Barbara Tully, et al., Petitioners v. Paul Okeson, et al.

20-1244 | Supreme Court of the United States

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Filed March 9, 2021
Original Case 20-2605
Last Updated: 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Filing Date # Docket Text
6/21/2021Petition DENIED.
6/1/202106-01-2021-Reply_of_petitioners_Barbara_Tully_et_alReply of petitioners Barbara Tully, et al. filed. (Distributed)
    6/1/2021DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/17/2021.
    5/28/202105-28-2021-Letter_waiving_the_14-day_waiting_periodLetter waiving the 14-day waiting period for the filing of a reply pursuant to Rule 15.5 filed.
      5/21/202105-21-2021-Brief_of_respondents_Paul_Okeson_et_alBrief of respondents Paul Okeson, et al. in opposition filed.
        4/21/2021Response Requested. (Due May 21, 2021)
        4/14/2021DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 4/30/2021.
        4/8/202104-08-2021-Waiver_of_right_of_respondent_PaulWaiver of right of respondent Paul Okeson, et al. to respond filed.
          4/8/202104-08-2021-Brief_amici_curiae_of_Twenty-SixthBrief amici curiae of Twenty-Sixth Amendment Scholars filed.
            4/8/202104-08-2021-Brief_amicus_curiae_of_ConstitutionalBrief amicus curiae of Constitutional Accountability Center filed.
              3/5/202103-05-2021-Petition_for_a_writ_of_certiorari_filedPetition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 8, 2021)