Gerald E. Groff, Petitioner v. Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General

22-174 | Supreme Court of the United States

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Filed Aug. 25, 2022
Original Case 21-1900
Last Updated: 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Filing Date # Docket Text
7/31/202307-31-2023-Judgment_issuedJudgment issued.
    6/29/2023opinion for a unanimous Court. Sotomayor, J., filed a concurring opinion, in which Jackson, J., joined.
    4/18/2023Argued. For petitioner: Aaron Streett, Houston, Tex. For respondent: Elizabeth B. Prelogar, Solicitor General, Department of Justice, Washington, D. C.
    4/7/202304-07-2023-Reply_of_petitioner_Gerald_E_Groff_filedReply of petitioner Gerald E. Groff filed. (Distributed)
      4/7/202304-07-2023-Letter_filed_DistributedLetter filed. (Distributed)
        3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_The_AmericanBrief amicus curiae of The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) filed. (Distributed)
          3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_National_RuralBrief amici curiae of National Rural Letter Carriers' Association, et al. filed. (Distributed)
            3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Center_For_InquiryBrief amici curiae of Center For Inquiry and American Atheists, Inc. filed. (Distributed)
              3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Washington_et_alBrief amici curiae of Washington et al. filed. (Distributed)
                3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Local_GovernmentBrief amici curiae of Local Government Legal Center, National Association of Counties, National League of Cities, and the International Municipal Lawyers Association filed. (Distributed)
                  3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Airlines_forBrief amicus curiae of Airlines for America filed. (Distributed)
                    3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Americans_UnitedBrief amici curiae of Americans United for Separation of Church and State and Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. filed. (Distributed)
                      3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_American_PostalBrief amicus curiae of American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO filed. (Distributed)
                        3/30/202303-30-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_The_Freedom_fromBrief amicus curiae of The Freedom from Religion Foundation filed. (Distributed)
                            3/6/202303-06-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_NationalBrief amici curiae of National Employment Lawyers Association, et al. in support of neither party filed.
                              2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Joseph_B_HollandBrief amicus curiae of Joseph B. Holland, Jr. filed.
                                2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Over_400Brief amici curiae of Over 400 Physicians, Surgeons, Nurses, and Medical Professionals Who Support Religious Liberty filed.
                                  2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Robertson_CenterBrief amicus curiae of Robertson Center for Constitutional Law filed.
                                    2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_National_JewishBrief amici curiae of National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs (“COLPA”) and Other Jewish Organizations filed.
                                      2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Louis_D_BrandeisBrief amicus curiae of Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law filed.
                                        2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Citizens_UnitedBrief amici curiae of Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, and The Presidential Coalition filed.
                                          2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_GeneralBrief amicus curiae of General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists filed.
                                            2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Religious_LibertyBrief amici curiae of Religious Liberty Scholars and Employment Law Scholars filed.
                                              2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_West_Virginia_andBrief amici curiae of West Virginia and 21 Other States filed.
                                                2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Christian_LegalBrief amici curiae of Christian Legal Society, et al. filed.
                                                  2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Airline_EmployeesBrief amicus curiae of Airline Employees for Health Freedom filed.
                                                    2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Thomas_MoreBrief amici curiae of Thomas More Society and The Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty filed.
                                                      2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Asma_T_Uddin_et_alBrief amici curiae of Asma T. Uddin, et al. filed.
                                                        2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_The_Union_ofBrief amicus curiae of The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America filed.
                                                          2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Ted_Cruz_et_alBrief amicus curiae of Ted Cruz, et al. filed.
                                                            2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Liberty_CounselBrief amicus curiae of Liberty Counsel filed.
                                                              2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_The_Church_ofBrief amici curiae of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, et al. filed.
                                                                2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Muslim_PublicBrief amicus curiae of Muslim Public Affairs Council filed.
                                                                  2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Former_EEOCBrief amici curiae of Former EEOC General Counsel and Title VII Religious Accommodation Expert filed.
                                                                    2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_The_Becket_FundBrief amicus curiae of The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty filed.
                                                                      2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_ZionistBrief amicus curiae of Zionist Organization of America filed.
                                                                        2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Americans_forBrief amicus curiae of Americans for Fair Treatment filed.
                                                                          2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_The_Seventh-dayBrief amici curiae of The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, The Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, The North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, The National Council of Young Israel filed.
                                                                            2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Robert_P_RoesserBrief amicus curiae of Robert P. Roesser filed. (Docket entry corrected 3/6/23)
                                                                              2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_AmericanBrief amicus curiae of American Constitutional Rights Union filed.
                                                                                2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_American_HinduBrief amicus curiae of American Hindu Coalition filed.
                                                                                  2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Founders’_FirstBrief amicus curiae of Founders’ First Freedom, Inc. filed.
                                                                                    2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_The_Sikh_CoalitionBrief amici curiae of The Sikh Coalition, et al.
                                                                                      2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_American_CenterBrief amicus curiae of American Center for Law and Justice filed.
                                                                                        2/28/202302-28-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_John_Kluge_filedBrief amicus curiae of John Kluge filed.
                                                                                          2/27/202302-27-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Alabama_Center_forBrief amici curiae of Alabama Center for Law and Liberty and Constitutional Attorneys filed.
                                                                                            2/27/202302-27-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_CatholicvoteorgBrief amicus curiae of Education Fund filed.
                                                                                              2/23/202302-23-2023-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Council_onBrief amicus curiae of Council on American-Islamic Relations filed.
                                                                                                2/23/202302-23-2023-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Jeffrey_Podell_andBrief amici curiae of Jeffrey Podell and the Rieders Foundation filed.
                                                                                                  2/21/202302-21-2023-Joint_appendix_filed_Statement_of_costsJoint appendix filed. (Statement of costs filed)
                                                                                                    2/21/202302-21-2023-Brief_of_petitioner_Gerald_E_Groff_filedBrief of petitioner Gerald E. Groff filed.
                                                                                                      2/15/2023Record received from the U.S.C.A.-3d Circuit containing electronic record from both District Court and Court of Appeals.
                                                                                                      2/8/2023Record requested from the U.S.C.A.-3d Circuit.
                                                                                                      1/31/2023SET FOR ARGUMENT on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.
                                                                                                      1/13/2023Petition GRANTED.
                                                                                                      1/9/2023DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/13/2023.
                                                                                                      12/14/2022DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/6/2023.
                                                                                                      12/13/202212-13-2022-Reply_of_petitioner_Gerald_E_Groff_filedReply of petitioner Gerald E. Groff filed. (Distributed)
                                                                                                          11/14/2022Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is further extended to and including November 28, 2022.
                                                                                                          11/10/202211-10-2022-Motion_to_extend_the_time_to_file_aMotion to extend the time to file a response from November 25, 2022 to November 28, 2022, submitted to The Clerk.
                                                                                                            10/12/2022Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is further extended to and including November 25, 2022.
                                                                                                            10/11/202210-11-2022-Motion_to_extend_the_time_to_file_aMotion to extend the time to file a response from October 26, 2022 to November 25, 2022, submitted to The Clerk.
                                                                                                              9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_West_Virginia_etBrief amici curiae of West Virginia, et al. filed.
                                                                                                                9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Religious_LibertyBrief amici curiae of Religious Liberty Scholars and Employment Law Scholars filed.
                                                                                                                  9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Former_EEOCBrief amici curiae of Former EEOC General Counsel and Title VII Religious Accommodation Expert filed.
                                                                                                                    9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Robert_P_RoesserBrief amici curiae of Robert P. Roesser & Christian Legal Society filed.
                                                                                                                      9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Thomas_MoreBrief amici curiae of Thomas More Society and The Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty filed.
                                                                                                                        9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_General_ConferenceBrief amici curiae of General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America filed.
                                                                                                                          9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_The_RutherfordBrief amicus curiae of The Rutherford Institute filed.
                                                                                                                            9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_John_Kluge_filedBrief amicus curiae of John Kluge filed.
                                                                                                                              9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_American_CenterBrief amicus curiae of American Center for Law and Justice filed.
                                                                                                                                9/26/202209-26-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Members_of_theBrief amici curiae of Members of the United States Congress filed.
                                                                                                                                  9/23/202209-23-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_National_JewishBrief amici curiae of National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs, et al. filed.
                                                                                                                                    9/23/202209-23-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Asma_T_Uddin_andBrief amici curiae of Asma T. Uddin and Steven T. Collis filed.
                                                                                                                                      9/22/202209-22-2022-Brief_amici_curiae_of_The_Sikh_CoalitionBrief amici curiae of The Sikh Coalition, et al. filed.
                                                                                                                                        9/22/202209-22-2022-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_Alabama_CenterBrief amicus curiae of Alabama Center for Law and Liberty filed.
                                                                                                                                          9/19/202209-19-2022-Blanket_Consent_filed_by_RespondentBlanket Consent filed by Respondent, Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service
                                                                                                                                            9/12/2022Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including October 26, 2022.
                                                                                                                                            9/9/202209-09-2022-Motion_to_extend_the_time_to_file_aMotion to extend the time to file a response from September 26, 2022 to October 26, 2022, submitted to The Clerk.
                                                                                                                                              8/30/202208-30-2022-Blanket_Consent_filed_by_PetitionerBlanket Consent filed by Petitioner, Gerald E. Groff
                                                                                                                                                8/23/202208-23-2022-Petition_for_a_writ_of_certiorari_filedPetition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due September 26, 2022)