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`Western America Equities LLC (efilin
`- WAEQ-2-35334
`11/14/08 3:48:18 PM
`Sent As:
`Attachments: Attachment - 1
`Attachment — 2
`Attachment - 3
`Attachment - 4
`JERALD E. NAGAE, REG. N0. 29,418
`SEATTLE, WA 98101-2347
`http :l/www.uspto. gtfi/main/trademarks.htm
`Western America Equities
`Applicant is requesting reconsideration of a final refusal issued/mailed March 5, 2008.
`Afier careful consideration of the law and facts of the case, the examining attorney must deny the
`request for reconsideration and adhere to the final action as written since no new facts or reasons have
`been presented that are significant and compelling with regard to the point at issue.
`The applicant should further note that the examining attorney has attached additional evidence
`supporting the Refusal of Registration under Trademark Act Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C. §l052(d).
`Accordingly, applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. The time for appeal runs from the date
`the final action was issued/mailed. 37 C.F.R. Section 2.64(b); TMEP Section 7l5.03(c). If applicant
`12/ 1 612008
`Page 2 of 2
`has already filed a timely notice of appeal, the application will be forwarded to the Trademark Trial and
`Appeal Board (TTAB).
`Ifthe applicant has any questions regarding this correspondence, please telephone the assigned
`examining attorney.
`/Richard F. White/
`Trademark Examining Attorney
`Law Office 109
`(571) 272-9442
`Fax: (571)273-9109
`RESPOND TO THIS ACTION: Applicant should file a response to this Office action online using the
`form at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/eTEASpageD.htm, waiting 48-72 hours if applicant received
`notification of the Office action via e-mail. For technical assistance with the form, please e-mail
`TEAS@uspto.gov. For questions about the Ofiice action itself, please contact the assigned examining
`attorney. Do not respond to this Office action by e-mail; the USPTO does not accept e—mailed
`Ifresponding by paper mail, please include the following information: the application serial number, the
`mark, the filing date and the name, title!position, telephone number and e-mail address of the person
`signing the response. Please use the following address: Commissioner for Trademarks, P.O. Box 1451,
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451.
`STATUS CHECK: Check the status of the application at least once every six months from the initial
`filing date using the USPTO Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) online system
`at http://tarr.uspto.gov. When conducting an online status check, print and maintain a copy of the
`complete TARR screen. If the status of your application has not changed for more than six months,
`please contact the assigned examining attorney.
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`Results for Daiwa Securities Group
`On this page:
`339'.e_.°t f§:*_.i9.'e
`Hoover's Profile: Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
`Type: public
`On the web: http:/fvvww.daiwa.jg
`Contact Information
`Daiwa Securities Group
`Japan's second-largest securities firm [Nomura is #1),
`Daiwa Securities Group focuses on asset management,
`retail and wholesale securities, and investment
`operations. The company offers traditional and online
`securities brokerage to individuals and businesses
`through its Daiwa Securities Co. subsidiary. Daiwa
`Securities SMBC (40% of which is owned by Sumitomo
`Mitsui Financial Group J offers investment banking
`services, mostly to domestic companies and Japan-based multinationals. Other subsidiaries
`offer asset management, research and consulting, realestate management (through the
`Daiwa Property Co., Ltd.], and private equity investing.
`64’ °"°'"“°h‘ 2'°h°"‘°’
`Tokyo 100-8101, Japan
`Tel. +81-3-3243-2111
`Fax +81-3-3242-0955
`Key numbers for fiscalyear ending March, 2006:
`Sakes: S7,191.5M
`One year growth: 48.9%
`Net income: $1,190.1M
`Income growth: 143.0%
`Chairman and Executive Officer: Yoshinari Hara
`President, CEO, and Director; President, Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.: Shigeharu Suzuki
`Executive Officer, CFO, and Director: Middle-Market Investment Banking
`Lehman Brothers
`Nikko Citi Holdings
`Nomura Holdings
`Company History: Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
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`Special Offers
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`Global Investment
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`11/140008 03:21:12 PM
`Incorporated: 1943
`NAIC: 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies;
`523110 Investment Banking and Securities Dealing;
`523120 Securities Brokerage
`Daiwa Securities Group Inc.--formerly known as
`Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.--operates as Japan's
`second-largest securities firm. Through its
`subsidiaries, the company is involved in retail and
`wholesale securities, asset management, consulting,
`and venture capital. During the 19905, Japan's
`financial industry began to restructure and
`deregulate, prompting Daiwa Securities to adopt a
`holding company structure. The firm also teamed up
`with Sumitomo Bank--now known as Sumitomo
`Mitsui Banking Corporation--to form a wholesaling
`securities joint venture. Daiwa Securities celebrated
`its 100th anniversary during 2002, just as an
`economic slowdown and a weakening securities
`market forced brokerage commissions and revenues
`to plummet.
`Daiwa Securities Company was incorporated in 1943
`as a merger between the Fujimoto Bill Broker 8:
`Securities Company and the Nippon Trust Bank. The
`company's origins date back to 1902, when Sibei
`Fujimoto entered the bill-brokering business at a
`time when Japan's securities industry was still in its
`infangyg. In 1907, the company entered the banking
`business and took the name Fujimoto Bill Broker and
`Bank, Lu reflect its expanded services. Wurld Wdl I
`brought tremendous growth to the Japanese
`economy. Export demand skyrocketed and stock
`trading increased, as did the number of corporate
`and government bond issues. As a result, the
`Fujimoto organization grow quickly.
`After the war and throughout the 19205, Fujimoto
`engaged in both banking and securities brokering.
`Bond trading reached new highs, and as the
`.|apanese ecnnnmy hename mnre runmplmr, stnrk
`trading set records too. However, a number of
`financial catastrophes rocked the economy in the
`later1920s. In 1927, a run on the banks sent shock
`waves through the financial community. Dozens of
`banks and securities dealers collapsed, but
`Fujimoto, due to prudent management, survived
`intact. The Depression which followed the collapse of
`the New York Stock Exchange in 1929 brought about
`changes in the laws regarding Japanese financial
`institutions. Fujimoto was forced to give up the
`Company Perspectives:
`We the Daiwa Securities
`Group are committed to
`acting as our client's best
`partner and promote their
`financial weir!-being. in order
`toacbieve this, we shat!
`redefine currentiy accepted
`best practice drawing, on the
`foffowing three core vaiues:
`we shot! provicre products and
`services that exceed
`expectations; we shot! bring
`the fuiistrength of the group
`to bear; and we shall
`continuaffy chailenge the
`limits of financial best
`Key Dates:
`. 1907: Fujirnoto am
`Brokerpand flank en ters
`the banking business.
`o 1933: Fuflmotov is
`forced to give up its
`banking business and
`forms Fujimoto Bit!
`Broker 8: Securities
`. 1943: Fujimoto em
`Broker & Securities and
`Nippon Trust Bank
`merge to form Daiwa
`§Pr‘rIr1'h'p<: fnmpany.
`o 1951: Daiwa enters
`the investment trust
`o 1959: Daiwa
`Investment Trust and
`Management. Company
`is created.
`o 1964: The firm
`estabfishes an office in
`I986: The company is
`designated a primary
`dealer in U. 5.
`government securities.
`o 1998: Daiwa Securities
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`Professional D‘aector's& Emn
`Offering of
`llccouritarits Professional Liability
`This policy protects accounting firms and its partners, directors and employees from claims arising out oftheir activities as an
`property and errors and omissions lawsuits.
`Financial lnstituions Professional Indemnity and Bankers Professional Liability Insurance (BPL)
`Commercial banks, insurance companies and otherfinancial institutions collectively offer a broad range of services to
`corporations and individuals, including trust management, real estatemmagement and brokerage, securitiesbrolcerage,
`electronic data processing, loan origination, tax planning and wire transfer services. Increasingly, bankers and their institutions
`are vulnerable to lawsuits alleging failure to render professional services and commitment of errors and omissions In the
`execution ofprofessional services. BPL insures bankers and banking institutions against claims ofactual or alleged wrongful
`acts, errors, omissions and failure to render such professional services.
`Lawyers Professional Liability
`This policy protects lawfirms and its partners, directors and employees from claims arising from activities orout of actions as a
`lawyer or notary. Coverage may also be available for activities as an outside director ofa third party corporation.
`Multi Media Professional Liability
`This policy provides coverage for publishers and broadcasters for defamation, invasion of privacy, news gathering, intellectual
`Pension Trust Liability Insurance (ERISA or Fiduciary Liability)
`This policy provides coverage for payment ofdefense costs, settlements and judgments for damages arising out ofan actual or
`alleged breach offiduciary duty under ERISA or similar common or statutory lawforwhich the insured becomes legally liable.
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`1‘i/14/2008 D3:23:47 PM
`Coverage includes injunctiye or non-pecuniary suits.
`Professional Association Professional Liability Insurance
`This policy provides claims made professional liability and Directors and Officers coverage for associations, trade groups. etc.
`Those covered include the entity. employees and volunteers. The policy covers most ofthe exposures involved in providing
`services to members and includes publisher's liability for newsletters and other association literature.
`School Leaders Professional Liability
`This policy protects school entities, school boards, employees, studentteachers and volunteers against claims ofalleged or
`actual breach of duty, neglect, errors, misstatements, misleading statements or omissions. The policy provides "insured versus
`lnsured" coverage for lawsuits brought by employees against their employer. Wrongful Acts that can be covered, depending on the
`policy version, to include the following types of claims:
`Claims brought by employees: discrimination, wrongful termination, failure to hire, failure to promote! train, breach of employment
`contract, wrongful suspension, sexual harassment, failure to maintain insurance (defense cover only), fiduciary liability for benefit
`plans (defense cover only).
`Claims brought by students: wrongful suspension 1 expulsion, constitutional violations (i.e. freedom of speech, religion, assembly,
`privacy), corporal punishment (defense cover only).
`Claims brought by parents: failure to provide special education, failure to educate.
`Claims brought by vendors: (defense coverage only) breach of contract, unfair bidding procedures, discrimination.
`Travel Agents Professional Liability
`This policy protects travel agents and tour operators for claims arising out of or incidentalto the profession. Coverage may
`include, bodily injuryiproperty damage, norrowned auto, errors and omissions and personal injury.
`Investment Management Insurance
`The investment Management insurance Policy offers the choice of distinct coverage and allows the insured to select the coverage
`that are appropriate for its specific needs. Coverage A- is the lnyestrnentAdviser Professional Liability and Corporate
`Reimbursement. Coverage B - is the Mutual Fund Professional Liability and Directors and Officers Liability and Corporate
`Reimbursement. Coverage 0- is the Directors and Officers Liability and Corporate Reimbursement
`Electronics Data Processors Errors 8. Omissions
`This policy provides claims-made professional liability coverage for any corporation, partnership or individual providing the
`services of system analysis, software design, computer programming, data processing, system integration, consulting or
`information retrieval.
`For companies based outside ofthe USA and Canada, coverage may be written on a worldwide basis, including the jurisdictions
`ofthe USA and Canada. For USA and Canadian companies, coverage plans are offered forforeign operational exposures and for
`liabilities arising from products exported from the home country.
`wyysifiIrl02-(1005 2DO6,9.nre1icarr lnternatiurral Oruuy. lnu. All right.» resumed.
`Terms offlse } Primawl Site Map 1 Fraud Warning! Last Updated Date 9119:2008 10:21:2E>AM
`Contact N6 by «malt «phone Call MF Barri-8pm ET I USA; 137?-633-4244 Worldwide: +1-008679-3150
`Page 1 of 1
`Western America Equities LLC (efi|ing@coj k.com)
`- WAEQ-2-35334
`11/14/08 3:43:20 PM I
`Sent As:
`Please follow the instructions below to continue the prosecution of your application:
`VIEW OFFICE ACTION: Click on this link http:Iltmportal.uspto.govlexternal/portalltow?
`DDA=Y&serial_number=77145364&doc_type=0OA&mail_date=20081114 (or copy and paste
`httpzlltmportaI.uspto.govlexternallportaI/tow and enter the application serial number to access
`the Office action.
`PLEASE NOTE: The Office action may not be immediately available but will be viewable within 24
`hours of this notification.
`RESPONSE MAY BE REQUIRED: You should carefully review the Office action to determine (1) if
`a response is required; (2) how to respond; and (3) the applicable response time period. Your
`response deadline will be calculated from 11/14/2008.
`Do NOT hit “Reply” to this e-mail notification, or otherwise attempt to e-mail your response, as
`the USPTO does NOT accept e—mailed responses.
`Instead, the USPTO recommends that you
`respond online using the Trademark Electronic Application System response form at
`HELP: For technical assistance in accessing the Office action, please e-mail
`TDR@uspto.gov. Please contact the assigned examining attorney with questions about the Office
`1. The USPTO will NOT send a separate e-mail with the Office action attached.
`2. Failure to file any required response by the applicable deadline will result in the
`ABANDONMENT ofyour application.