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`Medtronic, Inc. (tr_ade_mark@m§(_1t_ron_ic.coZm)
`2/19/2009 5:39:41 PM
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`LC 340
`APOLIS’ MN 554326604
`Mcdtronic, Inc.
`http.//www.uspt0.gov/mam/tra emarks.htm
`Applicant is requesting reconsideration of a final refi1sa1 issued/mailed January 14, 2009.
`After careful consideration of the law and facts of the case, the examining attomey must deny the
`request for reconsideration and adhere to the final action as written since no new facts or reasons have
`been presented that are significant and compelling with regard to the point at issue.
`Applicant argues that the refusal based on a likelihood of confusion with the mark in U.S. Registration
`No. 2236135, CLOSURE, for intravascular catheters, should be withdrawn because the registrant
`“promotes its intravascular catheters for use in treating varicose veins.” App1icant’s mark is also
`CLOSURE and applicant’s goods consist of surgical implants and instrument sets for use in atrial
`occlusion procedures.
`A determination of whether there is a likelihood of confusion is made solely on the basis ofthe goods
`file://’ ‘xticrs-ais-O1\ticrsexport'\Htm1ToTifiInput\REC00012009_03~O4_l 1_02_10__'I'TAB08...
`Page 4 of 4
`and/or services identified in the application and registration, without limitations or restrictions that are
`not reflected therein. In re Dakin '3 A/Iiniatures, Inc., 59 USPQ2d 1593, 1595 (TTAB 1999); TMEP
`§l207.0l(a)(iii). If the cited registration describes the goods and/or services broadly and there are no
`limitations as to their nature, type, charmels of trade or classes of purchasers, then it is presumed that the
`registration encompasses all goods and/or services of the type described, that they move in all normal
`chaxmels of trade, and that they are available to all potential customers. In re Linkvest S.A., 24 USPQ2d
`1716, 1716 (TTAB 1992); In re Elbaum, 211 USPQ 639, 640 (TTAB 1981); TMEP §1207.01(a)(iii).
`Here, no such limitations exist in the registration, which describes registrant’s goods broadly as,
`“intravascular catheters.” Thus, the registrant’s goods include goods that may be used for procedures
`similar to those for which the applicant’s goods are used. This is true even though the registrant’s goods
`may not yet be used for such procedures.
`Applicant further argues that the word “closure” is not descriptive of applicant’s goods. However, as the
`attached Intemet and article evidence suggests, the word “closure” is used in the medical field to refer to
`the occlusion of “atrial appendages” or areas within the heart during open heart surgery. See the
`attached definition found in Exhibit “Closure0-1” and the attached Intemet evidence, including Exhibit
`“Closure G1-01.” The word “closure” in this context thus describes the purpose, function or use of
`applicant’s surgical implants and instrument sets for use in atrial occlusion procedures.
`Accordingly, applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. The time for appeal runs from the date
`the final action was issued/mailed. 37 C.F.R. Section 2.64(b); TMEP Section 7l5.03(c). If applicant
`has already filed a timely notice of appeal, the application will be forwarded to the Trademark Trial and
`Appeal Board (TTAB).
`/‘Edward Fennessy/
`Trademark Examining Attorney
`Law Office 114
`STATUS CHECK: Check the status of the application at least once every six months from the initial
`filing date using the USPTO Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) online system
`at http://tarr.uspto.gov. When conducting an online status check, print and maintain a copy ofthe
`complete TARR screen. Ifthe status of your application has not changed for more than six months,
`please contact the assigned examining attorney.
`file://\\ticrs-ais-01\tiersexport\HtmlToTifi'Input\REC00Ol2009_03_O4_1 l_O2_10_TTABO 8...
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`ATRIAL FIBRILLATION; VCU Pauley Heart Center First to use Technolcgically Enhanced Intracardiac Ultrasound for the Treatment
`of Atrial Fibrillation Surgery Litigation & Law Weekly January 9, 2009
`Copyright 2009 Surgery Litigation & Law Weekly via LawRx.com via NewsRx.com and NewsRx.net
`Surgery Litigation & Law Weekly
`January 9, 2009
`LENGTH: 903 words
`VCU Pauley Heart Center First to use Technologically Enhanced Intracardiac Ultrasound for the Treatment of Atria! Fibrillation
`The Virginia Commonwealth University Pauley Heart Center is the first in the United States to use a new type of intracardiac
`14 Doc[““« ‘§.?o11o1
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`The Virginia Commonwealth University Pauley Heart Center is the first in the United States to use a new type of intracardiac
`ultrasound machine that produces enhanced imaging of the heart, allowing cardiac electrophysiologists to better diagnose and
`treat atrial fibrillation (see also Atrial Fibrillation).
`Atrial fibrillation, or a-fib, is caused by abnormal electrical impulses that begin at the top of the heart and travel down the upper
`chambers, or atria, causing erratic contractions. The irregular rhythm, which affects more than 2 million Americans, interferes
`with the heart's ability to efficiently pump blood. As a result, blood can pool in the atria, which can lead to the formation of clots
`and the possibility of a stroke.
`Intracardiac ultrasound (ICU) is a technique that allows doctors to better visualize structures in the heart using aspecial
`catheter that is laced through a blood vessel in the leg and advanced into the heart. Traditionaily, ultrasound imaging of the
`heart is done outside the chest with a probe and requires a large, heavy machine that cannot be moved easily.
`"Using the ICU catheter allows us to better visualize important structures in the heart, it allows us to better move our catheters
`around more safeiy inside the heart and finally, it allows us to move catheters to certain areas in the heart where we feel we
`need to deliver radio frequency energy so we can ablate the right tissues," said Kenneth Ellenbogen, M.D., professor of cardiology
`and director of the cardiac electrophysiology lab at the VCU Medical Center, who performed the imaging technique using the new
`GE Healthcare .developed the small and compact, Vivid i system that delivers imaging performance equal to that of today's
`leading high—end console ultrasound systems without crowding the lab. The Vivid i ultrasound system displays high quality
`‘manmj./ynf the fizflfifnftjl/(Hi qtriirttiirns nf thpmhoartganrl deliratp valvular <:trurfurm: )l'i¢=lninn(l'n imnrnwa offi’/rgarv nf4/the catheter _
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`leading high-end console ultrasound systemswithbut crowding the lab. The Vivid lihulttiasound system displayrslhighl quality
`images of the anatomical structures of the heart and delicate valvular structures, helping to improve efficacy of the catheter
`ablation and patient safety.
`"We're going from a machine that is quite big and takes up a lot of space to one the size of a laptop computer that is positioned
`at the bedside. It gives us spectacular images of the heart, our catheters in the heart and the structures in the heart and helps
`us do an even better job of ablating atrial fibrillation more safely and more effectively," Elienbogen said.
`Using ICU, cardiac electrophysioiogists can to some extent avoid or decrease the use of X-ray or radiation to image the heart
`because the catheter uses sound waves to help detect what‘s going on in the heart.
`About 10 years ago, VCU cardiac electrophysiologists, together with experts from several other centers, pioneered the use of this
`catheter to treat a-fib.
`Catheter ablation is used to burn sites inside the atria and ventricles the heart's lower pumping chambers that cause
`arrhythmias. In the procedure, one or more catheters is piaced inside the heart to locate the origin of the electrical short
`circuits. Once the area is located, the surgeon delivers heat energy to destroy the abnormal electrical circuit.
`"Through catheter ablation of a-fib, our main goal is not just to improve efficacy but to make it safer for patients. The way we do
`that is to make it so we're better able to visualize what we're doing inside the heart, by avoiding delicate structures that we don't
`want to treat and using our imaging tools and technology to get the best and safest results,“ Ellenbogen said.
`bout the VCU Paulev ljiearl‘ Center: The VCU Paulev Heart Center is,reconr1i7ed natinnallvfor its heart failure and heart
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`02/19/209 11:48:1AM .:a..icn Client
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`About the VCU Pauley Heart Center: The VCU Pauley Heart Center is recognized nationally for its heart failure and heart
`transplantation programs, and was among the first in the United States to implant the Cardiowest temporary Total Artificial
`Heart, or TAH-t the only total artificial heart approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The heart center is comprised of
`the Divisions of Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Pediatric Cardiology. There is close collaboration between the divisions to
`provide advanced, patient-centered care to patients of all ages, with every type of heart disease, with the best possible
`outcomes. Pauley Heart Center's superior performance resulted in VCU Medical Center being recognized as one of the top 100
`U.S. hospitals for cardiovascular care, according to a Thomson Reuters study.
`About VCU and the VCU Medical Center: Virginia Commonwealth University is the largest university in Virginia and ranks among
`the top 100 universities in the country in sponsored research. Located on two downtown campuses in Richmond, VCU enrolls
`32,000 students in 205 certificate and degree programs in the arts, sciences and humanities. Sixty—five of the programs are
`unique in Virginia, many of them crossing the disciplines of VCU's 15 schools and one coilege. MCV Hospitals and the health
`sciences schools of Virginia Commonwealth University compose the VCU Medical Center, one of the nation's leading academic
`medical centers. For more, see www.vcu.edu.
`CONTACT: Joe Kuttenkuler
`VCU Communications and Public Reiations
`Phone: 804.827.6607
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`ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC. ; St. Jude Medical Announces the Release of Ensite System Version 8.0 Software Cardiovascular Week
`May 26, 2008
`Copyright 2008 Cardiovascular Week via NewsRx.com & NewsRx.net
`Cardiovascular Week
`May 26, 2008
`LENGTH: 594 words
`St. Jude Medical
`.Announces the Release of EnSite System Version 8.0 Software
`St.‘ Jude Medical, Inc .. (NYSE:ST1 .) announced the releaee of its EnSi_te(TM) System Version 8.Q eoftware. Theynew software will
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`0/19/2009 11:51:02
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`its EnSite(TMl System Version 8.0 software. The new software will
`St. Jude Medical, inc -. (lNYSE:STJ .) announced the release
`help physicians more intuitively visualize the anatomy of the heart to diagnose and treat abnormal heart rhythms.
`St. Jude Medical
`.will feature the Ensite v.8.0 at Heart Rhythm 2008 on May 14 - 17 (see also St. Jude Medical, Inc.).
`The Ensite System is used in minimally invasive electrophysiology (EP) procedures. Catheters with electrodes are inserted into
`the cardiac chamber and then are located and visualized by the Ensite System, which records electrical information and creates a
`rendering of the chamber anatomy. The resulting images help physicians create detailed heart models to facilitate the diagnosis
`and delivery of therapy for abnormal atrial heart rhythms, including Atrial Fibrillation (AF). The Ensite System allows catheter
`navigation to occur without fluoroscopy and reduces the risk associated with too much exposure to X-rays.
`The new Ensite v.8.0 software expands the capability of the Ensite System to help physicians better visualize reentrant
`arrhythmia circuits, a common abnormal heart rhythm. The Ensite v.8.0 also gives physicians the ability to view how these
`reentrant circuits propagate or move about the cardiac chamber. This feature improves physicians‘ ability to identify the location
`of the arrhythmia so they have more control over the procedure.
`Additional features include map visualization enhancements, which provide a more realistic perspective on the location of
`catheters, lesions, and anatomical points of interest. EnSite v.8.0 also includes enhancements to the electrical "noise" filters to
`improve cardiac signal detection and heip physicians better analyze low amplitude signals such as complex fractionated
`electrograms, a growing area of interest for EP physicians.
`"This new version of our Ensite System will help physicians better diagnose their patients with arrhythmias," said Jane J. Song,
`president of the St. Jude Medical
`.Atrial Fibrillation Division. "It also underscores our leadership in the industry and our
`continued dedication to improving the lives of patients."
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`[#3] 93'.
`Heart Rhythm 2008 takes place May 14-17 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. The meeting is the most
`comprehensive educational event on heart rhythm disorders, offering 250 educational opportunities in multiple formats. The
`world's most renowned scientists and physicians will present a wide range of heart rhythm topics including advances in statins,
`cardiac resynchronization therapy, catheter ablation, cardiac pacing and heart failure and the latest technology, including state-
`of-the-art pacemakers and defibrillators. www.HRSonline.org
`St. Jude Medical -Highlights at Heart Rhythm 2008
`On Thursday, May 15 at 1:30 p.m., during the oral abstract session, Andrew Epstein, M.D., will present the results of multiple
`St. Jude Medical
`.lead registries. The studies analyzed the experience of more than 7,000 patients who were implanted with
`Riata high voltage leads. In addition, St. Jude Medical
`.wiil showcase new cardiac leads and cardiac iead implant tools, new
`electronic health record connectivity features and the company's cardiac rhythm management device programmer (which is now
`available in eight languages).
`Keywords: Anatomy, Arrhythmia, Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiology, Electrophysiology, Physiology, Therapy, Treatment,
`St. Jude Medical Inc. .
`This article was prepared by Cardiovascular Week editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2008, Cardiovascuiar Week via
`LOAD-DATE: May 21, 2008
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`Terms: atrial and implant and catheter (Edit Search | Suggest Terms for My Search)
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`BIOMEDICINE; Aporo Biomedical Announces Global Licensing Agreement for Proprietary Polymers Used to Treat Structural Heart
`Disease Cardiovascular Week February 1 1, 2008
`Copyright 2008 Cardiovascular Week via NewsRx.com & NewsRx.net
`Cardiovascular Week
`February 11, 2008
`LENGTH: 550 words
`Aporo Biomedical Announces Globai Licensing Agreement for Proprietary Polymers Used to Treat Structural Heart Disease
`Aporo Biomedical, a San Francisco/Bay Area—based medical device company, reported an exclusive global licensing agreement
`ll fees :2
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`19/2009 1155225 AM
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`Q V. .
`Aporo Biomedical, a San Francisco/Bay Area—based medical device company, reported an exclusive global licensing agreement
`with mNEMOSCIENCE GmbH for its proprietary biodegradable shape memory polymers (BIO-SMP(TM)). Aporo's goal is to provide
`significant clinical value by delivering novel transcatheter devices that close defects and then biodegrade over time, leaving
`behind no permanent implant. Initially, Aporo will use these materials to treat Patent Foramen Ovale (PFC), a type of structural
`heart disease that involves closing an open tunnel between the upper left and right chambers of the heart. In the future, the
`company will use the ol mers in devices to treat Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), another structural heart disease, and for vascular
`closure after atheter—based interventional roceciures (see also Biomedicine).
`While a PFO typically closes within the First few days alter birth, approximately 25% of the population has a passageway or hole
`that remains open. In fact, PFO‘s may cause an estimated 200,000 strokes per year. PFO‘s are also believed to he a factor in
`migraine headaches, which affect 12% of the population. Studies indicate that PFO closure may bring migraine relief. Currently,
`several transcatheter closure devices are in clinical trials to evaluate PFC closure and the impact on stroke and migraine.
`Although minimally invasive catheter-based procedures are relatively short and can provide significant benefits to the patient,
`there is a growing desire among clinicians to avoid the potential complications and disadvantages from permanently implanting a
`large device in an otherwise healthy heart. Aporo Biomedical will address this concern by delivering a biodegradable device that
`closes the PFO without leaving a permanent implant.
`“The next significant advance in medical technology will be biodegradable devices that disappear once they've done their job,"
`commented Carolyn Patrick, President and CEO of Aporo Biomedical. "As patients are treated younger and live longer, it's even
`more important for physicians to have options that consider not only the patients‘ immediate outcomes and quality of life, but
`their future medical needs as well. Aporo Biomedical is well—positioned to advance the field of PFO closure with a fully
`biodegradable device. We look forward to working with mNEMOSCIENCE(R) and utilizing the novel BIO-SMP(TlVl) technology to
`bring these transformative devices to market."
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`Results —(101)'\ Professional 8. Practice lllaterials - (101) V
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`Dl'll"lg ‘CD952 transrormative CIEVICES [0 market."
`"We are delighted to partner with such a skilled and innovative medical device manufacturer for our BIO—SMP(TM) technology,"
`said Christian Palme, CEO, mNEMOSCIENCE. "Securing high—quality, progressive partners like Aporo Biomedical has been a key
`focus of our strategic development plan and represents an important milestone in advancing our BIO-SMP(TM) commerciaiization
`Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.
`Keywords: Atrial Septal Defect, Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedicine, Business, Cardiology, Clinical Trial
`Research, Headache, Heart Disease, Marketing and Licensing Agreements, Medical Device, Migraine, Migraine Disorder,
`Neuroiogy, Patent Actions, Patents, Aporo Biomedical.
`This article was prepared by Cardiovascular Week editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2008, Cardiovascular Week via
`LOAD-DATE: February 8, 2008
`- Cardiovascular Week; Surgery Litigation & Law Weekly; Health 8. Medicine Wee...
`Source: Combined Source Set106
`Terms: atrial and knplan! and catheter (Edit Search 1 Suggest Terms for My Search)
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`Date/Tme: Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 11:52 AM EST
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