`(Exceeds 100 pages)
`Proceeding/Serial No:
`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
`Page 1 of 11
`PTO Form (Rev 4/2000)
`OMB No. U651-.... (Exp. 08/31/2004)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`The table below presents the data as entered.
`Input Field
`MARK SECTION (no change)
`See response and exhibits attached as .pdf.
`001_001/evi_69173799-1 13126940_._2010-08-
`25_A1v1F,R1cAN_.n ISTICF,_F()I 1N1)AT1oN_R FR _w_F.xhibiLs_FINAI ,.pdf
`(98 pages)
`\\TICRS\EXPORT1 1\IMAGEOUT11'\777\619\77761950‘\xml2
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`\\TIC_RS\EXPORT1 1\IM AGEQUTI 1\777\_6_19_\_]f7'7_§12 5Q\Ll:;l2
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`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
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`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
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`\RFR0039. JPG
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`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
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`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
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`\RFRO073. JPG
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`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
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`\RFRO088. JPG
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`\RFR0093. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORTl 1\IMAGEOUT11\777\6l9\77761950\xml2
`\RFR0094. JPG
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`\RFRO_098. IPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT1 1\IMAGEOUT1 1\777\6l 9\7776l950\xml2
`Argument and exhibits attached as .pdf.
`Providing a website featuring infomiation in the fields ofthe legal andjustice system
`Section 1(b)
`file://\\1icrs—ais-O1\ticrsexport\HtmlToTifTInput\RFR00O120l0_08_3 1_1 1_31_17_ws194...
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`Page 7 of 11
`website featuring educational information in the fields of the legal and justice system
`, Providing a
`Providing a website featuring educational information in the fields of the legal and justice system
`Section 1(h)
`Erik M. Pclton
`Attorney of Record; NJ, DC Bar Member
`Y F S
`Wed Aug 25 11:48:10 EDT 2010
`USPTO/R1-‘R-69. 17.37.99-201
`433c7d2f70-N/A—N/A—2O 1008
`Me..........c..........~....,...m.........-..........e.......,.» ........m...-.........»..~..........
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`PTO Form (Rev 4/2000)
`OMB No. 0651-.... (Exp. DB/31/2004)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
`Application serial no. 77761950 has been amended as follows:
`file://\\ticrs—ais—0l\ticrsexpo1t\lItmlToTifflnput\RFR0OO 1 20 l 0_08#3 1_l 1 V3 1 _l 7_WS 194...
`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
`Page 8 of 11
`In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:
`See response and exhibits attached as .pdf.
`Evidence in the nature of Argument and exhibits attached as .pdf. has been attached.
`Original PDF file:
`http://tgate/PDF/RFR/2010/08/25/20100825114810050111—77761950-001 O01/evi _69173799-
`113126940W._2010-08—25__AMERICANA JUSTICE FOUNDATION_RFR w Exhibits _FINAL.pdf
`Converted PDF f'1le(s) (98 pages)
`lividenc 23,9,
`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
`Page 9 of 11
`E31.i,c_ls:r;c_§.:§ 4
`Eyiigmc 9-7, 1
`file://\\ticrs—ais—O1\ticrsexport\HtmlToTif‘f'Input\RFR00O12010_08_3 1_1 l_3 1_17_WS 194...
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`Page 10 of 11
`F_lV_:i d..e:_I1_c.e,-_9,4
`Evi ence-95
`Applicant proposes to amend the following class of goods/services in the application:
`Current: Class 045 for Providing a website featuring information in the fields of the legal and justice
`Original Filing Basis:
`Filing Basis: Section 1(b), Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention to use or use through
`the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified
`goods and/or services as ofthe filing date ofthe application. (15 U.S.C. Section lO5l(b)).
`TrackedTextDescription:" ‘_s ‘
`‘s--"'_ '.s‘“:
`‘Va .
`jtwtéee-system; Providing a websitelfeatufingsducational ir_1ifo1:ma,t,i<2n_i,n,th¢ firzlds gfthel<:ga,laad
`justice system
`Class 045 for Providing a website featuring educational information in the fields ofthe legal and justice
`Filing Basis: Section 1(b), Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention to use or use through
`the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified
`goods and/or services as ofthe filing date of the application. (15 U.S.C. Section lO5l(b)).
`Request for Reconsideration Signature
`Signature: /ErikMPelton/ Date: 08/25/2010
`Signatory's Name: Erik M. Pelton
`Signatory's Position: Attorney of Record; NJ, DC Bar Member
`The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing ofthe bar of
`the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District ofColumbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal
`territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the applicant's attorney or an associate thereof‘; and to
`the best oiihis/her knowledge, ifpri or to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian
`attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the applicant
`in this matter: (1) the applicant has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute
`power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to
`withdraw; (3) the applicant has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the
`applicant's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing
`him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.
`The applicant is filing a Notice of Appeal in conjunction with this Request for Reconsideration.
`Serial Number: 77761950
`Internet Transmission Date: Wed Aug 25 11:48:10 EDT 2010
`file://\\ticrs-ais—01\ticrsexport\HtmlToTifflnput\RFROO0120 1 0_08_3 l_l l_3 l _l7_WS 194...
`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
`Page 11 of 11
`file://\\1icrs-ais-01\ticrsexport\HtmlToTiffInput\RFROO012010_08_3 1
`1 1 _31_ 17 WS194...
`Attmimys. at Law
`August 25, 20l0
`Sandra M. Buja
`T1'ade1narl< Examining Attorney
`Law Office l04
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Serial No:
`Office Action Of:
`lirederick D. Graves
`February 25. 2010
` :
`The following is the response ofApplicant, Frederick D. Graves, by Counsel, to the Final
`Office Action sent via email on February 25, 2010, by Examining Attorney Sandra M. Buja.
`A Notice of Appeal is being filed by Applicant contemporaneously.
`Applicant amends tl1e Identification of Services to read as follows:
`CLASS 035: Promoting the interests of the legal and justice system:
`CLASS 045: Providing at Website featuring educational information in the fields ofthe
`legal and justice systems
`The Examining Attorney has refused registration of Applicants mark AMERICAN
`JUSTICE FOUNDATION under Trademark Act § 2(e)(2). 15 U.S.C. § l052(e)(2) on the
`grounds that the mark is primarily geographically descriptive ofthe origin of Applicant's
`services. For the following reasons. Applicant respectfully disagrees, and requests that the
`Examining Attorney reconsider the statutory refusal and allow Applicz1nt’s mark to register.
`Applicant incorporates the arguments and evidence submitted previously by reference.
`page 2
`Response to February 25, 20l0 Office Action
`SN 77767950
`Ex. Atty.: Sandra M. BL/ja
`Law Office 7 75
`A mark is not primarily geographically descriptive unless each ofthe following three
`conditions are met: (I) the primary significance of the mark is a generally known geographic
`place or location; (2) the goods or services at issue originate in the place identified in the mark,
`all (3) purchasers would likely make a goods-place or services—place association. TMEP §
`l2l0.0l(a); In re MCO Properties, Inc. 38 USPQ2d 1 I54 (TTAB 1995) (emphasis added).
`Here, the Examining Attorney has not shown that the mark is primarily geographically
`descriptive because the Examining Attorney has not shown that the primary significance of the
`mark is a generally known geographic place, nor has the Examining Attorney established a
`services—place association.
`The Primmjr Sigiii/’icanLo_[44llIERIC'Ai\l JUSTICE FOUNDATION is not (1
`Geographic Location
`In order to sustain the re_jection of a mark on the basis of geographic descriptiveness, “the
`Trademark Act requires that the mark be primarilr geographic". TMEP § l2l0.02(b) (emphasis
`added). In the event that such a mark creates a “separate readily understood meaning that is not
`geographic." refusal of registration under § 2(e)(2) is not appropriate. TMEP § 12 l0.02(b)(i).
`When a geographic term is used in a context clearly evincing a meaning “other than geographic
`origin, registration should not be refused on the basis of geographical descriptiveness." TMEP §
`12 l 0.02(b)(iii). Applicant’s mark. AMERICAN JUSTICE FOUNDATION, is not primarily a
`geographically descriptive phrase. but rather presents a separate, readily understood meaning.
`Specifically, Applicant’s mark suggests a FOUNDATION dealing with AMERICAN JUSTICE.
`rather than a JUSTICE FOUNDATION whose services originate in AMERICA. Contrary to the
`assertions of the Examining Attorney. AMERICAN JUSTICE suggests a fair and impartial
`system ofadjudication which is not necessarily associated with the system of criminal justice in
`the United States.
`A review of the use of AMERICAN JUSTICE in contemporary media reveals that the
`phrase has come to signify a philosophy independent of ‘justice’ originating in the United States.
`AMERICAN JUSTICE conjures up ideas of equality before the law. presumed innocence. and
`universal rights ~ concepts deemed essential for promoting true justice. See Exhibit A:
`Manhattan Reaction: Short Walk, Epic Jonrner From Ground Zero to 9/11 Trial. Paul Harris
`(noting a citizen's View that American Justice means a fair trial. even for the most heinous of
`crimes); Exhibit B: Grus.s'l10ppcr Soup.‘ Gambling with Anierican ./1/slice. Bob Sweigert_
`page 3
`Response to Februaly 25, 2070 Office Action
`SN 77767959
`Ex. Atty; Sandra M. Buja
`Law Office I 75
`(“American justice means innocent until proven guilty"): Exhibit C: Shot/ici 911 terrorists stand
`trial in New )"01'i{f’. Ben Robinson. (noting that “giving a fair trial to some ofthe most-hated
`figures in history" provides "an excellent opportunity to show just what American justice
`means“): Exhibit D: Umiertninitig .4/1tericm7Jt/stice, Sahr MuhaniniedAlly, (suggesting that the
`American judicial syste1n‘.s treatment ofSeptembcr 1 l suspects trampled on “due process and
`the rule oflaw. which are the foundations of American justice"): Exhibit F: E.\'ac'tI_i' what IS the
`ntcmiing of ‘/lmericcm Justice ‘I’ (stating that “AMERICAN JUSTICE is supposed to be
`about...innocent until p1‘0\‘en guilty[,] due process[.] legal representation[.] trials"): Exhibit F:
`Tu/cc a Deep Breath and Blair Hm'ci/. Stephen Heller (noting that “American justice means that
`when (not it) the governiiient or a corporation is lying
`You make your voice heard. You hold
`your head liighf‘)
`The notion of AMERICAN JUSTIC E as a body ofideas divorced from any geographical
`connotations is further supported by the personification ofAMERICAN JUSTICE as the blind
`‘Lady Justice’ (or Zlustitia’). See Exhibit G: American Justice is B/incl, But Her Scales are
`Rigged. Dave Lindorff; Exhibit H: The Prostitution ofAmerican Justice. Candida Eittreim
`(suggesting that “Blind Justice...is a harlot for sale to anyone.“ and that "she has made a
`mockery of her very name”); Exhibit 1: Jr/stice Blind? Issue in Depth 1 : The Lad)‘ Justice,
`l\/latthew B. Robinson (noting that “The most common understanding of [Justitia] today is that
`the tigure of ‘a blindfolded woman with a scale in one hand and a sword in the other"
`demonstrates that we are dedicated to treating all Americans with ‘fairness. equity’ and in a
`manner that is right.").
`AMERIC/\.\l JUSTTCE has also been used in a pejorative sense by those claiming that
`the tenn stands for something contrary to the ideals addressed above. See Exhibit J:
`Coiniiieiitaiyz (ii//L’£’.S'_1' C/at/I Puj';ncnt .*l’I£l/{U.S' Onom/ugus AHg}‘_1'. David Yarrow (noting that
`".\Iati\t'es have their own View of Justice: American justice means just what it says»
`"just us"):
`Exhibit K: Though the Heavens Fail. www.boomantribune.com ("It doesn't take a genius to
`figure what American justice means: rape. toiture. imprisonment and disintegration ofitmocenr
`people") (emphasis in original); Exhibit L: DNA evidettcepoints to imtocence of West Memphis
`Three. Yave Begnet (“American justice means locking up teenagers for crimes they didn‘t
`page 4
`Response to February 25, 2010 Office Action
`SN 77767950
`Ex. Atty. : Sandra M. Buja
`Law Office I I 5
`Support for the use of AMERICAN JUSTICE for purposes unrelated to geographic origin
`can also be found in US Supreme Court opinions. For example. in Briiis/I .7‘rc/nsporl Connnission
`v. U/1iIe(iSrare.s'. 354 U.S. 129 (I957). the dissent suggests a distinction between “American
`Law" and “American Justice". Brin's/7 Transport Com/nission. 354 US. at l43—l46 (Brennan. J..
`dissenting). The Briris/7 Transport dissent twice references “American Law" before concluding
`that “It is a fundamental ofAmericcm justice that a litigant shall have fair notice of what he will
`be called upon to meet." Id. at 146 (emphasis added). In S/iep/rem’ V. Stare Q/"F/orida. 341 U.S.
`50 (1951), the concurring justice describes the case as presenting “one ofthe best examples of
`one of the worst menaces to American justice." S/1epl7erd, 341 U.S. at 55 (Jackson. J..
`concurring). In both of these instances, the cou1’t’s use of AMERICAN JUSTICE suggests a
`standard towards which American courts strive. rather than a simple geographic designation.
`Applicant is not using AMERICAN to modify JUSTICE FOUNDATION, but rather
`using AMERICAN JUSTICE to evoke a body of ideals while using FOUNDATION to
`communicate the type of organization involved. For the reasons presented above. AMERICAN
`JUSTICE has a commonly accepted meaning separated from any geographic connotation, and is
`thus not primarily geographically descriptive. Because Applicant's mark is not primarily
`geographically descriptive, and is used to connote a meaning “other than geographic origin.” See
`TMEP § l2l0.02(b){iii), the first prong ofthe geographic descriptiveness test is not met, and
`refusal on the basis ofgeographic desciiptiveness is not appropriate.
`Pm'c/iasers are not Like@ to _Make a Services-P/ace Association berween
`Aggiiccnn ‘s .S‘erw'ce.s' and America
`The Examining Attorney has presumed a public association of the Applicant’s services
`and America based upon a finding ofprimary geographic significance. pursuant to TMEP
`§l2 10.04. For the reasons set forth above. AMERICAN JUSTICE FOUNDATION is not
`primarily geographically descriptive. Because Applicants mark is not primarily geographically
`descriptive, the presumption allowed by TMEP §l2 10.04 does not arise and thus a sewices—place
`association cannot be presumed.
`The Examining Attorney bears the burden of presenting a prinmflieie case that a mark is
`primarily geographically descriptive before the Examining Attorney can properly reject the mark
`under l5 U.S.C. § lO52(e)(2). In re Ra/p/7 Wl7im'orf/1. 2008 WI, 1741905. 4 (TTAB 2008).
`page 5
`Response to Februa/y 25, 2070 Office Action
`5N 77761950
`Ex. Atty..' Sandra M. Buja
`Law Office 7 1'5
`Beczulsc AMERICAN JUSTICE is not pnrnarily geographically deseripti\'e and no public
`association has been estublislied between Applicant's services and AMERICA, the Examining
`Attorney has not established up/‘/niafcvcie case that the inark AMERICAN JUSTICE
`FOUNDATION is priiiiarily geographically descriptive as used with Applicant‘s services.
`Consequently. Applicant respectfully requests that the I;'.\'amining Attorney reconsider the
`statutoiy refusal and allow Applieanfs mark to register.
`Applicant has responded to all issues raised in the Office Action. If any further
`information or response is required, please Contact Applicant's attomey. The attorney may be
`reached by telephone at 703-525-8009.
`Exhibit A:
`Paul Harris. Manhattan reaction: Short walk. epicjourmii'fi‘om Gromia’ Zero 70
`9/11 iria/. Gt.‘ARDIA‘;\'.C‘O.UK. Nov. 13. 2009.
`http2//wwwguzirclian.co.ulo’worlil:2009/novi'13/9 I I-new-york-attaek—tria1.
`Exhibit B:
`Bob Sweigeit, (_}’russ/'20p‘z7cr Soup: Gambling M-‘if/i Air/ericmi Justice. SIERRA SUN.
`Nov. 24. 2009.
`lltlpt’/W\\’\’\'.SiC1T£1SuI1.CO111’t1l'llClC/2009 1 I24 ’OPIT\IIOI\'#‘)l 1249987.
`Exhibit C:
`Ben Robinson. S‘/101//0’ 911 Terr0ri.s'rs simid trial in .V£.’H' Y0)‘/:7, THE EASLEY
`PROGRESS. Nov. 2009. http://theeasleyprogress.coin/h()ol<mz1rk/45I 1673.
`Exhibit D:
`Sahr Mul1amn1edAlly, Um/crmining American Ji/slice. IIUMAN RIGHTS FIRST.
`June 6. 2008, http://www.liu1nanrigl1tsfi1*st.o1‘g,/biog;/gitiiio,/2008«'06/under1nining-
`american -justice.ht111l.
`Exact/_t' w/mi IS the meaniiig of ‘Aiiiericmi Justice ’?
`DEMO(‘RATl(‘I lt\'DERGROL‘.\1D.(‘().\«I, June 19, 2004.
`http://w\\'\\'.deinocraticundergroitnd.com’discuss!duboard.php‘?az=View all&addr
`lixhibit 1“:
`Stephen Heller‘ Iii/re u Deep Brcurli and B/ow Ilcird.’ THE BRAD BLOG. April 15.
`2007, http://wwwbradblog.com/'?p"4348.
`Exhibit G:
`Dave Lindorff. American Justice is B/imi, Bi/I Ilcr Scu/es are Riggeci.
`DE.VIOCRATS.('O.\'I. January 5. 2010. http:X/www.democ1'z1ts.com/node/21462.
`page 6
`Response to February 25, 207 0 Office Act/on
`SN 77761950
`Ex. Am/.: Sandra M. Buja
`Law Office I15
`Exhibit H:
`Exhibit 1:
`Candida Eittreini, The Pros/irzlrion ofAmeI'ic'uI7 J1/sn'c'c. S(‘RIBD.(‘O.\'I. December
`12, 2006. http://www.scribd.com/doc/675/'1‘he-Prostitution—Of—Ame1‘ican-Justice.
`Matthew B. Robinson Isslle in Depth 1: The Lady ./1/mice, Justice Blind’? Myths
`and Realities ofAmerican Criminal Justice.
`Exhibit J:
`David Yarrow ( 'ommenImji*: (”lzee.s',1' ("/or/I Pu_1'menrMa/ce.s' (hmndagas /1l7g7f1'.
`YARROW: TREE 0}‘ PEACH httpw/\V\\'\v.on0i1daga\‘esic:1.iiifodocs,'c11eesec1otli.htm.
`Exhibit K:
`T/702/g/7 the Hem'ens Fa/I. BOO.\I.\.\I TRIBUNE. Noveinber 18. 2008.
`http:’»\\'\V\\'.boo1n:1ntribune.co1n‘stiiiy/2()()8«' 1 1/18"} 141 3924.
`Exhibit L:
`Yave Bcgnet, [AVA evicieizcepuizils to immccnce of West .\-Ian/p/nLs'
`BLOGsPOT.C0.\I, October 30, 2007. http:‘/yzivebegnet.b1ogspot.com/2007r’10/dua-
`Article from The Guardian
`Manliattan reaction: Short walk, epic journey from Ground Zero to 9/ ll trial I World new... Page 1 of2
`Manhattan reaction: Short walk, epic
`journey from Ground Zero to 9/ 11 trial
`Paul Hiwris in New York
`_) _”
`g\mrdian.co.nk, Friday 13 November" 2009 20.38 G.\I'I‘
` I
`tlrnxrvr.-in ll 1I'ilt'\‘l11];3,1‘rIlIl at Hromirl/cl-i<l1n‘u1g.1
`.i:n1l‘~ .‘1'.~'il;l)~’1.~'Hl'~'t(‘l ins plant
`lll1it‘llln)1'i(ll|(‘1't‘ll1(Il1\'1llN-'\\ \.’r>1’l
`The walk from the site of the fallen T\\1'n Towers to the I\Ianhattan couithouse where
`Khalid Sheikh Moliaiiiiiied and his four coclefendants will now stand trial takes about 15
`minutes at a gentle stroll. But it syriibolises an epic eight—)‘ear journey from 2001's
`terrorist attacks to the first day in court for those accused of plotting a defining event of
`our modern age.
`It is a wall; tluougli a landscape and a city still scarred b_\' the attacks, but which has also
`bounced back with customer)’ resilience and in~_\'our-face New Yorker attitude. Look one
`way in New York and it seems like the attacks never happened. But look the other and
`the \\'t)Ll11(lS are still visible and raw.
`That is certaiiily the case at the site of the towers themselves. The once—gaping pit is now
`a gigantic construction site, echoing to the jackhainnier noise of dlills. Rush~hour
`crowds flow by, heading to Wall Street, and new buildings are rising to take the place of
`the lost World Trade Centre.
`Sitting on a wall having an early morning coffee and a cigarette, Jose Ramos Pena, a
`health worker, said he was glad the trial was taking place in a civilian court in the city
`where the attacks happened, not the distant military prison camp of Gurnmiiiaiiio Bay.
`"It shows there is a system ofjustice in this (‘0u1lt1'_\'. But it is going to deeply affect
`E‘\'El'_\'l)OCl_\' who lives there. There is no doubt about that," he said.
`A few yards away from where Pena was sitting stands St Paul's chapel, the oldest
`building in continuous use in .\lanhattan. It looks incongruous, (lWt1l'f€Cll)}' modern
`sk\'sci'ape1‘s, but the church became a s_\'inbol of Sl1l'\'1\'al in New York. It emerged
`ninuculously unscathed from the collapse of the towers, a fact testified to on its gate,
`where it Sign reads: "Sun'i\'or of the terronst attacks on September 11, 2001."
`The journey to the courthouse passes the church and heads up Broadwa_\‘, perhaps the
`most famous street in the world. Dubbed the "canyon of heroes" in this part of the
`Manhattan, every few yards a plaque commemorates those who have paraded here,
`from Vietnam \’E't€l.'fl.tlS to baseball stars to I\'el.-son Mandela. Here. away from the clatter‘
`http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/now13/91 l-new—york—attack—trial
`Mziiilizittaiii l'CElCIlOI12 Short walk, epic journey froin Ground Zero to 9/l l trial l World new... Page 2 of2
`of coiistriiction at ground zero, the noise is the fziiiiiliai‘ sound oftriiffic, sirens and
`liiistliiig coiiiiiiiiters. This is the New York of countless l110\'lt'-‘S and novels. It is like the
`attacks tlF'\’t‘I‘l1£'tpp€'I19(l. Yntil, of course, people are asked about them and the prospect
`of a tnal. Then the i'e:ictiuiis conie fast and fiirioiis.
`ii ('lt'lI1ttl't"lO0l\’i1lg SUfi\\'i\1‘L‘
`"We sliniild put at spit up his ziss," said S‘usaiii llt’l1l1€‘S_\',
`l‘llE,ll1t’t”.‘ \\l1O \\'0I‘l\’S it few blnclts :i\\'a\'