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`n( Hlof
`BPR Health International
`P.O. BOX 34385
`WASHINGTON DC 20043-9998
`Please provide in all correspondence:
`1. Filing date, serial number, mark and
`applicant's name.
`2. Date ofthis Office Action.
`3. Examining Attomey's name and
`Law Oflioe number.
`4. Your telephone number and e-mail
`Applicant has appealed the trademark examining attorney’s refusal to register the trademark SPRAY
`PHARMACY. Registration was refused under Section 2(e)(1) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. Section
`1052(e)(l) on the ground that the mark is merely descriptive of the goods.
`On February 12, 2004 applicant BPR Health International filed an intent-to—use trademark application
`seeking registration on the Principal Register of the mark SPRAY PHARMACY for a “housemark for a
`full line of homeopathic preparations for human use; homeopathic preparations for the treatment of
`respiratory conditions; stress fatigue and emotional conditions; skeletal and connective tissue conditions;
`digestive and intestinal conditions; neurological conditions; blood and circulatory conditions; skin
`infectious diseases; eye conditions; allergic conditions; urological conditions;
`conditions; dental conditions; organ therapy; balancing the immune system and hormone production;
`infections; bacterial
`chronic disorders; degenerative disorders;
`file ://'\\ticrs-ais-0 1\ticrsexport\HtrnlToTifiInput\OOA0O0 1 2005_l 2_09_1 1_02_46_TTABO . ..
`Page 2 of 5
`enviromnental pollution and detoxification conditions; pain, headache, migraine and neuralgia;
`energy levels due to viral
`infections or imbalances of glandular functions;
`insomnia; smoking
`withdrawal; caffeine withdrawal; weight loss; bedwetting; motion sickness; all for human use.”
`In an Office Action mailed May 14, 2004, the examining attorney refused registration of the mark under
`Trademark Act Section 2(e)(l) as being merely descriptive of the goods, and required the applicant to
`provide additional information under Trademark Act Section 2.61(b). On November 12, 2004, the
`applicant responded, providing the required information and arguing against the refusal to register. The
`applicant also entered a voluntary disclaimer of SPRAY. On November 26, 2004, the examining
`attomey issued a Final Office Action with respect to the Section 2(e)(1) refusal. The applicant noted the
`instant appeal on May 26, 2005 and filed its appeal brief on July 25, 2005. The file was forwarded to
`the examining attorney for statement on August 1, 2005. However, a page was discovered missing from
`the applicant’s appeal brief. The missing page was submitted on August. 23, 2005, and the file was once
`again forwarded to the examining attorney for statement, this time on September 13, 2005.
`The only issue on appeal is whether the mark SPRAY PHARMACY, when used on or in connection
`with the applicant’s goods, is merely descriptive of them.
`The applicant’s mark, SPRAY PHARMACY, immediately describes a feature of its goods, namely, that
`they are pharmacy goods in the form of sprays. A mark is merely descriptive under Trademark Act
`Section 2(e)(l), 15 U.S.C. 1052(e)(1), if it describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function,
`feature, purpose or use of the relevant goods or goods. In re Gyulay, 820 F.2d 1216, 3 USPQ2d 1009
`(Fed. Cir. 1987); In re Bed & Breakfast Registry, 791 F.2d 157, 229 USPQ 818 (Fed. Cir. 1986); In re
`MetPath Inc., 223 USPQ 88 (TTAB 1984); In re Bright-Crest, Ltd, 204 USPQ 591 (TTAB 1979);
`TMEP section 1209.01(b).
`Applicant has voluntarily disclaimed exclusive rights to the term SPRAY,
`thereby conceding the
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`Page 3 of 5
`descriptiveness of the term in relation to the goods. PHARMACY is merely descriptive of not just
`phamiacies themselves, but also of goods sold in a pharmacy, pharmacy items. This is made clear by
`the ten registrations the examining attorney attached to the first office action which have the descriptive
`word PHARMACY disclaimed for various Class 5 goods. These registrations tend to show that the
`Office has treated this temi as descriptive in the past and that other parties using the term PHARMACY
`to refer to vitamins, supplements, and medications for treating a variety of ailments have acknowledged
`the descriptiveness of the term for such goods.
`As noted above, applicant’s preparations treat respiratory conditions; stress fatigue and emotional
`conditions; skeletal and connective tissue conditions; digestive and intestinal conditions; neurological
`conditions; blood and circulatory conditions; skin conditions;
`infectious diseases; eye conditions;
`allergic conditions; urological conditions; female conditions; dental conditions; organ therapy; balancing
`the immune system and hormone production; viral
`infections; bacterial
`chronic disorders; degenerative disorders; environmental pollution and detoxification conditions; pain,
`headache, migraine and neuralgia; low energy levels due to viral infections or imbalances of glandular
`insomnia; smoking withdrawal; caffeine withdrawal; weight
`loss; bedwetting; motion
`sickness. Many of the above-noted registrations are for preparations for treating the same conditions.
`For example, Reg. No. 1799935 for BDI’s MINI PHARMACY includes sleep aids, appetite
`suppressants, diet aids and pain killers; Reg. No. 2042245 for PHARMACY CLASSICS includes
`analgesics, motion sickness medication, sleep disorder medication and eye drops; and Reg. No. 2538961
`for MELALEUCA PHARMACY lists allergy relief medication, oral and topical analgesics, anti-
`inflammatories and athlete’s foot preparations. Since a disclaimer of PHARMACY was deemed
`appropriate in all of these cases, the office takes the position that PHARMACY in the instant mark is
`likewise merely descriptive.
`Applicant. counters that third party registrations are not conclusive on the question of descriptiveness.
`The examining attorney has never claimed that they are conclusive, but rather that they tend to show that
`the Office has treated this term as descriptive in the past and that other parties using the term have
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`acknowledged its descriptiveness. Accordingly, while not conclusive, the existence of numerous prior
`registrations wherein the term at issue has been disclaimed for the same or similar goods is strong
`evidence that the term is descriptive of the goods.
`In addition to the evidence of third party disclaimers of PHARMACY, the examining attorney also
`attached various dictionary definitions. According to Merriarn—Webster’s online dictionary, attached to
`the November 26, 2004 final refusal, “pharmacy” is defined, among other things,
`“Pharmacopoeia 2,”
`the “2” referring to pharmacopoeia definition number 2, which is “a collection or stock of drugs.” Since
`applicant’s goods are a housemark for a full line of preparations for treating a wide variety of conditions,
`applicant’s goods could be said to be a collection or stock of drugs. Accordingly, PHARMACY is
`merely descriptive of the goods based on dictionary definitions as well.
`Applicant argues that
`stock of drugs” is an obsolete definition for “pha.rmacopoeia,” and attaches to
`its brief one dictionary in which the definition is listed as “Obs. However, the examining attorney
`attaches hereto four additional dictionary definitions, of which the Board is requested to take judicial
`notice, none of which show “a collection or stock of drugs” to be an obsolete definition. TBMP Section
`712.01, and cases cited therein including University of Notre Dame du Lac v. J. C. Gourmet Food
`Imports Co., 213 USPQ 594 (TTAB 1982), aff‘d, 703 F.2d 1372, 217 USPQ 505 (Fed. Cir. 1983) and
`Marcal Paper ll/fills, Inc. v. American Can C0,. 212 USPQ 852 (TTAB 1981) allow the Board to take
`judicial notice of dictionary definitions. The Merriam-Webster ’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition is
`copyrighted the same year as the applicant’s dictionary (1999), and The New 0)tf0rd American
`Dictionary and The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition are both
`newer than applicant’s dictionary. The examining attorney also notes that both the Merriam—Webster"s
`Collegiate Dictionary and the Webster ’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language
`Unabridged show “pharmacopoeia” as a definition for “pharmacy.”
`For the foregoing reasons, the refusal to register on the basis of Section 2(e)(1) of the Trademark Act, 15
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`U.S.C. Section 1052(e)(1) on the ground that the mark is merely descriptive of the goods should be
`Respectfully submitted,
`/James T. Grifi'1n/
`Examining Attorney, Law Office 103
`Informal communications only:
`jim.griffm@uspto. gov
`Michael Hamilton
`Managing Attorney
`Law Office - 103
`file://\\ticrs-ais-01\ticrsexport\HtrnlToTifiInput\OOA000l2005_12_09_1 1_02_46_TTABO...
`E D I TI 0 N
`Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`Springfield. Massachusetts. U.S.A.
`The New Oxford
`American I)ictionary
`Elizabeth J. Jewell
`Frank Abate
`\JNl\'8lSl1"l |‘kli$S
`.\’ewYork Oxford
`Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogota BuenosAirea Cape‘I'own
`Chennai Dnressal.-ram Delhi Florence Hongkong Istanbul Karachi
`Kollt.-rta KnalaLumpur
`Melbourne MexicoCity Mumbai Nairobi
`850 Paulo Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto Warsaw
`and associated companies in
`Berlin Ibodan
`“ W A
`The r\"er.v Oxfiard American Diczirmary is based on the New Oxford
`Dicnimary of Euglirls, published in the United Kingdom in I998.
`copyright to 2001 by Oxford University Press. Inc.
`Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.,
`198 Madison Avenue.
`New York, New York 100 l 6
`www. arlwxforrd. am:
`Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
`stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
`electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
`the prior permission of Oxford University Press.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Data available
`ISBN 0-l9~5l 1227~X (thumb index)
`This book includes some words that are, or are asserted to be, proprietary
`names or trademarks. Their inclusipn does not imply that they have
`acquired for legal purposes a nonproprietary or general significance, nor is
`any other judgment implied concerning their legal status. In cases where
`the editor has some evidence that a word is used as a proprietary name
`or trademark, this is indicated by the designation lradetwlt, but no
`t concerning the legal status of such words is made or implied
`the-reb .
`Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper
`L; ,
`4 ‘a
`or sound wave) and either 2 fixed reference pain‘ 0
`the states or cycles of another system with ymch
`may or may not be in synchrony,
`pa. [ttms] (utu. be phased] ‘I carry our (m E
`gradual stages: (hr work 0 being pkctedoogrg mm’.
`years i [as 4‘) (phased) .2 pituud tmlidmmi gm”
`I (phase something lnlom) introduce into (cu gm
`draw from) use in gradual stages: our armed fa.‘
`2 Flinn sdittst the phase of (something), esp, 3, “‘
`synchronize it with something else.
`-PHRASES In (orotnot) phase being or happgnh‘
`(or out. 00 synchrony or harmony: the cans... no
`-0RlGl.\' early 19th cent. (denoringeach aapcctuu
`moon): from French phase. based on Greek ptm, «,.
`penance.‘ from the base of pltninein ‘to show.‘
`PC3880 an-glo -ts. Physics an angle representing . dim
`once in phase, 360 degrees (21: radians) co;-(upon
`ing to one complete cycle.
`phplanet to the sun anito mm
`light supplied by the condenser to as to earn,“ ,
`outlines of the sample, or the boundaries be...‘
`parts dillering in optical density.
`phase dl-a-gram m. Cttenistry a diagram reprg;¢m_.-
`the limits of stability of the various phases in . an
`cal system at equilibrium, with respect to out“
`such as composition and temperature.
`phase-Ioclt vs. time.) Elooxmi: 6: the frequency of.
`oscillator or a laser) relative lo a stable oseillng.
`lower frequency by a method that utilizes a corn“
`signal derived from the phase difference gencnug
`any shift in the frequenq-.
`In. sum
`phase modvtrolo-tlon l,miia‘Issmnl
`means of carrying infomintion such as an audio ~
`phase-out l’l1I.zowt| an. an act of discontinue:
`process. pmiect. or service irvpl-mes.
`phat-or l
`‘hazel -n.1 anlnstrumeotthatslm
`sound signal by phasing it.
`2 (in science Fiction) a weapon that delivers ; 5.
`that can stun or atuiihilste.
`numbers of phases, constituents. and degrees an
`dons in a chemical system.
`phase space on. Phyucs a multidimensional spgg
`which each axis corresponds to one of the coordin
`required to specify the state of a physical system
`the coordinates being thus represented so that I p
`in the space corresponds to a state of the system.
`phaoslc :'f:zilt§ uti. olor relating to .1 phase or p
`Idtiefly Physiology characterized by occurrence in p
`es rather than continuously: pliant and wax u
`pharlflg |'l'lziml on. the relationship between
`timing of mu or more events. or the aditmment oi
`relationship: graphical tedtniqtm were um! to inter:
`the pharinl of 0017?: lighu.
`I the modification of the sound signal from so elt
`guitar or other electronic instrument by introdx
`a phase shift into either of (wt) copies or it and
`recombining them. I the action of dividing s
`task or process into seven! stages: the phasing .
`ounall pwjm.
`PI|I80ml°d8 Mzztnidal
`‘I Entomohgy an order (
`sects that comprises the stick insects and leaf in:
`They have very long bodies that resemble tv-1:
`2 Zoology a class of nematodes that includes the
`side hookworms and roundworrns. Also called SI
`-DEIUVATIVES phaa-mld rind,
`-ORIGXN modem Latin (plural), from Latin pi
`‘apparition; llrom Greek.
`pha-sot |'t‘.lz:rl un. Ohysa: a line used to repnea
`complex electrical quantity as a vector.
`-ORIGIN 1040s: from mass, on the pattern Of‘
`phat |l'2t.l neg ulaasung excellent: a phat and
`-otttam 1970s (originallyusedto describe aw:
`in the sense ‘setty, attractive‘): ofuneertain oriil
`phat-lo Vtztiki eon. denoting or relating to Ian
`used for general purposes of social interaction."
`than to convey information or ask questions.’ ‘
`once: such as Iuflo, hm rm_wu> and mu mount.
`it.’ are phatic.
`-0 are t N 1920:: from Greek photos ‘spoke
`phazikor ‘afi'irm't.n3.‘
`fl _i2s2
`cerned with the effect of genetic factors on reactions
`M ‘T1185-
`l.l§mu‘lt‘a‘yi:sel_ tn the branch
`of knowledge concerned with medicinal drugs ob-
`rained from plants or other natural sottrces.
`-D3lllVATlVI-‘.5 fl t—snt| n.
`-carom mid l9ll’t cent.-.trornnwusaoo-‘otdrugs'
`9» goons ‘knowledge.’
`l.l1t-moltold'nep‘)tsl oplutal n.
`the branch oi’ pharmacology eon-
`[treated as sag.)
`certtedwiththenwvement old:-ugswithinthebody.
`-DERIVATIVES phu-ma-co-It!-not-lo I-tlkl HQ.
`phat-mo-col-o-gy -,.l§rm:'k5la§et M. the branch of
`medicare concerned with the uses. effects. and modes
`of scnon of drugs.
`-l)EKlV.\TlVES ottoman-eodogvlc I.l§rrrtalts'l$iil:l
`n; l ;,firm:«k:'liitlt2ll ill-snhah
` " i.l3rmalta‘liiik(:)le| atnzphonntno
`cot-o-out I-list: n.
`-oatom carry l8th cent: from modern latin phar-
`ntaoalogio, from Greek plutmtakmt ‘drug.’
`p l.finn=ka'p¢:l (also shortne-
`oopola) so a book. esp. an oficial publioaoion, eon-
`directions for their use.
`I a stock of medicinal drugs.
`-otuom early nth cent: modern Latin, from Greek
`pltot-ttz.wpot‘t‘a ‘an of preparing drugs.‘ based on photo-
`mahon ‘drug’ 6 -pom matting.‘
`l,l'irnt=In‘*ruerape| us. medi-
`cal treatment by means of drop.
`phat-t-M-cy rlarmasel on. (rt. 40:) s Store where
`trtedidnal drugs are dispensed and sold.
`perusing of medicinal drugs.
`-otnom late Middle English (denoting die adminis-
`trationofdrus-t): l':omOld Frencbfianntaes'¢.viamodi-
`eval Lttin from Greek pltomuslu-s'a ‘practice of the
`drugzist.‘ based on phannakou ‘drug.’
`PM-ma Pfetosl a lighthouse. ofiea considered one of
`(308446 ac) in c.zao at: on the island ofhmroa. or!
`the coast at Alexandria.
`Itastil (phutmalightbotneotabescon to guide
`Phat!‘ lfirl acityirisouthzrnT=xas,intheR3oGrande
`valley; pop. 32.92l.
`pm-tyn-go-at I,fa‘rini(e):l; ,f8fin'i¢3ll >04. of or re
`luring to the pharynx.
`I Phonetic (of a speech sound) produced by articulat-
`ture of certain consonants in Arabic. for example.
`Ill. Fhmsas a pharyngeal consonant.
`-oatowearly 19th cent; from modern lalinphcrym
`gun (from Greek phanatx.pbaruu(~ ‘thtoat') 4* -AL
`l-he §fa'rinieo,llsl H. [mm] Phonetics ar-
`ticulate (a speech sound) with constriction of the
`-DERIVATIVES phe-tyrt-go-al-l-to-Qlon lf:’nnirali
`‘xtsrtattl ti
`a l.l1:rin'iltisI vn. thdono inilamrmtion
`of the pharynx. causing a sore throat.
`pharyngo- vouufitmm of or relating to the pharynx:
`-ORXOIN from modern Lain plmyvtx. phorynp.
`l‘l'2r1'n:ksl on (pl. phuyngoa arsrinlez: or
`pharytutu) Anatomy at Zoology the membrane-lined
`cavity behind the nose and mouth. connecting them
`to the esophagus.
`I Zoology the part of the alimentary anal immediately
`behind the mouth in ‘invertebrates.
`-otuom late 17th cent: tnodern Latin. from Greek
`phl8O lfltzl no.1 9 distinct pertod or stage in s proc-
`ess of change or forming part cl‘ something/‘t develop-
`ment: tlufinalphawo/thnmrl faaafl plmuttooofrhe
`dr-veloputmt is in progress.
`I a stage in a person’: psycltologicsl development,
`esp, a period of temporary unhappiness or diffintlty
`during adolescence or a particular stage during
`childhood: you on not obtesud. but you on going
`through a pltou. I each of the aspects of the
`moon on planet. according to the amount of its il-
`hirnination, esp. the new moon, the fint quarter, the
`full moomand the last quarter. Iflidtneschofthe
`separate events in an eventing competition.
`2 zoology a genetic or seasonal variety ofan animal’:
`Iastaseinthelifecycleorannuslcycleofan animal.
`3 Onttistry 4 distinct and homogeneous form of matter
`(i.«.. a particular solid. liquid. or gas) separated by its
`surface Erom other forms.
`sivetutesorcyde-tohnoscillstingorrepeating sys-
`tem (such as an alternating electric current or a light
`French jontasmagom. [mm /Qmrasuu ‘pltu\t8Itl|' 4- a
`fanciful sufiht.
`phun-ust en. -artant spelling oft‘~AtsrAs1'.
`phan-to-ay on. variant spelling of nuns! (restricted
`to archaic uses or, in modern use. to the fields of psy~
`etiology and psychiatry).
`phan-tom rfenmn:
`tn. a ghost: a phantom who
`lmtnttt lonely mod: i lunlfive the renrrist andwvtsrruootx
`pdrticxuwnmcupiianwmttn 19410 [aural apltoncout
`la figxnenlofthtimlginxfionzllllrttdwdtaidlc
`phanwmr/rum his Iteodotrdgtnspreolityl [aid] at
`unnmt rufirtvd from plmmaur pain the no pltyriciast
`could ewrfind. Ila: ail denoting a fmartcial ar-
`rangement or transaction that has been invented {or
`fraudulent purposes but that does not really exist: In:
`tfiotrud an errr.-smml ¥l,500.000 into “pJuvttow"b¢tth
`' ancomlu. I [as ad.) denoting something. esp. rome-
`mid of pltaarrom witlldrotwit/'rtm cash machinist.
`carom Middle English (also in the sense ‘illusion,
`.deIus'ton‘): from Old French fmtnmtu. based on Greek
`tpltasttomo (see MIAIIYABII).
`still there.
`phat. (also Phat.) >&. I pharmaceutical. I pluton-
`cology. I pharmacopoeia. I pharmacy.
`Phat-aots |'ter,o; ‘am (also pnatoott) us a rule: in
`ancient Egypt.
`l.l'e:1‘nilt| an
`-carom Middle En¢lish:viaeeelesiaso'cal Lstinfrom
`Greek Phamé, from Hebrew par’
`. fiom Egyptian
`pv~‘o ‘great house.‘
`yellowish African mt that has established itsellwotld~
`-Mostosnonluu phmoano. (asnily Fortnicidae.
`-ottiom so named because such ants were believed
`(erroneously) to be one of the plagues of ancient
`Phat-ooh hound III. a hunting dog or a short-coated
`tan-colored breed with large, pointed ears
`havebeen am introduced to Malta and Gone (a Mal-
`tese island) by Phoenician sailors.
`Phanfl. riot. Bachelor of Pharmacy.
`Phnt.D. ssbbt. Doctot of Pharmacy.
`Phat-t-ueo i‘l‘:era.se| on. a member ofsn ancient Jew-
`ish sect, disdnguished by strict observance of the tra-
`ditional and written law, and cotnrrtonly hold to have
`pretensions to superior sanctity.
`I s self-righteous person; a hypocrite.
`The Pharisees arernentionedonlybyjooephusandirt
`the New‘l‘estametit. Unlike the Saddueecs.who tried
`to apply Mosaic law strictly, the Pharisees allowed
`some lieedom or interpretation. Although in the Gas-
`Sadduoees to the nascent Church, with ‘mica they
`shared beliclin the Resurrection.
`-DERlV.\‘l"lVES ?hlt'|~It-|c1,!'2r9’sIiklu1;Phll"¥
`an-l-cal |,fiers‘saikall um; Phat-6-so-ism I-safizzml n.
`-OMGIN Old English /mans. via ecclesiastical mm
`from Greek Pituriroior. from Anrrtaic pviiayyd ‘sepa-
`rated ones’ (related (0 Hebrew pdnll ‘sepu-ated‘).
`Phanll. >not. Master oi Pharmacy.
`pltatm. now. I pharmaceutical. I pharmacology.
`I pharmacopoeia. I pharmacy.
`pharvma-eoirtl-cal |.tinm‘ia>tiksll ms. of or relat-
`ing to medicinal drugs, or their preparation, use. or
`un. (usu. pharmaceuticals) ll compound rnanui‘:c-
`turcd for use as a medicinal drug.
`u (ptnmtaeoutlcola)
`companies manufacturing
`medicinal drugs.
`-DERIVATIVESw 1-(a)lt| silt;
`ptsnrtnl-ecu-tics 5'-sdbtiluy n.
`-oitlom mid 17th cent: via late Latin from Greek
`pliarmalreunitox (from pharntalutulr ‘dmg:iIt.' from
`phamtakovt ‘dru¢’) 4' -It.
`phat-tn:-ch! l'fin-nosistt ill. a person who is profes-
`sionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal
`phartmoo vcottelatu relating to drup:pIaum:ogu-
`-ontotNfrurnGreeltpltomuhon‘dru, medicine.‘
`!,l!rmzhodl‘nzrnikal upb-
`nln. [treated as sing] the branch olpharrnsoologycom
`-nentvATrvas Haiti 4
`cs i,l'lrmatoia‘tte:ih| opium
`[mated as mg.) the branch of pharmacology con-
`1 -
`of the English Language
`FOURTH eDm;o‘N}
`Boston New'York
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`‘nominal~); was-co~1oln~i-«sac \.§aa1j.a‘1:m2dE\
`n pl.
`can [M,. 1:.
`phutuoh uni
`mryngnax bone: arc united and wnéczx are vww mu. placed in
`an me. M’: as rcguiar Pharaoh -~1o'.m Checvcr) (that musk! Q xmarmm-co-vc«d!c \§-<u:}>2Sdi3<. -<13“k\ ad} : oi or renting to
`utcoidca -~ phar~yn-gog-1:2-luonza \}-ac‘:-n'.)'.!\aa\ czti
`and Fhawah vi :3 ca mm -~’i'):mm Am) 2 (mm. at F
`.haxn~.:u-npcuia oz so pmrrnxgcmmgwa
`figaraax:er3:jaraonr archaic : mm
`:24}fatstay in court pm-ryn-Kn-Xo¢~iocn1 \:a:rxu;;a;1’:i;‘:a&.-=>1\ ad} : at or rclzuzir-,3in
`non cut or phnraohm antlu. «Jun cap I’ : 2 um um ant 3
`(NJ. yfwrvgactipctfm + 13. -Jrx] :
`:1-ac xriexxsélzc study oi txmgx
`fislmwmyzzum mzrusnin mm 1.4 a common hxmschold pest
`and mcdicmal :vr;:puxxxi:>nx
`§1m'-vneaol-o-xv \gar:=;r;::m'é. -11 also .52:-\ as -221 [ma-.nyny.
`nhamohs cm onor 9):.aranh‘.s nenmusk cup!’ :w1rmN phar~mA~c0opa0o{n «£19 phat-nm-co-xgcxa \»* ‘»i(y)o\ n «s’- + -my) : a hmr.¢l:0!mczliraz5:$cncuut.uing;u1me p'h:m;n1
`INL. Sr. Lbi pas/mazkopaiéa gmzpargmun nl
`rugs, tr. Gk mu: is: discastsx
`ntmtaonw 113 A, us» can P : swrcmou. 1
`.cpagiag drug; (it. ;ne-;zr:2m!¢u~ nh<.:r::a:n:o- +
`pita-ryrn o-sxallzaliue arch \r:Zfia(.>13«‘5 + -\ :; (NI, ."7’:.rx_;.,,.t,,,,
`gxlmratthk tuouxe orplxnmoms ratn,:.xa tap P : macommon
`1»: ma mg,
`r. main in mahué + -m «y ~« more ‘at run")
`: cxuwr at 12:: <,xo.v:.crim' piunxs ‘:13 um iuucczs;
`{:1 of dams, cixmxxicats. and
`also : an: arch harmed by mm
`medxcyrxai p:cp:xra;wuu mm dusaripuom of mm. new car vim-nm«go~ l~:\«!x~nn:: \Y~‘a,d13§:i5.p2122‘!fn3s\
`.22. p1 phmvu.
`ichncumon of Egypt and zuiynccm rcgxom
`: 3 book cauxrainjmz 3 macaw
`their xécn'.uy_. purny, am) szrcilgkix. and Iormutax (or making
`gopalau-ax \~2.x'1‘i\ [$14. it.
`'? :xxL/ui«a.s' gmlminv}
`nhanotfgl serum! or phamolvs scrpatxts or_DI1AraoX\"5 sch
`lhs proyaxzlmm: exp 2 one issued hy‘c!!is:i::l audwrixy an
`: one at lhc laxugizugtmsar muss
`mum’ mg 3 22. um cap I’ : a fiftjkafk muazszmg of pclmcd
`rccosuzlawd as u amudaxn 3 : a '::al1ec:xc-n at stock at drugs
`the m1: pnlam and mycrging mm ma; xhymxd carxilagc
`um-mzry \:xmnyan;!m that an bummg cxpmds manly :0 yicid
`3 parom sgrpentinc nfih
`pnzuwmn-no-v51e~In1 \:ny;p§{y)a1\ ad} : at agrciaung cu A pha-ryn-:;o~sccpe \sa‘um.:<a.tk“d~,»\ n
`K1. 1:. phclynga .9
`Vmrmucopocm : wzurdxzsgxa the p!;:‘4m:.'n“(moqxu
`2 an 5I1$1mr:'.cn3 for ms wsung; I m pharynx
`pisaa-rzr.::i:g::. Ir. pharatm prxznrgxuh. {r. LL Pmmanv, marca!
`phat-a-on-xc \:!crfi;!uu‘-c. ‘.ta§a)x-. ‘,fin‘-. -:E:«\ M}. ma tag (I-
`:01. rclzmngzo. ox cbnracxuisucof fl péuraohor me p?nr:nhs V p at-ma-(co-poe-1.-at \.us‘pE§31\ n -3: : 3 commie: ox n gnu. pmxqmx \"i1:.¢;;;,(k;, 49,3. 9 w -m-._ M-,,‘,,_,.,,;1 -nmgk,
`‘law or me s\ n, ;,- pua-rym cs \(a’n'x:é.)z<‘:z\ aim pxm.
`D!1a1't:\‘ft(a)l{:)r ’te:,;:\ 21 MP. £\'.L:.-Imm:,¥r. Gk;:Is.:ro:—«
`mom a: ruaum : umxos (almuoons I vmk _xa xhc ~ -~ pnnx-ma-con-0-Km \.mtm2‘k21 mat, .!am-
`:: ~13 {L pkur,m-‘:-
`macs (Ni. }mmx;~.
`. Gk‘ throes. - harynx; akin
`cumin $t.'11«:t or drug» (fr. Gkiéifiarnwicaga 4 1:. ::hurm4$:o-
`3}. ON barfirfzimsm. w?i)t‘I(:fi|}§p¢. L {rm-mt !av'yni. mmax. G).
`ph‘a»re-o-dus \h'rtad::s\ 2:, cap (Nb. won. (1: Gk-3:316?!-i
`pkuxrmncw ‘P ~ya!(*‘a5c1l:c lnxaéletnoaci,
`ti» ia~lx1~—mo«ca:
`fiharcztx guiiy. chum. 1. ;zurune to bore -— more :1 yuan)
`fawjmcjotb, mzmlg,4- bu. ‘oa‘u:’-zwugttmnjl:9 taunt0
`s.mz~‘oro:.v1x:rc).«a!c : am:who 54:11: signs; 2 A1'(7TIl!LC4\xY
`n : the pan af :3”: alxmeumry qagual hclwtcn ah:-.‘ cavny oi
`osszl hzsha» Qaumly Ontcufiomdac) vudciy éxsznbuxed in nnar-mtg~co«sidcmo \:-u an :u:.y;;4,\c<a- +\ :1 (G pI:am:a-
`xhcmmnh and theesnphesus am: :3 m man 4 comcai xrx~.m:u3o~
`Eocene Iarvrznuom
`;i:aryvm3:n- ph:n:stxto~ -§- zfzlzrfl ndtmc] : a
`zgtcmbraaous {vim Rboul four and 2: !ul( irahcs mug. mn-
`1 3;:-e-1rpn<;’)};!nro..xmn\ «:11[NL Pkdlefnintx} : oz or r:-
`{mncrfll |“c3(:\s0¢}a(0§i3;.51'l10zomistinzofeahfdroux basic
`nnuuuxhaimve. wizis me, mouzh 13:! mass! gassam, mmmumh
`was an ma V
`run_ nncnnvc common y occurring in teen (3: ye} mm‘; gram ' caring 1 uugh the cxx¥1nrifian tube: xvhh 1 c can. and cxscnd~
`lemme \"\ :2 ~52 it sponge 01 the mung Phaxuroncs
`cum crystal: (hnrdxms; 2.5,
`ins; §1ow:\w’ar<.! 93:: the opcnim: imp lhc aarynx so the lower
`3 goeouo-nos \¥u~‘1.~6{.}r:Ez\ u 91, cgap LNL. :r.,3.éaimrégm nnar-Ign-so-utcraneuuc \‘ +
`or vhax-maoco‘-ihexapcufi:
`borne: o! 132::cncoic -:.mnngc_wum. at is car uoxxs wim xiv:
`gun-1:1’, {:2 Gk.
`r. abstain an bear -9-
`-Im, sufhx wmxua
`can \ +\ u:1j(pi2qnnm:o~ 1;
`c.w;:_ {rims Dljht‘ cv.rne,<mnJux;a, gran uf :h-
`rm:-n",< x: ml
`xxm13m~.cnx... mart:
`:1; unit} : ncgmup of sponges gtrlags
`pr value: ca! urugx an me trcaxnnnz of aiuscasa
`in Wittch ;h: g:‘
`9: wm.er~{<,m:xu:axxg, w-.-acts aux, us ha-.1ge~J
`that are thank-wall
`and have aha: asvwukx pnar-Inn-codhcranentlc: \“+\ a 3:! {mi sing at pi In canur
`2 : 1 umm-nuagesi part a{ the nfiznczmxry «.~.::~..n m man; In»
`muted in a ngfd 13¢:-.vurk ~— vhano-t{o~um \tn§og\ad\ 33:1}
`(.vhanmca~ -‘1- xr.:2rupm:Ic:) : the ztwapeuxic asplsbi at phah
`vcxmbrascs that §5_.~.a3r:s:-mméy 2hiv:’xcncx| and naziwtxiar or in
`'1 mu’-i-an \‘f2x(n)rézn\ ax .1-1snm;a{L -*
`rind (RG3:paarm‘, mawlow
`some worms cvcmick emu xooxhcu or adapted as an mcxuriai
`: of or xeiauny. to the phat-Ina-covllm
`r. Jfharns Iisxyptiznn iyhn )
`v!‘ E «tn
`mpg \"~v\ :1 US‘? plsanmws + {lumpy} mans
`gxuxcsuia or xmtzcnx xslaxsd or Phnms 8 aacmvic : saavrnm I
`: the trxmmcnx oi ‘mane wixh drugs
`nhns-M \'f£z:i\ ddj{193!mte, 4: -an : !‘flA§}(1
`2 marina \"\ a -5 :2:
`,arc?.-211a: mvrm:-z 1
`\’x‘armaa6, ‘mm-, ~s<‘z\ n -3: (ME nrmtfr, in MP nuns-eugm-la \f:x“s§{:1s;o{,‘,"'\ n. my (NL, meg. H. on p:m—
`r~1-sad: \Ilar~31s ik. vtiifk mo :(c:~\ adj(IL}. plaaflsaatut,
`Jurmacxc‘ 5. 1.1.yimmocéa, fr. Gkpiaarmak
`‘Iwla-.: pmgch «X: _;{i.:14? mwscl -~ z-tom ax <M1.|:A|
`: z genus or
`. Ir.pisamsaigan
`fr. LCi< phariwikns. fr, Gk pkariaalag Pharxse: 4» «km ~i<:!
`drug. me<1uc:3n,c, pois<>n.‘magis pmioo. charm: axing §o Lax!»
`sngan mzzkc cnmfxy arborcm iyzagolodont mmuninis com»
`1 sun cap : 0! or rclaung to the Phapxoea 2 wmvimcx cqp
`burn to curatxxce xlfivinauon or magic] ‘I : lhc mmxnmciimg ' mung the hmM1~{m2:ed nan:
`d mm0! :\u3lr~.:'.x.x
`' I‘llAMS3\KZAL Yin: ~ voice or A meaty who!
`absoxbcd ta
`0! qruv : trummnnx by dais; 2 : zhc an or g