`Page 1 of 3
`Kathleen Lemp Andres (Juan.Arias@thomps9nhine.com)
`1/13/2009 3:00:23 PM
`Sent As:
`Attachments: Attachment - 1
`Attachment - 2
`Afisghment — 3
`Attachment - 4
`Attachment - 5
`Attachment - 7
`Attachment - 8
`Attachment - 9
`77/ 145824
`Anthony H. Handal
`Thompson Hine LLP
`12th F100‘
`335 Madison Avenue
`New York NY 10017-4611
`Kathleen Lemp Andres
`Applicant is requesting reconsideration of a final refiisal issued/mailed February 5, 2008.
`After carefial consideration of the law and facts of the case, the examining attorney must deny the
`request for reconsideration and adhere to the final action as written since no new facts or reasons have
`been presented that are significant and compelling with regard to the point at issue.
`Page 2 of 3
`The applicant’s amended identification of goods continues to be indefinite and must be amended.
`The applicant’s response to the final action did not present any new facts. The response only included a
`discussion of the identification of goods.
`The applicant’s mark is GOD’S TESTIMONY for “Books featuring non-biblical biographical stories,
`inspirational stories, messages, and religious stories, scriptural information and references, religious
`passages; including Christian passages, theology passages and spiritual passages, Christianity, theology,
`and spirituality; Christianity, spirituality, theology and faith-based journals; printed written text, namely
`books and brochures in the field of [specify] books containing biblical, scriptural and non-fiction issues;
`series of non-fiction books.”
`The Christian bible is divided into the New Testament and the Old Testament. The word, “testimony,”
`in a religious context, is used to refer to a person’s own spiritual experiences, stories, and beliefs, or
`God’s word, laws or precepts. The applicant’s books contain passages and references to the precepts of
`God, or God’s testimony, among other things. The combination of terms is merely descriptive in
`relation to some or all of the applicant’s goods. See attached Wikipedia article and online dictionary
`definitions as searched on January 13, 2009.
`ht_tp: //en.wikip_edi a. org/ wiki/Testimony
`://www. ourdiction
`There appears to be a typographical error in the applicant’s identification of goods in which the brackets
`surrounding “specify” were not removed. The applicant must delete “[specify],” as follows:
`Books featuring non-biblical biographical stories, inspirational stories, messages, and religious stories,
`scriptural information and references, religious passages; including Christian passages, theology
`passages and spiritual passages, Christianity, theology, and spirituality; Christianity, spirituality,
`theology and faith-based journals; printed written text, namely books and brochures in the field of
`biblical, scriptural and non-fiction issues; series of non-fiction books.
`Applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. The time for appeal runs from the date the final action .
`was issued/mailed. 37 C.F.R. Section 2.64(b); TMEP Section 715.03(c). If applicant has already filed a
`timely notice of appeal, the application will be forwarded to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`Robin S. Chosid-Brown, Esq.
`Law Office 102
`(571) 272-92 52
`robin.chosid-brown@uspto . gov
`I STATUS CHECK: Check the status ofthe application at least once every six months from the initial
`filing date using the USPTO Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) online system
`Page 3 of 3
`at http://tarr.uspto.gov. When conducting an online status check, print and maintain a copy of the
`complete TARR screen. Ifthe status of your application has not changed for more than six months,
`please Contact the assigned examining attorney.
`file://\\ticrs-ais-O1\ticrsexport\Htm1ToTiflInput\REC00012009__0 l_22_14_05_04_TTABO...
`Log in I create account
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`Frorn Wlktpedla_ the free encyclopedia
`“Testify” redirects here. Forothel uses see Testify (disambiguation) and Teslimozy (disambiyuariori).
`This article needs additional citations fnnrerification. Please haip improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be
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`Main page
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`In law and in religion. testimony is a solemn attestation as to the truth ate matter.
`cog-‘ems [mgr
`1.1 Expsittestlmony
`Z99 igious lesbm-Jay
`{~1"'8‘>1:‘I"lCl’!\/In Ph1It7‘§JD
`iii See also
`.; Leganesnmom
`I Communiti/portal
`' “Wit ="3"9°9
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`I Donatelnwlkipeula
`. yvhalllnkg here
`as Related changes
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`' Pelmanemllnif
`' _C_'Ifei1‘IiS page
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`Fig?!‘ “es” °"Y
`In the law, testimony is aferm oi evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact. Testimony may be oral or written, and it is
`usually made by math or aflirmatlan under penalty of perjury‘ Unless awitneea is testifying as an expert witness, testimony inths form of opinions or inferences is generally
`limited to those opinions or inferences that are rationally based on the perceptions of the witness and em helpful to a clear understanding ofthe witnessteslimony
`A subpoena commands a person to appear. lt is compulsory to comply.
`an a witness is asked a question. the opposing attorney can raise an objection ({
`witness answers and mentioning one ufthe standard reasons including:
`argumentative or inflammatory
`- asked and ensweied
`13931 gyjdgngg mi;
`~ calls for speculation
`4 calls for a conclusion
`X465-‘,6, which is a legal move to disallow an improper question. preferably before the
`‘I F,
`" d’
`” Jllmgny
`- --
`- compouno q'
`I hearse
`irrelevant, immaterial. incompetent (this is adually not a proper objection because the term ‘incompetent' is meaningless and the words ‘irrelevant’ and 'immaterial‘ have
`the same meaning under the Federal Rules ofEvidsnce).
`lack offoundation
`leadmg question
`‘ prnriloga
`' WSW
`r utmate ssue testimnn;
`There may also be an objection to the answer. including;
`I non-responsive
`Up until the mld~2Dth century. in much of the United States. an attorney often had to follow an objection with an exception to preserve the issue for appeal. lfan attorney failed
`to ‘take an exception‘ immediately alter the court's ruling on the objection. he waived his client's right to appeal the issue. Exceptions have since been abolished. due to the
`widespread recognition that forcing lawyers to take them was a waste oftimo.
`Expert testimony
`Main article: Expert testimony
`An expert wlneas may give npsnian about facts and conlusions within his or her field ofeirpertise, in addition to direct evdence.
`Religious testirrionyv
`ln religion. testimony generally involves an inward belie5""”°” ”°°"°"1 or outward profession of faith or of personal religious experience.
`Christians in general use the town 'testlfy‘ or ‘to give your testimony‘ to mean ‘the story 01 how you became a Christian‘ (or less commonly it may refer to a specific event in a Christian's life in which God has
`done something deemed particularly worth sharing). Christians oflen give their testimony at their own baptism or at evangelistic events. where norrtihri-stians are able to hear what God has done in their lives. In the
`current age ofthe internet. many Christians have also placed their testimonies on the internal. [2]
`In some religions (most notably Mormonism and slam) many adherents testify as a profession of their faith. ofien to a congregation of believers. ln Mormonism. testifying is also referred to as ‘hearing one‘s
`testimony,‘ and olten involves the sharing afpersanal experi5m:e—r'anging from a simple anecdote to an account crfpersonal r=n:letron—-followed by its statement of beliofthal has been carilhmed by this
`in literaslre
`Some published oral or written autobiographical narratives are considered ‘testimonial llterature' particularly when they present evidence or first person accounts of human nghls abuses. tr enter and war. and
`living under conditions of social oppression. This usage of the term comes originally from Latin America and the Spanish tenn 'testr‘rnoI»‘o'when it emerged from human rights tribunals. truth commissions, and
`other internalonal lrurnan rights irmrurrierits in counlnes such as Chile and Argentina One olthe most famous, though controversial. of these worlrs to be translated into English is I, Rigcberta Merxrhd. The
`l C
`orrtes-siorra - Bniness records
`e Exclter1i.tta'2ar'ic.e~l7~/lwowti-iration
`Declarwom nouns: r-term
`; Pram-it sense '1-riprassiurr - Res. gaetaa I
`,_em,edk”nu_m_.am nsmm
`W533 .1.,n;p,cp;m
`w1s,tn.sts and estate:
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`mum unomouunoi uumau ugma manumcmo nu uumlurea auuu ca vrmo anunagunmm. vim DI mu mum oanwua, muugu uuumuvuis-an, not mean wuma nu ma um-arms» mm n..lu54rau £8 «, mgvuanc mu-num. um:
`autobiographies of Fredzrick Douglass can be considered among the eariiest significant Englishvlanguege works in this genre.
`_ M-
`T§§lim_9_r1y_in P!.1_i!9§9_s3h_y_,
`in philosophy, a testimony is known as Statements that are based on personal experience or personal knowledge. A statement is accepted an the basis of person's tenimany it‘ his or her asserting it renders it
`acceptahte We can also. rationally accept a claim on the basis of another persons testimony unless (1. the claim is implausible; 2. The person orthe source in which the claim is quoted lacks credibility; 3. The
`claim goes beyond what the person could know/from his or her own experience and competence)”;
`n Cmss-examinaticr
`- Caubert standard
`a Deponent
`I Direclexarnlnatlon
`it Hostile witness
`a Leading queaiion
`I Redlrezt €111’.-l!"1lf)‘e["Jn
`- Strike from thqrecnrd
`- Philcsnphlcalprahlams nfteszimony
`n Testimony in Jewish law
`“ (1 E E?)
`" pl
`*.x«».tes:rncny3hare con’! Test-mo'l73siare,cem :5‘
`* A practical study ofiugument 6th edition hyT-rudv C-mier
`V N
`_ H
`V W
` ‘ Categories: Evidence | Religious behaviour and experience
`This page was last modified on 20 October 2008. at0B:15.
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`language Articles Forum other E ctionaries Word Gaines
`\ xx
`. I‘,§§1;3_f11gU_T,dlf§{ tes'-ta-men’-tary (-men'l3 ré) adjective or §e,s_t§gig_r_i_i_;1,i tes'-ta-men’-tal
`Make a Legal MI! 8. Testament Online-Free in
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`Will FumIs.:.'!
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`immediate use.
`Depend on your people.
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`it‘: big, it‘: stuiewide. it’: only fora
`testa ment definition
`up to
`‘:6 Olga
`Del,i;m us
`tes ta ment (tes'ta mant)
`= WSW”
`C] G00”
`I} Fatebook
`3‘. Live
`1. oasausxe a covenant, esp. one between God and man
`1’ mm PM
`a. either of the two parts of the Christian Bible, the Old Testament and 111eNew Testament
`‘ W‘
`iNFO.’»a»'AL a copy of the New Testament
`View all word I-525
`a. a statement, act, etc. testifying to the fact, validity, or worth ofsomething; testimoniai a testament to
`Add to a ward ivst
`b. an affirmauon of beliefs or convictions; profession a freet:ninker’s testament
`Mentioned In
`4. mm a will: now rare except in the phrase last will and testament
`Etymoiogyz OF’ ( l_1_(Ec) I
`3l7‘IE.'.">{J.JITi, T-ssbamerit (in N T , trarisl. of Sr diatneil‘-.3, covenant) -L’ L, a Will < testari,
`to testify, rrdlw r: zmif < rest‘
`5 \t.’l?:'2c§*3i <e
`Related Forms:
` :
`testa ment synonyms
`ooygngnt gs_tim~c-nial, evigeggg; see 211321‘ 1'.
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`Pratcct The Ono: Vau Lovo Toiloy. 100%
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`ex;-:.L_-.«gz'.':oam com
`testament law definition
`A document disposing of a personljs personal property upon his or her death, disunct from ,3 wilt, which is a de'&ise.af real estate.
` —n:—
`Testament usage examples
`converse of object
`. ‘gag: The death of my father's friend beers testament to this cruel act.
`He is the one who fiilfiils the Did Testament by his sinless life.
`- mfsmiz . And he was speaking on interpreting the Old Testament.
`. translate: on these occasions Felix Manz transiated the Cid Testament firom the original Hebrew text; -Grebel, the New Testament from the Greek.
`o stsng: The churdw tower, like that at Newton Arlosh, stands testament to the need for a place of refuge for the local villagers.
`. gggz Readirg the Cid Testament: Method in Biblical Study.
`noun used with modifier
`- '3_e§;: Photographs dispiayed in the dining room bear testament to lhe owners ' harcl'worl< over me years.
`adjecfive modifier
`;:.l:1: Reading the Cid Testament: Method in Biblical Study.
`gimggz Luke often used the Greek old Testament for his‘ stories.
`ervdi;n‘n«*: And if Is an P,fidHI'lI‘|(] resfarnenf tn rhe mmipfion, deceit and arrogance of this nlflfni and murky gnvemmenr.
`ggg:_r1<_e§e: The rernarkabie testament is that my Uncle even recovered at ali.
`. true: He remains the only England Manager to win the World Cup, a true testament to his ability.
`. mg: Reel tea tament to the benefits of a gardening lifestyle.
`modifies a noun
`. mm hat: Jesus Is the secret that the old Testament prophets like Isaiah had been telling all people about.
`. gmgheszr Ail fitting in with Roman strategy and old Testament prophesy‘.
`0 grugnlztax. I-\lI IILLIHIJ III "ILH human §U atcgy GIIU UIU 1U>\.aIlIt3Ht P1 Up! I331.
`scngtur : This links wlth the concept of Wisdom wirhln the old Testament scriptures. which was then translated Into the greek logos.
`Daniel dwapter 7 tells us the old Testament saints wlll reign.
`2 no : The New Teszament canon In Its current form was first formally attested In 367.
`glass-:g§'. In our terms. some of the old rescament passages cited are dearly taken out of context.
`preposition: in
`testament quotes
`E2 fer war, I call it murder,6 There you hev It plain an'flat; I don't want to go no furder Than myTesl;yment fer that; God hez sad so plump an‘fairly, It‘: ez long
`ez it is broad, An’ you've gut to git up alrly Ef you want to take In God.
`-—¢_ow?l.J..?an7es Russcll
`~ ls;.’;I§:'-3:’.
`Browse 1:-granary entrles near testament
`.Le§.t§U1::2;§l *
`ta3I'.arnant__ag >
`9 W:
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`.rarr-r-g.-5;» rr Iv .
`§§outIn Advezdisern Cuggtlls Links %£ Taentrxagxfilse
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`.., Emil
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`LdHg!_Ed£_}‘.’. Articles
`F-zxrum Qlher
`‘fleicarlie! LI
`“* Skyway
`B ‘ E d
`' Qua
`the precepts of God Mentioned In
`tflfitlmflny ~"‘”'°“
`~ Law Dafinnzon v Usaus E:Aar1_1_,-ms
`p -
`testnnony definition
`tes‘ti-monv (E9543 m5‘i"é)
`noun pg’
`1. a declaration or statement made under oaih or affirmation by a wlmess In a court, often in response to
`questioning, to establish a fact
`‘ any affirrnatlon or dedarau-on
`. any form cf evidence, Indication, etc.: proof the smile that was testimony of disbelief
`. public avowal, as of faith or ofa religious expefience
`‘ am:
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`ward of mg gm
`Build vaur vocabulary
`mm guy FREE won!
`of the Day emaiu
`*Eng3!en¢3;13;gdre5s '
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`'comad.IownL,Maaey,mD.Horest. veneueacpen
` ;fi;6¢5d5Wt$M!fl‘%%PA
`, wmdixpm swim, “I mmesmmwmr
`the tablet bearing the Mosaic law; Decaiogue: Ex. 25:16
`Etyrnoiogy: HE < L tesfinmnium < testis, a WIIHBSS: see testis;
`A V
` . m§M
`Forensic AnaIysis- Personal Injury Prorfutts.
`‘lit Safe! Anal sis
`Find more sounzasiop-Iiuns rorwhza your
`1' The 5“ Of 5t"°”9
`attestation, statement, assertmn; see declaration 1.
`. dpgljfiififla
`o l|_5AE2§.‘L
`- grmgm-12
`. glumg
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`9 nzzmment
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`-M-v 3:»;-;s.m.wsu.m.r a -
`2. Evidence
`c1r0ung§.f§gts,daf.a; seegroo; 1.
`3. Statement
`degosbgg, arildayr amrmaticm; see dedaratigj 2. See syn. study at proof.
`"'--“:4 ---
`; Dfismfixnmflmm
`. perlified Eigpen Services forforneaign
`Lmgafioh -
`0:.-1:3,:mdxéunxils cam
`testimony law definition
`statements made by competent witnesses; who have been sworn in at a trial or deposition or in an ‘affidavit. Although Frequently usedrsynonymously with
`evidence, the latter is the broader term and encompasses bod‘: testimony and physical evidence.
`expert testimony
`Tesfimony elven by an individual with special qualifications or credentials that enable him to provide information to l:he fact-finder to assist with resolving the
`ultimate facts In issue. Also known as Clopinlon testlrnony,E1 because. as opposed to Elfact wltnesses,El expert witnesses are permitted to give their
`testimony usage examples
`are-position: of
`a eye-wlmess: The Court also refused to hear the testimony of eye-witnesses.
` : No substantial documentary evidence has been discovered, and the testimony of the eyewitnesses is contradictory or just plain ludicrous.
`int'og13_:_a;_1;: Six people were originally arrested based almost entirely on the testimony of one poiice informant, Jaoob Ferguson.
`mygr: Also innoyalive is the inclusion of the testimony of survivors alongside scholarly analyzes.
` : No man rejoices safely unless he has within him the testimony of a good conscience.
`ompositian: fiam
`. 5l.«m\.rgr: Channel 4 are aiso snowing aseries of animated documentaries using real testimony fnom survivors of mental illness starting next week.
`converse ofobject
`. bear: APPENDIX B The Gospel narratives bear bnef testimzwny even tothe life of our great Master.
`adjective modifier
`Many telephone calls, many letters, bear eloquent testimony to the joy this prayer brings.
`. gongrgsgrqnaiz The site provides links to press releases, position statements, news bulletins, Congressional testimony and other Information.
` .asIi ' ' P
`4 \
`an .
`am. as» ynvvouva mxma i.v 5.1- 1.9.: n\.n\.uo\..1, yvonuvn ¢un.~.um.vn.:, Jwwa uummu nu, L.vtvyn..:.s-vi um i.\..-Ln--vii) uuu vunn nnunlluuvll.
`sw-.:_[1:: David Irving, April 22, 1988 ( in sworn tesdmonyl
`5531: Their ore»! testimony is for me the backbone of the book.
`fi[3t—lja gl:
`The importance of this shift is illustrated using firs‘:-hand testimony from participants in me struggles of Bolivian radio practitioners.
`The Uri‘-ml‘l3'ng testimony given by the contents of the pubiished reports of the NFS help explain why this merger did not take place.
`noun used with modifier
`. eye-witness: They gave him their eyevwlmess testimony, " We have seen the Lord!
`Clearly. what is needed is a gathering of oral histories encompassing all forms of survivor testimony including sustained dialog.
`. m§'~.e§<: Here we look at psychological theory and methods relevant to decision making, inbervlewlng, witress tesbmony within mmlnal justice settings.
`. t
`estimony quotes
`Gloria born hominis, testimonium bonx oonscientlx. The testimony of a good conscience is the good man's glory.
`—4<err1ais, Stmremas a‘
`Browse 51;‘ tionery entries near testimony
`lgestigggsg >
`"=3§.'§.!L‘.'l ’
` Ltmiaslyz LEM.
`53L=*N"mV~.L-nsnsls. ms-In
`lav-rv-snfilza. Hwkm3rk_Ss1a.
`-‘mild r‘._~ll«.qc D':':1;-
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`Ctinwvghttj zone ‘m,-
`uh-uvred born
`The »::.i.-J mg. 0} .-mm: 4:.T?
`I do n:~t cc-sre.;n:n§ am: oami
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`Page I of 1
`Kathleen Lemp Andres (Juan.Arias@thom psonhine.com)
`1/13/2009 3:00:27 PM
`Sent As:
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