‘i‘,ttl‘l"llI‘tg, "hut \.x:c lwclnin; ttig;ctl:ci’l“
`:3 N I) Y()U ARE?’
`OF 1.7"

`- 3ix‘I‘l‘Nc3 IT
`iness factor 3
`ll (R 2010
`Do you ever catch ynut':;clt' thinking about something only to tint! yourscll‘.mr7:r'i.\w! that you're
`thinking ahnut it‘?
`It ltappcns when l'm leaving work at the end nfthc day or packing my lunch in the morning. 1 ask
`tnyself if I'm happy and what I can do to be liappicr. 0l‘cnLt1‘se, this never ends well. Because once I
`think nfa solution. thcnfs always at prnblctn. For cxutnnlc. gating tn gmtl school tn study journnlixm
`would mztkc um: ltappiw but linding $42,(l()0 £1 year to do it wouldtft.
`In a weird twist of late. I just read (1 gggzu ()p-£igl_ that talks about ltuppincss. Here's it
`hit I l'0und cmnfoning:
`“The daily activities most associated with happiness are sex. socializing after work and having
`dinner with 0tl1ct's. The daily activity [110:.s‘l injuriou,~; to liappiricss is cthmnnttting. According tonne
`study, joining it group that meets even just once 2: month produces the same ltnppiiicss gain as
`doubling your incmnc."
`l gttcss until I can find :1 millionaire tn pay for my imxstcr‘s (lCgl‘CC.
`people @
`I can just eat more with other
`l‘vc got some photos on my cznncra, lct‘.~s discuss.
`I tried these :l"l1t>ti1;;&_gji;3gtucl
`over thc weekend:
`hllpiiillcfllllllhgll.C0l“l1320l(l3(l353 l fhappi ncsx-liucttirsi’
`l *20;’2() l l)

`Hzlppirmss t’'actor(Ls) « Heahhing It
`Page 2 of 13
`I had mine with an egg
`ggg white.~i;, cheese and strawberries on the side.
`My mom brought me this fantastic cheese from Vcrmom:
`httpfihcalthingit.c0m:’3() 1 ()/()3/3 I:’happiness~factors?
`I I;’2(f)/20 I 0

`Happiness facmr(s) cc Hcmllhing It
`Page 3 u!‘ 13
`The verdict: my inner health-conscious being was like‘ “hmrn...yc::~:, I'd like to try these." The New
`Yurkcr in me was simply repulsed by this idea. Everybody knows xmthing compares to a NY bagel.
`Dmft even trv.
`I pretended it was better than just okay with the egg & cheese. But if I'm in a mood
`Sn, this was ulmy.
`for a bagel. I‘m going to get a bagel. Not something that Icmks like a bagel.
`Other self-explanatory things I’ve been consuxning:
`hlIp:s’2‘;‘2U 1 (W3 «'3 1x’happincss~f;1ctm*s.~'
`1 1 r”30»’30 10


`Happiness facmrw) u Hcalthing It
`Page 5 M‘ 13
`The other night, she tnadc me :1 veggie {east and some tilapia. Aiso ballcr.
`Yesterday. I baked some Super Charge Me cookies; with a friend. They were gene in like 20
`[Vs aimost Friday. right: guys‘? Almost them.
`what‘s your happiness factur?
`« Tilkiilg :1 £3__i_g__<;9_[lI: S~weiks.1Fr<m1 the vigg »
`- Q £;,T;1;:1::1gm~»‘ R‘SS
`* Q iI§r;zs:§s;£>_21i;¥2
`http:éiheallhingit.ct)1m‘2()1()!03i3 Ifhappiness-f"actors:’
`1 E/30:"2010

`Happiness lhclctxrlsl <1 Hcaltl1it1g, It
`Page 6 of 13
`' Dale : March 31, Z'.()l()
`O '
`(i7aI<=.*.:0rics r %k:!'l)\)L)V>*i~¥‘
` j‘
`li_1}lI1$.f,ifa £?.z:s_:is,li:3:s:1,, ;:s;\‘
`§=,l5£$,,T.l>i‘$.l.3$/l» .Y.\'.3:‘$,‘.¥,lf,!
`am: Be the first to like this post.
`13 responses
`8.()4 3010
`Fallon n2:2:!;lm :
`hey alga» smv this article and thought of you obvs
`lm 3:.f£\x*\.vw 9“ 'lim c:3.c<;3n1:’20 I 0i>’l)‘4l/(l73ii<linixxgzlfluzuncra.mml‘E’p;1gma»mucd 1 s§§,_l3,,Q..ll1tg1':stigial
`SH 3(}l<s_
`I Olga u4;5n;sm:
`Yes. I totally reacl this! Sn weird how the NY'l‘ is just nnw catching up Q9
`5 (24 mm
` nletissa S. (07: mm :
`i love it! can mun: with other pc0plc.. and am i one oflhc rare pcuplc that actually like what
`they do for theirjiob, tlaerefore that‘s what tnakcs me happy‘? knowing make a difference‘?
`l1mmml1mmm. . .
`3 ()4 2010
` Gabriela zirié Fm-Yo Lover (M:5?:nm :
`I totally get you. girl ~- sometinxes, when 1 stop and think. l realize that mavbc I'm not happy.
`It‘s such a deep and serious subject, I prefer to live not wondering much
`glicixwus cuts, as always! Gotta love lmmcnmde fund. huh‘?
`Have 3 great wezzkcml, liun.
`Brazilizm X()X(f)'s.
`3 (14 Zlllll
`lmp:5/£2<) l Um}?3 l fl1appix1css~factors:
`l l/i20:’2() l 0

`Happiness t’act0r(s) « llcazltlting It
`Page 7 0|‘ I3
` Ho (2 flats A Place(t::5x:1*>):
`Mmm, l‘vc had the samlwich thing, but nut the bagel thins! I'll have tn try tltosc. Ymfrc
`snaking mt: sctricausly crave some Greek yogunt by the way. I need to rczplenish my supply!
`My happiness lhcttitrs... ynga, my dug, cnffce in the tnomlngs, a good book.
`Happy Easter!
`3 ()4 2010
`L Cassandra mu;23: 1 l) :
`I agree with all of the abtwc @143! Food is at nmjor happittcss for me as well...
`2 04 201:)
` ' Mica (15:50:37) :
`I'm having :1 weird time with the pursuit ofltztppincss right now. On one hand. l feel like it's
`used too much as an excuse to not ctmtrnit to things. especially be people who Feel entitled to
`have fun all the time. This is certainly not the case, and I don't want to say "I'm not happy"
`when really, l‘m just being la7.y. That said, I am not really that plcmsed with how things are
`going right nnw, and I am looking for productive, logical steps tn make mysclfhappicr.
`2 04 mm 4
`(‘hristina u)2<:5;<:ntt:
`’l‘h2tt’s the same thing I thought when l tried the hngel thins! Tlwy ltmk kinda like bagels. but
`taste like regular bread. Dcllttitely didn‘t cut it for me!
`Rep _§f
`Z ()4 2010
`L mm mt>:55;33> :
`Have you ever tried (I "flagcl“ (road: flat b2tgt:l)‘.’ l‘m from Long lslzmd and tltcy have them at
`bagel shops tltctruw quit»: gcmtl and more surthcc area for cream cltccse @ Currently, I‘m in St.
`Lnuis and I really miss gout! NY bagels and tlngels!
`l (M Ztllt)
`! B!‘t)t‘C0l,lHtt__l_(17:27:13)I
`hllpilflltlzllll‘tit1gll.C0n1,52() I ()€()3i’3 l a‘happlncss—litctnrsé
`1 l r’30f30 l 0

`llappittess l‘actm‘(s) (< Hcaltlting It
`Page 8 of l3
`1 just picked up a package of the whole wheat Bagel Thins last week, and love them. (‘an‘t wait
`to try the everything llavor next!
`Tfhels a Chelsea's (‘
`haw and Run Fun u_=.~4o:45> :
`I 0.: 2m:
`I think like with ice cream, pizza. and
`Yeah, tltmzc bagel thins dun‘! do it for me c.-itlncr.
`bagels. . .il'you‘n: going ta eat that start of thing, really go all the way. There are certain “ligltt"
`versions of food that 1 will probably never Ct)tmt.' to accept. Bagel "tl1in.~;“ and Tasti Dclite are
`ztmmtg them.
`I 04 mm
`Amanda {Two Boos Who Eat} um: m:.<.7) :
`l ttctttztlly liumtl It'tt)l‘t.‘ ltappincss when I quit my job and went back to sclmol. It was so worth it
`tu me!
`l'm with yam cm the rtal bagels thing. I lmw: NY bagels!
`3: 03 2010 A
` Andrea of «Sim-e to Eat (23;lt3:(J3) :
`\Vmv. did the NYT read my mind‘? I tlellnitely agree that sex. drinks after wurlc, and potluck
`dinners with friends keep me happy. Not tteccssztrily in that order. Or at the same time ®
`Leave it comment
`Name ( rcqui red)
`E-mail (required)
`ll Website
`httprsxltcztlthingitxmnsiltl l ()>’(l)3a’Cl lshztppincswt‘at«;:t<?~r:;*
`l !!>’2(\»)V(i2‘r') IO

`Happitxcss factor(s) « Hcalthing It
`Page 0 of 13
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`about the sultan!
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`Piasterphces“ caontm:
`gag; m g c?r?:;';m};;
`to w‘matrig;3m 3)
`Tuasrmsy, ttaiyé
`Ql}ES"I‘I()NS OR C()MME; ”I“S‘?
`hcalthingil [at] g,nmil.cm11
`hup::L*’hcz1lmingil.cmn22U1050333 I !hz1ppinc:;s-factors!
`I l2‘2()!2O I C)

`Happiness l2xclor(s) « Hcahlning II
`Page 10 M13
`I'iA\/’I%_I M(f) R132 YUMS
`‘mukb ‘H1-is
`;_;_[ja1Cat VW10 §‘rc;1zted :1 ‘s*’egeta;;i;g;
`° A lie" R Vicrr H!‘ V A»ic:1°B§ar
`of 1,, 1 fg;
`A Vt;’:g§_i_§.';
`g‘_;__§§a;; 0! H§§1_L1_L1): Eatirlg
`:‘\(_"?»"IT}C: Hivhwa is to Health
`flu wick;
`B L king Bmssa
`‘ %s::_t>_s:m:._IiQ
`* Céifif
`' Citzsm
`[);1x1i;;31‘:‘~ Daiiy
`;Q£2$;L §m13x;.€3J.s.1;;
`- WI:mxngNBe
`Falrxcszs NYC’
`- jhc lVi,<\\;_g;_9Ȥ_}_f;.:gg131x1 Butler
`° £L,hs11;1g..§é;11:3
`' gjggctzyfloy Wiric
`igxxxw: ctz11o;g;Lmggjj_1"A{)g3;1x‘cl!
`I_(_i;LQl {iulxs
`° Lggitellmiiggézzx
`' Ligmcsjkzmszgé

`!,»:’(.)\)C Vc * was at15;_‘f_g_gg
`' gfyizmgo
`M u no: 11 i
`s.;:3«1.t1:2:!2Wig: Mndcrzmma
`- Qt? Her (‘orig

`- Pc11t(‘}at<:au
`httpzfz‘hcz11thingit.con1:2(J l£)e’()3f3 I/happineswtkxctorsf
`1 1320/20! 0

`Plappituess fac(or(s) « Plczxltlming It
`Page 11 of 13
`'' Say \f'e:‘; t<sm§;3jg;g
`- Sirng 1c and Divim;
`- §.‘_;1pxIlBit§s
`° §;mim:'n K._.i.I.s:.1).£?.t!
`’ Taleg 5,31‘ iixgugggggg
`* The {:3!‘{}<S~C(T>H4w};l__gI_§
`- fitnessiagg
`~ “me Hunx_¢;Q* Yi"3g!‘13.i
`' 1:_hcIQngr\&’g_g;§;§_;1gsc)f‘:
`' Ibis Wincling Rcgggg
`' l‘.Im,...s,_in*
`« Vctggic Czirj
`' Zggsly
`oils: re (fimduzug
`T I C K.
`* Marricci to ghgw
`' Some !r(>t;;§_j};{t,_[<;;
`‘Flu: Actuai s\r&im.:m1iox1 o1‘\Vt1a1c§;gn;
`_L‘$5_)\9CtI1bCV 2111Q
`' -

`- }_uly2(}1U
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`* Nuw.~n1iwr 200‘)
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`' Sc;3lsn1i)§;;{ggjjQ
`' z\ugu:~it2{>()f3
`- July EIJUU

`z3«I1!:.tL[’ Elf}
`° M&i!‘C!'1m:fl_Q_§2
`' -
`!1c:1!1hi11git.c0n1f20 1 0103.33 1 «‘happim:ss- fz’1L‘t()I‘sr’
`l I:’2()f2({)I()

`Happiness t”acmr(s) « Hculthing. It
`Page 13 M13
`' N:;>:§.rn..t2s:1;.?;J:1&L&
`' Scnterxxiacr
`Jggbg 2(§f>£L}8
`' '
`' Log in
`° F.z1tric,~1;RS§_
`Eur: «tswmL«% wu-at we
`! 1f2():'2() 10

`Happiness f'act0r(s) « Hcallhing It
`Page 13 of 13
`at \‘v'0rxi_E__’"g;g;§;;§g;\gg_x_;;g. Theme: Frcslxy l1y§_i_gi_g
`Imp:flhcalthingiLcmn;2() 1 (M135 3 I.1hi1ppinc:s$~ {actnrsf
`l 1/2001310

`Calories in 'I"h0n1a:;'s Bagel Thins - Nutrition Fac1.~:,am.i Hcaithy Alternatives [ LIVESTR...
`5 --. L)
`‘,W,’¢’ '2‘,
`I oggm iismg f at:
`: L;»n;\r~ § iiiifiaxsrtfi
`x mm
`“uh -wa
`':§,§z;lj 1,,
`} Ail
`€‘°,i§?1+':E§ 530515
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`Miom 5»-ugh H’i.s£,'§C;$6,‘, um
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`Nutrition at a
`if ymx t; me» §i.§(§~
`t:}‘s§4;im,,* lam: B;ig._g-K253 .r*—.w-itmul
`mu wxmio gem} moo: is’)
`i‘ ylm imw {ms with
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`Qyimnscr ma! M)-uisd mm an
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`vi‘-ur zmaac
`Hwm yflu zaamsi this :c,>»:>¢i
`mm-;“> £154;
`them mjii s‘; tn:
`Sriimr hiyimio, t*oEi;»rm
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`Sxiiiiiimiiii in 371;?! fiwiy
`i¥-‘tam ‘Ci.)fV‘e?i1\xlMy‘
`ism,-21:: mm
`» imm ?*x=L,s«u
`Thomas's Bagel Thins
` _
`352 utvmnzos: my
`kxsreevm um ;‘‘€1‘
`' $3
`mama are NO -;:cmnz».»e. én “Hf irsomaa 3; Bagziai ‘i‘-‘unis
`; in!
`ii I20:0§‘)¢t! ism mm.
`Comritzuzo to Yhaflmiymazo;
`Yfm; awn has no «1«9>,;m :;*s1w2* yin Mo W36?’
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`Mem2>4ar5’3x>v1t‘w~“9 Mums »
`Nutrition Facts
`5 gm» ' tug»:

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`Awhmt cm Sowmu
`C ‘W“** ‘ ‘:2’
`L. 1:4-mm; mu i‘- 2:’ ‘3
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`mm H: fig
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`Sodium am;
`mm Cabot-yd:-ate
`C',n~‘«I!‘v Muzv "vq
`vmmn ix»;
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`in ii 2”?» cam: IN 2%
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`1 1/21/20 10

`Culnriere in Tfmn1as‘:»* Bagel Thins - Vutritiun Facts, and Healthy Alternatives} LIVESTR...
`Page 2 M2
`mgxzi " mus éiimmrxxzvzu
`! haams Eingoai Hum
`M;mt';g:z.u um;
`fhomsg ; gag“ r;‘“fi;'§
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`'f'n-JmAs Rage; 1 mm:
` finsyw Mum
`SA x ,
`8J\GE!, TH!!!
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`Elmer! Nmntwn Adam
`Ffbm Dim} » Smart
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`W! §35¢[“N(i
`‘ vww.Itvcs;Imng.c0rm’thedaiIyplatemutrilion-czxlorics;mod?thornasse‘bagel~thins.f

`Frcsh Pic! ~ Piewacket - Bagel Thins!
`Page 1 of‘)
`‘ 3.
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`Fresh Pic? - Pic\\=ackL't - Bagel Thins!
`Page 3, oft’)
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`an aw us: an zzsemw H£A&l
`H can nan
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`Page 4 of‘)
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`l L?2(J.:‘2.() I 0

`Fresh Pic? - Pie:-wackcl - Bagel Thins!
`Page 6 of 9
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`Fresh Pic? ~ I’icwackct - Eiagcl Thins!
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`Fresh Pic! - Piewackcl ~ Bagel Thins!
`Page 8 of‘)
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`Fresh Pic! ~ Piewacl<::t - Bagel Thins!
`Page 9 of‘)
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`Bagel and ("‘r~*am CI?1ecs<r Sptsé Key Ingredient
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`rssgxtal r¢z::ip«tm.. Hm! mtmkaf
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`E3 W
`*~.:§z‘% 1:2
`‘mm 51.9: %;;e
`Bagel and Cream Cheese 3pt$
`I (mad me
`My Awewnte New i7|n(j Th§)ma$‘~:; Lfiagfri Thmés.
`E-;am1wn<:h mum; ma! atmer WW mmxbcws haves: Imzea but I
`wessmt ram nzrazv exbczut them Huwm/2&1, {mast-.‘ %34ageI Tmrvs. wsth
`oil the tappxssgsti mats, titted omen etc; am awesonse: an my
`opmmn, may 30%? for 2 ‘W at We w:a;;u§ar grocery Mthfilf Fm A
`().'a<:§-c {>1 8 mm!
`.'m,mz,1 them .3: ‘}.zsm‘§ fcw $3 <3 naik
`Egan Ms w;::fi"‘Ifli:§£%!9
`P:"s',?t?¥‘§zis v.
`Recipe Views: 2
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`[‘,’n» ! About my lngrwumt I Cjntxtaci Us 3 Tt*l"1”i1?‘$ of Eowtca I Dmacy Pointy I
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`ht1p::'fw\w'}’ingr::<!imnt.con1frccipcs£3 I025Sfhagcl-:md—crcan\-chccsc~3 pts!
`1 I321/201()

`Arnold Sandwich Thins. Thomas‘ Bagel Thins. and Vitalicious Muffin Tops : Vcnturprcn...
`huge I ol'3
` _
`to ?~ie_§gg_;
`Suhssrrihe tg_§_g1nII’1c;1};&
`Q‘; lI;;_nglisl1
`lixnafiol (V; lirgiwh ( 1» ltallanc» up; Jagamexc
`0 Fat
`° l.ii5:D1?3;§

`Ilczalth I~~‘o0__;
`9 Nu Curb i*"qg_:;l_§
`«= White Sugar Frcv: [mic
`- §jgz_;_ltl1Vi<lea>3
`xu ‘air sulvstitiltcrs
`‘r'our ( }uc:»li<>m: and l"v.:»;:dhan:l~;
`Arnold Sandwich Thins, Thomas’ Bagel Thins,
`and Vitalicious Muffin Tops
`Posted by g:\_(_3ll‘l1lll 011 Sl.ll‘lClil_\;’. April l I. 'l0l0 - _L,5.:;;}_.;§ 21 C‘;;3_1}_1mcz1§
`V ‘arb kmzrs unite with unanimous delight over the pnpularity ml‘ smaller
`portion carb treats. Tlxese three dict dc-lites are sure to tickle your carb tomh, fill up that belly. and
`make you forget that tlisegfire only I00 calories each.
`Arnold Sandwich Thins: The truth is. il‘yuu‘rc giving t0_iu.~;t lmvc: a plain turkey; sandwich (or
`tuna. ur whatever). tlwn two slices ofnmsl other breads won’: bring you too much higher than 100
`calories. What ll1c‘:SC round. llm. bun-like slices are good lbr. are burgcrs~—»»l1amburgerss, chicken
`patties. salmon croqutrts, or veggie burgers. They‘rc shaped in a way that the top and bottom slices
`create a bun—lil<c enclosure around your burger and you get all nftluz convenience and flavor ofa bun.
`xxitlmut all the extra. Luimsccssznry breadiness nfa bun. Tlicy are. ofcuurz-;c. also l£1Sl')‘ for regular pb&j.
`The Thins contain IOU culnrics.
`l gram 011211. 5 grains ol"(lietar_x/ fiber. and 4 grams ofpmtein.
`l l/20/20l()

`Arnold Sandwich Thins. Thmnas‘ Bagel Thins. and Vilaliciuus l\lullin Tops 2 Vcnlurprcn... Page 2 of}
`Thomas‘ Bagel Thins: You can say the same: thing about tlicsc Bagel Thins as yuu can almul
`shaving dmm the extra hrcadincss ofu haunburgcr bun. Yuu can have your lax and cream cheese on a
`bagel thin and get all the $£1llSlhcll0ll olhuving S{)l’mZ‘ shmcar on bread without loading your belly
`down vs ilh a 2340 calorie bagel. The Bagel Tliins contain l I0 culnrics each, I gram of fat. 5 grams of
`. and 6 grzuns ofprutcin.
`Vitalicious; Muliin Tops: l~lcre‘s your perfect on-the-go dessert. snack _\ou leave in your purse,
`lunchtime surprise list jmur kid. and mush fur your very hungry one-year-old. Tlicy came in tons of
`llavorsmbanana nut. golden corn, clmcolate fig. raisin bran. cran-bran. etc.—-and can be eaten hot.
`cold. ur uxiyxvhere in between. You can even spread peanut butter. cream cheese. orjam for a mun:
`substantial snack. And best ufall, theyrr: each unly 100 calurics and offer :1 lnzlly serving of vitamins.
`minerals. iron. and fiber.
`Filed under l*‘a1 l’rgc l*‘<>c;gl_;;. llagggv Sln:u:l~:crs, llfitilllll l~‘0mls ‘ Tagged with amuld samdwlch thins.
`mullin tog {humus bagel lliiaig
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`l_‘__r_gpcl lcr
`'l”\~.i ilwr
`/‘~, mm;CG
`lutpzmm W.V’Cl\l.Lll'pl"¢flC’LlRCOIll/€ll'll0ld-S3lld\\lCl1-llllllS*ll1Um11$-bfigdl-lhlllfi-iilld-'VlHlllCl()l1§...
`l l:’20/20 l 0

`Arnold Sandwich Thins. "I"lmnms‘ Bagel Thins. and Vitalicious Muf”i'm Tops : Vcnturprcn... Page 3 of}
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`Twittcr I Kelsey H-.=:im'.e: ’l‘hornas Bagel Thins an: my
`Page I of l
`* On a znobile p mne. (‘heck out 133_;gg_;;3§:;n;g;wg!
`. ...m...,~—..~-_.,.“.¢
`,3 3133» mix: m {vain
` an i 1!!) via web
`Thomas Bagel Thins arc my new favorite. 5.»
`- Al‘!
`http:.>*.*l\vitlcr.conL*kchcinzwstatllsi l 378664()‘)27

`Twitter 3 Joy Bauer: Saw llxcsc new Thonms Bagel
`Page I of l
`- On a mobiltt phmm‘? C‘l1cck out gzgm,glggli;Vgl;.;;;¢“;.;g1g;!
`§[§}<i x tg;s_:1;1x%ig:1Qgg_r3
`§g}3nfi)W_l»g}_>:l:3!1 an {M31
`- Lw,.:iz1
`Saw tltese new Tlmmas Bagel Thins at the grocery store this week. Only I 10 calmrics (versus 300+
`calories in a... 13;;1gx;M;;l1§,§_._j
`‘>€l)<:4l2\l 5:44 PM I‘ via §j:§}_§§_§3l?§)£1k Rctweetcd by 2 people
`lmptx’ftwitier.con1r‘ju}/Wlilzu1cristatus?‘?)S(l)4(>6(l2 lb
`1 1 ?2(1‘2{3 10

`.»\nytmdy tried the 4()() Caturic Fix dict‘? E Taste of Home Cmunmnity
`Page 1 of 10
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`- gxmggigx Fgvgms - Kiyghen gm; « Anypgg gngg mg Q ggtgrg’ Fix gum’
`Anybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`Last post 03~12~2010 9:49 AM by shel!eyjCA2A; . 20 replies.
`8:03-10» 201012115 PM
`mHTAnybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`Joined on I1-204001
`Posts 17,12;
`I just started it on Monday and I've been hungry ever since! LOLQ For the first 2 weeks you
`eat 3- 400 catorie meals a day and no snacks.
`lt’s so hard to do but hopefulty will be worth
`I mmk after the 2 weeks you can have 4~ 400 calorw meals a day unless you want to
`keep losing and are not exercising.
`1 I/2()»’20l 0

`:\nybod_v tried the 4f)() ('j'alon’c Fix dict‘? I Taste of Horne Cmrmmnily
`Page 2 of IO
`La O3~I0~20I0 12:27 PM
`Lady Fingers
`Re: Anybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`How do you <Ic2ten'nIne- how many calones you are eating?
`Jomed an 12404007
`post; Q 3%
`Morning comes whetrwr yeu set the alarm at nm.
`-~Ur5uIa Le Gum
`L§:o3~1o~2o1o12:52 M
`Re: Anybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`IE; 03-11-2010 9:33 AM
`Re: Anybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`1 I/2(f):’2II) I (I)
`JOII’\(?d on 0S»I9~2001
`Posts 2&3;
`Ci: O3-I I-2010 6:59 AM
`" I“
`Joined 0" ”*30*200I
`pow, 17 in
`Today Is my em day. I have lost 8 pounds.
`Re: Anybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`wow. mars great!
`I'm on day -I and I thank I have lost a pound or 2. But I feel really good!
`You have (0 count the calones of everything you eat. After a whvle you can kind of mu
`what will make up about 400 calcries. like this mormng I had a egg and cheese sandwhich
`on ex whme wheat mum gram bun with coffee. The bun was I00, the egg about 100, the
`cheese about 60 and my coffee wwth creamer about 100.

`Anybody tried the 400 C:|lm'ic Fix diet‘? I ’I‘as2lI: of Home Community
`Page 3 of 10
` Bought the cookbook! am faxing a sausagezpasta recipe tomgm.Looks lxke It has some
`really good re<:Ip-93.00 has cut her pomons the pant 3 weeks and lost 8 p<Is.l started kinda
`sorta started a low days ago and lost I.Hoa-efully I get senous soon.l elm back on track with
`c-xercislngmnd we are eating much better so ...... ..
`I guess I have Imally reamed portlon control IS the only way I am gomg to lose
`anythmg.Does II have to be so hard?? I have never loved food so much as I have slnce I quit
`smoklng 5! year and a half ago. 32:?
`1%‘ summerfan__M|:
`I have never loved Iood so much as I have SMCG I qmt smoking a year and a half ago.
`Joined on 03~I3~2002
`P0315 _.§4 379
`Congratulations to you on Quzumg, SummeIFan! That Is terrific
`.“..............o. o~«*, wmmWm.............,Mo.....».M..._..m..M»...,.mw..«_.__..w.¢_.w._._,..,,,,,,,,W........,....,..__o.,......_.....».....,,..
`‘ £503-11-2010 11:49 AM
`Re: Anybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`first off GREAT JOB ...... ..
`Imp: s‘<Ic<Ifhornocomffbrur11s.?L’775(7s()8.:xspx
`1 l52(l)?‘2() 10
`Re: Anybody tried the 400 Calorie FIx diet?
`I know what you mean, It Is. very hard! Fm trymg to onxbraco the hunger pains!!!
`Re: Anybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`Joinéd 0,, 0506,2003
`Posts _l,8g8
`034 10.010 10:23 AM
` § fin W,
`Jomed on 1110-2001
`Posts 17,222
`I I
`L303-H~2DIO 11:35 AM

`Aiiyliody iricii the aoo (,‘::iloi‘il: Fix dict‘? l ’l‘a>:tc of Home Ccinimunily
`’tlgc 4 of ll)
`Joined on l)7«31~2002
`Posts 2§,4§§
`last year I ate 1200 calories a day....but not gust 3 moals...l also included snacks...lhe first
`2 weeks were hell0....but then it was ftne...l added lots 0! low calorie veggies and an
`apple at day-....l also didn't give up anythlng....l lost 80 oounds....thls year I am eating
`belween13OO and 1500 a day.....
`now I can tell iust by looking what the calories in something will be. ..l also joined several
`websites for weigh loss and keeping it olf....and for the recipes....
`even as they have many low calorie recipes...
`right now l have red velvet cupcakes in the ovon...a recipe from hungry you make
`them the way she says they are only 140 calories pormbut I NEVER follow a recipe...l
`always tweak them....LOL so mine will be lower than that...
`i also havo mveral Calorie King t>ooks...i for home and the other in the car...lots of fast
`food places listed and their foods...tas I like» fast food, but now am really picky with what I
` Burger King a value order of onion rings is only 150 calories...and a Whopper junior
`without mayo is about 290 caloric-s...ln and Out regular burger with double veggies and no
`sauce is about 325 e:alories....and that fills me up for hours..thanlcgoodness I NEVER liked
`their fi"l£"S. . . . .LOL
`besides eating less I am moving MORE....l walk about 25 miles per week now and do several
`other things to keep the weight off,”
`so good gomg...and it‘; NOT a's your NEW LIFESTYl.E....
`its NEVER to late to lose the start todayllll
`June Lake. Ca.....Octob<.=r
`Clo:-i1—2o1o1i:5i AM
`Re: Anybody tried the 400 Calorie Fix diet?
`rate. So if the label saya it contains

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