`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Scripps Health
`600 W BROADWAY STE. 2600
`SAN DIEGO, CA 92101
`Appeal Brief
`SCRIPPS Design - Applicant's Brief (200x200).pdf ( 33 pages )(1783722 bytes )
`Katherine M. Hoffman
`/Katherine M. Hoffman/
`Applied for Mark
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Scripps Health
`SCRIPPS & Design
`Serial Number:
`June 26, 2000
`Notice of Appeal Resurned: May .9, 2006
`Applicant’s Brief Due:
`July 8, 2096
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Bex 1451
`Alexandria, VA 223 I 3~l45l
`Appiicant hereby appeals from the Examining Attorney’s refusal to register the
`above-identified mark as was set forth in Final Office Action dated September 15, 2005) and
`respectfully requests that the Trademark Trial Appeal Board reverse the Examining Attorney’s
`Applicant seeks registration on the Principai Register of its mark:
`C)‘ Scripps
`SCRIPPS and Design
`for Educationai services, namely, conducting seminars, conferences and workshops in the field
`ofhealth care, in International Class 41 ; health care services in Class 42.
`The Examining Attorney, in the Office Action dated September 15, 2005, made final
`refusal to register the present appiication on the basis that there is a iikelihood of confusion
`between Applicanfs mark and the foliowirig prior Registrations:
`Registration No. 2,099,045 for the mark THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE &
`[1 F. 5 r.\- 5: 1: is
`Registration No. 1,546,838 for the mark SCRIPPS IMMUNOLOGY REFERENCE
`The issue is whether there is a likeiihood of confusion between Appiicanfs mark,
`SCREPPS and Design and the two prior registrations, each owned by the same Registrant, The
`Scripps Research Institute of San Diego, California (“Registrant”).
`Elien Browning Scripps estabiished applicanfs parent organization, Scripps Memoriai
`Hospital, in 1924. Throughout the subsequent 75 years, numerous entities and affiiiates have
`been created by this parent not—for-profit organization, many of which incorporate the term
`“Scripps” into their trade names and trademarks.
`In 1977, the Research Institute of Scripps
`Clinic was esrabiished, which became a separate corporation under the Registranfs name in
`In 1993, the Applicant was established pursuant to a merger of various affiliates of the
`descendants of Scripps Memorial Hospital.
`See printout of relevant
`information from
`Appiicanfs website, accessible at mVw’.scrippsheaith.org, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and
`printout of relevant information from the website of Registrant, accessibie at www.scripps.edu,
`attached hereto as Exhibit B.
`The attached website pages of the parties demonstrate that the parties are clearly separate
`entities, despite their common history, which came to a close in 1993. For at least 13 years, the
`parties have coexistcd in the same city, without any challenge or dispute between them related to
`their respective marks. Applicant and Registrant have conducted their respective businesses and
`have resided in San Diego, California; the distinctly different nature of their services, as well as
`the distinctly separate channels of trade, has prevented the likelihood of consumer confusion for
`more than a decade.
`The standards for determining whether there is a likelihood of confusion are set forth in
`Application of E. 3. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 476 F.2d 1357, 1361 (C.C.P.A. $973). The
`following du Pont factors are relevant to the analysis of likelihood of confusion in this case:
`The similarity or dissimilarity of the marks in their cntirctics as to
`appearance, sound, connotation and commercial impression;
`The similarity or dissimilarity and nature of the services as described in an
`application or registration in connection with which a prior mark is in use;
`The similarity or dissirnilarity of established,
`iikelywto-continue trade
`The conditions under which and buyers to whom sales are made; and
`The extent of potential confusion.
`Aitnough ail of the above~referenced du Pont factors are relevant
`to the issue of
`likelihood of confusion, one factor can be so compelling that it alone can be dispositive of the
`issue of likelihood of confusion. Keilogg Co. v. Pacl<’em Enterprises. Inc, 21 USPQ2d 1142
`(Fed. Cir. 1991).
`Dissimilarity of the Marks
`One important factor set forth by glmumligrit in determining likelihood of confusion is the
`similarity or dissimilarity oi‘ the marks in issue. “Similarity or dissimilarity” according to do
`393}; requires an analysis of the marks in their entireties, as to appearance, sound, connotation,
`and commercial impression. While it may be appropriate in some cases when determining the
`question of iikelihood of Confusion to give greater weight to the important or “dominant” parts of
`a composite mark, “a disclaimer does not remove the disclaimed matter from the mark. The mark
`must still be regarded as a whole, including the disclaimeci matter, in evaluating sirniiarity to
`other marks.” See T.M.E.P. 1213.10 (2002 rev.).
`in this case, the additional descriptive and/or generic terms (“health,” “research institute”
`and “ir.nm.unology reference laboratory”) added to each of the marks provide additional and
`valuable information to the consumer about the nature of the parties’ respective services. These
`terms should not be discarded when comparing the overali impressions of the marks.
`Further, as shown in Exhibit A, the term “Scripps” is a family surname. Eilen Browning
`Scripps established Applicant’s parent organization, Scripps Memorial Hospital,
`in 1924.
`Surnames have been placed by the common law into that category of non-inherently distinctive
`terms that require proof of secondary meaning for protection. See McCarthy on Trademarks,
`Chapter 13, §’ersonaE Names as Marks (1997~2003). As a result,
`the term “Scripps” is not
`inherently distinctive, at not as strong and “dominant” as a trademark as the Examining Attorney
`Viewed in their entireties, Applicant’s mark SCRIPPS & Design, when compared to the
`IMMUNOLOGY REFERENCE LABORATORY, are ciearly dissimilar in appearance, sound,
`and meaning. This factor alone weighs heavily against a finding of likeiihood of confusion
`between the marks.
`Dissimilarity of the Services
`A significant factor set forth by Q; in the likelihood of confusion analysis is the
`dissirniiarity of services being provided in connection with the marks in question. Appiicant has
`applied for SCRIPPS & Design in connection with “educational services, namely, conducting
`seminars, conferences and workshops in the fietd of health care,” in lnternationai Class 41, and
`“health care services,” in Enternational Ciass 42. The Registrant’s marks cited in the Office
`Action have been registered for “scientific and rnedicai research services,” in International Class
`In the Office Action, the Examining Attorney summarily concludes that the Applicant’s
`and Registranfs services are in reiated fieids. i.e. “the health care fieid,” and therefore the use of
`Appiicant’s Mark is likely to cause confusion. Applicant respectfully disagrees with the
`Examining Attorney’s sweeping Conclusion. The health care field is vast and varied, and
`includes countless niche fields that have Very iittle in common with one another. As explained
`betow, Registrant’.s services are clearly distinguishable from those provided by Applicant.
`R:-:gistrant’s Services.
`Registrant’s services, as identified in the cited registrations, are for scientific and medicai
`research services. As supported by the attached copy of the Registranfs website, Registranfs
`services are for research in the fieids of science and bioinedicine,
`in addition to laboratory
`services. Please note the following:
`The Scripps Research institute, one of the country’s largest, private, nomprofit research.
`organizations, has aiways stood at the forefront of basic biomedical science, a vital segment of
`medical research. .
`Particularly significant
`is the Institute’s study of the basic structure and design of
`biological molecuies; in this arena TSRI is among a handful of the world’s ieading centers.
`The bulk of the lnstitute’s funding is derived from the National institutes of Health and
`federal agencies...coliaborative industrial partnerships with leading pharmaceutical
`companies provide additional
`funding in several areas key to the organization’s research
`Registrant strives to create “basic Ecnowiedge in the biosciences” and “fundamentai
`scientific advances.” Registranfs services are focused on “basic structure and design of
`biomedical moiecules” and employs professors, postdoctoral fellows, and laboratory technicians
`on staff to perform these basic scientific research functions on the molecular level. Registranfs
`services are funded by various federal agencies and leading pharmaceutical companies, which
`are interested in advancing molecular, rather than organisrnal, scientific research. See printout of
`Registrar1t’s website, attached hereto as Exhibit C.
`is clear from the Registrant’s website that its biomedical research services are not
`related to patient health care.
`In fact, Registrant does not provide patient care at all. The
`Registrant’s laboratory services are unrelated the Applicant’s hospital and health care services
`provided to patients; therefore, confusion between the parties’ marks is unlikely.
`Applicai-it’s Services.
`In contrast
`to the Registranfs molecular-level, biomedical
`research services,
`Appiicant provides services uniquely related to the professional health care of patients. See
`printout of Applicantfs website. attached hereto as Exhibit D. Applicar1t’s educationai services
`are of interest to professional health care givers, such as primary care and speciaiized medical
`doctors and nurses, and to patients as well. The purpose of the Applicant’s educational services
`is to assist professional health care providers in advancing their understanding of their field,
`namely, providing health care directly to patients, and to provide health related information
`directly to the patient. Applicant’s health care services are of interest to patients, and are
`provided in a hospital or doctor’s office setting. As mentioned in the attached website printout,
`Applicant provides care to patients at 11 clinic locations in San Diego.
`Upon comparison, it is clear that the parties’ provide distinctly different types of services
`under their respective marks. Registranfs science and research related services are used in
`scientific laboratory and research facilities and are conducted by staff scientists,
`technicians and professors. However, Applicant’s services are used by hands—on health care
`providers and patients who attend the educational seminars, and by patients who use Appiicanfs
`facilities for heaith care services.
`Various federal agencies and leading pharmaceutical companies fund Registrant’s
`services. This contrasts sharply with Applicants consumers, who are heaith care providers or
`peopie who are in need of treatment. Registrant provides its services for the specific goal of
`furthering iaboratory science and biomedical discovery. Applicant provides its services to iteaith
`care providers and patients in order to advance their education in health care provision, and to
`patients in need of care. Therefore, Applicant’s and R.egistrant’s services are used for entirety
`different purposes and are directed toward different users, with a View toward accomplishing
`completely unrelated tasks and goals. Accordingly,
`the respective services are significantly
`dissimilar and weigh heavily against a finding of likelihood of confusion.
`The distinct differences between the respective services of the Appiicant and the
`Registrant require, in and of itself, a finding that there is no likeiihood of confusion. Kellogg Co.
`v. Pael<’em Enterprises, Inc., 21 USPQ2d 1142 (Fed. Cir. 1991).
`Dissimilarity of Channels of Trade
`The Registranfis website indicates that the Registrant solely provides scientific and
`biomedical research services for the government and for ieading pharmaceutical companies. See
`Exhibit E. Converseiy, Applieanfs services will be provided directly to health care providers or
`patients at the health facility. The users of Applicanfs services will choose to go to the
`educational seminars or receive health care treatment, and will therefore understand the exact
`nature and purpose of the service they are receiving and, most importantiy, the source of that
`service. Therefore, since both the Applicant’s and the Registranfs services are targeted to
`different end-users, there is not any tikelihood of confusion between their respective marks due
`to the distinct nature of their channels of trade.
`is highly unlikely that the consumer of
`Registrants services, such as a high-level biomedical research scientist, would be confused and
`iiiadvcrtciltly seek Applic-ant‘s faciiities for patient health care treatment.
`Extent of Potential Confusion
`The final relevant dywfjgg factor is whether there has been any actual confusion regarding
`source of the parties’ services, and what is the extent of that potential confusion. The Applicant
`submits that, to its knowledge and belief, it does not know of any actual confusion to date,
`despite at least 13 years of continuous peacefui coexistence of the parties in the relatively small
`community of San Diego. Moreover, because the parties’ respective services are so different, in
`the event
`that one party’s purchaser encounter the other party’s services (although highly
`improbable), the mistake would be readily apparent, and confusion regarding source would not
`The Registrant and the Applicant, although legaliy separate entities in highiy differing
`businesses, have worked together, and continue to work together, to maintain the vaiue of their
`separate marks by curbing any potential confusion. Registrant and Appiicant do not have any
`dispute related to each other’s trademark use. Neither Registrant nor Applicant has challenged
`or opposed the other’s use of its mark, despite the Eengthy 13-year period of coexistence in the
`same city.
`It is well settled that “when those most familiar with use in the marketplace and most
`interested in precluding confusion enter agreements designed to avoid it, the scales of evidence
`are clearly tilted.
`It is at least difficult to maintain a subjective View that confusion will occur
`when those directly concerned say it won’t.” See E.l. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 476 F. 2d
`$357, 1362 (C.C.?.A. 1973).
`Applicant submits that for these may reasons set forth above, SCRIPPS & Design is
`registerable on the Principal Register. Applicant believes that the present application is proper in
`ail respects and requests that the Mark be published for opposition.
`Katherine M. Hoffman, Esq. \
`Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP
`600 West Broadway, Suite 2600
`San Diego, California 92101
`Telephone: (619) 533~7392
`Attorney for Appticant/Appeliantz
`Scripps Fact File - Health S€l‘(\‘;"?S Network
`Page 1 ot‘6
`The history of the five acute~care hospitals, two convalescent hospitals, home health care
`services, affiliated physicians, outpatient facilities and several affiliated businesses that comprise
`Scripps began with the formation of Mercy Hospital in 1890 and Scripps Hospital and Scripps
`Metabolic Clinic in 1924.
`Regarded as San Diego's premier health care provider, Scripps is a comtnunity~based health care
`deliveiy network that includes over 2,600 affiliated physicians, five acute~care and two skilled
`nursing hospitals, outpatient facilities, home health care services, an extensive ambulatory care
`network and associated support services. Scripps is at the foreiiont of health care reform,
`pioneering a "patient first" health care delivery system dedicated to continuous improvement and
`the well being of patients and the community at large. As a result of the July 2000 reaffiliation
`with Scripps Clinic, Scripps Health now has approximately 10,000 employees and also cares for
`patients at ll clinic locations throughout San Diego County.
`The Scripps legacy dates back to 1924 when Ellen Browning Seripps founded both Scrlpps
`Memorial Hospital and Scripps Metabolic Clinic in La Jolla. Meanwhile, that same year, St.
`Joseph's Infinnary ‘cocaine Mercy Hospital and moved to its present location on Fifth Avenue in
`Hillcrest. Today, the Sctipps network includes five acute—care hospitals: Scripps Mercy Hospitai
`in Hillerest (San Diego's oldest hospital, founded in 1890), Scripps Green Hospital in La Jolla,
`Seripps Memorial Hospital Chula Vista, Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas and Scripps
`Memorial Hospital La Jolla; two convalescent hospitals--Scripps Ocean View Convalescent
`Hospital in Encinitas and Scripps Torrey Pines Convalescent Hospital in La Jolla; ambulatory
`care sites, affiliated physician offices and home health care services.
`1 890
`The Sisters of Mercy open St. Joseph's Dispensary on the corner of Sixth Avenue and
`Market Street in Downtown San Diego. The hospital moves to Eighth & University
`Avenues in Hillcrest the next year.
`Ellen Browning Scripps establishes the 44~bed Scripps Hospital and Scripps
`Metabolic Clinic on frospect Street in La Jolla.
`St. Joseph's becomes Mercy Hospital and moves to its present location on Fifth
`Avenue in Hillcrcst.
`O6/2 l/2001
`Scripps Fact File - Health Sery‘ ‘es Network
`Page 2 of6
`Scripps Memorial Hospital and Scripps Metabolic Clinic form two separate boards.
`The American Medical Association approves Mercy Hospitals new Graduate
`Medical Education Program for interns.
`Scripps Metabolic Clinic is renamed Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation.
`Mercy Clinic is established with the intent of caring for the poor, under served and
`under insured in the community.
`The new 240—bed Sczipps Memorial Hospital La Jolla (formerly Scripps Memorial
`Hospital) opens on Genesee Avenue.
`Mercy dedicates a new 1 1-story hospital on Fifih Avenue.
`Scripps completes its first medical office building on its La Jolla hospital campus.
`Mercy Hospital becomes San Diego's first paramedic base station.
`Scripps Memorial Hospital La Julia's second hospital tower is completed, bringing
`the total capacity to 363 beds. A second medical office building is also completed.
`The Scripps Clinic Medical Group is incorporated.
`The Cancer Center is established at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla.
`Scripps Clinic moves to its new site on Torrey ?ines Mesa. Included in the facility
`are outpatient offices, Scripps Green Hospital (formerly Green Hospital of Scripps
`Clinic), and research facilities.
`San Dieguito Hospital becomes Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas, adding 93
`beds to the Scripps system.
`The Scripps Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Scripps Health and Scripps Clinic,
`raises its first $1 million.
`The Pain Center established at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla.
`The Scripps Mende Well Being Center, the first storefront health education center of
`its kind in the United States, opens at University Town Center in La Jolla. Well
`Being Centers are later expanded to Encinitas (Camino Village Plaza)'and Chula
`Vista (Chula Vista Shopping Center).
`The Whittier Institute for Diabetes and Endocrinology opens on the Scripps
`Memorial Hospital La Jolla campus.
`Mercy Hospital opens a new $24.5 million Ambulatory Care Center.
`Scripps Clinic opens the Anderson Outpatient Pavilion, at 164,000 square-foot
`facility housing the Scripps Clinic Medical Group and offering outpatient services.
`Scripps Memorial Hospitals enter into an affiliation agreement with University
`Hospital (UCSD Medical Center), Grossmont Hospital and Tn‘-City Hospital (Tri-
`City Medical Center) to share University's Life Flight Helicopter Program.
`Scripps Fact File ~ Health Sery‘ ‘es Network
`Page 3 of6
`Eorrey Pines Convalescent Hospital in La Jolla becomes Scripps first skilled nursing
`The McDonald Center. a chemical dependency recovery hospital, opens on the
`Scripps Memofial Hospital La Jolla campus.
`Scripps Memorial Hospital La Joila becomes part of the county’s new Trauma Care
`The Cardiovascular Institute and Mericos Eye Institute are established on the Scripps
`Memorial Hospital La Jolla campus.
`Mercy Hospital begins a home health care program.
`The Hospital Corporation of America becomes a financial partner of Scripps Clinic
`and assumes operation of Scripps Green Hospital.
`The Mercy Hospital Foundation, the fundraising arm of Mercy Hospital, is
`Bay General Hospital Medical Center becomes Scripps Memorial Hospital Chula
`Ocean View Convalescent Hospital in Encinitas becomes Scripps' second skilled
`nursing facility.
`Green Cancer Center and Musculoskelctal Center open at Scripps Clinic.
`Scripps Memorial Hospitals begin special programs, including Women‘s Health
`Source, Business Health Institute, the Regional Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, and the
`Microsurgery and Replantation Center.
`Nobel Laureate Roger Guillernin, M.D., Ph.D., and his research team from the Salk
`Institute, join the Whittier Institute.
`The Mercy Hospital Family Birth Unit opens.
`The Heart, Lung and Vascular Center opens at Scripps Green Hospital.
`The Donald B. and Darlene V. Shiiey Sports and Health Center opens on Torrey
`Pines Mesa next to Scripps Clinic. The state—cf-the—art facility includes a fitness
`center, sports medicine center, spa—cuisine restaurant and Health Resource Center for
`wellness classes.
`The Comprehensive Prenatal Services Program begins at Scripps Memorial Hospital
`Chula Vista and is expanded to Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas in 1995.
`The Schaetzel Center for Health Education opens on the Scripps Memorial Hospital
`La Jolla campus.
`Scripps Green Hospital starts San Diego's first successful liver transplant program.
`Scripps Fact File - Health Sery’ as Network
`Page 4 of 6
`Scripps Memorial Hospitais reunite with Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation,
`fornnng the parent company Scripps Institutions of Medicine and Science. Scripps
`Memorial Hospitals acquire Scripps Green Hospital.
`The Research Institute of Scripps Clinic separates from Scripps Clinic and becomes
`The Scripps Research Institute, continuing as the basic research division of Scripps
`Institutions of Medicine and Science.
`Mercy Hospital begins CARE 2000 patient-focused redesign program for orthopedic
`and internal medicine patients. Six Mercy Health Centers are added across the
`The second phase ofMercy Hospital's CARE 2000 is completed for oncology and
`general surgery patients.
`The Cardiac Care Chest Pain Center opens in Mercy I-Iospital’s emergency
`Scripps Mernoriai Hospitals and Scripps Clinic become operating divisions of
`Scripps Health, the health care delivery arm of Scripps institutions of Medicine and
`Scripps Health acquires Scripps Menioria} Hospital East County (fonnerly Vailey
`Center Hospital in El Cajon).
`Scripps Health and Catholic Healthcare West announce plans to form a statewide
`health care alliance to affiliate Scripps and Mercy health care organizations.
`The liver transplant program at Scripps Green Hospital becomes the only MediCaI
`and Medicare approved iiver transplant program in San Diego County.
`Five advancedwcare Level II neonatal beds open in the nursery at Scripps Memorial
`Hospital La Iolla. The beds are licensed to and operated by Chiidretfs Hospital of
`San Diego.
`The Whittier Institute becomes a joint program of Scripps and UCSD and is renamed
`the Whittier Program for Diabetes and Endocrinology at UCSD and Scripps.
`Scripps Memoriai Hospital Encinitas participates in Encinitas Project CARE.
`Mercy Hospital joins Scripps, adding 520 beds, eight health care centers, more than
`2,400 ernptoyees and 943 physicians to the Scripps network.
`Behavioral medicine programs at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla and Scripps
`Mercy Hospital are restructured under one manager and care center.
`Scripps Heaith and the Scripps Clinic Medicai Group sign an agreement to
`restructure the relationship between the two, forming a strategic ailiance.
`Scripps Health becomes the eighth site in the United States, and the only one in
`Southern Caiifornia, to offer the three-year Dr. Dean Ornish Program for Reversing
`Heart Disease, an aggressive lifestyle management progarn for selected patients. The
`program is based at the Shiley Sports and Health Center on Torrey Pines Mesa in La
`Scripps Fact File - Health Services Network
`Page 5 of 6
`Scripps Green llospital and Seripps Ocean View Convalescent Hospital receive
`aecredttatlon with commendation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of
`Health Care Organiatations.
`The first ph_ase_of the Scripps Center for Women's Health, which includes 12 state-
`otlthe-art birthing suites, opens at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Iolla.
`Scripps Health, Scripps Clinic and The Scripps Research Institute join forces to
`create the Scripps Cancer Center, integrating broad-based expertise in the areas of
`basic research, clinical research, clinical cancer care and community outreach.
`The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and Scripps Health reiterate their comrnitment
`to shared philanthropy through joint sponsorship of the Scripps Foundation for
`Medicine and Science.
`Phase I installation of a system—wide virtual secure network connecting all major
`Scripps facilities is completed. ScrippsNet allows physicians and other caregivers to
`review charts and X«rays from various locations by accessing the private network.
`Scripps establishes the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, providing
`complementary therapies to traditional medical care.
`in July, construction is completed for Scripps Memorial Hospital Chula Vista’s $21
`million Emergency Room, ICU and lobby expansion and upgrade.
`Extensive contingency plans are created to address potential Y2K problems, and
`Scripps transitions to the year 2000 without incident.
`The Scripps Breast Care Center - San Diego’s first comprehensive breast center -
`opens on the campus of Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla.
`Phase II of the Scripps Center for Women's Health opens on the campus ofscripps
`Memorial Hospital La Jolla, providing a new obstetric services unit that will
`accommodate up to 5,000 annual births-Jinciuding high-risk deliveries--in state~of—
`the-art, patient-friendly iabor, delivery, recovery and postpartum rooms.
`Thanks to $3.1 million in donations, Mercy Clinic relocates to a newly renovated
`four-story location on the corner of Fifih Avenue and Washington Street in Hillcrest.
`The Clinic continues its mission of caring for poor, under served and under insured
`in the community.
`Scripps makes the difficult but necessary decision to close Scripps Memorial
`Hospital East County in order to reallocate resources to provide the highest benefit to
`the San Diego community. The hospital was operating with an average inpatient
`occupancy rate of 30 percent.
`'1’: ever. As
`The Scripps Foundation for Medicine and Science receives its largest
`the result of the sale of Tippett Hall in Del Mar, $25 million will bone t programs
`and services at Scripps Memorial Hospital La lolla. Ruth Tippett was a longtime
`supporter of and patient at Scripps La Joila.
`Scripps Health and Scripps Clinic announce their reaffiliation, uniting Scripps
`06/2 1 /2 001
`Scripps Fact File « Health Serf
`as Network
`Page 6 of6
`Clinic‘s research-driven care, medical specialty expertise and outpatient network
`with the strength and quality of Scripps Health.
`Scripps Mercy Hospital is selected as one of the 100 Top Hospitals in the United
`States by HCIA-Sachs. The award recognizes hospitals that have achieved exeelience
`in quality of care, operational efficiency and sustainability of overall performance.
`http://www. scrippshealth.org/about/history/hist.html
`The Scripps Research Institute(
`‘bout TSRI - History
`Overview of
`Researclwlajor Scientific
`TSRI - History
`back to the founding of the Scripps Metabolic Clinic in 1924 by
`While its roots
`ten Browning Scripps. The Scripps Research lnstltute's modern
`innings date to the 1955 establishment of Scripps Clinic and Research
`Foundation. when a major portion of the Clinic's limited reserves were committed
`to the construction of a new research facility and to the recruitment of top
`biomedical scientists.
`in 1961. the institution recruited pioneering immunologist Frank Dixon and four of
`his colleagues from the University of Pittsburgh. researchers who were then
`contributing insightful observations on the causes and progression of
`3:It|t'.'iiI'!il'l"|Un6 disease. to establish a Department of Experimental Pathology in La
`ram flourished and diversified
`Their work attracted others and the research p
`of blood coagulation, and
`into biochemistry and microbiology. virol
`. stu
`cancer research. From the outset, the guid ng philosophy was cllnlcai and basic
`investigations of the pathogenesis of human disease.
`In 1977 the multiple research programs that had developed were formally drawn
`together into the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic, as it had come to be
`named, and Kylie mid-19803 laboratory space had grown to some 300,000
`square feet.
`}or programs in cell and molecular hm and synthetic and
`bloorganic chemistry had developed. in addition to e
`in immunology and
`clinically oriented lnves
`ations. The Department of Neurobiology was
`established at the Institu e in the 1992.
`roster has grown. so natural has the focus and number of areas
`As the face
`of research. oday, TSRl scientists are
`eiy inves
`ting biological and.
`of more than 40 diseases. including DS. alcohoilsrn. allergy.
`Alzheimer's disease, cancer. dernentla. depression. diabetes. genetic diseases,
`hepatitis. infectious diseases. multiple sclerosis, renal disease. scleroderrne.
`Sjogren's syndrome. sleep disorders. and diseases involving neural and
`muscular degeneration.
`Among other areas of research that cross specific disease lines are those that
`involve numerous lnves
`tlons into the structure and function of proteins;
`biocatalysis and protein esign: the factors. processes and regulation of
`inflammation: and the form and working of animal and plant cells. All in all. the
`quality. scope and depth of the science conducted at the institute enable it to be
`ranked among the finest scientific research organizations in the world.
`in 1991. when Scrieryns Clinic and Research Foundation and Scripps Memorial
`Hospitals reaffiilat
`, the Research Institute became a
`under the parent organization. Scripps Institutions of Med
`tense. with
`that change its name became The Scripps Research institute. a name that will
`likely be associated with some of the greatest biomedical advances of the
`decades ahead.
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