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`PTO Fun-n 1960 (Rev 9/2007)
`OMB No. xxxx-xxxx (Exp. x/xxxx)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`The table below presents the data as entered.
`MARK SECTION (no change)
`173 900749_. _AveraHD_Design_Argument.pdf
`\\TICRS\EXPOR'I‘2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xml1
`'\\TIC RS\EXPORT2\IM AGEOUT2\771\3 10\7713 10 87\xml1
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10177131087\xml1
`\RF R0004. JPG
`PDF mm’
`173 900749_.__AveraHD_Exhjbit_A.pdf
`PDF mm’
`\RF R00O5.JPG
`(25 pages)
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`\RF R0006.JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xml1
`\RF R0007. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 lO\77131087\xrnl1
`\RF R0008. JPG
`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
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`\\TIC RS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\77l\3 10\77131087\xml1
`\RF R0009. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 1 0\77 1 3 1 087\xm1l
`\RF R00 1 0. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 l0\77131087\xml1
`\RF R00 1 1. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\771310 87\xm11
`\RF R00 1 2. JPG
`\\TICRS \EXPORT2\IM AGEOUT2\771\3 10\771310 87\xml1
`\RF R00 1 3. JPG
`\\TIC RS \EXPORT2\IM AGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xm11
`\RFRO0 1 4. JPG
`\\TIC RS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\771310 87\xml1
`\RF R00 1 5. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77l31O 87\xml1
`\RFR001 6. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xml1
`\R.FR00 1 7. JPG
`\\TIC RS \EXPORT2\IM AGE OUT2\771\3 10\771310 87\xml1
`\RF R00 1 8. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IM AGEOUT2\77 l\3 10\771310 87\xm11
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 l0\771310 87\xml1
`\RFR0020. JPG
`\\TIC RS\EXPORT2\IM AGEOUT2\77 l\3 10\7713 1087\xm11
`\RF R002 1.JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\771310 87\xm11
`\RF R0022. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087‘\.xml1
`\\TIC RS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xmll
`\RF R002 4. JPG
`\\TIC RS \EXPORT2\IM AGEOUT2\77 1 \3 10\ 77 1 3 10 87\xml1_
`\RFR002 5. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IM AGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xml1
`\RF R002 6. JPG
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`\RFR002 7. JPG
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`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
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`(24 pages)
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`\RFR003 1.JPG
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`\\TIC RS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xml1
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xml1
`\RF R0044. JPG
`file 2//\\ticrs—ais-0 1 \ticrs exp ort\HtmlTo Tifflnput\R_F R000 1200 8_O7_24_16_3 9_42_TTABO . ..
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`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
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`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 l0\77l31087\xml1
`\RF R0047. JPG
`\\TIC RS \EXPORT2\IM AGE OUT2\771\3 10\771310 87\xml1
`\RF R0048. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IM AGEOUT2\771\.3 10\771310 87\xml1
`\RF R0049. JPG
`\\TICRS\EXP ORT2\IM AGEOUT2\771\3 10\771310 87\xml1
`\RF R005 0. JPG
`\\TIC RS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 l0\77131087\xml1
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`(2 pages)
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xml1
`http://tgate/PDF/RFR/2008/07/ 16/20080716 174259560810-
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 1o\771 3 lO87\xm11
`\\TICRS\EXPORT2\IMAGEOUT2\771\3 10\77131087\xml1
`PDF Version of the Argument and Exhibits A-C (TARR
`records and Google search print-out)
`an integrated audio/video system which focuses on video routing within a surgical operating suite and
`features a user friendly graphical interface for video routing while offedng doctors and nurses the
`ability to listen to music through a CD player, MP3 player or MP3 docking station
`Section 1(b)
`file://\\ticrs-ais-01\ticrsexport\HtmlToTiffInput\RFR00012008_07_24_16_3 9_42_TTABO...
`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
`Page 5 of 8
`Audio visual control processor with graphic user interface for use in surgical operating suites
`Section 1(b)
`The filing Attorney has elected not to submit the signed
`declaration, believing no supporting declaration is required
`under the Trademark Rules ofPractice.
`/susan smithl
`Susan A. Smith
`Attorney for Aplicant
`07/ 16/200 8
`087-420da3755b6bcfa3 4bbdf
`d6b0d3 4378a5-N/A-N/A-2008
`PTO Form 1960 (Rev 9/2007)
`OMB No. xxxx->oo<x (Exp. xlxxxx)
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
`Application serial no. 77131087 has been amended as follows:
`In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:
`Please see the Evidence section for a PDF version of the Argument.
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`Page 6 of 8
`Evidence in the nature of PDF version of the Argument and Exhibits A-C (TARR records and Google
`search print-out) has been attached.
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) (3 pages)
`Evidence- 1
`Original PDF file:
`173 900749_._AveraHD_Exhibit_A.pdf
`Converted PDF file(s) (25 pages)
`Evidence- 1
`Evidenc e— 10
`Evidence-1 1
`Evidence- 12
`Evidence- 13
`Evidence- 14
`Evidence- 15
`Evidenc e- 16
`Evidence- 17
`Evidenc e- 18
`Evidence- 19
`Evidenc e-21
`Evidenc e-25
`Original PDF file:
`173 900749_._AveraHD_Exhibit_B.pdf
`Converted PDF file(s) (24 pages)
`Evidenc e- 1
`Evidenc e-2
`file ://\\ticrs-ais-O1\ticrsexport\HtmlToTifi'Input\RFROO0 12008_07_24_16_3 9_42_TTABO . ..
`Request for Reconsideration afier Final Action
`Page 7 of 8
`Evidence- 10
`Evidence- 17
`Evidence— 19
`Original PDF file:
`173 900749_._AveraHD_Exhibit_C.pd.f
`Converted PDF file(s) (2 pages)
`Applicant proposes to amend the following class of goods/services in the application:
`Current: Class 009 for an integrated audio/video system which focuses on video routing within a
`surgical operating suite and features a user friendly graphical interface for Video routing while offering
`doctors and nurses the ability to listen to music through a CD player, MP3 player or MP3 docking
`Original Filing Basis:
`Filing Basis: Section 1(b), Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention to use or use through
`the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified
`goods and/or services as ofthe filing date of the application. (15 U.S.C. Section 105 1(b)).
`Proposed: Class 009 for Audio visual control processor with graphic user interface for use in surgical
`operating suites
`Filing Basis: Section 1(b), Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention to use or use through
`the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified
`goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application. (15 U.S.C. Section 105 l(b)).
`Declaration Signature
`Ihereby elect to bypass the submission of a signed declaration, because I believe a declaration is not
`required by the rules of practice. I understand that the examining attorney could still, upon later review,
`require a signed declaration.
`Request for Reconsideration Signature
`Signature: /susan smith] Date: 07/ 16/2008
`Signatory's Name: Susan A. Smith
`Signa1ory's Position: Attorney for Applicant
`The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of
`Request for Reconsideration after Final Action
`Page 8 of 8
`the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal
`territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the applicant's attorney or an associate thereof; and to
`the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian
`attomey/agent not currently associated with his/her companylfirm previously represented the applicant
`in this matter: (1) the applicant has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute
`power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to
`withdraw; (3) the applicant has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the
`applicant's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing
`him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.
`The applicant is filing a Notice of Appeal in conjunction with this Request for Reconsideration.
`Serial Number: 77131087
`Internet Transmission Date: Wed Jul 16 17:42:59 EDT 2008
`file ://\\ticrs-ais-0 1 \ticrsexport\HtmlToTifilnput\RFR000 1 2008_O7_24_ 1 6_3 9_42_TTABO . ..
`7/24/200 8
`Reguest for Reconsideration
`The Applicant respectfully requests reconsideration of the final office action issued on January
`16, 2008. Applicant has filed a Notice of Appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
`Revision of Description of Goods
`The examining attorney has requested clarification of the identification of goods. Specifically,
`the examining attorney has asked the Applicant to specify what comprises its audio/video
`system. The Applicant’s audio/video system is comprised of an audio visual control processor
`with a graphical user interface. Accordingly, the Applicant has revised the description of goods
`as follows:
`Class 9: Audio visual control processor with a graphic user interface for use in surgical
`operating suites.
`This revision also resolves the likelihood of confusion issue, as described in more detail below.
`Likelihood of Confusion Refusal — Section 2(d)
`The examining attorney has refused registration under Trademark Act Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C.
`§l052(d), on the basis of U.S. Registration No. 3074255 for the mark AVERA (stylized) for the
`following goods:
`Laptop computer, notebook computer, portable computer, personal computer; computer
`peripherals, namely, printer for use with computer, computer monitor, floppy disk drive,
`Universal Serial Bus floppy disc featuring operating software, computer mouse, computer
`keyboard, computer memory storage device, namely, flash memory disc, wireless Local
`Area Network card for portable computer; computer program for system recovery; bag
`and case for computer; battery for notebook computer.
`The cited mark, however, should be accorded a limited scope of protection, and said scope does
`not extend to the Applicant’s highly specialized and distinguishable goods.
`The cited mark should be accorded a limited scope of protection
`The cited mark should be accorded a limited scope of protection because there are numerous
`third party coexisting uses and registrations of AVERA marks. See, e.g., below and TARR
`records in Exhibit A:
`In addition, there are numerous inactive registrations and applications that were approved by the
`USPTO that were coexisting in the past. See, e. g., below and TARR records in Exhibit B:
`The USPTO has consistently permitted unrelated third parties to register AVERA marks and
`coexist on the Register. The Applicant should be permitted to coexist as well, especially in view
`of the highly specialized nature of its goods and the lack of overlap with the registrant’s goods.
`The Applicant notes that a Google search for “AVERA” retrieves over 1.5 million hits, which
`further demonstrates the general dilution of this mark and the fact that consumers are not going
`to associate AVERA marks with a single source. See Exhibit C.
`The goods in the cited registration are unrelated to the Applicant’s goods
`The goods listed in the cited registration are unrelated to the Applicant’s goods. The cited
`registration covers laptop and personal computers, as well as a limited number of peripherals
`used in association with the laptop and personal computers: printer, monitor, keyboard, mouse,
`floppy disk drive, USB disc, flash memory disc, and wireless LAN card. These goods are
`wholly unrelated to Applicant’s audio visual control processor. Further, Applicant’s goods are
`highly specialized for surgical operating suites and are sold only to hospitals. There is simply no
`overlap between the Applicant’s and the registrant’s goods, nor is there any connection between
`With respect to the Applicant’s prior identification of goods (which was much broader than the
`revised description), the examiner stated that the Applicant’s goods and the registrant’s goods are
`both for “electronic products.” (See p. 5.) The registrant, however, should not be accorded
`rights with respect to 111 “electronic products” — this is far too expansive, especially in view of
`the numerous unrelated third party uses and registrations of AVERA marks. The registrant’s
`zone of protection should be limited to the goods listed in its identification of goods — laptops,
`PCs and associated peripherals — and not every “electronic product” in the world.
`The examining attorney also attached several registrations that purportedly listed both the
`Applicant’s and the registrant’s goods. A review of these print-outs, however, did not disclose
`the asserted overlap. In any event, the Applicant has further narrowed its identification of goods
`to “audio visual control processors” and a search of USPTO records did not retrieve any
`applications or registrations listing both the Applicant’s revised goods and the cited registrant’s
`goods. In fact, there are no applications or registrations containing the Applicant’s goods
`because they are so highly specialized.
`In sum, there is no overlap between the Applicant’s goods and the registrant’s goods, and the
`Applicant should be permitted to coexist with the registrant and all of the other owners of
`AVERA marks.
`The remaining factors favor the Applicant
`As set forth in detail in the Applicant’s office action response dated December 26, 2007 (which
`is incorporated herein by reference), an analysis of the remaining likelihood of confusion factors
`indicates that no confusion is likely. The marks themselves are different — the cited mark is a
`highly stylized presentation of AVERA with an inverted triangle design element, none of which
`is shared by the Applicant’s mark, which is further distinguished by the letters HD and its own
`unique stylization and design elements. The purchasers of the Applicant’s AV control
`processors for surgical operating suites are highly sophisticated purchasers who are buying
`expensive goods in large quantities for a specialized purpose. These purchasers simply will not
`be confused; they will know exactly what they are buying and from whom. The laptop and
`personal computers in the cited registration are presumably purchased by the general public who
`would never be exposed to the Applicant’s highly specialized goods, and, as such, there is no
`possibility of confusion. The channels of distribution also are different, with the registrant’s
`goods presumably being sold in retail computer stores and the Applicant’s goods being sold
`though hospital supply channels. The conditions surrounding the marketing and sale of these
`products are such that they would never be encountered by the same purchasers.
`In view of all of the foregoing, the likelihood of confusion refusal should be withdrawn and the
`application approved for publication.
`Latest Status Info
`Page 1 of 3
`Thank you for your request. Here are the latest results from the fI_‘.A;RB__vLeb serygr:
`This page was generated by the TARR system on 2008-07-16 16:55:40 ET
`Serial Number: 78845968 A§s_m@a_rtII_1fo1matio11_
`_1‘_radema_r_k Docu:_[n__;cfll_{et1-ieygl
`Registration Number: 3336994
`(words only): AVERA
`Standard Character claim: Yes
`Current Status: Registered.
`Date of Status: 2007-11-13
`Filing Date: 2006-03-24
`Transformed into a National Application: No
`Registration Date: 2007-1 1-13
`Register: Principal
`Law Office Assigned: LAW OFFICE 103
`If you are the applicant or applicant's attorney and have questions about this file, please contact
`the Trademark Assistance Center at Traden1arkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov
`Current Location: 650 -Publication And Issue Section
`Date In Location: 2007-10-09
`1. Avera Capital Partners, L.P.
`Composed Of:
`Avera, Inc., a Texas corporation, its General Partner
`Latest Status Info
`Page 2 of 3
`Avera Capital Partners, L.P.
`5847 San Felipe, Suite 3200
`Houston, TX 77057
`United States
`Legal Entity Type: Limited Partnership
`State or Country Where Organized: Texas
`International Class: 036
`Class Status: Active
`Real estate investment services; real estate management services; real estate leasing services; and real
`estate brokerage services
`Basis: 1(a)
`First Use Date: 2007-07-11
`First Use in Commerce Date: 2007-07-11
`International Class: 037
`Class Status: Active
`Real estate development services; and real estate site selection services
`Basis: 1(a)
`First Use Date: 2007-07-1 1.
`First Use in Commerce Date: 2007-07-11
`NOTE: To view any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document
`Retrieval" shown near the top of this page.
`2007-11-13 — Registered - Principal Register
`2007-10-09 - Law Office Registration Review Completed
`2007-10-09 - Assigned To LIE
`2007-09-10 - Allowed for Registration - Principal Register (SOU accepted)
`2007-08-22 - Statement of use processing complete
`2007-07-13 - Amendment to Use filed
`http ://tarnuspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regse1=seria.l&entIy=78845968
`Latest Status Info
`Page 3 of 3
`2007-07-13 - TEAS Change Of Correspondence Received
`2007-07-13 - TEAS Change Of Correspondence Received
`2007-07-13 - TEAS Statement of Use Received
`2007-01-16 - Notice of allowance - mailed
`2006-10-24 - Published for opposition
`2006-10-04 - Notice ofpublication
`2006-09-15 - Law Office Publication Review Completed
`2006-09-08 - Assigned To LIE
`2006-09-07 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam)
`2006-09-07 - Assigned To Examiner
`2006-04-03 - New Application Entered In Tram
` _?* _.
`Attorney of Record
`Ben D. Tobor
`1000 LOUISIANA, STE 1800
`HOUSTON, TX 77002
`Phone Number: 713-374-3568
`http ://tanzuspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=seria1&entry=78845968
`7/1 6/2008
`Latest Status Info
`Page 1 of 3
`Thank you for your request. Here are the latest results from the I §erfi;
`This page was generated by the TARR system on 2008-07-16 16:56:01 ET
`Serial Number: 78257972 gA_.s_§gu_1_rg:;1jt_I@)r_m_a_t@
`Irademark Document Retrieval
`Registration Number: 3074256
`(words only): AVERATEC
`Standard Character claim: No
`Current Status: Registered.
`Date of Status: 2006-03-28
`Filing Date: 2003-06-04
`Transformed into a National Application: No
`Registration Date: 2006-03-28
`Register: Principal
`Law Office Assigned: LAW OFFICE 102
`If you are the applicant or applicant's attorney and have questions about this file, please contact
`the Trademark Assistance Center at I;ademarkAssis‘tanceCenter@nspto.gov
`Current Location: 650 —Publication And Issue Section
`Date In Location: 2006-02-16
`Republic of Korea
`Legal Entity Type: Corporation
`http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tan'?regser=se1ia.I&entry=7825 7972
`Latest Status Info
`Page 2 of 3
`State or Country of Incorporation: Republic of Korea
`International Class: 009
`Class Status: Active
`Laptop computer, notebook computer, portable computer, personal computer; computer peripherals,
`namely, printer for use with computer, computer monitor, floppy disk drive, Universal Serial Bus floppy
`disc featuring operating sofiware, computer mouse, computer keyboard, computer memory storage
`device, namely, flash memory disc, wireless Local Area Network card for portable computer; computer
`program for system recovery; bag and case for computer; battery for notebook computer
`Basis: 1(a)
`First Use Date: 2003-03-18
`First Use in Commerce Date: 2003-07-01
`Design Search Code(s):
`26.05.21 - Triangles that are completely or partially shaded
`NOTE: To view any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document
`Retrieval" shown near the top of this page.
`2006-03-28 — Registered — Principal Register
`2006-02-15 - Law Office Registration Review Completed
`2006-02-10 - Assigned To LIE
`2006-02-04 - Allowed for Registration - Principal Register (SOU accepted)
`2006-02-01 - Assigned To Examiner
`20.05-11-29 - Statement of use processing complete
`2005-11-09 - Amendment to Use filed
`2005-1 1-22 - Attorney Revoked And/Or Appointed
`2005-11-22 - TEAS Revoke/Appoint Attorney Received
`2005-1 1-09 - TEAS Statement of Use Received
`http ://tarnuspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=78257972
`Latest Status Info
`Page 3 of 3
`2005-05-10 - Notice of allowance - mailed
`2004-10-16 — Extension Of Time To Oppose Process - Terminated
`2004-06-15 - Extension Of Time To Oppose Received
`2004-05-18 - Published for opposition
`2004-04-28 - Notice of publication
`2004-03-12 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam)
`2004-02-17 - Communication received from applicant
`2004-02-17 - PAPER RECEIVED
`2003-10-19 — Non-final action e-mailed
`2003-10-19 - Assigned To Examiner
`Attorney of Record
`Capital Square, Suite 200
`400 Locust Street
`Des Moines IA 50309-2350
`Phone Number: 515-558-0200
`Fax Number: 515-558-7790
`Domestic Representative
`Phone Number: 515-558-0200
`Fax Number: 515-558-7790
`Latest Status Info
`Page I of 3
`Thank you for your request. Here are the latest results from the TARR web server,
`This page was generated by the TARR system on 2008-07-16 16:57:02 ET
`Serial Number: 78182088 mt Informati_o_n
`Trademark Document Retrieval
`Registration Number: 2925786
`Standard Character claim: No
`Current Status: Registered.
`Date of Status: 2005-02-08
`Filing Date: 2002-1 1-05
`Transformed into a National Application: No
`Registration Date: 2005-02-08
`Register: Principal
`Law Office Assigned: LAW OFFICE 116
`If you are the applicant or applicant's attorney and have questions about this file, please contact
`the Trademark Assistance Center at TrademarlgAssistanceCenter@uspt(Lgov
`Current Location: 652 -Publication And Issue
`Date In Location: 2005-03-16
`1. Avera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Avera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`12730 High Bluff Drive, Suite 160
`San Diego, CA 92130
`United States
`Legal Entity Type: Corporation
`State or Country of Incorporation: Delaware
`Phone Number: (858) 847-0650
`Fax Number: (85 8) 847-0655
`http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=se1ial&entry=78 1 8208 8
`Latest Status Info
`Page 2 of 3
`International Class: 035
`Class Status: Active
`Licensing of pharmaceutical products for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders
`Basis: 1(a)
`First Use Date: 2002-04-02
`First Use in Commerce Date: 2002-04-02
`International Class: 042
`Class Status: Active
`Pharmaceutical research and development services; technical consulting and research in the field of
`pharmaceutical research and pharmaceutical products; development of pharmaceutical products for the
`treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders
`Basis: 1(a)
`First Use Date: 2002-04-02
`First Use in Commerce Date: 2002-04-02
`NOTE: To view any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document
`Retrieval" shown near the top of this page.
`2005-02-08 - Registered - Principal Register
`2004-12-02 - Law Office Registration Review Completed
`2004-12-02 - Assigned To LIE
`2004-11-15 - Allowed for Registration — Principal Register (SOU accepted)
`2004-10-29 - Statement of use processing complete
`2004-10-29 — Extension 1 granted
`2004-10-29 - Amendment to Use filed
`2004-10-29 - Extension 1 filed
`2004-10-29 - TEAS Statement of Use Received
`2004-10-29 - TEAS Extension Received
`http://tarr.uspto. gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&ent1y=781 82088
`7/1 .6/2008
`Latest Status Info
`Page 3 of 3
`2004-05-25 — Notice of allowance — mailed
`2004-03-02 - Published for opposition
`2004-02-11 - Notice of publication
`2004-01-07 - PAPER RECEIVED
`2003-12-30 — Approved for Pub — Principal Register (Initial exam)
`2003-10-20 - Communication received from applicant
`2003-10-20 - PAPER RECEIVED
`2003-04-18 - Non-final action e-mailed
`2003-03-31 - Communication received from applicant
`2003-03-31 - PAPER RECEIVED
`2003-03-27 - Assigned To Examiner
` '
`Attorney of Record
`SAN DIEGO CA 92121-1909
`Phone Number: (858) 550-6000
`Fax Number: (858) 550-6420
`http://tarnuspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=seria1&entry=781 82088
`Latest Status Info
`Page 1 of 4
`Thank you for your request. Here are the latest results from the TARR web ser_vir_.
`This page was generated by the TARR system on 2008-07-16 16:57:13 ET
`Serial Number: 78182084 Assjggegt Informatigrg
`ffrademark Document Retrieval
`Registration Number: 2925785
`Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Standard Character claim: No
`Current Status: Registered.
`Date of Status: 2005-02-08
`Filing Date: 2002-11-05
`Transformed into a National Application: No
`Registration Date: 2005-02-08
`Register: Principal
`Law Office Assigned: LAW OFFICE 116
`Ifyou are the applicant or applicant's attorney and have questions about this file, please contact
`the Trademark Assistance Center at TrademarkAssistanceCenter@,uspto.gov
`Current Location: 652 —Publication And Issue
`Date In Location: 2005-03-16
` %—**—‘*"*
`1. Avera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Avera Phatmaceuticals, Inc.
`12730 High Bluff Drive, Suite 160
`http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=seria1&en1Iy=781 82084
`Latest Status Info
`Page 2 of 4
`San Diego, CA 92130
`United States
`Legal Entity Type: Corporation
`"State or Country of Incorporation: Delaware
`Phone Number: (858) 847-0650
`Fax Number: (858) 847-0655
`International Class: 035
`Class Status: Active
`Licensing of pharmaceutical products for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders
`Basis: 1(a)
`First Use Date: 2002-05 -02
`First Use in Commerce Date: 2002-05-02
`International Class: 042
`Class Status: Active
`Pharmaceutical research and development services; technical consulting and research in the field of
`pharmaceutical research and pharmaceutical products; development ofpharmaceutical products for the
`treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders
`Basis: 1(a)
`First Use Date: 2002-05-02
`First Use in Commerce Date: 2002-05-02
`Design Search Code(s):
`26.05.15 - Four or more triangles; Triangles - four or more
`26.05.20 - Triangles inside one another
`26.05.21 - Triangles that are completely or partially shaded
`26.17.13 — Letters or words underlined and/or overlined by one or more strokes or lines; Overlined
`words or letters; Underlined words or letters
`NOTE: To View any document referenced below, click on the link to "Trademark Document
`Retrieval" shown near the top of this page.
`2003-11-21 - PAPER RECEIVED
`2005-02-08 — Registered - Principal Register
`http ://ta.rr.uspto. gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&ent1y=7 8 1 82084
`Latest Status Info
`Page 3 of 4
`2003-11-21 - PAPER RECEIVED
`2004-12-02 - Law Office Registration Review Completed
`2004-12-02 - Assigned To LIE
`2004-11-15 - Allowed for Registration - Plincipal Register (SOU accepted)
`2004-10-29 - Statement of use processing complete
`2004-10-29 - Extension 1 granted
`2004-10-29 - Extension 1 filed
`2004-10-29 - Amendment to Use filed
`2004-10-29 - TEAS Statement of Use Received
`2004-10-29 - TEAS Extension Received