Supreme Lour;. U.8.
`JAN 13 m
`3fn tfie Supreme Court
`of tfje Unttefc ^tatro of America
`David Andrew BARDES,
`George Walker BUSH individually, Richard Bruce
`CHENEY, individually, William Henry GATES, III,
`MICROSOFT Corporation, Lawrence Edward
`PAGE, ALPHABET, Inc., Timothy Donald COOK,
`APPLE, Inc., John and Jane DOE,
`On Petition For A Writ Of Certiorari
`To The United States Court of Appeals
`For The Sixth Circuit
`Petition for Writ of Certiorari
`David Andrew Bardes, Pro Se
`3522 Kimberly Drive, Apt. 8
`Erlanger, Kentucky 41018
`Phone: 828-577-4980


`Constitutional Question Presented
`Why does the Constitution, or laws of any
`kind, not apply to George Walker BUSH or his
`associates? Why has the Constitution failed? Why
`does the Supreme Court not support and uphold the
`Constitution? Why has the Constitution become a
`joke? Is it time for a new Constitution? One that


`Parties to the Petition
`David Andrew BARDES, Pro Se
`George Walker BUSH, individually
`Richard Bruce CHENEY, individually
`William Henry GATES, III
`MICROSOFT Corporation
`Lawrence Edward PAGE
`Timothy Donald COOK
`APPLE, Inc.
`John and Jane DOE
`Attorneys of Record
`For MICROSOFT Corporation:
`John Charles Hansberry, Fox Rothschild LLP, 500
`Grant Street, Ste 2500, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, 412-
`Wesley Ward Morrison , Jr., Fox Rothschild LLP,
`1001 Fourth Avenue, Ste 4400, Seattle, WA 98154,
`For Lawrence Edward PAGE, ALPHABET, Inc.:
`Rajeev K. Adlakha, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease
`LLP, 200 Public Square, Suite 1400, Cleveland, OH
`44114, 216-479-6100,
`Karey Elizabeth Werner, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and
`Pease LLP, 200 Public Square, Suite 1400,
`Cleveland, OH 44114, 216-479-6150,


`For Timothy Donald COOK, APPLE, Inc.:
`Edward G. Hubbard, Weston Hurd LLP, 101 East
`Town Street, Suite 500, Columbus, OH 43215, 614-


`List of Proceedings Below
`On May 29, 2022, I timely filed fee-paid
`Bardes v. Bush et. al. (l:22-cv-290-DRC-SKB) in US
`District Court for Southern Ohio (Cincinnati.) The
`case was dismissed on December 21, 2022, see
`attached Appendix A at al-a20.
`On May 30, 2023, I timely filed fee-paid my
`appeal, Bardes v. Bush et. al. (No. 23-3272) in the
`Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals (Cincinnati.) My
`appeal was denied on December 4, 2023. see attached
`Appendix B at a21-a26.


`ln I
`Table of Contents
`Constitutional Question Presented
`Parties to the Petition
`List of Proceedings Below
`Table of Contents
`Table of Authorities Cited
`Basis for Jurisdiction
`Constitutional and Statutory Provisions
`Petition for Writ of Certiorari
`Statement of the Case
`Reasons for Granting the Petition
`Appendices (Orders of lower court)
`Pages al-a20:
`US District Court for Southern Ohio (Cincinnati.)
`Orders in Bardes v. Bush et. al. (l:22-cv-290-DRC-
`SKB) filed on May 29, 2022 dismissed on March 6,
`v V V V113
`Pages a21-a27:
`Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals (Cincinnati.) Orders in
`Bardes v. Bush et. al. (No. 23-3272) filed May 30,
`2023 denied on December 4, 2023.
`Table of Authorities Cited
`The US Constitution: Eighth Amendment 3


`Basis for Jurisdiction
`The United States Court of Appeals for the
`Sixth Circuit ruled on December 4, 2023. The
`jurisdiction of this Court is invoked under 28 U. S. C.
`§ 1254(1).
`Constitutional and Statutory Provisions
`The US Constitution, all Amendments, and
`resulting law and practice.
`Petition for Writ of Certiorari
`I respectfully petition for a writ of certiorari to
`review the judgment of the United States Court of
`Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in this case.
`Statement of the Case
`I am a 60-year-old Cincinnati born grand­
`father, non-prisoner, fee paying, Pro Se, non-lawyer,
`college educated taxpaying law-abiding citizen of the
`United States with no criminal record. I have never
`been accused of a crime nor charged with one. I have
`doctors to testify I am sane.
`I am the Director of Human Resources and
`Risk Manager at a 60-employee gunite swimming
`pool construction company in Erlanger, Kentucky
`(suburbs of the greater Cincinnati area.)
`I am not registered to vote in any political
`party, and I am not in the middle. When it comes to
`business, jobs, and income, I am very conservative,
`but when it comes to caring for, feeding, protecting,
`and defending God’s poor and oppressed sheep, I am
`very liberal. With the latter being our primary duty


`to God, the former being how we pay for it. Both are
`needed for our mutual survival.
`I have a BA in Economics from Northwestern
`University. At age nineteen, I was tested at the
`Johnson O’Connor Institute with a near-photographic
`memory and scored 90 to 100 percentiles in inductive
`reasoning, foresight, and three-dimensional thinking.
`My family came to North America in 1620 as
`Pilgrims on the “Mayflower.” Our family had two
`officers in the Revolutionary War. We come from a
`proud military and patriotic family. My petition
`today is the continuation of my civic duty even at
`great cost to myself. I proudly honor my country.
`From 1997 to 2000, I worked on the 101st floor
`of 2 World Trade in New York City. On 9/11, I lost
`176 friends and colleagues, three of whom were close
`mentors. When I speak herein about BUSH/-
`CHENEY torture after the attacks, I speak on behalf
`of these innocent victims, whom I can personally
`vouch would be aghast at the failed BUSH/CHENEY
`torture response as a result of their deaths. These
`people were righteous ethical hardworking law-
`abiding citizens.
`As a final insult, the 9/11 victim’s families
`have been permanently denied any justice as the five
`guilty terrorist we captured were tortured so badly
`trials cannot even take place. Due to torture, no
`accountability will occur. This is the natural outcome
`of not obeying laws and destroying the Constitution.
`Facts of the Case
`April 3, 2006 (Charleston, South Carolina) - I
`was falsely accused of not paying my child support,
`financially destroyed, business liquidated, jailed in
`the Charleston County Jail, and immediately


`tortured for three days in engineered cold cell until
`declared dead by hypothermia by the jail’s doctor. I
`obviously was not dead, being alive today, rather was
`in hypothermic coma from which I fully recovered.
`But for two of the three days I was unconscious on
`the floor in the cold cell.
`After the judge signed an order striking the
`falsely reported arrears, upon release from jail, I
`sought lawyers to sue my torturers and for my
`financial losses from being falsely accused and wiped
`out by the state. But one lawyer after another told
`me they could not help me because all federal judges
`dismissed torture lawsuits to protect George Walker
`BUSH, Dick CHENEY, and the CIA from prose­
`cution for their use of cold cell torture. This almost
`two-decade practice of dismissing torture lawsuits to
`protect friends from the law became known as the
`TortureGate Corruption Scandal.
`2008-2010 First Federal Lawsuit
`Undeterred, I taught myself the law and filed
`my own Pro Se civil rights lawsuit Bardes v.
`Magera (2:08-cv-487-PMD-RSC) in Charleston,
`South Carolina. The lawsuit was instantly dismissed.
`I filed objections and won; the case rolled into
`Magistrate Robert Carr denied me access to
`the jail, in which case I could have proved my case in
`five minutes, but I was able to issue interrogatories,
`take depositions, obtain documents, photos, and
`other evidence. I proved I was tortured in a highly
`engineered cold cell. But Judge Patrick Michael
`Duffy ultimately dismissed the case with a
`complicated fifty-page order claiming near death


`hypothermic torture was not a violation of the
`What I did not know at that time, was George
`Walker BUSH and the CIA bribed the judges to
`dismiss the lawsuit, as no rational person would
`believe a federal judge would actually rule being
`brutally tortured almost to death was not cruel or
`unusual punishment. But this knowledge of bribes
`being paid would not be proven until thirteen years
`later, on March 20, 2023.
`I appealed the case to the Fourth Circuit Court
`of Appeals and lost. Then on March 25, 2011 the US
`Supreme Court denied my petition asking "Is near
`death hypothermic torture a violation of the Consti­
`tution?" Justice Scalia’s ardent and fierce support
`of George Walker BUSH torturing innocent Muslims
`to death would not be fully known until his untimely
`death in 2016.
`Later in 2011 (Charleston, South Carolina)
`Magistrate Robert Carr was deemed "disabled"
`and his contract was canceled prematurely. Lawyers
`who practiced in his courtroom ganged up on
`Magistrate Robert Carr due to bizarre courtroom
`behavior while repeatedly dismissing their torture
`lawsuits. I was to learn after the fact, the judge was
`2011-2013 Second Federal Lawsuit
`November 17, 2011 (Burlington, North
`Carolina) - I filed my second federal civil rights law­
`suit, Bardes v. South Carolina (l:ll-cv-999-CCE-
`LPA). Magistrate L. Patrick Auld purposely delay­
`ed responding to my initial complaint for over two
`years, setting the record. Magistrate L. Patrick
`Auld then Judge Catherine C. Eagles, dismissed


`the case proclaiming cold cell torture did not exist
`and that I was “fabricating delusions” about such
`torture, further I was severely mentally ill and
`obviously needed help the courts could not provide. I
`decided not to appeal, as I needed more evidence
`about cold cell torture. Cold cell torture was a much
`denied and well-kept secret.
`Cold cell torture may have been a well-kept
`secret, but in 2010 I put up a website ColdCell-
` and started tracking all of the inmates
`around the country tortured to death with
`hypothermia. The current total death count is up to
`eighteen (18.) The most frequent visitors were the
`government types who themselves used cold cell
`By no fault of my own, I found myself in an
`unwilling proxy battle with George Walker BUSH,
`Dick CHENEY, and the CIA. While I was earnestly
`seeking justice from my own torture, I ran into a
`brick wall - dark forces of corruption that would take
`me twelve more years to defeat.
`December 9, 2011 - Accident Discovers Bullet in
`On the evening of December 9, 2011, I was
`rear ended in a slow speed accident, and suffered no
`injury save my already fractured hip being crushed
`into small pieces. Both X-ray doctors at the hospital
`told me I needed full hip joint replacement surgery,
`and then they asked me when I was shot with a gun.
`I looked at my ex-wife Betsy, who had known
`me since I was fifteen, my adult daughter Allison
`Pape Bardes, and answered “I have never been shot,
`not that I am aware.” They pointed to the x-ray,
`saying there is a bullet in your right hip.


`Apparently, those two days I was unconscious
`in the cold cell while in hypothermic coma, someone
`put a gun to the lower right quadrant of my stomach
`and pulled the trigger. The bullet ricocheted off my
`spine, taking out my legs, and settled in soft tissue of
`my right hip. The wound was sutured closed with
`three overhand cadaver sutures by someone with
`medical training and license.
`We do not know who shot me or why, nor do
`we know who sutured up the wound, and no one is
`talking. But there are many guesses. The most likely
`guess is that the jail’s doctor, Ralph B. Piening, MD,
`mistakenly declared me dead and then the sheriff
`was summoned. Sheriff A1 Cannon, Jr., not wanting
`the medical examiner to detect hypothermia as cause
`of death, as that would lead to the discovery of an
`engineered cold cell, so the sheriff concocted some
`story that I was shot prior to coming to jail, and then
`died before being booked. The sheriff is the only
`person who could discharge a firearm without
`question, and the doctor is the only one who can
`declare someone dead, and then suture up the wound
`ready for the medical examiner. But this is only a
`The bullet explained my legs being paralyzed
`when I revived from hypothermic coma, and was
`taken to the jail’s hospital on the fourth floor in a
`wheelchair. Video from the jail confirmed this. Use of
`my left leg was eventually restored, but I had a
`heavy limp to the right side.
`The bullet explained the scar on my stomach
`and the nerve damage down right leg, which led to a
`fracture in my left hip, putting me in a wheelchair for
`four years. Discovering the bullet five years after


`being shot was too late for my first lawsuit, South
`Carolina SLED (SBI) protected their own people, and
`the FBI told me to hire a lawyer.
`PTSD From Torture/Gunshot
`When I got out of jail in 2006,1 sought the ser­
`vices of both a psychiatrist and psychologist, as I
`knew my body had suffered a severe trauma and
`likely had PTSD as a result.
`In 2008, and again in 2010, I was diagnosed
`with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. I stuck with the
`same doctors and regime for ten years and took the
`medication as prescribed. There is no medication for
`PTSD, but there is for symptoms of depression and
`anxiety. With PTSD you are fully sane, rather you
`just feel very poorly.
`After hip surgery in 2013 to restore my
`walking, my depression lifted, and in 2014 my psych­
`ologist told me I no longer needed to see him. I had
`been cured of PTSD. Back then there was only one
`therapy to cure PTSD, today there are three proven
`therapies. I am the textbook example that the mental
`health profession works. It is not perfect, and pro­
`blems exist, but if you stick with the program and
`work it, great successes are routine.
`December 9, 2014 (Elon, North Carolina) My
`break about cold cell torture came on December 9,
`2014, when the US Senate published their Report on
`CIA Torture. President Obama spoke to the nation
`saying "We tortured some folks."
`The report detailed in graphic terms the
`ghoulish murders of innocent Muslims being tortured
`to death with cold cell torture, and ice baths similar
`to Adolph Hitler. One innocent victim, Gul Raham,
`was kidnapped off the street and taken to a secret


`torture camp in Kabul, Afghanistan. Convinced the
`hapless Gul was hiding secret attack plans, his
`torture was ratcheted up each time Gul resisted the
`torture. Beaten until bones were broken, Gul was
`stripped naked below the waist to inflict extreme cold
`pain upon his genitals, and frozen to death overnight
`with hypothermia. The CIA refused to give his dead
`body back to his family for burial.
`To give you a baseline of the pain from dying
`from hypothermia, Jesus Christ naked on the cross,
`painfully shivered to death in six hours. The term
`Cold Cell torture comes from George Walker BUSH’s
`infamous torture memos. His enhanced interrogation
`technique was called “Cold Cell” or “Induced
`Hypothermia.” Rome called it crucifixion, and look
`what God did to Rome.
`Of all the Muslims packed into Guantanamo
`Bay for round the clock cold cell torture, only five (5)
`had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11. The rest
`were innocent. One innocent soul become so severely
`mentally ill from the constant torture, that he lost
`his mind becoming a vegetable.
`Also on December 9, 2014, The Marshall
`Project published their article on the domestic inmate
`deaths from cold cell torture. After a week of news
`shows discussing cold cell torture it became common
`knowledge, no longer a much-denied secret.
`But the fallout from the BUSH/CIA Torture
`Report set up two events to occur less than a year
`later. I sued the four federal judges for the corruption
`of dismissing my first two cold cell torture lawsuits.
`Then the ACLU filed their cold cell torture lawsuit
`against the two CIA torture doctors who ran the
`torture/murder program. The three plaintiffs were


`CIA/BUSH torture victims, one being the family of
`Gul Raham.
`Both of us were obviously hoping for better
`outcomes in the courts than before the BUSH/CIA
`Torture Report was published. Both of our cases were
`well before the Obama White House finally reversed
`course unblocking torture lawsuits, and before the
`Supreme Court voted to no longer dismiss torture
`lawsuits, ending TortureGate.
`September 24, 2015 Race to the Supreme Court
`On September 24, 2015, I filed Bardes v.
`Auld (l:15-cv-214-MR-DLH). Suing the four federal
`judges for TortureGate corruption dismissing my two
`previous torture lawsuits.
`I filed Bardes v. Auld on a Friday, by Monday
`morning the website traffic exploded, Harvard Law,
`Vanderbilt Law, Duke Law, Yale, Princeton, Boston,
`Texas, Penn, dozens of other law schools and
`universities. Visits from all over Washington, DC,
`lots from the FBI and DOJ. Seems no one had ever
`sued four federal judges for corruption before.
`A few days after I filed the lawsuit, in the
`middle of the night, two men appeared out of the
`dark knocking on my door. My dog scared them
`away. I do not know who sent them or what they
`wanted. But inductive reasoning yields ill intentions.
`Bardes v. Auld was instantly dismissed with
`the speed of lightening, and I appealed to the Fourth
`Circuit Court of Appeals and was denied in a day.
`Setting up the race to the Supreme Court of the
`United States for the second time with the same
`Constitutional question.
`October 13, 2015 (Seattle, Washington) The
`ACLU filed their cold cell torture lawsuit, Salim v.


`Mitchell (2:15-cv-00286-JLQ) on behalf of three cold
`cell torture victims, against the two CIA torture
`doctors. Gul Rahman was represented by a family
`January 17, 2016 (Kennebunkport, Maine)
`Someone in Kennebunkport, Maine visited
` coming from When
`you Googled cold cell torture my website cold-
` would come up in first place.
`January 26, 2016 (Washington, DC) My
`Supreme Court petition (15-983) was docketed at the
`Supreme Court.
`Highlights from petition:
`Constitutional Question Presented:
`Are citizens, being brutally tortured with
`hypothermia until dead a violation of the Consti­
`tution? Does the Constitution exist?
`Statement of the Case:
`Why must stopping our beloved nation from
`brutally torturing and brutally torturing until dead,
`the citizens with slow brutal hypothermic torture be
`such a chore?
`United States Appeals Court Judges Wynn,
`Agee, and Floyd now join those before in continuing
`the ongoing murders of citizens.
`Are not salaries being paid to prevent me from
`becoming a victim barely survived and having to do
`my civic duty by being here today? To stop it. Stop it.
`We are doing ISIS like things to our own
`people, crucifixion is a hypothermic death, ask ISIS.
`Stop it.
`Stop it. Please. Now.


`Reasons for Granting the Petition and
`Perhaps never before has a more important
`Constitutional question been asked of the United
`States Supreme Court, as now the continued exist­
`ence of our great nation as such lies in your answer
`or silence.
`Submitted day 21, January 2016, by
`avid Andrew Bardes, Pro Se
`My petition was distributed for a conference
`vote on March 18, 2016. The official entry posted to
`the docket was “DISTRIBUTED for Conference of
`March 18, 2016.”
`February 5, 2016 (New York City) Someone
`from CBS News visited Then
`visited my pictures page, then my contact page, but
`no one ever contacted me.
`February 13, 2016 (Cibolo Creek Ranch,
`Texas) Justice Antonin Scalia died suddenly in his
`sleep while on a super-secret hunting trip.
`Justice Antonin Scalia was a widely-known
`and stubborn protector of the BUSH/CHENEY
`torture/murder program. In 2008, Justice Scalia's
`public remarks supporting such torture, drove the
`National Lawyers Guild to issue a press release
`demanding Justice Scalia recuse himself from any
`torture related lawsuits. Justice Scalia refused.
`God saw it otherwise, God hates torture.
`What we know about Justice Scalia’s
`death from news reports: Justice Scalia was
`invited to become a lifetime member in a super­
`private 400-year-old European based hunting


`fraternity. His initiation was planned with a group of
`thirty other members at a hunting ranch in way west
`Texas. Justice Scalia left his security detail behind
`in Houston and flew to ranch without them. Justice
`Scalia died in his sleep the first night, after retiring
`to bed early claiming he was not feeling well. Highest
`secrecy was maintained as to the identity of the other
`hunting members on the trip.
`Using inductive reasoning: Justice
`Scalia's federal security officers are sworn to never
`leave him alone. The only way his federal security
`officers would be allowed to leave him, was if too
`many other federal security officers were already on
`the plane and on the ground at the ranch. Then when
`Justice Scalia flew back to Houston, his security
`detail would resume protection duty.
`For federal security officers to already be on
`the plane in Houston, and at the ranch, either a
`current or former federal executive who is entitled to
`such detail, was present on the flight and at the
`ranch. This bodes well for George Walker BUSH and
`Dick CHENEY to be these former executives. Both
`are avid hunters. Justice Scalia actively supported
`BUSH/CHENEY torture/murder. Therefore, George
`Walker BUSH planned the entire elaborate caper as
`a way to secure Justice Scalia’s sway influence on
`my pending petition vote before the Supreme Court.
`It was a last-ditch grand corruption plan.
`After God foiled their grand corruption plan,
`George Walker BUSH lost his most ardent supporter
`to torture/murder, and faced uncertainty with the
`eight remaining justices. This sent George Walker
`BUSH back to the corruption drawing board.


`February 14, 2016 (Kennebunkport, Maine)
`The next day George Walker BUSH was in
`Kennebunkport, which means the moment Justice
`Scalia died, George Walker BUSH flew to the
`farthest shore. To not be found out. George Walker
`BUSH was focused on me that day, visiting my
`website coming from
`February 20, 2016 (Kennebunkport, Maine)
`George Walker BUSH spoke with someone in Vero
`Beach, Florida, where my father lived. Both visited
` coming from, so I was
`the topic of their conversation. My family members
`vacation and hunt with the BUSH family. Whatever
`George Walker BUSH wanted from my father, came
`to no effect.
`March 10, 2016 (Jackson Hole, Wyoming
`area) Home of Dick Cheney, who visited coldcell-
` coming from Google.
`March 13, 2016 (Brevard, North Carolina)
`Three days later, at my cabin an old red pickup truck
`from South Carolina kept driving in and leaving, only
`to return. The driver brandished a handgun out his
`window. I walked out onto my front porch and sat
`down, to entice him to come up to me, or take a shot
`at me. A neighbor watching this unfold grabbed his
`assault rifle yelling down the pointed barrel towards
`the coward causing the driver to flee at a high rate of
`speed. I do not know who sent the lone gunman, nor
`if his mission was only to frighten me or actually kill
`March 18, 2016 (Washington, DC) Supreme
`Court petition vote day. The Supreme Court did not
`deny or approve my petition, rather they just made
`the entry disappear from the docket. Five days later


`on March 23, 2016 a new entry was posted
`"DISTRIBUTED for Conference of April 15, 2016."
`Apparently, the justices needed more time, another
`month. Torture was coming to a decision point, plans
`required timing.
`The reason for the delay became evident based
`on what occurred next. President Obama made the
`decision to not block Salim v. Mitchell from moving
`forward in the courts against the CIA. This abrupt
`reversal sent shockwaves throughout the legal
`profession and marked the end of decades long
`practice of blocking all torture lawsuits. The
`unknown was if the US Courts would follow suit, and
`stop their decades long practice of dismissing torture
`March 23, 2016 (Washington, DC) Same day
`as above, the FBI in Washington, DC visited
` coming from
`April 8, 2016 (Seattle, Washington) Salim v.
`Mitchell - A Statement of Interest was filed by The
`United States of America. The Obama
`Administration was NOT going to block the cold cell
`torture case against the CIA doctors from moving
`forward in the courts.
`A Boston Globe article titled A key shift on
`shielding torture from lawsuits by Dror Ladin, the
`lawyer for the ACLU, wrote of the unusual change in
`long term Obama policy of torture lawsuit dismissals,
`highlighting the fact someone would actually be held
`President Obama's abrupt reversal in
`protecting torturers, paved the way for the US
`Courts to either follow suit, or continue to dismiss.
`But it was my case, Bardes v. Auld, that was


`coming up for a vote before the Supreme Court,
`creating the forced decision point on the court's
`overall continuation of TortureGate.
`April 9, 2016 (Kennebunkport, Maine) George
`Walker BUSH visited having
`come from
`Then a Secret Service agent, according to her
`lapel pin, using the screen name Gidget Hall,
`contacted me on Facebook. I assumed she worked for
`George Walker BUSH. I did not respond. Seems
`George Walker BUSH wanted to communicate with
`After being unable to contact me, at 9:02pm
`that night, two trucks and a sedan drove into our
`community called Rainbow Lake Resort and parked
`around the circle in front of my cabin. They honked
`their horns, and flashed their lights. One man got out
`of his truck and stood in the beam of his headlights.
`They were beckoning me to come outside onto my
`porch like I did before. But the dark could have
`hidden a rifle and scope in the sedan, so I did not
`step outside. After twelve minutes they left. My
`security camera recorded their actions. I do not know
`who sent them. But inductive reasoning would
`indicate George Walker BUSH sent them after
`Gidget Hall failed.
`Supreme Court Petition Vote Day
`Friday, April 15, 2016 (Washington, DC)
`According to SCOTUSblog, the justices canceled their
`entire day's normal voting routine and spent the
`whole day working on one important case. All cases
`to have been voted on that day were moved to the
`next conference date. All except for my petition. My


`petition was the only one voted on and denied that
`Monday April 18, 2016 (Washington, DC) On
`Monday after the Friday vote, a new entry was
`posted on the docket PETITION Denied.
`The justices, however, voted to end the
`practice of instantly dismissing torture lawsuits.
`Hours later on April 22, 2016, Seattle Federal Judge
`Quakenbush did not dismiss Salim v. Mitchell in a
`hearing, and on April 28, 2016, Judge Quakenbush
`further ordered a full denial of the motion to dismiss.
`In what shocked not just the legal community, but
`the whole world, someone would finally be held
`accountable for torture in a United States court of
`law. The TortureGate Corruption Scandal had ended.
`Despite further efforts to dismiss by the CIA,
`Judge Quakenbush forced the case to trial. The two
`CIA cold cell torture doctors settled the case one day
`before trial was to begin.
`May 12, 2016 (Kennebunkport, Maine) George
`Walker BUSH visited coming
`May 14, 2016 (Kennebunkport, Maine) George
`Walker BUSH along with someone in Washington,
`DC, both visited coming from
`, indicating a joint conversation where the
`topic was me and cold cell torture.
`May 17, 2016 (Washington, DC) Someone in
`Washington, DC visited coming
`from They visited the pictures page
`looking at my 2 World Trade office.
`More TortureGate Corruption Scandal Fallout
`May 31, 2016 (South Carolina) The next judge
`to finally rule against cold cell torture was South


`Carolina State Judge Baxley. In a case he called "the
`most troubling" of his career, Judge Baxley ruled
`against his state, settling an 11-year-old class action
`cold cell torture lawsuit. Where inmate Jerome
`Laudman was stripped naked and locked in a
`suicide watch cold cell, and violently shivered to
`death over eleven (11) days.
`August 18, 2016 (Los Angeles, California) A
`Los Angeles Times article published a photo that a
`federal judge finally agreed to release in a cold cell
`torture lawsuit of immigrants on our southern
`border. The picture depicts a large super-chilled
`frigid temperature holding cell where dozens of all­
`male victims were shivering under reflective mylar
`blankets handed out to feign concern. The federal
`judge, however, refused to release the picture of
`women and children being tortured under the same
`conditions, citing the picture to inflammatory for
`2016 Post Supreme Court TortureGate Scandal
`After the Supreme Court ended TortureGate,
`George Walker BUSH was not very happy with me,
`but because I lost the biggest case in my life, and it
`was over, I thought George Walker BUSH would
`leave me alone.
`CIA Employee Karen Thomas
`I was living in a failed wedding resort that
`rented out small cabins around a small lake on
`annual leases. Rainbow Lake Resort was deep and
`high up in the mountains outside of Brevard, North
`When the new renter in the cabin in front of
`mine first drove in with Florida plates in an older


`SUV, without any furniture or belongings, just a few
`handbags, it looked like she was not planning on
`staying long. Her name was Karen Thomas, she was
`my age, recently divorced, from Jacksonville, Florida,
`and had a black dog just like my black dog. She kept
`trying to invite me into her cabin, asking me to help
`her on her computer; she was overly eager towards
`me. It was like she had been hand selected for a
`I suspected she was planted by George Walker
`BUSH and the CIA to spy on me, but I treated her
`with kindness and respect. My ex-wife Betsy
`however, was not so diplomatic, and confronted her
`saying you work for the CIA. Karen fell silent with no
`response, and I changed the subject to avoid conflict
`and back Betsy down. I had other plans.
`Karen befriended adult daughter Allison, and
`took Allie on drives in the mountains to pump her for
`information about me. Upon return, Allie would
`debrief me on all the personal questions about me.
`Questions about who I associate with, am I leading a
`following of people, do I use violence, am I hiding
`anything. I fully allowed the questioning and told
`Allie to answer truthfully. I was fully confident there
`was nothing to find, which would be bad news for
`Instead, George Walker BUSH and the CIA
`would only learn that I was celibate, led a boring law-
`abiding life, and had no evidence of wrong doing
`either in dealings with people, on my computer, or in
`my possessions.
`I had no way of proving Karen worked for the
`CIA, so on August 18, 2016, I tried an experiment. I
`printed an anonymous note and put it in her mailbox


`at noontime. The note said “I know who you work for,
`and I am willing to help the two CIA doctors in their
`lawsuit.” Karen picked up the note at 2:00pm. Later
`that afternoon, the mailroom clerk at the US
`Department of Justice (DOJ,) in Washington, DC,
`placed in the outgoing mail a form letter stating they
`had just received my letter dated June 10, 2016
`(mailed 70 days prior) and the attorney general
`would get back with me at some point.
`The next day I received the DOJ mailroom
`clerk’s letter. The DOJ does not take 70 days to open
`their mail, not when their form letter stated they
`received the letter that 70th day. The timing of the
`form letter, mailed the afternoon I offered Karen
`Thomas help, reveals through inductive reasoning
`that my letter to Attorney General Lynch of June 10,
`2016, sat on her desk until Karen Thomas reported
`my note offering help.
`The resulting message I understood was that
`Attorney General Lynch was trying to ascertain just
`what kind of help I was willing to offer. I never
`responded, and Karen Thomas suddenly broke her
`annual lease packed her handbags, and left never to
`be seen again. Nor did Attorney General Lynch’s
`office ever get back to me like their form letter of
`August 18, 2016 stated they would.
`It was clear Karen Thomas was a plant sent to
`spy on me, hand selected by George Walker BUSH to
`become my new girlfriend. It tied in Attorney
`General Lynch, and President Obama, to be implicit
`in the cover up of BUSH cold cell torture. George

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