Robert Bartlett, et al., Petitioners v. Muhammad Baasiri, et al.

23-568 | Supreme Court of the United States

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Filed Nov. 28, 2023
Original Case 21-2019
Last Updated: 7 months, 3 weeks ago
Filing Date # Docket Text
4/29/2024Petition DENIED.
4/10/2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 4/26/2024.
4/4/202404-04-2024-Reply_of_petitioners_Robert_Bartlett_etReply of petitioners Robert Bartlett, et al. filed.
    3/22/202403-22-2024-Brief_of_respondents_Muhammad_Baasiri_etBrief of respondents Muhammad Baasiri, et al. in opposition filed.
      1/26/2024Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including April 1, 2024, for all respondents.
      1/25/202401-25-2024-Motion_to_extend_the_time_to_file_aMotion to extend the time to file a response from February 16, 2024 to April 1, 2024, submitted to The Clerk.
        1/17/2024Response Requested. (Due February 16, 2024)
        1/10/2024DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 2/16/2024.
        12/28/202312-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Former_NationalBrief amici curiae of Former National Security Officials filed.
          12/28/202312-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_AmericanBrief amicus curiae of American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists filed.
            12/28/202312-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Investor_ChoiceBrief amicus curiae of Investor Choice Advocates Network filed.
              12/28/202312-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_JewishBrief amici curiae of Jewish Organizations and Allies filed.
                12/28/202312-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Professor_WilliamBrief amicus curiae of Professor William S. Dodge filed.
                  11/22/202311-22-2023-Petition_for_a_writ_of_certiorari_filedPetition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due December 28, 2023)