10/29/2008 15:41 FAX
`Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC
`Two Liberty Place
`50 South 16”‘ Street, 22”“ Floor
`Philadelphia, PA 19102-1909
`TEL 215 851 8400
`FAX 215 851 8383
`F A C S l M l L E
`Ms. Angela T. Campbell
`FAX _
`COMPANY: Trad :mark Trial and Appeal Board
`__> NUMBER:
`October 29, 2008
`Sean P. McConnell, Esq.
`TOTAL PAGES (in :luding cover): 30
`Dear Ms. Campbell:
`Please find attached the Request for Reconsideration that was filed on August 18, 2008 regarding
`Serial No. 77/161.82 7, for I-LV IN-LINE VASECTOMY. You will find the Remarks and
`Exhibits A—E.
`Please do not,.he.3._ita1a: to Contact me should you have any questions.
`Bes}_regards,l _
`N0’l'l('.‘E OI?‘ CONFIDliN'2'|:\l.l'l'\": The statctnettts upon and any documents included with this faesitnile transmittal sheet contain
`information from the firm 0l‘l. -.:kert Seznnzms Cherin & Mellon. l-l..C. that is conlidential. privileged and exempt from disclostm: under applicable
`laws. This infonuation is int: nded to be for the exclttsit-Ic use of the named addressee.
`It‘ _\-'0u are not the addtmsee. note that any disclosure,
`cop)-'ing.. distribution or use 0! the contents oftlns transmittal is prohibited. lfyou ltavc n':cei\-ed this facsitnile in error; please lmmC(llZllL‘l_\' notify
`us at 4 l2.56(»_6l(>l (collect) st
`that we can ztrrztnge for the retrieval otthc origittal documents at no cost to you.
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`10/29/2008 15:41 FAX
`In re
`: Trademark Application of
`: Joel L-. Marmar, MD
`: Law Office
`2 112
`Serial No.
`: 77/161,827
`Examining Attorney — Ronald E. Aikens
`Apr I 20., 2007
`Attorney Docket No. 29772100001
`This responds to the Examining Attorney’s letter granting Applicanfs Request for
`Reconsideration havi big a mailing date of April 20, 2008.
`in response. Applicant respectfully submits print-outs from a on—Iine urology‘
`supply company that markets Applicanfs goods. See Exhibit A. The Board admits online
`evidence in the form -if computer print—outs. See Raccioppi v. /lp()gge. Inch, 47 U.S.P.Q.2d I368
`(TTAB 1998). These print-outs show AppIicaut’s goods, referenced by Applicanfis mark.
`Applicant also respectfully submits material obtained from Applicanfs website.
`See In re N. V. (')rgcmnr1. 79 U.S.P.Q.2d 1639 (TTAB 2006). These materials Show a link to a
`video of an I-LV IN-I ,INE VASECTOMY. See Exhibit B. The video demonstrates the medical
`services applied for L1='lCI€l‘ Applicant's mark.
`It also demonstrates use of Applicanfs applied-for
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`10/29/2008 15:42 FAX
`goods. This video- pointing to Applicant as the source of the goods and services, is also
`. vailablc for viewing; at numerous other websites. See Exhibit C. Applicant provides the
`medical services at ( Tooper University Hospital and is the sole provider ofsuch medical services.
`See Exhibit D.
`The Eixamining Attorney has also only cited to Applicant’s mark. The WIPO
`Patent Search results reference Applicant"s goods and services. See Exhibit E. The remaining
`evidence shows Applicant as the source of Applicanfs goods and services.
`The E xamining Attomey has refused registration arguing that Applicanfs mark is
`merely descriptive o ‘a feature, use. function and/or purpose of Applicanfs goods and services.
`However, the evidense provided by both Applicant and the Examining Attorney all point to
`Applicant as the unit ue source of the goods and services. A trademark must identify one source
`and distinguish it fro 11 others. See -I J. Thomas Mc('.‘arIlzy, MCL'(T'/118771)" ON '['RADEMARl‘\’S. §
`323. 6-7 (2007); see «/50 A/lc(.‘m-thy '.s‘ § 329. 22-23. Applicant's mark succeeds in accomplishing
`this and the Examining Attorney has not shown otherwise. Accordingly, Applicant requests that
`any doubt as to the d zscriptiveness be resolved in its favor with the knowledge that any third
`party is free to challenge otherwise. See In re Gourmet Bakers, Im.-_, l73 U .S.P.Q. 565 ('l'l'AB
`Alterr=ativel_v. Applicant respectfully requests the application be amended, without
`prejudice. to one for {egistration on the Supplemental Register.
`Respectfully submitted.
`RoBi3Rr§};AcoBs—Mi3ADwA ESQ.
`Date: a"“"\ 13 x $498’
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`10/29/2008 15:42 FAX
`Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellon, LLC
`Two Liberty Center
`50 South 16th Street, 22d Floor
`Philadelphia, PA l9l02
`(215) 851-8400
`(215) 851-8383 (facsimile)
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`10/29/2008 15:42 FAX
`Exhibit A
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`-10/29/2008 15:42 FAX
`Wellspring Urology — »‘upplies for the Urology Profession
`Page 1 of1
`VVELLSPRLVG began selling Urology supplies to professionals in 1992. With a
`combined 57 years of experience. we are confident that we can meet yourproduct needs
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`Our axpertise hetpa us to choose manufacturers who meet your exact needs with the
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`If you have questions about which products are best for you.
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`We can aiso help you with questions about technéques for using irrsmmrrrents, whether you
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`- Vasectomy
`http://www.wellspringur )
`8/ 1 8/2008
`PAGE 6/30 - RCVD AT 10/29/2002 3:37:03 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] SVR.USPTO-EFXRF 5/s * nN|s.27342so ~ CSlD.1215851838!! * DURA

`10/29/2008 15:42 FAX
`Wellspring Urology - Supplies for the Urology Profession
`Page 1 of 1
`Rat Tooth Micnotenaculum
`' 9_n_
`1. The NJ’ is very minimally xnvasme.
`2. mm the ILV. no scalpe! is needed for the skin
`3. The 4mm cpen1ng(5)mquired to! the ILV is smallet than a grain 0! rice (4).
`4 Special ILV instruments mmimnze tissue Irauma
`5. The in! is rapid and tariable and may be compielad in about 4 m'nu1es per side.
`6. The ILV dosure of the vas is intended to minimize inflammation and post operative discomfort
`8/ I 8/2008
`PAGE 7130 " RCVD AT 10/29/2008 3:37:03 PM [Easlem Daylight Time] " SVR.USPTO-EFXRF 516 " DNlS.2734260 * CSID 12158518383 " DURA
`(mm 58)

`10/29/2008 15:43 FAX
`Wellspring Urology — Supplies for the Urology Profession
`Page 1 of}
`Vasectomy in Mmimelers (mm) mm the ACTUAL size 0!
`several commcn obgects.
`1. Dime
`2. Raisin
`3. Keme! of Com
`4. Grain of Rice
`5. The 4mm opening of an In-Line Vasecmmy
`Strong Ultrafine Pointed Scissors
`with a Separation Dot or Line
`http://wwwwellspringur :)
`8/ 1 8/2008
`PAGE 8130 " RCVD AT 10l29I2008 3:37:03 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] " SVRZUSPTO-EFXRF-5I6 " DN|S:2734260 * CSlD:12158518383 " DURATION (mm-ss):08-38

`10/29/2008 15:43 FAX
`Exhibit B
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`10/29/2008 15:43 FAX
`/ In-Line Vasectomy Procedure by Dr. Joel Marmar
`Page 1 of 5
`l__ l I 1
`I In I‘
`In-Line Vasectomy
`Ho_r_ne_ I Patients I Doctors
`The .ln.~Lrn,e Vasectomy Stew I T..he_.l.~.I|_ate. Anal.c2m.y I P.l.a..rmin9.Gui9tines for Patients I P_ost—Or.> Guidelines I Posmp P.r.ot>.lern§
`P.urcha§.e_.Qu§lom.l2esK;ned..|-LV Instruments
`Watch the Procedure
`The In-Line Vasectomy Story
`Over 500.000 vasectomies are performed in the United States each year to make this procedure the most common form of
`permanent birth control for men in the country.
`Most clinicians agree that the growing popularity of vasectomies is due to the availability of minimally invasive office
`procedures with local anestiesia.
`Although these procedures have been used widely, there maybe some areas that could stand some improvement: 1) the
`vasectomy instruments havr-. never been standardized and they differ among manufacturers. 2) the methods of vas
`occlusion have never been ztandardized and differ considerably among centers.
`The vasectomy instruments are presently manufactured throughout the world. They come in various sizes, and some are
`better than others. Some instruments perform well, but others may slip unexpectedly during procedures.
`In addition, the method of vas occlusion has never been standardized. These closures have been left to the discretion of
`the surgeon. and as a result over 20 different occlusive methods have been reported.
`Recently, ( Marmar et al. Int J. Fertility.46:257-64. 2001) systematically re-evaluated the design of the current vasectomy
`instruments and critiqued this individual steps of several vasectomy procedure. As a result, the ILV instruments and the tn-
`Line Vasectomy procedure evolved with specific advantages.
`First, new ILV instruments w are designed and standardized to perform defined tasks. Second, several aspects of current
`8/ l 8/2008
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`10/29/2008 15:44 FAX
`ln—Lir1e Vasectomy Procedure by Dr. Joel Marmar
`Page 2 of S
`vasectomy procedures we re critiqued and favorably modified for the ILV, including the method of vas occlusion which was
`standardized in accord with anatomical principles to limit inflammation and post—operative discomfort.
`The modified ILV closure utilized a form of mucosal cautery and fascial interposition similar to the classic methodology of
`(Schmidt SS. J. Urol. 17: 4' 6782, 1966). No clips or ties were placed around the vas with the tLV. because ligatures may
`produce sloughing, sperm teakage and unwanted tissue reaction at the sealed ends.
`Recently, Sokal et at. BMC Urol.4: 12, 2004 reported fewer failures and fewer post op complications with cautery and
`fascial interposition versus. occlusion. and this preferred closure is part of the ILV.
`The Name!
`Why is the procedure called the IN-LINE VASECTOMY?
`1. The small scrotal openir-g required for the ILV is only 4mm and it is placed directly in-line with the vas below.
`2. The instruments designs d for the ILV fit into small spaces and reliably secure the vas. The dissection remains in-line
`with the vas and its sheath to avoid lateral tissue trauma.
`3. The method of occlusion for the lLV is completed in-line with the vas and its sheath. This closure is strong and reliable
`because it is based on SOU'td anatomical principles and it is intended to minimize tissue inflammation and post-op
`Male Reproductive Anatomy and the I-LV
`§$;{3¥F»%f 3flKTfl %3‘fi5§§B$H 5 AL§7&¥3 Lu.
`1. Sperm are produced in th«- testicles on the outside of the body.
`2. The sperm must travel intt
`the body to be ejaculated with the fluid from the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.
`3. Each vas tube is about 18 inches long and connects each testicle to the prostate gland and seminal vesicle. These tubes
`provide the only route for spe rm travel before they reach the ejaculate.
`PAGE 11/30 ’ RCVD AT 10/29/2008 3:37:03 PM [Eastern Daylight Tlme] " SVR.USPTO-EFXRF 5/6 DNIS 2734260
`" CS|D:12158518383 " DURATION mm-ss):08-38

`10/29/2008 15:44 FAX
`In-Line Vasectomy Pr iicedurc by Dr. Joel Marmar
`Page 3 of 5
`4. The only visible evident e of an ejaculation is the fluid itself. The patient cannot see whether the sperm are present or
`absent in the ejaculate wit rout a microscopic examination.
`5. After the vasectomy, the testicles continue to produce sperm. Therefore, vasectomies can be reversed with microsurgery
`the sperm may be extracted from the testis and epididymis for in Vitro Fertilization.
`6. When the sperm leave t we testicle after the vasectomy, they never reach the ejaculate. Vwthin a short distance, they
`encounter the obstruction produced by the vasectomy.
`7. Although the sperm are rapped. they survive for only 90 days. They age and disintegrate, and the by products are re-
`absorbed. Although some zwatients may produce sperm antibodies after a vasectomy. no major long-term side effects have
`been reported from this pr: cess.
`8. Post-op, the patients wil continue to have normal erections and a normal sex drive. The visible ejaculate remains
`unchanged, because the fl rid comes from the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. However, the ejaculate will contain no
`sperm. This is the desired -affect.
`Planning Guidelines for Patients Scheduling
`an In-Line Vasectomy
`Although the ll.V is conside ‘ed a permanent procedure, 2—4% of the patients change their minds and eventually want more
`children. Vasectomies have been successfully reversed with microsurgery for many of these men. Furthermore,
`pregnancies have occurred with extracted sperm and NF for others. However, if you have doubts or concerns about the
`permanent nature of the IL\- or any of these procedures discuss them with your doctor.
`Schedule your lLV for a wee ~kend or day when you will have no pressing obligations for 2-3 days afterwards. You will not be
`bed ridden, but you should Man to take it easy around the house. This is an elective procedure, and it requires thoughtful
`Selective shaving is recomn ended prior to the ILV . Use a razor and cream rather than an electric shaver or chemicals.
`Shave the lower abdomen, : long side of the penis and the entire scrotum. The hair removal enhances post-operative
`cleanliness and should redu-:e the risk of infection.
`Following the lLV . it is impo tant to have good scrotal support. it you do not own an athletic supporter, purchase a simple
`"swimmers jock strap“. You will wear it immediately after the procedure, and for an additional 3-5 days and nights.
`4. FOOD
`it is best to limit yourself to a light lunch or breakfast before the lLV.
`8/ 1 8/2008
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`10/29/2008 15:45 FAX
`In-Line Vasectomy Pr :)cedure by Dr. Joel Marmar
`Page 4 of 5
`Post-Op Care
`immediately after the lLV, it is important to apply ice over the scrotum for post—op swelling control. Maintain the ice for at
`leasti hour. and repeat thu process during the waking hours about 2-3 times per day for the next 2 days.
`Although you will not be bi d bound after the lLV, avoid exercise for 1 week. Assuming that you have no discomfort, you
`can resume full exercise ir 7 days. "Listen” to your body, and use common sense.
`After the lLV, refrain from sexual activity for 1 week. Follow the recommendations for exercise (see #2).
`Take your first shower about 12 hours after the ILV. Use basic soap and water to provide cleanliness and to help the
`sutures dissolve. if sorene: s persists after 3 days, take a therapeutic tub bath. Draw the water above the navel. and soak ‘
`for 10-15 minutes. Repeat once or twice a day.
`Avoid aspirin products after the lLV, because they may cause bleeding. Extra Strength Acetaminophen is safe, and it will
`usually be sufiicient. if you hink that you may require stronger analgesic medication, discuss your specific needs with the
`On the day of your lLV, the entire vas is filled with sperm. During the procedure an obstruction will be created, and no new
`sperm will enter the system However. some of these live sperm are already “downstream" or beyond the obstruction
`‘created by the vasectomy. ' "hey will be eliminated over the next few weeks, but you MUST use protection until your semen
`has no sperm. Following thu lLV, you will be scheduled for 2 semen analyses (week 6 and week 7). You will be cleared
`when 2 consecutive semen analyses show “zero” sperm.
`Post-Op Problems
`Most of the post-op problerr with lLV’s are self limiting, but occasionally some require a call to the doctor:
`1. Fever
`If you develop a temperaturr elevation. it may represent an infection. Call for instructions and perhaps an antibiotic.
`2. Hematoma
`limited skin discoloration after an lLV, but in rare instances, a hematoma or blood clot may
`Although there may be somt
`collect under the skin. The a ‘ea appears red and swollen. If you suspect a hematoma, call the doctor for instructions.
`3. Epididymitis
`Between the testicle and the vas. there is a structure known as the "epididymis" which may become inflamed or infected. if
`this situation arises after an tI-V, the area may be swollen and tender. Apply ice immediatety, and call the doctor for
`PAGE 13/30 * RCVD AT 10l29I2D08 3:37:03 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] " SVR.USPTO-EFXRF 516 " DNIS2734260 " CSIDJ2158518383 " DURATIO (mm-ss)

`10/29/2008 15:45 FAX
`In-Linc Vasectomy Pr acedure by Dr. Joel Marmar
`Page 5 of 5
`4. Sperm Granuloma
`in some instances, a limit: d sperm leak may occur during or after an ILV. These sperm may cause an inflammation in the
`surrounding tissues and ti :3 area may be painful. This condition may require anti-inflammatory medications until the
`process resolves. Call the doctor whenever you suspect this problem.
`5. Stitch Reaction
`The stitches dissolve after the ILV. but on some occasions they cause a discharge and skin redness as part of the process.
`If you suspect this problen , first wash the area with soap, water and a washcloth‘ The problem usually improves after the
`stitch is gone. if the proble ‘n persists, call the doctor.
`Purchase The Instruments
`Instruments for this proced ire can be can be purchases through Wellspring Urologic. Instruments for this procedure have «
`been developed and tester" by Dr. Marmar.
`Single Toothed Round Vas Clamp. The single tooth is
`Toothed Mini-Tenacuiurzi. This instrument will fit into angled for difficult procedures because the angled teeth
`a 4mm space to grasp the vas and its sheath.
`can grasp the vas and its sheath even in scarred
`Contact Us via email at manna.r:i9.el@.qq9t2emealtt1,edu
`PAGE 14l30"RCVDAT10I29l2008 3:37:03PM [EasternDaylIghtTIme] SVR.USPTO-EFXRF 5/6 DNls.273426o*csID.1215s518333 DURAT
`(mm ss)

`10/29/2008 15:43 FAX
` Exhibit C
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`10/29/2008 15:46 FAX
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`From. inlinevasectomy
`Joined: 1 year ago Videos: 1
`Added: January 22. 2008
`The ln—Line vasectcrny is a minimal-fy invasive,
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`days ag-:w)
`I had the on 8 days ago and it slim ms a bit By the third day
`your ball sack has swelled to more han twice the size and it has
`3 gene dark blue wirh bruising. I went back to work on the forth day
`and it was quite painlulli
`days ago)
`Why would you do this.
`aznshrirnpso 11 week ago)
`why would anybody do this?
`Norbertseirl (2 weeks ago)
`Yes it's possible 1)
`gIeboi27 {<1 weeks ago)
`yes of can still do, it is ~ lane to block the
`passageway 01 sperms to avoid pre rgy during intercourse.
`. Wh0iZ'rT ii monlh ago)
`1 ‘;ad< off to this
`fission lly
`lonely-girl1 5
`Keepers |
`- Bikini Brat...
` "watch?v=gBSUxFPR_Os
`PAGE 16/30 ' RCVD AT 10/29/2008 3:37:03 PM [Eastern Daylight Tlme] * SVR.USPTO-EFXRF 5/6 DNIs.273426o * CS|D.12158518383 * DURATION (mm ss)

`10/29/2008 15:46 FAX
`Page 2 of?!
`Mattflutzell (1 month ago)
`hope you have fun with that i 2 most died
`roHin77 (1 mcnm ago;
`SuperDUPERGary :_1. month agc
`DanielAvilaAGT, of course you ¢2'- w still have sex after a
`- vasectomy. execpl that now you c on‘: need to worry about
`getting some chick pregnant.
`1 78rossco{‘u !'x'1~:‘I‘:i'J ago;
`you evil bitch lcl! my mrs wants m~. to get this done but im not so
`' sure
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`10/29/2008 15:47 FAX
`; How to perform an I n— Line vasectomy I Wonder How To
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`How to perform an In-Line vas nctomy
`7216 lnAt.:ne vasectomy is a minimally nvasive. procedure. In an In~Léne vasectomy the vas
`delerens as cautenzed but not remove ‘l. The ILV instruments were standardvzed by
`measurement and design to perform .~;>ect!‘»c functlons win’ a -1mm space. This video is a
`step by step explanation on how to p: 'lorrn this rapid and reliable prcwdule
`4 3 Decide whether to
`.‘ have a tubal
`ligation or
`vasectomy 2:44 (A«
`http://www.wonderhowt»1».com/how-to/video/how—to-perform-an-in—linewasectomy-2I 6904/ 8/18/2008
`PAGE 19130 * RCVD AT 10/29/2008 3:37:03 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] SVR.USPTO-EFXRF-5/6 * DNlS.2734260 * CSlD.12158518383 DURATION (mm-ss)
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`How to perform an In- Line vasectomy ! Wonder How To
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`10/29/2008 15:47 FAX
`How to perform an In- Lme vasectomy i Wonder How To
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