`(Exceeds 300 pages)
`Proceeding] Serial No: 77120648
`Filed: 6-02-08
`Title: Request for Reconsideration and response to
`final office action dated November 29, 2007
`Part 3 of 5
`Processed by Curtis Puryear

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`41. World Disease Weekly, ‘October 3, 2006, EXPANDED REPORTING; Pg. 337, 717
`words, CANCER PREVENTION; Vitamin D may cut pancreatic cancer risk by nearly
`retinol is an antagonist of vitamin D's ability to influence mineral balances
`and bone integrity. For that
`42. Clinical Oncology Week, October 2, 2006, EXPANDED REPORTING; Pg. 59, 718
`words, CANCER PREVENTION; Vitamin D may cut pancreatic cancer risk by nearly
`retinol is an antagonist of vitamin D's ability to influence mineral balances
`and bone integrity. For that
`43. Gastroenterology Week, October 2, 2006, EXPANDED REPORTING; Pg. 22, 717
`words, CANCER PREVENTION; Vitamin D may cut pancreatic cancer risk by nearly
`retinol is an antagonist of vitamin D's ability to influence mineral balances
`and bone integrity. For that
`44. Health & Medicine Week, October 2, 2006, EXPANDED REPORTING; Pg. 336, 718
`words, CANCER PREVENTION; Vitamin D may cut pancreatic cancer risk by nearly
`retinol is an antagonist of vitamin D's ability to influence mineral balances
`and bone integrity. For that
`45. The Tennessee Tribune, September 21, 2006, AFRICAN-AMERICAN HEALTH; Pg.
`B5, 59089, 678 words, Vitamin D May Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk by Nearly Half
`retinol is an antagonist of Vitamin D's ability to influence mineral balances
`and bone integrity. For that
`46. The Tennessee Tribune (Nashville), September 21, 2006 Thursday, AFRICAN-
`AMERICAN HEALTH; Pg. B5, 59089, 678 words, Vitamin D May Cut Pancreatic
`Cancer Risk by Nearly Half
`retinol is an antagonist of Vitamin D's ability to influence mineral balances
`and bone integrity. For that
`47. The Vancouver Sun (British Columbia), September 18, 2006 Monday, Final
`Edition, ARTS & LIFE; Vitality; Pg. C2, 427 words, Vitality, Sun News Services
`But retinol did interfere with Vitamin D's ability to influence mineral
`balances and bone integrity. For that
`48. Hindustan Times, September 13, 2006 Wednesday 9:50 AM EST, , 463
`words, Vitamin D can halve pancreatic cancer risk, Report from the Asian News
`International brought to you by the Hindustan Times, Washington
`retinol is an antagonist of Vitamin D's ability to influence mineral balances
`and bone integrity. For that
`49. Canberra Times (Australia), April 9, 2006 Sunday, Final Edition, A; Pg. 53, 292
`words, Fernwood's top tips to combat obesity, The Canberra Times
`a great source of vitamins and minerals. Balance meals with a small
` 4/3/2008

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`50. , April 6, 2005 Wednesday, Mind Your Body - Living
`Well, 780 words, Eating right to keep heart happy; when your heart cries out for
`help, a prudent diet can work wonders, as Elaine Young finds out.
`sugar, you aren't getting the vitamins and mineral balance you need. ‘The
`major components of the
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`51. Agweek, February 22, 2005, Tuesday, AW-SWINE-FARMING-20050222, 1196
`words, Land O'Lakes makes swine pitch to farmers <, By Mikkel Pates
`sells "pre-mix" —— the vitamins and trace minerals that balance a ration --
`to the tune of
`52. Canadian Nurse, February 1, 2005, Pg. 28, 798035531, 3078 words, Taming the
`beast diabetes management, Stuerle, Gabriela
`intake, hormonelevels, vitamin and mineral balance and stress (Walsh,
`53. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH(LONDON), December 06, 2004, Monday, Pg. 16, 1205
`words, Can pills make us brighter? Research suggests that daily supplements can
`alter children's behaviour - but not everyone is convinced, says Christine
`start, with a dose of vitamins and minerals that balances the messengers
`in the brain, and
`54. Sunday Tribune, February 29, 2004, Pg. 23, 388 words, Healthy food for healthy
`important to ensure that you have the correct vitamin and mineral balance
`- especially vitamin D, magnesium, potassium and
`55. Sunday Times (London), November 2, 2003, Sunday, Features; Style; 41, 857
`words, What's the alternative?, Susan Clark
`copper to maintain the proper mineral balance. A daily intake of 1,000mg of
`vitamin B12 has also been shown to help
`56. San Jose Mercury News (California), October 26, 2003 Sunday MORNING FINAL
`AND PETE CAREY, Mercury News
`sophisticated spectrometer, tinkering with their mineral balances by
`recommending supplements and vitamins, including ZMA, which he developed
`57. Newsletter, August 30, 2003, A20030830431-SA07-GNW, 548 words, BOOSTING
`breeding season with the correct mineral balance is by drenching with the
`chelated mineral supplement Liqui Thrive Sheep. "
`58. , December 4, 2002, Wednesday,, FINAL EDITION, SPORTS;, Pg.
`3C, 1017 words, NHL veterans aging gracefully, Kevin Allen
`so he can monitor vitamin and mineral balance. For the love of the game
`59. Belfast News Letter {Northern Ireland), August 3, 2002, Saturday, FARMING
`breeding season with the correct mineral balance is by drenching with the
`chelated mineral supplement Liqui Thrive Sheep. "

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`60. , November 30, 2001 Friday, LIFESTYLE; Pg.
`30A, 610 words, Diabetes control, Hazel Bilbao, Freelance
`carbohydrate, fiber, salt, vitamins and minerals. Balance and moderation
`are key. If you have a
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`Healthy food for healthy bones; FOOD FOR THOUGHT Sunday Tribune February 29, 2004
`Copyright 2004 The Sunday Tribune plc
`Sunday Tribune
`February 29, 2004
`SECTION: Pg. 23
`LENGTH: 388 words
`HEADLINE: Healthy food for healthy bones;
`OSTEOPOROSIS occurs when the bones become weak, which in turn affects both posture and
`the risk of bone fractures. It affects more women than men, and is influenced by
`physiological, hormonal and nutritional differences.
`The greatest defence against the onset of osteoporosis is a diet that is rich in calcium.
`However, as important as it is to get the correct amount of calcium in the diet, it is equally
`important to ensure that you have the correct vitamin and mineral balance - especially
`vitamin D, magnesium, potassium and vitamin K.
`Of course, if is always best to get your nutritional needs directly from your food. The
`recommended daily requirement for calcium is 1,000 milligrams a day. It is useful to know
`that one cup of low-fat yoghurt contains about 300mg of calcium whilst one cup of broccoli
`contains about 180mg.
`However, if you are unable to eat these foods in sufficient quantities, you may need to take a
`calcium supplement.
`Dairy Products One of the best and most accessible sources of calcium in the diet are foods
`like milk, yoghurt and cheese, but try to stick to the low-fat variety.
`Greens Leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, are another excellent and super-
`healthy source of calcium, magnesium and vitamin K.
`Protein Not only important for maintaining strong bones, it is also often high in calcium -
`especially salmon, sardines (with bones) and tofu. Eggs are also high in sulphur, which is
`important in the metabolism of calcium.
`Super foods Those which are so high in nutrients that they can be taken in small quantities.
`Calcium favourites include chestnuts, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, almonds and wheatgerm.
`Fortified foods Orange juice, soya milk and cereals are an easy way to top up your calcium

`._ FOC S - 95 Results - (mineral balance)
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`However, you cannot rely on these alone, and should try as much as possible to get your
`calcium direct from the source.
`Drinks Milk, including rice milk and soya milk, is one of the best liquid calcium providers. You
`should avoid soft drinks as these contain phosphate which triggers the body to excrete
`calcium. Excess caffeine, which is a diuretic, also has a similar effect.
`Powerscourt Springs Health Farm, Coolakay, Enniskerry, Co Wicklow Tel: 003531 2762333
`reservations@powerscourtsprings. ie www. powerscourtsprings. ie
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`ACHIEVEMENTS San Jose Mercury News (California) October 26, 2003 Sunday MORNING
`Copyright 2003 San Jose Mercury News
`All Rights Reserved
`San Jose Mercury News (California)
`October 26, 2003 Sunday MORNING FINAL EDITION
`LENGTH: 1983 words
`Whatever Victor Conte Jr. does for his high-profile sports clients, it appears to work.
`Athletes who have worked with Conte, a sports nutritionist in Burlingame, have broken track
`records, set a home run mark and scored a championship boxing upset.
`They've run faster, played better and taken their performances to new levels -- often at ages
`when most athletes are slowing down.
`Now that he is the center of an emerging scandal over a designer steroid found in several of
`his athletes, a cloud hangs over these results. Were the great times and other remarkable
`feats a product of exercise and training and nutrition or were at least some of them helped
`along by a designer steroid?
`The answer is not so simple: Four top track-and-field athletes with current or past
`associations with Conte have tested positive for the steroid; others have not, at least to date.
`For those whose achievements were honestly gained, the scandal brings a special pain.
`"It's horrible to be accused of cheating and not be cheating," said Dr. Gary Wadler, a
`member of the World Anti-Doping Agency's health and medical research committee. "It's
`horrible to have gotten big and strong the old fashioned way, and then have someone think
`you did it by taking XYZ."
`The constant for several athletes who have used Conte's services, however, is a rigorous
`training program involving to varying degrees an unlikely group of tutors, including a former
`Mr. Yugoslavia who owns a Fullerton gym, and a 71-year-old emigre from the former Soviet
`Union who resides in Castro Valley.The other ingredients are Conte and Giants slugger Barry

`FOCUS ‘- 95 Results - (mineral balance)
`Page 2 of 6
`Bond's personal trainer.
`Links to laboratory
`President of Balco Laboratories, Conte is the center of an international sports doping scandal
`over the previously unknown designer steroid tetrahydrogestrinone,-or THG. In San
`Francisco, meanwhile, a federal grand jury is examining Balco business records seized by the
`Internal Revenue Service.
`The two cases together have pulled in some of the biggest names in sports, from runner
`Regina Jacobs and British sprinter Dwain Chambers to Bonds and boxer Shane Mosley, who
`won a controversial decision over former super-welterweight champ Oscar De La Hoya last
`month. Both Mosley and Bonds have been subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury.
`Terry Madden, chief of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, has called the emerging scandal
`"international doping of the worst sort" and has said he is "fairly certain" that Balco and
`Conte are the source of a sample of THG provided by an anonymous coach.
`Athletes who have tested positive for THG so far have some link to Balco. Either they are
`listed on Balco's Web site as clients or they went to Conte for nutritional advice, bought
`supplements from his other company, SNAC System, or got their weight training at the gym
`around the corner from a trainer associated with Conte.
`Conte denies being the source of the THG sample.
`He has provided nutritional counseling and supplements to elite athletes for 20 years;
`magazine articles have described how these are combined with intense training. But sports
`medicine experts say it's not credible that these training methods could be responsible for
`such dramatic improvements in performance.
`"Over the last 30 years, the human body has just been driven into the red zone," said John
`Hoberman, a University of Texas professor and authority on performance-enhancing drugs in
`sports. "The means to create superhuman performances has been doping. It's become
`necessary to enable the body to do more than it was designed to do."
`Regarding Con‘te's methods producing so many successes, Hoberman said, "I don't find that
`The chief executive of USA Track & Field, Craig Masback, has said that four Americans have
`tested positive for the steroid. Three have been identified: Jacobs, a middle-distance runner;
`shot-putter Kevin Toth; and hammer thrower John McEwen. A fifth athlete, Chambers, also
`has tested positive for THG.
`Steroids allow athletes to perform more frequent high-intensity workouts, although no
`studies support this effect and no mechanism for it is known, according to the Merck Manual
`of Diagnosis and Therapy. With proper training and diet, lean muscle mass increases more in
`people using steroids, although there is no direct evidence that using anabolic steroids
`increases endurance or speed, the manual says.
`Conte argues that there is no scientific evidence that THG acts as an anabolic steroid.
`Hoberman scoffs at this argument, noting that there are few studies of that type on any
`"Conte makes a very specious argument," Hoberman said. "He's absolutely right when he
`says no clinical tests have been done on the performance-enhancing abilities of this drug. But
`that's the same correct claim of every other steroid. The only people who have ever done

`_FOC_U§ - 95 Results - (mineral balance)
`Page 3 of 6
`that work is the East Germans, and that research was unethical. So I think in the absence of
`clinical trials, the experts are correctly assuming that these are performance-enhancing
`Conte said in an e-mail: "I have been providing nutritional consultation and supplements to
`athletes for 20 years now. .
`. I had a database that included more than 50 Olympic Gold
`medalists or world champions after the first ten years of my doing this business. .
`. I am
`certainly not an overnight sensation. And, I certainly did not just come out of nowhere.
`"In my opinion, I have just accomplished too much over a period of too many years to
`attribute my success to THG. Five people have tested positive for THG. I have worked with
`hundreds of elite Olympic and professional athletes."
`Incredible feats
`The performance boosts of some athletes linked to Conte astonished the world of track and
`field and other sports, and some observers found some of them incredible. For example:
`* Bonds, 39, averaged 40 home runs and 108 RBI in five seasons from 1996 to 2000. In
`December 2000 Bonds began working with Conte. The next season, he hit a record-setting
`73 home runs with 137 RBIs. Bonds has repeatedly denied using steroids.
`* On April 19, Toth, 35, had a shot put of 74 feet, 4 1/2 inches, the best in the world since
`1990. Toth had back surgery in 2001 and credited his improvement to working with Mike
`Mielke, a South Bay strength coach.
`* Jacobs of Oakland was 40 this year when she became the first woman to run the indoor
`1,500 meters in under four minutes (3:59.98) in winning the 2003 USA Indoor 1,500-meter
`and 3,000—meter titles. Jacobs has said her career was rejuvenated in 1993 after she learned
`she suffered from severely low levels of iron and improved her diet.
`* Kelli White, 26, of Union City exploded onto the world scene this year, winning the 100-
`meter and 200-meter sprints at the World Championships in Paris in August. But she could
`lose her medals after testing positive for the mild stimulant modafinil, which she said Balco‘s
`former medical director gave her to treat narcolepsy. She has not tested positive for THG and
`says she never took it.
`* Chryste Gaines, 33, recorded a personal-best 10.87 seconds in the 100 meters this year. It
`was the second fastest time among U.S. runners this season, behind White's 10.86. She
`ended 2002 ranked the No. 4 100-meter runner in the world.
`* Marion Jones, perhaps the United States‘ best-known track-and-field athlete and a five-
`time medalist at the 2000 Olympics, worked with Conte until 2001. She did not compete for
`much of this year because she. was pregnant with her first child, a son who was born in June.
`* Tim Montgomery became the world's fastest man when he set the world record for the
`100-meter sprint with a time of 9.78 seconds in 2002.
`"My jaw literally dropped when I saw Regina Jacobs‘ name" as one of the athletes who tested
`positive for THG, said Hoberman, the University of Texas professor.
`"We want to believe that some people are above deceiving their public. I would have put
`Regina Jacobs in that category," he said. "But how in the world does anybody improve in her
`late 30s?"
`Of Toth, the sports doping expert contended, "You shouldn't have had to wait for" the U.S.

`_ FOC_US - 95 Results - (mineral balance)
`Page 4 of 6
`Anti-Doping Agency "to go after Kevin Toth. Earlier this year he threw 74-4. That was the
`longest throw in the world since 1990, right after Ben Johnson. That performance stuck out
`by a mile."
`‘Strict liability’
`Toth, Chambers and Jacobs, through representatives, have denied knowingly taking THG. But
`under the international rules governing Olympic sports of "strict liability," athletes are
`responsible for whatever they ingest. That hard line is a reaction to athletes in the past
`claiming they took supplements "contaminated" with steroids.
`"There is no excuse," said Wadler, the World Anti-Doping Agency committee member. "If it's
`in your body, we've got a problem. Supplements don't do anything anyway, so why run the
`risk of having something in there that not only will cost you a medal, but maybe your
`For years, Conte has worked closely with coaches and trainers, particularly Remi Korchemny,
`a 71-year-old Russian emigre who coaches Chambers as well as Chryste Gaines and Kelli
`White, who also have been called to appear before the grand jury.
`Korchemny says the public should wait until the second sample is tested for the athletes. A
`second positive is necessary for a confirmation that an athlete actually used a drug. "They've
`turned public opinion without waiting for a judge to give his verdict," Korchemny said.
`A former sprinter, Korchemny helped coach Valery Borzov of the Soviet Union to gold medals
`in the 100-meter and 200-meter sprints in the 1972 Olympics. Hecame to the United States
`in 1975, building a stable of top runners at his base in Castro Valley.
`Two others associated with Conte are Greg Anderson, Bonds‘ personal trainer, and Milos
`Sarcev, a weightlifter and former Mr. Yugoslavia.
`Sarcev, who owns a gym in Fullerton, created the weight-training program for Montgomery,
`who holds the world record in the 100-meter sprint, and for Chambers. Sarcev could not be
`reached for comment, but his contributions have been described in bodybuilding magazines.
`Anderson supervised the weight-training programs of Chambers and other members of the
`ZMA Track Club at a gym near Balco. He could not be reached for comment.
`Korchemny downplayed their role with Chambers. "Sometimes they might help Dwain with
`his technique, but not in a formal arrangement of training," he said. "How many reps they
`do, what they do, it was all up to me."
`Raising performance
`At Balco, Conte ran the athletes’ blood and urine samples through Ba|co's sophisticated
`spectrometer, tinkering with their mineral balances by recommending supplements and
`vitamins, including ZMA, which he developed In 1999.
`The performance boosts were remarkable, and, in return, athletes freely endorsed ZMA in
`various muscle-building publications.
`Korchemny and Anderson even founded the ZMA Track Club with Conte. Korchemny now
`calls it an advertising gimmick, but he has been photographed wearing a ZMA hat at track
`He also gives athletes Balco supplements.

`_ FOCUS - 95 Results — (mineral balance)
`Page 5 of 6
`"I never expected that any of my athletes would test positive," Korchemny said Friday. "And
`I'm surprised that any of Balco's athletes would test positive. We've used their products for
`many years and never had any problems."
`He said of Conte: "I will accept his guilt only after a court accepts his guilt."
`[Bonds' home run totals, 1994-2003]
`[Chart not taken in database]
`[Gaines' 100—meter dash times, 1994-2003]
`[Chart not taken in database]
`[Jacobs' 1,500-meter times, 1994-2003]
`[Chart not taken in database]
`[Toth's shot-put distances, 1994-2003]
`[Chart not taken in database]
`GRAPHIC: Photos (9), Charts (4);
`PHOTO: [Conte]
`Tim Montgomery, the 100-meter sprint record holder, has worked with a weightlifter
`affiliated with Balco's Victor Conte Jr.
`U.S. track star Marion Jones, a five-time medalist at the 2000 Olympics, worked with Victor
`Conte Jr. until 2001.
`Sprinter Kelli White of Union City has not tested positive for THG, but she did test positive for
`a banned mild stimulant.
`Shane Mosley, one of Balco Laboratories’ clients, upended former super-welterweight champ
`Oscar De La Hoya in a bout last month.
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`Copyright 2003 Financial Times Information
`All Rights Reserved
`Global News Wire - Europe Intelligence Wire
`Copyright 2003 Copyright 2003
`August 30, 2003
`ACC-NO: A20030830431-’5A07-GNW
`LENGTH: 548 words A
`EU SHEEP numbers dropped to 91 million head in 2002 compared with 94.3 million a year
`earlier and 98.77 in 1998.
`Most of the reduction occurred in Northern European countries.
`when one takes account of the prediction sheepmeat consumption trends, these figures
`indicate that EU self-sufficiency in sheep meat will decline from to just under 80% in the year
`This state of affairs means that that flock owners in the province should be able to look
`forward to a healthy market for their produce. It also highlights the need to maximise output
`per ewe during the year ahead.
`And with the breeding season for early lambing flocks now with us the onus is on producers
`to get ewes in top shape prior to the rams going in. Numerous farm and research trials have
`confirmed the strong link between mineral balance and ewe fertility.
`So much so that mineral supplementatation is strongly advised prior to the onset of the
`breeding cycle in any year.
`Low mortality and optimum growth rates are the two fundamental corner stones of lamb

`And to ensure that these objectives are achieved, the required care must be taken to ensure
`that ewes are carrying the maximum number of embryos and that those lambs born have the
`necessary vigour to ensure their survival.
`Possibly the most effective way of ensuring that ewes start the breeding season with the
` 1 8ed3cf5773c8e 1 733435c3&docnu...

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`Page 2 of 3
`correct mineral balance is by drenching with the chelated mineral supplement Llqui Thrive
`"Experience on-farm here in Northern Ireland confirms research trials pointing to the benefits
`of drenching with the product 3 weeks prior to tupping," explained Paul Elwood of Llqui
`Thrive Sheep distributor HVS Animal Health.
`And the figures speak for themselves. During a recent Scottish Agricultural Colleges
`commercial trial, a total of 600 ewes were used, half of which received a 20 ml dose of the
`liquid supplement 4 weeks prior to tupping.
`There were significant differences in mean lambing dates between treatments with treated
`ewes advancing lambing and peaking at 12 days after the first lamb was "born compared to
`15 for untreated ewes.
`Compared to untreated ewes a higher proportion of ewes conceived in days 1 to 8 after the
`rams were put in with 80% conceiving in the first cycle.
`"what's more, treated ewes produced on average 8.8 more lambs per 100 mated while there
`was a 20% reduction in barren ewes with the treatment group," stressed Paul Elwood.
`He added: "The results of the trial clearly point to the benefits of drenching with Liqul Thrive
`Sheep 4 weeks prior to tupping. Sheep margins are under tremendous pressure at the
`present time which makes the need for flockowners to achieve the best possible performance
`from their ewes all the greater.
`"Sheep margins have been under tremendous pressure for a considerable period of time. And
`this makes the need for flockowners to achieve the best possible performance from their
`ewes all the greater."
`Llqui Thrive Sheep is a liquid feed supplement drench containing over 60 micronutrients
`including 48 trace elements as natural organic chelates and amino acid bonded vitamins.
`Levels of copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc, iron and selenium are elevated by adding these
`elements as individually constructed chelates.
`I For further information telephone 028 44 612678.
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`NHL veterans aging gracefully USA TODAY December 4, 2002, Wednesday,
`Copyright 2002 Gannett Company, Inc.
`December 4, 2002, Wednesday, FINAL EDITION
`LENGTH: 1017 words
`HEADLINE: NHL veterans aging

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