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`021279012 09 08.31 AM
`against oxfdatfve stfe5s—induc PUWEU
`Effects of the aqueous extract of
`whfte tea (Carne||fa sfnensis) WW9”
`I-'\I|L|UX|l.1i:1I|Li:1If£.1 pULenlfafa1rILI—
`inflammatory actfvfty of extras! WW9”
`Enhancement of antlmfcrobfal
`actfvmes ofwnole and sub-
`The effect of nypoxfa on fnlerrnedfarv
`rnetaboflsrn and oxfdatlve Sta! PUWE”
`See more.
`Vnu am hPn= Max 2 I rh=r)=11urP = PuhMPr1
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`02l27f20l2 09 08.17’ AM
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` i MarlEE(1)22_E
`White_tea_(Camellia srnensis Kuntze) exerts neuroprotection against hydrogen
`per°x'de"nduC9d toxmlty ln PC12 ce"5-
`Faculty of Health SElE!l”l[2ES‘ San Jorge University‘ \/illahueva de Gallego, Zaragoza, Spain l|DpEZ@USj as
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`Related citations
`Wm pmeme effects of mm
`available extract 0 [Phytomedicine 2011]
`Antioxidant properties and protective
`effects Of a standardized [Life Sci. 2004]
`Protection against hydrogen peroxide-
`Tea is a popular beverage whose consumption is associated with prevention of certain disorders The objective ofthe study mduced "WW by Z [Exp Bram Res 2008]
`was to investigate the potential neuroprotective effect of white tea extract (WTE) on hydrogen peroxide induced toxicity in
`PVOIBCWE 9ll9C10l3—DUN'—5—bV0m0*l
`PC12 cells Cells were treated with various doses ofWTE (10-250 ugfmll before exposition to 250 UM hydrogen peroxide
`l3Hl"50b9”Z0lUV9ll0l19 [Bram R95 2010]
`and cell ElLllVlVEll was determined through the MW and LDH assays Oxidative stress was quantified in the cells after
`A Water extract Of CW-Mma |Oflga r__
`treatments as intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and the antioxidant activity of the extract was assessed
`(Zii'1giberaceae)re5cue3 [Life Sci_ 2004]
`in a cell free system in terms of free radical scavenging capacity. Results showed thatWTE has a significant protective effect
`in the PCl2 cell line against hydrogen peroxide as cell Sl_ll’VlV8l was significantly superior in WTE—treated cells compared to
`393 'E‘’'E‘’‘’S
`hydrogen pero><ide—treated cells A reduction on intracellular oxidative stress as well as radical scavenging properties were
`559 aii__
`produced by\/VTE Results suggest thatWTE protects PC12 cells against H(2)O(2)-induced t0><lCl[y‘ and that an antioxidant
`mechanism through ROS scavenging may be in part responsible for cells neuroprotection
`PMID 2127i2s1 [Pul1Med— indexedforli/IEDLlNE]
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`§ White tea (Camellia sinensis

`http lfwww ncbi.nirn.nih qovlpubnied/21271291
`021279012 09 08.17 AM
`Kumze) exerts neuroprotectioi PUWEU
`§ Neuroprotective effects of wnite tea
`against oxidative stress-induc WW9”
`§ Eiieus uitiie aqueous extiactui
`white tea (Camellia sinensis) WW9”
`§ Antioxidant and potentiai anti-
`inflammatory activity of extract PUWE”
`§ Ennancernent Ofai'1UiTiiCrODiEi|
`activities ofwnole and sub-
`See more.
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`02l27f2012 09 10.00 AM
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` 2U1ElAUg 1;75(E)'C5A11-E
`White and green teas (C_am_ellia sinensis var. sinensis). variation in phenolic,
`methylxanthmes and antloxldant F'r°fi|95-
`Unachukwu UJ, Ahmed S, KavalierA, l. les JT, Kennell EJ
`Dept of Biological Sciences, Lehman College,Eronx,NY1EI4EE,USA
`Related citations
`Compmm mm numemand mama‘
`contents of [PlantFoods Hum Nutr 2010]
`irectere effeefing the ieveie Oftea
`polyphenols E [J Agric Food Chem. 2003]
`Recent investigations have associated white teas with anti—carcinogenic, immune—boosting, and antioxidative properties that
`may impact human health in a manner comparable to green teas An in—depth chemical analysis of white tea types was
`conducted to quantify polyphenols and antioxidant potential of 8 commercially available white teas, and compare them to
`green tea Extraction and HPLC protocols were optimized and validated forthe quantification of 9 phenolic and 3
`methylxanthine compounds to examine inter— and intra—variation in white and green tea types and subtypes. A sarnpling
`strategywas devised to assess various subtypes procured from different commercial sources Variation in antioxidant activity
`and total phenolic content (TPC) of both tea types was further assessed by the 1—1—dipheny|—2—picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and
`Folin—Ciocalteau (PC) assays, respectively Total catechin content (TCC) forwhite teas ranged widelyfrom14 40 to 369 60
`mgfg of dry plant material forwater extracts and 4? 16 to 163 94 mgfg for methanol e><tracts TCC for green teas also ranged
`more than 10-fold, from 21 38 to 228 20 rngfg of dry plant material forwater extracts and 32 23 to 141 24 mg/g for methanol
`extracts. These findings indicate that statements suggesting a hierarchical order of catechin content among tea types are
`inconclusive and should be made with attention to a sampling strategy that specifies the tea subtype and its source Certain
`white teas have comparable quantities of total catechins to some green teas, but lesser antioxidant capacity, suggesting that
`white teas have fewer non—catechin antioxidants present Practical Application In this investigation white and green teas were
`extracted in ways that mimic common tea preparation practices, and their chemical profiles were determined using validated
`analytical chemistry methods The results suggest certain green and white tea types have comparable levels of catechins with
`' T
`potential health promoting qualities. Specifically, the polyphenolic content of green teas was found to be similarto certain
`Remed i”f°""ati°"
`white tea varieties, which makes the lattertea type a potential substitute for people interested in consurning polyphenols for
`Related Citations
`health reasons Moreover, this study is among the first to demonstrate the effect subtype sampling, source of procurement,
`cultivation, and processing practices have on the final white tea product, as such analysis has previously been mostly carried Compolmd (MESH Keyword)
`out on green teas
`Substance (MeSH Keyword)
`med m pMC
`cited by.‘ pubwled Central
`An industry consensus study on an HPLC
`fluorescence rnetho- [Chem Cent J. 201 1]
`PMID 20722909 [F'ul:Mecl— indexed for MEDl_lNE]
`Publication Types, MeSH Terms, Substances
`Catechin and caffeine content of green
`tea dmtaw 5“ [J Agnc Food Chem 2006]
`R959“ DETEWS 00 Camellia
`5'09” lR9‘39l7T Pat F00“ NU” A9"'C 2009]
`Beneficial er-rem of green tea,
`[J Am Coll Nutr 2006]
`393 'E‘’'E‘’‘’S
`see aii__
`a review,

`http lfwww ncbi.nirn.nih ciow’pLibniedf207'22909
`02/2"/£2012 09 10.00 AM
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`Recent activity
`TUFH OW Ciear
`§ Wnite and green teas (Carneiiia
`sinensis var. sinensisjz variatinPUWE'1
`§ Wnite tea (carneilia sinensis
`Kuntzej exerts neuroprotectioi WW9”
`§ Neuroprotective effects of white tea
`against oxidative stressinduc WW9”
`§ Effects of the aqueous extract of
`white tea (Camellia sinensis) PUWE”
`3 Antioxidant and potentiai anti-
`inflanirnatory activity of extracl PUWE”
`See more.
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`021279012 09 12.02 AM
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`E finaltllrxinn
`Related citations
`Peroxisome proliferator—activated
`receptor—gamma active [Oncogene. 2004]
`15-Deoxy-Deltal 2,14-prostaglandin J2
`enhances docel [Anticancer Drugs 2007]
`Peroxisome proliferator—activated
`receptor—gamma (PPA [Oncogene 2005]
`Molecular cross—regulation
`between PPAR—y ar [Lung Cancer. 2011]
`A novel approach to anticancer
`ther [Endocr Metab Immune Disord Dru ]
`See l'EVlEWS..
`See all
`Related information
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`Dis la Settin s:Apstract
`Cancer Prev Res Phila 2|]l|] Sep‘E(B) 1132-4|] Epub 2EI1EI Jul 28
`Send to:
`White tea extract induces apoptosis in non-small cell lung cancer cells: the role of
`peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-{gamma} and 15-lipoxygenases.
`Man JT, Nie WX, Tsu ll-l, Jin YS‘ Ran JY, Lu QY, Zhang ZF, Go VL, Serin KJ
`Pulmonary and Critical Care SE‘EtlE|l'1‘ New ME‘)<lEEI VA Health Care System‘ Albuquerque, NM BNEIE‘ USA Jenny rnae@va gov
`Emerging preclinical data suggests that tea possess anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic properties We therefore
`hypothesize that white tea extract (WTE) is capable of favorably modulating apoptosis‘ a mechanism associated with lung
`tumorigenesis We examined the effects of physiologically relevant doses ofWTE on the induction of apoptosis in non-small
`cell lung cancer cell lines A549 (adenocarcinoma) and H520 (squamous cell carcinoma) cells We further characterized the
`molecular mechanisms responsible forW'|'E-induced apoptosis‘ including the induction of peroxisome proliferator-activated
`receptor—gamma (PPAR—gamma) and the 15—lipo><ygenase (15—l_OX) signaling pathways. We found that WTE was effective
`in inducing apoptosis in both A549 and H520 cells. and inhibition of PPAR—gamma with GW9662 partially reversed WTE—
`induced apoptosis We further showthatWTE increased PPAR—gamma activation and mRNA expression‘ concomitantly
`increased i5(8)-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid release‘ and upregulated15-LOX-1 and 15-LOX-2 mRNA expression by
`A549 cells inhibition of 15-LO><with nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NGDAL as well as caffeic acid, abrogated WTE-induced
`PPAR-gamma activation and upregulation of PPAR-gamma mF3NA expression in A549 cells WTE also induced cyclin-
`dependent kinase inhibitor lA mRNA expression and activated caspase—3 inhibition of caspase—3 abrogated WTE—induced
`apoptosis Ourfindings indicate that WTE is capable of inducing apoptosis in non—small cell lung cancer cell lines The
`induction of apoptosis seems to be mediated, in part, through the upregulation of the PPAR—gamma and 16—LOX signaling
`pathways, with enhanced activation of caspase-3 Ourfindings supportthe future investigation ofWTE as an antineoplastic
`and chemopreventive agent for lung cancer
`PMID 2|]EEEE|19[PuhI\/led —
`ll’ld9>CEl‘.i for MEDUNE] PMCID PMC2933291 Free PMC Article
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`021279012 09 12.02 AM
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`§ White tea extract mduces apontosis
`In non-small celt mg cancer c PUWE”
`§ White and green teas. (CameHia
`5men5i5 var. smenaisj. vaflatn PWJMW
`§ White tea (Camema smensls
`Kumze) exerts neuroprotectxol PUWEU
`§ Neureprotectlve effects of wmte tea
`against oxxdatwe stress-induc WW9”
`§ Effects of the aqueous extract of
`whxte tea (Came||\a smensis) “HUME”
`See mare
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