Schuyler File, Petitioner v. Margaret Hickey, et al.

22-95 | Supreme Court of the United States

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Filed Aug. 1, 2022
Original Case 20-2387
Last Updated: 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Filing Date # Docket Text
1/4/2023DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/20/2023.
1/3/202301-03-2023-Reply_of_petitioner_Schuyler_File_filedReply of petitioner Schuyler File filed. (Distributed)
    12/19/202212-19-2022-Brief_of_respondents_Wisconsin_SupremeBrief of respondents Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices in opposition filed.
      11/28/202211-28-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_WisconsinBrief amicus curiae of Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, Inc. filed.
        11/7/2022Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including December 28, 2022.
        11/3/202211-03-2022-Motion_to_extend_the_time_to_file_aMotion to extend the time to file a response from November 28, 2022 to December 28, 2022, submitted to The Clerk.
          10/28/2022Response Requested. (Due November 28, 2022)
          10/19/2022DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 11/4/2022.
          10/13/202210-13-2022-Reply_of_petitioner_Schuyler_File_filedReply of petitioner Schuyler File filed.
            9/29/202209-29-2022-Letter_of_notice_of_substitution_ofLetter of notice of substitution of respondents Margaret Hickey and Larry Martin received.
              9/29/202209-29-2022-Brief_of_respondents_Margaret_Hickey_andBrief of respondents Margaret Hickey and Larry Martin in opposition filed.
                8/31/202208-31-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_First_LibertyBrief amicus curiae of First Liberty Institute filed.
                  8/31/2022Amicus brief of Mackinac Center for Public Policy not accepted for filing. (Corrected version submitted)(September 02, 2022)
                  8/31/202208-31-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Pelican_InstituteBrief amicus curiae of Pelican Institute for Public Policy filed.
                    8/31/202208-31-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_National_Right_toBrief amicus curiae of National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Inc. filed.
                      8/31/202208-31-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Americans_forBrief amicus curiae of Americans for Prosperity Foundation filed.
                        8/31/202208-31-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_GoldwaterBrief amicus curiae of Goldwater Institute filed.
                          8/31/202208-31-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_AllianceBrief amicus curiae of Alliance Defending Freedom filed.
                            8/30/202208-30-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Mackinac_CenterBrief amicus curiae of Mackinac Center for Public Policy filed. (Sept. 2, 2022)
                              8/25/2022Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including September 30, 2022.
                              8/24/202208-24-2022-Motion_of_Kathleen_Brost_and_LarryMotion of Kathleen Brost and Larry Martin to extend the time to file a response from August 31, 2022 to September 30, 2022, submitted to The Clerk.
                                8/24/202208-24-2022-Waiver_of_right_of_respondents_ChiefWaiver of right of respondents Chief Justice Annette Ziegler, Justices Patience Roggensack, Ann Walsh Bradley, et al. to respond filed.
                                  7/28/202207-28-2022-Petition_for_a_writ_of_certiorari_filedPetition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due August 31, 2022)