`WAY 3 0 2023
`Tata Consultancy Services et al
`—- Respondents
`On Petition for a Writ of Certiorari
`to the United States Court of
`Appeals for the Third Circuit
`Palani Karupaiyan.
`Pro se, Petitioner,
`1326 W. William St
`Philadelphia, PA 19132s


`, -
`Question Presented
`Petitioner’s prayed reliefs were
`National importance of having the US
`Supreme Court decide or conflict with
`USSC ruling, or importance of similarly
`situated over millions of citizens or the
`first impression is raised at USSC.
`Petitioner’s prayed 10 reliefs were as Writ of
`Mandamus or Prohibition or alternative so the
`questions were part of three test condition
`requirement of the Writs.
`When Salahuddin v. Cuomo. 861 F. 2d 40 -
`Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 1988 ruled
`“this Court [USCA 2nd Cir] has repeatedly
`cautioned against Sua Sponte dismissals of pro
`se civil rights complaints prior to requiring the
`defendants to answer”.
`Dist Court sua sponte dismissing the complaint
`before defendants to answer and USCA3 failed to
`vacate Sua Sponte Dismissal is error.
`When Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital v.
`Mercury Constr. Coro.. 460 US 1 - Supreme
`Court 1983 (^footnote [61 ruled that
`More fundamentally, a Court of appeals has no
`occasion to engage in extraordinary review by
`mandamus "in aid of [its] jurisdictionfn]28
`U. S. C. § 1651, when it can exercise the same
`review by a contemporaneous ordinary appeal.
`See, e. g., Hines v. D Artois. 531 F. 2d 726, 732,
`and n. 10 (CA5 1976).


`Following USCA3’s ruling is error
`Mandamus relief is unavailable because he
`may challenge the District Court’s disjnissal
`order through the normal appeal process. See In
`re Nwanze. 242 F. 3d 521, 524 (3d Circuit. 2001)
`(noting that, “fgjiven its drastic nature, a writ
`of mandamus should not be issued where relief
`may be obtained through an ordinary appeal”)
`(citation omitted).


`Parties to the Proceeding
`PALANI KARUPAIYAN; P. P.; R. P. are petitioners
`Respondents are
`RAJESH GOPINATHAN, individually and in
`his official capacity as MD, CEO of TCS;


`Table of Contents
`I. Question Presented.........
`II. Parties to the Proceeding
`III. Table of Contents............
`IV. Table of Authorities
`V. Petition for a Writ of Certiorari
`VI. Opinion(s)/orders/Judgment(s) BELOW (from
`Dist Court and USCA3).............................................
`VII. Jurisdiction..........................................................
`Constitutional and Statutory Provisions
`IX. Statement of the Case......................................
`a) Dist Court Proceeding and ruling......
`b) USCA3 Proceeding and ruling.............
`X. TCS Business Model.........................................
`In India....................................................
`In USA.....................................................
`XI. TCS Business wrongdoings.............................
`XII. Purpose of outsource........................................
`Pro se pleading standards........................
`All Writs Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1651(a)..........
`XV. Reliefs should be granted under Rule
`8(a)(3)/54(c) or without Rule 12(b)’s requirement.... 7
`1 m I
`1 1
`3 3 3 445 5 6
`6 7


`XVI. Why USCA3 Will not able to grant the
`Appellant’s Writs/Injunction(s) reliefs................
`XVII. USSC’s Writ against Lower Court(s)....
`XVIII. USSC’s Rule 20.1 and Rule 20.3..........
`Three test Conditions for grant the Writs (of
`Mandamus, prohibition or any alternative)............
`XX. Reasons For Granting the Writ(s)....................
`1) Writ against Tata Consulting Services
`(“TCS”) and it’s Parental entity or affiliates
`that they should not discriminate the US
`citizenship AND favor of foreign nationals
`against US citizen in employment or in
`application for employment..............................
`2) Order that (i)TCS should not outsource
`US Corporate Jobs (ii) TCS should insource
`all the US Corporate IT/BPO project back to
`United States within 6 months of this Court
`order (iii) TCS should not involve in Tax
`evasion and Money Laundering against
`United States and its Local govt(s).................
`3) Order that TCS should not access to
`HI, LI, B1 work permit visa from Dept of
`Labor/ United States Citizenship and
`Immigration Services (“USCIS”) and
`Invalidate all the HI, LI, B1 visa previously
`4) Order that TCS should deposit to US
`treasury the 3 times of Money TCS took out
`of United States by Outsourcing and lock/jail
`8 8 9


`• ^
`the TCS’s CxO until all the money recovered
`and deposit to US treasury...............................
`5) Order to transfer the ownership of TCS
`and its affiliate companies/Business in USA-
`to the petitioner Palani Karupaiyan................
`6) Order that TCS should pay the
`petitioner $15 million dollars for [Reasonable
`money for time and effort of the [P]laintiff,
`pain and suffering and all expenses and costs
`of this action........................................................
`7) Order that TCS should pay the
`petitioner for failure to hire, Title VII,
`Disability status/ GINA, US citizenship
`discrimination, favoring foreigner against
`US Citizen, and Section 1981/ 1988 claims .... 19
`a) Against Lower Courts................................
`8) Order to vacate the sua sponte order of
`dismissal the complaint.....................................
`9) Order to appoint guardian ad litem or
`alternatively pro bono attorney........................
`10) Order that TCS should pay $20 million
`dollar to the Minor Petitioners PP and RP
`(“Minor Petitioners”)..........................................
`XXI. Conclusion.....................................................


`Table of Authorities
`ANKENBRANDT, as next friend and, mother of L. R.,
`et at. v. RICHARDS et al 504 U.S. 689 (1992)
`Bankers Life & Casualty Co. v. Holland,. 346 US 379
`8, 10
`- Supreme Court 1953
`Bayron v. Trudeau, 702 F.2d 43, 45 (2d Cir. 1983);. 21
`Bethel School District No. 403 Et Al. V. Fraser, A
`Minor, et al . 478 U.S. 675 (1986)........................
`Board Of Education Of The Westside Community
`Schools (Dist. 66) et al. V. Mergens, By And
`Through Her Next Friend, Mergens, Et. 496 U.S.
`226 (1990),.................................................................
`Bontkowski v. Smith, 305 F. 3d 757 - USCA, 7th Cir.
`AUTHORITY. Dist. Court, WD Penn 2021
`Cheney v. United States Dist. Court for DC. 542 US
`367 - Supreme Court 2004
`CJLG v. Barr, 923 F. 3d 622 - Court of Appeals, 9th
`Circuit 2019
`De Beers Consolidated Minesv. V. United States.
`9, 10
`325 U. S. 212, 217(1945)
`SYSTEMS. INC.. Dist. Court, D. NJ 2005.........
`Erickson u. Pardus. 551 US 89 - Sup. Ct 2007....
`Espinoza v. Farah Mfg. Co.,414 U.S. 86, 88 (1973). 12
`Estelle. 429 U.S.. at 106. 97 S.Ct. 285
`6 6


`Ex parte Peru. 318 U.S. 578, 585, 63 S.Ct. 793, 87
`L.Ed. 1014 (1943)....................................................
`Fries v. Barries. 618 F.2d 988, 989 (2d Cir.1980.... 21
`Hines v. D'Artois. 531 F. 2d 726, 732, and n. 10 (CA5
`i, 8, 10, 22
`Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc, v. Sebelius. 568 US 1401 -
`Supreme Court 2012
`1, 10
`Hodge u. Police Officers. 802 F. 2d, 58 - Court of
`Appeals. 2nd Circuit 1986.................................
`Hohn u. United States. 524 US 236 - Supreme Court
`Holt Civic Club v. City of Tuscaloosa, 439 U.S. 60,
`65-66, 99 S.Ct. 383, 58 L.Ed.2d 292 (1978)............
`In re Gault. 387 US. 1, 36-37, 87 S.Ct. 1428, 18 *632
`L.Ed.2d 527 (1967)
`In re Nwanze. 242 F.3d 521, 524 (3d Cir. 2001)...ii, 9,
`Jacob WINKELMAN. a minor, by and through his
`parents and legal guardians. Jeff and Sandee
`DISTRICT. 550 U.S. 516- 127 S.Ct. 1994 (2007). 23
`Katz v Tata Consulting Service Dist Court for NJ
`Docket 22-7069 (BRM)(JRA).................................
`Lassiter v. Dep't of Social Servs. of Durham Cty.. 452
`U.S. 18, 27, 101 S.Ct.2153, 68 L.Ed.2d 640 (1981)
`Maclin v. Freake, 650 F. 2d 885 - Court of Appeals:
`7th Circuit 1981.....................................................
`Mathews, 424 U.S.....................................................
`McDonald v. Santa Fe Trail Trans. Co. 427 U.S.
`273,287, 96 S.Ct. 2574, 49 L.Ed.2d 493 (1976).... 19
`1 7


`Montgomery v. Pinchak, 294 F. 3d 492 - USCA, 3rd
`Cir. 2002
`Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital u. Mercury Constr.
`i, 8, 9, 22
`Coro.. 460 US 1 - Supreme Court 1983
`Novak v. World Bank, 20 Fair Errwl.Prac.Cas.
`(BNA) 1166, 1167 (D.D.C. 1979)............................
`Novak v. World Bank. No. 79-0641, 1979 U.S. Dist.
`LEXIS 11742 (D.D.C. June 13, 1979)...................
`Osei-Afriye v. The Medical College of Pennsylvania.
`22, 24
`937 F.2d 876 (3d Cir. 1991)
`Pa. Bureau of Correction v. US Marshals Service.
`474 US 34 - Sup Ct 1985.......................................
`re US. 139 S. Ct. 452.................................................
`Robidoux v. Rosengren, 638 F. 3d 1177- USCA9
`Roche v. Evaporated Milk Assn.. 319 U. S. 21, 26
`Rosado v. Wyman, 397 U. S. 397, 403, n. 3 (1970).... 1
`Salahuddin v. Cuomo. 861 F. 2d 40 - Court of
`Appeals, 2nd Circuit 1988
`i, 21
`Sullivan v. Little Hunting Park. Inc.. 396 US 229 -
`Supreme Court 1969.................................................
`Tabron v. Grace. 6 F. 3d 147 - Court of Appeals, 3rd
`Circuit 1993.............................................................
`Texas & N. O. R. Co. v. Railway Clerks. 281 U. S.
`548, 569-570.............................................................
`7 9
`28 U. S. C. § 1254(1)
`28 U. S. C. § 1651 ....
`1, 8, 22


`28 U.S.C. § 1651(a)
`28 U.S.C. § 1654....
`28 USCS 1651(a)....
`42 U.S.C. § 1981...........
`42 US Code § 1988........
`8 CFR 214.2(h)..............
`8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(5)(A)
`All Writs Act..................
`The Americans with Disabilities Act...................
`The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act..... 2
`The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination
`Title VII.
`Rule 12(b)(6).
`Rule 17(c)....
`Rule 8(a)(3)....
`S.Ct. Rule 20.1
`S.Ct. Rule 20.3
`Constitutional Provisions
`2 2
`7 9 9
`14th amendment


`Petition for a Writ of Certiorari.
`Petitioner respectfully prays that a Writ of
`Certiorari to review the opinion/ judgment/ orders of
`USCA3’s (docket 23-1303) and US Dist Court for New
`Jersey- Newark div (Dist docket 22-cv-1349) below.
`BELOW (from Dist Court and
`USC A3)
`1. USCA3’s Opinion dated Apr 7, 2023 (App.l)
`2. USCA3’s Order dated Apr 7, 2023 (App.4)
`3. Dist Court Sua Sponte order dismissal of
`complaint Jan 27 2023. Ecf-5 (App.5)
`Hon. Esther Salas USDJ; Hon. Jose R. Almonte
`In Hohn v. United States. 524 US 236 -
`Supreme Court 1998@ 258 (“Rosado v. Wyman. 397 U.
`S. 397, 403, n. 3 (1970) (a Court always has
`jurisdiction to determine its jurisdiction)).
`Hohn @264 (“We can issue a common-law writ
`of certiorari under the All Writs Act. 28 U. S. C. §
`Hobby Lobby Stores. Inc, v. Sebelius. 568 US 1401 -
`Supreme Court 2012® 643
`The only source of authority for this Court to
`issue an injunction is the All Writs Act, 28
`U.S.C. § 1651(a) and


`Following a final'judgment, they [Petitioner]
`may, if necessary, file a petition for a writ of
`certiorari in this Court.
`On Apr 07 2023. United States Court of
`Appeals for 3rd Cir entered opinion and
`Order. App.l to App.4
`The jurisdiction of this Court is invoked under
`28 U. S. C. § 1254(1).
`Constitutional and Statutory
`Provisions Involved.
`All Writs Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1651(a)
`Title VII,
`The Americans with Disabilities Act;
`(iii) The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
`(GINA)F; and
`(iv) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act
`42 U.S.C. § 1981
`42 US Code § 1988 - Proceedings in vindication of
`civil rights
`The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination
`26 U.S. Code § 7201. Attempt to evade or defeat
`tax, 26 U.S.C. § 7203 and § 7206(1)
`18 USC § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to
`defraud United States. 18 U.S.C. § 1956. money
`laundering law.
`.. and more


`Statement of the Case
`a) Dist Court Proceeding and ruling
`On Mar 14 2022, Plaintiff filed employment
`related complaint against the respondents US Dist
`Court of New Jersey-Newark div under and timely
`served the complaint to all defendants.
`On Jan 27 2023 Dist Court granted the forma
`pauperis and dismissed the complaint by Sua Svonte
`when no defendants appeared/ answered App.5
`Timely Petitioner filed Notice of Petition for
`Writ of Mandamus, Prohibition or Alternative
`App.13 and Notice of Appeal. ECF-7.
`Plaintiff filed Motion for reconsideration of dismissal
`of complaint and Petition for Writ of Mandamus,
`Prohibition or alternative under All Writs Act/ 28
`U.S.C. § 1651 which was denied by text order.
`b) US CA3 Proceeding and ruling
`2023, USCA3 entered NOT
`On Apr 07
`PRECEDENTIAL opinion (App.l) and order (App.4~)
`USCA3’s ruled that
`“ we will deny in part and dismiss in part the
`Mandamus relief is unavailable because he
`may challenge the District Court’s dismissal
`order through the normal appeal process. See In


`re Nwanze, 242 F.3d 521, 524 (3d Cir. 2001)
`(noting that, “fgjiven its drastic nature, a writ
`of mandamus should not be issued where relief
`may be obtained through an ordinary appeal”)
`which is error by Moses 460 US 1(1983)
`TCS Business Model
`TCS is specialized in outsourcing the US corporate
`Information Technology (IT) software development/
`Back office Process Jobs (BPO) to their offshore
`development center in India.
`a) In India
`Every year TCS recruits many thousands
`college outs in India and give free complete training
`them for 3 years with salary, bring some of these
`trained engineers to USA in HI, LI visas by labor
`certification fraud, US immigration fraud by perjury
`violation, US Citizenship discrimination and use
`these engineers against US based over 40 aged
`employees who have more experienced, Expertise
`than TCS’s Indian engineers and These engineers
`from India help the US corporate to transfer the job
`to India for outsourcing. This Modus operandi not
`only discrimination against US based over 40 ages
`employees/citizens, deny the employment to fresh
`college out of US citizen.
`TCS has offshore development center in India
`for the software development on behalf their
`business/IT development partner in United States
`(US’s Corporations)


`b) In USA
`By Offshore development, TCS and its business
`partners evade the tax liability against US and Local
`Govts including payroll tax and properties tax.
`TCS has framework to help and outsource the
`US corporation’s Information technological Job (IT
`Jobs)/ Back office Business Processing outsourcing
`(BPO) to India and for evade the tax liabilities.
`Immigration fees. Labour certification fees, tax
`liabilities including payroll tax and false claims
`against United States and its Local Govts for
`money laundering purpose. Racketeer (Rico)
`crimes. These US corporations are the client/IT
`development, business partners to TCS.
`3. TCS does not own any properties in United States. In
`India, TCS owes 1.5 million Sq foot office in India for
`the purpose of outsourcing operation.
`“The total development area of the campus is expected
`to be around 1.5 million square feet. Once all the
`applicable permissions are received, the construction
`of Phase I is expected to be completed by March 2016.”
`TCS Business wrongdoings
`1. TCS does outsource operation in all states of United
`States and has software development/ software
`implementation contract with most fortune 500 US
`1 After this civil action/complaint filed, this URL was


`TCS does cash delivery to the managers who
`•work in the US corporations helped TCS for the
`purpose of tax evasion including payroll tax, money
`laundering by outsourcing the US software
`development contracts. These money transaction
`happening/ happened secretly, untraceablv using
`outsourcing the IT Job/BPO jobs to India.
`The Individual Respondents were individually
`also benefited by outsourcing, preferring/favoring
`foreigners against US citizen in employment because
`foreigners help the TCS to outsource where the US
`citizens' should not help the TCS to outsource.
`In India, TATA Group habitually buying Court
`Orders, paying terrorists organization to run the
`business without any disturbance.
`Purpose of outsource
`The purpose of TCS’s outsourcing is to evade
`the Dept of Labor’s Labor certification fee (which is
`perjury crime), Immigration fee, payroll tax to US and
`Local Govts, tax liabilities, properties tax to the Local
`Govts in US, Secretly, untraceably transfer the
`money out of US in the name of outsource and pay the
`money/cash in India to the US corporate manager
`who agreed/helped the outsourcing.
`Pro se pleading standards
`Erickson v. Pardus. 551 US 89 - Sup. Ct. 2007 @
`A document filed pro se is "to be liberally
`construed," Estelle. 429 U.S.. at 106. 97 S.Ct. 285,
`and "a, pro se complaint, however inartfullv pleaded,
`must be held, to less stringent standards than formal
`pleadings drafted by lawyers.


`All Writs Act,'28 U.S.C. § 1651(a)
`In Pa. Bureau of Correction v. US Marshals Service.
`474 US 34 - Sup Ct 1985 @43
`The All Writs Act is a residual source of authority
`to issue writs that are not otherwise covered by
`Reliefs should be granted under
`Rule 8(a)(3)/54(c) or without Rule
`12(b)’s requirement
`In Bontkowski v. Smith. 305 F. 3d 757 - USCA,
`7th Cir. 2002@7Q2 “can be interpreted as a request for
`the imposition of such a trust, a form of equitable relief
`and thus a cousin to an injunction. Rule 54(c), which
`provides that a prevailing party may obtain any relief
`to which he's entitled even if he "has not demanded
`such relief in [his] pleadings." See Holt Civic Club v.
`City of Tuscaloosa. 439 U.S. 60, 65-66, 99 S.Ct. 383,
`58 L.Ed.2d 292 (1978);
`DEVEL. AUTHORITY. Dist. Court, WD Penn 2021
`“Thus a prayer for an accounting, like a request
`for injunctive relief, is not a cause of action or a
`claim upon which relief can be granted. Rather, it
`is a request for another form of equitable relief,
`i.e., a "demand for judgment for the relief the
`pleader seeks" under Rule 8(a)(3) of the Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure. D****As such, it too is
`not the proper subject of a Rule 12(b)(6) motion.
`D***Global Arena, LLC, 2016 WL 7156396, at *2;
`see also Bontkowskiv. Smith, 305 F.3d 757, 762
`(7th Cir. 2002.


`Why USCA3 Will not able to
`In the Dist Court this petitioner filed i) Notice of
`appeal and ii) Notice of Petition for Writ of
`Mandamus. Prohibition or alternative. As per the
`Moses footnote [6], USCA3 shall not able to grant the
`injunctive reliefs along with the appeal.
`In Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital v. Mercury
`Constr. Cory., 460 US 1 - Supreme Court 1983
`@footnpte [6].
`More fundamentally, a Court of appeals
`has no occasion to engage in extraordinary
`review by mandamus "in aid of fits]
`jurisdictionfn]," 28 U. S. C. § 1651, when it
`can exercise the same review by a
`contemporaneous ordinary appeal. See, e.
`g., Hines v. D'Artois. 531 F. 2d 726, 732,
`and n. 10 (CA5 1976).
`USSC’s Writ against Lower
`Bankers Life & Casualty Co. v. Holland, 346 US
`379 - Supreme Court 1953®383
`As was pointed out in Roche v. Evaporated
`Milk Assn.. 319 U. S. 21, 26 (1943), the
`"traditional use of the writ in aid of
`appellate jurisdiction both at common law
`and in the federal Courts has been to
`confine an inferior Court to a lawful
`exercise of its prescribed jurisdiction or to
`compel it to exercise its authority when it
`is its duty to do so."


`Bankers @383 there is clear abuse of
`discretion or "usurpation of judicial
`power" of the sort held to justify the writ in
`De Beers Consolidated Minesv. V. United
`States. 325 U. S. 212, 217 (1945).
`USSC’s Rule 20.1 and Rule 20.3.
`In re US, 139 S. Ct. 452 - Supreme Court 2018 @ 453
`S.Ct. Rule 20.1 (Petitioners seeking
`extraordinary writ must show "that adequate
`relief cannot be obtained in any other form or
`from any other Court" (emphasis added));
`S.Ct. Rule 20.3 (mandamus petition must "set
`out with particularity why the relief sought
`is not available in any other Court"); see also
`Ex varte Peru. 318 U.S. 578, 585, 63 S.Ct. 793,
`87 L.Ed. 1014 (1943) (mandamus petition
`"ordinarily must be made to the intermediate
`appellate Court").
`USCA3 denied petitioners’ petition and ruled that
`Mandamus relief is unavailable because he may
`challenge the District Court’s dismissal order
`through the normal appeal process. See In re
`Nwanze, 242 F. 3d 521, 524 (3d Cir. 2001) (noting
`that, “[gjiven its drastic nature, a writ of
`mandamus should not be issued where relief may
`be obtained through an ordinary appeal”)
`The above USCA3’s ruling conflict with USSC when
`S. Court 1983
`USSC ruled that Moses 460 US 1
`More fundamentally, a Court of appeals has
`no occasion to engage in extraordinary
`review by mandamus "in aid of [its]


`jurisdiction[n]," 28 U. S. C. § 1651, when it
`can exercise the same review by a
`contemporaneous ordinary appeal. See, e. g.,
`Hines v. D'Artois. 531 F. 2d 726, 732, and n.
`10 (CA5 1976)
`Also the above Substitute the Test-1 of 3 tests
`requirement of grating the Writs in the US Supreme
`Three test Conditions for grant
`the Writs (of Mandamus,
`Test-1: No other adequate means [exist] to attain
`the relief [the party] desires
`Or it (injunction) is necessary or appropriate in aid
`of our jurisdiction (28 USC§ 1651(aY)
`“the party seeking issuance of the writ must
`have no other adequate means to attain the
`relief fit] desires
`Test-2: the party's 'right to [relief] issuance of the
`writ is clear and indisputable
`Or Bankers Life & Casualty Co. v. Holland, 346 US
`379- Sup.Ct 1953
`clear abuse of discretion or "usurpation of
`judicial power" of the sort held to justify the
`writ in De Beers Consolidated Minesv. v. United
`States. 325 U. S. 212, 217 (1945)
`Or Hobby Lobby Stores. Inc, v. Sebelius. 568 US 1401
`- Sup.Ct 2012
`“whatever the ultimate merits of the applicants'
`claims, their entitlement to relief is not "indisputably


`Or the Petitioner must demonstrate that the
`"right to issuance of the writ is clear and
`indisputable." Cheney. 542 U.S. at 380-81, 124 S.Ct.
`Or Cheney u. United States Dist. Court for DC. 542
`US 367-Sup.Ct 2004
`Defendant owes him a clear non-discretionary
`Test-3: a question of first impression is raised.
`"the issuing Court, must be satisfied that the
`writ is appropriate under the circumstances”
`Reasons For Granting the Writ(s)
`Writ against Tata Consulting Services
`(“TCS”) and it’s Parental entity or affiliates
`that they should not discriminate the US
`citizenship AND favor of foreign nationals
`against US citizen in employment or in
`application for employment
`Test-2: Because of US Citizen should not help TCS
`to outsource the US corporate jobs, and foreign
`national employees should help TCS to outsource,
`TCS frame the business model to refuse
`employment/discriminate the
`citizen in
`Foreigner employees, for their Job security, every
`effort to help TCS to outsource the US corporate
`IT/BPO Jobs so TCS preferred to employ the foreigner
`over US citizens.
`Test-3: Favoring foreigner against US Citizen in
`employment is discrimination.


`In Novak v. World, Bank. No. 79-0641, 1979
`U.S. Disk LEXIS 11742 (D.D.C. June 13, 1979), the
`plaintiff argued that defendant had a policy of
`discriminating against United States citizens in
`violation of Title VU's prohibition against national
`origin discrimination. The Court held that such a
`claim — i.e., discrimination against U.S. citizens —
`alleges discrimination based only on citizenship and
`thus was barred by the holding in Espinoza2. Id. at *3.
`(Cited in Enelish v. MISYS INTERNATIONAL
`BANKING SYSTEMS. INC.. Disk Court, D.NJ 2005)
`In Novak v. World Bank. 20 Fair
`Enwl.Prac.Cas. (BNA) 1166, 1167 (D.D.C.1979),
`Discrimination against a United States citizen in
`favor of an alien has been labeled reverse Espinoza
`See the Class action suit by Katz v Tata
`Consultins Service Dist Court for NJ Docket 22-7069
`(BRM)(JRA), how TCS is discriminating the US
`citizen and favoring the foreigner against US citizen
`in employment. 70% of TCS employees in USA are
`non-US citizen. 12% of TCS employees in USA are US
`citizen who work in Marketing, Sales, Admin staff to
`focus the outsourcing.
`By-product of discriminating the US Citizen,
`Outsourcing cause the tax evasion, money laundering
`against the United States and local Govts, knowledge
`drain to Nation’s STEM knowledge sector.
`2 Espinoza v. Farah Mfg. Co.,414 U.S. 86, 88 (1973).


`2) Order that (i)TCS should not
`outsource US Corporate Jobs (ii) TCS
`should insource all the US Corporate
`IT/BPO project back to United States
`within 6 months of this Court order
`(iii) TCS should not involve in Tax evasion
`and Money Laundering against United
`States and its Local govt(s)
`Test-2: By outsourcing US Corporate IT/BPO jobs,
`TCS does/did tax evasion (including payroll tax),
`Money laundering
`Test-3: The foreigner employee(s) to do the US
`Corporate Jobs, the [potential] employer need to get
`approved Labor Certification from Dept of Labor that
`No US Citizen is available to take the jobs. So the
`potential employer can hire foreign employee without
`discrimination US citizen. The outsourcing, put the
`foreigner at front, automatically discriminate the US
`citizen in employment. See 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(5)(A)
`and 8 CFR 214.2(h) (hl-b visa).
`When the US corporate Jobs are outsource, TCS
`involves Tax evasion including Payroll tax against
`United States and its Local govts. 26 U.S. Code §
`7201. Attempt to evade or defeat tax, 26 U.S.C. § 7203
`and § 7206(1)
`The business model of the TCS that it encourage
`the US Corporate managers to Outsource so US
`corporate can evade taxes, these tax evaded money is
`paid to US corporate managers in India which is
`silently, secretly, untraceablv happened/ happening.
`These TCS / US Corporation’s activities where
`violation in 18 USC § 371 - Conspiracy to commit


`offense or to defraud United States, 18 U.S.C. § 1956,
`money laundering law.
`In Sullivan u. Little Hunting Park, Inc., 396 US
`229 - Supreme Court 1969 @ 239-240
`Compensatory damages for deprivation of a
`federal right are governed by federal standards, as
`provided by Congress in 42 U. S. C. § 1988, which
`"The jurisdiction in civil . . . matters conferred
`on the district Courts by the provisions of this
`chapter and Title 18. for the protection of all
`persons in the United States in their civil rights,
`and for their vindication, shall be exercised and
`enforced in conformity with the laws of the
`United States, so far as such laws are suitable
`to carry the same into effect
`For the above reasons, petitioner pray this
`court for his prayer to be granted.
`Order that TCS should not access to
`HI, LI, B1 work permit visa from Dept of
`Labor/ United States Citizenship and
`Immigration Services (“USCIS”) and
`Invalidate all the HI, LI, B1 visa previously
`Test-2: TCS get Hi, Ll, B1 work visa for the purpose
`of employ few foreign employees in US Corporate
`office as temp contract employee and these foreign
`employees help the US Corporation and TCS to
`outsource the IT Jobs to India. These foreign
`employees play every tricks against US citizen
`employees including abuse of at-will termination to
`outsourcing purpose.


`TCS has over 556,986 employees globally,
`every year adding many thousands headcount and
`has 20,000 employees in the US which is its top client
`and revenue market. Out of 20,000 employees, most
`of them
`Sales/Marketing/office Administrative position to
`outsource the US Corp Jobs. 70% of the TCS
`Employees in USA were India/Asian nationality. 12%
`of TCS employees in USA App.14. were US citizens
`who were used as Sales/Marketing /Administrator
`staff to negotiate the US Corporation managers / help
`the US cooperate Jobs outsource to India. App.14.
`This is the Second class action lawsuit against TCS
`for pattern & practice of TCS discriminating US
`Citizen in employment. As previously stated, these
`temp work visa holders used/abused by TCS/US
`Corporations to outsource US corporate job and
`consequently caused/for tax evasion and money
`laundering, US citizen discrimination and favor the
`foreigner against US citizen discrimination in
`See the Class action against Katz v TCS which
`clearly states that the previously obtained hi, LI visa
`were thru perjury crime of TCS against Dept of Labor.
`So this court should invalidated all the hi, LI visas
`obtained by TCS.
`This order should compel the TCS to hire US
`citizens, TCS will not discriminate the US Citizen,
`favor the foreigner against US Citizen in


`4) Order that TCS should deposit to US
`treasury the 3 times of Money TCS took out
`of United States by Outsourcing and
`lock/jail the TCS’s CxO until all the money
`recovered and deposit to US treasury
`Test-2: TCS outsourced the US corporate jobs
`without US Dept of Labor certification3 that when US
`citizen were available and able to take the Jobs and
`evade the USCIS fees, Payroll tax against US and
`local govts i.e TCS illegally outsourced and money
`Test-3: Any wrongdoing with Dept of Labor
`certification is perjury crime. 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(5)(A)
`and 8 CFR 214.2(h) (hl-b visa)
`By Illegal outsourcing, without Dept of Labor’s
`Certification, TCS did Tax evasion including payroll
`tax, money laundering, corrupt corporate business
`TCS CxOs and Ex-CEOs, Ex-CxOs should be lock
`until these 3 times outsourced money recovered and
`deposited to US Treasury. These Top officials were
`personally economically benefitted/gained by
`So petitioner prays this Court to order that
`TCS should deposit 3 times of money to US treasury,
`3 Foreigner to do the US based Job, [Potential employer to
`foreign employee(s), need to get Labor Certification from Dept of
`Labor that no US citizen is available to take the job so the
`potential employer need to hire foreigner. In outsourcing, TCS
`did not get Labor certification, simply outsourced and evaded the
`tax including payroll tax.


`the money TCS took out of US thru outsourcing and
`lock these TCS’s CxOs, ex-CxOs until all money
`recovered and deposited to US Treasury. These wrong
`doings were did by these Top officials were done
`knowingly, intentionally.
`5) Order to transfer the ownership of
`TCS and its affiliate companies/Business in
`USA to the petitioner Palani Karupaiyan.
`Test-2; To escape from the crime and perjury crime
`(such outsourcing, money laundering, tax evasion,
`perjury crime against Dept of Labor, USCIS) against
`US the TCS Executive officers including CxO were
`not living or having office in USA and continuously
`doing such perjury crimes against United States, US
`citizenship discrimination and favoring foreigner
`against US Citizen in employment wrong doing also
`continuously, repeated, knowingly, intentionally done
`by TCS.
`Test-3: The best to way to stop the TCS and its CxOs
`continuously, repeatedly doing crime against United
`States (such outsourcing, money laundering, tax
`evasion, money laundering, perjury crime against
`Dept of Labor, USCIS) is trans

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